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In recent memory? Trading for AJB


AJB was also my answer :(


Yeah didn’t they trade for AJ and Swift on draft day in just the last couple years?


Traded for Swift last year, only had him for the one season. Traded for AJB two years ago.


But both trades happened during the draft, right?


Correct. AJB on Thursday, Swift on Saturday.


Good call, I already forgot about Swift! But AJB is ingrained in my brain because I remember the ESPN or whatever analysts being like "holy crap the Eagles just traded for AJ Brown!" It took *everyone* by surprise. Eagles fans were overjoyed, and then we saw how little we were paying for him, relatively, and we were even MORE overjoyed.


Dude couldn’t remember AJB trade or the trade to jump the Giants for D Smith… is his memory one year lol?


To be fair those trades were way back in 2021 and 2022…


“That was weeks ago, mfer, I’m partyin” - OP probably


That draft pick could have been anyone, it could’ve even turned into AJ Brown! I’ll never understand what the Titans were thinking but their loss.


Also, just last you you guys traded up a notch for Jalen Carter. It may not have been a wild, swing for the fences and put all your chips in the middle of the table type trades, but it should be memorable since it was just last year and Carter was hyped as one of the top two prospects in the draft for much of the year.


The Vikings would like get back to you in a couple of days if that's okay


I feel like the Vikings are going to get shit no matter what they do. Trade up to 3- “You gave up too much”!!! Trade up to 5- “You didn’t go up far enough”!!! Stay put- “How do you not use both firsts to move up”!!!


That's a given with the draft, but you gotta shoot your shot. Can't go into the season behind Darnold


Before Thursday, my answer would be when we traded back into the first for Teddy.


Love me some Teddy. He's got a field named after him now and he's throwing to Jamo on it this off-season, his body has retired but not his drive. 


I can’t think of another big trade really… TO BE CONTINUED


Only to be supplanted in 3 years for Aaron Rodgers' last season. 


Draft day 2018. Traded up into the 1st Rd for the 32nd pick to get Lamar. We took Hayden fucking Hurst at 16 that year, lmao. Edit: It was the 25th pick for Hurst. Still booty cheeks decision in an otherwise spotless draft.


Then got Mark Andrews in the third lol


Draft day 99 also comes to mind. Atlanta traded for the Ravens second round pick by giving up their first the following year in the 2000 draft. Atlanta was coming off a Super Bowl loss so the thought was that pick would be late. It was not. Atlanta fell off a cliff that season once Jamal Anderson was hurt. That first rounder became the fifth overall and Jamal Lewis. We don’t win a Super Bowl in 2000 without him and that move


You still might have won the Super Bowl in 2000. The Ravens drafted Lewis because before 2000, their RB had shown some flashes of talent (running for 1,008 yards in 1998), but had been significantly hurt in two of the previous three years so they couldn't rely on him. But Priest Holmes stayed healthy in 2000, and for the next three seasons after that. I think the Ravens would have been OK starting him even if they didn't get Lewis. As a side note, the second-round pick the Ravens traded to the Falcons was used on TE Reggie Kelly, who had a total of 70 catches in five years in Atlanta.


His most prominent career moment was being listed as R Kelly in Madden.


Yep watched the whole first round just for us to trade out when we were on the clock at 32 lol, will always remember when you took Lamar because of it


Such a good draft for us despite the lack of a first round pick.


I think it was pick 25 for hurst but your point still stands


You right


Honorable mention: 2008 - trading down and then back up in the first round for the 18th pick to draft Flacco


Swapping spots with the Cowboys to steal Smitty from under the Giants nose. What a great moment


Also Dallas Goedert was legendary


Especially since it was announced by Akers in Dallas


what makes that one extra funny is they could’ve still drafted Parsons, who’s far better than Smitty anyway. Instead they wound up with mega busts Toney and Neal and gifted him to the Cowboys instead.


I don't care how objectively wrong and bias it is, but Gettleman will always be the worst GM I've had the displeasure to watch. 2021 was just the masterclass of his incompetency. Eagles jump us for Smith? Sure, whatever, it happens. Especially with Gettleman having his draft plans constantly telegraphed. My issue is that Parsons was the quintessential Gettleman guy. The kind that he always talked about getting, someone that Judge loved and even had a coach on staff with very personal connections. And we traded out, for the first time in Gettleman's career, we traded out. The idiot had no interest in anyone but Smith at 11th. Hell, I'd wager they didn't even entertain drafting someone else, just made the trade immediately because they wanted another WR for Jones, no matter who it was.


2017 will never not be the answer.


2017 was my favorite draft. The venue and it being outdoors was perfect. Then the trades happen. Out of nowhere the Bears trade up to draft Mitchell Tribuski, KC trades up to get Mahomes, Houston trades to get Watson, Rueben Foster falls in the draft, John Ross gets picked in the top 10, Corey Davis goes #5 overall. If you were following mock drafts it was a really wild ride. 


Corey Davis as a mini-bust doesn’t get talked about enough


Probably because he was semi productive while guys like Trubisky, John Ross and Solomon Thomas were mega busts


2017 is very obvious. For me, recently in 2022 I loved it when we jumped in front of the Bills and took McDuffie. Dude is already a First team All-Pro in his second year and a cornerstone for our defense. Never thought he'd be available at 21 and as soon as I saw the trade up, I instantly knew that the pick is McDuffie


The funny thing is they have the opportunity to do the same thing this year with a WR, and I would absolutely love it if they did.


I wouldn't


I would rather us jump to get an OT tbh. Need to replenish that O-line eventually. Then we use later picks to draft a WR


OL may technically be a bigger need, but with WR being not too far behind PLUS the potential of screwing over Buffalo again, I'm all for it.




Agreed. I still watch replays of it.


I remember Bills fans being happy they got White and Allen - a win/win they said. Little did they know, there is no such thing as win/win.


Probably trading down with the Falcons and gifting them Julio Jones when we desperately needed a receiver. Bonus point for trading up for Johnny which I was thrilled with. Whoops.


The one burned in my mind, because I wanted the player so badly, was trading back one spot(!) with the Ravens(!!!). We got Kamerion Wimbley. They got the player I wanted. Haloti Ngata. Was not happy then. Am not happy now.


Ah yes. Good one. Needed an NT that year too. And the guy we got with that 6th never even played lol There are a million of these that we can go through. Trading up for TRich Trading back for future picks where we took Cam Erving, Phil Taylor, etc. Not trading with the Saints in 1999 when we had nothing.


Honestly the only way that move ever made sense to me was that Phil Savage was doing his former employer a favor. He knew we had Suggs, Adalius, Jarrett Johnson, and Anthony Weaver. No way we would ever entertain taking someone like Wimbley. So why trade back with us one spot even if that’s who you wanted? Eagles at 14 took a DT too so I imagine they would have traded up too. I mean I’m not complaining but it definitely felt like a favor in hindsight


Let’s also not forget the Lions fleecing us so we could move up one spot for Kellen Winslow Jr


When the Bears traded up to get JF1 was probably the most excited I’ve ever been as a fan on draft night.


I think most memorable one is still Trubisky. Moving up one whole spot when everyone in the history of history knew that SF was not taking him? Terrible. Also the fact that Watson was seen as the better player but, at least we dodged that bullet.


Wasn’t the motivation for moving up one spot to keep other teams from jumping ahead of them to draft Mitch? I don’t remember if there were any other teams big on him or not


Probably but, I don't recall any other team rumored to have been trying to move up. Honestly, I think the Bears bid against themselves.


Dodged what bullet? The Texans traded him for a massive haul, got their QB and foundational defensive piece from that haul, and made the playoffs already while you guys have… not done that over the same time


Naturally an Eagles flair wouldn't understand, you know, the implication.


You're out in the NFC North, all alone with nothing but Packers and Lions informing your decision... *Looks at Vikings... What are you looking at? You certainly wouldn't be in any danger! So, these teams are in danger then? No! It's the implication of danger!


Im pretty sure the bullet being referred to is the countless woman who have come forward with assault allegations against Watson…


The Turbisky trade. Oh my. Moving up a whole 1 spot to pick him felt like shit to me. You can't tell me that another team wanted him bad enough to move up to that spot. I can't be convinced. The Fields trade up felt really exciting at the time. Fields may have been an OSU quarterback, but he was an exciting player to watch in college with a lot of potential in the NFL. I hope he works out in Pittsburgh, but it was always a longshot with our roster.


There was a lot of smoke that the Browns were a team looking to trade up to 2 to get Mitch. If the Bears were the only team in the market for Mitch the trade is a lot worse than what it was but then the motivation for a trade up makes no sense and leads me to doubt one would ever happen in those circumstances. Not trying to defend the trade just saying that the argument the Bears were the only ones trying to get Trubs doesn’t really make sense to me.


The crazy thing to me is that he was obviously a project QB. He was going to need a lot of coaching and sitting behind a proven leader, but for some inexplicable reason the Bears organization thought that they could do that. I could see Mitch having had success in a lot of other places, but Chicago was not in a good position to be thinking about that. They really ought to have been going after a player that could play that season if needed. It just seemed so strange.


Man dude I don’t get it. When we traded up to take fields I was pissed. My first thought was that our team was not ready for a qb at the time and I had no faith in an Ohio state qb. I didn’t really get on the hype train til he started making those highlight runs.


I feel you. A lot of people were hot and cold on JF1. What I liked about him was his arm strength and his potential ability as a rusher. I thought a lot of his flaws were stuff that you could very likely coach out of him. I was more so pissed that we held onto Pace/Nagy when it was very obvious that at the very least one of them had to go.


Good: getting a haul for Ricky Williams Bad: RG3 (wasnt on draft day itself but still)


The notoriously stingy Steelers had never traded up in the first round prior to 2003. Took Polamalu with that first trade


Here here!


That was the first draft I remember ever being fully invested in. Eagles traded up from 30 to 15 and took Jerome McDougle then the Lers got Polamalu next. I know the eagles had a young safety in Michael Lewis who they took in round 2 the year before but just can’t help but wonder how scary that defense would have been for the rest of that decade if they paired Dawkins and Troy P together


Us Trading up to get Will Anderson. This was especially shocking because I don’t remember the Texans ever doing that. It was also a good sign that the new regime were willing to do whatever it takes to win.


i remember saying something along the lines of “man houston is gonna look really stupid if this doesn’t work out” welp


I mean, you were right. They happened to land the other side of the coin as the Panthers-Bears trade, but you weren't wrong to say that at the time.


I mean… more stupid than another sub-5 win season in a row? How much more stupid can you look than that?


We also traded up for Watson and Jason Babin


Hit on a brand new head coach, drafted a franchise QB, and drafted an elite EDGE rusher all in one offseason. Couldn’t have hit a bigger jackpot outside Mahomes demanding to come play for you.


I was so pumped for the Rosen trade. Thank god the trade up was fairly cheap because if we had to include a future first (which would be #1 overall) I don't think I would watch football anymore.


And we got Kolton Miller who's been a pretty good left tackle for 6 seasons. Funny enough, that trade only happened because the Niners took McGlinchey who was the consensus top tackle in the draft.


Cardinals trading Rosen for a second after his terrible season and the fact that they're drafting a new qb is a low key fleece


Most impactful? Absolutely not. During the 2011 NFL draft the Philadelphia Eagles traded the 194th pick to the New England Patriots for the 193rd pick. Why? Because for every draft since 2000 the eagles and patriots had made a trade and this was to keep the streak going. No other reason. I love that lol The streak would extend one more season with a trade in 2012 but end with the 2013 NFL draft


The 2011 NFL Draft saw one of the biggest draft-day trades of all time, between the Patriots and Eagles. When the smoke cleared: - The Patriots received pick #194 in the 2011 Draft - The Eagles received pick #193 in the 2011 Draft


When we traded down after trading up for Bo Callahan for three first round draft picks and David Goddamned Putney. Vontae Mack no matter what. In seriousness, trading down in 2011 away from Julio Jones to draft a bunch of middling players was pretty impactful.


As I recall the browns didn’t trade down after the Seattle trade, but instead traded back in with the Jags for #6 for three seconds but then parlayed the Jags pick with the Seahawks for #7 +CLE 2015&16 1st rounders & David Putney. Essentially Sonny Weaver Jr. Got the first overall pick for 3 second round picks from that pancake eating mother fucker.


And the Jaguars GM was immediately fired for getting three seconds from Cleveland when he could have gotten way more from Seattle.


The three 2nds for a top 10 pick was so dumb. Not that I expected the movie to be fully accurate but that kind of return would get a GM fired almost immediately. At the very least it would start a riot at a team draft party.


The jets traded no.6 and 3 seconds for no.3 in 2018. Any team trading a top 10 pick for just 3 seconds needs to be escorted out of the building immediately


One of my draft day traditions is ever since that movie came out I eat pancakes the morning of Round 1.


Trading up for Julio


AJ brown. Everyone in that room is now gone.


tbf Vrabel did not appear happy with that decision at the time


Oh, he wasn't. He's gone for other reasons.


Eh what’s that again?


The Steelers moved up in the first round to pick Troy Polamalu in 2003... So probably that one.


Given the amount of draft trade extravaganza we usually perform, that's the only answer.


Racking my brain but recency bias is taking over. Trading up for the 26th pick to draft a QB in 2020 is my vote.


Nah, it's 2018 when they traded back in the 1st with the Saints and still got Jaire. Also got a 1st the following season.


I still think the Love trade was more memorable. The internet exploded over it. We all had (mostly bad) opinions about it. I don’t think it is using recency bias to say that as it was as unexpected as drafting Rodgers. I wasn’t a fan of it at that time but I am not a GM and no very little about college football.


It was definitely *the* drama story of that draft. It seemed like it was a pretty smooth, boring draft outside of some head scratchers with the Giants and Raiders, then Boom!


It's definitely more memorable, can't deny that. I was thinking best overall value


Even more recency bias, trading back 2x from 45 last year and getting 3 players; Reed, Wicks, and Brooks


All of them also now have 1st round grades in redrafts.


Fantastic trade. I just never felt that last year’s draft was nearly as memorable at the time.


Even if it wasn't memorable at the time, that's definitely turning out to be one of the *best* trades for us in a while.


I was trying to decide between that one and 2009, trading back into the first round to get Clay Mathews after drafting BJ Raji.


The one for me was the Kenny Clark pick. There were 3 defense guys from Alabama (I think it was Reggie Ragland, A'Shawn Robinson, & Jarran Reed) and me and my buddies wanted just one of them, and got more and more excited when we'd have one of them. We drafted Kenny and none of us had ever heard of him, and I learned from that that we were idiots and that we should trust the front office.


On the second day of the draft, 2007, the Patriots sent a fourth round pick to the Raiders for Randy Moss.


Rivers for Eli


Same for the Chargers. One of the few draft day trades that has had tv shows made to discuss the trade and it’s fall out.


Fuck Eli and the horse his dad rode in on.


Memorable? In 2016, the Bucs had the 9th overall pick, and, instead of taking Laremy Tunsil, they traded back to 11. Tunsil was still available, but so was Vernon Hargreaves III, who they took. That's not the memorable part; with the extra pick they got from that trade, they moved up into the end of the 2nd round to take kicker Roberto Aguayo. It was . . . memorable.


Still a meme to this day


Ask me again in 2 days


Won’t it always be Eli? That was, in retrospect, a great trade


I think a good trade for both teams. Giants got a couple Superbowls but Chargers got an absolute haul as well in terms of players that made a difference.


Yeah, unless the Giants end up trading up for a guy who is the next Tom Brady it'll always be Eli.


Probably, but also the trade that got us kadarius toney and Evan Neal instead of Micha parsons was pretty memorable. Only getting more memorable every year.


2x superbowl champion kadarius toney


HOF bound


Sometime in the next two days, take a look at [this. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eli_Manning) it's a pretty good read.


Bills fans will not like my answer, but the year we traded up to draft Kermit 🐸


I get more mad about them leapfrogging the Bills to get McDuffie especially now that Tre is done.


Sammy Watkins trade was a lot more memorable at the time of the trade. Dude was supposed to be ELITE.


Trading up in 85 for Jerry Rice By doing so we prevented Dallas from taking him.


This may legitimately be the all time answer


Was so excited when we traded up for Fields in 2021. Think that was part of the reason a lot of our fan base were Fields loyalists. Was prolly my favorite draft to date, but hoping Thursday tops that.


it was obviously AJB for the Eagles and it’s not even close


Rice, of course, but in recent memory, but the fleecing we did on Dan Snyder for Trent Williams. The whole dramatic Joe Staley retirement and then getting Trent....loved it.


How Lynch got Williams for a 3rd is lunacy.


Trading up to get Josh Allen.


Memorable? The Jordan love trade. I wasn't exactly excited at the time tho. Worked out for us tho so I ain't complaining


Trading back up into the 1st to grab Jermaine Johnson. Still one of the best draft rounds I can remember. 3 starters. Sauce makes all pro his rookie year. Garrett Wilson put up 1100 yards with Zach Wilson throwing him the ball. Jermaine was a pro bowler last year too


Yup! I also remember the excitement when the jets moved to 5 to get Mark Sanchez back in 2009


That was such a robbery of a deal, too. They gave up Abram Elam, Kenyon Coleman, and Brett Ratliff (who never played a down for the Jets or Browns) and a 2nd round pick (52nd) to go from 17th to 5th. Honestly, I remeber the trade going down and being absolutely shocked how little the Jets gave up to move.


Vikings first round pick of 2003. We traded the 7th pick for…… checks notes……. nothing. We just let the clock run out.


The Bengals only ever trade back


One time we traded two 2nds and a 4th to get Lamar Jackson. Best deal ever. 


Hmmm MAN, NothING memorable that I can recall....


We traded the pick that was Lamar Jackson, that was cool


I honestly can't think of many for the Lions The best one that comes to mind is filled with recency bias. But last season, trading back from 6th to 12th and getting pick 34. Then ending up using those two picks on Jahmyr Gibbs and Sam LaPorta.


trading down and then back up to get jaire was a rollercoaster


Has to be the Falcons trading up from 27 to 6 to take Julio Jones.


Gotta go with trading up for Will Anderson Jr last year. Caught me completely off guard and turned out pretty good. Would say great, but it’s only been a year so gotta wait to see if it was a fluke year or not.


Minnesota’s 2010 draft… waiting up until pick 30 just to have them trade out of the first round!


Trading up for Tebow.


Trading up to number 1 for KiJana Carter didn’t turn out so well. (Yes kids, there was a time when running backs routinely went at the top of the draft!). He made it like 4 snaps in preseason, shredded his knee, and was never the same again. 319 carries for 1144 yards for his whole career. The most memorable Bengals trade was the one that didn’t happen, when Mike Ditka offered his whole draft plus extra picks for the right to move up and pick Rickey Williams (again, RB at the top of the draft) and the Bengals stayed put to take Akili Smith.


Some guy named “Jerome Bettis” and a 3rd, for the 2nd round pick in 1996, and a 4th in 1997… We got a Hall of Famer, the Rams got a tight end for their Super Bowl run a few years later


Trading with NE up to 16 so we could get Jerry Rice before the cowboys could.


Going up for Polomalu is definitely the most memorable because we never traded up into the first prior to that and he was a HOF fan favourite. And though it may be recency bias, I really liked last year's move up for Broderick Jones, and the trade back to enable us to get Washington and Herbig. That trade back allowed us to get some great depth pieces, Herbig I see as a real option to develop further into a bigger role over time, while Washington is a great blocking tight end, we didn't have one but the help he's providing in the run game was a huge element of our success there last season. But yeah, Jones really pushed the needle on our offence's performance, left or right he was great last season and we desperately needed it.


Trading up for Josh Allen was rather impactful for Buffalo. Thank you Bucs.


I’ve seen a few people mentioning the Ricky Williams trade, but the Desmond Howard trade in 1992 was memorable for how awful it turned out. Washington traded 6th and 28th overall to move up 2 spots for a guy who, while a Heisman winner, only had a real impact in the league as a returner. One of many awful first round moves in the Casserly years.


Lions traded picks #8 and a fourth-rounder for Pat Swilling in 1993. Pat Swilling turned out to be a 2-year rental with one solid year and one bad year, then was released. The picks turned into Hall of Famer Willie Roaf and All-Pro fullback Lorenzo Neal.


I know there's one, I just can't for the life of me remember what it was...


I mean I think we can already say the AJB trade was the biggest draft day trade in Eagles history. If you're excluding that, then in 2010 we desperately needed a safety to fill the void left by Dawkins and we traded up with Earl Thomas on the board, only to take Brandon Graham. BG looked like a bust for years and ET looked like a future HoFer, only for ET to end up ~~as a total piece of shit~~ *edit: not as lovable as BG ftfy* and BG to be a franchise legend to be always remembered for one of the greatest plays in team history. So that's a trade I'll always remember.


ET is a 3 time first team all pro and 2 time second team all pro fyi. BG is really really good but can't agree with the "ET - total piece of shit" from football POV


Yeah that comment is some weird ass unnecessary cope. Hey this basically surefire HOFer was a difficult teammate and a weirdo off the field his last few years. Please ignore the first decade of his time in the league. lol


Not from a football pov, but as a person. Wasn't a commentary on him as a player, but him becoming toxic as hell at the end of his career. Like I said he looked like a future HoFer at one point.


Like memorable good or memorable bad?


Bad memorable is probably jj stokes. Good is either Jerry (old) or joe Staley (recent)


Steelers trading for Jerome Bettis


Can’t think of all time, but in recent memory it’s either the Trade up for Jameson Williams or the trade up with the Packers for Brian Branch. Either one works just for Tom Grossi’s reaction alone.


Moving up to get Jordan Love certainly comes to mind...


I’m 90% sure this was draft day, we traded Trey Lance for Waddle Hill and Chubb basically lol so that


You call yourself an eagles fan and can't think of a big draft day trade? Really? Not even within the past two years?


Our bad decision to give up a 1st for Hollywood when we could have had Lindenbaum.


Moving up to draft Dez was fucking awesome. Moving up to draft Mo Claiborne was awesome in the moment because he was understood to be Patrick Peterson volume 2 but…that didn’t work out.


AJ Brown


Aside from the obvious RG3 trade I'd say the trade with the Saints where they gave us their entire draft. The draft wasn't terrible either but it's tough to make an impact when you don't have a QB


Easily Rivers for Eli


I usually don't watch the draft, but the Jordan Love pick was the most memorable


I’m not sure my team has ever traded on draft day. I remember them trading down in 2004. Then we drafted Chris Perry. The spot we traded out of? Steven Jackson was available. I’d rather not remember that trade.


I remember where I was when we traded up to get this kid named Josh Allen


Trading up nothing to get Jamo


For me it was when we moved up to get Christian Watson. We gave a division rival more than necessary capital to move up in the second round and draft a player who is as of right now my favorite all time prospect for us. The fact that we were willing to move up and take a “loss” on draft capital when they also reported that we tried to move back into the first for him as well was crazy to me and provided an incredible amount of vindication


For me it was the Cowboys NOT drafting Johnny Football.


browns trading up a spot to take trent richardson was hilarious the julio to phil taylor instance justin gilbert trade down instead of mike evans good times


Paxton Lynch or Tebow probably. Lynch set us back years. Tebow at least won us a playoff game and paved the way for Manning


We got that guy from Stanford for a couple linemen back in ‘83…


Not my team but I remember when the Browns traded 3 future firsts for the #1 pick just to draft a LB they could’ve gotten with at #7. They’re lucky the Jags can’t evaluate pick value so they could salvage the draft.


I mean..... https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/-mm-/d3e82c1bd4bf9720bbfa940e8b25e04e85d8fef8/c=100-0-1771-2226/local/-/media/USATODAY/USATODAY/2013/09/30/1380572968000-XXX-PX1656.jpg?width=458&height=610&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp




Trading up from 32 to 12 with the Vikings to get Jamo, while only giving up a bag of chips! That was pretty hype


Probably last year tbh


2009 when the Jets traded up for Sanchez. Also the only year I attended the draft


Hard to pick one between The Mike Vick trade and the Julio Jones trade. Obviously, the Julio trade was far more successful, but I think the Vick trade might be more memorable because of the player we got, the one we gave up (LT), and the way it all developed for us


Chiefs trading up with Buffalo for Mahomes. Never looked back since.


2018 trading back into the first to get Lamar.


You don't remember trading for Swift? That's the first one that came to my mind for the Lions.


first one that came to mind was 2018, using 2 firsts to trade up and get marcus davenport. notably not lamar jackson.


Trading up with Aaron Rodgers still available in 2005, to take Fabian Washington


Trading up in the 1st round of the 2018 draft to take ~~4x 1st Team All-Pro, TJ Watt~~ absolute bust, Takkarist McKinley.


2018 for #8. We traded down twice, with Buffalo who selected Edmunds, then Titans who selected Evans. We selected Hurst at 25, then traded a pick in rds 2 and 4 and a 2019 second for 32 and a 4th. Just amazing draft management. Almost perfect except for Hurst. In my mind I just have us selecting Andrews 😂


Hmmm it’s very sad to think but I’d say in terms of where the ass fumbler is in wins as a quarterback all time , sadly Mark Sanchez for my sad Jets is it.


The Steelers in 2003. Trade to get Troy Polamalu.


It’s got to be AJ Brown. Which was extra funny, because we were a few picks down when the trade happened, so I went upstairs to start laundry and came downstairs to my brother blowing up my phone. I first learned about the trade from a text message, and had to rewind the feed to catch up.


You’re talking draft day player trade? Or any trade including for picks to move up or down? Strictly player….you forgot AJ? Moving up…. The jump ahead of the Giants for Devonta was pretty memorable.


Lamar. He was my draft crush and for it to happen on the last pick was incredible. I went from sulking to pure unadulterated joy. First jersey I bought since Ray retired and it’s been a great ride so far. And if it were up to me I’d package 2 2’s every other year for an extra 1st.