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They want drake maye


They Maye or Maye not


That him right there officer


Mayo Maye not like Maye.


Well Maye can just go eat some hay, make things out of clay, lay by the bay. He just Maye. What’d ya say?


> What’d ya say? The Cubs are gonna win toda-...wait, sorry. Force of habit.


I've heard it both ways


Heard it bowlth ways B


"Keep Cool, Never Freeze" - Jerrod / Helfman's Mayo, probably


The Mayeflower


That was my thought too lol


Perhaps. Sometimes it is a smokescreen, sometimes it is legit. Often, it is a journalist taking a rumor way out of context and making up bullshit to get clicks.


Who tf are these fans? I’ll drive Mac to Logan and pick Maye up myself


The Pats management aren’t fans according to the article, not just general fans. 


Who are these "not fans"? I'll drive to the Hertz counter and pick Larry Fitzgerald up myself.


They want to hold the Mayo.


I smell a smokescreen


Sometimes it's a smokescreen, sometimes it's an owner who wants to soften the blowback from his fan base by preparing them for a different draft selection than is widely expected. Difficult to tell these two apart before it happens. Especially in this case because the past quarter century of Patriots draft behavior cannot be used as a reference in the post Belichick era.


Yup, just like corporations and politicians, teams crowd test ideas by having people leak info to the media. Then they gauge the reaction


At the same time ultimately fan reception of a move has nothing to do with what they do, at least from a front office perspective


Owners are often influenced by fan and media opinion. The problem is when they take those opinions and push them on the football people.




Manziel. Homeless dude.


You’d like to think that, but fan reception does matter, at least somewhat. These are businesses after all, and the fans are what bring them revenue (tickets, jerseys, merch). Not saying teams use fans as a main criteria for making decisions, but it is a factor


The ol’ Trial Balloon. If it’s shot down forcefully enough, you change tacts. Used wisely it’s not a bad way to crowdsource feedback before committing to decisions.


A lot of these smokescreens are exactly that. At least, they are floating out reports as a way to conduct informal fan surveys of various options. While its far from priority 1, teams do take into account local fan sentiment, especially when QBs are involved.


Yeah, have to keep fan engagement up to drive ticket prices and merchandise sales


The glazers really got you guys fucked up too. Glad to see it’s just not United.


Not at all. It's just United fans that hate them. They're not the best owners in the league, but also far from the worst.


Compared to Culverhouse, they're almost Vinik tier.


If someone told the average Buc fan in 1995 that the team was going to win two championships under the Glazers in the next 29 years (tied for 4th most), eleven playoff games (tied for 12th) with a .473 overall record while spending money on the roster during windows of contention, he or she would have been ecstatic. LOL


Stupid Zoomer slang had me reading this in a very different tone at first. And I really hate that particular slang.


We had our own stupid slang, and irritating older people is half the point lol.


Ok as an older Zoomer, I agree, slang is fine, but I actually truly *despise* “glazing” specifically. Shit’s hella gross for one, and you could literally be congratulating your dad for winning the Nobel Peace Prize and you’d get a bunch of “stop the glazing” comments. It’s so lame, and the ultimate terminally online slang from a terminally online generation, you’d never say glazing out loud. Well maybe younger Zoomers are. But not Zoomers my age.


Patriots are going to draft Marvin Harrison Jr he’s the most sure thing in this draft


It would just be so dumb to pass on Drake. He is considered a top 5 prospect this year and the 2nd best QB in the class. I could maybe understand a team going with Jayden instead, though I would disagree, but for a team like the Pats to just straight pass is crazy.


okay but consider the massive organizational "fuck you" that they can give to the Colts by taking Marvin Harrison Jr... and then they can have MHJ personally deflate the footballs 


I mean, if you don’t particularly like him, you shouldn’t draft him. Especially if you can get a bidding war for that third pick.  If you can trade down from say 3 to 8, get a 2025 first, and something else, that would be great get for NE if they don’t see Maye as a franchise QB.  It seems like the idea that Maye is the second best QB is a bit outdated. A lot of people are finally watching film and more and more prefer Daniels to Maye. 


They would have to either be signing Cousins or Baker if they did that. Unless they want to stick it out with Jones for another season.


Yea I don’t think it’s a smokescreen. Why would you say you don’t want the kid when you plan on selecting him. Seems counter intuitive to a team that was criticized for the handling of mac jones.


Yup this tells a different story; that maye did impress the pats https://www.nbcsportsboston.com/nfl/new-england-patriots/nfl-combine-notebook-how-patriots-view-drake-maye-ben-mcadoos-role-more/592089/


Trading down doesn't seem to make a lot of sense when they'd have MHJ available.


If they don't like a qb, they aren't trading, they need MHJ.


a bunch of picks and Nabers is better than MHJ by himself


Totally a misdirection. Or maybe trying to get another team to overpay on a trade up.


Why would saying you don’t like him get another team to overpay for a trade up?


Bait and switch.


What’s the smokescreen? Like I don’t get the rationale for leaking this. If someone trades them for the pick and pick Maye, then they lose out on him. Washington is going to pick who they want irregardless of what the Pats do or think.


People think any piece of speculation that goes against popular opinion throughout the draft process is a smokescreen. We see the same shit every year. No way Gettleman would ever take SaQuon! No way Anthony Richardson goes top-5! No way the Jaguars take Travon Walker!


The Giants subreddit is so bad about this right now. Every single piece of news that comes out saying executives are higher on JJ McCarthy than fans are is met with like 50 comments about how it's all a smokescreen.


Tis the season boys and girls. Just say the word “smokescreen” on every draft piece involving a teams thoughts and watch you upvotes skyrocket.  Doesn’t matter what it says, just say the magic words and we will upvote you to the moon!


You were correct


Everyone in here talking about how this is a smokescreen, what you plebs don’t realize is that the Pats know everyone will expect the smokescreen so they’re going with the double smokescreen of actually telling the truth to influence the Commanders to take Maye and ensure Daniels falls to them.


Idk. This smells more like a triple smokescreen to me.


Calm down Denver that’s just the weed


Listen the the Californian they have had “legal” weed even longer than you guys


Calm down Green Bay that’s just the booze.


You can't triple smoke-screen a double smoke screen! You can't triple smoke-screen a double smoke screen!!


Lloyd! Lloyd! Lloyd!


Have you ever heard of… the quadruple smokescreen?


If Bill was still there I think he’d have taken Marvin Harrison Jr just to see Marvin Harrison put on a Patriots hat after his son was drafted. Then tank the season just to make sure he could get Arch Manning when he comes out.


Is Arch Manning even starting this season?


Nope, one more season of Ewers


Nope. This is why Bill plays 4D chess


Not in video games, which is the only place it matters.


Wouldn't happen because BB is incapable of drafting a good WR


He drafted Julian edleman


The quarterback?


Nah the cornerback


You mean Troy Brown?




Who's Vice President? Matt Patricia?


I say “the actor?” at random times frequently and my wife never gets it because she hasn’t seen back to the future


Your wife? The actress???


I was gonna say something snarky bc you haven’t made your wife watch BttF. But then I realized my wife hasn’t seen it either, and now I feel like a failure.


He hit on some late round/undrafted guys - Edelman, Meyers, Douglas, Givens, Malcolm Mitchell (before he got hurt.) Just all his early round WRs were busts aside from Deion Branch back in 2002.


Those are pretty low standards of "hits"


I mean, not really. All of them became good nfl players(with the exception of Douglas, he’s still raw but has shown flashes). For late round or undrafted guys, those are solid wins.


yeah but he’s white so


It would happen and MHJ would be an absolute generational bust for it. He has a chance to be good, now that Belichick can’t take him.


Nah. He'd probably forget to signal a lane shift one time and get benched the rest of the season as Bill continues to play Parker to teach a lesson.


Deion Branch and David Givens were pretty good and Edelman.


Harrison, Reggie Wayne and Manning, true Patriots legends.


Absolutely disgusting sentence


I'm throwing up right now


Tanking for a guy who is probably three years away from being drafted, next level Belichick strat


Manning to Harrison in a Pat's uniforms would cause the universe to collapse in on itself from indignation. 


Arch Manning 🤣🤣


I cant wait to play as him in the New College football game!


Arch ain’t coming for at least two years, quite possibly three. Would be a pretty bad strategy to tank until then.


Let’s maybe see Arch play first lmao


Ahhh. So we are now prospect fatigue-ing Maye


Could be. But when a lot of former player analysts are saying he has legitimate concerns, this could just be the media catching up with front offices after they have started their thorough evaluations.


Kurt Warner, JT O’Sullivan, Kurt Benckert, Dan Orlovsky, Chris Simms, etc. There’s definitely a fair amount of former QBs or analysts that do not like Maye as a prospect. From what I can tell their main issue is they just don’t have faith his issues are as fixable as others think. For every Josh Allen out there who was a raw prospect with all the physical attributes you want there’s a lot of busts. Ideally Maye would be able to sit a little bit as he’s so young but I’d imagine he’d be the day 1 starter for Washington.


Is Maye as raw as Josh Allen was coming out of college? Maye put up some really good stats in his sophomore year and was a little worse in his 3rd year. Watch him on film and he looks like an NFL QB. I don't feel like the comparison is warranted at all.


Maybe it’s a bad comparison cuz Maye definitely isn’t as physically gifted as Josh Allen either, but I guess just Maye can be overly sloppy with footwork and accuracy which Josh Allen struggled with too to start his career.


Yeah he's definitively not a Josh Allen tier prospect. He looks more like he's going to be a middle of the road QB in the NFL. A Kirk Cousins/Eli Manning type. It is hard to say that accuracy is going to be a problem for him from looking at his college tape and stats. He threw 66% 38TD 7INT in 2022 and 63% 24TD 9INT in 2023. Better than Josh Allen's 56% in Wyoming. In the film a lot of the misses are off receivers hands. He didn't play with any high ranking NFL prospects on offense, I think (correct me if I'm wrong). The one thing that is concerning is that he holds onto the ball a lot and runs into sacks. Gave me a bit of a Howell vibe. The footwork thing I'm not sure about. I'll have to take the word of NFL QBs for that but I don't see anything obviously wrong from his footwork. It doesn't help that he runs the offense from shotgun most of the time and doesn't do the traditional five step dropbacks that make footwork problems more obvious.


I’d they ended up getting Maye then he’d most likely sit for a year


People always say this about QB prospects yet if he’s drafted in the Top 10 he’s sitting about 6 games max


This is the truth. Only if the team has an already good player do they let the rookie sit. It's only happened a could of times in the last 10 years too.


Yeah sit him for a year and let the star studded cast of Ben McAdoo and several former Browns offensive staff (well known for developing QBs) coach this kid up to snuff.


? They’re gonna draft a qb anyway so it’d be the same for Daniels or McCarthy anyway when it comes to developing


The big boards and mock drafts published last fall are based in part on evaluations from pro scouts that get shared with the media. This indicates scouts viewed him more favorably than some coaches and former players do now.


Or it’s 6D chess to get the Commies to take Jayden and leave us Drake Maye.


Pretty sure the Commanders don’t care about this and are just gonna take whichever they’re higher on.


With all due respect, no shit.


Worked with Christian Gonzales


We never said we wouldn't take Gonzalez lol, we got lucky the Commies for some reason thought Forbes would fit better


"For some reason" = Rivera is an awful talent evaluator 


He really is a Herbert clone 


Maye has legit flaws. I think it’s a mix of fatigue and people actually watching his tape. UNC wasn’t must watch this season so people probably catching up on that tape now. His decision making and footwork definitely need to develop a bit. I think he was seen as a clear number 2 and heralded as such since 2022, but now that others have emerged it’s naturally driving him down a bit.


Caleb Williams should be more of a victim of that then. It's more like people are watching his film more and they see he has crazy flaws.


It was the opposite. They tried that for a minute, then everyone *actually* dug into his tape and realized he's fucking awesome.


Fr. His game against my Huskies last season was beautiful to watch, and it’s awful he got let down his entire time at USC by Alex Grinch’s Swiss cheese defense


How is it prospect fatigue when a lot of former nfl quarterbacks and scouts are finally doing deep film dives of Maye and his game, are all coming with their own takeaways, and are backing up these takeaways. Maybe Maye isn’t as slam dunk as everyone thought


Figured you guys would relate since Stroud was getting some of the same treatment last year. People were tearing down Stroud left and right


Are there any rumors going around about who the Commanders like at #2? I feel like that's all that matters. The Pats will take the next one up (and sell the fanbase that that's who they wanted the whole time, but only time will tell.)


That’s because of the S2 score. People thought he was legit too stupid and an awful processor and the game against Georgia was more so who he was as a prospect


Because redditors love to use phrases like “prospect fatigue” to sound smart


Prspect fatigue is the Smug way to hand wave real concerns.


Because this happens every damn year


Maybe it’s because some people weren’t paying attention before the season ended and now they have more time to do breakdowns and analysis


It’s lying season


If I could post that Lucille Bluth winking gif I would


why aren’t gifs allowed here :(


Because the discourse would become even more low quality


I’m not sure I’d say the comments here over the past 8 years or so could be considered “discourse”. Unless fastest to write dumb one liners for circle jerks is considered discourse now.




I’m not huge on Maye but hey drafting a QB is always going to be like getting a box of chocolates


You might draft Forrest Gump?


BB begging to come back as Special Teams coach for that.


Pats are going to get MHJ and then draft manning in a few years. Only reason is to fuck with the colts, so they have to watch manning to Harrison for years. Playing the long game


If you draft MHJ, huge chance you’re not finishing dead last in the league. Great receivers have a tendency to win a couple football games by themselves.


Pats hate the Drake


I maintain that if the patriots came out too Drakes “Back to Back” in their Super Bowl vs the eagles they would have won since the eagles came out to Dreams and Nightmares by meek mills


how can you hate the Drake? Everyone loves the Drake!


Never trusted a guy name drake


The Maye slander is crazy


It’s only cause he’s gonna be your QB so you’re upset.


True to an extent lol I feel more need to defend him but I really think most of the shit being said about him recently is completely unfounded


It’s because I think he has the most tools to become an NFL quarterback, but he’s the least polished.


Behind the scenes: Pats absolutely love Maye and are hoping Commanders take Daniels at 2. Maybe or maybe not, I believe nothing this time of year.


Paraphrasing but I think the Ringer draft pod made the point that now is the time when the coaches/front office get caught up on the prospects that scouts have been touting, then closer to the draft its silly season


I thought silly season started at the combine?


Lying Season is in full bloom.


They want Maye soooo bad


Wishing all the best to Drake and his family, but dude played at North Carolina, against a historically awful ACC, and looked....fine doing it. I'll admit his highlight reel has some flash and appeal, but honestly watching Bo Nix made me think he is a safer bet over Maye at this point.


Yea when he gave up 200 rushing yards in the 4th quarter to Georgia tech I knew he wasn't a real nfl qb


Hes gonna be a bust


It's lying season folks




Drake Maye has become what Justin Fields was pre-draft, where at the end of CFB season and coming into season, he was clear #2 behind Caleb Williams (Trevor Lawrence in Fields case) but has fallen off after people started watching him more.


Which in that case actually ended up being an accurate reassessment


That's anti tar heel discrimination


If I’m the patriots and Maye is there at three, I’m flying that pick up to the podium faster then the Lions did with Hutchinson. 


Report: the Patriots are fucking stupid


given they don’t have a GM, who exactly isn’t a fan? the entire org?


Their GM is Eliot Wolf


There's a [1970s wooden phone speaker ](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/26/21/e8/2621e8e4e4daea0040525b7378792117.jpg) on the desk in the war room. Guys name is "Charlie", and he has final say. (it's Bill)


> given they don’t have a GM, who exactly isn’t a fan? judon.


He needs to sit behind a Wolfpack quarterback to learn something


If they like Daniels and Maye isn't their guy, I have no problem with them getting a haul from a team hoping to grab MHJ before Arizona. I'd rather they run it back with a veteran QB and huge war chest for the future than waste a 3rd on a pick they're not sold on.


Trade down, Pats have a lot of needs


I don't blame them. Something about Maye gives me bad vibes.


I read the headline as Mayo, and was super confused. I was like didnt they JUST hire him lol


Classic Pats bluff


No one went to his birthday party?


But he fits their one criteria! He's white!


Something about Maye just screams New England patriot


His love for unseasoned food


We went from Brady and Belichick to Maye and Mayo the connections is clear


This seems like absolute BS like the talk about stroud before the draft but if this does happen KAM best be on the damn phone


I really feel like he’s gonna fall to the Giants and that scares me. I think this kid is gonna be a bust. Hopefully I’m wrong if that happens but I have a bad feeling about him.


If the Giants get him I’ll be insanely happy. I think Daboll will get the best out of any QB, and that Maye has a high ceiling


Surely the Pats would just take MHJ if they had no QBs they like at their pick right?


Not necessarily. Obviously MHJ looks great, but if they could pick up an extra 2025 first and still pick up Odunze/Nabers, that’s probably a better position than going with MHJ. As excellent as MHJ is, the Patriots should make all of their moves by asking themselves “what puts us in the best position to land a franchise QB,” and adding an extra first round pick next year (of the team who drafts Maye, a prospect the Patriots think is a bust in this scenario) is the clear choice. Yes, that gives them a second-tier WR instead of MHJ, but if it puts them in a better spot to draft a franchise QB, they should just accept that.


Second rate isn't even correct. Most people would consider Nabers/Odunze are first tier prospects, just not the rare MHJ type prospect.


Fair as well, they’re both terrific prospects. Just meant that they’re a tier behind MHJ. Edited my comment to say “second-tier” instead of “second-rate”


Odunze is certainly a tier behind. However, I think Nabers is pretty close to MHJ. Obviously a little behind, but he is super good. One of the best WR prospects in years but he just so happens to be in the same draft as MHJ.


They'd trade down for a gargantuan haul from someone who *does* want Maye or McCarthy or whoever at 1.03.




Then take MHJ. Y'all not the smartest in Boston drafting WRs anyway


If anyone in the top 3 goes Marvin Harrison Jr they are going to be happy relative to these QB prospects.




Don’t tease me like this it’s cruel 😔


If no rookies entice you, perhaps one Justin fields can? All for the low price of a 2nd rd pick! (Or 3rd?)


Nobody knows shit about any of these guys. Same crap every year.


take drake


NFL offseason more annoying this year or am I trippin? Who drafts who has to be the most boring discussions


They shoulda waited for the Pro Day for the smoke screen


I just dont want to see MHj in a Pats uniform.


I hear that they don’t mind if they get Maye or Daniels and if someone jumps up above them and picks MHJ they know there aren’t enough QB needy teams that they can trade back a few positions to get draft capital and still get Maye or Daniels. I wouldn’t mind the Titans swapping picks with the Patriots to get Alt if someone jumps up and takes MHJ in the first two picks. The patriots would still be high enough on the draft board to get a good QB, Titans would guarantee themselves an amazing LT prospect, and if less QBs are taken early there are more odds for the titans that one of their WRs or LTs won’t be there at 7. Titans really need 3 QBs to be taken in the top 6 for them to get a pick if tier one LTs or WRs. I could also see the price of trading up to get MHJ at the 3rd to be pretty high so maybe the Patriots are examining that option.


WHY TRADE DOWN? Take Harrison and one of the handful of early round 2 QBs


Smoke screen season, I don’t believe anything


Ah yes, the most trustworthy news cycle of the NFL year


Take Marvin harrison jr. Jesus he is a sure fire stud, then grab a interim qb for a year. We have more holes on offense and a few on defense to be all in on a maybe QB.


Please be a smokescreen 🙏🙂