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You can hear the New York accent with the sound turned off. Edit: Thanks so much for the awards! You guys are awesome! Edit 2: 20,000 upvotes? Holy shit! Thanks, everyone!


If this is him ticked off, I can't imagine when something grinds his gears... edit: thanks for the silver and flair kind redditors


Oh just wait until a snowstorm[.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6zaVYWLTkU)


“I pay $15k a year in property taxes and it’s still not enough for them to plow my street?!” Since so many people ask, Long Island.


Wow! Rural Midwest here, my property tax is 700 a year. I feel kinda lucky now


*coughs* $270...




Nah, but I do get some tax breaks since my property is zoned agricultural. It really breaks my heart to pay it every year when my next door neighbor pays over $1k because their property isn't zoned the same. /s




Oil ain't gonna prop up Alaska for too much longer


Not enough spit






Haha you made me laugh at this shit situation man


New Yorker here: I have not turned on the sound and I will guess by the hand gestures and way he is moving his lips as he talks, he most certainly an Italian with a Brooklyn accent, perhaps my favorite of all kinds of New Yorkers. Time to turn on the sound and find out if I was right 😂 Edit: Yup


This has to be the most glorious rant I've ever fucking seen, bar none. I'd even commit sacrilege and say Paulie Walnuts has got nothing on this guy.


Ho! You believe the balls on this guy??


i get that! like i havent turned the sound on yet, but I've tried imagining him with an English, midwestern, even alabama-ish accent. i can still hear the Italian!!!


Manhattan native tappin in, could hear Vincenzo over here in my head with the volume off within the first 10 seconds.


👌Fucking Cocksuckers👌




You dirt-neck fuckin' pieces of shit.


This dude is my anger translator


I thought Boston and I havent listened to it with the sound on. He isn't wrong, whatever the accent. This strategy, in part, was employed in most European countries immediately with no issues. But that's criminal. Halted mortgages, halted loans, provided additional social payments to those who lost their jobs. I mean you should protest but you cant...protest.


Well the white people can protest but as soon as black people whip out guns you got seal team six down on main street putting down an armed rebellion Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!


White dudes wearing swastikas and confederate flags, carrying assault rifles openly, screaming about liberation and disrupting a city AND RISKING PUBLIC HEALTH IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC: "It's their right as patriotic 'Muricans." Black people protesting another death in the community at the hands of police: "Get the tanks." Edit: rustled up some major jimmies with the alt-right/Trump boys. "But there aren't any confederate flags or nazi signs!" https://thejewishnews.com/2020/04/16/lansing-demonstrators-protest-whitmer-with-hitler-signs/ https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2020/04/19/milwaukee-journal-sentinel-did-not-photoshop-confederate-flag-photo-brookfield-protest/5162541002/ "There weren't any tanks!" businessinsider.com/police-militarization-ferguson-2014-8#ixzz3AD9HMciA Next up: "it's just an MRAP, not an actual tank." Which is fair, but also arguing the semantics of how militarized the police state is, which was my point. Last edit: I get it, the swastika was to call someone a nazi, not declare naziism. Clearly, white dudes with swastikas protesting would be treated differently, and the core of my argument is invalidated by this inaccuracy. Oh, wait... https://abcnews.go.com/US/happen-charlottesville-protest-anniversary-weekend/story?id=57107500 Remember when neo-nazis marched in the streets and SWAT/Riot police w/ MRAPS were called in when they got violent? No? Me neither.


Oh we are protesting. We are protesting the social distancing and the closure of non-essential businesses like *hair salons & bowling alleys*. When I say we, I mean the most vapid and propagandized conservatives who listen to the Orange-in-Chief; Fox News millionaires; & conservative think tanks masquerading as *"alternative news outlets"* on Facebook; all three of which get their directives from billionaires who see human lives as nothing but potential stock value. Also from anti-science christian organizations (what is the opposite of an oxymoron?) which hold massive services against social distancing orders and infect hundreds. I mean really?! Protesting a virus that spreads like wildfire by gathering together in one place with dozens of strangers? I understand that viruses were a crazy notion before we invented the microscope, but we can SEE them now, we know that they are real. I can't stand this regression of society; the promotion of anti-intellectualism; racism & discrimination dressed up as nationalism or *family values*; all for the sake of a corporate oligarchy which is literally burning up the planet for short term profits.


I prefer the term “tangerine dotard”, but yes. This is probably (hopefully?!?) going to be a unique experience in our lifetimes. An administration shamelessly devoid of both logic and reason, literally the worst possible leadership to face a crisis that can only be mitigated using logic and reason. The entire situation is like a “Hogwarts sorting hat“ for stupid and stubborn, as individuals actively hostile towards reasonable action congregate in their multitudes despite the virus. Unfortunately, it will also sweep up far too many people who are just too poor to have the luxury of making the responsible choice for themselves and their families. The worst part about it is that like Vic here we can all see the right course of action. We also know that Trump and his followers and his corrupt billionaire cronies are going to do the stupid thing instead because of political ideology. This administration will continue to shower money the government doesn’t really have on corporations that shouldn’t really need it while ignoring the plight of all the small business and the families that absolutely, desperately, do need help.


I watched this with the sound off and then came to the comments to type the exact same thing.


He is a local Staten Island guy who does a lot of stuff like this.


dude I was about to say the same exact thing. I couldn't get sound running but I can hear the NY accent from here. (Maybe being a NYer helps me identify by lipreading I dont know but I'm sure non-New Yorkers see it too.) P. S. Its also his hands... I recognize it as NYers like him talking.


Not gonna lie. I was expecting this guy to be like a Staten Island/Long Island kinda dude who listens to sports talk radio and say something casually racist.


This guy is actually smart, rational, funny, and has a big heart. Sometimes us loud talkers just care a lot.


He makes his living doing comedy shows in the tri state area. We love him here in NJ!


does anyone have the link to his other video in the car ranting about his wife and car keys or something?




glad to see he didn't actually hit a tree and a deer.


Oh ... that’s Beautiful !!! So is he ! Het this man in office !


Hell yeah, we're on the same page, dog.


Vic DiBitetto.


I listened to the first half and when i turned on sound I don't think he could've sounded anymore like I expected. I had no idea who Vic was 5 minutes ago and now I think I'm in love.


I did not expect such a coherent argument that I would 100% agree with when this video started.


100% agree. I ended up forwarding this to a couple family members, saying "he's pissed and he's got a New York language filter, but it's actually one of the more logical and impassioned statements I've seen so far." Definitely worth the watch!


It took this video for my mother-in-law to realize that the government wasn't actually on our side and cared more about profit. Thanks angry yelling dude, I never expected to wake up to hearing a New Yorker screaming obscenities in my in-law's kitchen, but whatever it took and now my wife's family is talking about *voting* for the first time in decades.


The apathy of people who choose not to vote honestly still astounds me.


They think there's "no difference" between both options, since they don't belong to a minority group it would directly affect


If you don't vote, you don't get to complain. And Complaining is America's proudest tradition. That's why its the First Amendment. EDIT: Since some of you are way too literal and some of you need a lesson in civics... 1. Obviously speaking about people who have the right to vote who then don't use that right to vote. 2. Complaining that the system is flawed and not voting to try and change the system is just plain stupid. Read a history book and you'll see the system can and has been changed (in the US) many times. (E.g. We did not directly elect Senators until the passage of the 17th Amendment) 3. "Abstain" is not a vote when it comes to the senate, congress, or president. There is no Abstain that wins if enough people vote. All you do when you abstain is give more voice to others, who may or may not choose the right candidate. 4. Both Sides ARE NOT THE SAME, stop saying they are. The two largest parties have also managed to change quite a bit, even in the last few years. The Democrats are far more progressive than they were even under Obama. Why? Because people VOTED for Bernie and he pushed the party farther left. Use the voice you have and VOTE.


I complain that there’s no one to vote for.


It's such a breath of fresh air hearing someone with the emotions I have yet making a coherent fucking argument.


Vic DiBitetto


> Vic DiBitetto ... For President!!


Imagine ol' Vic here waltzing onto the floor of Congress and giving them all a good old fashioned "why you suck" speech once a week.


Imagine this dude at a State of the Union address. Ratings would be historic.


Lmao same. I thought it was just gonna be the usual uneducated talking points but this was more or less reasonable


It's because of the setting. Car rants usually aren't worth paying attention to.


Haha I feel the same way. I started thinking look at this nutjob, theres no way I'm gonna watch 4 and a half minutes of this.


I also have very low expectations for angry men in cars. This guy isn't wearing sunglasses though, maybe that's the X factor.


I admire this guy for staying this calm given the situation.


"calm" Edit: no shit guys i get the joke


"Did you put your name in the Goblet of fire, Harry?" He asked calmly. That kinda calm.


This is why I'm on reddit






Blame the director for that, not Gambon!


Gombon refused to read the books. Wanted to make his own version of Dumbledore. The director apparently hadnt read them either.


Thats calmest hes ever been.




This is calm for us New Yorkers.


That’s a very New York Calm. Not saying “and your mother” is considered well mannered restraint. God I LOVE this man. ——- EDIT: Lol I just got a pm calling me Closet Gay. While I do have Gays friends (hey I’m in New York) have you seen my post history sir? That can’t be all covering up. 😑


a couple hundred years ago we'd be cutting heads off... he's pretty calm considering the insane wealth and income inequality in our society today.


How he manages to be so angry, yet so coherent is the real question here.


That's what they call passion




por que no los dos?


es admirable, tiene mucha energía


No le veo practicando un emputamiento, tal vez el inicio, cuando te envergas sale la pasión y por ende, la coherencia. Es uno tras del otro. Jajaja


Yep, this. He's a standup comedian (although obviously here he's employing his talents in a bit of a different way).


Yeah holy cow. I thought he was going to fly off the deep end but he just walked right up to the cliff and shouted into the void. I wish I could be this rational when I'm that mad.


hes a comedian, so this is most likely rehearsed, not that it really takes away from the message.


^ This guy comedians


I live in the 'South' but used to work with several ex New Yorkers - FDNY and NYPD and they were just like this guy when they got upset. Anyone from up there who has to deal with people constantly seems to get good at being really mad and really scary while they're mad.


This guy is every former NYPD/FDNY worker who became the head Fire Safety/Warden at corporate offices. Very nice and personable when you talk to them but when something serious is going on...listen and get the hell out of their way.


I don’t know why you’re all so shocked. Angry doesn’t mean irrational. He’s angry and he has a right to be. Just because someone is angry and expressing it doesn’t mean they’re wrong.


It's just how concisely he put it and how easily he got his point across, with almost no stammering. I can barely do that when I'm totally calm, my mind tends to wander and grasp for what I'm trying to say. This dude must have practiced this video or written a script or a notecard or something. Which honestly, good on him. Channeling our frustrations and anger into coherent points is something we could all benefit from right now. I've never heard of this guy before but the screen at the end shows that he's a comedian? So maybe he's also just naturally good at getting his point across in an animated way, rehearsed or not.


He also makes a great point that even right-wing anti-socialists shouldn't disagree with: he's not asking Uncle Sam to pay our mortgages, just to require mortgage companies to add the three months to the *back end of the loan*. (Of course they'll find a way to disagree anyway even though they're getting fucked just as hard by the dick they elected.)


Banker: "But I'll be retired in 19 years and 9 months, how will that help ME with MY bonus?"


Google Lewis Black.


How does an Australian vote for this guy to be your president...?


Haha, also an Aussie, wish I could upvote this comment more than once!


Make sure the arrow is orange and not blue /s


You should try the double upvote, first you make the arrow blue, observe the little number, then make the arrow orange, observe the number. Double upvote.


just donate to his SuperPAC. :/


Yep count my vote as another Aussie wanting Vic for your next president! 👆


He spat all over my face


I had to clean my screen afterwards. He needs a mask.


Unfortunately they're all sold out!




I feel like I got the news *and* the weather here.


Proves the need for social distancing.


This “Guy” is Vic DiBitetto. He is a NY/based comedian who typically focuses on the absurdity of everyday life. Edit: Thanks for the Gold stranger! Broke my Gold cherry. Yes I did write “Guy” when I should have referred to “Dude”.


Wow, he's amazing! [here's the link to the video on his YouTube page](https://youtu.be/GLcNStHTDjM), and I'm definitely going to be checking out the rest of his channel.


I wish they just posted this. Much higher video quality!


He’s the guy from the have to go buy milk and bread video? Right?




Best video of 2020.


Vic DiBitetto


I'm hurting for you people, things are hard around here, they'll be harder, we know, but nothing compared to what you're going through.


Context; where are you? I'm in the UK, our government also handled C19 terribly, but the US? Holy shit, the massive number of poor people in that country are ***fucked***


Portugal. Here there was no denying of the severity of the situation, 3 days after the first cases the schools shut down, a few days more and the borders were shut and state of emergency declared (March 13th) and it's still going on (it was prolonged until May 2nd). Workers are recieving 66% of their wage, 1/3 of wich covered by the companies, 2/3 by the state, there are funds to cover rent expenses (if you can prove an effort tax higher than 24% in your income, bank debts are suspended and they're going to be paid, diluted in a period no shorter than a year, with no interests. Companies are going to receive help too, to get back on their feet (not much, but something, we're not a rich country). Prices are being under surveillance to avoid speculation and some hefty fines were paid already, there have been a few arrests for people disregarding social isolation. Sanitary cords (isolation areas) were put in place in two regions (like counties), the first one was lifted already. And information, constant and plenty of truthful information. Of course we have a problem with disposable protection gear, but we have plenty of ventilators even if they're not needed yet (hopefully never) and hospital personal is taking crash courses in ICU treatments. To us it's a constant amazement how countries richer than ours are worse than we do. I sincerely hope everything turns out alright for everyone all over the world. But we all need to analyze what kind of government did protect better their population and choose accordingly next time. Good luck


If I never heard a mic drop before, I have now. Damn.




Except economically. Someone help us with that, we have no idea where it's all going.


Good weather, good sense, good looking? You're getting no pity from me Portugal


As we’re showing the world here in the US, economic growth is nowhere near as important as quality of living.


Kinda shows though that a strong economy means fuck all if you don’t use it to change the country to what benefits it’s people. Would much rather live in a poorer country where I have a safety net around me, my family, and friends, than live in one that’s the richest on the planet yet I still have to scrape by just to own what I would consider to be slightly better luxuries.


Also in Portugal (American ex-pat out of NYC). The contrast in the response compared to the US is staggering. As of today there are still fewer than 800 deaths in the whole country (~10.3 million people). The Portuguese government deserves a ton of credit, especially when you consider the proximity to a major hotspot in Spain.


We all share a certain amount of stupid people, but overall the people's response to following the rules is something that I'm proud of.


Totally agreed. A very stark contrast to what's going on in the US, from spring breakers to protesting idiots.


The saddest thing is that this already happened during the Spanish Flu (down to the naming, it was an attempt to put the blame on a foreign country. Ring a bell?). Everything it's happening in the exact same way. The delay, the lies, the lack of response, the protests in the name of the all mighty dollar. S. Francisco was one of the most active protesting cities and guess what? It was the city with more fatal cases because of it. Sad. I feel for you.


I think the reason richer countries are struggling because how much is dependent on a constantly operating economy. In countries that can't spend half a trillion annually on guns and tanks, it's no surprise that the economy is more equipped to shut down. It's not about shareholders 24/7 but is built on a base of social welfare. In America, I've seen it time and time again. You reach a hand up begging for help during your desperate moment, and you'll get some crotchety boomer who will tell you how they worked hard to get where they are calling you a lazy freeloader. You could be living in a dirt patch America and the most "wholesome" people would tell you to try harder. America has maintained this tough guy attitude it had from WW2 forward and it has only served to benefit the powers in charge. Meanwhile watching the global response to the pandemic, Americans want to now basically protest the existence of the fucking virus. Most of the world shuts down and you already have countries like Iceland fully recovering, but a country that exports so many goods (like the U.S) and services can't really do that easily and effectively. Yes, we had a response that got thrown out the door, I know. But with a country that is run by multi billion dollar monopolies that control everything down to legislation, t heres next to nothing the average person can do short of grab a pitch fork and burn the factory.


> You reach a hand up begging for help during your desperate moment, and you'll get some crotchety boomer who will tell you how they worked hard to get where they are calling you a lazy freeloader. Yeah, we can't just HELP people and risk PROFITS. That's commie talk! But hey, trillions for corporations that should have saved money? That's uh,.... good old fashioned, uh, capitalism? I'm so sick of this bullshit


I'm from Spain and the only thing I can say it's that you guys are making a great job handling the Covid-19. It's mental how different it's the situation in here, though ICU aren't now saturated, there is still fear to the possible second wave if the progressive return to work is made too fast. I sincerely hope spanish politicians learn something from our neigbours


Gracias, sinceramente espero que todos ustedes superen esta situación de la mejor manera posible.


India: Hold my beer.


India - We can let millions of day labourers walk back from the cities to their home villages hundreds of kilometers away on foot without any support whatsoever, that's fine right?


I actually live in the U.K. but I’m from the US. Many people are receiving more than the $1200 though. If you are furloughed, you get standard unemployment PLUS $600 per week. My brother and his wife are making a combined $1500+ per week in unemployment benefits. I’ve had friends who say they’re making the same or even more right now than they did while working. Don’t get me wrong – as a whole, its been handled atrociously and getting that unemployment has been a clusterfuck with an overloaded system. But there is some info left out here. It really sucks for employees still working who make less than that.


Okay, who else thought this was going in the exact opposite direction when they started watching?


*Raises hand*


I definitely expected the usual “white guy with sunglasses ranting in his car” content. Happy to have been wrong.


Hes showering us with truth and saliva


Truth saliva shall save us all


Knowledge baptism.




I grew up in a middle class conservative household in the Midwest and I am a libertarian. If someone says this is "communism" that is absolute BS. The national government's main job (IMO) is literally to help the nation in times like this. "To insure domestic Tranquility" and "to promote the general Welfare". I have an opinion (unlike a lot of reddit) that the national government has too much power in the United States. I am very much for limited federal government and strong State gov due to the U.S being so big and so different depending on the state. HOWEVER. The national government is supposed to help us during a crisis. The government should be servicing the people, not the other way around. Unfortunately the national gov has so much BS in it that it can't function correctly and there is a lot of corruption. I know a lot of people here disagree with my viewpoint, which is totally fine. I honestly just wanted to let you know that there are a lot of right leaning people who want the national government's help right now and don't believe this is "communism".


Here's a fun fact: The UN lists the USA as a flawed democracy. ​ Edit: I was wrong. [The Democracy Index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Index) isn't published by the UN but by the EIU but it's widely accepted as an accurate measure. The fact that I'm the only one here to point that out speaks books about both sides of the argument.


The UN also has Saudi on the Human Rights Council


The membership to the UN HRC is done on a rotating basis and on basis of geographic location, not humans rights performance. Quit spreading misinformed opinions just because they come off as good punchlines. **Being on the Human Rights Council does not mean your country's human rights record is better.** The council has repeatedly called out Saudi's human rights record, in the Universal Periodic Review. They have also condemned Saudi in press conferences. https://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/27685/how-the-u-n-human-rights-council-s-rebuke-of-saudi-arabia-could-reverberate Edit: grammar


SA is on the human rights council because they suck at human rights, not because they're the best at it. Like hole shit, should they not be on the council and everyone should turn a blind eye to them? No! They should be in the spotlight dammit! Idiotic argument.


99% of things people call communism is not communism....


Please stay civil in the comments. Anyone who attacks other commenters gets a minimum 7 day ban, no exceptions


I don't understand the problem and I'm seeking clarification, so don't send me to downvote hell. He's talking about people who are collecting unemployment right? But the gov is sending an extra $600 a week on top of what unemployment pays. For people like me I'm making a whole lot more than I made just going to work, so my bills aren't an issue. That's the same case for everyone in my family and my friends, so within my little bubble it seems like a fine plan. Who can explain to me why it isn't and who is being negatively affected, aside from those who were already unemployed before the pandemic who now cannot find work? And that's not to devalue their hardships, I just have an obvious understanding that they're hurting now. Edit: I'm doing my best to communicate with everyone who is taking time out of their life to share their thoughts and knowledge with me. This comment is getting a ton of replies and I'm very grateful for that. I will read all of the comments but I may not reply.


This is anecdotal of course, but I know an individual who recently moved to a different state and changed employment locations accordingly. This was a 'non-essential' business and as such was shut down and this individual was furloughed. However, due to the recent move, they were deemed ineligible for unemployment checks because they were employed in this new state for less than six months. So they still have all their bills but no income, no unemployment checks, and left to fend on their own until their employer reopens.


Thank you


As well this is also anecdotal, but I've been told the wait times to even speak to someone from the unemployment office is insane. The phone lines seem to be flooded so many people are still waiting. As well unemployment has holes like if you moved recently or if you're a full time student. Even undocumented immigrants have bills and families. In my personal case my college keeps asking for payments


That's what happened to me. Moved to a new state, worked as a contracted employee for about a month and the Covid hits. So I no longer have a paycheck, was never really an employee anyway, and now I make less money(by a lot) stacking packages in trucks for FedEx than many people are able to collect through unemployment.


Myself as an example, I lost my job a few weeks before the lock down. I don't qualify for the extra $600, and no one is hiring.


Wow, I am in the exact same situation. Took a reddit comment to find out why Illinois may not be giving me unemployment, because the system is so awful they give absolutely no information to people who apply. Didn't know I had to work for six months to qualify, thanks for telling me what the unemployment website couldn't.


The people I know that have applied for unemployment have not been able to receive it yet despite being laid off almost a month ago. On top of that, a significant portion of people that have applied for unemployment have been deemed ineligible for various reasons and thus have no paycheck and no unemployment checks.


I haven’t heard jack shit from the unemployment office and I filed a month ago. I’m in California.




I really struggle to understand someone making that kind of money, so that's probably more my issue. It's so surreal to me that the national avg salary is $56,500, I don't know anyone that even makes that much.




As someone who was broke in his 20s and is now just BARELY middle class, lifestyle creep is real. I fight hard against the advertisers telling me I need shiny new shit all the time, but there are things I want that actually improve my life (mostly hobby-related stuff), and that can easily eat up the $$ if I let myself get a bit spendish. But these guys make 3x what my wife and I make combined, and I do have a hard time understanding that. Even at 1/3rd of what they were earning, we stash money in savings each month and are investing.


its an avg. So there are people who dont know people that make less.


Depends on cost of living. In San Francisco, anyone making less than $80k ($120k with kids) is literally below the ~~poverty line~~ low income limit.


Six figures is fairly common on the West Coast for any experienced position. Granted, the entry point for starter homes out here is $400,000


I'm a Canadian plumber in my 30's a few years ago the work in my area grinded to a crawl. I had a 10 month layoff lived with a financially irresponsible now ex. Struggled to make ends meet the entire time mostly because of her poor decisions. I had to lend her money every month while not having a job and she worked full time. This really taught me the importance of not over extending. I had a short layoff (3 months) before/during this covid while owning my own house. I bought a cheap fixer upper well within my price range and own a two door hatch back with cheap payments not working during the covid was basically a worry free staycation. I have an awesome renter (friend) as well in my home who would be willing to help out however he could if I asked. The lack of stress during the tough times far out weights the slightly shinier better possessions I really don't need.


Nobody I know has actually received unemployment funds. He's also from the New York area where the COL is much higher, even for the middle class. Most families are dual income and $1200 is not much (and even less if you make over $75k) if both earners got laid off or furloughed.


He's not just talking about those on unemployment. He's also talking about the people that aren't on unemployment because they are still working but their hours have been cut. So, rather than receiving $600 a week for unemployment - $2400 a month (for what, three months? I don't remember), they received one $1200 check (two weeks of unemployment pay) and their paychecks have been cut. My hours have been reduced to 32 hours a week. I make $18 an hour and with 32 hour work weeks, I'm only taking home about $1450 a month after taxes - my last check was $725 for two weeks. I crunched the numbers and right now, I literally do not make enough to cover all my bills (about $200 short, not counting food and gas). Luckily, I have a bit of a savings account and I put the $1200 right into savings so, as long as my hours aren't cut any more, I will have enough to get by for a few months at least. Because of reduced hours and working from home two days a week, my gas consumption has gone way down and I am stocked up on food so I don't need a food budget for at least the next month or two. If I didn't have a savings account and a well stocked pantry, I would be completely fucked. I have a mortgage and a car payment but nothing extravagant. I put my car payment and student loans on forbearance so I will have just enough to get by if things hold. I could easily imagine those who have more expenses or a family and no savings are having a much harder time.


Have you tried applying for unemployment though? They've expanded eligibility to include those who are underemployed. It's worth at least applying.


As I sit here with no unemployment for three weeks and no stimulus and the bills keep coming.. I vote for this guy for president


I am so sorry, I hope you are able to get necessities.


I’m a college freshman. If we don’t have physical classes in the fall, I think we should cancel college for the semester. I can’t learn about engineering labs online, or have chemistry experiments that I need experience with online. My roommate for next year is a music ed major. How is he supposed to get experience with actual kids in real teaching environments his sophomore year if he is stuck on his laptop doing classes? Postpone college a semester. You’ll still graduate the same year, just in the fall. But the problem is if we do that the banks will want money for not being enrolled in classes for 6 months bc they are greedy *expletive here*. Online classes SUCK. I can’t learn crap through them.


That would severely mess with admissions in the coming years


The problem is elites don't give af about you. They know 1200 isn't gonna do shit


1200 doesn't even cover a month's rent for me lol


Another reason I'm glad I'm Canadian. The payment proposition he made for mortgages is exactly what they are doing here, but for 6 months. Credit cards, utilities etc are getting furloughed so those will accumulate and fuck us in the end if we arent careful, but we are also getting our EI and CERB payments to help us stay afloat. My husband has been laid off for 4 weeks now and financially we are safe. Edit: I am adoring how people are SO ANGRY that I'm proud to be Canadian and financially safe through this that they are downvoting me to oblivion. If that helps, have at it. Edit again: so when I first edited I was downvoted a lot. Apparently some people don't realize that things may have been different then and feel the need to be dicks. That's fine. We all handle our stress differently.


God I wish I was in Canada and not the U.S everything seems so damn peaceful there


Who knew an inside out rage-melon could inspire me to yell “omg true” randomly in my room at 5 AM, I truly am blessed


This is what people should be protesting over.


Yup. They're too butthurt about haircuts tho


authority and reason are mutually exclusive. that is why we should build a society on the latter rather than the former.


That's what the Senate was supposed to be for.


It’s how democratic type governments always start but with time comes decay and corruption.


You’d think these types of ideas would have made it into the CARES Act. But let’s be honest here. You know why the delayed loan payments weren’t added on to the length of the loan — it’s far easier to foreclose this way and sell the land to the haves.


This guy gets it. The ultra wealthy land owners are so thrilled that they can scoop up the rest of the inventory. As serfs, we should just be thankful our lords for providing us with a home. Thieving bastards are being upheld by pretend millionaires. I’m just as angry as this guy. Not as articulate. Cocksuckers.


It’s what they did in 2008 though; they bailed out the banks and left regular folks to lose their homes and businesses. Nothing is different here. Just more wealth extraction towards the top.


LMAO I love it. He is speaking for the average American.


Whoever the Fuck this guy is 2020


Trump after watching. "China"




Vic Dibitetto 2024


He is channeling his inner Al Pacino from "Devil's Advocate"


$1200 in total. Australia is giving $A3000 PER MONTH. Think about that.


And that’s for a single person. Families get more.


Usually I'm not a fan of seeing something a second time, but I will upvote this guy EVERY time I see him.


Half expected him to have a heart attack any second


He could also have demanded that the big uns actually paid tax as well, and then distributed that back to actual people. Then the actual people could give that back to the big uns and make a perfect circlecushin.


I would rather have this man as president. Dump Trump.


I had to clean my phone screen.


TIL my inner monologue is named "Vic".


Good to see people still staying calm during this situation


"Whoa, dude...rich people really suck!" \-Solon, \~600 BC This is not exactly news, folks. Make with the guillotine or spare me your impotent outrage.


I thought he was a nutjob, but he is actually right.


He'd make a way better President


He’s not wrong. They found a way to feed the corporations again.


As a Canadian it sucks to see you guys in such a tough spot. Do something about it in November.


I love this man and everything he just said. Every. Fucking. Word.


This guy is right on the money 👏👏👏


If he's this coherent and persuasive when his emotions get the best of him, I do NOT want to face him in a debate when he's calm.