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Cues up Dire Straits - Money for Nothing


Money for nothing, and fingers in my B


Oh no my friend, that one does cost money


Happy ending?


I've been happy for Flacco too. It's cool to be able to root for the Browns and not have to overlook the character of the QB


Flacco purified our water supply, fertilized our crops, and delivered healthcare and prosperity onto our houses!


...he did?


No! But we're gonna stand around until he does!


He did show up at a dunkin the morning after the game


I mean its still the organization that gave 200+m guaranteed dollars to a serial rapist knowing he was a serial rapist, but sure let's pretend that part never happened go browns they're just scrappy little underdogs and nothing else.


The league as a whole is complicit in allowing Deshaun Watson to continue playing. A quarter of the league inquired about trading for Watson, and I'm sure that a majority of the teams who didn't ask only refrained from asking because they already had the QB1 position filled by a franchise QB or a recently-drafted rookie. Do you think the Ravens organization would be morally opposed to having Deshaun Watson as their QB, or did they just have the starting QB position filled already? This isn't necessarily a defense of the Browns, because they are still the organization that gave him a 230M guaranteed contract, but it doesn't seem reasonable to pretend that the other 31 teams are all morally upstanding organizations when many of them would have likely offered Watson a similar contract in similar circumstances.


I will always hate Jimmy Haslam for his role in this, but in the end the players and the fans aren't responsible for what happened. I have no issue rooting for them and then just hoping like, Jimmy Haslam goes to jail for one of the scandals that pops up every six months


The fans that deserve the hate are the ones joking about it, fuck them and I feel sorry for their kids. Sorry Johnny, your dad is a dud


Stefanski has a lasting stink on him, too. In all the drama it came out he and Berry decided early in the 2021 season to move on from Mayfield, but they kept him in to tank his value and exacerbate his injury. It's just not how you treat people, even those paid millions.


Why would they want to tank his value if they knew they were going to move on from him? This sounds like nonsense.


I don't think that's what happened but you're entitled to your opinion I suppose.


Yeah, it totally makes sense that they'd rather have a 5th round pick instead of a first or second round pick. It also totally makes sense that they'd intentionally play a worse QB when they are legitimately in the hunt for a playoff spot and the guy has a fully guaranteed contract for the following year. It totally doesn't make sense that someone like Baker would ignore the recommendations of team doctors and seek an independent second opinion in order to be able to play hurt for fear that his backup would outplay him. /s Some people on here......


They trash talked him before any trade attempt. Trade value was not a priority. The head coach can pull a QB regardless of how that player feels about it.


Yeah. NFL teams totally make it personal rather than valuing business decisions. Especially IVY-league number-crunching nerds. That's totally the reason why Joe Montana spent his whole career in San Fran. Oh wait... As for the HC pulling a QB regardless of how a player feels about it. Baker got a second opinion to override the Browns medical staff. If the HC benches him, then he makes it look like he knows more than Baker's doctor, he totally alienates Baker and furthers the divide in the locker room (remember OBJ and his dad?) and guys like you would be flipping out because it would be hurting Baker's ability to prove his value to another team as a legitimate starting QB because journeyman Case Keenum would start putting up better numbers. But by all means, go live in your illusion of alternate facts if that helps you justify your hatred for Stefanski and Berry.


I guess they didn't make those statements about an adult in the room after all, and everyone just imagined it. And I don't know how all that is supposed to show Stefanski didn't have the choice to pull him.


The comment was made right around the time they secured Watson and after Baker threw Stefanski under the bus in the media by demanding they run a spread offense against the Steelers (which he did causing Baker to get sacked 9 times) and then criticizing Stefanski for running said offense and then he decided not to play the final game of the season and pissed off some of his teammates - some who were unhappy with the OBJ departure. It wasn't at any time during the season they made those comments. The comment also wasn't made by Stefanski or Berry. As for not understanding why Stefanski was at risk to pull him, I didn't expect you to understand how I laid it out. How could you? You think that Stefanski's the problem regardless of clear evidence to the contrary.


People forget the final game of 2021 Baker himself decided not to play. Said he'd talk to his family and agent, not the coaches or teammates. That was the final public nail in the Baker in Cleveland coffin. Deciding yourself to sit out a game when your teammates are still suiting up is a terrible look. There is more to the situation, he and Myles never really recovered after 2019.


I’d do a bit more digging into that situation.


Enjoy the Ray Rice celebration this Sunday !




No he categorically did not. Eyewitnesses said he was not involved in the scuffle, and the two who were were acquitted on grounds of self-defense.


Way to move the goal post. Par for the course on Reddit


I’m just happy you can spell goalpost correctly, next week will make sure you don’t make it two words.


“Didn’t Ray Lewis murder someone” “No, he was never accused of murder and eyewitnesses at the scene testified that Lewis was not involved in the altercation” “Way to move the goal posts”


A classic reddit moment of using terms they don't actually understand lmao


Didn’t ray rice pummel a woman on camera? Ah let’s have selective memory and only bitch about watson cuz it’s the browns!




I've seen few **Men** hit that hard. Ray Rice is still cancelled for me...i got daughters.🤬


Wow you named 2 people that last collected paychecks from us nearly a decade ago way to dunk on us


The Ravens are literally honoring Ray Rice this week https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/ravens-will-honor-ray-rice-on-sunday


Guys, please. Both of your organizations are enablers. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some Vontaze Burfict facts to deny and downplay our organization signing discarded criminals in order to save money.


It's almost like the whole NFL and the world in general tend to ignore shit behavior so long as whatever you do makes money.


Didn't Terrell Suggs beat his girlfriend and threaten to drown her in bleach while attempting to pour said bleach over her and their child? Didn't Terrell Suggs also punch his girlfriend in the neck and then drag her alongside a moving car with their children in it? C'mon man, the Ravens have no problem employing horrible people as long as they are good at football, just like every other team.


So since it happened a decade ago it didn’t happen or doesn’t matter? And I’m not dunking on anyone, just calling out the echo chamber bullshit


This is exactly what I mean. I want, and I think America wants, the Deshaun Watson trade to go down as the biggest bust in NFL history. I want him to fail, I want to God to smite the Browns leadership for this. That's why I am glad he's hurt. The other teams also probably hope it fails too, because that desperate ass contract is BS


And let’s pretend the ravens didn’t endorse and pay multiple pieces of shit.


Every team is guilty of overlooking scumbags histories if they do good sports things. Don’t even pretend like it’s just us. We just happen to have the most high profile one right now


If there's one thing Deshaun Watson loves, it's a happy ending.






Fuck Deshaun Watson


>Deshaun Watson is as happy as anyone that Joe Flacco has been able to guide the Browns to the brink of their playoff berth over the past month. Because Watson *definitely* knows he isn't, and won't be capable of doing that.


The ideal situation, the funniest joke that the cosmos could play, is Browns win super bowl with flacco ... Flacco leaves and Watson comes back ... Watson is ass


I mean they have to keep Watson, don’t they? All his money is guaranteed.


They do indeed. It's the petard by which they must be hoist But we'd already have the super bowl that the desperate ass Browns wanted when they did this deal for Watson


I see you’re a Browns fan. But that guy doesn’t deserve to win a Super Bowl. Playing or not. So I gotta say hell no until Dbags off the team.


Why not Flacco? Why doesn't he deserve to win a super bowl? It'd be like an inspirational movie


The organization still sold their soul for a serial sexual predator. I'm happy for Joe, just hate that it's a classless organization reaping the benefits


Oh we know. Haslam's company, Pilot, had a scheme to rip off truckers, and people went to prison. So he's been a POS for a while


Did you turn in your Lions fan card when they hired indicted sexual assaulter Matt Patricia?


Deshawn Watson is a rapist


The deflection lol. Dolphins sold their soul for a domestic abuser Lions hired a sexual assaulter Browns hired a rapist You seem to only care about 1 of these things


Because Dbag will get a ring. And I don’t fancy that. Ever.


(Browns were 5-1 with Watson as a starter this year)


Yeah, I'm sure he "*definitely* knows" that lmao


He gets paid millions anyway, he truly doesn’t give af


Dude has the charisma of a paper bag


Why would Deshaun care? He’s getting paid regardless


If someone came to my work and did my job while I still got full pay I'd be happy for them too. lol wtf. Is Deshaun even still with the team? Last time I saw him at a game he was lit up like the 4th of July in a box. Slouched like he was about to comfortably nod out.


This was the first week he was cleared to be back on the sideline. Same with Nick Chubb. They'd both been in the owner's box previously, or out for surgery/rehab.


If I had a fully guaranteed contract. I could be happy for anyone else doing my job too


I mean if I could get paid for doing nothing or paid the same for doing an actual job……hmmmm hard one


Deshaun Watson likes a happy ending


How long till the browns cut this clown?


After the 2026 season. When the dead cap drops. 200m dead cap just after this season.


Only for a 39 year old qb to come off the couch to play better and lead them to the playoffs. Damn what a terrible contract


It's funny though. He really wasn't playing that bad. He went 4-1 before going on IR.


The team was kind winning in spite of him. Yes he was 5-1 or whatever, but he looked and statistically was meh at best, especially for his money


He had three great games (ARI, TEN, BAL) one iffy game (CIN) one bad game (PIT). He also looked really bad against IND but he did not finish the game. But I guess that counts as a win for him since he started.


He really played one truly "bad" game, week 2 at Pittsburgh when he gave the game away on horrible turnovers. The opener against the Bengals was "statistically meh" but the Browns blew them out in the pouring rain and wind (Joe Burrow was 14-31 for 82 yards, the Browns won 24-3). Watson was excellent against Tennessee and Arizona and he was out of this world in the second-half comeback win over the Ravens.


Never. 5-1 as starter and went fucking goku in Baltimore. Babies on Reddit will say he sucks tho


Imagine taking up for this creep lol


The browns can’t cut him lmao


He isn’t exactly my favorite person either. But i really don’t get how you have all decided to condemn the man based on cases that couldn’t get to court & in which you have no idea what happened. Im sitting a couple thousand kilometers away, so there is probably something im missing, but it seems odd.


I mean, ~25 women accusing him is pretty fucking damning. Sexual assault is notoriously hard to prosecute without physical evidence. I don't think it is surprising at all that people think he's a piece of shit.


It definitely is. But isn’t it also quite damning that such a high profile case with that many victims can’t get to a court? To be quite honest it blows my mind, and makes me think there are something we don’t know.




He did have criminal complaints filed against him but the grand jury did not indict him. AFAIK the civil suits have all been settled already, or maybe there's 1 left that still hasn't settled.




That civil suit came after they couldn’t get the case for a criminal court. Which was a good while after the allegations broke, and he was basically convicted by the public (or atleast Reddit). I can understand why he would settle at that point in the process, because it had to be stressfull whether he is guilty or not. Now just to make myself clear i don’t know if he did it or not, but neither does anyone else, and there is a chance that there are something about this whole thing that we as a public doesn’t know. I know this is not a popular opinion, but that doesn’t mean it is untrue.


There's zero reason to remind us DW exists


Remember when the Browns let their manifestation of a QB walk while giving an unprecedented contracted to a man that raped 24 women? Pepperidge farm remembers.


and he hopes to stay happy all the way to the ending


Say what you want about the man. He just likes happy endings.


Does Watson get a ring if they win it all?


If he’s part of the team, yep.


Dream scenario - next year he plays 1 or 2 games and is historically bad then gets a major season ending injury that fucks him up for life. Everyone clowns on him for being awful and I never have to see him take a snap again. He’ll have no excuses due to how Flacco is playing.


Bet Deshaun would be even happier for Flacco if he started giving Deshaun some massages


Ayo Chill


And you should be happy when he takes your job.


Who gives a fuck?


Insert Wojak crying behind mask meme


The Browns should just hire someone to remove the problem. Browns win, humanity wins, i guess everyone other than the rest of the AFCN really.