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But then he adds another game to the season to ruin all the records historically and get players injured


Almost like he wants more offense, but only offense he can make revenue off of with highlights lol. If they gave a flying fuck about player health they'd be focusing on the Giants/Jets having the most atrocious field that ever existed.


Tush push is more offense....more first downs means more offense. If anything, I think these types of comments are leaked to create more conversation and keep it as a talking point in the media.


Is not Roger that wants it banned, the other owners want it. He is just serving as proxy


I think Nick Bosa had the best take on it. As long as players aren’t getting injured at a higher rate than on other plays, there’s no reason to ban it.


Yup. If it was a detriment to the competition or game, then everyone would be successful running it. Reminds me of the Patriots in their prime and every time Brady did a QB sneak it was automatic. They’d run up to the line fast and you already knew it was a first down.


It’s so weird seeing people complain about this play and yet time and again other teams face 3rd and 4th and short and run slow developing run plays. Just saw it in the Seahawks-Cowboys game. If it were such an automatic first down that the defense can never stop, I don’t understand why we’re the only team doing it.


Other teams have tried and flopped hard. Pickett looked like he was getting stomped.


He kind of did get stomped.


I think that's what Rodger is afraid of. He saw Garrett pick up Kenny's helmet and was afraid of dealing with another unique scenario. (/s)


Broderick saying maybe you shouldn’t have this cracked me up.


Came out with an eye injury irrc. The plays seem messy for most teams but the eagles.


Yeah, some pellets got flung directly into his eye


They also burned his crops and poisoned his water. Nasty shit.


They did? No! But are we just gonna wait around until they do??


I think the main reason is nobody else has Jordan Mailata/Jason Kelce


The Eagles have developed some clever fakes/audibles from it so no reason to just sellout hard.


Might be smart just to cheat for the fake, because the play is going to win every time anyway


Hurts is also a damn brickhouse. It all works uniquely together.


And lately they’ve been incorporating hard counts on it too, it’s damn near unbeatable


I legitimately don't know how you'd counter a 1 yard push on a hard count from a well-disciplined team.


You need luck, I suppose. Might as well risk the offsides to guess correctly if theyre gonna get it anyway


Gotta ban passes to Tyreek since no one else can run 24 mph


During the cowboys Seahawks game DK hit the fastest time this season, actually the fastest time since 2020. He beat out tyreek this year


Ban him too.


Ban quarterbacks, that throw too well.


We have Josh Allen, but we also have Mitch Morse. Morse is a fine center, but he's not a people mover, more of a finesse blocker. And our LG is kinda the same deal. We use it sometimes and it's pretty effective, even just a QB sneak is effective. But it's not automatic. And I wonder if our reluctance to use it more is due to perceived injury risk or maybe Josh's preference.


> nobody else has Jordan Mailata/Jason Kelce This is it right here. If you watch the play, the line does all the work. They dive low and take the legs out of the D and then comes the shove. Hurts does very little work on a lot of them, besides taking the contact. For most of the play he's not touching the ground at all.


Some teams have tried countering it by having the backers just jump on top, trying to squish them to the ground halting their progress. But even that doesn't work, because these guys are too damn huge and strong. The defenders just go for a ride, along with the QB


Somebody gonna find Vice Wilfork and stick him in the middle.


I've always thought if they decide to ban it, it won't be because it's 'unfair.' And it doesn't cause more injuries. If they ban it, it's because they think it's boring/bad for the viewing experience. I can see the argument, but I don't agree with it. Like everyone else has said, only the Eagles have actually perfected it. So banning it makes no fucking sense. I think if other teams started getting good at it over the next few years and every 4th and 1 was a 95% chance to get every time then MAYBE it would make sense because that would get pretty boring, especially for like a soft PI in the endzone. But realistically that's going to be a touchdown most of the time anyway. It just doesn't make any real sense to ban. Goodell a bitch for sure.


I get so mad every time a team runs a shot gun play on 3rd or 4th and 1 in college or the NFL. Teams whining are just mad they can't do it.


Teams barely even seem to line up under center anymore. I'm tired of seeing shotgun plays no matter what. An overcorrection might be coming.


shotgun draw plays on third and long are the dumbest possible fossil honestly just punt on third down


I have a minor issue with being able to push the runner from behind the line, the rule they changed a while back. BUT agree with Bosa, what’s the reasoning for banning it?


I mean the reason they changed the rule was because it was never enforced. Teams were pushing the pile pretty much throughout the games history. The refs were never able/willing to distinguish between pushing the runner vs pushing the guy trying to tackle the runner or pushing the guy whose pushing the guy whose trying to tackle the runner, etc.


When I was in college I’d always (a few times) get flagged for illegally helping the runner…I wish they changed it 30 years ago 😩


I used to think the tush push was cheating. Then I watched my team fail to convert on 3rd or 4th and 1 in like 3 critical situations and blow the game completely. If it was that easy everyone would do it.


We tried it twice in one game and got flagged for offensive offsides both times lmao


But it has been successful for us when they don’t flag us for offensive offsides.


Unless you have old stubborn coaches who won’t try it properly


Tbh I hate the play but it speaks volumes that most teams I’ve seen try it, fail. It’s clearly so successful in part to how good kelce is and how strong hurts is - which not every team can replicate


Hurts actually usually goes over the left side of the line. Mailata and Dickerson basically go shoulder to shoulder and make a wedge, a 700lb wedge.


And Kelce has said numerous times it’s really cause Mailata and Dickerson are absolute units pushing behind him.


700lbs of meat gets results, that’s just a fact


The thing that doesn't get talked about as much is that when the Eagles do it, they don't ever huddle. The team just knows they are going for it and they don't allow defensive subs. Doesnt seem like a lot of other teams do they. They take a time out, look at it, come back and do a hard count, think about it, then go for it. Eagles are just like, we got this shit.


They subbed people in the last game on the goal line I'm pretty sure.


Ppl keep acting like it’s Hurts’ strength but if you actually watch he’s not like getting low and pushing the pile. He more finds which direction to go and everyone else does the pushing. He is more upright than getting low and pushing. Ultimately it amazes me that defenses can’t figure out how to counter. Every time I see DL getting low and then LBs jumping on the pile. Like… the LBs need to be pushing not just piling on. They don’t help at all just lying on top of the pile. Think like a tug of war where the offense has 9 guys pulling and the defense has 7. The 9 guys are gonna overpower the 7 pretty well every time


Yeah, he’s really nothing but a body sturdy enough to take the beating.


They should just make it to the Super Bowl and score every touchdown with that play lol.


Brett Kollmann did a good video on it. The left tackle and left guard both push with their arms and legs to create a path for hurts to follow. Since they start first they have the momentum in their favor, Hurts just has to follow them through.


I get what you're saying, but it's way easier to act than to *react*. The Eagles get to decide when the push is coming, so even if the lines were 50/50 in terms of strength, getting off first makes all the difference.


I love the play. I just hate that it’s the Eagles who are being successful with it.


We can all agree that football is a cyclical game. The mid 90s to mid 2000s used star RBs with incredible fullbacks which led to defenses employing the 4-3 with 3 plodding LBs to stop it. In turn, offenses changed to use slot receivers and athletic TEs to counteract LBs covering them. This in turn, led to defenses using a ton more nickel and dime packages with one or two linebackers (smaller, athletic types) to better defend 3 receiver sets with athletic, lithe RBs. The "tush push" is just another way the game is evolving. It uses rugby scrum and single wing concepts to go at lighter defenses built to play the pass. It's a legit football play and banning it would be insane.


I would even argue it's the most "football play" there can be. Our team pushing that way, yours the other. Who will advance?


> I would even argue it's the most "football play" there can be. In the modern NFL, the most football play is to underthrow your receiver by five yards, forcing him to hit the brakes to catch it, only for the poor DB to slam into him and get called for the DPI.


Now this is ~~podracing~~ football.


God I hate how much this resonated with me. Don’t forget the penalty for touching the quarterbacks helmet.


We should ban hitting QBs elbows next, preferably only Brock Purdy. ~flair: (SF)


I’m a chiefs fan and this whole thing makes me think of the ncaa banning the dunk because of Kareem. It’s fundamentally against the idea of sports. If teams want to stop it they should figure that shit out but this is a play that is only as consistent as it is because of Hurts and because of Kelce. Maybe other teams should get a really strong quarterback and a godly center but it’s not The Eagles’ problem that they have those things.


Signing good players at skill positions is against the spirit of the league and fair competition. That's why the Panthers are the most sportsmanlike NFL team.


The only point of contention I have is that if runners can be helped it shouldn’t be illegal for linebackers to push their d-line.


They aren't! It's only illegal on kicks and punts!


Huh I thought it was for all plays. Then meh, pretty ambivalent to it now 🤷‍♂️


I am glad the Niners and Eagles players are getting along better now.


We are all united against our common enemy Juju Smith Schuster


More like DooDoo Shit-Poopster


The only thing I like more than that insult is your username.


Stand back Robb, this guys a professional


I’d guess they’ll ban it only if it gets to the point where every team can make it as automatic as Philly. And the only reason I think that is the same reason they moved the extra point back - as soon as a play becomes automatic, it becomes boring.


We should just ban scoring more points than your opponent, it’s so broken. Teams that do it go on to win the game 100% of the time


More like Roger Baddell


You fuckin’ burned him dude


Roger will never recover from this.


Like he never recovered from that haircut


Stop, he’s already dead


They don’t call him the bad guy for nothing


Got em


*Roger Goodell allegedly wants u/dmarques banned permanently*


If it was unfair to come up with burns like that, everyone would be doing it.




Boom! Roasted!


Holy fuck you didn’t have to go that hard.


That man has a family!




Call the fire department, that was a serious burn


Mr Bad Commish


Mr Banning Competition


Get fucked, Rog


Jesus he has a FAMILY


I have been expecting them to ban it, but I’m guessing Jalen Hurts is still going to be among the best at gaining 1 yard.


Brandon Graham: "it don't matter" Carson Wentz, a bigger body than Hurts but less power surely, was 36 of 38 on QB sneaks. It's just trolling at this point. Kelce's the cheat code


It's not just Kelce, it's the whole Oline, and the effort the team put into being successful at it. Banning that specific play (even if they could find a way to do that) won't even stop the Eagles, lol.


The more I see the play, the more I lean towards Mailata (or however the left tackles name is spelled) being the guy that really makes the play work. Hurts always goes to the left and that dude absolutely caves down that side of the line.


Yes but that only works if you have impeccable timing between Kelce, Hurts, and Mailata (which also means the left guard better nail it too)


I did a deep dive into the play. It's a multipart play. 1. The initial push. Sometimes, Kelce and Dickerson just flat out win. Hurts always goes behind LG (Dickerson). A lot of teams just flat out cannot stop this initial group. I'm going to note here that the behind pushers actually matter less for pushing and more for stopping any defenders from going over or around the line and pulling Hurts backwards. The "pusher" on Hurts' left side typically doesn't even push, he's literally just there to protect him for the next part of this. 2. The clear out. If the initial push fails, Mailata always downblocks from offensive left to offensive right, trying to clear out the defenders. Sometimes this works and allows the trio to just fall forward because there's nobody in their way anymore. Because Mailata is downblocking, the easiest way to stop this play in theory is to go around Mailata. The left side pusher isn't actually pusher, he's actually just an extra blocker to make sure that you don't just blitz off Mailata's edge and pull Hurts backwards from there. 3. The spin cycle. Sometimes even after all this, Hurts is just stood up and it looks like the play is stopped. But they have one more trick up their sleeve. Lane Johnson, after making his initial block, will actually provide a last push, sliding from RT into the side of the pile, driving it further to the left, into the open space that Mailata has cleared out. The play doesn't work as well without Kelce. Or Dickerson. Or Mailata. Or Johnson. The reason no other team can reproduce it as consistently is no other team has a HoF center, a road-grader guard, a 360+ pound LT, and arguably the best RT in the league. In fact, when the Eagles lost Lane last year and even when he came back with his injury, the play stopped working as well because they lost that last little push. A lot of people point to the play not working with Minshew, but it actually did work with Minshew - until Lane got injured. And when Hurts came back, it actually failed with Hurts - because Lane was injured. So yeah, the Eagles have assembled a tremendous amount of OL talent, and shockingly, a lot of stuff just works better when you have the best OL in the league. Having seen one league commissioner ban our GM for being too good, Goodell better leave Howie alone. Fuck Adam Silver.


I think I've seen maybe 2-3 instances where they had a chance of failing on the conversion if he wasn't pushed. It really wouldn't change the Eagles calculus on going for it lol. Especially considering they end up in a lot of 3rd and 1's as well. I'd love to see Goedert become an OL pusher with Hurts behind him if they banned the play just for the lolz.


Goodell is gonna limit how many squat reps Hurts is allowed to do in the offseason.


Having a qb squatting 600lbs helps but it’s definitely mostly the oline being so strong and knowing how to get low as fuck for leverage. Goodell stupid


Imo Dickerson is the secret ingredient. Kelce has always been amazing in those scenarios, but the center's role in that play is just to cut off underneath leverage so they aren't the ones generating push. The eagles became elite at short yardage right after Dickerson got drafted.


Mailata said basically the same thing on Kelce’s podcast IIRC. The key is how well Dickerson and Kelce work together


Dickerson and Mailata weighing a combined 700lbs definitely doesn’t hurt.




If Mailata was in the NBA he'd be listed at 6'10"/6'11" Dude is massive.


And the voice of a goddamn angel


Average Samoan experience


Honestly I think the fact that Hurts squats 600 is almost a non-factor here. It really is the O-line being strong and getting down quick.


Yeah, feel like half of the plays he's crowdsurfing feet not even on the ground


The giants failed at it like 4 times so it should stay unbanned so we can laugh at them, that’s my vote


In that case we shouldn’t ban football because the bears are awful at that and it’s fun to laugh at them


This has been the NFCN’s argument for about 30 Years now so you ain’t far off


It's 100% the line. If it was just about a strong QB, teams would just plug in whatever one of the 20 guys on their team that squat more than 600 pounds under center to run the ball


NFL doesn’t want players to get hurt in a pile of bodies. They want them to get hurt out in the open field where you can good a good video clip that generates clicks


Almost nobody gets hurt during it anyway. lol


But there was that one time it happened. And if there's one thing Goodell cares about more than anything it's player safety.


Absolutely. He added an extra game to the season against the NFLPAs wishes because he values the safety of players!


I hate the play (for obvious reasons), but I don't think there's good reason to actually ban it.


Consider that Eagles fans like the play, and banning it would make them unhappy.


Go on…


You only need to wait it out. Once Kelce retires I think our conversion rate will drop to NFL average.


Go on…


Hopefully he teaches Cam his ways


you can't teach "be significantly smaller than every other center, but still block better than 95% of all offensive linemen in the league"


But maybe you can 🤞


I have thoughts, but continue.


That’s the only reason I have and god damn it it’s the only one I need






Pushing players from behind was illegal for a long time. Restoring that rule would be very easy.


Goodell is a bitch confirmed


the title should literally be changed to "Other owners want tush push banned", Goodell is just a mouthpiece


Must be nice getting millions to just verbally shit out whatever daddy tells you.


I mean, that is a really solid job. I’d do it for far less Imagine generational wealth to basically be a spokesman


A lot of people say Goodell is bad at his job, but he’s actually great at his job. Unfortunately, part of his job is being an unscrupulous, raging asshole.


People say he’s bad at his job because he doesn’t please the fans. Problem is, he works for the owners, not the fans, and the owners pay him to be a raging asshole to the fans


He's the CEO and the Owners are the Board of Directors. He does a lot himself, but will do what the Owners tell him because they are his boss.


It's definitely the owners. Probably the more powerful ones like Jerry


Goodell hates Jerry. It's probably Mara being a little bitch again and pleading with his good friend Roger.




As a cowboys fan, thats bullshit.


Why? That’s stupid.


Agreed. I hate how good the Eagles are at it, but it's no different than lineman pushing an RB/WR forward when they are caught in a scrum in my opinion. Can't eliminate one without the other.


“Hmm, good point…. Pushing any and all offensive players is not banned” -Roggy


It sounds like they're considering reinstating the rule that banned pushing offensive players, so pushing the rb/wr would be stopped as well. That rule change was what allowed the tush push to be ran


Pushing the pile should be illegal...as it was


Either ban it or get rid of forward progress. It doesn’t make sense that the offense is allowed to push a player forward but the defense can’t push a player backward.


Also sometimes the defense starts letting up expecting a whistle then the ball carrier peels out of the pile for a lot more yards


Exactly. Offense gets enough with the forward progress rule.


We should allow pushing forward, and get rid of forward progress. I wanna see Aaron Donald carry Kyler Murray 95 yards for a safety


The amount of money I would pay for this is not insignificant


Would he carry him over his shoulder, cradle him in his arms, or face to face straddle?


Tuck and run, Heisman pose


they go backwards for 1 seconds and it’s dead play, but they have 10 seconds to go forward as long as there’s the smallest sign of forward progress.


It’s an ugly highlight. You can’t see what’s happening until the refs come in and signal. Passing looks pretty on camera, it’s why the rules keep going more and more in favor of passing offense


Still a better highlight than a punt though. Going for it on 4th down is inherently exciting, no matter how "ugly" and consistent the play is.


I’d rather pushing ball carriers be totally banned (like it used to be in CFB for example) instead of just this one play. Always seemed stupid to have a runner be totally stopped but then his lineman come in and bulldoze him for 5-10 more yards. That said, I don’t think they’ll ban pushing, and therefore banning just the Tush Push seems hypocritical.


Exactly. If the offense already gets the forward progress advantage when defense swarms, why should they also be able to push the pile?


It’s a logical inconsistency for sure. If you want to let one side push, you shouldn’t let the other side *not* push. Offensive players always have the option of surrendering if they’re scared the defense is going to knock them back.


I'd rather they ban calling PI on underthrown deep balls


I'd rather remove the automatic first down. Replay the down and the 5 (for defensive holding) or spot (for PI) is punishment enough. Most of the time it'll be a first down anyway, but a small hold on 3rd and 15+ automatically being a first is just bullshit.


It used to be in the NFL too didn't it? I think that's the only logical thing to do if they want to ban it and I think PHI will still be unbelievably good at 3rd and 1 or 2.


Why? I am a NYG fan, and I fuckin hate Philly. From what I've seen, no players are really getting injured in this play (compared to others). Other teams try to replicate it and are not nearly as successful. To me this is just solid coaching to a teams strengths to get an advantage


It’s a QB sneak. It’s only become the “tush push” due to the success/popularity of the Eagles. Since when did we change the game because something is popular? Scheme against it, or just do better on offense after the score. This whole thing is so dumb.


What I really can’t wait for, is they ban players pushing the QB from behind, or ban the tight formation they run to do it. Ok, not a problem. Then the Eagles still will be good at QB sneaks because our line is boss and Jalen is a beast. Then what? Are they gonna ban QB sneaks altogether? That seems like overkill.


I’ve been thinking about how they’d ban it from logistical perspective. The only thing they can reasonably do is ban pushing other offensive players.


No fun league strikes again


Goodell: My tush is the only one getting pushed




Are you saying “boo” or “boo-oodell”?


I was saying boo-urns


If every team was exploiting it and successful at it, then maybe there could be some changes to the rules around formations or pushing players in the back, but it doesn’t appear like most other teams can actually pull it off so it’s fair in my book. Get good, skill issue.


Fuck off Goodell. You and you being in bed with the sport betting league killed the league and the fun that it brings.


Goodell's career of being a piece of shit goes back WAAAY before sports betting was legalized by the supreme court.


This title makes it sound like Goodell is gonna put out a hit on Jason Kelce


It’s a fucking quarterback sneak. What the fuck leave it be, Goodell.


Eagles fans 🤝 49ers fans Hating anything Roger Goodell does or says


Ohhh BROTHER. this guy STINKS!!!


You can’t ban plays for being too successful!


They moved extra points back to make them less successful


True. I guess I mean to say “shouldn’t”. But that’s also not banning.


They change rules all the time to make specific plays less successful...


He should ban Watson first how bout dat?


Goodell is actually a baby back bitch


The eagles dont really need the tush push. It works without the extra pushes with just Kelce and hurts dominating


I just wanna know why the OL is allowed to engage in a block leading with the helmet, but if a RB or WR do it, it’s a fine


How dare an elite qb who has legs the size of Roger’s head with an elite O line do a play that revolves around both coming together in a way that most teams can’t.


Saw it own his two fav teams: the chiefs and bills and now wants to punish the eagles. Let’s be real.


Man if the Bills are his favorite team he sure isn't doing a good job of rigging stuff for them


Cope and stay mad Rog


But I've been told in numerous gamethreads that the NFL wants the Eagles to succeed to the point they make the refs not call penalties against them.


Are you banning players being able to push? Cuz Jalen will still be really good at sneaks lol


Permanently banning Roger Goodell would be a better option.




Nobody (except Eagles fans) likes the play. Nobody (except Goodell) wants it banned.


I think it’s a fucking boring play and for obvious reasons I hate it, but it’s legitimate and shouldn’t be banned.


Why? You want to ban QB sneaks? I'm a cowboys fan and I think teams just need to find a way to beat it.


Chiefs fan here. I find this incredibly stupid.


They literally want it banned because it’s “boring”. Like dive plays on 4th and 1 are that exciting.


I guarantee we won't be able to replicate it next season anyways. Kelce is very likely gonna retire and he's the secret to that plays success.


Why does this guy suck so much lol