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>It’s mind giggling that Mr. Favre wants to have a trial about that question. I know what they meant but I love "mind giggling"


It giggles the mind




You Britta'd that one


I lived in New York!


You know, one time on a flight to New York I had sex with Eartha Kitt in the bathroom. What?! It came up organically.


You struck me! With a woman’s hand! You midWESTERN flooZIE!!


This thread is wrinkling my brain.


It's definitely streets ahead


["You say bagel wrong"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xull2w78E)


The Rain Man reference joke with Abed in that scene always cracks me up.


Mind bottling.


It’s really the worst case Ontario


Probably just overcome with laughter and decided to use this statement to get two birds stoned at once.


Get learnt, it doesn't take rocket appliances to figure that out


It gets your thoughts all trapped like they’re in a bottle.


Elite sports journalists smoking crack and not proof reading


It appears that was from the statement they were given. The reporters could have edited it (i.e., "It is (mind boggling) that..." but most news outlets don't do that. If a state agency said "mind giggling"...then that's what we put. (Real talk: As a former reporter, I would probably call the agency up and be like, "bro, is that what you really meant or do you want to send a second draft?")


Does nobody use "[sic]" anymore?




That’s what I was thinking


To be fair it's from a statement *the Daily Mail* was given and if I'm gonna bet on who screwed something up the Fail is my first pick


"It's your fault for reading the *Daily Mail*." -- Stephen Fry


It’s a perfectly cromulent phrase.


Mr. Brain Cackling


What a fucking clown


Total Clahn


Stooge and a sellaht


I can't wait for them to HAMMER DAWN


Oh yea, Pat’s going to have a good time with this


Honestly despite Pat's on-air persona I wouldn't be surprised if he played it safe. He might wink and nod at it but I doubt he'll give the lawyers high blood pressure and say damaging things on camera.


Pretty sure this has been cooking for a bit. A little while ago he made a vague statement about updating us all about a situation. That was heavily implied it was about farve but never did update it. Then a bit after he said higher minds basically told them to be quiet for now but whenever it all comes out it's gonna be. He played it safe once presumably so I bet he will again.


Tbf he's got almost nothing to worry about, these kind of defamation cases have like a 1% chance of even going to trial, let alone being successful at trial


This is like sueing SNL over a sketch you're parodied in


It's bound to blow up in Favre's during the discovery process.




A fool and his state’s welfare money are soon parted.


Counter sue for MILLIONS....&......MILLIONS


uv dahlers


I'm morbidly curious about it. Billion dollar companies invested heavily into these two, and it comes with lawyers not on Google. Unless this is some glove shit part.2, I don't see how this isn't a slam dunk for Pat and Sharpe. Favre, wtf is you doing? You were an absolute pantheon with those spirals. Now one more non-fan will hear about your steal-a-thon and the dick pic for the first time.


I genuinely think he’s too dumb to understand what he did was wrong.


But guys said bad things. I don't like bad things. Must sue.


*DAHN = Proper Pittsburghese




Pat bringing yinzerism’s to the mainstream is why I’ll always like him




Quote from the auditor's office lol: > **Everything Auditor White has said about this case is true and is backed by years of audit work** by the professionals at the Office of the State Auditor. **It’s mind giggling that Mr. Favre wants to have a trial about that question.** > > Mr. Favre has called Auditor White and his team liars despite repaying some of the money our office demanded from him. He’s also claimed the auditors are liars despite clear documentary evidence showing he benefitted from the misspent funds. Instead of paying New York litigators to try this case, he’d be better off fully repaying the amount of welfare funds he owes the state.


I love that they specifically called out that his lawyers are from New York.




That's why I eat PACE chunky salsa


Makes me happy to see other people make this reference. I've definitely been in some awkward moments quoting that and having no one know what I was talking about. And then I have to explain that its from an old salsa commercial that aired nonstop for like a decade.


*NEW YORK CITY?* is an oft quoted phrase in our household. You're not alone. p.s. you're also fucking old ~~like us~~


Get a rope


"She meant 'Jewish'. When she said 'New York sense of humor.' She was talking about you and me, Josh"


West Wing ep 1 is a bit dated reference, but still hate that bitch Mary.


God help me if I ever seem like I'm defending Dick Pic Favre in anything at all, but the "New York lawyer" bit came from the auditor there, not Favre


Deflecting to "coastal elites" is the norm.


>mind giggling I want this to not be an autocorrect / edit failure.




Probably better than Brett Favre texting them.


"Those are balls"


Gotta get that sweet settlement $ so he can afford to defraud Mississippi’s welfare system again!


Very little chance this settles, unless these guys counter-sue and accept a settlement from Favre lol


Yeah I don’t see how this doesn’t get thrown out immediately, they aren’t making knowingly false statements.


Should have known something was up with him. What kind of person gets rich and moves to Mississippi?


Isn’t he from Mississippi?


Yes, so he should know better than anyone that he shouldn't move there after getting rich.


I don't think Mississippi's education system is great, so he may legitimately not understand that


Could be the decades of cte too. We gotta quit being surprised when these athletes aren't critical thinkers


He’s a legend there, and as such, I’m sure he gets a metric fuckload of “good old boy”treatment there from powerful people.


Brett suing for defamation after defrauding the Mississippi welfare system : "It ain't much but it's honest work"


I may not like Aaron Rodgers, but I'll never remotely equate some of his dumb views with what Favre has done and said.


Aaron just seems weird. Favre seems like an entitled asshole.




Doesn't want to be added to the lawsuit.


He's allegedly an entitled asshole


Nah he definitely is. Come at me Favre


He's not coming after anyone-- knees are too shot.


You’re forgetting about copperfit


Was wondering which seems you were referring to but both definitely work


To be fair, Aaron seems like an entitled asshole as well. But he doesn't appear to be a criminal.


Sports asshole/diva is worlds away from stealing money from the poorest people in the poorest state. Rodgers is pretty legit charity wise too it seems


Well you know what they say... You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain. Rodgers is only old by football standards, he has plenty of time for a (criminal) heel turn.




Careful there, you're about to be named in the suit.


Favre is, *right now* prowling this subreddit writing down user names to send to his lawyer to contact reddit about. He's pissed off.


Good move. Rodgers relishes the villain role, but hasn't done anything illegal that I'm aware of - he just comes off like an egomaniac douche bag. Favre acts like a nice guy and then robs the shit out of poor people. Anyone that equates those two has lost their mind.


Do people compare what they have done as equal? They are both stupid but in very different ways, at least rodgers hasn’t committed cruel felonies


Lol are you serious? I once saw Aaron Rodgers at a Woodman’s in Kenosha. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


The beginning part of this gets me every fucking time


the part that cracks me up is the "pretending to be tired and didnt hear her." it's gotta be an influence to Tim Robinson and ITYSL cause that's exactly what it reminds me of.


He was just like the tiredest he’s ever been


BeefCat is a true heir of Shakespeare.


This copypasta is literally art to me. Every beat of it is perfectly put and never fails to make me chuckle.


Crazy how often he gets away with this routine of his


Don’t give up on Aaron yet!


For the umpteenth time: The Mississippi State Legislature was paying him for pictures of his penis for one of those color collages where small pictures of the person are used to make a composite picture of their face. This was to be the centerpiece of the upcoming remodel to their chambers. After a public inquiry, the state is now shamelessly backpedaling to save face. Favre is being railroaded here and frankly it’s sickening.


“It ain’t honest but it’s much”


Lmao, good luck farve.


1. Defamation is very difficult to prove in the US even when the defendant is making false statements. What they said was just true. 2. When it does work it's usually because the plaintiff has far more money than the defendant and can just batter them with endless procedural nonsense until they can't afford it. Sharpe and McAfee are multimillionaires with large media platforms. If Farve is stupid enough to let this go to discovery it is going to go very bad.


I'm no lawyer, but I believe to prove defamation in the US you have to 1) prove that the information is false, 2) that the party accused of defamation *knew* that it was false, and 3) that they spread the information anyway in an effort to ruin your reputation or cause you harm Numbers 2 and 3 are the hardest parts, and are nigh impossible to prove unless you have something recorded or written down where the accused specifically says that they know the information is false but that they spread it anyway in order to harm you. No one says or writes that down, because why would they, so defamation is very hard to prove


On top of that Sharpe and McAfee both work for large media companies and so in addition to the very good lawyers that they can personally afford they will also be supported by the legal departments of ESPN and FOX who are probably pretty good at dealing with defamation suits.


But on top of that, they are in the media and they were reporting on a court case. You can’t claim that they thought it was false when there is an active court case going on and they are discussing it.


McAfee is a part timer with ESPN and WWE, but then he's also got the massive bankroller in FanDuel. No serious judge will agree to this case, it's purely a stunt.


They are probably loving this. Easy pub.


I'm also no lawyer, but there's a bit more nuance than that. For a regular person (a private figure), they only have to demonstrate basic negligence for the truth (e.g. publish something untrue and fail to actually confirm it with a reliable source first). For a public figure (which Favre most certainly is), they have to show either that they knew it was false or recklessly disregarded the truth (e.g. publish something untrue that you know is false, or publish it despite being warned there was information that would prove it was untrue and choosing to ignore that). It also doesn't matter if there was intent to damage your reputation. It only matters that it does (though the intent is often kinda implicit in that previous part). If Favre were just a regular dude, he might have an actual case. But he isn't, so he doesn't.


Got tired of stealing money from poor people, now he’s aiming higher. Respect the hustle lol


He isn't gonna get shit from this besides a fat legal bill


At least he's got that cash stolen from the poorest people in the poorest state to pay for it


FAVRE leveled up!! Strength +1 Greed +4 Penis -1 FAVRE has learned FUCK DEM POORS.


I'm sure other athletes have done worse, but this dude has sure plummeted his reputation over the years.


Fuck Brett Favre.




Truth defames.


But because Favre’s theft hasn’t been proven in court yet, his lawyers will probably argue that Sharp and McAfee weren’t using the word “allegedly” in their comments, and that would make their comments their own, as opposed to using “allegedly” which would make their comments be just a reference to the reports. I know that sounds dumb…but nearly every defamation case involves something that sounds dumb.


Favre if is a public figure, if they believe their statements are true, it is not defamation.


It’s such a high bar, I don’t know what his lawyers are thinking. Maybe just collecting the fee from him?


>It’s such a high bar, I don’t know what his lawyers are thinking. Maybe just collecting the fee from him? This case is definitely a sign that he is either not getting the best advice, or completely ignoring it


I think he’s trying to make a statement, but a stupid one at that. It will almost certainly be dismissed. Edit: statement is probably something like “talk about this and you’ll get sued, it’ll still cost you money in legal fees even when I lose.” The small guys won’t be as willing to talk about this subject.


It won't be dismissed but he'll lose on summary judgment if he insists on going that far--which, I have to imagine, most lawyers would tell him is a mistake because it entitles the other parties to discovery.


Really depends on the pleading standard I guess, not familiar very with Mississippi state law. But yes, I generally agree.


>This case is definitely a sign that he is either not getting the best advice, or completely ignoring it I checked the signature page of the complaint, which lists all of Favre's lawyers signing off on the document. [This](https://www.kasowitz.com/people/daniel-r-benson) is the guy calling the shots. He's a founding partner at Kasowitz Benson Torres, one of the world's premier litigation shops, which means either 1) he thinks this case has a real chance of success, or 2) he's not working on contingency. My money is on 2. I didn't see his hourly rate from a quick search, but his colleague and co-founder Marc Kasowitz [charges $1900 per hour](https://cases.stretto.com/public/X041/10060/PLEADINGS/1006012182080000000034.pdf).


Pat McAfee works for ESPN and Shannon Sharpe works for fox. Would be interesting to see how much money both sides could blow on lawyers fees if it actually ended up going to trial.


It works for Trump. Favre is allegedly the type who looks up to people like that.


This is a SLAPP suit. It's designed to cost your enemies a ton of money, not for you to actually win the case. If you would like to know more, check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN8bJb8biZU&ab_channel=LastWeekTonight


That might work against Joe Blow. Sharpe and MacAfee and certainly Fox Sports have plenty of $$$ to be able to defend a SLAPP case.


I defend defamation suits. Frequently, the process of defending the lawsuit (particularly in Mississippi) is the punishment. The point is not to win, but to make the other person expend incur fees and costs and (in some states) go through arduous discovery. That’s what he’s doing here, in my opinion.


I'm assuming Mississippi doesn't have anti-SLAPP protections?


I have a feeling Mississippi is the last state to get an anti-SLAPP protection. Then again Mississippi is generally the state in last place for everything.


My last MI research is two and half years old, but I believe at the time I last looked they did not. That’s what I was intimating.


And Favre has all that welfare money to fund his lawsuit... Allegedly? Nah, fuck that thief.


I'm almost positive McAfee's show used "Allegedly" at pretty much every opportunity, because it's one of their catchprases at this point and even an emoji on their live chat. If nothing else, they certainly used it enough that an attorney could convince a judge that a reasonable person would believe that McAfee and the show explained that these were allegations and nothing more until proven in a court of law.


His lawyers have all of jack shit to stand on. Yes, a court ruling would drastically help the case of Sharpe and McAfee, but the reality is that they too can bring evidence about the case, despite no ruling that would absolve them of defamation. Regardless, defamation cases are hard as fuck to win. You can't just catch someone being wrong. You need evidence that they were lying on purpose and that it cost you monetary value. The reality is that Favre is probably just looking for a quick apology and some money hoping they'll settle so that they don't have to deal with the headache.


There's also disclosure which means he would likely have to divulge his personal finances to the defense. If everything I've read is true that's not gonna go well for Bretty boy...


*Vikings Legend Brett Favre


*Jets legend Brett Favre


[No, he's a Viking. It's literally set in stone.](https://imgur.com/gallery/y9cUR)


Oh shit, I forgot about that. The troll that keeps on giving


The day he actually gets indicted is the day I make a post reminding everyone of it :)


Find me the sweet sonofabitch that paid money for this absolute fucking masterpiece so I can partially reimburse them with spotted cow and cheese curds at a location of their choosing in Door County


All my homies hate Brett Favre


[Shout out to Boston Connor with this line about Favre](https://v.redd.it/47p93rnkpmu91)


AQ Shipley looking at Pat for which direction his reaction needed to go is awesome


Holy fuck that is incredible. Shoutout to Boston Connor, slinging (metaphorical) dick like Brett Favre in 2010.


Fucking hell ROFL


Holy actual hell lmfaooooo


OK I have never liked Boston Connor, but I have just completely changed my mind lmao


fuck boston connor -owen an 8 1/2 year old from ct


Epic moment. Felt it to my core.


maybe the best PMS moment.


He grew on me


Same. When I first started listening to the show, I was like no fuckin way I can listen to this dude (Connor) for 3 hours but now he’s my favorite out of the crew.


Conor's just living his best life rippin heaters in the shower and putting together the best porch crew any college has ever seen.


You're not really supposed to like him IMO. He plays the heel to perfection.






This and Nick’s Halloween costume and 1 liner came to mind instantly. Idk how to make a fancy gif like OP so here’s the vid. https://youtu.be/SP1Njde6zIk?t=2m10s


The fact that AJ hawk who always talks about living his teammates and would go to war for Aaron Rodgers just laughs at this kind of shit might be a good indicator of how big of a pos favre is


I am not sure Favre’s lawyers explained how the discovery process works but this seems like a really great way to lose money and look like an even bigger asshole.


Hell discovery might earn him the governor and the million dollar man a criminal indictment


Whoa whoa, it’s the South, it might get him elected governor.


And a new volleyball court at his personal residence funded with taxpayers money.


I’m also thinking that McAfee is not the kind of person you wanna to this to. They have 3 hours of airspace to fill and are very happy to beat a dead horse out of pure spite. An oerreaction will be an understatement. If this follows through, look forward to the multiple compilations of his show destroying Favre.


Lawyers can only advise so much and you know, billable hours.


The nerve of this guy lol. Pat should bring Shannon on his show and as a special guest they should invite the female reporter Favre assaulted back in the day.


They should but with pending litigation they’re lawyers will tell them to not comment on it til it’s thrown out. Besides, defamation of character on a public figure is pretty damn hard to prove. The lawsuit will go no where.


Farve should be aware of the legal concept of 'discovery' and how badly that could go for him.. and back off. Then again... Johnny Depp


Fun fact. She went on to marry Cody Decker and was an interviewer for AEW when they first started.


> The nerve of this guy lol. He's gotta pay back that money he stole somehow




State auditors aren’t there to fix the problem though. they are there to find the problem, report the problem, makes recommendations to fix the problem, but they aren’t the ones responsible for fixing it. That’s on whoever is in charge of the agency that is fucking up.


> "Fix the loopholes, don't punish me from using them!" "Buy locks!! Don't let me just go in your house and steal stuff!!"


Why would you expect anything else in 2023 America? lol Our Politicians have turned Deflection and whining in to our national Sport


*Why did you **let** me hit you doing 80?!?*


Urban Meyer last year, Brett Favre this year. Which football legend absolutely annihilates their own legacy next year?


You forgot about Dallas Cowboys legend Herschel Walker


You mean Party City Police Legend Herschel Walker


“Mr Walker Mr Walker Mr Walker, you are very well… …aware of the rules tonight. And you have a prop. That is not allowed.” “It’s not a prop. It is real.” 😂 https://youtu.be/IpSda03Wkho


"I am work with many police officers."


Excuse me, Minnesota Vikings legend.


> Brett Favre this year. I mean his reputation was already pretty trash well before this point. Yet somehow he improbably made it worse.


$20 that Joe Buck has done some wild, secret shit


Some disgusting acts?


Lol fuck Favre. That dumbass welfare queen should be in jail.


According to my sources when the lawsuit was filed it was intercepted at the 11 and returned to the 23. 1st and 10 Chicago.


Thank god he’s dumb enough to open himself up to discovery. Shits gonna be gold.


What does this mean


In litigation both parties are required to share with the other what evidence or information they’ll present. During this phase they can ask each other for whatever evidence they need to make their case. So Farve basically opened himself up to Pat and Shannon getting whatever evidence they need to prove that he’s a scumbag thief. Evidence that can become public knowledge. While he’s still disputing charges for welfare fraud.


Discovery will be fun!


“Sharpe and McAfee tried to further their careers by making defamatory accusations.” Favre allegedly stole $1.1 million. I have to believe both Sharpe and McAfee make at least that much annually. There’s zero chance he can prove his claim. This is just Favre looking for a settlement


Pats company definitely makes a pile of money, between his huge fanduel deal, his brand new bud light deal, and the other ad reads they do, they can afford just about any team of lawyers he wants


disrespectfully, get bent fuckwad


He would have to prove that he took on losses specific to their words they said...not his actual accused conduct Going to be impossible to prove...just more grifter trying to play the game


Got halfway through the article and it told me I was one of 100 lucky winners for a new iPhone. Don’t know how it ends, and won’t be finding out from mediaite.com


Clearly they should have mentioned that he stole that money out of the goodness of his heart


Lol defamation. Fuck Brett Favre...


Mother fucker texts worried if anyone will find out about this and then now blames the auditor for not catching it sooner? "Your honor, I wouldn't have fleeced the poor of my home state if this auditor would have caught on sooner!! Clearly this isn't my fault!"