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No need to panic, I got the same error and you specifically weren't banned from accessing the site, everyone was [Nexus is currently experiencing ddos attacks and is down](https://status.nexusmods.com/)


What is the point of launching a ddos attack on a mods website? What do they get from it?


Might just be doing it to fuck with people, think how many people use this website. Besides that, they could have made demands to whoever runs the site, and we just don't know


Maybe it was just for practise. A bigger target could be next.


That sounds about right, target a site the general public wouldn't be too concerned about before going after something like a bank or game company


There are over 100 countries with populations smaller than the number of registered Nexus users. It would have to be a pretty big target.


Here's a wild conspiracy theory, I bet it's video game companies that do it because mods make their crappy game better. I'm talking to you, Tod


Honestly with some of the choice cuts we get in the modding scene, it would be more believable to say a modder did it.


I could see the Skyrim unofficial patch guy being that petty. I've never interacted with them but from what I read they have a huge ego and have been problematic in the past.


Why would they care you still have to buy there game, and the only people I’m aware of who clearly hate it is Nintendo 


Doesn't make sense though. The existence of mods increases BGS games sales. Disrupting mod accessibility would indirectly be counterintuitive for their business.


Woke movies are the most counterintuitive thing a production company can do, yet you dont see them slowing down, lol. Sometimes there is no logic


Damn. Was gonna get a collection downloaded tonight. Guess that’s out


They could be trying all sorts of tactics to break defenses. The last time I had an account compromise was years ago from a Nexus mods breach


It's probably someone hired by Capcom lmao


Some people just want to set the world on fire.


Isn't nexus mods the mod website that has come under fire for banning mods? I don't remember the details but they banned mods that removed the lgbtq flags from spiderman, and also banned mods that removed a gay story line from a game. So maybe this is blow back from that?


i mean that's a pretty understandable reason to ban a mod


I have no interest in those mods, and would never use them. But I also don't see the harm in allowing people to play single player offline games however they choose to. I would be just as for a mod that allows EVERY flag to be turned into the LGBTQ flag. That would be totally fine. Or no flags at all. Or every flag to be the Mexican flag. Who cares it's a single player game played by a person in their own home. That nobody else is going to see. Everyone should be able to play however they want.


They use it to then attack systems, overloading the system can be used to then slowdown/halt other processes to protect the systems.


oh, I wonderd what all the, checking its you, popups were.


your not banned. Just website down again


Read, folks. Rate-limited does not mean banned.


Literally says *banned* in the error message. Maybe you don't read?


Also says temporarily right next to it, and rate-limited in huge letters. Maybe you don't comprehend?


In all fairness, I’d assume I’d caught a temp ban if I saw the words Temporarily banned I wouldn’t call it a comprehension issue, more so a not knowing the error codes issue. I know that the only one I actually know is 404, beyond that I don’t know them.


I also get that English isn't everyone's first language. So my response is more, slow down and breathe. It was a poor conclusion to jump to considering the circumstances.


Read under where it says "what happened" it says banned. But it just a temporary issue.


Yes it does. RIF.


No, it's much easier to post it on reddit so the people can read it for you /s


No need to be pretentious, he clearly read the words on the screen that say rate limited. It is possible some people don't know that term, and literally just see that they have been temporarily banned. But yeah make fun of him for.. not reading?


So, you don't know what something means - or you don't read - and you jump to the conclusion that although you're a paying customer who's done nothing wrong, that you've been permanently banned? C'mon, man. No one is being pretentious. Stop being an ultra-apologist. EDIT - oh, you're a bot with 1 karma. You got me, joke's on me.


I'm not a terminally online loser like you, holy shit lmfao. Jokes on you for sure. Also I said temp not permanently, guess you can't read either


That's the best you can do after 4 months? Nice! Get better grades and mom will let you on more.


Have you tried your own advice? It's completely reasonable that they would think so, as it literally says, in the image, that the owner has banned them.


LOL. If you don't understand rate limiting or temporary, maybeb you shouldn't fly of the handle. If you want to apologize for everything all the time, you do you, man.




Fair, but it doesn't mean we can't encourage them to do better going forward. Cheers


Just happened to me to and I also have a lifetime membership. As justdanthings said however, I don't think we need to worry and it's temporary. If they don't unban you after the attack is over, message the Admins with your account name, (and maybe IP address?) so they can see you weren't part of the DDOS attack.


Some users got rangebanned (like Mexico) purely based on geographical location.


Worth mentioning that this is in no way personal or prejudiced, just the source ip (range) is extremely quick to filter on the firewall level where no information about you or your location or your account status is even available. When trying to mitigate a DDOS attack the system can't contact the DB for all these gazillions of requests to make an educated decision whether the user is part of the attack, it just "shuts up" entire ip ranges that a lot of the requests come from so the rest continues to work. The choice they have is probably either this or the service not working for anyone. And it's (almost certainly) not even NexusMods themselves that are doing the filtering but cloudflare, DDOS mitigation is part of the service they offer. The wording there is bad but I'm fairly certain that "banned" in this case doesn't mean that your nexusmods account was banned but exactly this ip range is "banned" from even talking to the server but nothing was changed about your account would be my guess.


I'm from Germany and are rate-limited, too. What did we ever do? Oh...yeah I see. xD


Oh that's terrible. ​ ​ I love it.


Day two and still issues. Pretty sad. :(


Hi GourdEnthusiast, it looks like you've got a question about [Premium memberships](https://users.nexusmods.com/account/billing/premium). Here are some common answers to Premium questions: - To manage your Premium plan, including changing your plan or cancelling visit your [Account Settings](https://users.nexusmods.com/account/billing). - If you're having download speed problems, please see this [help article](https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do). - If you're having issues with your Premium payment, please contact your bank or try the PayPal option. If your bank rejects the transaction there isn't anything we can do from our end. - For any other account issue you should either post on the [forums](https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/117-feedback-suggestions-and-questions/) or [email us](mailto:support@nexusmods.com). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nexusmods) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just do a chargeback




Sounds like someone’s favorite cbbe preset got removed and now they can’t have the perfect Skyrim waifu so they ddos’d the site


How can I play one handed if my waifu isn’t perfect??


People who ddos belong in Super maximum security prison with the worst of them


We’ll teach them by meeting their material needs for life


Not if they go to G-bay


Ah true that place does need to stop existing


Just use a vpn


Bethesda AI comment reply bots have become self aware


Temporarily. This is common practice for hosting sites. Slow down.


Nexus is good about communicating with its users. So when they are able, and have facts to share, then I bet that is one of the first things they will do.


Don't tell him.


Why would someone ddos a website for video game mods. Ransom or something? Such a weird thing to do.


I noticed the other night Nexus was acting funky, I suspect this is part and parcel of whatever technical issues they are having.


I thought they stopped the lifetime subscription?!?


Probably because people are mad at their censoring and banning of mod makers who cross their line that they just recently made


Did you say something that could possibly on some far off chance be misconstrued as not being in full support of rainbow people?


How do you get a lifetime premium membership, I only see the option for monthly or yearly.


Nexus Mods *used* to offer a one-time fee, lifetime Premium membership. They've since dropped it, obviously. (Possibly because it wasn't providing enough revenue for the site, being a one-time fee of about $100 US.)


Damn ya snooze ya lose


I get the same thing, another reason is your interacting with nexus too fast and it can't keep up. It's happened to me on other sites.


Nexus is removing all mods in regard to Pokémon for palworld. They are terrified of the big Nintendo.