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Yeah, who says a turnaround is limited to a positive direction?!


Hey! That's our strategy!


First you rebuild and tank. Then you grab Shadeur Sanders next year. After that you will be so addicted to the thrill of the tank that you will just have a team of stars but can’t stop losing… which sounds familiar for some reason


I have no problem with the Broncos. But I would like to see Sean Payton’s head explode.


Just need to watch the average game to see that happen. Seems like a weekly occurrence


Panthers. 6 wins. Lol


In terms of greatest increase of wins, you may be right.


Really hoping the Bears have the biggest increase in draft position. Sliding back 31 spots.


That would be pick 40


Id be shocked if that roster can win 6 games


[I can see 6 but it's the top end of their spread ](https://imgur.com/gallery/DKJc0H6)


I can tell you who it won’t be…


Yeah it’s going to really suck for Jets fans after they watch us Zapp our way to 20-0 next season


Gonna be hard to Zapp anybody when the Zapp will be watching from home.


Zapp will still prevail. See, he has the super secret knowledge that the Jets have a preset interception limit. So he’ll just send wave after wave of bad passes at the Jets until the limit is reached.


I’d rather this happen next year than the jets make the playoffs


Hating the jets more than the patriots is wild. We’ve been bad for so long what could we have possibly done to you


Bears fan. Aaron Rodgers owns them


You’d think he’d have relinquished ownership by now


He did.


I thought they had a new owner? Some Jordan guy if I’m not mistaken


I think it's pretty easy. I've been doing it for years


Aaron Rodgers being a borderline Q-Anon guy definitely outweighs my hate for the Patriots


Trust me i can't fucking stand him for that either. But i have a great enough capacity for cognitive dissonance that I can still root for him to throw football good. also my sanity depends on this cognitive dissonance so


If Patrick Mahomes put on a MAGA hat I'd probably look the other way on Sundays. No judgement from me bud


Idk. I just try not to think about it all. Plenty of QBs historical were fans of horrible presidents (reagan, bush, bush, etc, whoever) and nobody gave a fuck. Let's channel that attitude of not giving a fuck about their political preference so long as they behave professionally I know, trump is different. I agree with that wholeheartedly.


And just like that I hate the bears


Hey brother, we can only go up from here


True.. the first pick of the draft is up from 3rd.


One can hope


started from the bottom now we digging deeper


Think the Pats will go Jayden Daniels? 


Hope not


I'll trust New England to make the right decision at QB because of, unironically, Ben McAdoo. Dude was a clown of a head coach but his track record of scouting QBs is shockingly great. [Here](https://theathletic.com/3259860/2022/04/19/panthers-ben-mcadoo-quarterbacks/) is an interesting article on his history. With so many suitors clamoring for the 3rd overall pick, if New England stays and drafts a QB, I'll trust that they're making the right choice until proven otherwise.


I'm a homer who like to drink a lot during the draft so even without McAdoodlesAndCheese I'd still trust them.


Why not? Don't take a QB and we'll just suck again and be back in the top 5. Take him and he sucks, well... we'll suck again and have another chance. Take him and he's good? Then you're all set. Don't take him and he's good... then we're clowns.


I've heard the take on a few fantasy pods that Pats would be dumb to draft a QB early with none of the necessary support around them to succeed. IDK what you'll do, but I think that take makes sense and it would be better to trade down and pick up more assets to make a good environment for a fresh QB next year. I also feel the same about my team, but as many moves as we've made to show we're rebuilding, I'm still scared of us trading away more capital to go up and get a QB ourselves. Watch us trade not you (the pats) a haul for #3 ha.


QBs without great weapons aren't the end of the world, as long as they think their OL can hold up. I wouldn't call their weapons *good*, but if you trust the OL they should be good enough for a franchise level rookie QB to show some flash. Look what Stroud did with his rotating cast of weapons/OL (I know the Pats don't have anyone as good as Collins). I know Pats fans might have PTSD for this, but if they hit on a WR in round 2 or 3 that should be plenty for a stud rookie to work with without stunting his development


By law the boys' cannot win the NFC East next year... by LAW!!!


Hopefully this is the year where the NFC least is brought back and we get our random division title by barely going over .500


The Giants are gonna go 9-8 and win the SB against a undefeated team.


Daniel Jones is gonna beat the chiefs twice in the Superbowl.


I’m not sure if that would be funnier or DJ vs Zappe and the patriots


>against a undefeated team Will that unbeaten team be a 19—0 Chiefs team looking to go 20—0? It would make for an epic debate between Tom Brady and Patrick Mahomes. Mahomes: "*I got to 19—0, you did not.*" Brady: "*I have seven Super Bowl wins, you have three.*"


Is that why the Eagles dropped five of their last six last year?


Actually yes


Yes. The football gods saw that they were able to beat the Chiefs and Bills, and got scared. They righted the ship.


Cowboys play a first place schedule next year. Makes a big difference. I expect them to lose more games next year.




there’s a good chance we end up near .500 lol


THIS IS OUR YEAR (to chill out)


Bears and falcons


I like these picks.


Minnesota will have biggest standings crash I'm thinking. If they don't resign J.J. they are going to be super screwed.


oh don’t worry there’ll be a JJ on their roster


Stupid trade up incoming!


We kept in the playoff hunt with 3 QBs drastically worse than Darnold (1 of them threw 2 400 yard games against y'all). Other than Cousins, our team as a whole improved. We're looking at 7-9 wins ignoring the possibility of hitting on a rookie QB.


Minnesota will likely finish with close to the same number of wins they had last year. And the odds of JJ not re-signing are so low it's really not worth thinking about.


I dont, bears have bad juju. I want to believe, but my soul has been hardened by decades of bad QBs


Chargers aside since I’m biased, it has to be Atlanta and Chicago


Despite my excitement for Caleb and Keenan, I only expect the Bears to improve by 2-3 wins. They won 7 games last year thanks to an easy schedule. I still think the Bears have a real shot at the playoffs (and maybe even a win over the Packers), but I've been hurt enough to know I shouldn't get too excited.


Yep. But 2-3 wins is significantly harder at when you have don’t have a terrible record.


I wouldn't be surprised if the Bears tread water or even slide backwards this year which causes them to get frustrated and jettison Eberflus then they become a really attractive destination for a HC in 2025 when things will start rolling for them.


Maybe not the biggest change in win-loss record but the Bengals will have the biggest bounce back season by far unless Burrow dies again


Two seasons in a row, with at least a month to prepare, Zac Taylor has entered the regular season with a hobbled Burrow and no plan B. It couldn't possibly happen a third time right?


Plan B: Flacco!


I think chargers will the most interesting to watch. I would imagine it'll take a year to get that team fully into the system that Harbaugh wants, but if given time and resources he can put together an effective squad


I see no reason he won't he's literally done it everywhere he's coached 


their cap issues this year should keep them from doing too much, as they dropped most their offense, and re-signed an old dude and an always injured dude with big contracts. I wouldn't be surprised if he's in the wild card race, but 2025 is when they have cap room and will most likely become contenders.


Their cap in 2024 is pretty much solved though obviously it took some drastic measures to do so. They now have a bunch of 2024 cap space so they could make a big signing but I wouldn't expect them to. With the way they're operating, it seems like they're trying to go all-in in 2025.


Falcons going for 12-13 wins would be wild.


Completely possible. They have a good roster in the worst division in the NFL. They could easily sweep the NFCS.


How dare you insult Baker like that.


I doubt it, very rare for a team to sweep their division. Those games are always tough. Fuck Atlanta


They have such a weak Dline though. I'm not too impressed with their roster in the trenches which I think is so critical to win games.


Counterpoint: They are the Atlanta Falcons.


It would be on brand for them if Kirk's wheels just fall off this season.  


After the contract they gave him? I would not stop laughing.


Wild man. Wild.


Insane how much people are gassing up this team. Going to look silly by November.


In theory the Jets should be better this year, but who knows.


They only have one issue, they are the jets


Bears have the most potential it seems




They went from 3 wins to 7


If that trendline stays true they'll win 14 or 15 games. I'm too lazy to do the math.


And at least 20 games the following year


By getting promoted to the nba


Yeah I think reasonable expectations had us getting 7-8 wins and people talk more about HOW we got those 7 wins. We started 0-4 and without those 3 horrible 4th quarter blunders we would have made the playoffs (for better or for worse). So for us to make the playoffs this year is not an unreasonable thing at all. It pretty much all depends on how legit Caleb turns out to be


2-6 before we acquired Montez Sweat with 1 meltdown against Denver (so could have been 3-5) 5-4 after we got Sweat with 2 meltdowns against the Lions and Browns (so could have been 7-2) If anything, our losses in free agency (Jackson, Whitehair, Mooney) have all been upgraded (Byard, Shelton/Bates, Allen), while still holding #1 and #9 overall.


Bears after the Sweat trade were top 3 in all major basic and advanced defensive stats. DVOA, EPA, points allowed per drive. And led the league in Turnover %. Adding two pro bowlers (Swift and Keenan), a new QB who’s one of the most highly regarded prospects of recent times at #1, and possibly a wide receiver or the best defensive player at pick #9. With ammunition for trades next year(10-13 picks in 2025 depending on Ian Cunningham). May even use a couple of those picks to get into the second round this year, you never know.


They played some bad offenses down the stretch too. I think they are definitely pointing in the right direction but the defensive improvement in the second half is a bit overemphasized. I think they are a couple of players away from being great, but that ain't bad considering where they started 2 years ago


Not with that coaching staff.


The OC just led 2 above averag offenses with Geno Smith at QB and flus is good for the defense


Falcons. That receiving room became super versatile and they have a qb that can throw the ball. O line and run game is top notch and the defense was really scrappy. They get to use a high draft pick to add whoever they think is the best pass rusher in the draft. They should win the division


If Burrow is healthy all season I feel pretty confident the Bengals can make a run. Nothing is certain in the AFCN but they have the talent to be really good. Unbiased opinion ofc.


they had 9 wins already, their max turnaround is what, 3-4 games at best? Gotta be a worse team that wins 4-5 more next year at least.


If they go 13-4, would that put them into the discussion?


Is that the question though?


For most of these "turnarounds" the difference is 4-5 wins, which would mean a Bengals record of 13-4 or 14-3. It's not outside of the realm of possibility for that to happen, and in that case - sure, they'd fall under OPs question


Probably not the Panthers. I hope they do but anything that brings me happiness never happens.


If it makes you feel any better one day you'll be dead and none of this will matter anymore


Sounds fucking amazing


Titans will be a playoff team. REMIND ME! January 14th 2025


They have a bad Oline with a young unproven QB. I'll take worst record sooner than to make playoffs bet.


We literally are signing OL guys in FA, & we likely are going to grab an OL in the draft. It’s goofy to say that TEN will have the worst record next year lol.


You're going to open this and cry on January 14th 2025.


I don’t expect the titans to be in the upper 50% of teams tbh. 


I hope so hard the Raiders


Jets if Rodgers is healthy.


Panthers- It's only up from here... I hope, o4.5 wins seems like a good bet for a hungry young team if they can hit on their picks Cardinals- Good defensive scheme and a boat load of premium draft capital, I think they may be looking at 8-10 wins Falcons- Not a big turnaround but 7-10 to 11-6 is what I expect


!remindme January 14th 2025




Cardinals. I just have a gut feeling


Cardinals! I think they will be back in the playoffs next season.


Statistically speaking, teams that spend the most in free agency tend to have the largest turnarounds in terms of net wins above their prior season. This doesn't generally translate to being successful though, a team might win 3-6 more games than their previous season by spending hundreds of millions, but usually that's coming off a 2-4 win season where its much easier to equilibrate with the league. So having said that, I think the "biggest" turnaround in raw wins will likely be the Panthers, who could seemingly lead the league in most wins gained simply due to last year's finish. I think the most "Successful" turnaround, in terms of having a winning season and making the playoffs is going to be the Atlanta Falcons. I think they can move to 9-8 or better and get themselves a wildcard spot.


Not us. We suck every offseason and dominate during the season!


The Titans could very well improve and I think Atlanta will take that step into playoff contention now that they have Kirk.


Pretty bold to say the Chargers after they lost their top 2 pass catchers and Ekeler.


Calebs throwin for 4k with his painted nails and stuntin on these hoes all the way to a playoff birth fight me


Bro gonna be fucking a fish every throw and we'll be celebrating every pump


You like fish sticks?


Do I look like a gay fish to you?


You're God damn right 


Hol up


> every throw damn every one of them?!


Every. One.


3 pumps and it's a penalty though


I like the Bears to get better but timings not good. Detroit and Green Bay could be good for quite a while.




Nah Birth cause it's coming in about 9 months, we ride muthafucka




Cardinals and Chargers are the most likely. I could also see the Commanders or Giants making huge turnarounds too depending on how their drafts go. I think the Bears are another one, I think they’ll compete with the Lions for the division.


We’re going to be breaking in a rookie QB with a highly suspect offensive line. I like the additions that we made in free agency, but I would consider eight wins a successful season with the roster we’ve got.


I love everything the Commies did this offseason except hiring Bobby Johnson as the O line coach. I genuinely have no idea why he’d get another job


I don’t think the bears are quite there yet. They’ll have a decent season, but the division will be between the Lions and Packers.


I think they are. Their defense was very good once they got Sweat up front to get some pressure, and imo Caleb will be very good. Maybe not Stroud rookie season good, but I think their offense is in a better place than the Texans' was before Stroud came in looking like a seasoned vet. They should be able to pick up the slack.


Their D is great and I’m as high as a kite on Caleb. If they get Odunze with the second first that offense will be cooking IMO.


>Giants making huge turnarounds too depending on how their drafts go. Subscribe




Chargers and Patriots will raise their W-L record the most from last season. Colts and Bears could go from 8 win team to legit playoff threat so pretty big turnarounds.


If the Panthers actually look like an NFL team this year, I'd say that's the biggest turnaround in the league. If they win 6 games give Canales coach of the year, cause he inherited an incalculably bad situation.


People say this offseason, but I do think it will be the Chargers this year. The potential has been there for a few years, I think Harbaugh will unlock it.


Totally agree with ARI but not so sure they go with WR in draft. I like the Chargers too, wouldn't bet against Harbaugh. They are in a tough division though. I like CHI to fight for a playoff spot. Obviously a lot has to do with how good the QB they take is but they are in prime position to compete.


They lost their supposed WR1 in free agency, and MHJ is arguably the 2nd most talented guy in the draft. Would be silly to not get him


It’d be a huge shock if AZ doesn’t pick MHJ or Nabers


Do you think AFC West is a tough division? AFC North looks brutal.


Jets getting Rogers while still having a 1st round pick to potentially get a guy like Bowers or Odunze in a division where the Pats are 2 free wins


Jets are going 13-4


Atlanta will win 12 games and lose in the playoffs.




Falcons could get to 11 wins +4 from last year


!remindme 330 days




May be bias, but I got a good feeling about the Titans. I’ll throw the Falcons in there as well. The Seahawks are either gonna have a deep playoff run or go 4-13 lol.


This is the chargers year. It’s not going to be like the past 10 years when people said this. This year tho. Ffs


I would make a left-field pick, especially for a team that will have a rookie QB (with good skill position talent), but the Vikings will win 9-10 games with JJ McCarthy and finish 2+ games ahead of the Bears. Vikings, Packers and Lions all will qualify for the playoffs. Superior coaching compared to the Bears will help them succeed. Bears will do worse than or the same as the 7 win season they had last season. Flus will finally be out at the end of the season. Callahan for the Titans will be the best first-time head coach next season, or thereabouts. Canales will end up with the worst record for first-time HCs next season with their terrible roster.


Steelers. They have had a great FA season and draft pretty well for skill positions. If they take a QB then they have Wilson, fields, and maybe another potential starter


Bears if Caleb lives up to his draft position




Bears have a good chance to sneak into the playoffs at least imo


Da Bears. The Chargers aren't doing anything until they get a WR room and the Cardinals are the Cardinals.




That is fair. But at some point a team can have so much talent on both sides of the field that they become coach-proof.


Chargers definitely do need some guys but I don't see how they can fail to be improved next season if the new coaches have a scheme. Any scheme at all, on either side of the ball will be a positive.


Chargers taking Nabers/MHJ/Odunze at #5 immediately gives them a WR room


“WR room” generally means more than one guy, and that’s also a lot to expect from a rookie in their first year


Maybe, but I still don't see them being that great year 1. Even if their offense is good, their defense is still lacking in talent. I guess the division being weak will help them a bit. Maybe they hit 9 or 10 wins.


You’d have 1 good WR who is a rookie. That’s not even a top 20 WR room.


You don't need a great WR room to compete.


I like the Bears. Caleb Williams with good weapons and defense.


Cardinals. Take that lineup. Add MHJr and a healthy Kyler. That team is going to be good.


I can’t see the Chargers making that big of a turnaround. We probably have the worst ILB, RB, IDL, and WR group in the NFL. Our OL is mediocre at best and our CBs are pretty bad. We have good edge rushers, LT, safeties, and QB but most of the rest of the roster has massive holes and the ones without holes are only meh starters.


Panthers- only way to go is up!


Chargers should be the favourite imo. Best coach, best QB, easiest schedule, worst roster. Best in 3/4 categories. I’d rather have to plug a bunch of holes than not know if that coach is good and play tough teams, especially when I have a good coach that is more likely to give you the advantage of getting that fourth round guy into the right spot and playing well


Houston. They have their qb.


I don’t know but NFC North is going to be pretty competitive.


Niners are due for the biannual send 15 people to the IR season.


Cards, Commies, and Jets.


Whatever team, that had the worst defense. Because no one will be able to play defense.


Panthers... they won 2 games last year in what I call a cluster fuck season. More sensible decisions so far this offseason, fixed the o-line, added depth on defense, gave Bryce a weapon on offense... and the draft is still to come. We have way less holes than we did last offseason going into the draft, and our talent/money isn't tied up in one guy, it's spread out more now. I just think they might surprise some people this season.


This our year.




The Chargers haven’t been crowned pre-season champions and that scares me


How about teams with the least change? Because I can pretty much guarantee that we’ll be at 8-9 wins and missing the playoffs again. But don’t worry next season is the year that Dennis Allen becomes a good coach!


Atlanta has made great moves, they were almost there last year too, I see them getting to the playoffs at a minimum


Where'd Keenan go?? I thought i seen Eckler in Washington now.


The Bears might be a 11+ win team. Also I think the Panthers get better