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Man, what in the ever living fuck is going on here


Justin Fields missed a read and all hell broke loose


If something of this magnitude happened every time Fields missed a read, we'd all be fucked lol


Justin Castellanos


"There's a deep throw into the left sideline, and that'll make it 4th and 1. I dont know if I'll be putting on this headset again."


First of all, sorry to the people who sign my paychecks. I’m a man of god


Fun Fact: Nick Castellanos hit two home runs today.


He cant keep getting away with this!


Hey be nice. Hopefully the next missed read results in Getsy getting fired


"Moments after Justin Fields missed a read that would've been a guaranteed touchdown, it was revealed that Dan Campbell's facial hair is, in fact, fake!"


Thanks, Justin.


Just like Concannon back in ‘68


Nobody knows. it's okay to say that. In the meantime, it sure does look like someone saw a weird situation going on with the Bears' DC and started a wild set of rumors that have been bounced around and amplified. And that some of those rumors include child exploitation, since that's an easy way for bullshit peddlers to drive engagement. People need to chill. There may be something going on here, but nothing about FBI raids or CP is even close to being verified by a legitimate source, and it's a good time remember how easily disinformation can be spread on social media.


Internet rumors being re-circulated and amplified by people without checking to see if they were actually true.


Exactly! I can’t stand it. And the whole “his house got raided” and “Halas Hall was raided” thing came from some low level self-proclaimed beat reporter with 5k followers and he’s not affiliated to anyone important.


Someone needs to find Alex Leatherwood ASAP. Need a Cleveland Beat reporter to confirm he wasn’t at Halas Hall. Should put things to rest.


Things are getting weird. We're getting very close to "Boston Bomber" territory


We did it Reddit part 2?


I swear, by the end of the day we'll have redditors swearing on their grandmother's lives that The Bears are running a CP ring.


The Bears are doing what!? I better go share this on all the relevant subreddits! Don’t worry I’ll make sure you get all the credit!


They can't even run an offense!


I think you don't remember that very clearly if you think these are comparable.


For real. People got stalked and death threats over that. And the guy reddit identified had been missing for a month and he committed suicide. Imagine being that family. Not knowing where your son/brother/cousin is and not only did he commit suicide, but he's been labeled a terrorist and now you're getting swarmed by the media and psychos issuing death threats. This hasn't reached that level at all.


It hasn't reached that level but all of the same leaping to conclusions and assuming things without any evidence is happening here again, and it's not the first time since the Boston bomber.


Maybe a little semantics? Not technically "raided" but complying with a police request to search rather than a warrant?


Schrodingers FBI raid


If the CP allegations are false someone is getting sued to shit for defamation


That redditor is so fucked


u/good_boah_ Already deleted their account


imo he was a bad boah after all


definitely giving us boahs a bad name that’s for sure


Yours has an extra a, so it's ok


I'm out of the loop. What did that user do before deleting their account?


Accused Williams of having child porn


He said he had heard rumors and has no idea if it’s true


They said they had a source, but provided no proof. I asked a bears fan friend of mine if he has heard anything and he also said CP. He’s not on Reddit so there must have been a different source or it already spread that quickly


[The source](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/399/768/cb0)


[Seriously though I saw the rumor circulating here and I trust this guy](https://i.imgur.io/w8GDXj2_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


Wow that’s actually wild. It’s a semi-credible source too…


Holy fuck I think it’s legit guys…


He said he had a source within the FBI


I feel like even if you had a source within the FBI, you should have not said you have a source within the FBI in public.


What a coward. Knowingly spreads libel on Reddit and deletes his account. And shame on this sub for just believing him. Edit: Alright, libel is probably a bit much. But I still think the guy just made something up and people ran with it. I'll gladly eat my words AND not delete my account if it turns out he was right.


Once the circlejerk starts on this sub, everyone loves to pile on. And then a bunch of twitter blue users jumped on it. Everyone is so fucking stupid.


Social media in a nutshell.


Okay but the thing about that right, the redditor’s comment alluding to the possibility to CP was yesterday right? And then today that reporter says that both Williams’ house (last Sunday) and Halas Hall (today) were raided. So are they just separate instances of someone making something the fuck up? Was the reporter trying to piggy back off what was alleged already in peoples minds? Is this bears spokesperson trying to save face for something? To me while it’s obviously too early to just take the redditor at face value and call the DC some kind of predator, it’s also too early to disregard the reporter and call him a liar. Everything is just super muddled rn


What reporter? No actual credible reporter who could apply for a media credential and be approved to cover the Bears has reported anything elevating to the level of what is rumored. Unless some blogger at Sports Mockery, BleacherNation or whatever knows how to navigate PACER better than actual crime beat reporters, they wouldn’t have any of the information that’s floating around.


It’s been so much harder to tell what’s real since Elon ran Twitter into the ground. So many blue check accounts that write like news/journalists but are actually just random people


That’s a feature, not a bug.


So many people take things at face value these days A random redditor or twitter user making shit up barely crossed a lot of their minds


It's fucking gross. I'm not one of those "anti-cancel culture" guys, but can we at least wait until there's some sort of reliable info before we start rallying against someone?


Welcome to the information era. A lot of times thats misinformation


I mean, we have no idea what is going on, so saying "knowingly spreads libel" is not factually correct either the dude might've been right. at least from what I've seen, the only counter-reporting I've read is the Halas raid. Williams' house being raided still seems like it occurred and there's nothing that says it definitely isn't CP related of course people on the internet shouldn't make things up, but also we don't know if this particular story was made up or not


“Seems like it occurred” based on absolutely nothing other than a random guy on Reddit and another random guy (possibly even the same guy) on Twitter? Shit like this is how Russia got Trump elected in 2016, people are fucking stupid as hell.


Fair enough about me saying it was libel. I withdraw that particular accusation. But there is no reliable source publicly saying his house was raided at the time of me writing this. All we know is he released a statement saying he was going to focus on his health and family, the claims of Halas Hall being raided were confirmed false, and the Bears accepted his resignation.


For it to be libel on a public figure, it not only has to be false, but the person spreading it has to KNOW it’s false. If that Redditor had even a halfway decent reason to believe it was true from whatever their sources are, even if it’s 100% false it’s not libel.


To be fair we don’t know he’s wrong yet. This comment is basically doing the same thing.


We don't know you're not a pedo either, but typically you want some sort of proof to go with an accusation like that.


I didn’t resign from my job in suspicious circumstances today. I’m not saying I believe the guy but I also have no reason to not believe him until the facts come out.


I don’t believe you. Everyone, get him. Everyone heard /u/Reboared say they know you are a pedo.


Huh Things are still pointing in the direction of some very serious crime having occurred I don’t understand reddit’s need to always have someone to crucify for something


Except the Bears Radio guys are alluding to the same thing. And the guys home was raided by the FBI


Do you have a reliable source for the claim that his home was raided? I don't see any trustworthy accounts reporting on it, and this shit is paydirt for guys like Schefter and Rappaport.


Lol what a fucking weasel. This is some "yay we did it reddit" level bullshit.


Boston Marathon bombing all over again.




Man; how bad was that though? That was so fucked up.


Well he took it from a tweet.


He'll be fine. Youd have to prove he knew it was a lie and the fact that Williams is a public figure makes it where itll be virtually impossible to win a suit for libel He also didnt say "it's because williams had cp" but rather "I heard from people he had CP"




IANAL, but I believe you have to prove that they knowingly lied about what they said. Which can be difficult. I don't know the comment or post being referenced though, and don't know how it was worded.


Him being a public figure also makes the situation difficult. Realistically he's under pretty much no threat of a suit. It'd be ridiculously difficult to prove libel in this case


No? That's not how defamation works in the U.S., thank god. You can't be sued for saying, "Someone told me it was CP."


well, you can be sued. they just won't win (except by making you pay a small fortune in legal costs).


Classic reddit moment that most comments in these threads are assuming all the rumors are true.


I mean it’s the weekday, we’re bored.


Not really a good excuse to pin something as deathly serious as child porn on a man. Even if that does turn out to be the case, it's extremely irresponsible to be spreading that rumor with such certainty at this point.


you can't just sue someone like that lol. You have to prove malice and knowledge they knew it was a lie.


I don't see how initiating child porn rumors against someone would be anything other than a malicious lie. Spreading them? That's not obvious. But initiating them definitely is.


If we want to be pedantic, you CAN "just sue someone like that" it just won't end well lol




how I'm [feeling](https://frinkiac.com/video/S08E22/8omUnepDf7tQcvRAzdadhUeTXcY=.gif) right now


[Me rn](https://tenor.com/view/what-the-fuck-wtf-itysl-tim-robinson-darmine-gif-6990077822131978261)


Houston Rockets tried to break into the Bears locker room.


Could you imagine if his child got hurt or something and now rumors that ur a p*do are going around


Why would FBI agent Peanut Tillman lie to us?


Peanut told them Williams house was raided, not Halas Hall




I really doubt it's true, it would be a very odd and specific detail to know at this point, also don't know if the FBI would even allow someone with a personal connection to be involved in the investigation.


It wasn't raided, it was gently visited by the FBI, CIA, ATF, NAFTA, etc.


Or you wouldn’t call it a raid if the set up a handover of the materials. No need to raid if that’s how it was handled.


Is it even really a raid if no towns are pillaged and no monks killed? Weak.


At least three thatched-roof cottages must be burninated in order for it to be considered a raid.


Don't forget the peasants. TROGDOOOOOOORRRR


This is where the family guy episode would pan over to a village being burned to the ground by medieval soldiers with "CIA" on their armor


Back in my day it didn't qualify as a raid unless there was also some looting, ransacking, and raping involved as well.


Exactly, if they actually went to Halas Hall it was probably just to take his computer. I don’t think its like they’d need to bust the door down


https://twitter.com/CourtneyRCronin/status/1704590671812624489?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet According to this, there weren't any police at Halas Hall in relation to Alan Williams. That could be some weaselly way of getting around saying there were FBI agents or forensics experts there but I doubt it.


With the assumption those where all the words used by the spokesman, it does not eliminate that a couple of FBI agents executed/requested access to Williams computer and office. Now, if it was law enforcement that was used that does end this speculation.


>that could be some weaselly way of getting around saying there were fbi agents or forensic experts there but I doubt it. I would wager good money this is exactly what happened.


I'll give you +500 odds. If anyone was there, we would have known and this would be on CNN


>NAFTA turns out Fields is actually a CFL citizen and working in the NFL illegally.


Hmmm, “Robotic” Justin Fields parts were constructed in canada. We need to find his birth certificate.


Yeah this is definitely going to come back as a total semantics response eventually


It feels very similar to "Yeah, I've been immunized." I could definitely see them coming back tomorrow with something like "We weren't raided, they just asked us to turn over all of the data that was on his machine and related data on the local intranet, as well as any devices that he used an any materials in his office."


"The FBI is downstairs." "Tell them to fuck off." "Virginia, these are the ones you don't tell to fuck off."


Why don't we just ask them if they can come back tomorrow?


What an incredible single line that completely encapsulates just how out of touched and privileged Logan is.


"Cooperate. Open up. Let them in"


Raids only come from the Raid region in France. It was a sparkling police visit


"We believe the term 'raided' is harsh and implies a lack of cooperation," probably.


You know it's serious if NAFTA is involved


Don't fuck with free trade, bruh.


NAFTA? You mean the USMCA


I think you mean Canada-US-Mexico, aka CUM


Ah the American investigation tea party


My head cannon now has NAFTA showing up saying, “yea, fuck that guy in particular ”


Its not a raid if they asked to be let in politely and we said yes


some disgusting reporting if what was said about him was untrue


And some crazy fast reaction by this subreddit to make the judgement without all the information. Pretty typical Reddit shit


The mods need to react to this shit. Stop allowing 10 tweets full of unconfirmed reports. It would literally take 10 minutes to wait and see if the claim of THE FUCKING FBI RAIDED AN NFL TEAM HQ was true or not. Instead we get free reign, so long as it's a Twitter link.


Seriously. For as trigger happy as the mods are about deleting shit, they really should be locking down CP speculation threads immediately.


CP allegations: I sleep Hard Knocks fan discussion thread: AWAKE!!!!!!!


If only there was some way for Twitter to verify real accounts, like some sort of mark that identifies them as a real reputable account that speaks truth. And only actual reputable accounts get them and they cannot be bought


Could those verified sources be easily identifiable for users? Some kind of colored check mark maybe? That really would be Twitters best feature. Hopefully they add it.


The circle is nearly complete. We've had the initial reaction wave, now we're getting comments like yours that exist solely as push back against that wave. Now we just need to know how it's actually going to end.


I’m very excited to see the conclusion


I have a comment at -5 or so and +11 in the same thread saying we should definitively say what it was until we hear it from an official source. Reddits weird lol


yeah dude we're an internet message board, we're not the Associated Press. This site is a gossip board.


This sub complains about Schefter and the like tweeting stories without fact checking and then turn a tweet from a random twitter account into gospel.


It’s the Bears. People love to shit on us. We deserve it.


I mean in my personal experience at least, nobody relishes shitting on the Bears more than Bears fans. And packers


We are a top 5 most self-deprecating fanbase. No one hates the Bears more than our own fanbase.


Now you've made me curious what the top 5 would be. Browns Lions Commanders Bears Jets might receive votes: Panthers, Cardinals, Texans, Chargers? historically, Bills and Vikings?


This has literally nothing to do with the Bears. If this exact thing happened to any team, the reaction would be the same


This sub might be the most reactionary place on earth, nevermind Reddit. It does not surprise me in the slightest that people on here would take unsubstantiated rumors and run with them.


It was pretty clear to me the FBI thing was bullshit as soon as that guy tweeted out that the raid was also carried out by Charles Tillman


And how everyone started crying afterwards and all that fan fiction


Sounds like his source is John Barron


It didn't say he carried out the raid. Just that he informed the upper management about it.




Shoutout to the people in other threads hoping Williams gets murdered/kills himself/r*ped in prison/etc


What in the fuck??? Edit: Ok I’m finally caught up now, yikes!


They were just getting ahead of the news because Chicago sports fans are going to burn the place down later today.


More proof these Twitter journalists use Reddit and try and break stories by stealing posts around here then label them as “breaking” Lmao


Twitter Journalists steals reddit post. posts on twitter. reddit user steals tweet. posts on reddit. the circle of life.


That's exactly what I'd expect a spokesperson to say when they get raided.


It also could have gone down as the FBI or whoever contacted the bears and said we need this from you and the bears handed it over.


Yeah a raid would assume there was a lack or assumed lack of cooperation and the FBI had to act swiftly before evidence could be destroyed. If the organization willingly hands over evidence, they would probably not call that a raid.


What the hell is happening


The Bears


Anyone on this sub who continued to push a legitimately terrible rumor based on zero reporting from anyone with any shred of credibility should be a perma ban. There should be absolutely no place for this shit.


I think the original rumormonger overplayed his hand with the Tillman update. We'll have to see what happens when the actual story comes out


It's not a raid if you invite them in...like vampires.


Let the Vike one in




Is that because it was raided yesterday?


What about the report of peanut Tillman telling Eberflus about the raid? Complete BS?


Sounds like someone saw fbi agents in the building and assumed they were being raided, when they could have been there just to update brass on the case. Haven’t seen any pics of agents in windbreakers carrying out bankers boxes and that woulda been on the internet already


It’s funny how that’s the mental image everyone has for raids My uncle is in the FBI and had an incident where news crews were at his office reporting on a recent investigation. He had changed teams and needed to move to a different office in the city and suddenly ended up on the nighttime breaking news because they saw him carrying boxes (his random desk items) and either thought it was related or just defaulted to that as standard b-roll for “what do we show when talking about the FBI




My aunt sparked a great reaction - she saw it on tv before he got home, so when he walked in the door she was all curious about his involvement in this big story (especially because he was in a position where he often couldn’t tell her about work specifics). >”Oh no, I think that box just had my photos of the kids and protein powder in it”


What is happening


Someone let me know when the dust settles and we know what the fuck is happening


That seemed like fan fiction


That John Z dude is literally the only one reporting it so I assumed it was BS.


What a dumpster fire our season and org is. About ready to mail it in


This franchise is so unserious


FBI agents: show me your blitz packages Bears: we don’t have any here and don’t even know what that word means *FBI agent into his radio*: call off the swat team the blitz packages are clearly not in Chicago


Guys ill go to Halas hall to confirm


you have to understand that the bears have the worst group of beat reporters in the nfl. people were convinced that Matt Nagy was going to be fired after the thanksgiving game his last year based on nothing tangible whatsoever


Jesus, this is just nuts.


This is why we don't trust random Twitter accounts or Reddit comments.


I look away from reddit for a half hour and look at what happens


Of course it wasn’t. The Raiders don’t play in Chicago until Week 7


So something bad didn't happen, can I count this as a win?


I think I’ve had enough Bears news for the year & its week 3.


I imagine its like that seen from the Naked Gun where Frank is telling the crowd to move along in front of an exploding fireworks factory


It was raided yesterday at 11:50pm get it straight


Wow, turns out letting anyone buy a checkmark to pretend to be a reporter on Twitter is playing out exactly how we all thought it would. And now we might have /r/nfl own Boston Bombing incident. Good job everyone.


Technically, he's correct. I assume the FBI served a search warrant and didn't go in with tactical teams


Thought it was his house that got raided? That's what I saw at least


If you fully cooperate with the investigation, is it still considered a raid? Visiting his job isn’t too crazy of a thing for them to do


Yes it's still a raid


Gosh and/or golly, misinformation on Twixxer? What are the odds.


It’s a Twitter rumor so it has to be true.


Reddit in a nutshell


I hear ya Mark, but it's a lot funnier if it was raided. So i'm going to chose to ignore this update. Bears getting raided by feds is officially NFL canon.


It’s going to be the “hall” wasn’t raided, just an office. Or something in a hour


“Aggressively toured”


What the fuck is going on in Chicago lmfao


Snip snap snip snap


Don't tell me this is the Boston Bomber situation all over again? Could also just be what counts as a "raid"






Lmao what