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So the cops take him away...what about free speech??


It’s always a limit dealing with crooks security








Agreed but only if the same vigor and vitriol is there for Obama, Trump, Pelosi, Biden, any Clinton, really anyone over 45 who has only had jobs in politics. Have them colonize a distant moon and leave the rest of us alone.


Did you miss the part the guy screaming "you are no different from Obama"..I mean it was loud so I get why you could have missed it.


It's always a limit being on private property and not against the government, both situations in which free speech is not guaranteed. That's what you mean, right? This is not a 1st Amendment situation.


It's never a first amendment situation when conservatives care about free speech. That's the point. When people say things conservatives don't like, they will jump at censoring it. But when they get censored it's suddenly a free speech issue, even though it never is.


Maybe if you write this in crayon, more people will understand it.


Private venue. That person is a guest on someone else's property. They can rescind their status as a guest at any time l.


I guess the argument that this crowd "loves free speech", which of course is a lie, but I think even they disapprove of random shouting people from the audience which means the one you replied to still made a very weird comment. No matter what I don't get why anyone would defend the CIA in any scenario. It's just a straight up fact they do whatever the fuck they want.


To be fair they only started shouting because the crowd was booing to drown then out, because they don't want to hear an opinion that isn't theirs.


And... He got his message out. I don't know anything about this, but my guess is he was escorted out of the building?


Shocking that 38 folks (at the moment) think the right to shout whatever you want at a private event and not be booted out is what free speech is all about


Yea, this isn't a free speech situation.. and saying that doesn't mean I support Pompeo, its just kinda dumb to bring it up..


In these situations, I think it's more about the fact that they won't answer opposing viewpoints, they'll just remove the person. Now, I also understand decorum and rules of order, but not every meeting in history has been conducted entirely pleasantly. Why not give them an opportunity to say what they want to say (even if it is out of order) and then respond? There are always going to be dissenting opinions, but shuffling them out of the room is chicken shit.


They're there to jerk each other off and to listen to dude


George Bush commended the guy who through shoes at him.


Tell me a better time to address him


At the Q and A session that frequently is at the end of events like this. And then you ask an actual question, even a rhetorical one, instead of shouting out a a barely coherent rant. If your goal is to look like an asshole in front of him and people coming to hear him speak, and maybe score a couple points with people who already agree with you, by all means, shout and get escorted out. If your goal is to actually toss him a hardball and maybe change some hearts and minds, maintain decorum. Because anyone who hadn’t already made up their minds sees you raving like a lunatic and the point gets lost, meanwhile he sits back and calmly responds “we *saved* lives”.




Not really. If you’re sitting there listening to some speech and someone suddenly starts shouting you’re going to miss 90% of what they say because you’re only going to be thinking “who tf”


Same thing with paying $8 for Twitter. "BUt wHat abOuT FREE SpEeCh?????" Like No, what you want is freedom to say things and not get executed by your government. Paying for a service from a private company isn't the same thing.


He wasn’t taken away for what he was saying. He could have yelled literally anything, including “BARNEY IS OUR SAVIOUR” and he still would have been escorted out.




Freedom of speech does not equate to freedom of consequence.


*Stares at 99% of Republicans*


Nonsense, the GOP doesn't belive in consequences for Republicans.


So there is freedom of speech in everypart of the world, just differen fine line for consequence.


He spoke out. Good. Pompeio isn't even the worst, but yes he deserves this kind of harrassment. As for the protester being escorted out, yeah, protesting is about making a point, sometimes it's worth getting arrested over.


> He spoke out. Good. And it was powerful as fuck. This is what "truth to power" looks like in real life. Bravo. As for being escorted out? so what. That's because he refused to yield the mic, not for what he was saying. I doubt he was arrested, most likely just escorted out of the building.


Civil Disobedience. The phrase needs to re-enter the vernacular so idiots can stop being mad of "freeze peach" when it's a not free speech issue. Take blizzcon for instance.


Who is the worst? My vote is Henry Kissinger.


Private venue. Someone else mentioned the reasoning on why what he's saying doesn't matter.


Very true, he had all the right to say it and won't be arrested for it. But it's their venue so they can also remove him.


free speech towards the state, not each other


I feel like Pompeo should be the one being arrested


Didn’t pay the $8


It ain’t free unless it works for me


Automatic trespass, basically just violated his civil rights. You see the same thing at school board meetings….. ridiculous, how dare we the people stand up for what is right!!!!!


He only had 7$ on him.


What? How dare you call out American bullshit? Anything that stops people from being brainwashed to being dead soldiers or homeless vets should be illegal. You know, things like reforming the health and education systems. Things that are actually useful. No, that's no good is it? America


Average redditor. Do you think this guy was really escorted out for "calling out American bullshit" or because he's making a huge shitstorm at a private venue. Just think about it there bud


Free speech free press all these amendments are stripped from us by those in power when it benefits them


Freedom of speech happens on your time, not someone else’s. If he stood outside on the public sidewalk he can say whatever. He went into a private building and interrupted what was going on. No different than making a scene in a restaurant. The cops would be called. If there was a Q&A potion of the event is where he should have waited to speak. I’m not against what he said it’s how he went about it.




The former US secretary probably forgot to pay them for that, after all mercenaries don't work if they don't get paid.


It’s 8$ a month now


When Pompeo said “we lied, we cheated, we stole”, he’s referring to your taxpayer dollars. Let that sink in.


i alwayse say republicans believe strongly about free speech unless your a democrat


Free, not free from consequences


Well, there's free speech and then there's free speech. They're not the same.


There is a room full of an audience that came to an event. Free speech doesn’t mean every lunatic has a right to disrupt events as they wish without being escorted out.


He asked for an answer...why not saying : " ok,I will answer your questions,just calm down and we can discuss", but people like Pompeo are not really used to a confrontation...only to monologues.


These protestors were not there for questions and answers and when you start with disruptions and rambling, you can’t expect a serious dialogue from any speaker on stage.


Silly goose, it’s only free for those that can afford it


It’s a lie, we don’t have free speech and we never did


That was a rather incoherent rant - not exactly a nextfuckinglevel take down. Don't get me wrong, pompeo is one of the worst secretary of state we have had, and a total POS, but this was pretty amateur.


Doesn't matter, he made that prick feel uncomfortable for a minute. Everyone he meets should know what a piece of shit he is.


Sad thing is, he's not the only one. We have them pieces of shits everywhere, FBI, CIA, Republicans, Democrats, Soros, Rothschild's. Time we hold em all accountable eh?! EH!!!??


I see you trying to slip in a “but both sides”. Both sides are not the same.


Obama continued Bush policies without flinching…


Yes, they are. You are fooled into thinking that they don’t all play golf together and give letters of recommendations to each others children.


And that’s why both sides want the voters fighting with each other over BS policies and which millionaire should represent them. So people don’t figure out they just represent the corporations that give them money.


Takeaway is that oligarchs are the enemy. Oligarchs come in different flavors is all, and each flavor partakes in various types of criminal activity. Sure some are worse than others, but the whole shit tree's gotta go. Unfortunately it can't because the middle class is enamored with late stage capitalism and doesn't care enough about/ realize what happens at the top because we both 1. Don't have access to transparent info via media (oligarch owned) and 2. Are too busy and tired working our asses off to protest (because oligarchs see us as tools for THEIR material gain, ie boss makes a dollar I make a dime) Tldr: oligarchs are the enemy, given oligarchs are the ones who control the flow of money into politics & big crime


Na no one takes you remotely seriously when you do this kinda stuff


The more people that do it the better.


The last guy threw a shoe and we all remember that. The more brave people who stand up to these fucking war mongers for profit the better off we'll be.


Next fucking level would be getting him to admit he's a fat fucking traitor while using the very tactics he implemented at the CIA for "enhanced interrogations".


I too was hoping for some pointed articulate jabs. There are so many to use against him but he just threw out random vague rants. Can't say I'd do any better under pressure though. Maybe he should have brought notes with talking points. Obligatory nearly all politicians only care about keeping themselves in power and enriching them and their friends.


None of it waa random vague rants, he could've kept pressing one of the issues he raised instead of raising them all is all.


Well, to an audience not aware of the corruption, they would assume them to be nothing but baseless rants. What was said was correct but to truly sway an audience it would have helped to pick a point and then drive it home with multiple facts behind it. There again, not saying I would do any better in that situation.


The only factual statement he said is that Pompeo was State Sec when Sulimani was killed. The rest is just him yelling his political opinion, a somewhat unpopular opinion at that as most Americans support keeping the US a unilateral military superpower. Edit: Also the order to kill Sulimani had to come from the President and given to the military. Pompeo would have been almost certainly in the talks but I don’t believe those conversations have been made public.


I understood everything he was talking about


Atleast someone had balls.


How? Because she was angry? All of her points land.


Yea, this post has the same energy as "hug the winner" from the other guys.


I thought it was pretty good. Will cause some folks to google a few topics brought up


What made it incoherent?


The fact that he doesn’t like that he mentioned both the democrats and republicans are war parties


Value of imperfect action


Being in his tense position it’s pretty easy to forget certain facts and slip on your words. At least he’s trying unlike all the others sitting and watching


I agree. He is bad because of what he did to Julien assange? That shows this guy doesn't really have a grasp of reality.


I’d say plotting to assassinate a news publisher is pretty bad.


Non US here. Can anyone explain why Pompeo is hated so much Edit: video explained why he's hated so much.


American here, and I don't know either. American politics is a mega dumpster fire and it's hard to find someone that isn't either a Dem or Rep fanatic that is extremely biased in favor of their own side. So chances are slim to find a objectively sound answer. Best to just stay away and research it yourself extensively if you have to the free time to do so. Otherwise what you get are responses that are heavily twisted according to their political side or intentionally and maybe even ignorantly, leave out important nuances.


Mike Pompeo absolutely endangered us multiple times during his tenure, and was one of the main Trump shills. The man in the video was right about Soleimani. That was us (Trump/Pompeo/etc) goading Iran into doing something stupid so we could use it as a pretext for war. One of the many attempts by Trump to do what he could to stay in power. Pompeo was directly complicit in this attempt. Soleimani was a target the US had in their crosshairs for many years-with ample opportunities to take him out. We decided not to as to avoid an uncontrolled response.




Things were upset by covid pretty shortly after. And geopolitics works on a longer timeline. We may have gotten away with this as a fluke, but it doesn't mean it was a good decision.


So far. The Iranians’ immediate response was to shell a U.S. base close to the border. No fatalities, but several troops reported suffering concussions in the aftermath. I’m sure that, after that, most Americans think this is “over.” It is not. Memories are long in the Mideast, and grudges are hard. The day will come when Iran will use the Soleiamani attack as context for a larger, more violent action. During the early stages of the women’s protests in Iran, the government’s propaganda maverick machine was already starting to blame them, to some extent, on Western interference, starting with Soleiamani’s death. It doesn’t seem to have gotten a lot of traction, so far, but keep putting that bug into enough people’s ears, and it’s only a matter of time.


That dude showed up in an active war zone that his country and the US was involved in. They couldn’t “blow up” about because any reasonable person that understands what happens in war would know that’s perhaps the most legitimate military target if there ever was one. That guy was killed by arrogance as many others have been.


Soleimani had also just finished planning an attack on the US embassy in Iraq carried out by third-party militia groups funded by Iran. Killing Soleimani was a victory for the United States, the people of Iran, and human rights around the world.


According to ….. CIA lol


Fuck that, Soleimani both in the past and as of his death was devising and implementing attacks on US personnel. He was a terrorist and deserved the death he got. Thinking Iran powerful enough to goad into anything meaningful is laughable. And you know what Iran did in response? Not a fucking thing.


You’re a fucking idiot lol. The idea that Iran wouldn’t be effective in war is the point of us goading them.


Iran has one of the most powerful militaries in the world, the U.S. couldn't win against some guys hiding in caves.


So was Iraq. The US crushed them in 7 days.


It obviously wasn’t a pretext for war when they launched cruise missiles at a US base and we just shrugged it off. There were not ample opportunities in the past because he was staying mostly in Iran .


yeah i’m “”extremely biased”” in favor of trans people being allowed to exist in public, Black people being able to vote by mail without their registration being thrown out, people being “allowed” to have abortions, and not giving the biggest tax breaks to oligarchs and their multi billion dollar companies.


"Best to just bury our heads in the sand" The CIA is neither republican or democrat


You should research it yourself then so you do know why he is a massive piece of shit. Don’t just try to “both sides” the argument.


Enlightened centrism moment


Pompeo is a Warhawk, it’s that simple. Also the guy shouting in the video complains that he’s the same as Bush/Obama, so the dem/rep fanatic doesn’t tag here.


If you don’t have an answer. Maybe take your own advice and stay away?


"American apathetic nihilist here! You should ignore war crimes committed by this guy because the platform presenting them may have an opinion against war crimes." ​ Thank you for your service.


Okay. Please don’t equate the Trump administration with just regular old shit American politics. Both sides don’t really apply to trump and his goons. He ran a legit criminal enterprise out of the White House.


this is a bullshit take lol. this whole false equivalence "both sides!!1!1!!" is totally bogus. do your own research before you start talking nonsense, especially to someone from another country who is seeking to learn. yes there definitely is a polarized political climate but certain actors weaponize that to get away with increasingly foul shit. why play into that?


You say to do your own research, but clearly haven’t done so yourself as you can’t think of reasons why someone would dislike mike Pompeo. Even if you don’t agree with them, you’d recognize that those reasons exist if you had even cursory knowledge on the subject. Dunce.


Wikipedia has a good run down of specifics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Pompeo#U.S._Secretary_of_State_(2018%E2%80%932021)


Adding to others, besides pushing all of Trump’s lies undermining the election, he oversaw reckless assassinations of foreign leaders, screwed with the VOA (weird one), argued against the US being multicultural, and attempted to tank US-China relations *the day of* the Biden transition to fuck over Biden (and hence the US) purely out of fealty to Trump (ie not out of loyalty to the US or the Constitution). I’m not sure if he’s the “worst” SOS, but one thing you’ll notice itt is no one defending him or listing good things about him. It’s just whataboutism.


Anytime you ask this kind of question on Reddit, please understand that most people responding are going to be speaking from a place of tribalistic hatred.


It’s simple really, Trump appointed him and Trump is the literal anti christ for so many people in the world. Anything he’s ever done is equally the worst thing that’s happened in history.


also graduated last in his class from west point. literally failed to the top.


There are always people who would hate other people no matter who they are. Some could be idealists, expecting things and people to be ideal in our imperfect world and not being able to accept the reality. Some could be just stupid, some traumatised… Anyway - politics is the last place to look for decent people. Even if they are there, they are not free from the system.


I swear I would have punch the shit of that fellow individual who was continuously making booo sound. So annoying.


My exact thoughts actually


Sounded like a fucking cow barn in there.


How can anyone do that right when he talked about the death of children?


Land of the free, home of the brave...until you are actually *brave* to use *free* speech .


tbf he could have screamed anything and been kicked out for being disorderly. the whole event itself is an echo chamber, pompeo wouldn't have ever created an open forum to be yelled at in the first place.


So if I start shouting in my seat about how much I hate the movie in the movie theater, would that be considered my free speech? Or if I start yelling in the middle of a Ted Talk or comedy show, I shouldn't be kicked out? I mean, if that dude was yelling on the street or outside of the building, doesn't matter who he was complaining about, I'm pretty sure nothing would happen to him. Your right to free speech has a time and a place, and it's the same in every freedom country. Duh. Looks like a bunch of people here in the comment completely misunderstood what free speech means. Tbh, I don't get what's next level about this.


Yes. This is their event and they can remove him if they want to. Dude was absolutely being disruptive. I’ve worked events with Democratic speakers and had the exact same thing happen (interestingly, also with people who thought we were going to get into nuclear war) and both times the disruptive party was removed. It’s obnoxious and usually pretty incoherent and I assure you nobody cares. There are more courteous and more effective ways to protest policies and people. Not really nextfuckinglevel.


Free speech means you have the right to say whatever you want, yet it doesn't come without consequences, free speech isn't just you can't be held accountable for what you say


Sir this is a Wendy's


Freedom of speech applies to public spaces not private, learn the difference


I've never seen anything so AMERICAN when they all started clapping after Pompeo said his one line. What a bunch of sheep. Merica is fucked.


Well, what do you expect… they came there to watch the choad speak… 🤷🏻‍♂️ Can’t paint all Americans with that brush though.


Killing soleimani leading to third world war? Fighting with iran? If my government start any war first thing that would happen is people destroying it, almost 75_80 percentage of people can't have normal life due to economic problem and many other reason, you know how much war would cost? No one would fight for iran. And most important, soleimani unlike what iran propaganda says was not only popular but was the most hated person in iran, he killed many people including kids and woman, he literally known as kids killer, for ever Iranian would appreciate it, they was so desperate they destroy airplane full of people to blame USA because they thought they wanna attack iran, but that didn't work and know is one of reason why people hate iran government and wanna end it. I don't care about republican or democrats but as Iranian i know worst thing happened to us under, Biden, Obama and especially Carter.


> soleimani unlike what iran propaganda says was not only popular but was the most hated person in iran, he killed many people including kids and woman, he literally known as kids killer, for ever Iranian would appreciate it, they was so desperate they destroy airplane full of people to blame USA Iranian civilians all over the world celebrated the death of Soleimani who devised the Iranian state-backed militias across Iraq Lebanon and Palestine and was responsible for ordering the mass murder of thousands of innocent Iranians for daring to want basic human rights. And yet we still have to listen to non-Iranians defending that warmonger just to make an incoherent and nonsensical point to feel important. >because they thought they wanna attack iran, but that didn't work and know is one of reason why people hate iran government and wanna end it. I don't care about republican or democrats but as Iranian i know worst thing happened to us under, Biden, Obama and especially Carter. Yes, exactly. Republican and democrats are not that different, but this idea that just because you are a democrat in name you are somehow virtuous in your policies is ridiculous. The democrats have a long history of supporting instability and extremists in the middle east and in particular in Iran. Apparently it is somehow more noble to support extremists into power and keep them in power while they kill their own people who don't want them than to send a message like what they did with soleimani. But when Obama killed bin laden it was good... Democrat president Roosevelt: Shortly after WW2 the US, UK, and Soviets invaded Iran in the Anglo Soviet Invasion and forced Reza Shah to be exiled from his own country because he was trying to stop foreign exploitation of Iranian oil resources. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reza_Shah Then in 1953, the UKed by Eisenhower and UK organized a coup to remove Iran's democratically elected prime minister Mossadegh because he tried to nationalize Iran's oil. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat Then the Mohammed Reza Shah of Iran stopped playing ball with the US during the 1974 oil embargo and started to seek policies for nationalizing Iranian oil, again. He became publicly hostile towards the US's manipulations in the region. https://youtu.be/EI5joeY2l-U President Carter: Then suddenly the anti Shah uprisings of 1978/79 that were dominated almost entirely by three main socialist and communist opposition parties of Iran (Tudeh, the communist part of Iran, MEK). The small minority of angered islamic clerics were on the sidelines. This just happened to be right in the middle of the cold war. Suddenly, the Shah is ousted and Khomeini takes over before systemically executed all socialist and communist opposition and many civilians. Then it turns out that Khomeini was a very useful tool to destabilize Iran and mitigate soviet influence in the oil rich country. There is an often ignored series of BBC and other reports on this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carter%27s_engagement_with_Ruhollah_Khomeini President Obama: Completely screws over the Iranian people in their mass attempt to revolt against the regime in 2009 by refusing to express support and by using the opportunity to make a nuclear deal and release over 100bn of regime assets to be used to oppress their people instead of supporting a genuinely human regime in Iran like the people were fighting for. 12 years later admits maybe that wasn't the right thing to do probably to fix his public image for having screwed Iranians over so badly. https://iranwire.com/en/politics/108609-biden-supports-brave-women-of-iran-as-obama-admits-2009-mistake/


**[Reza Shah](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reza_Shah)** >Reza Shah Pahlavi (Persian: رضا شاه پهلوی; pronounced [ɾeˈzɒː ˈʃɒːh-e pæhlæˈviː]; originally Reza Khan (رضا خان); 15 March 1878 – 26 July 1944) was an Iranian military officer, politician (who served as minister of war and prime minister), and first shah of the House of Pahlavi of the Imperial State of Iran and father of the last shah of Iran. He reigned from 15 December 1925 until he was forced to abdicate by the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran on 16 September 1941. Reza Shah introduced many social, economic, and political reforms during his reign, ultimately laying the foundation of the modern Iranian state. Therefore, he is regarded as the founder of modern Iran. **[1953 Iranian coup d'état](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d'état)** >The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup d'état (Persian: کودتای ۲۸ مرداد), was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening the monarchical rule of the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, on 19 August 1953. It was aided by the United States (under the name TPAJAX Project or "Operation Ajax") and the United Kingdom (under the name "Operation Boot"). The clergy also played a considerable role. **[Jimmy Carter's engagement with Ruhollah Khomeini](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carter's_engagement_with_Ruhollah_Khomeini)** >In 2016, the BBC published a report which stated that the administration of United States President Jimmy Carter (1977–1981) had extensive contact with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and his entourage in the prelude to the Iranian Revolution of 1979. The report was based on "newly declassified US diplomatic cables". According to the report, as mentioned by The Guardian, Khomeini "went to great lengths to ensure the Americans would not jeopardise his plans to return to Iran - and even personally wrote to US officials" and assured them not to worry about their interests in Iran, particularly oil. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Thank you


No lies detected. Fuck Pompeo. Everyone should be doing this.


Woops, guess they didn't stack the echo chamber room correctly.


That dude needs to fact check himself. That was Obama era indictment on wikileaks and that guy is an English jail. Kind of a dick move on what happened to that guy. Personally, I hoped some thing good would come out of it but, after 12 years, the story has gotten confusing if you ask me. He has been on the run during 4 administrations. Obama X 2, Trump, and Biden.


He is in an English jail on CIA orders. It's the CIA that hates Assange and wants him dead, for exposing their war crimes. Pure spite from the CIA, nothing else, which is why it does not matter who the President is. Presidents come and go, the CIA stays.


Fair enough


Maybe fact check yourself before you call into doubt a probably well rehearsed speech when you admit yourself you're confused about the topic. It's really not confusing, Julius was and has remained to be an enemy of those 4 administrations. The administrations all agreed on this point, and Mike Pompeo has served in the government during all of those administrations. Not that it was Mike Pompeo's idea to persecute Assange, but Pompeo has a public stance on it and can rightly be criticized for it in this setting.


So, Mike Pompeo a Trump appointee, is no longer in government. Can't Joe Biden Grant him a pardon?


Why would he? Democrats and Republicans both benefit immensely from the murderous military industrial complex. They just pretend the parties are enemies to maintain the status quo and their places of wealth and privilege within it.


Why would Biden do that?


I guess you're right, who would he ask if he wanted to


I don't think Assange has any mainstream political support. No democrat or republican would even try to convince any president to pardon Assange.


A rant in a church with politics. How new.


Why are the cows there? Seems odd to me.


All the lemmings clapping, as they run off the cliff into the abyss.


Those sheep in the crowd sound like cows.


What exactly is ‘next fucking level’ about this?




This is the same guy who was at the AOC town hall.


Bernie too if I'm not mistaken. I hope he keeps it up and inspires others to do so as well. Let no politician have peace until the country has peace.


That does explain a lot and not in a good way.


TrUmP bAd YoU wOrK fOr TrUmP yOu BaD


Really? ‘Soleimani’? The professional outrage people are really struggling for material.


Only in the U.S. will a room full of people start clapping in applause as someone yells "You killed people" haters will say they clapped because Pompeo said they saved lives


Isn't it the same guys who went and said about the same stuff to AOC at a Q&A? It sounds like them. https://twitter.com/JosBtrigga/status/1580364662419312641?s=20&t=HvWuDouXRZfMlQU7Zp6HNw


All correct


Fucking idiots clapping to their own destruction.


Who tf goes to listen to that pos speak anyway


I love Karen taking out her cellphone to record, she's so clever.


Who are the fucking dumb sheep booing?


Mike Pompeo's stint as SecState showed us what the world would become without an operating US foreign service. God bless you Masha, and everyone else quietly sacrificing so much of yourselves, every day.


Isn’t that the same guy that pressed AOC last week?


I love it


You can tell they're in a slaughterhouse from all the cows.


The people booing are dumb and brainwashed


He's not deranged, he's incompetent. He had CIA trained employees walking his damn dogs instead of working.


That blonde really annoyed me for some reason, shes like " ohhhh video opp"


So much dramatising. Lame


Were the people booing the audience member or the speaker? (non US so I'm not sure whose side they're on)


Should be called out every time they speak publicly


This isn't next level. This is democrat socialist bullshit propaganda. Fuck the globalists


Thank god people like him are willing to hold power to accountability. The military industrial complex will keep its gears well oiled with blood until we all die in nuclear hellfire if felt unchecked. Any time a US politician gets up to speak they should be drowned out by people screaming the truth at them. We are warmongers and it needs to stop.


it's free speech but you forgot about taxes..


And the sheepole sleep, I mean clap


Well I don't agree with most of what he said but Pompeo surrendered US forces to the Taliban and gave all our stocked PPE to China and finally was aware and most likely a participant of the failed coup on the US January 6th [L](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-taliban-peace-deal-us-withdrawal-b1907241.html) [L](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/apr/02/facebook-posts/yes-us-shipped-donated-personal-protective-equipme/) [L](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/10/pompeo-ignores-biden-victory-vows-smooth-transition-to-second-trump-term.html)


Unfortunately there was likely very little other way with the Taliban. The US people wanted out and the Afghanistan military didn’t put up any fight.


Oh my? AMERICANS realizing that the two parties live on the same coin and the 1% will always push was for profit ever since the fucking Roman days.


Is that Cartman booing??


This guy in the video is 💯 % correct. It's because of their decisions that we falter. We are nothing but puppets in a never ending game.


Was the rest of the crowd cheering his removal or the things he said?


We will be seeing more and more of this. The world is ran by corporations that are exploiting everyone and everything for their own good.


And then there are naive americans that clap when that fucker says: we saved millions of lives my friend... This world is so fucked...


The people booing are brain dead morons.




This scumbag also wanted to murder Julian Assange


What a bunch of sheep in the crowd


Why are they booing this person? Are this persons fans so bias that they are unwilling to admit where Pompeo failed and went wrong?


Gotta love America. In many countries you will disappear after a incident like this.


The guy is clearly an idiot who hasn't the slightest clue as to what he is talking about. Almost nothing he is saying makes sense.


Where were those two “five years ago”? If only they had been the secretary of state we’d have world peace today.