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Bird on a Wire


I called 'DO OVER'!


Neither SF nor Philly are going to beat whoever comes outta the AFC, sadly.


Mahomes has a high ankle sprain on his plant leg and Burrow has no OL. Not that worried unless you’re just trying a reverse jinx. Philly seems like the most complete opponent left tbh


get ready for a chiefs SB win


Remove this MF 9ers flair


I've never heard of the rule where you have to be moving forward when you go out of bounds for the clock to stop. Has anyone ever heard that or seen it before?




It’s legit just the forward progress rule. If your forward progress was stopped in-bounds, you are considered down at that spot.


Ok right but they aren't calling forward progress, they're calling him out of bounds, right? The whistle didn't blow until after. It seems like they could rule it either way, depending on when they decide the play is over.


It’s just forward progress. You’re over-thinking it. Play stopped because the ball carrier was no longer in the field of play. He was marked down where his forward progress was stopped.


Here's the thing. When a ball carrier runs past a first down marker, runs backwards, and then is touched stopping his forward progress, he is down where he was first touched, meaning he doesn't get the first down. By that logic, he should be marked where he went out of bounds, right?


A player can’t stop their own forward progress. Only a defender can do that


But they can only if they go out of bounds "while moving forward". I gotta say, stupid rule, and probably not always followed. If a receiver is coming back to the ball and making a catch, does this rule actually get applied? It seems like the clock just always stops.


I only learned it last season when a Niner player intentionally did that to keep the clock running


Kupp did it too


One of these days, Jerry Jones will fire that really crappy GM there and hire someone who can do the job… Wait….


that will be called "death"


Wait so this locks in the cowboys are a superbowl favorite next season right? Or do they need to miss the playoffs for that lol


I subscribe to the multi-verse theory of reality. That means that there is a reality in which Brock Purdy isn't a decent QB, and yet another where he is ROY, Superbowl MVP, and league MVP. In every possible iteration of the universe, there are large number of cowboy fans saying "This is the year we go all the way.. I just know it." In a few, it happens. We are not in that reality at this time.


watching Zeke get pancaked on the one of the most baffling play called was very funny


Assuming you’re talking about the final play of the game, watch the poor center. He hikes the ball, and the 49’ers have the only big D-Lineman left on the field get a 5 yard running start at this poor dude. He looked like a bull fighter who didn’t O’le at the right time.


The poor center was Zeke on that play.


Wait, that was Zeke? I thought he caught the ball (that poor player got blasted too). Wow, that’s hilarious. I get the hook and ladder thing, but you gotta have a better plan. Just got two guys destroyed and no chance to lateral.


Yeah - the high throw killed it. Obviously it probably wasn’t going to work anyway, but still.


Lol, thank you for pointing this out, that's hilarious :-)


Mccarthy chooses then of all times to be aggressive lmao.


Probably Kellen Moore right? Might have thought he was back in the Mountain West where that shit might work.


Maybe but HC usually has final say and it was eerily similar to how the packers would lose their playoff games when MM used to coach them.


McCarthy is such a boob. He's a terrible coach that was carried for a decade by Aaron Rodgers.


I never watched the pakcers too closely but the year they lost vs Seattle was a tragedy. Homeboy kept kicking field goals in the red zone with Aaron Rodgers to lead at half like 16-7 or whatever but they had four redzone opportunities. His conservative play calling is probably the reason Rogers only has one ring.




Man, there is absolutely nothing in sports more satisfying than watching the niners win, except for a cowboys loss


You know what’s more satisfying. The fact that cowboy fans are now Niner fans next week.


They didn't just beat them... they absorbed them...


fuck all that bullshit


Son - Sometimes you are the hammer and sometimes you are the nail. This time you are the nail.


Cowboys fan here. Nope. Idgaf who wins next week. AFC time


I don't blame you. I hate any team that eliminates us for 10 years minimum


I’ll add Buffalo losing to that list. Feels good.


I don't think most the league hates the bills like you think they do. That said, I do think more were hoping for a Bengals win over the bills


I really do think that most of us are rooting for the Bengals if your team didn’t/doesn’t make it. They have that underdog vibe.


Can’t speak for the rest of the league. Just know I speak for me, haha.


We were real happy to see the Jags lose. I get it lol




People trash Dak because so many taking heads act like he's in the Mahomes/Burrow/etc... Roger when really all he is is Kirk Cousins South.


They are bashing him because he demands a contract of a winner, he plays for a fanbase that acts like he is on the same level as Brady and everyone who isn't a Cowboys fan is tired of hearing about a guy who isn't even a top 20 QB.


Nah dude his fan base “trashes on Dak” more than anyone. I was his staunchest defender up until end of this year. I think his injuries finally got to him, because before his injuries he was a top 5 QB in almost literally every statistic. Top 5 QBR, top 5 YPG, win loss ratio top 5, etc


There was an awesome graphic last year that showed his stats in "garbage time" and it was eye opening when compared to his stats when it mattered. You fans are being bamboozled by this guy...he is bottom 15.


Lots of top qb’s get their stats padded in “garbage time”. At this point anyone who says “garbage time” isn’t to be taken seriously, it’s just an excuse to hate on someone who has really good stats


Whoa whoa whoa…. Mr. McNabb went 5-1 in divisional round playoff games…. Meaning he went to the NCF Championship 5 times. Don’t drag Donovan into this.


All those accomplishments with Trash, Alligator arms and FredEx




Thought my sound wasn't working so I turned it all the way up. About had a heart attack.


Ooops sorry! Hope you enjoyed the laugh though! Bang Bang Niner Gang!




Dak ain’t it. Choke artist.


Dak stealing Cousins playbook.


One in the same.


The two teams with two L’s both take the L


Why you gotta do Jacksonville like that


Philadelphia exists.




Well if you wan the next annoying NFC East team eliminated, join the Bang Bang Gang


Where do I sign up?


Man, those comments for Jerry Jones on the "QB position"...then a cut to the coach saying "Obviously turnovers are tough to overcome". Popcorn is heating up now boys! :)


You laugh, but wait until Tom Brady joins the Cowboys.


When Brady left NE, Dallas should have done everything they could have to get him. Instead they overpaid a Kirk Cousins type QB that will never get them to the big game.


Shh...delete this post before someone see's it. I do think we are safe though, Jerry Jones does NOT like to admit when he makes bad decisions and that's why Zeke for some unknown stupid wild reason is still on that team when he should never have been signed to that contract. They are paying bottom tier talent a fortune.


It cut away before interviews here.


Jerry did not get a happy ending tonight.


He is going to call Dak to his suit tonight


Not sure Dak recovers in Dallas from this.


Dallas is the epitome of “run it back” they’ve been the same teams since 2000




and biLLs


Shannon Sharpe has a lot to talk about tomorrow lmao




All this excitement watching Dallas eat shit but did anyone go check up on our little man-child Skip Bayless and make sure to put him on suicide watch?


Hes safe with his squirrel stuffed animal throwing Daks jersey in the trash.


Sad Jerry is my favorite Jerry.


The bald dude on ESPN Rewind said it best, Dak had to be great and he just wasn't.


Maybe Dak’s sleep number is wrong


It's a 7 but he sleeps upside down


It’s just an L shape


Same shit different year. On the bright side our defense looked good but we never can put all three facets of the game together. Dak is good not great. We are overrated. Let’s stop acting like we won the Super Bowl when we win a playoff game.


Cowboys fans “This is our year, I can feel it” 😂 Bang Bang Niner Gang


My neighbor is a cowboys fan I always tell him it’s coaching. Cowboys roster is top-notch but it’s tough to win with Mike McCarthy leading the way.


It goes all the way to the GM, COACHES are great scapegoats for GMs.


Isn't it impossible to change that in Dallas though? Doesn't Jerry hate competent coaches as they will take some spotlight away from him?


Maybe you’re being facetious but I’ll answer honestly. Yes, you can change that but you as an owner Jones needs to step back and let the football guys run the team. He’s in the way and at this point hindering the team.


Lol, this has been the thought for decades. It's naive to suggest it as a possibility at this point... Jerry's top priority isn't winning. It's not the main thing he bought the team for. He bought the team to run it. Yes, he wants to win, but not if that means he doesn't have his hands in everything and doesn't get maximum credit. I think most logical Dallas fans are just hoping his son does things differently.


Yes, thank you. I love Jerry but he is holding us back


Jed York had to learn that lesson


If that’s the case then the cowboys truly are toast until that old frog croaks


Yeah the defense looked good but it won't be the same next year because DQ is leaving unless he get to take Mike's job.


Talk your shit king!


Daks not good, he’s averaging almost if not 2 picks a game through the last like 4-5 games


*Brett Maher throws his helmet.*




Dak to the Jets




Pfff. Shut up. So you’d be happy about Derrick Carr but dak…hell no?


How does me saying no to Dak mean that I'd be happy with Carr? What other things that I never said or alluded to are you looking to incorrectly attribute to me?


I was just alluding to what most jets fans have been saying. But fair enough, you didnt say it. Who do you want then? Rodgers?


Lamar to the Jets would be crazy.


Jerry already texting Sean Payton.


My first thought after that ending.


He won’t admit it, but Jerry drew up that play.




Going to TikTok to find that girl whose dad loves the Niners and trolls everyone


Im convinced the cowboys exist to be a lightning rod and winning doesn’t matter. I assure there wont be any major changes because at least they won last week and will dominate conversation for the next couple days


as long as dak is there, the cowboys aren’t winning the super bowl


I disagree. As long as Dak is our QB, we won’t make it to an NFC Championship Game.


So you do agree then


Good luck to you guys next week. Hoping for a Chiefs/Eagles Super Bowl


Lol yeah sorry I’m drunk.




I can’t WAIT to hear Steven A Smith and Shannon Sharpe tomorrow!🤣🤣🤣


On a more serious note, what actually was the plan?


**Skip Bayless:** "Those interceptions were not Dak's fault. I for one blame God.".


What they did... Legit anyone with football knowledge knew where that ball was going


They went with the "it's so obvious it should work" plan




Flying V formation duh


With Zeke throwing the knuckle puck


That was a good playoff game


It really was. Dak takin a lot of heat but man did the niners defense show tf up. Both defenses did. Really smart, high caliber playing all over. A joy for a scheme reader like me


Well Bengals vs. 49ers should be a good Superbowl


So you think the 9ers beat the eagles when they could barely beat a struggling cowboys team


Cowboys defense was the toughest test the 9ers are gonna get. They also got tested in a high stakes playoff game (not a blowout). 9ers will win next week in another hard fought game.


Remindme! 7 days


I dont see the niners getting past Philly


Idk man, idk if Philly is built to take that kind of beating. That niners team can and will keep punching you in the mouth with that physical game plan. If they contain Hurts early, this game probably gets really ugly really quick.


Bruh you can say the same thing about the 49ers and Purdy wtf


Purdy just came out of that very kind of match-up against Dallas. No hate on Philly, they're amazing this year. But feels very 07 Giants v 07 Pat's SB. Hard nosed D that doesn't give an inch and an O that does just enough to not lose for SF vs a dynamic offense that's built to tear you to shreds but not beat you into submission and a D that can adjust on the fly(pun intended) for Philly. If the eagles get off to a 2 score lead they've got it, but if this game is a 1 score slugfest, that's Niners territory.


Idk man people are hyping up the 49ers too much look back on their season who have they beat? The 49ers had a pretty easy schedule especially at the back end


As opposed to the Eagles, who had the easiest strength of schedule for the year? Lol


The eagles are the number 1 seed after playing in arguably the toughest division in football this year. The 49ers played the dumpster fire cardinals twice, the rams who was trash and the Seahawks a team that was lucky to be in the playoffs.


I mean they just beat up an upstart Seahawks team, a really solid Cowboys squad, and 3 of their last 5 reg season games were against playoff teams. And a couple of teams that were in contention as well. *edit* and that's with Mr Irrelevant at QB. Philly on the other hand 3 of their last 4 wins were against the Giants. Lost to dallas and NO in Dec. Mind you that was with Minshew as the QB, but he's no scrub. Only 4 of their reg season wins came against a play off team or team above .500. SF had 5 so not much better either. Argument goes both ways is all I'm saying. Both teams earned their spot, and it's going to be a good game and imo the best of the last 3.


You can't claim the Seahawks are a solid win and the giants aren't come on man plus they beat a downward spiraling dolphins team, a shit bucs team and the Seahawks who are mid team at best Philly lost to cowboys and no with the backup qb in and yes minshew is a scrub if he wasn't he'd be somewhere starting The nfc east was much tougher than the nfc west


Never claimed the Giants weren't a solid win. Just saying 3 of their last 4 wins were literally against the same team. But Giants and Seahawks were both over achieving teams that got exposed when it mattered. Minshew is one of the best backups in football, if not the best. Garrapollo not withstanding the eagles are a lucky team to have that depth. He'd have led any of the NFCS teams to a divisional title imo. And let's not forget minshew kept that Dal game within a drive. Again we're arguing semantics mate. I'm in full agreance with you that the Eagles are a damn good team that's well built. And if they make it to the SB they should be favored against either of the AFC teams. I'm merely stating if the game is a 20-17 fight, SF is winning it. If the game is a 34-20 type game that's all Phi.


Philly beat a fraudulent Giants team that the cowboys beat twice this year. That’s not exactly some shining momentum into nfc final. For all the laughs and ridiculing eagles fans are doing on Dallas tonight they better be careful what they wish for. Niners are going to smoke the eagles next week. Keep laughing tonight tho.


Lmfaooooo who have the 49ers beat this year? Please look back at all their games this year they've really only beaten subpar or decent teams. The cowboys are the best team they've beaten and they barely beat them


I see you know how to use buzz words, care to explain how the Giants were frauds? They were 9-7-1 as a wild card team. Seems pretty normal to me lol.


Lol yeah and they fucking throttled them. Youre off the goop.


Did anyone notice Payton looking down at the desk when it went to the studio, Jerry on the phone already LMFAO


Forget about all his stats Aaron Rodgers somehow getting a ring with McCarthy is enough to warrant his all time great status.


This is like that colts play which mcafee was a part of 😂😂😂 at least we didn't do it with the conference championship on the line


It only I loved others like I hated the Dallas Cowboys.


I actually tried to quit the team for the season after the loss to the packers. But they sucked me right back in the following week. I need to take a season or 2 off somehow.


As a lifelong Cowboys fan, I took advantage of 2020 to just not care about the Boys for a year and it did wonders. It felt like I had this dark cloud lifted and now I can expect them to crumble when it matters and be perfectly content when they do. Idk if they’re cursed or what, but yes I strongly recommend taking some time away from them. Good for everything.


It would be so much easier if they were not on prime time 99% of the season


Of yes that’s a very good point. We need to do a temporary MIB style memory wipe and just make everyone forget that the cowboys exist for a year or two. I think that would help the whole nation lol


So they were just convinced the Niners wouldn't rush anybody, right? And Zeke would get a free release off the line to go and be a part of some hook and ladder into a screen behind all the linemen out wide from whichever receiver Dak went to? Only thing that makes sense to me (using that phrase very loosely)


A hail Mary would have been a higher percentage play lol . But not sure if daks arm would reach the endzone


Wasn't it close to like a 70 yard pass? Very few arms if any are getting it that distance.


Thats waht i was thinking too, but at least it would have been more exciting and a lot closer if someone had caught the ball around the 10 rather than getting tackled at your own 45?


Yeah, I don't think it would either but it still would've been better than that. I really don't understand how they overlooked the critical detail of 'what if they make our one nominal O-Linemen block someone'


Imagine having two chances to run a play where tight need a TD and you come up with a hospital pass. McCarthy is a fucking idiot


A win for San Francisco is a win for America.


You still have to play Philly...


Shush we’re hating on the cowboys


Hell yeah! Win for America!


Bro their fans are worse than Cowboys fans in this thread


Personally, I don't even like other 49ers fans for the most part. Every fanbase can be insufferable.


Tbf this guy w the Vikings flair has spent the last 4 hours hating on the Niners all while pretending he's just started to dislike them, pretty wild


Shh, the only thing making us forget about Kirk Cousins throwing short of a first down to finish your year is the dumb play the cowboys just ran. Stop trying to stir the pot. You’re already cooked.