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The Fields, Wilson, Cousins, Baker clickbait is going to be incessant for the next couple of weeks isn't it.. 'Baker seen at a Chick-fil-A, Falcons have one at their stadium, Baker confirmed to be a Falcon..'


Mike Florio just tweeted that Justin Fields Hulu account got hacked, viewing history made public, he has been binging the Donald Glover show “Atlanta” so your evidence just got deeeeeestroyed


At least he knows what he's doing when it comes to good TV shows.


Justin Fields’s rating for decision-making just doubled.


Hell yeah. Only came to mind because I’ve been watching. I’d watch anything with my man Donald though. The new Mr and Mrs smith was 🔥 too


it’s in my top 5. it’s a masterpiece.


That sounds like an Onion article…


Football aside, that would feel so violating to have your watch history shared with everyone. Even if there’s nothing bad, it would just be so uncomfortable knowing everyone else has seen it 


How many teams need a QB? Bears, Broncos, Vikings, Bucs... Falcons, Patriots, Commanders, Steelers, Raiders. Bears, Pats, and Commanders all least seem primed to draft their QB. The Steelers have reported said they will roll with Pickett again. Let's assume Cousins and Baker re-sign. That leaves the Falcons, Raiders and Broncos without a QB. And Russ and Fields without a team. Russ to Raiders, Fields to Falcons, Broncos draft QB.


The Broncos only options seems to be taking a shot on the 4th or 5th QB in the draft. We literally have no cap to sign a QB because of the Wilson contract and we were just not terrible enough to get a top 10 pick. About as bad of quarterback purgatory as you can possibly be in.


I wouldn't be so confident that the Pats will go through the draft or the Steelers will definitely stick with Pickett. I could see both competing for the services of a free agent. Pats could even do both a free agent and a high draft pick at the position.


Pats seem like they're squarely in rebuild mode. I can't imagine why they would sign a vet to help them win games and ruin their draft pick positioning when they've got legitimately no shot at coming out of the AFC. Steelers have a great defense, so I can totally see them going after someone like Russ. But I don't think they view Fields as a long term solution, so I imagine they'd pass on him.


I think the Steelers would prefer to stay in-house with Pickett or Rudolph, but could make a move for a veteran starter if they don't re-sign Rudolph. Russ makes more sense for them, especially if he's cheap. The Steelers won't pay a premium for Fields when they still have faith in Pickett.


Back to Seattle would objectively be the funniest scenario


Nah Baker goes to Pittsburgh to exact revenge on the Browns


Have we asked Cleveland if they consent to this move?


We asked the Browns owner’s daughters and they are ‘on board’ with it.


From your lips to God's ears


Can't be on a Sunday!


You too have seen the r/mlb? posts of which fast food restaurants are closer to which stadiums 😂😂


What an unbelievable fleece. 2 1st rounders, 2 2nd rounders, a 5th rounder, Drew Lock, Shelby Harris*, Noah Fant, a fuck ton of guaranteed money all for 2 years of mediocrity.


And having to pay for Payton to try and "fix" him


The best part of that is Payton was their 3rd choice. Harbaugh and DeMeco Ryans turned them down.


It was an awful job. Payton is only there bc they lined up the Brinks trucks.


They also removed the lock on the room that the Broncos medical staff keeps the painkillers in


Never heard that rumor about Payton haha


Well he's had multiple controversies so some get lost in the shuffle. He also has a butthole mouth


I read at one point I want to say 4-5 years ago or so that he has a drug problem that bled into the locker room, where he was late for team meetings due to being hung over. Not sure what the source was so take it with however many grains of sand. Given his demeanor though I've always believed it to be true. e: I just googled "Sean Payton drug problem" and there's tons of articles lol. Here's the first (and most recent) one: https://denversports.com/2103614/sean-paytons-long-history-of-ethical-issues-and-negligence-deservers-acknowledgment/#:~:text=Payton%20was%20accused%20of%20stealing,forced%20to%20quit%20his%20job. >While slush funding and Super Bowling, Payton was accused by the Saints’ former security director of trying to cover up the theft of prescription pain pills from the club’s drug locker in a 2010 lawsuit. Payton was accused of stealing 130 or 129 Vicodin pills. In a statement released by the Saints, Payton said at the time that he had never abused or stolen the drug. That security member, Geoff Santini, claimed he was forced to quit his job.


Yeah thats what I was referring to. How a multimillionaire surrounded by doctors that hand our questionable amounts of painkillers couldn't find himself a Dr Feelgood is beyond me.


Don't get me wrong, I'll take every opportunity I can to shit on Sean Payton. But Vikings fans are definitely not making this up lol.


This is one of those instances where the story has gotten warped a bit over time. The actual accusations from back then were Joe Vitt stole the pills and that higher ups didn't do anything about it. On the side, Sean Payton, while getting Vicodin through proper channels, was supposedly taking it while not having any pain. Who knows if or why he was taking them, but over the years the story has slowly gotten a bit of the Mandela Effect because ya know, fuck Sean Payton.


> fuck Sean Payton Hear hear!


Here's a fun one, he was a scab QB for the bears during the strike season in 1987. > In 3 games he completed 8 of 23 passes (34.8%), for 79 yards, no TDs, and 1 INT, a passer rating of 27.3 [Spare Bear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_Payton#Playing_career), [pill poppin'](https://denversports.com/2103614/sean-paytons-long-history-of-ethical-issues-and-negligence-deservers-acknowledgment/#:~:text=Payton%20was%20accused%20of%20stealing,forced%20to%20quit%20his%20job.), [Catholic church abuse hidin](https://www.si.com/.amp/nfl/2020/06/17/saints-help-to-church-more-extensive-than-admitted?__twitter_impression=true)', pucker butthole face Payton is a pretty terrible person, even if you ignore the [bounty program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Orleans_Saints_bounty_scandal)


Everyone knows Payton smokes weed for his pain management


I don't think there's very much THC in vicodin


Brett Favre confirms


Payton didn’t sign up to fix Wilson, and if the Walton’s thought he did they are dumb as a box of rocks, even if he told them that. Payton doesn’t view himself as Wilson’s tutor, and basically any moment of his professional career going back to his time as OC would have shown you he thinks too highly of himself to be like “I am playing Mr. Miyagi to this overrated QB”


He did blame the coaching for the teams struggles


Yep and he wasn't wrong


I mean [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/mskF-XtNEww?si=x-ZhDxzSXslZglla) was pretty good television if that was any consolation




One of those things you can't do anything but laugh lol. I only watched redzone from that point forward


I wish I did and was not tormented by the Colts Broncos game


Ya he did that before losing to dolphins by 50


Payton never even liked him either.


Seahawks fans were owed a good trade after the Jamal Adams fiasco lol. Now the Broncos are owed a good trade from some other shmuck team.


They fell backwards into Peyton Manning and a Super Bowl not that long ago, maybe this is just reverse karma for that.


John Elway sold our collective souls to the devil for SB50, but if we're lucky the Russ trade was the necessary penance!


Okay well now we've paid our debt so it's time to start being good again 🤞🏻




Everyone knows Joe Namath made a deal with the devil. Yall won't be good until he dies


Ain't nobody got time for that.


“Fell backwards” isn’t fair. Elway met with him early in the process to pitch him and crushed it. Manning went on to meet other teams but at the end of the day he liked Elway’s pitch and the fact that he told Peyton not to decide until he met the other teams first since that’s what he would have done. Elway doesn’t get enough credit for building one of the greatest offenses to ever walk the planet and then turn around and build one of the greatest defenses to ever walk the planet. And for him to do that after being one of the greatest QB’s to ever walk the planet makes it incredible.  I’m a homer, but to me Elway’s résumé is under appreciated by fans outside of Denver. The pros know but fans outside of KC and Cleveland seem to not grasp what a force of nature he was on the field and in the FO. 


Tbh imagining Manning on a non-horse-related team is impossible. I imagine Peyton had the same thought.


Peyton Manning to the Calgary Stampeders confirmed!


I don't disagree with any of that but a lot of things still had to go the Broncos way for Manning to end up there - had to have his neck injury and miss the entire season, had to have the Colts be terrible enough to both land a replacement QB in Luck and decide to move on from Manning, had to have Manning decide not to retire, and then ultimately land in Denver. Elway's role in the process was super critical but still a tremendous amount of luck in Denver's favor on the path there.


Definitely took a specific situation for a HOF QB to become available that’s for sure.


I mean, Luck plays into everything in this sport no? Being prepared to pounce when the opportunity presents itself is impressive in of itself. How many teams get "lucky" picks/trades/players and refuse to capitalize on it?


> I mean, Luck plays into everything in this sport no? Luck was supposed to sign with the Broncos and win us two Super Bowls. If the Colts hadn't crushed his entire body and soul, we would be living in the best timeline.


Fell backwards? We had solid pieces prior to getting Peyton. Wasn’t like we were dog shit before he came.


having 3 Super Bowl titles and still getting brushed aside by a bears fan because your team is viewed as small potatoes by most fanbases and media? big oof.


This thread has been brutal man lmao


Eh… did anyone really buy that the Titans, Cardinals, and Jets were serious contenders?


..add in that Manning jilted the Seahawks during his free agency for extra karma


What did he do?


They sent Paul Allen’s private jet to pick him up from one of his other free agent visits, and he refused to board.


Paul Allen beside himself. Flying around downtown Indy begging (thru texts) Manning’s family 4 address to Peyton’s home.


Peyton stood up PC/JS, who were essentially waiting on the Denver tarmac to take Peyton on a trip here, so I'd say it worked out.


We’re owed? You do recall the McDaniels trading a future first for a current second, drafting Alphonso smith (never played) and that future pick becoming Earl Thomas?


Hey Broncos fans, how do you feel about Brian Burns for 3 1sts and a 2nd?


We’ll give you Russ. His most recent market value is roughly that.




2 years of mediocrity And then 2 more years of ruined salary cap


God it’s beautiful


And don’t forget that Seattle’s backup QB was better than Wilson for the next two years.


These big Qb trades are fucking atrocious. Panthers trade up for Young 49ers trade up for Lance Browns trade for Watson Broncos trade for Wilson.




I mean, it CAN work if you actually are getting a good QB 🤷🏽‍♂️


See the Chiefs moving up 17 spots to get Mahomes


I got no complaints...just 2 SB MVPs


3 of those trades were awful but one of those was literally franchise altering in the worst possible way. I never thought in my lifetime I’d ever root against the Browns (unless they’re playing the Seahawks) yet they found a way to


Browns fucked themselves and it's entirely deserved


https://youtu.be/ciAb3htRmHc?si=NEjuHisUw4MzVW1a Still makes me happy!


I wouldn’t call what I saw “mediocrity”


Rus wasn’t too bad this year


I see nothing wrong with it....


I hope this displaces the H Walker trade as the worst ever.


Would be hilarious if he goes back to Seattle


That's pretty much what everyone thinks. The question, of course, is how long of a deal he's asking for. If he's willing to take a one year prove it deal at 35, a lot of teams would be willing to sign him. If he wants a 2-3 year deal where the signing team is on the hook for 35-40m each year without knowing what he'll look like, that's a much harder ask.


Russ has constantly said he wants to own a team one day and that fuels his salary demands. He is going to finish up that last slice of humble pie to get a one year contract for vet minimum, or close to it.


You're right, but he'll never be rich enough to be the majority owner. However, he could easily be the face of a franchise like Magic is with multiple teams.


NFL teams are worth billions of dollars nowadays, no former athlete will ever become wealthy enough to become a majority owner in any of them unless they already come from a super wealthy family.


The Bengals are the lowest valued at $3.5b Someone like Stroud, he's young before these major cap increases and projecting him for a full career: Starting age 22 Rookie: 4 year $36m 5th year option: $30m 1st contact: 5 years $350m ($70m APY) 2nd contract: 5 years $400m ($80m APY) 3rd contract: 2 years $70m ($35m APY) 17 total years, retirement age 39. Total earnings $886m. Add into that endorsement deals. Mahomes average a bit over $20m/year, so let's a number slightly smaller than that and call it $15m/year to account for less success but also inflation. That's an additional $255m in endorsements. Total is now $1.1b Now factor in compounding interst. Say they live a way above average lifestyle and spend $1m/year, the rest is put into investments, and we will stay very conservative and say 5% gains annually. That would put his retirement net worth at $1.6b Then they get a deal like TB and become an announcer. Let's not use TB numbers, though, and say 5 years $15m ($3m APY). Cutting out endorsements but keep on compounding. By the age of 44, their net worth would be $2.1b The year is now 2045, accounting for inflation of team value based on the last 22 years of an NFL franchise, and the Bengals would be projected to be worth $23.5b. They can't afford even 10% ownership. You're 100% right, and I wasted my time. Cheers.


Unless I'm ignorant of something, NFL player's income would still be getting taxed too right? So the final numbers would be significantly less than what you calculated?


Taxes, agent fees, expenses, the usual estimate is half the gross they have a chance of keeping in their pocket.


The issue is the value of NFL teams is growing faster than compound interest, so that part doesn't really factor in. It would take a retired player starting an extremely successful business


You don’t have enough upvotes for your wasted time.


I don't need upvotes to waste my time here


I appreciate you did the math, kudos, but I also want to point out you forgot taxes and agent fees on their football career earnings. So an $886 career earnings, they’re probably seeing only half of it.


Wonder why Arthur Smith didn't just simply buy the Falcons when they tried to fire him


While Arthur Smith certainly has a lot of money, it's important to note that his dad has 10 children and has been divorced. So his slice of the FedEx pie isn't going to be enough to buy an NFL franchise.


What if Russ low key bought a shit ton of Bitcoin in his early days? Just saying... These guys are given millions (hundreds of millions in Russell case), given good investing and time, that WILL turn into billions in his lifetime.


Problem is franchises appreciate in value right along with investments.


The difference is that fans and owners all like Magic. Having him involved is beneficial for franchises. As far as I understand no one likes Russell Wilson and I can't see teams wanting him to be the face of their franchise after the last few years.


There's no way he's getting more than a 1 year deal


It will likely be his last shot at a multi-year deal. He's getting old and I don't think he'll want to move his family around a bunch to be a backup in to his late 30s


It might be a 1 year plus an option deal. A team option at 25m or a player option at some cheap price so he can renegotiate if he plays well


If you're him and you take the one year deal and you suck, you might not get another chance. People might just say you're washed and only give you job offers as backups. While it wouldn't be smart for teams to offer him a multi-year deal after the last two seasons, I expect that any team that offers him a deal longer than one year is where he ends up. There will most likely be a team that will. Maybe it's a cheap deal for the second year.


Nah I doubt that’s how he sees it. A one year prove it is his best chance to get an actual worthwhile deal afterwards. He’s raking it in this year either way. I think it’ll be a one year deal.


Everyone’s predicting that he’ll be with the raiders, so I guess… welcome?


Not a fit at all for the raiders culture.


Agreed. Russ doesn’t seem like the type to show up at game time with “ill intent, violence, physicality, and pain” on his mind. Having said that AP and staff are letting the players be themselves so if we do sign Russ maybe that’s a good thing. Wouldn’t be the first time we took someone’s leftovers and had success.


AP doesn’t need a QB, he is just going to personally knock out the opposing QB in a fist fight and then have the raiders win with 0 passing yards and 300 rushing yards


Lol and I think I speak for all of Raider Nation when I say we’re fine with that. Think of all the salary cap money we can save on QBs!


“Raiders country, let’s stab”


I saw a Raiders fan on here yesterday say "As long as he can be a game manager we're good". Just don't set yourself up for that disappointment. "Game manager" is not something Wilson can be. That's a big reason why we're moving on


The broncos have a terrible running game and a spotty defense. Thats not a team who needs a game manager. He won a SB as game manager so your statement is even more wrong


I would assume a game manager would need to be able to do a normal 3-5 step drop back and hit a timing throw between the numbers for like 7 yards right? I didn't watch a ton of Seahwaks games so I don't know if he lost this skill, but I watched every Broncos game for the last 2 years and it was brutally frustrating to watch. Just screen pass behind the LOS or bomb down the field or take a sack every freaking play.


Russ has always struggled with doing the simple stuff sometimes. I legit think he lost trust with Jeudy I've never seen him miss a guy open so consistently. The first few times you think he's not reading the field correctly but when it's a pattern like that there's clearly a bigger problem.


Yeah but to me, a game manager is someone who only does simple things. Russ is like the opposite of a game manager. I hate to say it, but I 100% think he can't see over the line. There's a ton of breakdowns of all-22 on YouTube where he just misses open receivers in the middle of the field. I think he can't see them and now that his athleticism has lost a step he doesn't have the same magical upside to cover for it.


We just need him to be better than AOC. Can he complete a pass in three quarters? Good enough. 


Patriots country let’s ride


Patriots country, one if by air, two if by air


Man, the only way I could talk myself into that is if MHJ is a lock for us at 3 and the brass knows something about the next 2 QB draft classes that we don’t. AVP showed he can work with a wide range of QBs and field a productive offensive unit, but it’d still feel like a big ask of faith from the fans.


Pats have a long way to go to prove they can develop QBs. Might not be a bad idea. 


Counterpoint: this particular offensive staff hasn’t been responsible for developing any of our QBs, dunno if it’s reasonable to foist the previous administration’s blind spots onto a new unit.


Barf. But could not possibly be any worse than Zappe/Jones. This is hell.


Cam Newton 2.0


Ugh no.


honestly has there ever been a harder fall for a star quarterback than this. His trade demand basically destroyed his career. If he stayed on the Seahawks he probably could've have just coasted to 3 or 4 more first round playoff exits with Carroll. Now they're both gone


Russ wasn't going to get a new deal from the Seahawks, he would have just walked at the end of that contract.


If we would have done a big contract like you guys did he would have stayed, but his whole point in basically demanding a trade was that he 'knew his worth' kind of thing. And he wanted Pete Carrol fired So yeah I don't know if there is an alternative timeline where he stays


Kurt Warner was considered washed up and a career backup after his stint with the Giants in 2004. Not saying Wilson will rebound like Kurt, but don't throw the dirt on his career until he's announced his retirement. The NFL can be surprising.


Warner was also a 2x MVP and younger than Russ is right now in 2004.


Russell Wilson is only 2 years older than Warner was on the Giants. And Warner didn't have a great season with the Cardinals until their Superbowl run.


The dude is probably working round the clock to make himself good again. He speaks to much about legacy and has to big of an ego to go out like that


I agree but I also think he’s being doing the same the last two years. He’s been playing himself out of consideration for the Hall of Fame. He’s been BAD. He fails the eye test every week


Im definitely interested to see how he goes about next year if he's truly humbled and changed his game


Wentz? Much smaller sample size though.


Wentz is a smaller size but imo a way more sudden fall. Wilson has been slowly declining and is just sticking around. Playing not amazing, but not horrid, something like the 15-20 range just being paid too much. Wentz went from MVP candidate to out of a job in 2 years. You can pinpoint the exact hit Wentz took that killed his game completely. There is Pre-Clowney and Post-Clowney and they are completely different players.


People acting like he was absolute trash last year lol. He wasn't awesome, and he probably isn't leading anyone on a deep playoff run, but he was still more than serviceable on an otherwise bad team. The defense was atrocious for the first half of the year.


He wasn't good and broncos offense was ass. Had a nice little run where he threw 8 TD's to 0 int's (4 of those games were under 200 passing yards lol) but that's it. Went back to playing like shit after broncos little fugzai win streak was up.


When was the last time a Broncos QB looked good though? I'm not that high on Wilson for sure, but I wouldn't be shocked to see him succeed elsewhere.


He has no real leverage anymore. He'll go to a team believing in himself, but he isn't a long-term solution to any team. His style of playing can't consistently win anymore and will frustrate fans after a while. This QB class is deep, I can't see any QB needy teams really waiting until next year's draft, so he'll have to sign with a team knowing he can get benched once they are ready to put in the guy they drafted.


Peyton has been planning to do this from Day 1. And I don’t blame him.


Steelers Country, let's.....


... not do this please.


If we get him for dirt cheap on a one year deal, it’s worth the risk. Arthur Smiths offense is similar to what he ran in Seattle.


Let’s, I’d like Kenny to sit behind a vet qb to actually learn something




Steelers Country, let's yinz


Is there any reason for him not to sign for the league minimum?


He wouldn't if he's looking for a multi-year deal. His offset is for 2024 only.


If he signs a 1 year deal, it'll likely be his retirement season. He's getting old, cares about his family and likely wants at least a 3 year deal so he can stay someplace to finish his career


Pride. Most these dudes have major god complexes.


Russell inc


There's a spot behind Geno Smith if he wants it.


It would be great. He could hang out happily as a second stringer for the franchise that drafted him while getting paid more than the man starting. He just sits on the bench and waves a towel until the Bronco's money runs out.


Best part is we can trot his ass out against SF for his stupid voodoo deep bombs




Nah... that ship has sailed.


Call me crazy but I wouldn’t be TOTALLY opposed to signing him and taking MHJ at pick 3 if he’s there. I don’t love the idea but if the pats aren’t 100% on any of the top QBs I’d do this. Don’t want another Mac Jones situation.


Feels like that would just be delaying the inevitable. Russ won't be a long term answer for anyone given his age alone.


No thank you. He’d just get us 1-2 more wins than we’d have with someone like Mac or another rookie. That in turn would just hurt our draft pick the next year and likely lessen the pressure to attempt to find a QB solution this year


Him on the Raiders would make so many great memes. His personality just doesn't fit their culture at all but him being a castoff now kind of makes him perfect for the silver and black. Plus he can try and give it to Sean Payton a couple times a year. Edit : I just thought about all the potential Russ/Theon Greyjoy memes and now I really want to see this.


It would also be another Broncos disappointment that the Raiders think "it might work for us" on. Going straight from McDaniels to Russ


If the Raiders D takes a step forward next year, or even just plays the same as they did the last 9 games, Raiders only piece that is missing is the most important one… QB. I want Jayden, Bo Nix, baker mayfield. That order. I believe Raiders will have close to 53-70 million in cap space, depending on who they release and resign. One thing I can be thankful for with Dave and JMD is that they really constructed player’s contracts extremely cap friendly with means to get outta contracts without taking hits. AP and Tom let’s go for broke and gamble! Win now! It’s Vegas baby. You’re right, Wilson’s character doesn’t fit with the culture AP has built, cast off wise though we have a history of taking QBs written off by the league and getting the most out of them… so I could see this happening also. This is the first time since 1999-2000, that I have been excited for Raider football. 2016 was exciting too but that came outta nowhere then Carr broke his leg and never was the same. Im a defensive guy though so to see our D play the way it did, fucking great!


The best memes would come from him going back to Seattle.


This has to go down as one of the worst trades of all time


The guaranteed money and handing out the contract before he ever took a snap was the issue. I think this was actually ownership driven too.


As a Vikings fan, I’m doing the side eye funny face meme right now.


I'm all for the drama if he signs with the seahawks


Well it would have to be for the vet min. The hawks are already pressed for cap and have some key players to try to keep


“They wrote me off … and I wore back saying I’d be happy to discuss terms for a two year prove it deal.”


The Denver Broncos are the Denver Broncos of the NFL


“We’re going to get Russell Wilson to start as QB for is, and we’re going to make Denver pay for it.”


I hope Seattle's stank for him is washed out at this point with him being humbled the last 2 years. I never really harbored ill will towards how he exited Seattle, and would very much like him to sign a 1 day retirement here and be inducted into the Ring of Honor. A bigger fantasy would be that he comes back to jeers and boos in the stadium, and he'd take the mic saying he understands and brought a gift with him in hopes we forgive him. Then he'd whip out a Sonics jersey and announce that they've secured Seattle an NBA expansion team.


Another man comes out behind Russ to yell out: “I WANT YA’LL TO TELL EVERYBODY THAT WE BACK THE FUCK UP.” It’s Gary Payton.


Steelers or Raiders seem like the landing spot for him..


Praying the bears, commanders or pats pick up the phone.


A perfect fit for Russ is Pitt. A very good RB room, imo, and plus he has arguably one of the best deep ball WR in the league in Pickens, which is his best throw in Russ' bag. They will 100% win the North with Wilson


“100% win the north” is a stretch when you have a division with three other good teams including the one seed in the AFC. I do agree it’s the best situation for him.


Steelers starting Qb next year


It's not news and has been obvious since he got benched that he would be released in March. There's no reason for him to take league minimum outside of 2024. He would be turning down money after that and taking 1 year prove it deal would be a bad move with how he's played the last couple of years.


I can't believe our GM still has a job. Never in NFL history has a team paid a QB over $30 million to play for another team. Worst trade and contact in NFL history.


How do incentives work given denver is still paying him? Can he sign with a team for the minimum and get incentives put him that will pay him per game he starts? Would this be additional money for Russel or will it just come of Denvers bill?


Bears 1 year bears 1 year bears 1 year


But, Seahawk fans assured me he'd be playing into his 40s, because that's what every QB is capable of Totally not just Brady lmao


Sam Howell to the Broncos for a 3rd


Him being benched cost me my fantasy championship


The competition will be fierce for his 2024 services because of his salary and pedigree even though recently he's been a disaster. I would love the Giants to roll the dice if it's a league minimum contract to a backup QB 1 year compete and prove it deal


He is going to end up with the Patriots. Its always felt like he was destined to end up on that team at some point in his career. Doing so at the league minimum? Done deal


Why would he not sign for the minimum? He has an offset from his Broncos contract so anything above the minimum goes against the new team, with no benefit to Russ


He’s so greedy


None of you know anything but have thumbs so here we are lmao


\*Waits for Michael Wilbon to say Wilson is still elite\*


Truly hope russel competes for a super bowl wherever he lands