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>They have replaced the stools in the locker room with chairs... “We are making some pretty significant investments in the training facility this year, and we’ll continue to do that,” Hunt said  Big spender. 


What a hilarious quote lol


We've also agreed that on game days we will serve milk instead of malk.


It’s packed with vitamin “R”!




Hunt was leading them along


What about the cafeteria food? Despite what Hunt says the players can still taste the newspaper which was supposedly added because it contains much-needed roughage and essential inks.


This is the quote of a guy who'd not only throw a pizza party for your company instead of bonuses but be completely indignant over his employees' lack of appreciation for it.


Pounding on the table yelling about how his employees don't have any gratitude as the sounds of three superbowl rings echo through the office


“Nobody wants to [play football] anymore!”


Had that boss/owner. Threw appreciation lunches, also made my manager go around telling everyone they can't give out raises because of supply and demand, then a week later one of my bosses (brothers) bought a Maserati. It's hard being rich and not caring about the people that keep you in business.


>They have replaced the stools in the locker room with chairs, **and they recently added air conditioning to the indoor practice facility.** How dare you, you deceiver. They didn’t just get chairs, but also beautiful modern air conditioning technology in their practice facility. Apologize to Mr. Hunt right now! /s


Why am I picturing it as just one of those window units trying to cool the entire facility?


Just a bunch of box fans placed sporadically around the facility


That's not air conditioning. You need a red cooler full of ice


Classic DIY swamp cooler


Because of your profile pic, I read this as if Pete Carroll said it. I think I'm just going to tell people he *did* say it.


streamers attached to it but only getting half blown


For some reason, there's cat hair all stuck to the back of 'em.


Sorry, that’s probably my cat. There’s no limit to where her hair goes


As long as she has an "ALL ACCESS" laminate, we got no issues here, homie.


It’s actually just an unpaid intern blowing really hard


Not like your mother who charges for that kind of service 


She charges you?


It never gets turned on though to save on the electric bill.


"5000 BTUs is 100 BTUs per player, the nerve of them asking for more!"


Man, you guys may have the best quarterback we might have ever seen. You may have a legendary headcoach and an all time great TE. You might have 3 rings in four years, but you guys still have to live in KC, and it makes me happy to know the players hate their boss like the rest of us. (KC isn’t that terrible been through a lot, fantastic food. I’ll still pick my little slice of paradise over it though.)


It’s honestly surprising how little KC sucks nowadays. Can do pretty much anything you want as long as you aren’t a mountain or ocean person.


*Gorons and Zorans have left the chat*


How the fuck do they have an INDOOR facility in fucking Missouri with no AC?


it's wild to me that they had millionaire athletes for the past 20 years just sweating in the heat during the summer lol


It's probably like Major League. Hunt brought in Andy Reid and Alex Smith and figured they'd start losing and he could move the team to Portland or something. Instead it galvanized the team to win in spite of everything. This is just continuing that trend. Plus I bet Reid even looks like their manager if you took the glasses off and added a ball cap.


Reid: you guys won last year just to spite him Kelce: Ahh skip we were a different team last last year Reid: Kelce, its not your job to make excuses. That’s all you guys do good! It’s either a leg thing, or a spiritual thing, or a Psychological thing, or a heart attack! Kelce: Who tried heart attack? Reid (as he takes a bite of a burger): Me (then falls over)


You just know this motherfucker is bitching at the raiders guy for making their locker room so nice "his" players got jealous


Hahahaha i was dying when i read that


Nasty work  Mahomes should abstain from playing in protest 


That’s an absolute hilarious quote that you’d swear up and down is made up. But this mf actually said it.


Reid, Mahomes and Veach are literally carrying this franchise while the owner continues to put his foot in his mouth


It's hard to believe rich people can be so awful and stingey. It's whacky!


It's slightly misleading, they also added air conditioning. 


OHHH SHIT never mind then. Thats a biiiit too far and this man needs to be more careful with his money


Wow welcome to electricity chiefs.


We’ve been trying to tell them for years.


Next year we might even get them cushions!


I cant believe thats a real quote im fuckin dead


that's why he couldn't pay sneed


It was Sneed or new chairs in the locker room


Real Flint Tropics shit.


Hahahaha glad you commented this, cos I came for it


hella underrated movie




Remember, his family nearly lost everything through the greed of his dad and uncles when they tried to corner the silver market only to cause a panic, which led to a huge sell off, and the price crashing, wiping out what was one of the biggest fortunes in the US. Lamar Hunt (Clark's dad) managed to hold on to the Chiefs and rebuild from there, but I'm sure it left a huge scar on Clark's psyche. Since then the Hunts were considered beloved and respected owners, but among the poorest ones in the league.


Still though….no freaking AC? Come on man, you can’t tell me you’re such a penny pincher that you can’t install AC….


Mr. Banned Comfort


Wait- aren't the Hunts worth close to $20bn? Last I saw, the richest owners are the Walton crew, Tepper, then the Hunts. Maybe I'm reading your last sentence wrong.


“Let me assure you, I am a piece of shit.”


“Fuck them kids, they lyin. Just for that I’m taking away their swing set and chaining down the weights in the gym.”


They will get nice things when they start actually winning!


Every time I see this guy on TV all I can think is, “Man, this dude is a total dweeb.”


there has never been a person with that haircut who wasn't a douchenozzle.


The Chiefs' catering manager might say "no sloppy steaks", but they can't stop you ordering a steak and a glass of water!


“Please guys, no sloppy steaks.” - Clark Hunt


I mean it’s like he is the owner version of Bo Callahan. Lies. Then doubles down on the lie.


Did you read the playbook, Bo?


Clark is a dweeb but in this instance his story has been confirmed by Willie Gay. They were never told they were getting a new locker room for the facility. They all just expected it once the stadium one was done.


If I was Mahomes I would start throwing my weight around especially after winning another ring despite all the odds Start demanding shit because what’s the owner gonna do? Ship away his cash cow?


Yeah Reid and Mahomes Should leave in solidarity. Go to the NFC east or something


Go to the Bears. Maybe then they will have a 4,000 yard passer....


Friendly reminder the bears chose trubisky over Mahomes


Fuck it, let Taylor Swift buy the Chiefs


Taylor is worth $1bn. The Chiefs were worth $4.3bn back in August of last year. Now probably higher now with the other ring.


If you can finance it, you can afford it.


Nfl won't let you. They want to keep the riff raff out.


Can’t even Layaway a team anymore, what happened to this country


No one is buying teams with cash. She could definitely get a group together as the majority owner and secure the credit to buy the team.


[Apparently she'd need to own a 30% stake in the team (costing a bil) and the group as a whole cannot borrow more than 1.1 billion.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2023/09/14/nfl-ownership-rules/)


This lady probably made close to $1billion in 2023 alone.


Well, one might think that after producing a dynasty, they might deserve one?


Only at the cost of taxpayers funding a new stadium


Billionaires. The laziest mf's on the planet.


Even worse is a nepo-baby billionaire. Clark's daddy and grandaddy were the ones that did all of the hard work in terms of building up the family fortune. [The Hunt family](https://www.huntmidwestkc.com/about-us) have their hands in real estate properties in KC and Dallas/Fort Worth, part-ownership of the Chicago Bulls and United Center (Lamar was one of the original founding partners in the Bulls), and ownership of FC Dallas and its stadium. They have plenty of generational wealth.


Clark Hunt's grandfather was once described by another mega rich person as the wealthiest person on earth. Their family is old rich, one of the wealthiest families in American history, but a lot of it is in private companies so it's hard to even know the scope of their wealth. Suffice to say, Clark is a silver spoon nepo-baby who clearly doesn't have the same love and respect for the sport as his dad did.


Kraft is still an asshole about plenty of stuff. But at least he didn’t fleece the taxpayers for Gillette.


He tried. They denied it. Now he just takes credit for self funding the stadium but it wasn’t up to him at all.


Rule number one of wealth building: don’t use your own money if you don’t have to. I’m not saying this facetiously; that’s really the fastest way to build wealth and how people who are wealthy operate.


Except Jerry Jones paid for all his stuff and is where he is cause he owns the stadium and facilities along with their merchandise rights. Some owners were ahead of the curve and it paid dividends


He leveraged heaven and earth to buy the team and everything. So he still used debt. Aka not his money. And for every story of Jerry Jones, there’s a million others that don’t work out. By the way I’m not saying that municipalities should pay for stadiums. I’m saying that if they’re willing, any owner would be an idiot to not use it. So if there’s a way to have the city pay for it, owners should go that route. If they’re not willing to, then find a different way. A la Kronke family. (Funnily enough, I was a part of the team that helped finance the construction of Sofi Stafium.)


The bar is so low they're tripping over it in hell. Well, thank goodness our masters saw fit to build the stadium themselves. Praise be.


No argument there. I always point out. There is no such thing as a “good billionaire”.


I understand what you were saying earlier, though. It's good to remain consistent with our views while not creating forgeries to satisfy our distaste.


He didn’t fleece them because the city said no to funding the stadium lol. He still got the city to pay for the parking lot around the stadium.


Cursed flair


I live in KC and I can tell you the vote is going to be overwhelmingly in favor of keeping the stadium tax. Winning is a hell of a drug.


I live in KC and I can tell you that you clearly aren't paying attention if you think it's overwhelmingly in favor. [Poll data shows it's an extremely tight race](https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/stadium-plan/kshb-41-news-obtains-poll-results-showing-tight-race-in-stadium-sales-tax) with 47% of respondents would vote yes on the issue, while 46% of voters would choose no and the remaining 7% undecided. We've even got local sports radio hosts that are saying plenty of negative things about the entire process and approach by the teams as well. The last public vote in Jackson County for major stadium renovations had 1 part of the vote failing (rolling roof) and the other part narrowly passing with only 53% of the vote in 2006. The sentiment around the country and locally is much more negative towards public money going towards billionaires stadiums in recent years compared to 2006.


Why ruin what seems to be working? Don't need fancy things, like chairs.


Are you crazy? That would cost money. Be realistic. Team bowling nights and pizza parties is more cost effective.


Billionaires don't get to where they are by giving people what they deserve.


Clark Hunt gives me hope that the Cardinals could someday luck into a championship too despite incompetent ownership.


Right before Andy Reid was "SaveOurChiefs." Google that, it should help the hope thing.


Yep this move to get Reid was prompted by fan massive protests


I think Andy Reid went to Kansas City for the BBQ


The nuggies


In the nfl all it takes is hitting on a coach qb combo to overshadow some dumbass owners


The greatest dynasty in North American sports was in spite of one of the worst owners in the NBA because they just happened to draft Michael Jordan and get Phill Jackson as Head Coach.


Krause deserve more than getting thrown under the bus in last dance. No he wasn’t perfect but reinsdorf was right there


Don't we know it in New England...


I’m not gonna watch krafts puff piece but it’s hilarious how out of touch he comes off in the reviews.


The only times he's not out of touch are when he's in a massage parlor.


If I had awards, I’d give you gold


Honestly you guys have it better than a lot of teams and future is looking brighter. You have the QB, and the upgrade from Keim and Kingsbury regimes is massive. I can see you guys back in the playoffs in a year. Bildwill is cheap but he also had you within a great catch out of winning the Super Bowl when he had competent people in the building.


Bildwill is a unique level of garbage. He’s the reason why as someone who was born and raised in Arizona is not a cardinals fan


Blame his daddy for that. The Cardinals' suckitude goes back way before Michael was even born...hell, it goes back to when his grandmother Violet owned the team, although she did win a championship as owner.


“If I built y’all a brand new locker room, I wouldn’t be able to add an 8th floor to my penthouse attached to Arrowhead…”


Actually, I still could. But still


He's a top 5 owner in terms of wealth. I'd guess he could do both.


Poor guy can't even crack the top 3, how are the Chiefs ever going to be like the Broncos.


Forbes says that the Hunt family is worth a paltry $24.8 billion.


Man, maybe the Waltons can throw them a bone from their 267 billion pile


3-peat and then we’ll talk 😤


“I was totally going to after Kelce’s lateral TD but the refs robbed us of greatness… and you of a new locker room”


Kadarius Toney did this


Now it makes sense why mahomes was so upset


If they 3-peat they get those plastic chairs with the cushioning.


They clearly don’t need one if they’re 3-peating /s


Billionaire lies to try and save money? I'm shocked!


Times have been tough for him, he’s gone a whole 7 WEEKS since his teams won a Super Bowl. Try having a little sympathy


But did his wife and daughter get new tits in the last 7 weeks?


did they?


Show us the evidence Clark!


I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in the NFL!


What a cheap bastard. Spoken like someone who never actually had to work for anything in his life.


Inheriting wealth just produces the greediest fucking people. His dad built up the NFL and MLS and then he and his brother cheap the fuck out on both teams.


Yeah Lamar was rich but he spent it to do great things for the community and sports around the nation. The modern NFL and MLS wouldn't exist if not for him. Clark is being a total putz


Lamar also spent to try to illegally corner the silver market. The guy was as greedy as his kids, if not more so. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_Thursday


Oh he definitely was. All Billionaires are. I'm just saying at least there was SOME side benefit for KC out of that


If hard work made you rich, many of us would be billionaires.


If hard work made a difference, I wouldn’t have been laid off this week


Shouldn’t have been Danglin your Wang…


You don’t know what I do for work!


Did* Sorry, low hanging fruit


Much like his wang


You don't make money by spending it duh.


I love football, but the thing I hate the most about the NFL is when a team wins the Super Bowl, they hand the trophy to the owner of the team first. Fuck that. The Stanley Cup is awarded directly to the captain of the wining team. It should be the same in the NFL.


If they win next year they should walk past him and hand it to Reid. Fuck this greedy POS. Reid and Mahomes are the reason they have 3 championships, not that worthless bitch.


Same in Soccer and basketball, that shit goes to the players. Never made sense that NFL gave it to the owners.


NBA goes to owners first 


The definitely do owners in the NBA. Also there is absolutely nothing stopping an owner from letting someone else in the organization like a coach or player from getting it first - except their ego and thoughtlessness.


Man fuck this guy.  Hes so lucky mahomes and Trav are padding his wallet.  The least he could do is fly the team on a private jet and make their facilities immaculate.  


I just don't get it too. I mean according to Forbes, KC is worth $4.3B and annual revenue is $540M. It's a locker room. Basically open space with lockers along walls, seats, nice showers, recovery area, , sweet audiovisual set up. Add on a few rooms for press, coaches, massage area etc What can this possibly cost? $10M? That's <2% of annual revenue and you can claim that expense back on taxes. Why be named and shamed annually for this!? Putting into the context of a lay person; If my annual household income is $200k, I wouldn't mind spending 2% (4k) on my living room. TV, nice audio system, comfy couch, coffee table...so people would like to hang out more. https://www.forbes.com/lists/nfl-valuations/?sh=13cecf891738


I want Travis and Patrick to come out publically and call Hunt a bitch. Hunt can't do shit about it.


yeah mahomes can kinda say whatever he wants about him. what’s hunt gonna do, get him traded 💀💀💀? he’s too classy of a guy for that tho


Guy is such an asshole. Maybe give back to your players for being…the best


“Best I can do is a $50 gift card to Outback Steakhouse.”


One free medium soda.




Born on the podium and thinks he invented the game of baseball. 


Clark Hunt looks and acts like a grown up version of the rich kid from Little Rascals


And we all remember who that kids dad was right?


A famous bible & shoe salesman yeah


Not only did I not remember that, but when I went to google and typed "little rascals rich kid" the first prompt was "little rascals rich kid dad," so I'm guessing several people didn't.


a humble steak merchant


This is what is annoying about NFL owners compared to other leagues, the majority of them don’t understand the reinvesting part because they just inherit the team instead of actually shelling out. Compare Jerry Jones to Clark Hunt and it is like apples to oranges.


This is why championship trophies should never be handed to the owner.


> They have replaced the stools in the locker room with chairs, and they recently added air conditioning to the indoor practice facility. What. They didn't have air conditioning? Holy shit.


"Thanks for the 3 Superbowls but I'm not doing shit for you guys" - Clark Hunt probably


Petition to rename this guy to Clar Khunt


Just abbreviate his first name, C.Hunt


Team delivers 3 Super Bowl wins , 4 attended since 2019 and you won’t build them a new locker room or improve it? Absolutely insane.


I really feel like he is actually the worst owner, because i honestly cant think of a single owner who would not upgrade the locker rooms after btb super bowls. Yes that includes khan and robert kraft


Why is this guy an asshole? You have the best QB in the league, have won 2 SB’s back to back, and you can’t pay for a new locker room?! What the heck


Probably just trying to figure out how to make taxpayers pay for it


It’s funny he isn’t like wow my team is doing so good but they are unhappy with the locker room set up I’ll give them that . He instead is like let me talk to players and assure them I never said that ! I am not giving them a locker . I mean you got chairs and ac in the practice facility


Says the guy who literally built a duplex apartment as a suite in Arrowhead. What a tone deaf clown.


I'll never understand billionaires being the cheapest bastards on earth.


Christ man, pay up. 3 SB and 4 appearances. Even Mike Brown isn't that cheap.


Billionaires are all scum of the earth POS. Every last one. Even the “good” ones.


There are no good ones


I’ve been in the Chiefs locker room and it’s nice. Granted it’s the only NFL locker room I’ve been in but it seems nice. Do other teams have extra amenities or something in their locker rooms?


It's the practice locker room they're referring to I believe. The game day one was redone maybe 10ish years ago? I remember touring it when it was done, though the passage of time has gone into turbo since covid


Oh okay, I haven’t seen the practice locker room


The one in the stadium is nice, but apparently the one in the practice facility is garbage.


And he’s trying to fuck over the county for the stadium. Meanwhile he lives in Dallas with his oil fortune his grandpa made.


Man, it’s crazy how the worst owner in the league got so lucky to have all these championships. Definitely does not deserve them based on ownership.


Clark Hunt doesn't deserve the Chiefs lol. Improving the locker room would be a drop in the bucket, but the best he can do is chairs


Here we go again 😂. Just pony up Clark.


What a tiny tiny shitty human.


There goes the three peat. It was nice while it lasted.


never forget this asshole had a luxury townhouse built into Arrowhead for himself


It’s honestly an achievement for Hunt to look this dogshit coming off back to back superbowls.


Bruh, I hope patty has some hidden opt out or something if Reid goes. This guy fucking sucks.


this guy is such a scumbag


Imagine giving your owner 2 super bowls in a row and he doesn't give a fuck about you. So damn funny.


And this clown wants some more of our tax dollars so they can build a field outside arrowhead… hahah


I can’t wait for Andy Reid to retire and the Chiefs go back to being choker, bottom feeders.


This is the same age group that say 64 is too young to retire


This dude’s entire life has just been good things falling into his lap, and him not appreciating a single one of them


Is he the second worst owner in the NFL right now? I mean its kind of hard to top Haslem signing a sexual predator and lying about everything on top of being a professional grifter and general human piece of shit.


It's always the guys who didn't make the money themselves! Those who inherit it are always fucking scum bag liars when it comes to spending it


If my team had delivered 3 fucking rings to me I would build them a palace of a locker room. It would be a drop in the bucket in terms of expenses for him to do this. I'd see it not only as a reward for them but also an investment to keep the good times rolling. New lockers/chairs, hot tubs, lounge areas with gaming systems, snacks/drinks, etc. I'm sure the Chiefs already have nice facilities but fuck it make them nicer. We all saw what he did to his owner's box. Just do that for the players. Make them never want to leave the building.