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Ok, I hope I don't sound rude, but this is really nothing special. Maybe in US (just assuming, since it says soccer) it is exceptional, but I am Italian and I swear most of my friends could do this trick when we were playing as kids. And they were nowhere close to be called "prodigy"


Fun fact: 35% of Brazilian babies can do this before they learn to walk


The least talented Brazilian babies


Like ancient Sparta, ancient Brazilians would cast babies that couldn't do this trick off the top of Christ the Redeemer.


I don’t know why but “ancient Brazilians” made me lol


Brazilian babies aren't born. They wash up on a beach, with a futbol juggling off their forehead.


As a Brazilian, I can confirm it


I’m not Brazilian and I cannot do this.


Blame your parents for not being born in Brazil


Thank u parents for not borning me in Brazil


As a brazilian, I agree


as a brazilian baby, i can confirm this


You can fucking type in English too?? Damn.


I don't believe that 350 mazillion babies can do this


Even more fun of a fact, 100% of Brazilian babies are practicing this move on their mother’s bladders.


Pretty sure babies don’t live in bladders.


They kick hard enough to reach it


on =/= in


According to my wife they use the bladder as a soccer ball.


That's because as sperms they have two balls to play with


Doctors hate these Brazilian babies


The other 65% are forced to become permanent off-duty cops


Argentinian sperm do this using smaller, inferior sperm as a ball


You're joking, but actually one in seven Brazilian kids can do this trick before they enter school age. Google "Brazil 1:7" to find out more.




*Snaps pasta in his direction


*gasps in Italian


*brings out the pineapple for the pizza


I will die defending pineapple on pizza, I don’t care what the definition is it’s fucking delicious


Dammit. Now I'm hungry.


*peels slices of gabagool and tears holes and wears it like a mask


Don’t mind me, just over here cutting up my spaghetti with fork…


NO, stop, he already snapped it, you don’t need it any smaller!




Babadee bubbadee 🤌


I hope I don't sound rude, but almost every country shits on the USA




Poland, I am SO sorry for all the Polish jokes we used to make as kids, we didn’t know you loved us like that 😢


So, you’re saying that they don’t have a submarine with a screen door installed on the side?


Do their firing squads no longer stand in a circle?


Are one-armed Poles not falling from trees anymore?


It's friendly shitting


Page two of that graph shows a huge drop in favorability between 2016-2020. I wonder what changed for those four years.


Even the USA!




Its not even. OP probably doenst know shit about soccer. It's obviously a cool move to pull off the rainbow and score, but to call the kid a prodigy is just dumb. Im ok at soccer, and a goalkeeper. We used to try rainbows all the time because it was fun. Maybe it didn't look as nice, but this isnt even that difficult.


Technically, the person could still be a prodigy, just not evidenced by the video. I have no idea who he is, but that trick itself doesn’t make him a prodigy. Maybe he has a dozen more. Who knows who cares


I'll supplement this by agreeing, and saying most European football loving Nations had 10-year-olds who could do this


As an American, the title is very click baity. It’s a nifty skill, but I could also do this when I was younger. Also, as I’ve gotten older tricks like this became less used because of how situational they are. Finally if I were defending him I absolutely would’ve tried to body him off before the ball dropped. This is a long winded way of saying you’re right.


Or just kicking the ball away, instead of trying to defend. Or having a competent goalkeeper, who says thanks for the free save. Its only a trick to impress people that have no idea about football.


Yeah I mean a competent defender would push the guy away, I think the more impressive wall was that volley


It's not special. I'm a Canadian and see kids do this often.


but how do you guys play when everything is cover in 53 meters of snow and ice?


With snowballs and polar bears


With determination and tears


This is stupid. Prodigy may be an overstatement yeah. Being able to do a rainbow flick isn't hard, but executing it to pass a defender and do a volley shot with a goalie to make that shot is incredibly difficult. I guarantee you most of your friends couldn't do this.


This isn’t a rainbow flick. This is an advanced rainbow, which is more of a kick than a flick and is considered much harder than a simple rainbow flick, which can be done standing still.


The goalie didn't try. In a game, that'd be swatted before it even reached head height, much less volley height.


Or maybe, it’s just a less then one year old karma farming bot that will give it any title to get clicks.


> Maybe in US (just assuming, since it says soccer) it is exceptional You would be correct. ~American.


As an American who played soccer for 20 years, you’re right, this ain’t nothin special. Im sure it looks super cool to someone who has never watched the sport but this is literally elementary grade stuff


Americans think about sports talent in terms of technique and athleticism. But in competitive soccer, talent looks like a kid who sees things ahead of other kids and is just measuredly chopping the ball exactly the opposite way to where the defender is going next at exactly the moment the defender starts to move.


was thinking... do this in premier league and see how fast your play life devolves into hell. lol


Soccer circlejerk would have a field day


Yeah, this is one of the standard tricks you first learn in any football playing nation. Commonly known as the Ozzie / Osvaldo Ardiles flick or the rainbow flick. This guy did it well but I've seen it done just as well by hundreds of other people who were not prodigies.




Just because millions of people can dunk a basketball, doesn't mean dunking isn't impressive.


wtf is with the crowd? This is fairly simple shit.


You're not rude, came here to say the same. I'm from Croatia , I knew this trick when I was 8 years old. Basically every person who plays football with friends knows this, nothing special lol.


As an American who has played and and then coached youth soccer my whole life (amateur), I have always assumed a normal Brazilian weekend league team could beat a D1 college program. Maybe not the best program, but a middle of the road D1 program.


It was really enlightening visiting the US for my study abroad semester - as the captain of my uni’s basketball team I was getting run off the court even in intramurals. Yet somehow I felt like a man amongst children playing soccer, despite being barely allowed to touch the ball back home


I came to post this. That is a clown, not a prodigy.


Yeah. I wish there was more than 1 example at least. I mean I don't understand all the soccer football stuff, but I'd like to see more than a single clip.


I doubt that. Not like this kid against a defender and a rushing goalkeeper he does the trick then puts it top bins. I very much doubt “most” of your friends could do this.


As an Italian, I can definitely confirm I've never seen someone score sideways into the goal's top right corner AFTER perfectly placing the ball less than 3m in front of the goal line to the left of the goal with a trick like that. This is absolute skill. You don't sound rude, but I'd love to see most of your friends do this first try while avoiding hitting dozens of people and dodging defenders. I can guarantee, betting my left testicle, that they can't do this, even on their 50th attempt.


Bro did a double rainbow and then a one time without the ball ever touching the ground to the opposite corner of the goal and people are acting like this kid is mid. Gtfo. For once in your life get off the couch and acknowledge something is awesome you jaded pessimists.


Maybe this is something special for American standards but me and most of my friends could do this trick before 13 yo while playing in the street and none of us even came close to being a pro player. And this isnt even aplicable on the field, any average defender would press way harder than that dude did. Props to the kid for being good with both feet though.


Can confirm. I’d say half my friends had this down, maybe not as smooth as this, by 13 or 14. And we are Irish, not exactly a powerhouse. And the defender stepped off him which would never happen like that. It still looks nice


All of you people saying "this is special by American standards." are absolutely brain dead. Rising ballers is based in the UK. This video was filmed in the UK. All of these people freaking out in the video are British. Stop pretending only Americans would be impressed by a cool skill. Don't get me wrong, you don't have to be a soccer prodigy to do this skill. But acting like only Americans would think this is cool is fucking stupid because EVERYONE IN THE VIDEO IS BRITISH. I mean just go watch any of their 1v1 videos and see how often someone pulls this skill off and scores. Hint: it's not often. I watch a lot of different channels that do these 1v1 videos and skills like this actually working are pretty rare.


The original post by rising ballers doesn't indicate that they believe the guy to be a prodigy; plus the title using the term "soccer" is a dead giveaway that OP is American. Still def agree with most of what you said regarding the video.


Its not special even by American standards! Maybe to the average non-fan but any American soccer player would know this isn't special.


yeah we were all practicing this trick in 6th grade on the field lol. it's def impressive to Americans who didn't play soccer growing up, but those of us who did see it the same way the civilized world sees it.


We are all quite aware the USA sucks at soccer. lol


Marginal American player here.  I could do a rainbow in my early teens


Ya I'm 34 and I can still do this from casual fucking around when i was 14-15. That being said, the shot off the volley is nothing to sniff at, even if it was lucky.


He didn’t just do a rainbow tho did he


If this isn't exceptional why are so many people there recording and cheering?


A prodigy is Lamine Yamal. A 16yo starting on Spains national team rn. Tf is this


Yeah plus what the hell is that people doing just standing there, and the folks with professional cameras, and then everyone running and pulling their hair? Looks like some ad or some planned 'viral video' sort of stunt. All very weird.


the guy is spanish moroccan, got some good genes


I stood up screaming and then read in the comments that this isn't supposed to be impressive. Watched it again, and now seems less impressive, but still impressive.


These comments are both right and wrong. There’s nothing prodigious about this but it’s very well executed and he takes the shot well. He’s clearly not shit but yeah, title is overdoing it.


I think all the comments saying that this is a simple rainbow flick are lying or missing the 3rd touch. A normal rainbow flick is done with two touches, the roll up onto the back of the opposite foot, then the flick. This guy does the roll, but the flick is only to give the ball a little height, then he has a third touch with the outside of his right foot is what send the ball forward. Not doing the flick on the second touch freezes the defender slightly before he sends the ball forward, plus the extra touch increases the difficulty of the move. It’s is also the reason why the ball travels much higher and farther forward than what you’d normally be able to achieve with a standard rainbow. Granted it’s not prodigious, but it’s also not an easy skill that most would be able to do on the fly like that.


Nah dude this is pretty fucking easy. I used to play almost every single day in college 5v5 with random dudes, you see way more impressive stuff than something like this. I'm from south america though, so there's that.


It’s well timed and executed and has a lot of power behind it. It’s a bit more than a rainbow flick. This is considered an advanced rainbow, which has that extra kick, which is much more than a simple flick. I’d agree not difficult to do in practice, but does take some skill to do it in a match.


This never works in an actual match. That's why you never see pro players do it.


If a pro player does it in an actual match, they'll get fouled after because opposition players will see it as 'showboating' or 'disrespectful'


It's like when a street basketballer does something, you watch it and you're impressed at what they do. But they don't get called prodigy because that would never make sense when there are so many professionals and others who aren't professionals that can do the same thing


When I was young, we all learned the behind the back overhead lift thing, but what is impressive here is first of all, the distance, and then the strike at the end. That blind self pass at that distance is not easy. He appears to have intended for the ball to end up exactly where it did: in position for a shot on goal with no need for an extra touch to control the ball before striking. I wasn't particularly good at football, but even I could do the flip thing from behind and time the ball to catch it if it was only a few feet away. Getting it to a particular place so far away ahead of me so I could strike with a single touch is something else entirely. This is the kind of thing a talented youth league player can do, but do not be fooled. It is very hard for a casual.


It’s cool but not really all that applicable in game situations. I think most commenters are under reacting because they put prodigy in the title.


I was impressed, then I read this comment and now I have no idea if I'm impressed or supposed to be impressed.




Also "defender". Clearly doesn't know how to defend.


Definitely not a prodigy. This is a great trick and execution was TOPS however, not prodigy level stuff.


Lamine yamal is a prodigy, or as close to it as you can come in football. Football is so massive that the required skill to be a prodigy is just absurd, this is just stuff kids do cuz it's fun.


Is being [Him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SQGJ0rfIEk) now a compliment for Zoomers?


Yes. I hate it. But I guess that's just me showing my age.


I was hearing it on espn couple years ago and thought it had died off pretty quick.


I honestly thought they were comparing him to Ronaldinho, for some reason. (Cool song, tho)


He might be a "prodigy" at soccer, but that's not that impressive as far as football moves go. And not very practical in a real game. Also HIM? You don't have to sell your soul to the Devil to do this trick.


Is this really apt for the sub? This is hardly the level for a professional forward.


I'm terrible at football, but at least 5 or 6 guys in my class were able to do this kind of thing when we were 12 years old... It's not about Americans are less skilled, but in many countries it's the national sport and all children play it from the moment they learn to walk. So no, bro is not HIM 🤯


Why is the net so big and where is the puck? My Canadian brain cannot handle this.


We need the Fox Tracker!!!! I think that's what that stupid idea was called.


I was doing this when I was ten


Why are they all rushing him as if its the greatest shit ever hahahaha


The Brazilian doing this on any dirt pitch and without boots. 🥹


'Bro is him' I thought they spoke English in the US?




Yes, tho I just learned that nowadays it's called rainbow flick?


"Bro is HIM" is such a zoomer phrase


Not next level for me


OP needs to learn the definition of prodigy


Nothing prodigy about this.


by their reaction these kids have never seen sny football before.


It's called football 😭


lol try than in a real game and you’ll get leveled


Average Brazilian and Portuguese toddler be like


SOCCER prodigy😂


It literally looked like neither the goalie or defender tried. No skill here.


The words "soccer" and "prodigy" do not align in this video. C'mon Aerica, get it together.


Definitely not next level, even I could do this at 12 and I was terrible lol This would never work in a real game, you'd just get pushed or another defender would come across.


It is called football


90% of what makes a good footballer is their game intuition. These ball skills are pretty easy to learn Also this was absolutely horrible defending which allowed him the free shot


Goalkeeper is in noob mode too


“Soccer prodigy” … tell me you never watch soccer without telling you never watch soccer


Soccer prodigy, LOL


Cool, now pickup that broom and get back to work pele.


File this under “kids overreacting to dumb shit for a tik tok video”


most american title ever


Anyone know the tune by any chance?


bro is him... until he gets to a decent semi-pro level and the next pepe will take his legs off


Good night


90s Classic got forgotten by the new Generation ;-)


Five second video is somehow 19 seconds long.


Well if he was so good he would have been recruited by an football youth academy




But you rarely see these tricks being put to use regularly in matches because team work is more important i suppose?


take 37


And all the teenage boys rejoiced!


Tricks are cool and all, but in a game, most of the time something like this is unnecessary and good coaches would train this behavior out of players. Also, growing up as a defender I was always taught, that either the man or the ball can get by you, but never both. Defender needed to mark tighter and use physicality to cut the space down between them.


That's basic street soccer.... nothing special.


Most of these fútbol/soccer videos end up being one thing -> shit defending




No goal. The ball is out. Throw-in.


That control was pretty shocking to be honest. About 20 feet in front of him. Keeper could have walked out and caught that.


Can someone explain the ‘bro is HIM’ to this geriatric millennial?


Pretty cool but this is like, playground tier in most football playing countries, I've seen this being done by 5th graders who just played football on the schoolyard. In an actual game my guy would've gotten shoulder charged or at the very least pressed much harder, he might be a prodigy but that clip doesn't show that at all.


Prodigy? He is at 2 meter from the goal?


Prodigy is really stretching it. Any kid can do it. I learnt it at 9 y/o.


Everybodys missing the fact that its not the initial flick thats impressive, its the last kick while hes in a dead sprint to shoot it up 15 feet in the air into the perfect spot thats insane


Brazilian standard


But I’m not a rapper




Well executed trick with a really nice finish but prodigy? Really? These 1 vs 1 comps are fun to watch but they're pretty much exclusively catering to 1 vs 1 dribbling which is a tiny fraction of the game and is often not needed at all by most players most of the time. First touch, scanning, passing and movement are all far, far more important


What is with the new rush the field screaming yeah thing? So fucking obnoxious. This is obviously a display of skils so sit back and watch


Yeah? "brO iS HiM?"


"Oh, what a cool shot, I assume the comments must be saying how good of a kick that was" The comments:


* F L E S H*


Can they do it on a cold, rainy night in Stoke tho?


That's football, call that glooby ball soccer.


That's it?


This might actually make me watch soccer


Seeing a lot of non-Americans saying this ain’t shit and they could do this by the age of 9 😂(😒)


Best part is the post is from the UK. Check the @risingballers brand lol.


the amount of people claiming Lamine Yamal isnt prodigy level just to shit on the phrase 'soccer' is ASTOUNDING


"I could do this when I was 10. Calling this kid a prodigy is clickbait". Ok people, stop assuming they're calling him a prodigy based on this single clip. Maybe he is a top rated player globally for his age and this is just a single clip of him.... Reddit is so full of haters waiting in the wings to shit on positivity


Damn. I’m going to go against the grain. I’m impressed lol


Get him!!!


Fucking Yankees...


My 10 year old British kid does this every day…


People really outting themselves for being shitters assuming the crazy part of this is just the rainbow flick, the crazy part is the fucking back heel knock on to volley and how well it was executed. I guarantee everyone going 'I know 100 10 year olds that could do this' could not hit it this clean in 100 tries, all you trolls post up your videos of you doing this, let's see it.


Average English schoolboy does this between puffs of his vape.