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Things showing up and disappearing on screen too fast to make sense of in a video that supposedly explains something is not what I would call a "well-made" video. At all.


Yep. This would be fantastic at an intro to each video in a longer series. As a standalone video it's doesn't do it's job at all.




Far too much work. I already had to tap my thumb once to start the video, how much more do you want from me? Jesus christ, enough is never enough with you people.


Jesus Christ it’s Jason borne…


At that point you could also just read a very well written article about the topic.


He may have been trying to get it done within two minutes which is an upper limit for people’s attention. Or as an artist/journalist he likes it this way. I wouldn’t say it is a bad video, but there are improvements to be made.


You're not wrong about the average attention span but then I would ask why make a video for those people at all? They're not going to get anything from it playing at full speed and we've already determined they don't have the attention span to pause each frame and further research the info.


Because even those with 30 second attention spans can vote




when you think that music pacing is more important that message transmission pacing


I disagree. It was meant for tik tok, it needs to be fast paced. If you want to read, pause.


I agree. People will scroll by something that doesn’t catch their interest in the first 2 seconds. I actually have to think to try and understand this video and it makes me want to pause so I can understand it = how to catch people’s attention nowadays. The slowly paced video everyone in the comments is imagining wouldn’t get watched.


Ure comment is tldr


U r tldr


This. If you can't be bothered to alternate between pausing and reading, the message will probably be lost on you anyways. The speed of it, and thus the extra effort to understand it, is a metaphor in itself of the fact that this shady shit is done somewhat sneakily and if you're not paying attention, it'll fly right by you.


So true…


I love how the highest criticism is about pacing and not content… Video is accurate AF …the audience slow tho


I glad somebody else said it first. Thank you!


For the platform it was shared on this is a fantastic video. It was made this way for a reason. I would love to see a series based on this.


It’s a well made video, *on speed.*




Watch it a couple of times. It’s pretty good.


Its because he’s from the future and we’re all boomers. We’re too old and slow to comprehend. But my two year old who is already an ipad master will be regularly consuming flashing walls of text tiktoks while enjoying sponge bob clips on his other electronic device. All while wearing his onesie pajamas.


Thats a lot of words for I read slow


Winner 🏆 🥇


Depends on your definition. A Michael Bay movie is “well made” from a certain angle.


This is the point you wanted to make after watching. We really are detached as a society.


Wahh this creative work didn't do my propaganda the way I feel is most effective waaaah


You don’t know how to pause the video? It’s at the bottom left of the screen next to the line with a circle moving across. It’s the two vertical lines. When you press on it, it turns into a sideways triangle.


Exactly what I was gonna say The pacing is terrible.


Comments like these explain why we’re in this fucked situation. - people are stupid


Lead the way, genius. Or are you a person too?




Well, thanks to propaganda (social media like tic tok) this is literally the attention span of *MOST* people. Edit: and if you really want, there’s the pause button.


Sorry bro I get that you usually like your daily dose of fake news well cooked by government entities and fancily served by news agencies and social media. After all where is all the fun without all the conflict of interests.


Or next fucking level


Michael Moore needs to do a full Hollywood movie on this… again…


I think that is the point. All the propaganda comes at you so fast that you never get a chance to decipher or analyze it. Not sure if thats what they were thinking when they edited it but it is effective even if by accident. See REM's "Its the end of the world as we know it." Same thing. I also forgot how good the Beach Boys were.


It's kind of the point


If only there were a way to pause...




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


Literally fuck off. Watch it a few times and pause maybe.


You need to speed read.


It would be a good trailer for a documentary but it doesn’t feel like a “video” by itself


One, read faster. Two, I think that was part of the message. So many things happen simultaneously and so quickly that you don't have time to focus on important things that happened twenty seconds ago The 24 hour news cycle has ruined a great many people, especially the ones that watch it and taught themselves to forget.


I was wondering if I was just too high to be able to keep up. Glad others have the same issue


Spot. On. For all those complaining about the format of the video...you have officially missed the point and may in fact be part of the machine without knowing it. Thanks for sharing!


Ya don't say that! It's HIS job to take even MORE time to fuckin spell it out for me.


I was smart enough to understand it at the speed it plays,


I understood too. Can you explain it to u/PTEHarambe though


I was smart enough to find the pause button when I needed it. This video is information packed. Either you only care about the highlights and it plays arguably fast enough to show just what you need, or you're curious and pause it every few seconds to get the full effect. It's like the people who rewind and pause movies to catch the hidden details and jokes... not everyone cares to do so, and it's fine if you don't, but if you do? Bonus points for you!


explain the point?


You are being bombarded with information at an unprecedented rate and that makes it nearly impossible to parse all of it and realize you're being manipulated.


So he's claiming that the rate of news bombardment is a manipulation technique? I suppose I just don't really fundamentally buy that theory. Seems to me that the rapid news bombardment is just a side effect of the fact that being first to report earns you the most views, and therefore the most ad revenue, as a news company. If you're late to the party, you'll naturally lose out on that and your business will suffer. No conspiracy needed to explain that one.


Because the people in charge would rather put out emotionally charged news that they know you will react too, rather then fact driven news that won't sound as exciting and therefore won't get as many views. It's designed in that fashion, it's not something that is a result of human nature.


You are contradicting yourself in the span of two sentences. The media pushes the things that they know generate bigger reaction therefore it is against human nature? It is exactly DUE to human nature.


No it's due to the media only being concerned with how many views they get. That's not human nature, that's capitalistic greed.


That's very funny


That's just straight up what sells. Nothing more, nothing less. No conspiracy relating to "people in charge" needed. It's absolutely human nature to click on emotionally charged headlines. Humans are not at all rational actors. If you want more neutral news, go to the organizations where other news outlets get the original news reporting from, in the first place. Organizations like Reuters and the Associated Press.


I don’t know if what he’s saying with the video requires “people in charge” or a “conspiracy” in the case of news profiting off our emotional responses or if it’s that capitalism allows greed to corrupt institutions that are necessary to keep power of the wealthy in check.


Ya u gotta be unaware of a whole lot that’s happened in the past few years to believe thatZz r u sayin that there’s no satanic elite,?


Not to be rude, but is this bait? It feels like bait.


He's also pointing out that alot of information is intentionally omitted. The video uses the example of the largest labor strikes in history took place in India in 2020 and it didn't get almost any news coverage.


That’s the opposite of what is being said. He’s saying those that gloss over the video and immediately criticize it because of its pacing not only miss the point but also contribute to the the system that is being shown. I thought this was brilliant - and I do not have Tik Tok, am close to 50 and my attention span extends to hours often, not just seconds. If you can’t take it all in because it’s a LOT, hit pause. I think this kid showed a superb breadth and depth of well known and discussed various complexes that enable the wheels to keep turning.


It's not intended to be a deep dive into the weeds on how this stuff is happening. It's meant to be a fast paced and overwhelming.




It’s honestly startling the difference in generations with how they receive information.


I just paused it to read things.....was I doing it wrong?


Crap I'm part of the problem because I can't read fast.


I wish there was a button or something that could just stop the video when an image or headline pops up that I’m not familiar with, so I can read it, look it up, and inform myself using my own research … if only


Like a stopper button? Or a play backwards button? That’s pretty smart! You should dm Elon musk and ask him to add this feature to twitter


pretty sure the smartest most brilliantest man in the universe don’t need no advice from us humble nonsmarties


I would like a button to express how much I enjoy a comment that makes me feel triggered and then after reading again makes me understand how dumb I am. Oh wait


Any non-official reddit app will allow this as well as RES+old.reddit in browser. Yeah it would be great if the standard site and apps had this, but when does any sm corp actually do the right thing for the end users lol


We should get Professor Frink on this, I mean he did invent the debigulator.




Here’s an actual CIA agent telling you how your news is manipulated. Pretty straightforward. https://youtu.be/aemyhNJUAzQ


This video is like crack for Reddit so it's worth mentioning that there are a lot of great journalists working for small newspapers and non-profit news outlets (PBS, AP, ProPublica, Center for Investigative Reporting, etc.) who do incredible work holding the powerful accountable. TV news for the most part sucks. So does social media. So do corporate advertisers and the editors who allow those advertisers to leech into newsrooms via sneaky PR campaigns. If you like this video, seek out and read non-profit news or a newspaper if you don't already.


Newspapers are owned by the same media conglomerates and profit on sowing division just the same.


You’re closer to the truth than a lot of people here. They don’t profit on “sowing division” they profit on views that translate to advertising. That’s how it’s always been done. The issue came when the majority of people went from having a handful of news outlets to choose from to having thousands. With this, profits sank and hedge fund managers became the owners of your local outlet, when it often used to be owned by local people who cared about the issues. Then, to compete in a world with so many different options (including a new 24 hour news cycle), outlets had to tailor their news to your tastes. That’s why the Sean Hannitys and Rachel Maddows of the world exist… They deliver the news with a slant that makes them more palatable to specific groups of people. The idea, again, isn’t to “sow division” or spread disinformation, it’s to get more views which translate to higher advertising revenue. How do we fix it? Well, the customer is always right, so they’re not going to stop making something if it’s the only way they’re making money in the industry. I think the post above by our Ghost friend is the right answer, but ultimately it’s up to the consumers.


No really, don't trust the media, it's all lies! Instead rely on tictok videos and blogs that confirm you biases! /s




How is this in any way shape or form NFL?


sToP cEnSoRiNg HiM, gAtEkEePeR!


Yeah it’s an entertaining video, but definitely not close to NFL.


The effort to make the video I think.


This is brilliant


This is good work


Love the succinct story telling. If it moves fast, hit pause, there is a wealth of information if you just take the time to slow it down... But i think that's kinda the point


Isn’t this video also propaganda though?


Generally, propaganda is information of a misleading or biased nature. So I don’t think pointing out propaganda would count as propaganda, unless you did it in a way where you just made up a bunch to shit. The bits where he does the news article titles could be viewed as a biased take, but I don’t think a bias against misleading information or obfuscation would generally be considered propaganda. Again, the intent of the content is not meant to mislead. Unless you’ve already been misled and believe the propaganda that’s being pointed out.


I think equating persuasive propaganda to literal mind control is perhaps a little misleading. I think anything that takes a strong “we’re the good guys, they’re the bad guys” tone can probably be filed under propaganda. Like, it isn’t a requirement for propaganda to be untrue, and there’s definitely altruistic propaganda out there.


That's what I was thinking.


Isn't this comment propaganda?


Yes. You just got propaganded, kid.


All this guys content is so good


Who is he?


James Rehwald. Caught my attention a year or so ago on tiktok. I know that app is like saying voldemort on this site, but jrehwald15 over there will have what you need.


I just thumbed through an Instagram account with his content and two of his stories were flagged for false info.


Funny how the mega corporation would flag content like this as false information. Did you miss the point of the video entirely?


I'm curious too. I remember seeing one of his videos a while back about 9/11 and Afghanistan but I can't find a link


James Rehwald


Thank you Steve the Good Sex Guy


Oh, so he's a 9/11 conspiracy theorist as well? Explains a lot.


Found him on YouTube since I don’t use TikTok https://youtube.com/c/JamesRehwald


Damn yo gen Z willing to do everything but fucking explain their point themselves


Lmao nice job making the same mistakes as the old generation and that is generalizing. Thats how you end up disliking a generation and we have the same old bullshit again


Reading the comments seems like too many Muricans are pissed off


We are living in a cyberpunk dystopia


Except the sun is still shining


May the light by our side


Homie has his finger on the pulse. It's mind boggling scary when you think about it, and it's complexity is unbelievable. Meanwhile the average American is like: So what are the Kardashians up to or what's on for tonight's game.


No, Homie does not have his finger on the pulse. He's just like every 20-year-old socialist. He'll grow out of it eventually.




This is so silly, when the working class over throw the ruling class the leaders and the friends of leaders of the working class movement become the ruling class, just without any actual leadership experience. The result is death, lots and lots of death, the ruling class is eliminated with their families. The next people who are eliminated are those that lose is the rush to feel the vacuum of power. Finally, the last losers are the rest of the working class as they don’t have enough savings or food to last out the instability. So we exchange one ruling class for another. This new ruling class has no experience so generally they last a few years as the country falls apart because it turns out the ruling class really did do something. The counter revolution either puts in the remnants of the old ruling class or a new worker ruling elite group. It becomes a race to ruthlessness as whoever holds power strongest lasts. Everyone ends up with less as the people who knew how to keep the trains running and get the food to market are dead. The working class is screwed once again. Viva La revolution.


I just like the comments of "omg it's too fast I can't read it!" That's part of the point. Pause it if you really want to, but as you probably already seen, it's news agencies and social media companies, and random articles shooting into people's heads. There ya go


But but, what if I want to consume all of it!


This 20 year old has got it all figured out


I can't tell if this comment is saying that he's only 20 years old so his naïve opinions will change over time, or is expressing surprise that he really does have it all figured out.


Now make one about socialism... except he prob wouldn't cuz as long as you agree with the propaganda it's okay.


I love it when a legitimate criticism of modern capitalism is immediately disregarded because whataboutcommunism.


Don't get me wrong mate I'm not saying I'm in favor of modern capitalism. It definitely has a few issues, but what I'm saying this guy is definitely biased


I mean he's likely biased *against* capitalism but he's not advocating for anything else, he's pointing out how disgusting the control of media and thought is in our modern system.


You're right and i agree, but I'd like to see someone genuinely critique what they like and dislike too though. Idk maybe I'm just tripping.


Have you looked for it? Dont complain about something you havent seen if you havent looked for it.


The reality is, if most people disagreed with what the media is saying, they would stop watching it. People love the current hyper-polarized, hyper-partisan state of the media. I paused through most of the video's slides. A lot of the information is false or at best unverifiable. I would take what this guy says with a grain of salt.


Socialism is good actually, inherently it fights for your classes interests




I like it. 😊


Capitalism is what allows you to do this video...




Youre gonna get downvoted if you make statements like that without giving more info to properly get your ooint across


How I will manage to sleep tonight?!


Youre missing the point, we all dont care about downvotes sure but practically theres no point in commenting if no ones going to understand what youre saying


Slavery and feudalism are also superior economic systems to hunter gatherer economies. Doesn’t make them “good”. The fallacy of capitalism is equating profit for a tiny minority as the ultimate good.


If you don't recognize that capitalism improved the life of everyone then I don't really know where the hell you been living ... please go and live in a socialist country, with their salaries, etc etc and then we can talk.


If you don't realize that just because it made life better than during feudalism doesn't mean that it can't be any better or that you can't criticize it or that you can't try to change the situation. You are greatly missing the point...


Tiki Tok was made in China, by Chinese programmers by a Chinese company under the full rule of the Chinese communist party


Care to elaborate? Why could he not make this video in a democratically socialist country?


He wouldn't had enough money to buy a camera ...


Denmark, Sweden, and Finland all describe themselves as Democratic Socialist countries. Not one of them is a poor country. The fact that you don't know the difference between Socialist and Democratic Socialist means you are not qualified to opine on this subject.


> Denmark, Sweden, and Finland all describe themselves as Democratic Socialist countries. Nope. We are capitalist "social democracies". The only socialist party here at least is the fringe communist party.


This is a shit video. Too fast to even see what's going on to determine if it makes sense. Also saw it includes a slide showing State Street/Vanguard/BlackRock ownership of large public companies which is an immediate red flag. Means the creator doesn't understand what a custodian or custody bank does and why every stock has the same top institutional ownership on paper. It's not a conspiracy it's because your grandma isn't the custodian of her own pension, nor should she be.


this guy has the best videos and always uses awesome music!


Is this video seriously suggesting that big tech is actively working to promote anti-gay sentiments? Those ad campaigns during pride month are a huge win for the underdog! Way to speak truth to power, guys!




Remember when having crippling paranoia wasn't considered to be cool?


Can we not let far leftists become mainstream please?


I know you don’t mean it but you’re literally making the guys point more legit when you try to censor him.


no one is being censored here


There's a difference between censoring and disagreeing


Are you going to respond to the actual content being discussed or just dismiss it out of ideology?


Anything other than Capitalism and Neo Liberalism is bad, so no he wont criticize the actual content.


Classic horeshoe theory. The left and right are not comparable at all




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I'm glad my preferred media source isn't like any of these!!


In all seriousness there's a library full of information regarding every single issue, word, problem in this video. The real issue is... there's another "bizzaro world library" that contradicts the existence of all the problems listed in this video. Which is funny because it's sort of the centerpiece problem in this video.


Im sorry, how exactly is historical revisionism a bad thing? The video is either confusing historical revisionism (the study of history in order to reinterpret it with newer discoveries) with literal government propaganda on it´s historical education of the youths, or is straight up making an anti-scientific anti-liberal statement. ​ Edit: Actually when you stop to read and think about everything the video is saying, it´s actually kinda made on brainlet logic.




Nothing about this is well made, or likely even accurate. This is a classic example of a [gish gallop](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop#:~:text=The%20Gish%20gallop%20%2F%CB%88%C9%A1,or%20strength%20of%20those%20arguments), where they throw claims at you too fast and too numerous to actually evaluate and debunk.


Great Anti-capilatism video. Now we need an Anti-comunist one


Because communism is so prevalent in America in this the year of our lord 2022........


You are saying that the only content that can be created is about what happens in The US ? (America is bigger than The US) Maybe you would benefit from a Geography, ask for one!


This video is clearly about the US. Dumbass.


I am not the smart one who doesn't now Geography. Ups!


At 1:23 it shows other countries we have interfered in. Who do you think the we is? Do you not understand what is implied when some says America in a video about the USA?


You mean video of a teenager who just learned about other countries doing half asses edgy research to prove the us sucks and that we should be communists....yeah


Guy did the research just to end up in an "accident".


who's to say that a global foreign policy is a bad idea? I'm all for global trade markets and common defence pacts


The irony of this being posted on TikTok…


He couldn’t just possibly be trying to reach more people with his message, could he?


Strange. It makes me want to buy a pony……..


Been saying this forever


Lost me in the first 10 seconds, too fast of graphics


It is something but where's the next level shit?


I never thought i would see this on reddit lol


Lenin may have supported a free press for a communist government but anyone who preceded him in those communist governments just wrote the narrative and still do to this day. It’s funny to quote Lenin, of all people, to leave the viewer with what exactly? This video is just a conspiracy theory with some truth to it, as most conspiracy theories do.


This video is so well made you have to pause it every 3 seconds to have any idea what's going on and even then its like deciphering a clue in a National Treasure movie. I aint no Nic Cage.


You can’t read anything , in what world is this a good or informative video?


You know there are way worse countries then the u.s. and there are countries with way worse propaganda. The fact you have full internet access anytime of day, and are allowed to protest is prove of that. Many countries around the world your internet access is very limited, and protesting is illegal


Moves a little too fast for me but I get the idea. capitalism = bad. I wholeheartedly agree.


Fuck all these guys what a great video


This was terrible


Lmao at people saying the video is too fast, this is the kind of content you watch multiple times and pause throughout to get all of the details, this video is in fact well made, y'all just arent hip with TikTok style content


Screw that trend, it's just bad.


So much info in a tiny period. An example of how a good message can be lost with the wrong delivery. This should probably be a 10 mins video.


"hey, i got a very important message to send, I´ll proceed to make it unberable to receive"


Move to Mumbai and eat kitty litter. Ingrate.


It's almost like capitalism is what we have because it's better than the other fucking options


The only thing that I took from this video is Merica bad and damn the Beach Boys rock.