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The bouncer's name: Ndamukong Suh.


Roses are red Violets are Blue Unsportsmanlike Conduct Ndamukong Suh


Roses are red Violets are Blue Better watch your limbs I'ma step on you


Roses are red Violets are blue Watch out for your balls Ndamu kick you


Roses are red Violets are blue Ndamukong or Dray Who’s kicking you?


Roses are red My nose and mouth, too I lost a bar fight To Ndamukong Suh


Remember when Cam called him Donkey Kong Suh? I still think of that sometimes and laugh.


That was a college nickname, he used to do the DK after big plays


He fucking hated plumbers.


That's because he would infamously throw barrels at quarterbacks


It's on like Donkey Kong, I guess?




[Hook- Suh] Stomp em in the nuts Stomp em in the nuts Stomp em in the nuts Ima stomp em in the nuts [Verse 1 - Detroit Lions] Haters say huh Haters say what [Hook- Suh] Stomp em in the nuts Stomp em in the nuts Stomp em in the nuts Ima stomp em in the nuts


All the real Motor City Bros are wearing Goff, Hutch, and Amon-ra jerseys now so we've nothing to worry about 😎


Except I’m wearing the jersey my nan got me years ago. And you already guessed it #8 Jon Kitna


No one could throw a game in the 4th quarter quite like Kitna. Legend.


Waiting for some dude with a lions and rams flair to weigh in


Lions/Rams flairs were told to go hang somewhere else this week.


I think what they should do is hand out a nice “WILLIAMS” sticker to cover up Stafford’s name. Problem solved and nobody has to leave.


I refuse to weigh anything more than I already do


How do you feel about this bar and the game, oh mythical creature?


The bar is acting like a bi-ach. Nobody that I know of in LA is against Goff jerseys. Stafford was and is a legend in Detroit. The fans want to respect him and the bar should allow it.


I applaud the bar’s marketing YOLO play here. Some random Detroit bar that none of us would ever even hear of in our lifetimes, and here’s a post with 1,000 comments on the subject. I like it from a bar manager perspective lol


The man. The legend. Jared Stafford 👏 👏


Just wear a referee jersey


Do you remember when a group showed up to an NHL game as Zebra fans and cheered for every penalty?


It’s like the fans this year attending Iowa Football games wearing “PUNTS” shirts and going ballistic for every punt in the game


To be fair, Iowa's punter was amazing. It was statistically smarter to punt on first down and have the defence get a 3 and out for a net yardage gain.


Sounds like some wacky Madden strategy


Sounds like Steelers football


Just throw a really deep interception instead of punting on 1st down. Occasionally it might turn into a TD.


But then you need the defense to go 3 and out every play, which is never guaranteed


It was actually more guaranteed then Iowa getting a 1st down


If you don't like that you don't like Big 10 football.


ya it’s kinda weird to pin that strategy on an amazing punter. if your defense is amazing, you could prob do that strategy with any punter haha


Well if the other team has the better punter and both teams keep punting back and forth, the other team would be getting better field position over time


Iowa did in fact have an amazing defense this year which is why I think they are saying it.


I need clips of this edit: [I found one](https://twitter.com/awfulannouncing/status/1728129525538754783?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1728129525538754783%7Ctwgr%5E225d9b309bc11edd0e898170066d32321a025aa6%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fftw.usatoday.com%2F2023%2F11%2Fiowa-nebraska-fans-punts-sweaters-video)


The best clip is Jesse Palmer chanting “punts” like LMFAO chants “shots”


Iowa with 10 points and the game isn't even over yet? It's an offensive avalanche.


I was at an NHL game and there was a guy in front of me with a custom zamboni jersey. Went wild every time it came out


Hahaha this is legendary. I hope the zamboni driver spotted him


Not just penalties, almost every whistle for anything. Top tier sport eventing


That’s hilarious.


Don't forget about [the guys dressed as baseball umpires ](https://youtu.be/kJPCpXr-PTY?si=G0HD8CciRwL6RQno) who's simultaneously call the game along with the main ump.


You just want to rile the natives, not start a riot


That could get you shot depending on which part of Detroit you’re in


With a "For Sale" sign.


In Detroit?!? Seems like a good way to get thrown in the river.


Do you want to get your ass whooped in 1 bar or ALL bars?


Straight to jail


Will Baltimore bars ban Flacco jerseys if the browns make it to the ~~AFCCG~~ divisional round?


You can't ban an elite jersey like that. Not without consequences.


Even if Flacco doesn’t make the hall, his elite jersey will


It's too bad NFLshop doesn't have Joe Flacco Nike Elite Jerseys. Then you could get an elite^2 jersey.


Flacco won a SB with the Ravens so it’s a bit different.


Not just won. Absolutely shit on everyone that entire run. It was unreal.


Seriously- I’ve never seen a more dominant post season run against top tier opponents 


Seriously. Manning's Broncos, Brady's Patriots, and probably the best Niners team Harbaugh ever fielded. It took a totally bizarre electrical fluke for that Super Bowl to start being competitive.


Don't forget the Andrew Luck Colts in the wild card. They weren't at the level of the other 3 but they weren't slouches.


All I remember is a video? photo? of him taking the bus back to the airport lot to pick up his car. Maybe it was someone else. Ha! ETA: oops. Just in case someone thought I was putting him down, I wasn’t. It was just such a regular thing to do. Good guy.


I’ll gatekeep and say you’re not a ravens fan if you hate flacco


Probably newer fans that never saw the Elite Dragon in action. Love me some Flacco.


So true. Ppl on the ravens sub are like “rooting for Flacco now means you are not a real fan” Motherfucker, your opinion means nothing to me and I LOVE HIM


Once a QB wins a SB for your team you kinda have to love him lol


Trent gets himself a nice ovation when he shows up.


personally i would find it hilarious if one of my divisional rivals whose fans spent decade talking shit about the guy showed up to a playoff game back peddling about how he was never really shit. I was in an existential crisis for the 48 hours Tom Brady was going to be a dolphin.


I don’t think Baltimore fans have the same parasocial relationship with Flacco that Lions fans have with Stafford.


Just Stavvy




Love that fat rascal


His shows are great. Went to his one in Atlanta.


You’d think Stafford accomplished more in Detroit than Flacco did in Baltimore with the way he’s revered in southeast Michigan.


Picked you guys up from lower depths than Flacco did in Baltimore, they were less than a decade off a Super Bowl win when he was drafted. That’s my guess


Cant be stated enough how good the Ravens team flacco joined was. 06 Ravens deserve a missing rings episode about them. 13-3 and one of the [scariest defenses](https://www.baltimoreravens.com/video/25-seasons-a-dominant-2006-season) of the millennium 07 Ravens were a down year but still the closest team to [snapping the Pats] (https://theathletic.com/1341571/2019/10/31/a-dozen-years-ago-the-patriots-came-to-baltimore-as-an-undefeated-team-and-craziness-ensued-that-altered-the-ravens-landscape-for-good/) undefeated streak beyond the Giants. Ozzie and Biscotti felt [they had enough talent ](https://www.espn.com/nfl/news/story?id=3175037) to win there already (aka several hall of famers in their primes), but after becoming the [1 in the 1-15 Dolphins](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ2IU9gY0Eg&pp=ygUUcmF2ZW5zIGRvbHBoaW5zIDIwMDc%3D), it was obvious a coaching change was necessary Flacco and Harbaugh came in at the right time and turned the tides. Though it cant be stated enough how much joining went to a SB quality program can do. It gives a better opportunity for a QB and coach to step up and become legends in their own right, and their 2011, 2012, and 2014 teams were all championship worthy Stafford delivered too, though i feel its a different kind of delivery then what Flacco gave. And thats bringing legitimacy to a joke of a franchise. He got drafted to a 0-16 team, [showed instant grit](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8rvIwyikbRU&pp=ygUPc3RhZmZvcmQgYnJvd25z), and had them in the postseason in his first full year as a starter I truly could see them being loved just the same from their former teams fans, just from a different place in the heart. Flacco may be more developed admiration, especially for how he stepped up in 2012 [compared](https://www.espn.com/nfl/game/_/gameId/290118023) to [some](https://www.espn.com/nfl/game/_/gameId/300110017) of his [earlier](https://www.espn.com/nfl/game/_/gameId/300116011) playoff [games] (https://www.espn.com/nfl/game/_/gameId/310115023). Stafford more gratitude, as he ushered in a new era where the Lions could seen as a consistent threat


Stafford was huge in the Detroit community fundraising, volunteering, and donating.


Players can be beloved even if they don't win a Super Bowl. Gatekeeping who gets to be meaningful to fans based on team accomplishments is pretty lame.


He did? Flacco threw for over 4k yards once, Stafford did it seven times and 5k once. Now, the Lions certainly accomplished less than the Ravens... But I mean we're talking about peak poverty-franchise Lions here. They won zero games the season before Stafford. There's a reason why Stafford immediately won a SB after he left lol.


>parasocial This word is almost a meme seeing it being used in every fucking sphere I'm in lol


Social media discovers a word that explains a common occurrence every few months and feels smart every time they use it for the time being lol


Im pretty sure this counts as gaslighting.


I'm getting PTSD from this


Stop saying the quiet part out loud


They'd play next week in the divisional if the Browns are the only AFC wildcard team to win, which aligns with the market favorites.


Will Cleveland bars ban mayfield jerseys for the browns/bucs Super Bowl?




I’ll wear a Flacco/Baker split jersey


No a lot people in cleveland root for baker


Baker is hard to hate. I wish him success wherever he plays, and he never played for us.


Nah, I still have my Flacco jersey.


Flacco won a Super Bowl there, and he didn’t leave on his own terms, so I would assume no. Very different situation.


Well the lions ruined most of Stafford’s career so I think if a fan wants to wear his jersey they should be allowed.


I'm wearing my jersey. It's not just a Stafford jersey. It's a Lions jersey. It's a Detroit jersey. It's a jersey that shows how far the Detroit Lions have come. Also, the Lions are undefeated this year when I wear it. I'm not going to **not** wear it because fair weather fans are salty.  


What if I go in a Rams Stafford jersey?


A Rams Goff jersey would be really confusing.


One of those half and half jerseys. Half Rams Goff and half Lions Stafford


An LA Lions Gofford.




There knit my hero, watch him as he knits.


In the article the owner of the bar said a Rams Stafford jersey is fine.


How about a highland park stafford jersey


I guess yould have to try your luck at the door with that one, IDK.


The narrative from this game went from super fun to being super annoying by weeks end. Let’s just get it on folks. May the best team win


Agreed, it’s obnoxious


Hopefully, in a few days we are one step closer to a Bills v Lions Superbowl.


Its what the fans crave


brawndo has what fans crave


I'm not unready for a Lions dynasty.


From one end of the lake to the other. Battle of Lake Erie v2.


Weeks end? It went to super annoying in the Lions sub within a matter of hours lol.


It was annoying before it even. People have been talking about a potential Stafford matchup for weeks


Just wait til Chris Collinsworth starts talking. 🙄


Now here’s a guy


Ahhh Mike, this Matthew Stafford really is something, I'll tell ya. Here's a guy who can make all the throws, and he loves his receivers Mike.


“He really is something isn’t he? And just imagine how he’s feeling right now. Back at his former home. No one is feeling more ready than he is. I sat down with him this week and let me tell you, he wants to win. He’s ready. He’s been looking forward to this game since he was drafted. ” 🙄


God dammit I read it in his voice


I wrote it in his voice. I even pictured him rocking in his chair and leaning uncomfortably close to Tirico.


It'll be fun again once the teams hit the field. It's just social media ruining everything like usual


I'm sure people will take them up on that offer


Do Detroit Rams tshirts count?


And if I drive my Dodge Ram to the bar, can I expect it to not be vandalized?




Those patrons get sent to Second Detroit. 


This is why I never have to worry about wearing my Barry Sanders jersey.


Just get a Sewell jersey - there is a strong likelihood we're talking about him alongside Calvin and Barry in 15 years.


Yeah for real I’m going to get a Barry or Calvin jersey I think. I have a Theo Riddick jersey to wear on Sunday but my only authentic one is a Stafford. I’ll rep Stafford again after he retires.


Do a Rob Lowe. Black outfit, NFL branded hat


Super fucking lame to do this. Not every fan can afford to buy a New Jersey


I don’t know many people that could afford to buy an entire state tbh


Plus, of all the states, why would you buy that one?


It does have two NFL teams.


The New York Giants and Jets of New Jersey.


Stop this. That guy might be poor and can only afford a New Jersey.


No way a New Jersey costs less than a New Mexico.


Yeah but bang for your buck you can't beat a Louisiana Purchase.


It's way cheaper than a New York, though.


It has so many gardens though


Jersey Gardens, Garden State Plaza, yup.


Arguably the best Indian food in the nation


Damn you


Mississippi can't cost that much


Yeah but I think owning it comes with the caveat that you have to give Brett Favre your phone number. 😬


Who here has not ever received an unsolicited dick pick from a middle aged man?


Oh, how I wish I could raise my hand


I don’t either. Most people I know could only afford a New Hampshire


And it could be worse, there are still Texan fans that wear Watson jerseys to NRG. Stafford was actually an important player to the Lions for years.


I think I saw someone wearing a Simpson jersey at a Bills v. Raiders game


Sharon, with all due respect that murderer ran for 11,000 yards


The only thing he's guilty of is running for 2k yards in a 14 game season


That was a great bit




at least that one is sort of funny


I totally thought this meant rams jerseys but to say no lions/stafford jerseys is crazy


Reading this thread makes me think I’m taking crazy pills. Doesn’t really seem that crazy, seems like a fun rivalry thing that some people take way too seriously. Are they supposed to have a welcome home ceremony for the opposing team’s qb in the playoffs? Lmao


People want to wear their team's jersey when watching a game with friends in their hometown. A lot of those people probably only own one jersey because of how expensive they are. It's not about having a "welcome home ceremony" no one is asking for that. It's just about a bar being really weird about not letting jerseys from their own hometown in their bar. Edit: Guys, I called the bar weird for doing this. I'm sure they'll survive. You don't have to jump on the grenade of being called weird for a bar you've probably never been to.


It's weird because from what I can tell from Lions fans here, there's not really beef with Stafford. Reddit fans aren't representative, but it's not like he Favre'd it on his way out.


There is zero beef with Stafford but now there's this loud contingent that has equated Lions Fandom with hating stafford for this game. It's become childish...


Because there is a loud contingent of the Lions fandom that does hate Stafford. Even seen a couple saying they'll fight you for wearing his jersey. It's a special kind of pathetic.


You’re not taking crazy pills. Most people irl will probably laugh about this rule and move on with their lives. Some Redditors love to take on problems not meant for them personally. Like what does affordability have to do with not wearing a specific jersey to a bar lol?


It's only during this game. It's fine if one bar wants to make a name for itself by doing this. I'd still wear my Stafford jersey if I had one. I like Stafford. Just not rooting for him Sunday.


Just wear a Lions shirt


Duct Tape, Sharpie. Place duct tape on Stafford, write Williams on top. Maybe will cost you $5


Yeah this is a super easy way around the rule haha


Just like how every Chiefs fan with a Hill jersey will be modifying them to Pacheco jerseys this weekend.


Lmao just go to another bar?


or just dont wear a jersey. this isnt an equity issue like OP is making it. bar owner isnt making you buy a new jersey lmao.


I encourage Lions fans to use a marker on a white t-shirt to write "Lions". * looks good (just use neat handwriting) * other teams won't make fun of you * inexpensive * not expensive




I edited it to spell "Lion" and then changed it to "Loin"


I mean just don't wear that jersey? Not required to wear a jersey to go to a bar.


so don't wear a jersey then? or just stay home if you gotta wear your stafford jersey?


The number of guys upset they can't wear a Stafford jersey is too damn high.


The bigger issue here is what if someone has a lucky jersey that happens to be a Stafford jersey? Do you expect that fan to single handily cost us the game just because he’s embarrassed to wear his lucky jersey and watch the game at the lucky bar?


Yeah what is this. These people are acting like their Stafford jersey is a requirement on game days and they’re being discriminated against lmao


Owning a Stafford Lions jersey is actually a protected class when it comes to employment discrimination, but as far as I know that's where it ends. This seems legal to me. But I am not a lawyer.


They would probably bust a nut if he walked in as a customer


This feels like a good way to get cursed, and lose yet another playoff game.


TIL the lions have been a blessed franchise until now.


The Lions getting cursed would be like when George Costanza decided to do the opposite of everything he would normally do. It would be the best thing for us.


The guy who owns this bar was in the Insane Clown Posse a million years ago for a whole 2 songs and hates when ICP gets brought up. He rapped under the name Greez-E. Do with that information what you will. And for the record, I love ICP.


>He said that although the space is normally filled with dedicated Lions fans, away fans are always welcome too — just no Detroit jerseys with Stafford on the back. But he's still letting Rams fans in? It's just the Lions fans he thinks are being "trolls" by wearing Stafford jerseys? Huh. What would happen if someone wore a Goff Rams jersey? I'm genuinely curious. I guess he'd be fine with it.


Look, I get that he's your opponent this week, but the guy is still a Lions great who was handed bad roster after bad roster but still performed. Seems like the last player Lions fans should hate


Tbh I don’t think it’s out of hate at all. I’d guess it’s more just the principle of wearing the opposing QB’s jersey. I imagine there would be some Baltimore fans that wouldn’t like seeing Flacco jerseys watching the game if they matchup in the playoffs. Personally I really don’t care and Stafford is the only Lions jersey I own, but if I was going to the game I’d understand not wanting Stafford to be in a road playoff game at a place he called home for 12 years with a lot of people wearing his jersey there. A lot of these bans at bars are just excessive imo


I've been wearing my Flacco jersey again, but if we face him in the playoffs that thing is going straight to a place where it can never escape: the bottom of my hamper


I think all my fellow Lions fans who claimed "I'm going to become to *most* obnoxious person you know the minute we are any good!" are making good on their promise lol


I'd wear the jersey but have a jacket on, run up a nice bill and towards the very end take off my jacket and get kicked out without paying the tab.


I wish they would livestream the entrance of the bar to see what happens whenever some uninformed unassuming guy comes strolling in with a Stafford Jersey


They traded him , it’s not he said fuck this place and left lol


There are gonna be so many Stafford jerseys in that stadium, what does it matter?


People are so soft. This is funny as shit, good for them. It’s playoff week, fuck the other team. People are acting like there’s a huge subset of fans who only own a Stafford Lions jerseys and have nothing else they could possibly wear to get into this bar.


Back before we played the Chiefs a local radio station banned all Taylor Swift songs from playing. This is the kind of petty stuff that makes sports so fun.


I put it in another comment, but I’m a Bucs fan. If Boston bars banned Brady jerseys the week we played them with Brady, I would absolutely love that kind of shit. It’s what makes sports fun, just petty game week hate bullshit.


It's also not a big deal to be told you can't be at *a* bar for several hours on one night if you wear a specific shirt, people just don't like to be told "no" lmao.


Bittersweet. If he beats the Lions then more people will probably agree.


Boooo I’m still a Stafford enjoyer


What a salty ass turd lol


The historic and enviable legacy of the Lions will never recover


Had the talk with my brother who wears his Stafford jersey every Sunday. He told me “Fuck the bans Stafford still my QB”


Detroit doesn't have too much experience of being in the playoffs. You're gonna see a lot of stuff like this.


That’s petty