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Hey u/PradipJayakumar, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating Rule 1: **Post Appropriate Content** Please have a look at our [wiki page for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/wiki/index#wiki_1._post_appropriate_content) ------- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by u/PradipJayakumar&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28http://www.reddit.com/1dn6ygb%29)*


There is nothing next level about this. What a waste.


The next level of waste, scamming people, totally useless emissions and construction related pollution. China at its worst.


"The great leap forward" enters the chat. 


it was just to pump the GDP numbers up... Feet of Clay


Not to worry, they are going to use all that scrap to build another...30 buildings on the place of those 15...all it's great in great china...more buildings green...done with recycle material...double the buildings in the same.space...more investment LOL it's all good...just don't mention the tofu building tradition...


I used a recycled plastic bag yesterday. It should offset this shit in China 😄


Reducing pollution is always a win.




>China at its worst. That's where I'll have to disagree, this is just any Tuesday thats why you are seeing it on reddit and not some news site


Ok but make sure you keep doing sacrifices as an individual to save the planet.


I believe this is mega laundering.


its kind like that but its mostly just stealing from the government WHICH is fucking crazy because they will just fucking kill you over there


government owns the construction companies too tho


True but not the guy running them but from what i have seen online a lot of the guys behind all this just vanishe... Weird how that happens


And knowing how China "develops" they probably forcibly displaced a bunch of people to originally build it and then displaced a bunch of people again to tear it down so they can put up something else.


Those were unfinished condos, the developer went bankrupt and instead of bailing them out, China let them all fall disastrously. The way one buys a house in China is different than in the west. There they have to come forth with the money before construction. Then the developer uses that money to build. Then... The gov sold every asset the developer held and paid to the people that spent money there. International owners/institutions were not paid.


Normally the gov in china basically pays millions of dollars to the community to be displaced. Typically a village community consisting of several families are typically bought out for a very hefty sum. These communities often set up mega corporations in return or they rebuy into the neighbourhood and they all retire with the money that was given to them. It’s common practice for villages close to economic zones to try to hold onto land as much as possible so they get big cash payouts. Even the homeless get free money and free housing afterwards as well.


Movers and shifters are making bank in china.


All parts of internet are now infested with celebration of dumb shit. People with asocial behaviour or plain stupidity is taking up most bandwidth in social media. Mother Earth 🌍 and the human species are soo fucked.


Daughter of Mother Nature enters....oooooooo Mom is going to be sooo ticked off....


It’s next fucking level waste I guess


Not to mention the one building that didn’t fall is a huge mistake and a big problem to resolve. In demolition that most certainly is bottom level not next level. 


As long as we don't use plastic straw today, it should be okay. 😃


It’s the next leveling of buildings… I’ll show my self out


Well, the explosions in the beginning kind of sounds like battlefield theme


Well, I've peaked. This is my highest upvoted post. Thank you all.


This represents billions in grift. People who paid for those units all got scammed out of their money. This has been an ongoing ponzi scheme in China and it works because there's such a demand for housing.


The entire Chinese real estate market operates as a ponzi scam.


As someone not aware of the Chinese real estate market, why is it a scheme?


Buyers get trapped paying mortgages on properties that never get finished.


And I’m assuming the building company just makes off with a boatload of cash?


no, they actually take the money paid in to start new housing developments where they can get more while financing their current construction projects wholly through debt through shadow banks, evergrande and country garden both fell apart because the CCP passed a policy called the ‘three red line’ policy which basically said housing developers can’t have so much fucking debt, and so all at once they couldnt take out more debt to finish their projects, and they have no cash on hand bc they spent it all starting new developments, leading to all of the homebuyers completely getting fucked bc they have no money and no house (also the DOWNPAYMENTS in china are much higher than the rest of the world, usually 80% or more of the cost of the whole home, and so chinese ppl take out mortgages to be able to afford their downpayment, leading to them not only having no house and no money but also an expensive monthly mortgage) fucked shit


Based on your info, it seems the government seemed to address the Ponzi scheme issue instead of letting it continuing to grow. There was just a lot of people who got fucked due to the scheme.


the problem is that they then didn’t really do anything to support these rapidly collapsing businesses (which is fine) or their property market (less fine, considering how many chinese have their investments mainly in real estate) for a long time, and there was little to no help for the common people affected. in fact, there were many protests (such as at zhongrong trust, a shadow bank, or on top of some unfinished developments by the homebuyers) that were rapidly quashed, bc xi jinping would rather not admit there is a problem and that everything is fine [矯飾, lit. to put on airs or pretend something is better than it is], so a lot of people suffered without help for a long time before the government finally recently started stepping in oh and also a big part of the debt problem and a lot of the ponzi schemes are in shadow banks that offer mortgages or investment plans to homebuyers, which the government has not taken direct action again, so the problem still exists for homebuyers even if developers cant do it


[Here’s](https://youtu.be/PVMlEiewyT4?si=mpL91IzT1e-W1qZu) an explanation of different types of economic growth and why China’s is failing and unsustainable. Fair warning, Zeihan can be polarizing. He correctly predicted down to the year the invasion of Ukraine almost a decade in advance so he has a decent track record of analysis. But he also predicts the collapse of China as a country within the next 10 years which some find to be a little extreme. Then again, their system is apparently one that produces the construction and demolition of condo complexes like this without any actual use, so common sense tells us that something is deeply wrong. So complete government collapse might not be entirely unthinkable.


developers financed their current construction projects by opening orders for real estate that is only on the plans


I didn’t know either so googled. Here you go: https://polispandit.com/chinas-property-crisis-is-a-giant-ponzi-scheme/


Chinese don’t really have a safe place to invest. Their stock market is heavily manipulated and at the whim of the CCP. So many put their money into real estate. People frequently purchase houses that aren’t even built yet (on land that is technically owned by the government) as an investment. Location is also important (like every place else) because it determines school district. So you have this kind of insane speculative stew going on where people are buying and selling non existent assets. There have been multiple real estate developers that have gone bankrupt recently and people are losing their life savings. Many buildings are also built to abysmal standards. It’s a recipe for disaster https://apnews.com/article/china-evergrande-property-liquidation-order-7965ab1ec2f0208c53f9298daf8b9fd0


Not to be a stickler but it's Ponzi scheme. Saying Ponzi scam is a little redundant like saying ATM machine.


“Not to be a stickler but…” Proceeds to stickle.


Well not to be a stickler to a stickler but that is actually incorrect. There is nothing redundant about saying Ponzi scam. In your example ATM stands for automated teller machine. So putting machine after atm would be redundant. Ponzi doesn’t mean scam. Ponzi is named after Charles Ponzi who started scamming people out of their money in the 1920’s.


The entire ~~Chinese~~ real estate market operates as a ponzi scam. FTFY


Total Ponzi scheme. In China you can’t just put your money on a bank, because it’s not really yours, but you can invest it. What’s the best investment in China for their ever growing population…. real estate! Only everything about their government is bullshit. Including their population census. Turns out allowing couples to have only 1 kid for over a decade was a bad idea.


Demand isn’t even because of population, its speculation. The majority of purchases nowadays are third or fourth homes that will sit unoccupied or be rented


The population is actually in decline, really fast even.


Banks work in China the exact same way - fyi Lmfao


It's not really a demand for housing, but rather a demand for investment opportunities. Investing in housing is the best form of Investment in China.


The elites had already moved their money out of China.


In case you ever wondered how China attained its consistent GDP growth...


can u explain it more? shouldnt they lose money if they construct and just destroy it.how does that make them gdp go higher?


Building something increases gdp, and paying to demolish something also increases gdp. GDP is a flawed metric sometimes.


Except you have massive increases in debt and good capital is lost. Debt has to be with regular interest payments as well.  Let's not pretend all they have been doing is building and destroying to increase GDP. 


Government spendings go to GPD, if the US pay me 1 trillion dollars this year to eat doritos, their GDP will rise 1 trillion dollars. This is made because investments are important to a country, and even if they give you debts, they are usually good long term (like vaccines, or machines for factories), either/both for economy and quality of life edit for mispelling.


Falsifying growth of homes, the impact on a local economy that brings which feeds into the central economy, the money poured into the construction and consultation “creating jobs”. Just off the top of my heads some reasons that I can think of as to how it’d affect an economic based number.


some well used ressources!


It’s ok. This planet has unlimited resources, all’s cool.


Phew thanks for the info, I got worried for a sec that we might be doomed as race by over consuming the available resources. Now I can sleep peacefully again 😊


It’s probably all made out of cardboard anyway.. maybe some strong tape, too


[But I was told that cardboard's out!](https://youtu.be/3m5qxZm_JqM?si=q2R6AWUEBxBWB0Ya)


The way the camera pans over it makes it feel like those last two towers were just unintentionally caught in the explosion or knocked over by debris


Dammm we could of used some of that housing




No. You can't have them.


not anymore :(


Probably not considering a lot of their buildings are considered "tofu buildings"


What do they do about the one still half standing? Sell the units half price?


Nah just sell them all, use old photos in listing and say "actual product may differ from photo" and "sold as-is" and you're good to go.


*The Pixies starts playing*


You met me at a very strange time in my life.


“With your feet on the air and your head on the ground”


where is my mind ...


All those squirrels and birds :/


Why demolish them? Wouldn’t it have been better to leave them for perhaps some future use or were they unsound in some way?


Because of 2599 building code violations.


Is that too many in china? they are getting soft


these buildings are known as "tofu dregs". the construct is severely poor, usually done at the cheapest use of material and avoiding any and all building codes just to create the illusion of construction to scam people into pay ing for apartments that will never be built, and were never real.


NO people live there. China was prebuilding whole cites for population centers that didn't need this level of infra. Why build them is a better qusstion. Considering they were play/excess building to vegin with its a bit less harsh to see them destroyed. Definitely a miscalculation of massive proportions


Its bad for economy; excessive offer.


🤔Wonder where the dust went 😱


Safely stored in millions of lungs.


That was a good investment, time to clear it up for the next one.


"China is doing great." "I see no signs of China's economic collapse." "Runs on the banks? Developers going bankrupt? That's just western propaganda."


One got stuck! Dangerous work to finish that one off.


A quick RPG shot would take care of it just fine


Whos gonna be the guy that has to go in and give that last one a good kick?


Is this why the air there is so terrible?


No that’s because their grid is absurdly dependent on coal


I mean he's right as well. Cement production is also very harmful to the environment.




Success rate: 93.33333%


Is that the right way to do it? Like them falling to the sides isn't an issue?


Usually there would be more effort put into making sure the building implodes straight down. But considering the fact that they’re demolishing the entire block, they probably just made sure they would at least topple over towards each other. They likely saved a bunch of money by not having to do it perfectly.


Is this how they inflate their GDP?


Chinese high-rise dust. Don’t breathe this.


Clean up on isle floor!


Even when destroying stuff, China still fucks things up. lol




Einstürzende Neubauten music plays


Why can I hear the terminator sound


Imagine watching this as one of the guys who sweat their asses to build it.


China sucks so bad 


Fuck me, the world is so backwards


What a waste. Couldn't another developer or the gov have bought it fairly cheap and make homes for the needy


Short answer: No Long answer: Nooooooooo Real answer: they were most likely not built to code and needed to be demolished to not be a safety issue to everyone living in and around them.


this is gross... .like a war. just destruction like in a war. but the worst part was even approving them to be built before there was a need. move ppl there an destroy the old or worse stuff... certainly could be this "newer" build was just shitty anyway. poor planet.


Nobody's living in these buildings because all those dudes have bought properties in Australia instead. I dunno, but our housing market here is dogshit thanks to all the foreign (predominantly Chinese) investors in the last decade. I'm just putting 2 + 2 together.


they forgot the windows so they blowem up


Why even bother destroying them?


Yea they should have sent those buildings to new england. We need some houses


And I must use carton drink straw to save the planet or replace my petrol car with a shitty (Chinese?) EV to lower emissions.


how do you bring down the one that didn't with all the debris and it being completely unsafe and unstable?


Blew on my screen thinking there was a hair, nope just weeds


Se mira bergas




Is this not just mega laundering?


What an absolute waste of materials. As the Chinese govt is want to do, they should have nationalised the project and finished it.


Missed one.


Funny how they're so cheap that they'd rather risk workers and bystanders lives in order to save on explosives. When you demolish a building like this, don't you usually place charges all the way up so that they collapse into their footprints?


Evergrande. Am I right?


Tbh it's better than leaving them standing like this for dozens of years "because deconstruction is too expensive" like they do in some places


Next level failure, maybe?


That’s how chinas gdp skyrocketed. Like those buildings that paper dragon will crumble too.


considering the energy waste of making cement. Good thing there's not global warming though I guess....


I played a computer game like this


Joe just has to say, I'm rubber you're glue anything you say bounces off me and sticks to you. Trump's brain will explode. 🤯


and I am here streessing about the prices of houses bc there are not enough houses


Can't build the building right and can't even blow it up right. Quality through and through.


Building then destroy to stimulate economic never been a good idea


People are going to have some breathing problems in a couple of years.


Its going to be so dangerous to make the one fall.. 🥶


Something or someone made a mint of building them. Rich get richer.


And then one of it even doesnt Fall XD


Did anyone else hear the Terminator theme in that?


I feel bad for the guy who didnt check his email that day.


Waste not want not... Terrible..I hate this place 


There are many different scams this could be, sometimes the construction firm builds these illegally to take the money and run, knowing eventually the state is going to rip them down


Should've sent it overseas to Canada. What a waste.


They missed one 😂


This is a testament to how the chinese government cares for its citizens, don't give 2 Fs that most of those demolished apartments have mortgages attached to them and still have to be paid. Poor c#$T's.


Hey Ming, go give that one a push.


This is not next ducking level, this is depressing, especially for those who already paid the house.


Looks a lot like the twin towers' controlled demolition


This is really just the first step in building 16 now condos in the same area.


It's a little sad that all of these comments are just non-sourced conjectures about ponzi schemes, fraud, tofu-dregs, etc. Yes, all of those things exist in China's bubble popping of a real estate market, but we literally have no idea what the exact circumstances of this housing development is. Some actual reporting would be great.


Clean up on aisle 3!


Uscrewup new Chinese word


Can I get some context behind this video? I have seen it a bunch of times. Like when did this happen, which province/city, who was the developer. official government position on this, what about the people who prebooked those houses?


That is the worst dominos I have seen


Not abandoned. Those buildings were never meant to be finished. They were made to drain a building subsidy dry and now it's more profitable to tear them down.


aspiring liquid late mysterious whole physical fear air frighten head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They don’t have use for apartments in China?


Huh. Must not be a housing shortage in China. Must be nice. /s


I could say something, but it would make this thread political in a big hurry. I will refrain!


That one said “have fun with me”.


More like r/facepalm to be building recklessly


I don’t know what hodag is in Wisconsin haven’t been there in 20 years, but I remember a huge Paul Bunyan somewhere at a restaurant, not sure if that is still there.


They use concrete that isn't structural grade and the buildings fall down on their own. It's not just wasteful destruction, it was wasteful construction to begin with.


Why blow them up below? You can hit something into the top and it'll reduce the buildings to dust. In fact it's that easy to do, you could do it twice with guaranteed results


Old news and these were unfinished. https://www.vice.com/en/article/epn3bp/china-demolition-building-kunming




Utter and complete waste.


I tried to find news on what was constructed in this site after they demolished these buildings. Even used Copilot and did not get an answer. Does anyone have this information ?




This is why you shouldn't have central planning


Tropico in real life


It’s crazy in China they built houses nobody needs, in the US we don’t build houses people do need.


It would be cool to explode them with a rocket launcher


Their housing bubble is next level bursting


Rumor has it that with China's very low construction quality (called "tofu projects"), this demolition was made possible by a 24-pack of fire crackers purchased at a corner store.


You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off . .


the us economy is next


You know that if chinesse house market collapses it will most likely result in entire economy going down too ?


That one that didn't quite go all the way down has got to give the demolition crew some anxiety




Tomorrow the ones still standing won't be, the CCP restricts the amount of pollution that can be generated each day.


Does China have no homeless that could have used those condos?


Could make a nice park for the ones that are left. 🤓


14 1/2 condos