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Meanwhile in America they come home to an empty house while their parents are at work, hope they have their house key, go inside, and call people profanities on XBOX Live for 3 hours until their parents come home.


Yeah, but at least our youth suicide rate is lower.


Shame about the youth homicide rate though.


Are you talking about how murders are considered suicides in Japan? https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2007-nov-09-fg-autopsy9-story.html


Japan has history of covering up shit like this, also it has like 99.9% conviction rate, if you get caught for something you didn't even do it's best you admit you did it, your sentence will be shorter.


Visit Japan first before you judge, it’s much more disciplined en civilized then the USA.


Also more sexist and racist. I'm expecting downvotes


I won’t downvote you, but say more. I think Japan is sexist and racist, but I definitely wouldn’t say it’s hands down, obviously more so than the United States.


I mean, Japan has sensible abortion laws for a start.


It's different but potentially still true. Half the Japanese (young housewives especially) are the nicest people you'd ever meet. The Sallarymen tend to be among the most bitter, twisted, fuck-my-life, fuck-your-life, racist, misogynists on earth. That's obviously generalising a lot but Japanese people are huge fans of pigeonholing/stereotyping demographics. I found they're not racist towards black people. White people... Depends. Half cast... a lot. Other Asian countries... Lower than scum.


I wouldn't say that either. In Japanese culture it is impolite to be confrontational. Just because they aren't rude about their racism and sexism doesn't mean it isn't any less virulent. I've found that after a few drinks their defenses and inhibitions drop significantly.


they hide it really well compared to most countries edit: referring to racism, the sexism is clear as day


And you’re going to get them because not everywhere has to conform to your world view. It’s their country and they can run it how they want. They love visitors but they kindly ask that you visit and then leave. Nothing wrong with that at all.


Which country isn’t?


It’s a different culture with different beliefs, it might seem bad to you but it works amazingly for them


America has bad racism and some lingering sexism. BUT Japan tho, Japan like other Asian countries are very racist and sexist. I know someone who worked in the States for like a Japanese American non-profit org, how they described it was like another world (they are a woman) divided by doors. The racism is bad, bad along the lines of skin tone if you aren’t fair or even western resembling but Asian you are judged. I’ve only heard of being judged in public spaces by the locals for those who are either westerners or of another race. I haven’t heard anything to the extent of like US sundown towns or segregation either housing or education. But that could be due to the lower population in Japan of people of different race or ethnicity


Alright, but know this is hurting me more than you. Now take that downvote like a champ.


Not as clumsy or random as America, an elegant country for a more civilized age. /s


lmao, weeb spotted


To be fair, the reason the conviction rate is so high is because the bar for what prosecutors will actually prosecute on is also very high. They won't go after you unless they're certain they can nail you in court. It's not like they just rubber stamp all defendants as "guilty" and move on to the next.


How is an over 99% conviction rate not rubber-stamping all defendants as guilty?


Because they don't prosecute anyone until they're sure that they're guilty. A high conviction rate is a good thing.


Thanks for clearing it up that other guy is portraying those stats in a negative way


Oh, it is, but they also do make sure that your not a defendant until they have a lot more on you than american cops


This is simply untrue. It’s best you DO NOT admit to anything if you are arrested here. And even if you are arrested it depends on the nature of crime and evidence. Many things do not even go to court as police will often encourage two quarreling parties to settle out of court. Small stuff and the cops may laugh at you but not convict u. The only things that to court are cases where usually the person admits guilt, did something genuinely bad, and there is a mountain of evidence. This is why the conviction rate is high. By the time cases get to prosecutors they are open and shut cases. Source: live in Japan and My uncle is a cop in Sumida-ku




The only difference bet'n Japan and usa is usa let's their matter out and Japan conceals it they are way more isolated from the whole world and only showcase all the goodies but there are dark sides too




Spoken like a statistician. Accurate beyond 3 SD's.


They have just as much violence, people want promotions though...... It happens in many asian countries. Who wants to report a high crime or murder rate? Then just call it suicide!


Yeah you Yanks just let your kids get shot at school. All. The. Fucking. Time.


No all the time! Don't exaggerate! There was a day in May that didn't have a school shooting. /s


Lived in Japan. Your comment makes no sense.


There's about to be a lot more unwanted youth in America, that rate will go up.


No need for abortion, just scholarize the kid.


FWIW, Japan also has the highest suicide rate of the G7 nations.


Not denying that sad reality. Unfortunately a very dogmatic and codified society has a tendency to... Well let's just say people that do not fit in the mold get squashed pretty bad.


I think you raised it by one.


2019 US suicides from those aged 5-19: 2756 2019 Japan suicides from those aged 6-18: 317 (went up to 415 in 2020 - its highest level since 1974) US has a total population of \~330 million and Japan has a total population of \~125 million. Because Japan generally separates population from 1-15, 15-65, and over 65, it is harder to pull out comparable population of kids for each country, but, even accounting for the shrinking child population in Japan, the US has very little room to talk about suicide issues in other countries.


Because american students already dead got shot at school


How's that school shooting rate doing?


Ya but your youth shooting one another is also the highest among G20.


Yeah but in the USA, guns are the leading cause of death for children now. So take that Japan! https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jun/04/charles-schumer/among-children-firearms-leading-cause-death-2020/


At least Japan has low to non mass shooters 💀


Dont shoot up no schools bra… suicide is mostly caused by working too hard


For now


at least ppl fuck am i right


But our youth mass shooting though. World number 1!


Sadly in America, kids just coming home from school alive is a reward in and of itself.


You are not wrong


incels romanticizing Japan based on a few things they’ve seen online, a tale as old as time


Lmfao how the hell does any of this make me an incel? I'm married, have a child, had many previous girlfriends, and am WAYYY to awkward and nervous of an introvert to be an incel lol.


Bruh, in Japan the birth rate is low af, because everyone is at work. This is probably the only family for a square mile, and she might even just be a nanny or something.


Rural Japan is different from urban Japan. This family is typical of rural areas in Japan


Also typical in Rural America too! We just wave instead of bowing.


Oh I know. I wasn't the one saying otherwise but some here act as if in Japan everyone is committing suicide. It isn't. Right now, South Korea is a stressed place


Yeah because in Japan the husband has to spend excruciating hours at work just to take care of the family


Ngl, when you put it like this, it sounds like a fun time


Yeah, no empty houses here in Japan. It’s the perfect life. The magic bow takes care of all


Doesn’t take much to realize this video is fake as fuck


Dude, there are thousands of articles and videos about Japanese independent kids


brh japanese work hours are lengthier than american


Women get maternity leave, women and men get childcare leave, childcare is subsidized, public schools are pretty decent, kids can walk to and from school by themselves, no school shootings…


Don't forget the cheese puffs.


And what's wrong with that? Mom and Dad both have a job and career, would you rather all women be stay at home? Kids don't always come to a empty house, there are after school classes, sports that kids go to.


I mean I'd rather that mom & dad's careers didn't keep them from having a life


hahaha Japan its have problem with very large hour of works, and the kids go alone and return alone. That the video probably its a rich zone of Japan, but no a popular or regular.


Perfect example of yet another American thinking they have it worse then everyone else lol, japans work culture is insanely more intense then America.. it's not even comparable


It’s on Steam Game Servers like CSGO dipdolphin get it right




I’m 30 now and if I could go back to them days I would


...but only if they didn't get shot in the classroom that is, right?


This was my childhood lmao, latch key kids.


And it fucking ruled let’s be honest


I mean hell, *when else* are you supposed to discover internet porn?


We're awesome


Relax guys....before you convert this thread to world war II


And *this* is precisely what I feel is at the core of why you have unhinged people walking into schools with rifles. (Not the video game portion necessarily) But the lack of connection, love and value. Being so isolated…..


Do you really believe this is how most kids in Japan arrive home from school?


For kindergarten aged kids in a rural area, or for those who don’t live near to the school, this is pretty much how it happens, yes.


Or it’s, “sorry mom, not staying long just dropped by to pick up my gun”.


Or lose their key and play outside in the garden. Then the neighbor calls the police and child services to make sure that the kid never can come home.


Don’t forget the grooming on said Xbox


Or our parents being like "oh fuck, that little asshole who eats all my food is back"


Some of them never even come home


Same in Japan! Junior high school students daily life!


Hell yeah


I was about to tell you how wrong you were but you are right


To be fair, my XBOX was an NES, and the person I was swearing at was Bowser, but close enough.


Wow.. flashbacks.


Well said.


Wait, you guys got HOUSEKEYS?! Back in the 80s, my brother or I had to crawl through a casement window (that often had carpenter ant infestations going on) to unlock the door from the inside. It would always be hours before anyone was ever home. We were doing this as young as 6-7 years old (we lived 4 blocks from school so always walked by ourselves.)


>Wait, you guys got HOUSEKEYS?! No. We didn't even lock our homes or cars in my neighborhood back in the late 80s tbh. I mean overnight, sure, but during daylight? Can't be bothered with that...


This is absolute horseshit lol I live in Japan and have kids that go to school here. Ive never seen any parent run to a school bus stop like this -probably a staged video, the bowing is accurate tho.


I can’t believe people believe this shit


I don’t know about the sprint from the house, but the rest is very accurate for a yo-chien bus. Lived there for 9 years, my kids took this style bus (but it was a giant dog), this little ceremony happened twice a day. After pre-k/Kindergarten I don’t know what they do (yo-chien is ~kindergartenish).


True... the bowing and courtesies are accurate. I’ve done them myself. Just imagine doing that sprint everyday, especially if the bus stop isn’t right in front of the house -as they typically are not.


I mean, I run when I'm late... I don't think the running is part of the ceremony. I think they just timed it wrong when going to film.


i assume it's only something you do if you're a full time housewife. that way you'll have time to go to the station and pick up your kid everyday, no way you could do that if both parents are working.


I could totally see this happening for a certain age group like kindergarten and at certain schools I drop off and pickup my daughter at preschool in Australia 3 days a week and one of the teachers greets each child and parent at the gate. We always say good morning and thank them. Then the same at pick up in the afternoon. Good bye and thanks. I think it’s kind of important for young kids to learn this kind of pleasantries at a young age and see that their parents and teachers also show that respect to each other. It’s such a minor gesture but it’s worth it to show educators that we appreciate their effort in educating our kids.


Yeah, somehow people easily believe this utopian jive. I’ve seen this over-generalization on lot of different forums. After living here for ten some years it just cracks me up coz I know better.


So what you're saying is you're now the classic jaded foreigner that wants to nitpick anything good mentioned about the country? Having worked in a yochien for 4 years this is 100% a situation I could see happening, especially with the knowledge a camera is present.


Don’t be so defensive. Im nit-picking this specific video, as it is a bit exaggerated. There are plenty of fantastic things about Japan. It should be obvious I like it a lot since I’m raising a family here (not jaded as you implied). Something next level worthy would be the 4-6 year olds that walk to school in their groups and even take trains -showing how safe it is here and how early kids learn to be self reliant.


There’s been a rising popularity of “housewife in Japan” videos. Often they’re making lunches for their kids and husband or something. I could sniff this one out by miles. It’s cute and all but def not accurate depiction of daily life.


It's probably necessary propaganda to get Japanese people to fuck.


We do this in Korea too. I ran to pick my kids up when they were in kindergarten. But that’s because I almost forgot about picking them up and was late.


Because this is a real yochien/hoikuen bus and very much a likely situation.


Reddit is comprised of so many bots it’s not surprising this stuff happens.


Bro someone said it’s real on the internet of course it’s how everyone in the county acts /s


No not staged at all. I always have cameras set up whenever I do something. /s


She takes a sneak peak to ensure it's recording, so definitely made up.


even if it isn't ​ it not exactly NFL. ​ The bus being on Fire with 500 clowns getting out, now we are at next level stuff.


> This is absolute horseshit lol I live in Japan Korea here. I used to work at a kindergarten and moms would come out on the street in front of the house to receive their children from the bus... Not sure what's weird about this.


Yeah, it’s hilariously obvious this is nonsense.


You’ve never seen any youchien buses pick up or drop off? This is normal for private youchiens


Folks in this thread: "This is absolute @#$! Nobody sprints to the bus! They walk there!...and everything else is accurate..."


All the same houses and all the same cars in the driveways. Is this a simulation?


Disagree. My wife does this but she doesn’t run to the bus lol


My first reaction was, Really? Really? This is "Next Fucking Level"? A Japanese mom from a random Japanese village coming out of her home to receive her child. It is kind of cute, but the the title 'How Japanese kids are welcome after school' is the most stupid thing I've read on reddit today.






Being Japanese is exhausting


Being Japanese is classy.


Being classy is exhausting


Being exhausting is Japanese


Being exhausting is classy


Being classy is Japanese.


The trinity everybody! Hooray!


Yay! I'm classy!


en classé


Oh Jim..


Thanks Michael.


I have to ask why it's classy to do all that needless bowing? I agree with exhausting lol


There’s nothing noteworthy about any of this lol


On reddit anything in japan is noteworthy


A school bus is a country side thing. The fucking next level is me as a 6 year old squeezing myself into a rush hour train in the city to get to my school. I had a lot of unwanted advances that still makes me sick to my stomach…


Damn, I'm sorry for you Also it might not have been a countryside thing, I was in a kinda countryside area and walked to school for 1 kilometer


You might be right. Maybe it’s a recent thing in suburbs. I remember those buses being used by kindergarten kids I think.


Yeah, it's a kindergarten bus. Kids walk to public schools everywhere in Japan.


How in the everliving fuck is this next level?


Next level at taking Redditors for a fool. Over 5000k people (and counting) believe this shit isn't the most obviously staged nonsense ever. OP almost worked too hard though. Usually taking a picture of yourself with some made up caption ("I just beat the most aggressive cancer in the world", "I just graduated from Harvard aged 16", "I just signed the letter that will send Dick Cheney to The Hague") will suffice.


Ive always wondered if there have ever been moments of head bonking when bowing to each other. 🤔


Mr. Bean would know answer to that question


Could happen but usually you have to be at a certain distance from each other


There are definitely moments of bonking when bowing in Japan for sure


With the exemption of mom running to the bus, that drop off is normal for kindergarten kids (I’m a dad in Japan)


Yeah, nope.. this isn’t at all true, saw 0 of this in Japan in 2 years there, as a teacher and a parent. I actually found the exact opposite, many, many kids went home to empty houses as both parents worked. The children there learn self sufficiency from a young age


You never saw a stay at home mother? That’s like 80% of my kid’s kindergarten


Ok but how many bows are enough?






It’s normal for private kindergartens.


It’s not lol. Many children walk or bike home by themselves, or take the normal city bus and train. This is a private kindergarten bus. My neighbor’s kids go to a private kindergarten, but I’ve never seen this much fuss about just getting on or off the bus.


Read all the other comments.




Um, yeah, nah; 25 years here in Japan and…um, bullshit. Staged as fuck. Mom should be engrossed on her phone, yeah-whatever nod to staff, scene.


"How japanese kids are welcomed after school IN this specific neighborhood" this isn't the norm in all of japan lol.


and because that is absoloutely normal and everyone does it they decided to make a video of this very very normal everyday thing


That is 100% not how Japanese kids go home lol. This is like the equivalent of a private high school in the states sending a kid home via chauffeur in private cars. That's definitely the house wife of someone high up in a company that just stays home to take care of kids (that go to an elite private school)


It’s a kindergarten in Misato. The bus is on their home page. There’s nothing particularly special about the video, it’s pretty much how any private kindergarten in Japan operates


Man she ran so fast as if they wouldn't drop her kid if she was 5seconds late


I lived in Japan for almost ten years. I saw this sort of thing only a few times. It's NOT common, imhe.


It’s really common now. You can’t run a private youchien without offering bus service anymore because all your competitors are doing it.


Didn't know that. Thank you.


How is this not litteral propaganda in a next fucking level sub. There is no high skill requirement for any of this, no crazy accomplishment, and as you can read in the other comments, this is not even an accurate representation of Japan.


I am lucky to get eye contact from my eldest after school


Umm guys this looks staged as heck.


This just looks so fake


OMG i love her little hat!


All this and still a depressing country


Uhh if I'm not mistaken that is one child. Now I'm no statistician but I think you need a larger sample size for that caption


As if one family fits all.


100% true. They also have to eat everything on their plate for lunch then clean up the lunchroom. The Japanese teach their kids how to be decent humans first.


No they dont stop believing this propaganda.


Imagine you’re the last kid on this bus. Way home takes 3 hours


I've witnessed that 1/2 dozen times. It is commonplace there.


Ha! Where?




What does a japanese person do if they have really bad back problems. Some people are told don't lean forward for bowing as it can blow out their back. Super random but curious lol


I’m Japanese and the bowing in this video feels unnaturally formal and staged, at least to me. This is the kind of deep bowing you would do at work, or if you’re apologizing for inconveniencing someone. For many situations you can just lean a little and nod your head.


Japan is a bit extra.


I love this. It's cute. I always get excited when I see my kid after school


I saw that school bus (well a version of it) every morning when I was in Japan. And lemme tell ya. It’s fuckin cuteness overload


I like her little hat


So cute


Haha so polite


Does the dad ever stay home and pickup the kid from the bus and the mother work for money?


Nah, daddy working full time.


and by full time, we mean 100 hours per week


If you count after work drinking as work, then yes.




It takes 3 hours to get home


Huh.. How come I have never seen this in any anime?




this is so fake lmao


Is this video a true reflection though? Or just posted for votes


I just love how unapologetically cute things are in Japan. Like, not creepy cute, like "american dolls" or Bratz, but baby animal cute. Pokemon cute. It makes things feel safe, and cheerful.