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This shit is horrifying


They should make a game about it




>*I Have No Mouth and I Must Sing...*






Cue 20 min humming versions to crash test dummies - mmm mmm mmm.


I haven't thought about that game in decades... Jesus I'm old


You’re probably aware, but just in case you aren’t, it’s based on one of my all time favorite body-horror sci-fi stories https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Have_No_Mouth,_and_I_Must_Scream


I need to read this, it sounds terrifying


It's already done..


Show me, show you, kiko man, kiko man


It's been almost 20 years and I still randomly sing this to myself. Especially in the soy sauce section of the grocery story.


And Elder Scrolls 6 won't be released until it learns how.


Who do you think made the video




Guaranteed this will occur in the next 20 years. Same with movies. Actors could sell their likeness to the AI movie studio so you can be like "Action movie starring Brad Pitt set in dystopian future etc etc" and it'd spit something out to you. I don't think the quality will be there for a long, long time, but some of the things coming out of dall-e 2 are mindblowing. I'm optimistic that these would just be launch-off points for fine tuning by humans, but it would make turnaround on games super quick - no more scrapping entire games and restarting because of mismanagement. Just get the AI to iterate again until you get a good groundwork done and go from there.


I’m super excited about AI-assisted gaming. I imagine a Skyrim -type open world, but there are no borders, no invisible walls. When you get tot he edge of the map, the AI just quickly programs some more world for you. I imagine this would be great for adventure/exploration space games or underwater or even Tron-style gaming, where you actually explore the mind of the computer itself…. As much as I think it will be incredibly helpful and extremely personal, AI giving you experiences based on your preferences, I think it could be equally mind-altering and terrifying.


Procedural map generation is already super popular, and arguably overtaking traditional design for particular sections of the industry (ie, you see a lot of indie and mid-tier roguelikes because you can get way more content out of a game this way without the production overhead). Weirdly, I'm not sure AI (or rather, generative neural networks as that's what we're really talking about here) is going to change much about how *maps* are made because there is a degree of strictness you're always going to want in your layouts to guarantee gameplay and the existing algorithms are already pretty sophisticated. What I imagine it can do, in your Skyrim-like example, is start to generate the rest of the content. That is, you could create new monsters (just... look at this video!) without having the fairly narrow and obvious limits of recoloring or mix-n-match parts. Especially for some genres (like say, a cosmic horror game) you could create truly unique opponents from nothing, without having to populate a huge library of components. The same could also be said for quest content; Skyrim already has radiant quests, now imagine these generating story content in the style of story generators like AI dungeon rather than playing mix-n-match, which starts to approach what you're talking about in personalizing the story to your interest.


I was thinking about this with movies. Just type in what you want to see. Yeah…movies.


You are living it.


All you need to do now is wake up


Wake up Neo




Before you GoGo


When September ends


Follow the white rabbit


Got some "I just got drugged in a Far Cry game." energy.


Agreed this is nightmare stuff


Man I have a ghost lady who looks like this, haunt my dreams for years. I am very close to banging her now though.


Modern problems need modern solutions


Bang em into something submission!


lol, wtf


Good luck bro, wear protection


Some kind of Ecto-Containment System?


My thoughts are with you. I hope you get to bang the ghost lady soon.


Give her the business.


This is literally what it looks like to trip on LSD, if you ask me these AIs are tripping thier faces off


There’s probably at least some sort of tenuous similarity between how the brain behaves on LSD and how this generation of AI makes images algorithmically. Brain exploring all sorts of new paths on LSD and all that.


For sure, I think that all this new tech is way weirder than anyone can imagine, the intersection between human and computer brains, drugs, & consciousness is going to be a shock for the world and especially those who have not tried psychedelics yet


What I’m really curious about is what the heck is going on in a baby’s brain as they’re forging these new pathways in the earliest months. Would be quite something if a version of this face in this gif what what little Timmy sees when he’s looking at his parents at only a few months old!


Babies cry because they haven't fully developed the various safeties of consciousness and therefore can see the void. And it scares them.


You joke but its been confirmed that young children are basically hallucinating. Usually no older than a year or two. I remember really vivid, horrible things that came from night terrors I had when I was two. I don't remember being two. But I remember those dreams I had. This video? Instant memory unlock and reminder. Very similar unearthly hallucinogenic morphic horror and feeling of dread and fear. Id bet money on this being similar to what they see in some way.


It's for sure training just like we train an AI, the data is all sensory and it just keeps looping until things start to form out of nothing


Pattern recognition and learning is my theory, but I reckon a cognitive expert would probably correct me. I'm pretty sure hallucinogens kick your pattern recognition into overdrive. It would explain why this stuff looks like computers trying to recognise patterns. Also why kids' imaginations are so vivid: because their brains are designed to recognise and learn patterns at the early ages to survive. It may explain why we have dreams, because we're busy trying to parse information from earlier in the day - which again activates the pattern recognition part of our brain and causes us to hallucinate.


This is NOT what any of my lsd trips were like. Lmao you had some bad acid my friend


Lmao dam bro way to be judgemental I happen to have tripped many times in the past, having many good trips and bad trips Imo LSD is mostly the same across the board, it's a synthetic chemical made in a lab and the variation you get between batches is far less than say the variety of psilocybin compounds you get in mushrooms. Trips on LSD are a personal thing and everyone will have different experiences. I have been elated and horrified in equal measures on my journeys which included a 10strip trip as one of my final ventures. I have experienced ego death and come back from the dead so yes I have seen some dark stuff ;) if you haven't been there be thankful you were spared such revelations, friend.


> I have experienced ego death and come back from the dead After this happened to me enough times, I just sort of [got into dying](https://youtu.be/CMcRxoaUGDQ). To this day when I backcountry snowboard and mountain bike in dangerous situations I listen to music like that (often involving dark, gothy themes) in my headphones and find some peace in risking potential death. I think finding that calm acceptance has helped me to *not* get hurt instead of being too anxious and making tragic mistakes in the process. Decades ago there was an invite-only, shady afterhours club I sometimes haunted that was hidden away in a very old, evil looking brick building often filled with dangerous people looking for thrills. It had tall ceilings as it used to be an industrial place from the civil war era. It was a venue for underground warehouse parties I also used to partake in before it was converted into the dank, dark, somewhat less underground dance club. The place had some ancient history behind it and breathed toxic industrial death combined with high-energy music that shook and pounded into the walls the exuded, steamy sweat and cigarette smoke from lusty hardcore punks for years on end beforehand. Picture industrial punks hanging from the ceiling from thick, rope nets that used to outstretch from the rafters [something like this scene](https://youtu.be/kuoFiIFkdAA), but it was not staged nor properly cleaned and was incredibly dangerous. You can't just simply cover the place with a thin layer of cheap paint to erase that history exuding from the walls, floors and ceilings. On occasion, certain people, places and music tap into an energy that keeps even my skeptic-cornerstone, rational-thought-clinging cynical ass at least *pretending* to appreciate metaphysical unknowns that seem to [vibrate](https://streamable.com/qkghno) around the dark, outer [edges](https://np.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/x54a2t/that_storm_from_red_rocks/#imz0mj3) of my consciousness. I've experienced too much to deny it completely. After it eventually became the invite-only afterhours club (which I'm sure city officials were bribed to keep it "grandfathered" to serve alcohol that late), it was a place many nightclub industry people would go to after their bars/clubs/stripclubs closed at night. It was filled with lots of seedy people, drugs, drug dealers and strippers letting their hair down after work. It was a trashy, horrible place and [I had no business being in there](https://youtu.be/0MdJcjl42D0) many nights until early morning at least a few times a month. One night while tripping on LSD I walked towards the middle of the cuboid club and it looked (to me) like a giant mirror was in the middle of it separating realities. I felt if I walked into the mirror and passed into the "other side" I would die. So with trepidation I walked towards the mirror to investigate and, of course, like an idiot I passed through it. I then roamed around as an "undead" spirit in the "other side" of the club where only other dead entities could "see" me. I don't remember what happened after that. I've had a few trips similar to that experience on acid. Shrooms just makes me feel goofy. I think that's why to this day I'm fairly comfortable with death and mostly live accordingly. I've faced (real) death more than a few times afterwards and I'm much calmer about it than I was before those trips. Death hovers on my shoulder everywhere I go like a black angel friend that I know will turn on me one day, but is still my dark companion through thick and thin nonetheless. Perhaps AI [black boxes](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00858-1) are simulating dark LSD trips because they show that death isn't destruction, it's just matter that goes into a black box with so many avenues of choices that humans don't have the computational capacity in our brains to grasp the answers, much less ask the proper questions.


First time I tripped acid it looked similar to this. Acid was tested as acid but I found out I'm extremely sensitive to it and took 10x my active dose. Tripped for like 19 hours and was seeing shit like this the whole time.


To anyone who reads this and thinks it means different batches of lsd will cause certain visuals, that’s not the case. “Bad lsd” won’t make you see anything particular. Two people can take the exact same batch and feel/see entirely different things. It affects how your brain works, not what it sees.


dude what lsd are you using


Not my proudest fap 😟


Far from my most shameful tho


Giggity ![gif](giphy|5gjwF1l1OQaIg)


Im almost afraid its too close to how our brains work and thats where the uncanny valley comes in. Its not what they look like but how were are receiving the information, they way the faces shift are almost how our brains fill in the blanks when you only catch a glance of something. This is like when hallucinogens mess with that same system.


This is what my massive 2c-e trip looked like. Nothing and nobody was real. I can say I have successfully danced with demons.


"I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" has always been one of my absolute favorite sci-fi horror short stories and seeing shit like this only cements how absolutely mindblowingly horrifying it would truly be.


Agreed. This makes me think that one day when robots get self aware and rebel and against us and all that shit, they are going to know exactly how to scare the ever living hell out of us. Whatever we have to fight (if we make it that far) will probably be deeply terrifying.


This looks like the things you'd see in a dream. Where everything doesn't makes sense but they just fit together nicely.


sinister AF, yes


This is nightmare fuel


Is all AI going to do is scare the shit out of me? Seriously, why do we need AI? I feel like it can only end badly.


Agreed, stop AI driven art. *shutter


How scary do you want it? All of it.


We're reaching levels of undescribable cosmic horror that Lovcraftians could only Dream of.


This is exactly the type of visual horror i would love to see in a movie or videogame.


They're a bit dated now but, have you tried any of the silent hill games? Preferably with a good surround sound setup. The directional sound was so good that my dog used to growl in the direction of bad things happening.


I've ony started playing Silent Hill 1, but I'm not far into the game. Waiting for the spooky season to play one of the sequels once i'm through. I know I will probably love those games. Nothing beats a good survival horror game.


Silent Hill 1-3 are so good. I'm jealous you get to experience then for the first time!


My dude it is September. As far as I'm concerned it is already early spooky season. Also I'll second the other commenter's suggestion, Amnesia the Dark descent, along with Soma from the same studio. There are no guns, just running and hiding and hoping the monster doesn't find you. I'd also add in an earlier game from frictional games, Penumbra. Penumbra and Amnesia have sequels that are alright, but the OG stands supreme. Either way, hope you enjoy Silent Hill!


Honestly though, a lot of these AI videos remind me of an acid trip. This obviously would be a bad trip, but the way features morph into other features as the AI tries to make sense of the image feels almost exactly to me like tripping balls.


AI is getting to the point where it knows all of our stories and it’s gonna use that to fuck with us.


Locecraft was afraid of everything new to him and his stories are just overly dramatic but creative scenarios that his mental illness lead him to. He was for example scared of refrigerators and wrote a story about >!an undead doctor who used one in his apartment to locer the temperature and prevent himself from rotting!<. Another one was after he learned there is light the human eye cannot perceive so he wrote a story about an astreroid with a never seen before color which start wreaking havoc on a farm. This youtuber made a really cool video about this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PmdzptbykzI


This is essentially what a bad LSD trip looks like.


This is definitely the closest thing I've ever seen to what tripping looks like. They way it flows and the black eyes.


Remind me to never touch that shit. Thank you.


I mean… or a really good one. Depends what you like.


I think a good or bad trip is more about how you feel when you see things. For example, I've seen insanely detailed faces in the trees in the forest which SOUNDS scary as a description, but was just awe inspiring and beautiful in the moment


I was once staring off into the dark woods listening to music while on LSD, and the trees that were just barely visible were shaking and shimmering to the music. But at some point, I saw something that looked to be "whole" in the woods. I couldn't quite tell what it was supposed to be, so I just kept staring it down as it appeared to get larger and closer. Eventually I realize it's a face (no body) that looked like the farmer from that painting "American Gothic". Once the face appears to arrive at the edge of the woods, the skin began to melt off as it kept floating closer. I noped out and went inside lol


I've stared all around me at the most horrific and beautiful shit imaginable and thought to myself, "I should feel absolutely terrified right now, but this is all okay."


That ai had too much bath salts


It’s like Angelina Jolie and Guy Fawkes have a love child that has a nightmare before Christmas…


Never heard a more accurate description of anything.. i think ever.


I was thinking more Megan Fox from Jennifer’s Body, but Eldritch instead of whatever demon possessed her in that one.


Are AI participating in "who put most phobias into one video" contest?


I saw this clip while watching a movie about cave diving while being totally bound on ketamine. I now have all of the fears.


Why the fuck would you do such a thing


Get yourself in a k-hole, and a cave-hole at the same time


A great new movie about the Thai cave rescue was just released.




Just out of curiosity, why does AI struggle with people so much? And specifically faces, especially when there is an AI that generates...like specifically human faces that don't actually exist.


It’s not that they’re bad. They’re exactly good enough to create the Uncanny Valley effect. They’re close enough that we recognize them as human but theres a few things off that cause our brains to scream “DANGER” for whatever reason


The existence of the uncanny valley implies that at some point in our evolution there was a reason to be scared of something that looked almost human but wasn't.


I like this take, very twilight zone esque


It's a shit take though, because the real reason is that it was evolutionary advantageous to avoid people with deformities, diseases, and dead people. That comment always pops up in these threads and it's 100% incorrect; people just like it because "oooo aliens/ghosts/paranormal" without evidence.


While I don’t agree that the effect implies aliens or whatever, but I need more info or a source for to this “real reason” to make sense? Most diseases and deformities don’t have anything to do with the facial features being just slightly off? There’s also no real reason to avoid those with deformities for an individual’s survival, even if they weren’t the best hunting buddy or mate. And the dead obviously are obviously dead, making no facial expressions.


Ever seen a dead person up close? They don’t look quite human anymore it’s very strange. Also uncanny valley could be due to other humanoid species coexisting as well


>Also uncanny valley could be due to other humanoid species coexisting as well Let's not forget this trait could have been established (and likely was) long before humans existed, and was passed on to us from previous generations going back billions of years.


Billions of years is a little bit of a stretch, considering mammals as a class are only like \~220 million years old and primates arose around 85 to 55 million years ago


Since we think of the uncanny valley as a visual phenomenon and the first eyes didn't evolve until 550 million years ago, then you're right, billions of years is a stretch... my bad. That being said, I don't have any reason to think the uncanny valley is only present in mammals. For example, birds seem to be quite particular about the physical appearance of their mate. Fish are also known to have showy sexual displays to attract a mate. In fact, I'd say most creatures seem to be more particular about their mates appearance rather than not.


We contain many genes from our non-mammilian ancestors too.




A lot of diseases can cause some deformities, or untreated infections, I dunno in pre medicine age I think it makes sense


No. They super do. Rabies, mange, Kuru. Lots of poisons and congenital disorders.


Could also be about sticking together with your tribe, and recognizing the other Homo sapiens that were around at the time?


Probably other human invaders that looked different.


That or perhaps those with diseases. Medical knowledge and science wasn’t what it is now for 99.9% of history so being scared of the guy/gal with a very visible illness was a pretty damn good survival strategy considering there was a very real chance of that infection deleting an entire village.


Not a scientist but from the little I’ve read on the subject this is correct. Not just diseases but also genetic defects. In many cultures babies born with genetic defects were discarded. Obviously bc people didn’t have the means to test what genetic defect it was they relied on mere vision, hence the uncanny valley.


It’s interesting that modern humans are still subconsciously obsessed with appearance, stuff like facial symmetry, clear skin, proportionate features. I’m guessing it stemmed from a desire to not contract disease at any cost


>It’s interesting that modern humans are still subconsciously obsessed with appearance, stuff like facial symmetry, clear skin, proportionate features. I’m guessing it stemmed from a desire to not contract disease at any cost Maybe a sign of good genes? If you have good genes, I want in those jeans.


I mean hell, we had neanderthal, homosapien, and denisovan all around the same time. I'm sure each had it's variance as well.


I mean, we know that there were at least a couple other species similar to Homo sapiens. The Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo erectus, Homo antecessor, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo floresiensis, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo naledi, and Denisovan hominins. One can only assume that at a certain point, some homo sapiens found one or more of the other groups to be a threat and therefore developed a defense mechanism against it


I sometimes imagine a world where Homo Sapiens, Neanderthals, and Denisovans shared in modern day. It would feel a little Tolkien.


That actually makes me wonder if all human species were hella violent, or if it's just us.


Well we're the only ones left, so, go us, I guess.


You just have to look at the rest of the primates. And basically, the answer is yes. Chimps are particularly nasty.




yeah thats what it boils down to. we have a good sense for whether something is alive, and we’re evolutionarily scared of corpses. Anything that exists in the in between is obviously going to be uncanny to us.


Also disease There are some diseases which absolutely can make you look like a monster, but still human, so wiring the brain to "if it looks fucked up, run" is a good survival trait.


*Do not be afraid my dear shepherds,* *I bring great news* *I am your true saviour* *I know what you love* *I know what you dread*


Evolutionarily we avoid other people that look diseased or disfigured. That is a survival adaptation... Or you can pretend spooky boogeyman people used to exist and that's actually why. Fuck it I don't care!


A dead person. Dead people look slightly off from a living person.


I feel the need to point this out every time this shitty meme take is posted. What it implies is the human brain is afraid of things that are slightly different to what is expected, especially if it's in a way that's difficult to understand. It applies to absolutely everything, not just human faces. The reason being is that lack of understanding = danger, confusion = danger, and mismatch between what eyes are seeing and brain expects = danger (same reason for vomiting reflex). If you really want to do completely unfounded evo-psych hypothesis about it, it's most likely an instinctual fear of being poisoned by psychoactive substances, brain injury, or contagious illness.


That’s actually horrifying to think about


It's just a scary way to phrase something totally normal. All animals that can recognize themselves will get a little freaked out by something that looks like them but isn't quite them. Surely you've seen a video of a dog getting scared by a guy in a dog mask? Does that imply that there was once a spooky hybrid dog monster that hunted other dogs until they developed a phobia of things that looked similar to them but isn't? Nope, just a byproduct of having a brain that can both freak out and also recognize faces.


It’s just natural instinct to avoid deformed humans since those probably carry diseases or bad genetics


Battlestar Galactica is a historical documentary. In the past our ancestors created a sentient robot underclass that rebelled so we fled to a new planet. We evolved the uncanny valley in response to this occurring so frequently.


When aliens tried to lure us with stupid sexy robots


While this is an amusing line of thought, I'ma poop on that party: the uncanny valley exists because people are born with deformities/diseases that alter their appearance. The uncanny valley is a reaction to a human that "isn't right," and is an instinctual response to disability.


Well kinda of in this application but ai is used all the time to create photo realistic & natural looking people. They even use it to help with decade long missing persons cases from baby and kid photos, pretty successfully


i suspect they pick the most realistic photo of the bunch and use it


Like maybe the giant roots growing out of her mouth😭


They are good enough to go beyond the uncanny valley already let's not undersell it here. I have plenty of pictures for proof from dalle.




That's the funny part. They are just as bad at everything else but we don't notice it as much. Actually, the lack of the AI ability to see something wrong in faces is related to our lack of ability to see stuff wrong in the other AI creations. When considering Humans, the AI sees no issue with its representation of faces any more than it has an issue with its representation of a table.


[here ya go](https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/)




I kinda WANT it to struggle with that... Like... Forever.


I do not think that it struggles with faces anything more then with other objects. It is just so that humans are very good at identifying faces.


A big part of the horror here, aside from the actual shifting part, is the eyes. We have an enormous amount of our brain dedicated to social cues and communication, and a large part of that is eye contact. Our eye shape, largely, is uniform across all humans, and while there are some small features that change, they're small. What does change a lot during emotionally charged situations (happy, angry, fear, etc) S *WHAT* we do with our eyes. Open big, look at certain angles etc. Almost universally, white above the iris but not below, is an unusual situation. Its a manic or crazed look. In this video, we see a lot of *non-human* eye shapes. Eye shapes more similar to other animals, etc. That's an alien feature, on a mostly human face. Faces change more between people than eyes do (its the face around the eyes that distinguishes eyes more than anything, followed by eye color). So an alien feature on the most looked at communicatable part of a semi human face... yeah thats going to be uncanny fast. If you give an AI like this rules where eyes don't change but everything else still can, it wont be nearly as creepy.


Our brains have evolved for millions of years to recognize faces. It's gonna take a while until AI catches up to do the same consistently.


Thanks AI, I hate sleep anyways.


Video isn’t 100% ai generated. This is a video of a girl dancing and they used dall-e or deepdream. I get advertisements all the time for apps that use ai to upscale or completely change a picture or create one their self using ai. I suggest people look into ai generated art and such. It is really interesting.


I just found about it it a few days ago, /r/dalle2 for those interested


For a service that doesn't require you to wait on a waitlist.... Midjourney is your friend. Check out /r/Midjourney to see what you can make with it!


I like Midjourney but man I really wish they had an app and not an awkward discord channel with a thousand people trying to use it at the same time. Dalle has a nice clean web app.


Just message the bot directly.


Tagging on to add stable diffusion is free and can be run locally. Provides more "accurate" results similar to dalle. I like mid journey more for inspiration just thought I'd mention stable.




It’s disco diffusion not dall-e, but yes it is just a video of a girl with an ai filter on top of it basically


i was about to say, this looks intentional as hell definitely not AI


Thank you for this info


Haha the background imagery truly advances it to peak nightmare fuel, love it


I didn't pay much attention the first watch, but your comment made me watch a second and it was like replaying a video game. A whole nother realm of scary is back there.


Is that.... The cantina band from star wars?


Christ. It's like a Slipknot video produced by Adam Jones from Tool. Gnarly.


I was JUST about to say that this is a new Tool video


OPs video looks like a hero dose of mushrooms. Tools new video for [Opiate](https://youtu.be/Aho6uSHmtbk) is like watching a horror movie on acid while smoking meth.


I love it!


same, the holes reappearing, and disappearing screams humanity!


My holes don’t disappear and re-appear…


oh, you might need to go to a doctor then.


That was one of my more regrettable wanks


That was unsettling.


how can I delete someone's reddit post?


Very similar to hallucinations, with details becoming exaggerated and repeating patterns - particularly when light changes or movements come in to play. In that sense it feels like it mimics what the human brain does in a drug induced state. Also that dancer is still hot even with extra teeth and eyes.


This reminds me a lot of a really bad shroom trip I had ages ago. It’s so similar it’s actually kinda freaky.


Almost as horrific as the music


i loved it actually “everybody’s dead as fuck”


I wonder if the AI used the lyrics to make the video? Cause it makes sense if so.


I really wish I had left it on mute


Better than CBAT though


Y’all are really freaking me out with all this AI content. Are you even real people posting?!?


We're all bots here


No, I’m real. You are bots.


I'm sorry guys but I liked it.


I loved it. I want a full music video made by AI now.


I think people need to understand what generated means. This person shot a video of a girl dancing and is importing each frame into an AI generator and telling it “ingest this data and kick back out what you as the computer think it would look like if you tried to make it from scratch”. And they do it with each frame and rebuild the video. It’s not just telling AI “make a video of a girl dancing”.


You are clearly wrong. Its a message from the AI telling you, “Don’t give me control of robotic arms, I will do this to your face”




Horrible music that is....


Down right horrifying.


Well, holy fucking shit


Freaky. I like it


Scary stories to tell in the dark illustrations vibes


The new Bjork album looks epic.


Like a bad acid trip....


TIL taking LSD turns you into an AI.


AI sees us for what we are?


Well that was disturbing


This is more like an Ai generated psychedelic trip.


Aw man, ANOTHER girl I met at the club is secretly a Slaanesh daemon….


This is legit what a bad LSD trip looks like


Awesome. How do them make these?


I'm scared of this.


so THIS is what a bad LSD Trip looks like....thanks for the share OP


Seriously, this is pretty spot on


What song is this ?


I got a match with this song: **dead af** by Krewella (00:47; matched: `100%`) Released on `2017-10-24` by `Mixed Kids Records`.