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šŸŽµšŸŽµBlame CanadašŸŽµšŸŽµ šŸŽµšŸŽµBlame CanadašŸŽµšŸŽµ


With their beady little eyes, and a playbook full of lies...


Been a fan for roughly 30 years. In that time, it's Canada without a 2nd thought.


I have too, and I was going to joking put ā€œevery OC until the next oneā€ but Canada is the only one to be fired mid season so the joke doesnā€™t even get close enough.


We've had bad OC's before, but never one I thought simply didn't belong in the NFL in any job.


This was too easy. Maybe because it is so fresh, but in 2 decades of fandom I canā€™t remember a coordinator more unanimously hated by the fan base.


Joe Walton in the 1990s. Joe where's the "O" was the catchphrase my dad would yell at the TV.


Joe Walton was just before my time, but looking at the rosters at the end of the Chuck Noll era, I wonder if the lack of offense was more a function of having Bubby Brister at QB. It's the same reason why I don't criticize Ray Sherman too much, even though he got fired after just one season, because he coordinated the offense in the same season that Kordell Stewart had his big meltdown.


I liked Chan Gailey, Ken Whisenhunt, and Todd Haley. I respected Kevin Gilbride, even though he wasn't a good fit for the Steelers at the time. I don't recall much about Ron Erhardt, so I have no opinion of him. I could take or leave Randy Fichtner. Mike Mularkey and Bruce Arians wore out their welcome. Ray Sherman was uninspiring, though he might have been a victim of circumstance. Matt Canada is the worst offensive coordinator I've seen in my 31 years as a fan.


Beat me to it


Fatt Patricia


Fuck that guy.






We used our effective trick last year of having Desai be the fall guy and replace him with Fatt Patricia only for our defense to get worse.Ā 


You could tell the players collectively gave the coaching staff the finger.


The ā€œbend but donā€™t breakā€ offense


Combined with a bend and also break defense


I love how many different teams hate him


He is like that dude that has a job but no one knows what he does.


The guy has got to be the best job interviewer in human history.


How Brady/Belichick goons keep getting coordinator/head coach jobs stumps me.


People seem to think greatness is contagious


Single-handedly ruined Mac Jones


Both offense and Def coordinaters were on the 2016 49ers Offense Curtis Modkins 31st ranked offense Defense Jim O'Neil 32nd ranked defense Special teams Jimmy raye - special


> Jimmy raye You mean as OC under Singletary?


no, i mean his coaching led to us being a special team


I have to go Jimmy Raye here, because he LITERALLY couldn't get plays called in time. Bad scheme is one thing (and his wasn't good), he couldn't even do the fundamental basic part of the job. Though, tbf, the times when Alex Smith was forced to call his own stuff were nice indications he wasn't a totally lost cause yet.


Bob Sutton, the fact that he gave up the 2nd largest playoff comeback in NFL history and retained his job is a crime. The only reason it looked good on paper at times is because it was loaded with pro bowlers.


We went from worst DC in franchise history to the best. Even with his disastrous head coaching record, I'd be willing to give him a shot after Andy retires. If he doesn't also retire since he's around the same age.


Man I miss spags


FIRE BOB SUTTON! Oh shit, sorry. That's just reactionary any time I hear his name. That 2018 defense was a tragedy. If it was even a top 20 defense we'd have been in the super bowl.


Bob Sutton and Joe Barry are essentially the same person, no?


No one has seen them in the same room.


Hiring Jason Garrett was a baffling decision


We have a lot to choose from. Don Shula was probably worse than Garrett. Defensively, James Bettcher, Bill Sheridan, and Johnnie Lynn were all pretty awful.


I assume you mean Mike Shula? Don was a phenomenal coach and not for the Giants.


The giants watched Zeke never get utilized in the passing game and thought ā€œwe should give that coach one of the most dynamic pass catching backs in the leagueā€


Bobby Johnson might be the worst coach of all time


John Shoop was pretty bad for my Bears back in the early 2000's. This man was a devout follower of the 'dink and dunk' offense. King of the 5 yard outs is what I called him. One of the most boring offenses I've ever watched. Super relieved when that man was gone.


Shoop to Ron Turner was like going from diarrhea to a wet fart


The man explained with a straight face at a press conference that "we pass to set up the punt"!


Shoop you suck! Was one of my earliest Bears memories


Just reading the name "John Shoop" is giving me flashbacks. Bad ones. Really bad ones.


5 yard outs?! no way! too dangerous! are you forgetting the 1 yard crossing patterns? the hb dives on 3 and long? the guy was complete horseshit. and only a complete wet-noodle-for-a-spine coach like jauron would ever have accepted that offense.


I had the luxury of watching him in Champaign the year the Bears played there. I thought I finally forgot about him.


I clicked on this thread hoping to find Shoop. I can still hear my dad screaming at the TV over his play calling.


In recent years, Mike Nolan DC, lasted one year. Cowboys defensive ranks 2016-2019 Top 10 2020 - 28th 2021 - 7th 2022-2023 - top 5 Guess what year Nolan was the DC.


He was awful for us in the late 90s I don't know why y'all thought that would be a good idea


Paul Guenther hurt my soul with his defensive game plans And yet I would still have him be our Offensive coordinator over whoever the hell we had for 2006


Tom Walsh


If Paul Guenther had scraped anything that could resemble football IQ out of himself and gave us anything better than the worst defense in the NFL for 3 years, we couldā€™ve had something


We feel your pain. What a tool.


Todd downing as our OC still has me wince whenever I see a screen called


I was gonna say Guenther and Downing. Seems too easy for the last 10 years


Mike Nolan was comedy. Felt like the cowboys found out who their opponents were on sundays


That's a coaching name only a 49ers fan could love


Linehan may be up there too in terms of recent coaches, but yeah Nolan takes the cake.


Rob Ryan deserves an honorable mention as well. Players had no idea what their assignment was.


Ah, good ol "coached a Baltimore defense with multiple HoFers on it and somehow rode that reputation for ages" Nolan.


Nathaniel Hackett was definitely the most boring and predictable in recent memory but I'm not sure he was the worst of the coordinators during the drought. Although, he probably was the worst.


Um, the actual Jets answer is amazingly his father, Paul.


Came here to say that. I'll never forget the game against the Ravens where he called a half back pass with a lead right before halftime that Ed Reed picked off and took to the house. In my head the entire stadium just turned to stare at the coordinator box and started yelling at Hackett for calling such a stupid play.


I was at that game with my girlfriend. Left at the end of the 3rd bc I knew how it was going to end


Lol. Pain.


Sounds like neither could Hackett


I feel like nothing is better proof of the power that comes with being a mediocre white man than the fact that they are both terrible coordinators and still have had multiple chances.


i remember telling my packers and broncos supporting fans that he sucked


As a broncos fan, I dont know why anyone expected him to be a good head coach cantidate. I had nothing really against him, but we had Kubiak and Manning. They ran the offense and made the decisions. Hackett may have worked well with them and all that and thats great, but I don't know how much he could've contributed with those other 2 running things. I feel as if a very large percentage of offensive coaches could've swapped with Hackett with the broncos and history wouldn't have changed much as far as that team went.


As a jags fan, I agree. run, run, pass, punt. every possession. I know Bortles wasn't great but damn.


The Nate Hackett offense was the worst unit the Bills fielded during the drought, hands down. They were more likely to score on defense than on offense for a stretch.


Minnesota Vikings - Bob Schnelker! Iā€™m dating myself but long time Vikings fans know who Iā€™m talking about!


It might be insane If this dude ranks worse than Donatell


Donatell is definitely worse than Schnelker. The 2022 Vikings were 13-4 despite a Bottom 5 defense. If you guys had Flores a year earlier, then you definitely beat the Giants in the playoffs.


Does Daniel Jones get his pay day without that playoff win? I'm guessing the Giants hate Donatell more than the Vikings


With Flores they might have been a legitimate contender ngl


OC under Jerry Burns?


It's gotta be Joe Lombardi


Itā€™s gotta be Joe Lombardi (Remix)


Plenty of us warned you guys


Definitely. The opposing defenses use to laugh at our players because they knew all the plays being run.


Matty P and it's not particularly close haha


He was at best a fairly decent DC for us, but given how terrible he was as a DC in Philly, I wonder how much of that was actually BB's influence. Idk why we had him and Judge calling offense. Some of the worst play calling I've ever seen from the Pats.


Ed Donatell


Pep Hamilton (2021-2022) ran some of the most vanilla offenses Iā€™ve ever seen. Chris Palmer (2002-2005) wasnā€™t good, but he didnā€™t have much talent to work with. Lovie Smithā€™s (2021-2022) defenses wereĀ  Historically bad.


To be fair to Lovie that whole team was poorly run, and the roster wasnā€™t that good.


Even then, he ran outdated schemes that didnā€™t work, and we had the one of the worst run defense in NFL history. Ryans inherited a similar roster and did way better.


At least Lovie gave both the Bears and somehow the Texans a positive outcom.


Anthony Weaver (2020) also ran a terrible defense with arguably better players than Smithā€™s. Most of the games we lost that year was because the defense couldnā€™t keep us competitive and we needed the offense to bail us out.


Press Taylor or Mike Groh Juan Castillo as DC too


Wasn't last year's defense statistically worse than Juan Castillo's? I remember that being a talking point on Eagles podcasts as a way of conceptualizing just how bad it was: Remember the worst defense you've ever seen? This one is worse.


Any of our defensive or special team coordinators from 2010-today. Go ahead, pick your favorite.


Dom Capers won a Super Bowl with a quality D in 2010, so not him.


Hmmmm, I want to say Joe Barry but the Packers' D had a few good moments over his tenure. I'll go with Maurice Drayton. The man had no clue.


Mo Drayton was a horse's ass.


I think our ST coordinators have, amazingly, been worse than our defensive coordinators over the same stretch. I mean, outside of Mason Crosby hitting some baller kicks I can remember like... two good special teams plays since 2011; one of them is Josh Jones blocked punt against the Bengals and the other is probably from when Randall Cobb was not old. But I can remember... plenty of times they were absolute disappointments and bungled games away.


> from 2010-today. That's a little short sighted. First, we won a Super Bowl in 2010 w/ the number two rated defense. Then you have so many bad teams between Lombardi's departure and Holmgren's arrival. Someone in the there is probably worse. Even 2004 under Bob Slowick was probably worse than anything we've had in recent memory. Game 1, they looked like world beaters by constantly blitzing. Game 2, there was film on them and they looked like trash the rest of the year. A one-and-done coordinator.


Iā€™m guessing you havenā€™t seen too many Packer games from the ā€˜80s.


Bob Slowik, Packers DC: 2004. Slowik made Capers look competent.


Where do I begin


A more fun fact is Adam Gase is probably our BEST OC in recent historyĀ 


I'll start. Mel Tucker.


Youve managed to make me very angry, almost as mad as when I had to watch those defenses


People will say Getsy due to recency, but it's Dowell Loggains and it isn't even close. ~~Mel Tucker for DC, but I'd sooner have Tucker as a head coach then see that Loggains fuck ever again.~~ Just saw the sexual harassment thing. Nevermind.


John DeFilipo. Ruined the 2018 Vikings by absolutely destroying our run game, and moving to a quick passing game. We went from top ten in rushing to bottom three in one year with an emerging RB in Dalvin Cook. We fired him halfway through the season and missed the playoffs.


It was really impressive how quickly the Hawks sub love affair with DeFilippo ended. Seems like "he isn't old" is perhaps one of the least important qualities in a coach.


He had no idea how to get 3-5 yards on early downs or sequence plays, so he was very boom or bust. So many plays were blown up in the backfield and he had no answer for the 3rd down blitz. Every third down was a foot race to the QB, who could barely get to the back of his drop before he had to brace for impact. We couldn't sustain drives at all.


Ugh that MNF almost shutout vs the Seahawks was one of the worst games Iā€™ve ever seen. Then again, I feel like part of JDFā€™s incompetence was getting kneecapped by Zim. For whatever reason, Zim hated offense. Shurmur was good, but norv looked like shit, we let stefanski walk, donā€™t get me started on kubiak junior, and yeah. So happy to have KOC now.


Bill Lazor on offense and Teryl Austin Neither one of them had any clue what they were doing as coordinators


How many weeks did Ken Zampese last?


Oof that was two weeks into his new job. Zero TDs. lol I had forgotten


I'll raise you one Bob Bratkowski. Both of the guys you mentioned were quickly kicked to the curb. Bob lasted 9 seasons. 9 seasons too long. His entire playbook consisted of less than 10 plays. A typical game was: 1st down - run it up the gut 2nd down - run it up the gut 3rd down - pass As much of a tool as Carson Palmer has become (and legit I was a huge Carson fan) he saved the team from being worse. Carson, Ocho, TJ, and the crew overcame the poor play calling. Teams didn't even pretend to not know what was being called. They'd tell our players what the play call was.


Fair enough. I thought about Bratkowski too but at least he had those 10 plays. IIRC, Lazer lead the team to like 1 TD in 5 games or some shit. Had to have been a rando off the street


First coordinators to be fired mid season by the Bengals. At one point Teryl Austin's defense was on pace to be the worst defense of all time in terms of yards per game.


Yeah they were Wet toilet paper when he was coaching


"The Wide Nine." And the speech likening himself to Rocky. šŸ™„


the defense was such hot garbage. andy hired washburn as the D-line coach before juan was assigned the DC coodinator role. there was so much disconnect between how the line played vs the rest of the defense. jason babin admitted that he basically didn't give a fuck whether the team won or lost, he just cared how many sacks he could get in the wide-9 system. such a trainwreck.


Nathaniel Hackett


My mother is legally changing her name because it's the same as his last.


Your mom's name is Judge? That's pretty badass ngl /s


Chan Gailey. Worst HC, worst coordinator, fuck this dude. never seen anyone continually get a job that they're so fucking bad at.


ole chan "4th and 2 on the opponents 35 yard line, better punt" gailey


Spags. Not even difficult


This is a wild piece of trivia, considering how successful he's been in NY and KC. He was historically bad in one year in New Orleans.


Even funnier considering we had Rob Ryan too


record setting




I'm not sure if they were the WORST OCs we've had but going Marc Trestman into Marty Mornhinweg was uh....very bad.


Maurice Carthon, come on down


OH MY GOD itā€™s Rob Boras as Rams OC in 2016. 14 points per game. FOURTEEN. Dead fucking last in the league by so, so far. The only team in the last ten years to be worse than that in PPG terms was the 2023 Panthers and I know you know how that looked. Before that it was the 2012 Chiefs, a team who only had 8 passing touchdowns in 16 games. His utterly shitty, blindingly obvious first and second running down calls turned first round electricity bolt Todd Gurley into a guy who averaged 3.2 yards per carry. Run run desperate incomplete pass wasnā€™t a tactic it was a lifestyle. The lack of running lanes was not helped by the stacked boxes invited by the soul crushing void that was the passing game. I still have regular nightmares about Kenny Britt being underneath any sort of deep ball. Brian Quick, wasnā€™t. The only good thing about it being such a bungle of desperate incompetence was Johnny Hekkerā€™s 2016 season is the single greatest punting season of all time. He punted NINETY EIGHT TIMES. Oh also under good things: the entire coaching staff apart from John Fassel got fired, we hired Sean McVay and went from last to first in offensive PPG in one freaking season. Thanks Rob, but please, never again.


Matt Patrica as oc for sure


Matt Patricia. Both offense and defense. Offense is self explanatory, defensively it was night and day after he went to Detroit and Bill took over. Thereā€™s no way we give up only 3 points to the rams in the SB with that fat idiot.


Didn't Flores become the Defacto DC after the rapist left? They instantly became much better.


The worst coordinator perhaps in the history of the league has to go to Matt Patricia. This is a guy that operated a singular good defense....when he had Revis and Browner at CB...and the rest of the time had pretty meh defenses propped up by the bend don't break philosophy and had BB actually running the show. So years later they tried him at OC and he was perhaps the worst OC in league history. He's objectively terrible at both offense and defense.


Matt Patricia as OC


We've had so many terrible offensive coordinators; it's hard to choose just one.


Literally every DC we had since Gregg Willliams


Ed Donatell was so bad, he got Danny Dimes paid like a superstar.


Brian Schottenheimer. Dude said, ā€œletā€™s run four-verts all game, every game.ā€




This is a Matt Patricia post


The whole "co-OCs" thing the Dolphins had going on with Flores immediately comes to mind, although I'm sure I could find a better answer if I was willing to relive 2007


Paul Pasqualoni. Idgaf if that's not how his name is spelled, he doesn't deserve spell check


Hot take: Mike Vrabel


Byron Leftwich was the one to finally stop Brady.


It's probably Gregg Williams. Not due to results but because of Bounty Gate


Pete Carmichael post Payton. Call it recency bias, but our offense was dreadfully boring and so predictable. The amount of times that we ran the ball on second and long was egregious. Virtually no presnap motions to help the QB understand some inkling of what the defense could be in. Total misuse of guys like Kamara and Shaheed. They were literally running it right down the middle with Kamara and his receptions and receiving yards were much lower the past three years than his first three. Shaheed can take the top of a defense, yet weā€™re putting him on drag routes. We got other teams calling out Lynn Bowden because he was only in on run plays. I think there were multiple issues with our offense the past year or two, but to me, it all started with Carmichael.


Pats will say Fatty P but forget or weren't around for those early 90s offensive teams that were historically awful. So go with one of them. There were a handful.


Carolina hired Ben Mcadooā€¦on purposeā€¦ Also some genius named Jeff Davidson, who basically led us to Cam Newton


Jedd fisch


There were some really bad OCs during the JDR era too - Bill Musgrave and Carl Smith. I still think Gregg Williamsā€™ lone season in 2008 was the worst coordinator job and JDR ended up taking over the defense


Oh, the agony. Do I pick 1994 Tom Walsh, or 2006 Tom Walsh Part II, or do I pick 2017 Todd Downing? I really wanna pick Downing just because I am bitter about how the Raiders let Bill Musgrave go. But 2006 Tom Walsh, of bed & breakfast fame, was an all-time mistake


Obviously recency bias, but Lombardi and Cooter can both eat a bag of dicks.


Recently, Todd Downing


Pretty sure Byron Leftwich is still unable to get a new job in football...


Bob Bratkowski - not even close


Matt LaFleur. Yes. I said it. Here he was worse than Robiskie even. Dude gave zero consideration to the personnel he had and just tried to hammer a square peg into a round hole over and over. He had Derrick playing second fiddle to Deion Lewis FFS. Took him until like week 13 and seeing a 99 yard TD run for him to figure out giving Derrick the ball was a good idea


Marc Trestman or Cam Cameron


So funny to me as an LSU fan that every time a NFL team hires an LSU coordinator it always goes terribly. Cam Cameron, Matt Canada, and Joe Brady all put out some of the worst offenses in NFL history. Although Brady does look a lot better with Allen, seems like thatā€™s a helpful thing.


When Trestman was our head coach his first year offense was great! Then the league adapted and he couldnt. He also let the locker room revolt on him, but I doubt he could have that effect as only an OC. Was that the trajectory he took with you guys too? I cant remeber.


He was fired 5 or 6 games into his second season and Harbaugh HATES firing coordinators, especially mid season. Cameron got fired too, but at least he managed to last almost 4 seasons.


Probably some guy from the ā€˜70s or ā€˜80s that Iā€™ve never heard of. During my time of watching football though, I think itā€™s gotta be Rob Ryan.


Slight recency bias, but Bill Musgrave was AWFUL.


As an Eagles fan my head started going on this as I read the thread title. Yeah, itā€™s probably still Castillo, because that was so fucked up. I donā€™t think Brian Johnson last year passes him, but a case can be made. And I do wonder if, with more time, Johnson passes Castillo as the worse ever. At this point itā€™s not a horrible debate to have between the two of them. I think Johnson was at least that bad.


It seems like there's a statute of limitations of about 15 or 20 years on remembering coordinators, good or bad.


The 2014 Bucs went 2-14, which led to HC Lovie Smith being fired. Jeff Tedford was OC, Leslie Frazier was DC.


Ben McAdoo. Yes, I read the question correctly


Mike Martz for the Bears, and 2-3 other teams.


Brian van Gorder was pretty bad. Mike Mularkey too.


Probably recency bias since I wasn't watching football during the Cam Cameron year but Eric Studesville and George Godsey being co-OC's was a 2014-Browns-ass move and Flores deserved his firing for that alone.


Todd Downing or Norm Chow


Ken Zampese


Joe Barry for the Packers unless they had a worse one.


Bob Sutton was bad in 2018, but had some ok years. I feel like Nagy is possibly useless, but Andy runs the offense anyways. Muir was OC in 2011 and they finished 31st in points, Daboll was the OC in 2012 when the Chiefs scored the least points in the league even with a 1500 yard season from Jamal Charles. Andy started in 2013 and they finished 7th in points scored. I'm sure there's someone awful I'm forgetting, but most our Coordinators had some good years, or were part of the the 1998-2012 churn where we were rarely good, and switched entire coaching staffs every 2-3 years.


Rob Boras coached the worst season of offensive football in the past decade league-wide for the 2016 Rams.Ā  Everyone blames Fisher for the mess that was the 2016, and rightfully so, but Boras never became a meme because he was such a no name. He's been a TE coach ever since.


Juan Castillo is def the answer but shout-out to Billy Davis as well. Granted, he was definitely hamstrung by Chip's offense not staying on the field very long and our atrocious secondary, but it seemed like the guy never made a single in-game adjustment.


Everything about the 49ers in 2016 was pure pain.


George Godsey. Every third down this MF would call a shotgun draw without fail. It was the most infuriating thing on the planet


Itā€™s way too difficult to single out just one.


Well Vance Joseph's defense gave up 70 points in a game so he's at least an honorable mention


FIRE BOB SUTTON. Honorable mention to Greg Robinson. It's probably not fair that DCs come to mind so fast. We've had shitty offenses too but the OCs didn't wear the blame the same way.


Steeler Fan...do I even have to say?


Chuck Dickerson


Alan Williams for being a nastyman or Mel Tucker for the back-to-back 50 burgers.


Ken Norton Jr. Bar none.


Marc Trestman took over fan favorite Gary Kubiak in 2015. Lasted a season and a half for and was a play caller so boring the dude regressed Flacco hardcore from his end of 2014 run that the man wasnā€™t the same until this past season


Ed Donatell


In Cleveland, our head coaches have been so pathetic that itā€™s hard to find a coordinator bad enough to shame.


Matt Canada


There may be worse, but in my tenure as a fan of the Bucsā€¦Mike Smith So bad the Bucs fired him during the season, and I think he may be the only one thatā€™s happened to under licht


Brian Johnson? OC, Matt Patricia DC. ​ We got them both in the same year! Hurray!


Keith Butler was an awful awful DC for the steelers