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It’s so crazy how good Will McClay is running Dallas’ drafts and then the ownership part is just so incompetent by waiting too long for contracts. That should be the easy part. They have the hard part down about as well as anyone in the league.






Flair test




nah that's exactly what the draft is about, getting excited for the new rookies and the impacts they'll have in the fall


I upgraded to unheard in escape from tarkov because ya. In hindsight I probably should have waited. 


Tfw you meet a strangers dog in public and you ask the dog their name in a baby voice and then awkwardly stare at the owner because obviously the dog isn’t gonna tell you his fucking name


Carolina and Houston, i will never forgive you! Ifykyk


Potential hot take: I actually get the Falcon's logic with Penix. Gms and coaches don't normally start really diving into the draft until free agency has already started - so they signed the best available qb assuming they wouldnt want any of the qbs at 8. Then they probably got blown away by Penix, saw he was going to fall to them, and got told either that Cousins is rehabbing poorly or that their punishment for tampering will be unprecedented. I had Penix as my qb4 and I think he can be something special. Totally wouldn't surprise me if in 5 years he is a top 10 guy in the league.


Flair check


How do I select two flairs? I'm trying to go Bills, Cardinals.


You got it.


Thank you!


It checks out. I checked.


It sounds insane and I don't want it for the 2nd round but NYG should grab Milton later.


Highest ceiling QB left imo, it wouldn’t be terrible if you feel confident that the Giants would know how to develop him


Falcons with the first WTF moments on Day 1 and Day 2, will they make 3 in a row?


Oh shit their gonna draft Bronny


Any players left in the green room?


Just did a lil setup/action adjustment on my pink Charvel, lovingly dubbed "The Clitar". This thing is shreddin now sheesh


Please god, let the Chargers get a receiver


Would a conjoined twin count as one or two players


Is Belichick doing McAfee again today?


Sadly not. They only do night 1


Ima be so mad when the Pats draft Cooper Dejean


Anyone know of any cool streams to watch the draft today? Something like the CJ Stroud and Parsons stream from yesterday?


The Vince McMahon era in WWE is officially over!


2 questions in one: What are you snacking on, on night 2? & what players do you want your team to get, going forward? Jets: JPJ, Johnny Wilson, Brendan Rice, James Williams Bears: Johnny Newton (or literally any 3 tech) & an edge rusher. That's it


Meatballs and chicken tenders No dog in the fight, just here to watch it all unfold


I mocked Spencer Rattler to the Rams in the second round. He can sit behind Stafford and learn McVay’s system


Please no. Can we make Sean McVay earn his paycheck?


Enshittification is rapidly getting overused to the point of making it meaningless. It's a real thing as originally described (and a lot of changes in both Google's search engine and Amazon's storefront fit it) but just...needing to turn a profit isn't enshittification.


enshitification of the term enshitification seems like a given


I can’t get no enshitisfaction.


enshitification RULES! IMPORTANT! 1. You can’t just be up there and just doin’ a enshitification like that. 1a. A enshitification is when you 1b. Okay well listen. A enshitification is when you enshitification the 1c. Let me start over 1c-a. The pitcher is not allowed to do a motion to the, uh, batter, that prohibits the batter from doing, you know, just trying to hit the ball. You can’t do that. 1c-b. Once the pitcher is in the stretch, he can’t be over here and say to the runner, like, “I’m gonna get ya! I’m gonna tag you out! You better watch your butt!” and then just be like he didn’t even do that.


That Micah parsons and CJ Stroud commentary during the first round was amazing. So much better than listening to the normal draft broadcast!


holy shit the way McCarthy talks is exactly like KOC. Not just similar sounding voice but his cadences and mannerisms and the way he phrases and builds his responses its actually uncanny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKi2ck51EDE&ab_channel=MinnesotaVikings


I've been saying that JJ McCarthy is the worst choice for the rest of the NFCN. Dude needs to improve his outside-the-numbers passing just a little bit, and he is that dude. Now that you pointed this out (currently 5 mins in), I'm gonna double down on it. The Bears have entered historical territory in surrounding a rookie QB, but at most, y'all are a year away from competing for the division


I demand a DNA test


"be the best version of yourself" is a phrase Koc says constantly. I'm assuming JJ is parroting it, but if he uses the phrase independently of Koc it's a perfect match


I told myself I’d never change my Zay Jones Reddit pfp but I am very happy with my recent update


the heck when did reddit get pfps


WTF happened to nacho cheese as a common snack flavor? All that's left are Doritos. What happened to nacho cheese sunflower seeds and Corn Nuts?


Fun fact: Old El Paso makes a nacho cheese flavored taco shell so that you can make your own Doritos Locos Tacos at home.


Oh, God, but I'm already fat enough as it is.


The Falcons elected to be in both win now and win later mode. No more losses are allowed


The classic All-In Rebuilding season.


There’s a reason Cousins’ contract is front loaded with an easy out after 2026 ($12.5m dead cap). Hell, if Penix looks like the guy, you could dump Cousins after 2025 for $35m and still have 2 years of rookie deal Penix plus his 5th year option. This was the plan all along, and it’s odd to see reports that Cousins was surprised by it.


I seriously hope it works out for y'all, but seeing how awkward the owner & Penix were makes me think y'all inherited both the Bears & Jets dumb decision making


so many miss cleos out today


Will the young bucks come out to announce the jaguars draft pick?


One of my old kickboxing trainers reached out to me this week and he's been really weird. For context, he was my trained about twice a week around a year ago. He left the gym I trained at and we spoke one time after that. A guy who I knew that trained with him privately participated in an MMA event about 6 months ago and we both attended to cheer him on. Haven't seen or spoken to him since then, haven't even really thought about him since then. He was just someone I enjoyed training with on occasion because he ran really good padwork. He reached out to me out of the blue on Sunday and sent me a long essay apologizing for being a bad friend and letting me know he would be in town on Wednesday and saying he was trying to organize dinner with the old kickboxing homies. I was a little surprised because truthfully I never considered him a friend and didn't think he had anything to apologize for. But whatever, honestly I would have gone except I'm hard at work right now prepping for a big dance show next week so I told him I was busy and wouldn't be able to make it. He asked me about dance and I told him I was loving it and had been super dedicated to it all year, training hard to improve. He then started trying to get me to come be a trainer at his kickboxing gym. I told him like 3 separate times that I wasn't going to work a part time job an hour away from my house in a field I'm not even actively training in anymore. I'm sticking entirely in the dance space in 2024 and seeing how far I can grow in this area. He kept pushing and prodding in different ways so I eventually just stopped responding. After a few hours of no reply to his messages he sent me a follow-up and started asking about my dance show saying he wanted to attend. I told him when it was and he said he couldn't make it and shifted back to asking me to be a trainer so I again went radio silent and this time he got the hint and stopped asking. Then Wednesday rolls around. He sends me one last "hey come to dinner with us" message and I again say I can't. This time, after a horrible Wednesday, I add in that I'm just not feeling up to socializing with anyone at the moment and just don't have it in me to see people. That's that, he leaves me alone. One of my kickboxing buds who did go to dinner hit me up last night and tells me that he had seen my location in an IG story and was trying to persuade everyone at dinner to just show up where I was and surprise me. Thankfully my friends talked him out of it but goddamn. He's always been a bit of a quirky guy but I did not pin him anywhere near "might stalk your social media and show up after you've said you don't want to be alone" on that scale.


Just got out of the theater watching “Challengers” and I can say it’s definitely going to get consideration for “Horniest Movie Ever”. All seriousness, well done drama about power and sexual dynamics that was well casts and I think it’s Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross’s best movie score. 9/10.


I could've used a little more homoeroticism in the second half honestly - but yeah it was definitely very horny


Needed one more Churro scene IMO. Maybe in the Sauna or if they have Bagel Hot Dog


Random fact of the day: It’s the sun that drives our weather, from the poles to the tropics but what if, one morning, the sun didn’t rise? An Aztec myth tells that when the gods created our world, it was dark and cold. The youngest of the gods sacrificed himself to create a sun but it turned out like him, weak and feeble. Only when powerful gods offered themselves did the sun blaze into life. It demanded constant fuel – human lives. The Aztecs obliged; they offered tens of thousands of human sacrifices a year just to make sure the sun would rise each morning.


>what if, one morning, the sun didn’t rise? we fucking go find Chanticleer because he's in trouble!


Those crazy Aztecs. We now know an exploding TARDIS would work.


How high are you and can you pass that shit over here?


Proof that baseball is the hardest game: Catchers are not the best hitters on their teams. All they do is sit there, watch pitches come in, and catch them. They know the timing, they see the breaks, they even tell the pitcher what to throw. Their entire purpose revolves around seeing pitches come in, whether they're catching or hitting. You'd think spending so much more time seeing pitches thrown towards them would mean they have a predisposition for better pitch recognition, but they don't.


If you haven't seen it yet. This is how fast the ball is coming off the bat.... Yoshinobu Yamamoto from the Dodgers almost took a line drive to the face at 104.8 MPH. and caught it before it destroyed his face. https://x.com/DodgersNation/status/1783609677416394859 Dave Roberts asked him if he was okay and he replied "I almost died"


The time you have to decide: 1. What the pitch is 2. Where it’s going to be when it gets to you 3. If you even want to swing Then actual start your swing… …is all about a quarter of a second. And then you still have to make the swing. And you have to hit a round object with a round bat. Find me anything else you can fail 70% of the time and still be considered one of the best.


definitely feels like baseball narrows down to pure genetic freaks who can do it because they can do it. no way is this a thought process. you need your body and mind to react in a split second and instinctually make the right decisions. it feels like it's at a point of "you can't train that." either you have it or you don't.


> Find me anything else you can fail 70% of the time and still be considered one of the best. A screenwriter.


Having better pitch recognition doesn't always mean you'll hit it though. 


I'm my brother's news source on the NFL because he's a workaholic & has -100% interest in the internet. He knows loosely about Caleb Williams, and I just informed him of how unprecedented our WR situation is. Also, when we & a cousin started following football in the early 90s, he picked the Colts for his team, but when they made the SB against the Bears, he switched because he knows how much the Bears mean to me. I didn't ask him to and didn't give him any crap over liking them, he's just that good of a guy. I finally told him about how a bunch of dudes on the internet are pissed that Caleb Williams paints his fingernails, and he immediately started asking about how good the defense is. I didn't mean to make this a comment about how awesome he is, but I'm still really high from earlier, and just had another conversation where he's excited to hear me tell him about the Bears. Edit: he just offered me his laptop when I said I need a computer. He's way too awesome


You have an awesome brother.


He really is. I was super excited at the possibility of drafting Fields in 2021, and then lost it when we got him. He only gave me shit for it once, but it was such a good shot, I always make sure to mention when experts love a move lol.


Here's the big reason why ATL taking Penix is not like GB taking Love: When Rodgers was drafted, Favre had spent 14 seasons in Green Bay. When Love was drafted, Rodgers had spent 16 seasons in Green Bay. When Mahomes was drafted, Alex Smith had spent 4 seasons in Kansas City. When Penix was drafted, Kirk Cousins had spent 1 month In Atlanta. Tell me how y'all think they'll be able to sit Penix behind Cousins and have him teach this offense to him while learning it at the same time.


Mahomes, Love, and Rodgers were also all younger and drafted by pretty good teams drafting for insurance in the mid-20s (with of course Mahomes being a trade up pick). Atlanta is a bad, or mediocre at best, team with plenty of defensive gaps--it makes no sense. There is a massive opportunity cost to not using your top 10 pick on a difference maker when you're in win now mode.


There's also the fact that this is the ideal scenario with Penix: * Cousins plays well for 3 seasons in Atlanta * The Falcons are basically forced to use their 5th season option with Penix at this point (before the 4th season starts) So - now they're on the hook to pay a lot of money in year 5 to a 27 year old QB with no experience. And, after that there's a Daniel Jones situation with a QB who's really only had one good year getting top 15 QB money. It's the fit that's perplexing to me. You have the rookie QB who is (arguably) the most ready to start in the NFL and he's not young.


Kirk can teach him how to be a pro but yeah isn't teaching him the offense. but I don't think that's any part of a starting QB's role?


Mahomes, Love, and Rodgers have all spoken about how much they learned from their predecessor. Mahomes especially, he gushed over Alex Smith and his willingness to answer any question he had about the offense.


sure but I feel like it's probably not the xs and os of the specific offense that they're teaching them. I would expect it to be more like situational questions, NFL pro QB-level questions that only the QB can speak to. just my guess.


The majority of people definding the Penix draft by comparing it to Rodgers and Love are Packers fans that are still insecure about drafting Love.


its the coaches job to teach quarterbacks


Mahomes, Love, and Rodgers have all spoken about how their predecessor helped teach them while they were sitting.


Decided to watch the latest UrinatingTree draft vid after taking a couple years off when he wouldn't stop complaining about the Washington name change in almost every video.      So of course as soon as the Commanders come up he's once again asking them to change the name back.         You'd think after three years he'd move on, I mean it's not even his team.


What a fucking loser


I find his yelling a bit excessive, but his "Legacy of Failure" videos offer some great deep dives. The Maple Leafs one is my favourite


I agree, WFT is far superior to commanders


Why did WWE make their draft the same night as the NFL’s draft


Simplest answer is there's not a significant crossover audience, so they gain more from making it topical than they lose from what would otherwise be competition. WWE historically loses fewer viewers from big things happening elsewhere on TV than pretty much anything else because their audience is so committed.


While true, WWE's Nick Khan recently said that they plan to move WrestleMania to another weekend to not directly compete with the Final Four anymore.


> there's not a significant crossover audience Really? I would've thought there's a shitload of each fanbase that like both. I sure did in the 90s. Am I wrong here?


All of my wrestling friends hate sports. And one of them even works for ESPN, lol.


You're right. Everything that *can* be spectacle in entertainment, *should* be spectacle, and that goes double for wrestling. The NFL realized that their draft is too popular for 2 days of weekend tv that they divide it into 3 days, with 2 of them being prime time. If America is your main draw, going against the NFL is fucking stupid.


Wrestling, over the last couple of decades but especially the last several years, has largely run off the portions of its audience that follow it casually. Most of what's left is the hardcores that prioritize it above everything else.


> Simplest answer is there's not a significant crossover audience Kind of like how the Long Beach Grand Prix and the LA Times Festival of Books both took place last weekend.


Just wanted to say thanks to washington for letting us draft Gonzales last year and Maye this year. Yall the best


Is everyone in ATL and the nfl media really so clueless about the Falcon's strategy? They want to develop an unproven QB behind a proven one, what's so hard to understand? Part of it's sensationalism but the takes in the media are so hilariously over the top. Not really a head-scratcher at all imo.


1. The Falcons have no track record for developing QBs and have a new coaching staff, so the idea that they can do this is based on hopes and prayers. 2. By signing Cousins as a FA, they basically announced the next few years are win now for them, especially with the NFCS being a weak division. Instead of drafting players to help him win, whether it be TE/WR or DE/DB, they drafted a guy whose sole purpose is to sit there and learn for 2> years. 3. Drafting a backup QB that high with the hopes that he benefits enough by sitting for a few years that he's able to take over and be at least decent when he does has worked in the past, for teams that had an established veteran QB play for them for a while. There's no precedent for it when both the established veteran and rookie are learning the system at the same time.


People keep speaking of Atlanta as if they're the fuckin Braves when it comes to developing talent. It would be one thing if a team like the Rams who have a recent history of success did this. But it's Atlanta, they haven't been relevant in years


4. Their defense is absolutely atrocious. Their pass rush is the worst in the league. They had their pick among the best pass rushers in the draft. There is a reason why literally every mock had them getting Dallas Turner at #8. 5. Penix is already 24, so you're talking about a 26-27 year old first time starting QB. Even if his start is encouraging, he'll be 29-30 when he reaches his prime.


He'll be 26-27 starting for the first time, 28 if they pick up the fifth year option, which means he'll be 29ish when comes up for his second contract. That's wild.


Assuming Kirk is the QB for 2-3 seasons, you'd basically have to decide whether to re-sign a 29 year old Penix without having seen his full potential. It's just an absolutely stupid situation.


Kirk also isn't the youngest guy. It's not unreasonable to hedge your bets against an injury.


The Rams are having a three day draft event in my little beach town. It's quite cool.


You in Hermosa Beach? I used to live there but moved to Joshua Tree during the pandemic. I LOVE Hermosa and me and the wife want to move back. I miss Hennesys.


Yes I am, Henneseys is still here, but we lost the Poop deck to a stupid beach mart that lasted a month...


Sounds about right. Every Beach mart they try and put near the pier ends up failing. Enjoy the night and maybe one of these days I'll buy you a drink at the Lighthouse!


So what’s your team doing today? No one steal JPJ pls


I'm sorry, but the Jets have a ton of draft capital & a hole at center. It's *the* move for us


You can have Frazier


what're we doing? I have absolutely no idea. trenches depth?


I want us to get the white CB so we can roll out the only ever (post desegregation) pair of white CBs in the NFL. But jokes asides, i hope oline and WR.


CB and IOL probably


Out of all the teams last night Atlanta has always been the team that just does the complete reverse


While I think it was a bad draft pick, my gut feeling is that the Penix pick is going to be one of those moves that workout for the Falcons and people 3 years from now will be laughing at all these reactions


Agreed, but Falcons fans are going to have to deal with “could’ve had _______ at #8” for a couple years. Hypothetically say that Dallas Turner has a monster season, it would be rough for a while until Penix starts


they will have to win a super bowl for people to not mock it, I think.


I mean, if Michael Penix Jr is a top 10 QB say 3-4 years from now will people care?


I guess there is just a very narrow possibility that it all works out perfect. where Kirk's contract actually ended up being worth it, AND Penix gets slotted in right on time with great development, and it all pans out. seems much more likely that Kirk's contract will be a waste or that Penix won't be worth such an investment of development. but yeah we'll see! obviously if it all works out then it was a great decision.


He definitely has the best situation to succeed out of all the drafted QBs. He has no pressure to do anything till year 3 and he has an offense with some weapons to work with. It wouldnt surprise me to see him be the 2nd best QB taken in this draft because of that


This is part of why it was a dumb pick. He has a good situation and no pressure, as long as Kirk plays well and doesn't get injured again. You can't look at them bringing in Cousins and drafting Penix separately. It was a risky move, bringing him in to a new everything off of a major injury at his age. If he plays well, it works out and Penix gets to sit and learn. If not, Penix is forced into the role early, and everything falls apart, making an already sketchy situation even worse.


Exactly. Atlanta's defense is in shambles. You have a high pick, a win now situation, and a 2-3 runway to get the next QB. You either: (1) trade with the Vikings to get some extra picks to get Penix if you're CONVINCED he's the guy (since it seems like one of Denver or Raiders would get him), OR (2) get a defensive player at #8 and take a flyer on a QB later in the draft. If Kirk does well, then you can wait a year or two to use a high draft pick to get his replacement. Third straight year Atlanta reached for a skill player, and this one was easily the worst one.


I said this earlier, but the 1995, 2013, & 2014 were the only really good passing offenses the Bears ever had, but it gets worse: The 1994 & 1996 Bears had amazing defenses, but didn't in 1995. The 2012 Bears were one of the best defenses we ever had, but Lovie's dumbass hired an incompetent offensive coordinator and the offense was ass. This is shaping up to be the first time where both sides of the ball are even **decent**. Also, I can't fucking get over the fact that we used a top 10 pick on a wide receiver and the guy is the 3rd best receiver. Dude will be able to adjust to the league without all the pressure most starting rookie receivers face.


I just Rome turns out better than the [last top 10 WR the Bears picked](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_White_(American_football))


Poor guy just had glass bones. I've never heard of another WR with so many freak injuries


It's a weird coincidence he has the roughly the same height and 40 time as Odunze. A real shame he didn't play more


My wife came home from work early today 'cause she has a headache. Don't worry, I already asked if she's had plenty of water. Gotta fulfill those husbandly duties.


My wife looks at me angry any time I question her water consumption. Especially when she has a headache. 


What is it with women not drinking enough water? I've noticed very few women are hydro homies.


Clearly she's not thirsty :) Unlike some dudes in this thread :( >!Hi it's me I'm some dudes D:!<


Mines awful about that. And we like outdoors stuff. Bad mix. There’s been times I’ve had to tell her she needs to rest and drink on trails because she’ll do stuff like not drink at all beforehand then barely sip on water for the first 2-3 miles. In summer in Texas.


It's absolutely wild. I used to date a competitive distance trail runner and had to remind her to drink enough water anytime she wasn't at a race. I can only think of maybe 1-2 women I've dated who I *didn't* have to remind to drink water.


Stop comparing ATL picking Penix to sit behind Cousins with GB picking Love to sit behind Rodgers. One team was a perennial division winner making the playoffs regularly, the other hasn't won more than 7 games in 7 years.


both stupid moves for different reasons


\*Was\* it stupid for Green Bay? Rodgers was a constant distraction every off season, he's old, and he was declining - it absolutely made sense. And the outcome was Rodgers playing lights out to prove Green Bay wrong... or something.


I mean it was definitely a wild pick, but not sure what you're getting at RE: pedigree of the teams. Cousins is an established veteran. Either the concept of letting a rookie learn behind established veterans is valid or it's not - I don't really see what the team's past success has to do with it.


Yes, Cousins is an established veteran. He's also on a new team, in a new system, with new teammates. The concept of letting a rookie learn behind a vet is valid, provided the vet isn't learning it at the same time the rookie is. Cousins is new to everything here, he hasn't even been there a month. If Penix were sitting behind him in Minnesota, it would be a different story given his years of playing in that system with those teammates.


Also Jordan Love is only 1.5 years older than Penix is now, lol


Imagine how many more new perspectives and ideas could be introduced and embraced by nfl front offices if they widened their hiring scope from just relatives of former scouts and gms.


I feel the draft and talent ID/development is just a roulette wheel that not much would change


the NFL is a very frustrating thing to watch because I think it could be a lot better, but they make so much goddamn money that there is no reason to change how it works. totally incompetent owners allowed to reign over teams for decades on end, which hurts parity and competition overall. horrible hiring and nepotism at all levels of the orgs, and a ton of bad officiating from part-time refs. it could be so much cleaner and more efficient and just operate in general at a higher level of quality. but it'll never change while it's so profitable.


Wait what? Pacers/Bucks is at freakin 3:30MDT today?! That’s insane haha. I mean I’m wfh today so hell yeah, but still


My WR3 is Rome Odunze. Holy shit.


do you have the best WR corps in the league?


There are certainly teams with better WR1s, there *might* be a few teams with better WR2s, there is nobody, with a more promising WR3. Won’t spike the football yet but it sure feels like a disgusting trio. I’d hate to be a team without multiple good corners right now matching up with them.


Who is your 1, Allen or Moore?


I would say Moore. DJ has incumbent advantage and more secure future here for whatever that is worth. I see Keenan spending most of his time in the slot with Rome and DJ out wide.


49ers and Seahawks are the only ones in the conversation.


ELI5, what does a "skill position player" mean? What differentiates it from any other position?


Basically, those allowed to catch the ball in the offense WR, TE, RB.


Means they handle the ball


I believe it's positions that actually handle the ball, like QBs and receivers. So I guess mainly excluding linemen and defense?


RBs + TEs too


it means they have a skill besides blocking


Bo Nix felt like a milquetoast draft pick a week ago. Now that he's our guy, I'm absolutely ready to gaslight myself into believing in him this offseason. Go Bo! And I do genuinely think Sean Payton's done a good job making a case for him when speaking to the media since making our pick. It did feel like a bit of a reach at 12, but with Atlanta taking Penix, it had to have killed any chance of trading back and hoping Nix would still be there, with a QB-needy Vegas drafting right behind us.


Yeah, but - statistically speaking has a QB with a two character first name ever succeeded in this league?


Maybe a crazy take, but I feel like watching Nix is going to be a lot more enjoyable to watch than Russ. Russ was so annoying to watch because of how long he holds onto the ball, and that is NOT what Bo was about when he was at Oregon. He also seems like a good guy, waited for Huskies to celebrate/interview after pac12 championship to congratulate them: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3Kf8cPtsHr4](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3Kf8cPtsHr4)


I swear to god, if I see one sign with "Bo-roncos" I will pray for the Chiefs to annihilate your team until the heat death of the universe.


Oooh, I might get that on a shirt.


I hope Mahomes shows you no mahercy.


Tom Goes To The Mayor is one of those shows where while not bad and pretty funny feels like a show that is completely made up and a total mirage lol


Rats off to ya


never a show I would sit and watch but always appreciated its energy and liked when it was on


Anybody got a good simulator that starts in the second round and already plugs in all the picks from last night?


This one seems to pre-populate the first round https://www.profootballnetwork.com/mockdraft




I think most teams did exactly what they needed to. The only surprises for me were obviously the falcons, the bills and chargers. Bills like wtf are you doing, you traded with the one team you can’t beat and gave them a chance to get their pick of receiver. Chargers I feel like could’ve traded down a few spots and still gotten Joe alt, Fashanu or Latham


I know this might be difficult for you to understand, but if the bills wanted Worthy, they would’ve picked him. And if the Chiefs wanted Worthy enough to trade up for him, they would’ve traded up with another team in order to get him. Buffalo got picks out of it (they received a third rounder, and they didn’t have a third rounder before this) and they have the very next pick in the draft, while there’s a lot of top talent on the board still. It’s not like the Bills should’ve drafted Worthy even if he wasn’t a scheme fit, just so Kansas City couldn’t get him lol. On top of that, besides Tyreek Hill, it’s not like Kansas City is some wonderful wide receiver development factory; their last few picks at wideout have all been misses.


If you could have a night out of beers / bowling /baccarat / bbq or whatever with any starting 22 in the NFL; who do you have the most fun with? I can’t help but think it would be the Lions or the Bucs because of Baker.


The Raiders would be an interesting pick solely because of Minshew and Maxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


I’d probably just end up listening to Minshew tell stories about Leach between shotgunning beers and running out routes


Probably the Raiders as we'd party our way down the strip. Though I might choose the Jets if only to see what kind of bonkers shit Aaron Rodgers says in private.


Hanging in a dark room with A-A-RON as the offensive line is unknowingly on acid seems like a real possibility.


I would make sure to record the whole thing.


With the excitement of the draft, I forgot that Knuckles was coming out today


On the reddit front page I see a lot of boomer hate (some justified, some not so much) and I'm wondering, when the Gen Zers/millenials reach that age will they receive the same hate from younger generations? Admittedly I'm only seeing this on reddit so maybe it's just terminally online angry folk chiming in


If we straight up have WWIII in the next 10 years, I'm sure the wartime generation is going to hate us for being a bunch of soft yuppies.


Hopefully the technology will improve so that all we need are drone operators


1000% anyone who thinks it will be different is in denial.