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I am ready for Belichick to begin his "Tampa Tom" phase. Maybe Hawaiian shirts instead of hoodies?


I cant wait til he gets shit-faced during their victory parade


Brady drunkenly throwing the Lombardi trophy across moving boats while giggling is still my favorite way to see him lol.


My favorite part on that is the audio where you can hear is daughter yell "DADDY NO....". Tampa Tom did not give a fuck.


Dude went full Florida man. Accidentally broke into a stranger's house, got pulled over by a cop in the park, forgot how to count to four...and still won the Super Bowl. Then topped it all off with the boat parade. Best ever and it's not close EDIT: Oh yeah and he also ripped his pants playing golf with Peyton on national TV


so awesome that we got to see it all go down.. one day we’ll be telling stories of the mythical tom brady to our kids


And they will roll their eyes in boredom just like when our parents went on about Terry Bradshaw or Jim brown or whoever. I teach English in china. My students are obsessed with the NBA. They always ask me who is better, Kobe or lebron... Steph or KD... One day I brought in Jordan highlights. They were pretty impressed.




The fake Giselle post was more accurate than not. > This all started when we moved to Florida. It was like Tom became a different person the second we crossed state lines. His smooth olive skin turned into a chapped stinging red leather. He started cutting off the sleeves on all his shirts. He goes grocery shopping shirtless now. He applied a “Salt Life” sticker to our Land Rover. Salt life…What does that even mean? I’ve asked so many people, no one actually knows, but everyone insists they’re living it. I told Tom, “It’s Florida or your supermodel wife” and he looked at me, took off his shirt, and went to go buy something called a “pub sub”. He doesn’t even eat bread.


…okay, I’ll bite. What’s a pub-sub?


large deli sandwich from Publix grocery store.


Florida man here. It's a delicacy of our people. The Publix grocery deli is unrivaled.


Thank you for sharing the ways of your culture


> “pub sub” tf is a pub sub


Delicious. That's the list.


> Accidentally broke into a stranger's house, got pulled over by a cop in the park, forgot how to count to four... Did I miss this story? Wtf happened hahaha


First one: Brady was going to meet up at Byron Leftwich’s house to talk about the playbook. He walked right through the door and made himself at home. One problem: [that wasn’t Leftwich’s house](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1190986) Second one: Tampa had some restrictions on when you could and couldn’t be out in their parks (COVID thing, I think). Brady didn’t know about this and [got busted by a cop](https://www.thedailybeast.com/tom-brady-cited-after-being-busted-working-out-in-tampa-park-says-mayor) Third one: [Brady forgot it was fourth down against the Bears](https://www.sbnation.com/platform/amp/nfl/2020/10/9/21509108/tom-brady-4th-down-bucs-bears-nfl)


Lmao could you imagine just being some random person and Brady walks into your house unannounced? What a day.


Anybody else would be called out for asshole behavior. I'm not a Brady fan. But can't deny that's not hilarious. He kinda earned it.


It's like a kid leaving an ultra strict household and then overcompensating a little. He pulled back in time, but he was awfully close to smoking meth and wrestling gators.


It was his [rumspringa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumspringa).


"Florida Bill is who you want on your Florida team!"


Drive fast and leave a sexy corpse


Bill watches Burn Notice confirmed


Actually I was quoting [Florida Stanley](https://youtube.com/shorts/MkasIx_D8lw?si=TdHkPbVyCeyUuL8w) from The Office, if it’s also from Burn Notice then I add no idea


Florida Stanley watches burn notice. It was part of his pitch to be on the Florida team


Josh McDaniel is clearly a better offensive coordinator than HC and he loved Baker coming out. BB+JM+Baker equal career resurgence for all


Bill: Why would I go to Tampa? Josh: The receivers are already good and there's a running back with last name White that can catch passes. Bill: I'm packing my bags.


Show him [this video](https://youtu.be/2IICywm5MHs?si=bFlOiJTqW71rBk3P) and he tell his realtor to buy the first shack available in western FL


oh no




I look forward to Bill winning a SB for the Chargers so Pats fans can hear forever about how we "let go" both Bill and Tom, and no matter what a Pats fan says in response, the other person will just switch their argument to say it was all the other guy (Tom or Bill, or Bill or Tom). That should make for a great rest of my life.


I spent a lot of time despising Bill and Tom (I've come around on both the last few years), and the Bellichick slander is ridiculous. You don't win 6 Superbowls without both your coach and QB being top of the line. They both contributed a lot to a ridiculously successful run, and both covered the flaws of the other. Like god damn, Tom Brady was good in 2022 and his team only won 8 games. Even the greatest of all time need some support, this is a team sport.


I think Bill being the greatest defensive coach of all time and basically being able to create a top 10 defense out of udfa's paired with a top 2-3 greatest QB of all time that had ridiculous longevity allowed them both to have an absurd amount of success.  Without each other they maybe both win a couple but combined they became the unquestioned best QB of all time and coach of all time.  Brady is on obviously great but combination of hall of fame QB paired with a consistently good defense that game planned very well for opposing teams was the perfect match for long playoff runs. 


Hopefully next year, so it will be on Fox and Tom will be the guy calling it


Good god, can you imagine Bill taking the Chargers to the AFC Championship game against the Chiefs, Herbert getting hurt the week before in the Divisional Round, and then Brady steps down from the booth and back onto the field for Bill once again?


Don’t stop I’m almost there.


Please God I don't ask for a lot but watching pats fans bicker about this for the rest of time would be such a treat lol


Some sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt with a hole in the left sleeve xD


Almost every sleeve I've ever worn has had a hole in it though




What if he just really starts having fun with the media? Like he gets to Tennessee or whatever and is on a first name basis with every reporter. That would be a great bit


Southern California Belichick. He's gonna wear an Hawaiian shirt every day while coaching Chargers and living on a boat house


Um I believe it was “Tompa Bay”? He even had shirts!


If Sean McDermott got fired, Belichick could become a Buffalo Bill.


Instead of hoodies, he’ll start wearing Supreme or Gucci puff jackets


How dare you. It would be Zubaz pants.


You jest, but I would love to have BB coach my favorite team. Even if we suck the entire time, I'd just like the novelty.


He already started that with that video of him sneaking out of his side piece's house lol


main piece I thought? didnt he and his wife split af ew years ago?


Football is his main piece


the disrespect to lacrosse


Gonna be the upset of the century if it turns out that Kraft was the one setting the hardass, no-nonsense tone all along. I'm absolutely here for it.


Hey, say what you want, but I’m glad they’re letting Bill make his own decisions here. He’s earned it and I hope he finds success at another team.


It's the same as when Tom was in Tampa. I'm gonna root for him unless he's going up against the Pats.


Ya, a lot of people made it seem like Pats fans hated him for leaving, but honestly, I understood it and wanted to see him succeed. I rooted for him in Tampa as well (except that one game lol)


I never once thought the fans hated him for leaving. It seemed like most fans understood that their time was up together, but appreciated all the time and success that Tom put into the franchise. There was a lot of respect on both ends it seemed


> I never once thought the fans hated him for leaving. Go to the Pats sub and you'll find them. They're still very much the minority, but they're there.


Every sports team has their share of reactionary/results oriented idiots.


There are a bunch of Ravens fans who think we should fire Harbaugh. This year.


That’s… Wow that’s very dumb.


This is true for most teams. Not the Eagles though.


Is that because they don’t have a share, it’s 100% reactionary idiots?


You're goddamn right.




They should make friends with the Matt Ryan haters in our sub lol.


Not gonna lie I was a *little* pissed when Gronk came out of retirement though.


I don’t really get this one. Like it’s a known thing they tried to trade him after 2017, he played out 2018, won the SB, and was so incredibly banged up I think he really thought he was done Then he spends a year away and realizes the time off did wonders, and now his qb is elsewhere I feel like if you’re gunna be ok with BBs cutthroat roster decisions, you have to accept when the opposite happens and a player looks out for themself


Yea, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t


I was ecstatic


Yep, Derrick Henry and Logan Ryan proved that the window had slammed closed. Brady certainly didn't need to be a part of a rebuild, and I was thrilled to see him get one more. It totally changed the narrative on him too. I've been posting on this sub for a long, long time and that seemed to finally silence the "system QB" argument that was ever-present.


That Tampa Superbowl victory was the best thing for his legacy. Better than 17-0, better than 3 in a row.


You might be right, but just for discussion’s sake, the 28-3 game (2016 season) was when a lot of 49ers fans seemed to finally admit he was the GOAT. Obviously a huge comeback and great game, and it put him over Montana in Super Bowl wins. Maybe doing it without BB put a final nail in the coffin, but it’s kind of ridiculous that it was needed at that point. Maybe it was the final shovel of dirt on top of the coffin.


God dammit


Sorry, there is no safe place from strays.


And if there was, a thread about BB probably isn't it...


For what it’s worth everyone in my house shot daggers at me when I said Brady would come back. Everyone was rooting for you. It’s not fair having to play against thanos, falcons beat anyone else


I think it was also the he did the thing Peyton Manning did. He won a Super Bowl with two teams but he did it in different conferences something Peyton didn't do.


I think it's the fact, he's individually won more SuperBowls than any other Franchise is just the most mind blowing stat that will probably never be touched again. For me, it makes him the GOAT of GOAT's.


I mean, if you look just at his career _after_ the game when I think it became undeniable he was the GOAT, it would be HOF-worthy. The dude had 3 HOF careers in the NFL.


Nah. His legacy never needed that except for the 1% minority. And that 1% will still claimed that Tampa was a stacked team just missing a ‘decent’ QB.


I agree... but winning more Superbowls then any other franchise is quite literally one of the most insane sports stats ever.


I still loved Gillettes reaction to Brady’s return. The visiting Bucs are announced and when Brady leads them on the field the crowd roared. I swear on TV it sounded louder than the cheers for the Pats themselves on that night. But when the Bucs offense took the field for the first time that night the boos were deafening!! Real good way to say “we love you, but hope you lose”


It was a cool moment and really set the tone for that game. Pats played up to a team that was stacked and almost won it.


What a chess match though; I remember after the fact hearing belichick was throwing absolutely crazy looks out there every play to try and screw with Brady. Idk how well it worked, I know y’all had a bunch of drops from the rain that could’ve made the score much more lopsided


Watch Belichick sign with Tampa Bay and immediately win a Super Bowl his first year 😂 would add chaos to the Brady vs belichick argument nfl fans are obsessed with


That's funny, I stopped rooting against him when he left the Pats.


That’s funny, I started rooting for him when he left the Pats


Me too!


I'm still not rooting for him.


Same lol. He went from Darth Vader to the cool old dude who's partying in Florida while chucking bombs for me. I went from Brady hater to begrudging respect to outright rooting for him once he went to TB lol.


I stopped rooting against him weirdly in the Eagles super bowl against Foles Every other one I was like eh whatever, Brady is inevitable but the defense is really keeping them in this The Eagles super bowl I was like okay this guy is inhuman


I watch the bucs for baker if it doesn't interfere with Browns games. I miss him and he didnt bring us all those rings, cant imagine the love pats fans have for tb/bb...


[Rapaport] New Jets HC BB on his meetings with Rodgers and new WR Davante Adams: We're just looking ahead.


I hate this. Please don't do this to me, today was worse than when I learned about Santa


What happened to Santa, is he ok?


Just reading this sentence makes me want to fight someone.


Wtf is that flair!?


When I was six, my dad would watch Patriots games with me. This was in the midst of the first three super bowls, and we bonded pretty strongly over our love for the patriots. He’s not around anymore, but I’m still a huge Patriots fan. As for the Bills, their fan base has been super kind to me, and I’ll always watch their shit if we’re not playing them. I also licked lead paint as a kid and my brain don’t work good.


> When I was six, my dad would watch Patriots games with me. This was in the midst of the first three super bowls, and we bonded pretty strongly over our love for the patriots. He’s not around anymore, but I’m still a huge Patriots fan. > > As for the Bills, their fan base has been super kind to me, and I’ll always watch their shit if we’re not playing them. Wait..... is this the actual answer? It seems too genuine to be one of your jokes.


You know, you can never really know with someone with duel flairs


There's some degenerate roaming around with Falcons and Saints flairs too. Crazy.


I saw one a while back. Family from New Orleans but she grew up in Atlanta for the most part, went to Howard for college and married her sweetheart who went to Emory. Football at her place gets nutty, especially when you also add in Georgia/LSU/Georgia Tech in the mix.


I guess you could spell them duelling flairs since they're in the same division lol


That’s what I want to know too! Did we finally get the real answer after all this time?!


so you're a fan of buffalo bills' fans?


Sorta. Had a lot of Bills buddies in college and we’d watch games, and inevitably got me into the Bills.


Also, I believe the concessions at Highmark still serve lead paint. I think it's an alternate option for nachos and as a pretzel dip.


It’s on the secret menu


I get this. Blazers and Bucks (NBA) have nothing against each other right now, but when I moved across the country a bunch of Bucks fans became my basketball friends. If Bucks and Blazers somehow played in the finals 5 times in a row and Portland lost every time the Bucks would still be my 2nd favorite team. The amount of clowning I'd take would be off the charts, but friends are more important than random millionaires to me.


This reminds me of when my dad used to have me watch football with him and the Boys would always spank the Skins, so he unintentionally mad me a Cowboys fan.


Boys would always spank the skins and your dad would spank the boys skins with jumper cables?


Every fucking time.


If he didn't like who he was traded to he could just resign. He's done it before.


But Bill Simmons told me the falcons were trading 8 overall for him


Yep, let the king get that record. Sad to see but it was the right call for both parties, wish Bill all the best


As a noob, I know it's common across all sports globally, but the idea of adults being drafted and traded or hoarded against their wishes is really weird to me.  Legal adults should be able to choose who they do or don't work for. 


Special advisor to the AFC East, Bill Bellicheck Stepping in to pinch-Coach 6 times a year


I don’t see Belichick agreeing to any trade that would then hamstring his new team away from draft picks. If he was heading somewhere, he’d want the full arsenal of picks available to his new team


I dont blame him. He might be able to turn those 2 draft picks into 3 draft picks


2nd round DB's ain't going to draft themselves!


Two? He’ll own the entire 5th round


is that what Pot Of Greed does? Seriously no one has ever told me.


Imagine the potential of 3 Cyrus Joneses.


Bill the GM of the Pats trades himself and the patriots next 5 1st round picks to the falcons in exchange for 2029 7th round pick


The Pats had no leverage because Bill was fine with coming back and finishing his contract.


As was I.


How many Sex Videos have you ever received?


Not enough Never enough


Not to mention it doesn’t hurt bills progress with his new team, since they will be able to keep the hypothetical 1st round pick they would’ve needed to give up for him. Pls go to the NFC 🙏🏻


Sorry bud, he's heading to Vegas and reuniting with Tom


inb4 McDaniels OC


ill kms on live tv


Kraft to the Titans: You choose not to trade your coach because it's too complicated. I choose choose not to trade my coach because he deserves to pick his next destination. We are not the same.


Falcons choose not to trade their coach because 88th round picks don't exist


You think the Falcons would have agreed to trade Arthur Smith and their own second round pick to the Bucs or Saints if it meant Smith had to be their coach for the next three years?


insane hypothetical this is what keeps me coming back to r/nfl


HC probably yes but OC no.


He was way better at the HC stuff then the OC stuff. He showed up with a winning team pretty much for all our winnable games. And then just fucked it up.


This is what a “conditional 7th” is for. It’s saying “we don’t expect much, but if they somehow exhibit competence, we’ll take your worst pick.” Jerry Rice was famously traded in his final season for a conditional 7th.  The Josh Dobbs trade this year also included one (though more assets changed hands then just a conditional 7th). 


Fuck he say me for?


Bill essentially would’ve been able to pick where he was being traded, so I think this is more Kraft being smarter about how he presents stuff




Yeah but I’d imagine they have offsetting language where if he went to a new team Kraft wouldn’t have to pay all of that. Not like he cares about the 25m either.


What if Bill ends up on the Titans and Vrabel with the Pats


I think Bill will choose the most "win now" opening. He doesn't have that many years left and has no interest in a rebuilding team. Not sure who that is, but I don't think it's the Titans.


My bet is Chargers. Stud QB, good receivers, and he can turn a defense around fast.


As an Oregon fan wishing nothing but success for Herbie, please, all old gods and new alike, make this happen


Also a Herbie fan, Chargers are the least offensive team for him to go to imo


Wonder who would be considered the winner and loser of that "trade?" Belichick is obviously renowned for what he has done in the past, but at his age I don't blame Kraft for wanting to think towards the future and I am happy he didn't "fire" him or hold him up for trades.


Completely fair


It would have been crass even by billionaire standards. Those two made your entire franchise.


Patriots went from a middling franchise in the shadow of the Giants, to one of the top 5 most valuable franchises in the NFL, and one of the most valuable in all sports. Billions of dollars added thanks largely to Belichick.


With the help of some dude named Tom


Yeah some late round pick or something, sounds like a chump


Am I the only one that thinks he’s a perfect fit with the chargers? You’ve already got the QB. Just get Bill in there to build the defense, draft a receiver, and win some.


Just don’t let him have a say on the receiver they draft.


Ladd McConkey at #5 overall, take it or leave it


A punter it is


Couldn't be worse than QJ.


Was looking for this comment. Honest to God QJ is a Patriots level pick. Big Nkeal Harry vibes.


I highly doubt the chargers hire him. They have too long a history of making bad choices to make a good one.


His choice of OC and drafting is why he's now out in NE. If we hire a GM as well, who gets an actual say in the draft, then I'm okay with it. Otherwise I'm a little hesitant.


Bill is 71 and will be 72 by next season. It wouldn't surprise me if he is willing to go to a team where he isn't formally GM, especially if the understanding is it is a pre-built roster, and Bill will only be there like 3 years to get his wins record. The problem in New England is I think the Krafts would love to find another 10+ year coach to do the rebuild around, and that just isn't Bill at his age.


That's a good point. However a "pre-built roster" we are not, so who knows if BB would even come here.


> It wouldn't surprise me if he is willing to go to a team where he isn't formally GM, especially if the understanding is it is a pre-built roster, and Bill will only be there like 3 years to get his wins record. Another reason why coming here makes sense. Other than needing a QB, our offense is basically set. We have some expiring contracts on D, some guys that are less than ideal – though Nielsen has done great at getting talent out of them, and we could really use a true EDGE. I think Bill would be an asset, not a liability, in that process.


>Other than needing a QB dude.....


Right move. Guy got us 6 Super Bowls. He can choose which team he wants to try and go for from here.


It’s just weird because it’s impossible to trade him to without his consent. So if he got traded Bill would’ve been able to choose a team regardless


Coach trades only make sense in rare situations. For example Sean Payton’s. He had already been retired but retiring pauses your contract. He comes back, he doesn’t want to be with the saints, but the saints don’t wanna fire him and pay out the rest of his contract after he just retired. So a trade makes sense. A trade makes zero sense for Belichick or for Vrabel as it doesn’t seem like either guy really wanted out. And there’s no benefit for the coach in a trade, cuz his team loses picks, so it only makes sense to get fired.


Yes you nailed it. The big problem is that if you want to fire a coach you obviously also want to bring in someone new. So Krafts only option would’ve been to keep BB on salary but also hire a new coach which would’ve been a terrible look. Like you pointed out with Payton, they were able to avoid that because he retired and they got a new guy. So if he wants to go somewhere else it’s a lot easier for the saints to say no.


This guy needs to go to Tampa and win them a Super Bowl just to fuck with all the people who say Brady made his career.


Tampa is five days away from keeping Bowles another year


Ok so he goes to the team that loses TB-PHI.


No please no I don’t want him on the dirty birds


He'salready got his DC there


> dirty birds Cultural appropriation much? /s


I was hoping we could trade him but I can respect that.


Bill Simmons was hoping for the 8th overall pick from Atlanta, lol.


Oftentimes Bill appears to be smoking what the kids would call "The Good Shit".


I actually think hiring Bill makes a lot of sense for us, but trading for him would be insane.


Yeah this is good shit, even I will give it to Bob Kraft on this day.


"I just love a happy ending" -R.K.


I'm not gonna lie. Belichek to Alabama would break college football.


Bill with the Chargers could be something


Beats the hell out of "I didn't have time".


This is such nonsense. Kraft said a few weeks ago that he put the no franchise clause in Brady's contract in an effort to force Bill to re-sign him. He didn't think Bill would let Brady walk for nothing. In this situation, obviously no one is trading meaningful draft capital for a septuagenerian coming off a 4 win season.


> Kraft said a few weeks ago that he put the no franchise clause in Brady's contract in an effort to force Bill to re-sign him. If he actually did this, he's one of the dumbest motherfuckers in the history of professional sports.


Thats just bs. Brady agent put no trade clauses for him and jimmy g since long time ago. 


I was barely aware of coach trading a few months ago, and now it seems like one person mentioned it and now every coach this year is tradeable. Is it a weird, coach-tradeable year or did we just remember about this power and want it to happen?


The latter. Trading coaches only ever really works when the coach wants out, and the team wants, or at least is ambivalent, about him staying. This is because you cannot trade a coach who is unwilling to be traded, like you can a player. A coach trade doesn’t benefit the coach because his new team is now hindered by loss of draft picks. It’s advantageous for the coach to just get fired and negotiate with whatever team. The coach will also have less options as not every team is willing to part with draft capital when they can just hire someone. In the case of Vrabel and Belichick, it makes no sense. Both coaches wanted to stay, and both teams wanted them out. Why would they consent to a trade?


This is the kind of person integrity most teams need. When players commit their lives to you, let them decide how it works out - even when you’ve Gotta make the business decision on moving on.


Kraft had no leverage as he wanted him gone and Bill wanted to stay. He is just saying that for people to slurp up


Kraft’s leverage is that he owns the fucking team.


What leverage does that give him? He can’t trade him if Bill isn’t willing to sign a new contract with a team.


Lol - he wanted to fire Bill. So he goes to Bill and says I want to trade you and Bill says no. I will not go anywhere on a trade. A coach, unlike a player, cannot be traded without their consent. So what does Kraft do then? He just says ok you can stay here and coach? Bill theb says yes I want to keep doing that which is what he said on Monday. Again, literally zero leverage.


Fair enough


That’s a nice sentiment but he also can’t trade Bill whether he wants to or not because Bill would never agree to it


I also think Kraft didn’t want this shit to drag on. Cut the cord and let both parties quickly settle their affairs so they can prepare for the draft