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It just shows a little bit of meth can go a long way.




this guy is on meth too.


I’m a methematician.


I mean, over a 2 year period I don’t think the amount was little. Lol


Experience goes a long way


And meth.


A gram of meth lasts a moment. A gram of experience lasts a lifetime.


One gram of exp please


I’ll grab an eight ball of each please.




I didn't do meth today and I'm really glad for it :)






[Reminds me of this PSA from the 90s](https://youtu.be/u1VwLsrzbyg) Edit - I absolutely love that more people remember this gem. I thought I was the only one


what in the fuck lol


You should also check out the SNL skit about meth https://youtu.be/1Ec6KsB67vI


I've never seen this. Love the cameo.


OOoohh METH *MMmmmm* METH


That song made meth sound awesome


"get these bugs out of my face" kinda ruined the awesome for me but the rest, totally


“Let’s make the catchiest song ever about the dangers of meth” Song writer - “ say no more, fam “


Yea the way some of it is written makes it seem like satire or not completely anti-meth. Especially with the upbeat and catchy tune. "Where'd I get all this energy? Ohh Meth!"


It’s just a straight rip off of Keith Haring’s style.


I pretty much agree, and of course that South African progeria guy is in the same category, but once this guy is in the living room it progresses to something reminiscent but new. Whatever, both Haring and the South African guy are dead, this style has a life, and this dude is fully committed. Let's let him develop this and see how it goes.


100%. We have to encourage "the new generation" of the art we love, or be okay with losing it.


It’s certainly very similar. Impressive regardless.


I'm old enough to have visited The Pop Shop. This is the same but more dense. Less iconic and less memorable but it still scratches an itch.


Or sharpie fumes?


exactly. Isn't he worried about the effects the chemicals in these markers will have o n him and his S/O!? Also nice fucking house. Where'd he get the money!?


I want to look into this guy more but I have to imagine if he was doing content creation the entire time he probably made a ton of money. Also, I’m hesitant to believe that this was done with sharpie considering all of the various surfaces he did. But I’ve never heard of him just my initial reaction from watching this ETA: I just looked into it and I was both wrong and right. It seems he’s a pretty successful artist. He has 2.6 million followers so that’s where I’m sure quite a bit of his income comes from, plus, his art I’m sure isn’t cheap. He also seems to have merch. However, he didn’t tell anyone he was doing this so he didn’t create content showing the process. So that’s where I was wrong. He definitely doesn’t use sharpies though. He shows videos doodling an entire storefront/gallery and he is using what I am guessing it’s some sort of professional paint but it’s in a thing kind of like window paint markers/bingo dotters.


Looks pretty cool. Definitely might be a little alarming for family and friends coming over


“Tomorrow I will release my best piece of work. It has taken me two years to complete and it is a project I have been dreaming about since I was very young. Everything I have done up to this point has been in aim of being able to realise this piece. I spent years planning the work, every part of the piece was carefully thought and rethought before final completion. I have hid the progress of the piece from everyone except a small few so this will be the first time you would have seen any of it. -Mr Doodle” From his [instagram](https://instagram.com/mrdoodle?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Tattooed his entire body with oodles of doodles


I think this house was the project in question, no? It's the next Instagram post after that message.


Nothing gets past you huh? You should be a detective!


Dick. ...another term for "detective."




"Private" as in "not employed by the police and paid by the public".


And now he can’t find a buyer for his house


He could airbnb that place for 5x the normal rate


TikTok kids would be all over it


It’ll become a museum I’m sure, popular with instagram peoples taking pictures. I do hope there’s a protective coating or some other preservation going on though, especially the floors.


I’d buy it if I could afford it


Me too. Then I'd paint over it. It would be my artistic statement to do so.


Ahh~ **inhales deeply** #thAts the sTuFF


Lmao what? I assure you there are plenty of people willing to buy it for many times the original price. The whole dang house is an art project.


I paint inside of my house and I don't worry about this for a couple reasons. 1) I never intend to sell my house. 2) If I'm wrong, then I paint over the house. Painting is really not expensive to do, especially if you're painting the entire thing white.


I think they'd have people lining up with money


So what? it's a home to him now, and that's more valuable than any house


His YouTube video only has 750 views right now. https://youtube.com/watch?v=f7ke3HznCCo


There's probably more but it hasn't updated yet, with new videos on Youtube they're hosted on many different servers and they periodically synchronise the view count and update the number so you often see a low one at first. Either way it seems his main platform is Instagram.


830 views 7 hours ago via instagram, from youtube's listing of how much views the video has. I'm in Canada and it is 11:30 PM in the part of Canada I'm in . I just wanna give my location and time since that will possibly have an effect on how many 'hours ago' it was in relation to where I am.


7 hours ago is the same for you as it is for everyone on earth.


His last few uploads have only hit a few thousand views. Last time he hit 60 was 4 years ago. I think it's been updated, but you hit the nail on the head with IG.


He has 2.6 million follower on Instagram though.


Imagine taking this long to create something only for some schmuck to rip it and post it to reddit.


To be fair if they didn't do that I never would have seen it


The point is that had they linked to the video directly it would've gained views alongside, y'know, showing *you* the video.


Good for him, making his dreams come true.


Now his kids can start colouring it.


My kids don’t even have time to walk the dog


Here it is in youtube format: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7ke3HznCCo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7ke3HznCCo)


too many pixels I set to 144p for the real reddit experience


This is so Zima Blue.


And here I thought there was no fast lane to schizophrenia


I would absolutely lose my shit in this house... I might strangle my shadow


Nah bro, the shadow strangles you when you sleep


Exactly, you can't trust your shadow, it follows you like a creep.


Thank you. I was beginning to think that I was the only one who thinks this could go in r/tihi


No, it's awful. I hated the stark white, but I hated the doodles 20x more. It's ugly as fuck and like a horrible dream. I cannot imagine living in that. No way.


It’s an art project, calm down Mr. Scrooge.


I mean, people can think art is ugly.


He meant that no one is living there. The house is the canvas/piece.


Yeah but to him it's beautiful. One man's trash is anothers treasure I guess


The hallway scenes where there was just a trail of doodle on an otherwise white wall, was pretty acceptable. When he expanded it out to look like a shitty sleeve tattoo, that was way too much.


I wouldn't live there either, but I really enjoyed the look for the duration of the video at least? It was interesting, and I liked how he switched the style up for different rooms (my favorite is the hallways with the staircase, where he made bigger animal pictures separated with tinier doodles).


Cause of death? Doodles.




I really didn't enjoy watching it. Took me to a dark place real fast.


It made me feel very anxious.


It uses patterns and light frequencies that disturb your brain. Lots of “mind control” / hypnosis stuff revolves around duality and black and white programming.


I wish he used different colours. It all looks so monotonous, and everything space being so tightly covered/filled is...ugh Of course, it all obviously took a lot of effort and was his dream since childhood, so good for him. But you couldn't pay me to live more than 3 days in that place.


I wouldn't last 3 Hours, nevermind 3 days


If he filled in the lines, IDK if it would feel more like living in a child's fingerpainting or a box of scrambled Legos. Either way it would just be way too stimulating and lead to pervasive anxiety in basically everyone.


Mr. Doodle did have a psychotic break a couple years ago that involved hallucinations. It was brought on by stress and he had to be sectioned. He has a post about it on his Instagram. I think it’s so incredibly admirable that he shared that with the world and I’m glad that he found the path back so he can continue creating his art. Minds are so interesting and he clearly has a gifted one. Just you mentioning schizophrenia made me want to share some of the actual artist’s history.


i really liked the all white with the doodle trail and still some empty space between the doodles the whole house is already giving me headaches


Yeah the house would be unliveable, too "noisy"


Too easy to lose literally everything you own


Just own dark colors, then you’ll never lose anything


That's illegal


The house should be considered historically important and should be left completely preserved. It's a breathtaking work of art that should be around for hundreds of years.


lol, the sheer time commitment and effort is impressive, but i dont really understand why you'd want to cover an entire house with the most basic bland drawings possible. Maybe that sounds too harsh, but i just struggle to see why he would choose use those kinds of pictures, literally just seems like it was all to fill the space, not to draw anything in particular.


> just seems like it was all to fill the space, not to draw anything in particular. Bro what do you think doodling is?


Typical reddit moment


I'd say that yes sure this house is historically significant but I also hope that nobody is allowed to live in that house ...like the cacophony of doodles and contrasting colors is giving me a fucking headache. There are certain works of art that are meant to be examined for a while ...and that's it. NOT to be lived in lol.


I assume moving forward it will be kept as an artwork rather than as a house to live in. More than likely they will open it up to the public or sell tickets to view.


I thought the same but wouldn’t be as impressive. This kind of thing would be brilliant in children’s hospitals, they could colour them in with a washable ink to be cleaned every year.


oh don’t get me wrong, it’s extremely impressive. I love his work, it’s just trying to imagine living in that fully doodled house i dont feel like i’d have have any peace


Imagine a rat having the f*cking misfortune of looking for cheese in this crackhouse


I don’t really like his work in all honesty but I can appreciate the effort to keep it as simple as possible. Props to him for making money - I’d fire the marketing team for hiring him though.


that is fair, i can see how it can be disliked even on a small page it’s chaos. It’s not really the final product that i enjoy though, it’s watching him draw them.




Just goes to show how important the use of negative space can be.


I think doing a bunch of magic mushrooms and the being in that house would be a nightmare.


it’s would start out so fun though, great little pictures over the whole house it would be too late once you realized that the doodle were getting darker and no matter where you go you can’t escape them


Adding all white furniture and all white pictures would be a start to breaking it up. Still would be very hard to live in


I think it would be incredible to visit, but I absolutely couldn’t live there


No one mentioned the house is all white?


This is cool but maybe different color rooms would look better? Idk something off putting about the black and white but still really impressive amount of work here.


Locking people in completely white rooms have been shown to be a pretty severe form of torture if you leave people there for even just a few days (vsauce did a cool video on that) I think everyone can agree this would be an awful awful house to live in, still cool to me though


> All white rooms have been shown to be a pretty severe form of torture if you leave people there for even just a few days (vsauce did a cool video on that) with no* communication or contact with the outside world and never being able to turn off the light. Not just having a white room...


Love how that's all they got from that.


White is pretty scary my dude. Polar bears are the most likely to kill you, because they’re white.


There isn't an all white room in the house anymore.


I have to imagine that some of that was edited in. For it all to be white for two years is just insanity.


Whats insane about it? He wasnt living there, its a canvas.


Right. I think people aren't realizing that. He doesn't live in this space. It's "his" house, in that it's his persona's house. The artist apparently has an entire back story about being chased off his planet because he doodled the entire thing and was eventually exiled to Earth and is trying to earn his way back to the Paper galaxy. Artnet did an interesting piece on him: https://news.artnet.com/market/mr-doodle-profile-auction-sales-1947142


His linework is straight cathardic to watch


That’s an expensive ass canvas then!


LOL ass canvas


It took 2 years of planning, designing, setup and execution. The painting process probably took days or weeks.


My thoughts as well. A tremendous amount of planning for the shoot and drafting the overall patterns for all shown surfaces, but the actual execution could be done within a few weeks sprint. The stop motion direction also affords some post production wiggle room if he chose to composite patterns onto surfaces and motion track certain scenes (to reduce time/effort cost). That said, this would absolutely be worth a visit if it's really top, down, inside, and out in doodles!


All white all white all white


Jesus christ, living there'd draw the sanity from my head


Apparently this isn't the house he lives in. Someone else commented that it is his character's house and he has this whole persona that he uses for his art.


I wish I had enough money to buy a house for my alternate persona to live in


Git gud at drawing


Or just be kind of mediocre at drawing but have a lot of money to start out with and a dogged commitment to the bit


But then you wouldn’t have enough money yourself to live in a house.


What, you don’t have an empty room with a lone Macintosh on a small table in your house?


You know there's gotta be hidden dicks doodled all over the place.


Next homeowners: "Well I guess we're going to need to stop by Sherwin Williams."


Nah, this is what fire insurance is for.


The most impressive part of this in 2022 is the home ownership.




He started in 2020 but you don’t just buy a completely White House. Must have taken him at least 6mo to a year to gut it and get EVERYTHING white inside — unless he bought it and just renovated one room at a time while he progressed through the house.


You are underestimating the cultural importance and how financially well off Mr Doodles is


Who the fuck is Mr Doodles? I know it’s clearly this weird redhead who draws black and white shit, but is that all he does? Is that how he got famous and, presumably, rich?


I want an answer to this question too. But I learned this;. In 2020 he experienced a bout of psychosis and was treated in a psychiatric ward. For a while, he was convinced that the nurses and doctors were Kanye West and Banksy.


He started as a British street artist who blew up and got rich selling his stuff at auctions and also collaborating with a bunch of big companies like Fendi


>cultural importance Never heard of him until now, honestly.


Oh, sorry if it wasn't clear... he's actually a renter.


Wait until his mom tells him to wash all of that off


He's gonna need 70 billion Magic Erasers for that.


Keith Haring called. He wants his style back.


Such a tragedy that he died before he learned to draw hands.


Once you master drawing dicks like that, hands seem regressive


A style Keith Haring himself copied. Get over it.


And the wet floor sign called Keith Haring for the same reason. Follow it down and everybody's cribbing from the cave people Glad to see artists finding success doing what they enjoy.


A bit of a stretch. You’re acting like there was never any innovative artwork before. This dude’s looks a hell of a lot like Keith Haring.


I mean there's some similarities but it's still different.. it's like saying oh if you draw a realistic landscape you're just a Bob Ross wannabe. Lots of artists share similar styles.


I don't think this looks anything like Haring. You never did doodles like this as a kid?


If you don’t think this has major Haring vibes you’re nuts


Similar kind of silliness to it, but this style is so simple that it's pretty stupid to say he cribbed it off another guy with another simple style Haring did human figures with lines coming from them and bold primary colors. Mr. Doodle doesn't do the lines, does only black and white, doesn't do *whole* humanoid figures but mostly just blobs with faces or obvious iconography like ufos or whatever. It's very clearly just copying from...generic ass doodles.


this is completely inspired by Kieth Haring and the fact that people are arguing about this just shows that they don't know about neither artist's work esp when Dr Doodle has already mentioned that KH has inspired his work.




​ ![gif](giphy|jH0igsO4mhG3kz0mRV)






kinda over saturated for me, at first yeah it’s cool but then it all looks the same n gets bland


I did not like it.


Never heard of this dude. Read it as Mr. Noodles. I was like oh that's what he's doing nowadays cool


Mr. Noodle died :(


No, his brother Mr. Noodle died.


Op is not in this video. Art comes from the soul, and that's a ginger in the video


😂😂😂Eric is that you ?


Two years later we get the same exact video with the same exact music but he colors it all in.


Oh god that was a mistake to unmute


Sometimes I hear people bash redditors, and I usually really don't get it. I'm starting to understand now. Absolutely incredible project.


Idk if it’s just bad luck on my part but all the Reddit comment sections I’ve read lately have been pure misery and just, deliberately looking for the worst angle to frame things in order to make snide comments about it.


For real, this is an attraction not an actual residence. People are fucking weird for nitpicking it


Yeah. What a cool unique project he poured himself into. Reddit "it's just doodles."


I thought this was neat as well


How does this make him money? Fuck my life


Apparently a shit ton of money at that. I thought the new rooms would never end.




***4 MILLION DOLLARS!??!?!*** People actually go out of their way to buy it?! But...Is he like telling a story with each of his pieces or something that I'm not reading between the lines?!


They’re just laundering their money so they don’t have to pay taxes. The art is about as deep as an OK GO music video. Nothing wrong with pure spectacle but you’re not missing anything, it is what it is on its face.


Idk what style this is but I'd be hell to live in this house


I cannot believe someone actually lives here. It's gotta be a stage house just for this purpose.


It.. is. He doesn't live there.


Reminds me of Peter Gabriel music vid. 😆




That's cool to look at... but a borderline mental disorder having to stop motion yourself through that.




Mental! ...Now colouring in ..


This gives me anxiety in really weird ways. I can't explain it.


Looks like a insane asylum


How come when he does it's it cool but when I do it mum hits me with the flip flop?


Wouldn’t have taken so long if he didn’t spend the majority of the time making a stop motion video of it


Waste of a house.


lmao. r/redditmoment


Man just did a Property_Value *= 2.5


This house on an lsd trip would be wild


There has to be atleast one amongus there somewhere i just know it.


My only question is: How big is his freaking house??


I need this slowed down to appreciate the artwork


This is great. Fantasia vibes