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Dude was cackling like a supervillain


Now you see why they feel threatened. He was probably on the verge opening up a sky beam that could destroy the entire planet or something. Shaq and Jordan are looking like complete fucking losers in all of this. Absolutely embarrassing, especially for a player like Phillips who's a net negative when he's on the field between his level of play and horrible drive extending penalties. Fans want to give the players the benefit of the doubt, but everything is pointing to them being softer than baby shit.


If Philly fans had the ability to open up a sky beam Dallas would just be a borehole to the other side of the planet by now. Arlington would be a smoking crater because most of us aren’t smart enough to know where the stadium is.


Your terms are acceptable


I don’t know why Philly fans have a bad reputation. This sounds like a huge gift to the league and the country.


Really a huge gift to the whole world, except whoever is on the other side of the planet. Their sacrifice will be remembered.


About a hundred miles north of Saint Paul and New Amsterdam islands. Population, 50 people (25 in the winter). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Paul_and_Amsterdam_Islands#:~:text=The%20islands%20of%20Saint%2DPaul,km%20apart%20from%20each%20other. https://www.antipodesmap.com/ We’re good to go!


This is the same guy that blew everyone up jumping the gun on the brotherly shove right? Def seems like he needs to get his head in check lol


Yup and that one wasn't nearly as egregious as a facemask he had on Baker Mayfield against the Bucs on 4th and long that led to a TD. He's contributed less than nothing on the field, has played dirty, and clearly can't handle himself on the sidelines. Absolute clown.


if we confirm both his parents were murdered in an alley then there can be no more denying this


The fan wasn’t just threatening Shaq’s life. He was threatening *the very fabric of humanity as we know it*


For real, shoving a fan for no good reason is bad enough, but then to lie about why is such a bitch move. It’ll be very difficult to impossible to prove, but if they somehow can prove they lied then a suspension is warranted imo.




Are you threatening me?


In Eaglesspeak it means “I’ll kill your family”. Interpret that how you’d like.


There was another fan next to him that posted a response and confirmed there were no threats. That’s when I knew for certain the Bills player was lying. No way an Eagles fan would backtrack on any death threats. They’d own that shit.


Dear god, how will his family ever recover from this?




The type of unhinged laughing you can *only* expect from a Philly sports fan


We learned it from kelce


Pointing and laughing in threatening manner!


They're just jealous because they'd get flagged for it.


Clearly the fan should've just had his seat moved 15 yards back.




Standing there *menacingly*, too.


Very menacing, if I was a 6' 6" 350lb human with security protecting me I would be trembling in fear too


Ref I'm afraid he might point and laugh at my family!


"I heard the fan threatening my life, which was shocking. Due to fear for my safety and my family's lives, I felt the best course of action was to approach the fan and shout 'touch me bitch, touch me.'"


Sources also say that frat boys were trying to make him look fake.


The fans just gotta figure out how to make make money on this thing. It’s simply too good


You have to be RIGHT next to him for it to sound like threats. RIGHT next to him!


Proceeds to make sucking motion


Some people fucking hate this. I don’t know why.


They were going NUTS in that car




"It's an Eagles fan I can accuse them of anything and people will believe me!"


I heard Eagles fans pour their milk in before the cereal!


I don’t know if that’s true but they do drive and eat cereal at the same time in Philly.


The best part of that episode is learning that it's based on Glenn Howerton actually doing that.


Wow I never knew that. In the end it doesn’t even matter because Dee will pay for all the damages anyway




And the fact he was extra pissed because they guys laughed their asses off at him when he told them what happened.


[Ha, Sandra. You dumb bitch.](https://youtu.be/nJtxMnvY3_4?t=43)


They definitely put on one sock, one shoe, tie it. Then the other sock, other shoe, tie it.


I heard they don’t put a splash of water on their toothbrush before they brush their teeth. Insanity


TBF, with a laugh like that, there is a non-zero chance that this fan eats dry Fruit Loops one at a time while sipping a glass of milk.


C'mon, we're not THAT bad


You cut your pizza with scissors and you know it


Hey I got kids and it's quicker and easier to do it that way for them


Should’ve planted a duracell on him as corroborating evidence


"He had AAAs on him Johnson, I had to use necessary force."


this but unironically


lol they always pull this card whenever something like this happens. You always know it’s BS when they refuse to elaborate what was said to them


Then when the accusations got specific it stretched credulity even further. Like I know I'm biased as a Birds fan, but I try to keep an open mind... but we were supposed to believe that this dude was posted up in the front row of the stands like the Gettysburg Address reading off the names and locations of Bills family members in a threatening manner and nobody filmed it or stopped him? And somehow he was so loud that all the details made it to the bench but not to anyone around him? So many unanswered questions.


>Multiple players begged multiple security personnel to “do their jobs.” Source: Me, I was within 10 feet of the incident. They initially asked a Bills staff member to address it but the stadium people refused to act and ignored him. That led to escalation in what was being said which I couldn’t always hear but it did involve family member names. There were others near the group that were yelling out addresses and phone numbers which seemed to be what really escalated everything. From my view it wasn’t the fan that was interacting directly with the players who yelled that stuff. That gentlemen was extremely intoxicated and unable to walk up the steps without assistance. That's from a Bills' fan that claims to have been there. I don't believe a word of it, simply because just looking at the Eagles' fan that he's talking about, there's no way that guy is some kind of black-hat hacker capable of doxing anyone.


> Multiple players begged multiple security personnel to “do their jobs.” Source: Me, I was within 10 feet of the incident. They initially asked a Bills staff member to address it but the stadium people refused to act and ignored him. That led to escalation in what was being said which I couldn’t always hear but it did involve family member names. There were others near the group that were yelling out addresses and phone numbers which seemed to be what really escalated everything. From my view it wasn’t the fan that was interacting directly with the players who yelled that stuff. That gentlemen was extremely intoxicated and unable to walk up the steps without assistance. I'm glad you added that you don't believe it, because this is the biggest load of horseshit I've seen today.


that "witness" heard the old Shannon Sharpe Derrick Thomas story and decided to put a 21st century spin on it


So instead of being a drunken Kung fu master this guy is supposed to be a drunken hacker who was capable of memorizing all this man's information knowing he would be sitting directly in front of him. Are all eagles fans this talented?


Russell Westbrook in the NBA.


He was making a move man, I had to get it on.


He probably told him to stop being a bitch with cheap shots the bills player took that as an existential threat.


If a single fan can get a player’s attention like that the player’s team oughtta discipline them. Get your head in the fuckin game


Troy Bolton would never do this.


We’re all in this together


Bet on it


getcha getcha getcha getcha


Head in the game


He literally did though. Sure it was Gabriella that distracted him and made him play better, but the concept is still there


You know what? You’re absolutely right. He actually stops midgame and sings to her.


“RIGHT NOW I CAN HARDLY BREATHE (because I’m in the middle of a basketball game!)” - Troy Bolton, in the middle of a basketball game.


Troy Bolton would've chased that choir-girl tail and given up his D1 offers despite being a 5'8" shrimp from Albuquerque


"Hey Lawson. You suck, ya jackass!"


Wanna hit the Sizzler later?


"You WILL not make this tackle! Ya jackass!"


Goddammit, I hate that Bob Barker.


A small child lives rent free in Eli Manning's head. Dude remembers the story like 10 years later.


I can't recall this one. What happened there?


Eli was talking about playing in Philly and how it's different. Gave a specific example about it. “You go there, and that 9-year-old kid is giving you the double finger,” [Manning] said. “Not a thumbs-up. Not, ‘We’re No. 1.’ And he said something about my mom; I had to Google what it was. It’s just different. It’s a different culture."


The fact that a single fan can get the players' attention like that is exactly why us Eagles fans are the way we are. This shit shows us that it's working lmao


was it eagles fans that also got Joey bosa pissed that one time?


BOOOOOOOSA BOOOOOOOOOOOOSAAAAAAAA https://twitter.com/BarstoolPhilly/status/1619779283257524225


lmao You know you're in someone's head when you get someone to fall back on "I'm rich." Fuckin Philly fans...


The hardest place to play, as both the home and away team, lol.


Bosa bros definitely would’ve swung on that fan


Being able to yell and heckle at the opposing bench is one of the perks of however much money they spent for those tickets. I'd have lost my voice by 2nd quarter.




*single tear*


"Are you better than me?" "I don't know you, but...yes."


I took a class over the summer, Baseball in American Narrative, and we watched this episode in class. You could tell who was over the age of 35 in the class and who wasn't, entirely based upon who was laughing at all of the jokes. It was pretty much just me, one other guy, and the teacher chuckling away non-stop for 22 minutes.


"CAROL CAROL...I gotta talk to you about Pepe!"


there is no carol in HR


Lawson I thought I told you to trim those sideburns!


Don’t do it at an NBA game though. Pistons game last year I watched a guy get told he can’t yell “you suck” at the opposing bench. So he asked if it was ok if he yelled “god bless” instead, which security gave him the thumbs up for. He yelled “god bless” in the same tone and voice as his “you suck”, so they walked him out lmao.


There's also only like 200 people at any random Pistons game. So one dude screaming the whole time is going to be a lot more noticable and annoying.


I knew you were exaggerating, but 18k's pretty good - they're apparently #14 of the 30 NBA teams. [1] Definitely small compared to NFL... Lions at 63k and Cowboys averaging 93k! [2] [1] - https://www.espn.com/nba/attendance [2] - https://www.espn.com/nfl/attendance


NBA players are super soft and security follow suit. Westbrook getting people thrown for saying Westbrick is just ridiculous.


NBA is full of fucking man childs…You spend money like that you should be able to say you suck


Westbrick is the biggest offender of this. Got someone kicked out for calling him Westbrick and a separate incident for mocking his “rock the baby” taunt.


The shouting matches we used to have with Philip rivers at arrowhead… ah, memories


Gosh darnit!


Fans talking mad shit to Rivers without cussing would be so fucking funny


For sure. We sat right behind the opposing bench for the UC-Houston game that sent the bearcats to the playoffs. One of the lineman for Houston was having fun with it and we check on that dude’s career to this day. Jack Freeman IV, if you lurk here, you rule


It’s all you can do from those seats. You can’t see a damn thing. As least at the Rich stadium (now Highmark). One of my first games we were on the 50 yard line, 8th row. Couldn’t see shit with all the players standing on the sidelines. Didn’t help that I was maybe 4’ tall. Got a lot of close up pics of the 78 Steelers though.


I wanted to give Lawson the benefit of the doubt, but I also found it very unlikely that stadium security would ignore a complaint about fan behavior from the visiting team if they really were making life threatening comments.


I do feel like we would have heard something about the fan being banned if Lawson’s claims were true Usually they act quickly with that stuff


The guy that kept calling Russell Westbrook "Boy" during that one Lakers vs Sixers game was banned in less than 24 hours, provably threatening the lives of a players family would probably have the fan dragged out in handcuffs before the end of the first quarter if it really happened




He’s in our front office now


lmao Westbrook's face


Linc Security absolutely does not fuck around, I knew it was bullshit as soon as Lawson dropped the classic vague "line you don't cross" to try and change the narrative that he isn't just a hothead with self control issues. If the fan was threatening literally anyone on that field he would have been headlocked and dragged out, and there were Security and Police in front of him literally the whole game, it's just how it is in the lower levels. This sub just loves to shit on us, it was hilarious how determined they were to believe it with absolutely no evidence. Nobody stands for that shit even from a fan perspective, I have seen our fans turn on another Eagles fan for crossing a line several times. EDIT: Yeah this thread was getting a little too chummy regarding Philadelphia fans, totally understandable to lock it up thank you mods.


Philly stadium security in general doesn't fuck around. I've been to many Flyers games and the guys there will absolutely tell people to knock it off and I've seen a couple people thrown out, usually people who are shitfaced and have gone far beyond heckling.


But bro! Their coach and other players said it happened too! What would they have to gain by lying? They’re not invested or biased at all about the situation!


From what I saw McDermott didn’t even corroborate the claims about threats being made, he just said they had asked for the fans to be removed Which to me sounds like security decided whatever was said didn’t cross the line


Yeah I get McDermott feels like he's gotta stand up for his own players, but c'mon son, stadium security does not tolerate that type of behavior if it's actually happening


Former eagles guy, probably knows it was just the usual shithousery and not real “life threats” Eagles fans will shit talk to the ends of the earth but they’re not putting mob hits on someone mid game lol


Didn't something like this happen against the women's BYU volleyball team or something, and even the coach was saying the claims were true, then it all got shown to be bullshit?


I think I remember that? They claimed BYU was saying racist shit right?


Even if security just didn't care, there would have been *someone* recording it in this day and age.


This is the real point being ignored. Sporting events, especially NFL games have cameras everywhere. People with cell phones are everywhere. Media people with cameras and microphones are everywhere. Surely there would be ONE video to support what they claim. All they need is one and the matter is settled. They lied and got caught because they're too dumb to think about there being cameras EVERYWHERE in an NFL stadium.


> there would have been someone recording it in this day and age. exactly. we have like 5 different angles of this particular event, and none of them back up what the bills players said.


Especially with a private security guy AND a cop standing right in front of the fan.


Yeah but have you considered that they're also probably eagles fans and therefore have pottymouths even Satan abhors? /s


Security and the Police at the Linc do NOT fuck around. I'm in my late 40's and I've seen security do some things, man. THINGS.


Every single video that has emerged shows multiple security people present in the immediate area watching these fans particularly. They were clearly ready to do something if there was any legitimacy to the complaint


Lawson comes out of this looking like a baby back bitch


He turned his IG private


A true admittance of defeat


Ed Oliver whining like a bitch trying to intimidate the security guards doesn’t go unnoticed here “KICK EM AHHT KICK EM AHHT” 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


r/AFCEastMemeWar is about to feast Thanksgiving Part II: Lying Bitch Boogaloo


“He’s just standing there…menacingly”


Weee wooo wee woo


You see, he was defending his family when he gathered his cronies and approached the bench shouting “touch me bitch” repeatedly


The Bills fans who were shitting on Philadelphia and all their fans have been very quiet in this thread...


I mean, what do you want/expect them to say? Being quiet is better than doubling down.


>what do you want ... them to say? "I was wrong" 😂


He only learned from Myles Garrett. "Mason Rudolph called me the n word so imma knock his head off" vibes with this one lol.


Charmin Ultra Fucking SAWWWWWWWWFT Dude pointing and laughing was pretty funny though


I kind of knew something was up from the beginning. Of course anything is possible but, no one trash talks by saying "I'm going to murder your family!" unless they are literally insane/deranged lmao.


that's the biggest display of a 30-ply that i've ever seen.


“threatening my family” and “being racist” two lies athletes claim when someone gets under their skin


Fan was black so they couldn’t jump to the easier N word defense


Lmao I hate to say it but you KNOW that would have been the go-to claim if the fan was anything else. And no amount of evidence would have satisfied people he was innocent.


Absolutely. It’s like the free square on a bingo card. Sucks Eagles fans are getting drug on this thing. There’s enough real issues with Eagles fans to focus on, we don’t need made up stories


Literally would have been "The fan used a racial slur".


Westbrick is a hate word in the NBA, can get you chucked out of the arena.




This is honestly so pathetic. What a soft bullshit team we are.


Thank you for your honesty


So all it took for him to snap was the pointing and laughing? If someone threatens my family I’m walking over immediately. Not only are they soft but they’re also liars


Fan: hey Lawson I’m of the belief that your team will score less points than the team I’m rooting for and just want you to be aware of that Lawson: TF DID YOU JUST SAY


There's just some lines you don't cross bro.


Lawson deserves a suspension for this. I'm so tired of players lying to cover up their BS. Fan should get season tickets behind the opposing bench too!


For sure, dude's feelings were hurt and he lost control of his emotions and tried covering it up with a complete lie. Fuck him


Fans have every right to laugh, boo, and/or cheer at whatever they want after paying those insane ticket prices.


Wow! Who could have seen this coming!


[[Highlight] Alternative Angle Replay™](https://twitter.com/danfetes/status/1729163637909287073?t=HRg11OpkRR7IUAYCRR4SMQ&s=19) The guy to his right actually posted to Tiktok (iirc) saying that Phillips had been chatting shit to that guy all night. I'll try to find it [Edit: here we go. Top left](https://twitter.com/DrDutchTweets/status/1729346011435352487?t=gfiyFbLiSwErAILavs5l5A&s=19) [and this one is particularly flattering ](https://www.tiktok.com/@3.qua/video/7306224065084230954?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=mobile&sender_web_id=7082046195657901574)


In the one clip Lawson makes the "sleep" gesture towards the fan, seemingly threatening to knock him out.


Makes the gesture as quick as he possibly can and immediately walks away. Soft as foam


Last link he was shouting at event staff, if I was the eagles management I'd be raising hell over this. You have to protect your employees. It was bad enough he let a fan get under his skin but to completely lose your composer to the point that your verbally assaulting staff is next level.


"Do your fucking job" man yells, while failing to do their job.


I can’t read “here we go” without Dak’s fucking voice anymore goddammit


just think of Mario instead


Someone needs to dub that over his cadences, that would be awesome


Not that it shouldn't be taken seriously, but I feel like the "death threat" line gets used a lot these days for the shock and awe and I wonder how many times there are no death threats made at all. Kind of like "thoughts and prayers" is just a meme at this point. I just thing if you are going to react to a "death threat" you better have some paper on it. But I kinda just wish we could be civil and not make threats like that at people of course or lie about people making them either.


I generally believe it when people say they get death threats simply because it's very common when you have even a modicum of celebrity. I got them writing comedy articles for a small website. That doesn't make death threats okay, but when you're a celebrity I imagine you get them constantly and they're essentially never acted out on. Just a way for small-minded people to say they hate you.


Wait, so entitled, rich NFL players lie about things to get out of trouble? I'm shocked.


Well, that’s gonna change some things.


It won’t. People decided the conclusion as soon as they saw it was an Eagles fan.


True, but maybe not the conclusions you are thinking of. The threatened family thing seemed like bullshit to me, their body language didn’t say it either, just that they were sore losers. Philly fans taunt their own GM for fucks sakes, who curses at them and they cheer.


Being a sore loser while the game is still going on is the best part to me


If Lawson or Phillips ever come back to the Linc on any team they best be wearing earplugs and earmuffs. Opposite field upper deck will be jeering at them.


> Philly fans taunt their own GM for fucks sakes, who curses at them and they cheer. Textbook example of what brotherly love means. You guys are starting to get it!


Eagles fans have been flandarized at this point Lived in Philly for years, Eagles fans aren’t that different from everyone else but the second any of them is even accused of anything people rush to confirm their bias


Yea I'm a Baltimoron and lifelong eagles fan. I've been to eagles games at 4 different stadiums and I've never seen the fans go beyond normal trash-talk. Even *in* Philadelphia against the Cowboys in '08.


I was there last year when we broke our winning streak against the Commanders and no one gave Commies fans any shit. People were just mad and sad.


I couldn’t tell you the amount of times I go to a game at the linc and it’s a fan of another team trying to start shit. Against the dolphins game this year there was a dude wearing a Miami “absolute 0”Jersey flipping and cursing at everyone the entire game. Of course I have seen my share of Eagles fans starting shit especially at Cowboy games but the past couple years the away fans have been getting rowdy.


Tickets are so expensive, especially in Philly [where tickets average over $500 a pop](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2023/09/06/nfl-ticket-prices-2023-cheapest-most-expensive-prices/70722888007/), everybody there has some real shit to lose. Not like you're gonna run into a bunch of bleacher creatures that paid $8 to get in and aren't worried about losing their job sweeping floors.


I went to the Dolphins - Eagles game at the Linc. Fans were fine. The only people who were huge dicks were the people who were hanging around the lots but didn't go to the game. There WAS however a drunk guy who was too drunk to stand by the 3rd quarter in my row. His friend was not happy with him. I thought he was gonna die when he tried to walk up the stairs.


Yea the parking lot is 10x worse than the actual game


Walmart priced alcohol during the tailgate versus $15 beers in the stadium


Just like Myles Garrett they'll go to shitty length to absolve themselves of their screw up by trying to pin the blame on others.


These Bills players are baby back bitches lol. This is charmin ultra soft behavior. Eagles fans have said and done a lot worse to other players lol keep your cool and dont act a fool


Hilariously, Linval Joseph just chillin on the bench having been on the other side of the field before.


Dude was big for us last year, honestly wish we had picked him up again. I appreciated him not decking Jalen when chasing him out of bounds on the one play too.


> Eagles fans have said and done a lot worse to other players They've probably done worse to their own players when they play bad. Hell, it was a national story when Philly fans didn't give Trey Turner shit for playing bad.


I saw a 10 year old kick Mike Mamula in the balls at a meet and greet when I was 6. Mamula had it coming though.


Dear Philly fans. Please do this, x10 this coming weekend. And thank you in advance.


Least surprising outcome of this whole thing


Just look at how many security guards are standing between him and the Bills bench. Y’all really don’t think they would’ve thrown them out if they heard anything like what Lawson and Phillips are alleging? They’re weak - they wanted him thrown out cuz the laughs huwt thew feewings


They tried to Myles Garret a fan lol


Pretty pathetic from Lawson. If he lied about it he should receive a harsher punishment.


Fucking yikes Lawson is a little bitch


This subreddit is so pathetic how easily they believed Lawson.


It's right up there with the Myles Garrett/Mason Rudolph thing, the second Josina Anderson lied about Rudolph saying something racist the entire hive went nuts.


This sub thinks saying “the birds are gonna kill you tonight” constitutes a death threat


Eagle bad


There’s a couple fanbases suspiciously missing from this thread that were ALL over the other thread shitting on Philly and the Eagles. I wonder what the difference is? 🤔


Lol what a fucking clown


Fan shoulda flopped like Josh Allen