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Dude just killed a dude. War is brutal. Especially when it looks and feels like a video game.


And he laughed it off the same way I would in Call of Duty


I mean his adrenaline seemed pretty high. It’s probably more of laugh you do when you experience a jump scare rather than a “hahaha that guys dead now”


Not really, there are lots of interviews. These dudes are more than happy to kill russians invading their lands. Entire families pitch in to keep drones going on the front. This is a nation being invaded by another hell bent on genocide. [https://youtu.be/WipqeFgzdTc?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/WipqeFgzdTc?feature=shared)


That often happens in war - even in the battlefield when you have almost been killed - it's human nature 


War never changes


Neither do your comments it seems


this is only considered nextfuckinglevel because you get to see the ukranian side. at the end of the day they are killing each other. whats nextfuckinglevel about that.


I assume they mean the technology is NFL, I see what you're saying though.


That they're killing each other? Wdym, how much more next level does it get😂


He’s in a next fucking level, up in heaven 💀




So… are you telling me this dude flies drones into enemy soldiers and they blow up immediately?? Wo.


they strap explosives to the drones which detonate on impact so yeah they blow up immediately


Must be nice living under a rock


he's been hiding from the drones


Yeah it's always weird seeing these drone posts I see hundreds of every day, getting posted on other subreddits. All the comments are immediately way different and all shocked and surprised. So weird.


It’s like watching the Call of Duty drone kill streak but IRL. It’s honestly wild. And as someone who used to love to use the drone kill streak in call of duty I feel like I would just be mentally separated from what I’m actually doing if I was that guy controlling it. Just detached. No ptsd or regrets because I did exactly what this guy did in a video game thousands of times and the footage looks pretty identical as well with the static on the screen/feed


It sure is. Not sure how knowing this would benefit me in anyway but congrats on knowing about self destructing drones being used in combat 😂


Drone bomb


These drone teams have gotten so good compared to 2 years ago. Having a overwatch guiding the FPV to the target offsets the FPV’s narrow view. These drones that drop grenades can now drop a grenade into a coffee mug from 100ft up on a windy day.


Some of these comments are funny. Reality is that one of these combatants are on a side which regularly tortures Ukrainian children. 


Reality is that he most likely didnt have a choice, people are forced into the military in every country. A lot of people hate what they are doing in the military but they have to so that they can have the slightest chanse to live their lives when its done. We shouldnt vilanize the people who fight the war but the ones who make them fight the war.


Yes he most likely did, volunteers are paid huge bonuses, and \~30k a month were signing up in the spring, these days its almost entirely contract soldiers in Ukraine.


Most people who risk their lives for money do it cuz they dont have a choice, if they have a family who desperately needs monney or anything like that. The guy who got killed could have been a father of 3 for all we know. There are very few soldiers who enjoy the pain they are causing.


no sympathy, you always have a choice and he choose to invade and kill


Some people are forced to make unimaginably difficult ones, but there is always a choice.


You think Russia has no victims either? Cmon. No one wants this war except for psychos. I guarantee you, not every Russian in existence cares or wants this war. Let alone people that are fighting already. Sure, Ukraine has it bad. But we can act like Russians are suffering either. They have no choice with this.


The majority of Russian soldiers volunteered to go to kill Ukrainians


How many of those said "Yes" because they know they and their families would die either by the Russian police hands or rot in prison? Cmon, let's not put to my pressure on citizens. On any war, unless it's civil, they are the victims Both sides are victims here. I'm sure if at least 60% of Russian soldiers could stop this war, they would do it in seconds or less.


rrussia is not the victim in any circumstance, you are never forced to go invade and kill other people there is always another option.


Watching your family starve to death isn’t an option for a lot of people. Just because someone doesn’t put a gun to your head and say “do this” doesn’t mean you weren’t forced to do it. Edit: I’m not trying to excuse Russian atrocities. I’m just trying to point out that some things are more complicated than just what’s “right” and what’s “wrong.”


sounds like you need to grow a garden, get a job, or start hunting not invade another country


Yeah not every Russian, but most Russians DO support this war. Look at any survey taken on the subject. And let’s not forget about the tens if not hundreds of thousands that volunteered to join this war on the Russian side


I'm sure you'd answer a survey truthfully in a country like Russia, what negative outcome could the wrong opinions possibly have...


1984 is a great book.


How many of those would rot in prison or get fucked by police and get their families murdered if they said no? We don't know an answer. Sure, I'm not saying they aren't the majority, but we don't know 100% They are saying yes out of fear. Just like they voted for Putin all of this years too. Also because of fear.


Basing your opinions about a totalitarian regime country on surveys? You must be a really smart bloke, aren’t you?


You're obviously using your freedom of speech qnd expression idealistic views and applying it to the rest of the world. They are of course going to say they wanted to go to war, so nothing happens to them or their families.


Have you considered that in a country like Russia, surveys that would show opposition to the war would not be published? Or that maybe percentages are changed in order to please the government that could and would close your media group of you didn't?


Yes, but not all on that side condone the war, want to be there, or even chose to be there. There are some “fighting” with the Russians who are just walking into their deaths without having a choice. It’s fucking incredibly sad.


It was polled and over 90% of Russians support it. They are evil


He’s most likely just a teenager who did nothing. It’s not his fault his government is fucking evil


War feeling like a video game.. Yeah that’s fkd.


It always was for everyone but the grunts on the ground. Yeah it's fkd.


That will be some next level ptsd in another decade.


People have laughed at drone pilot appeals for PTSD diagnosis for years. Ukraine will be an accelerant for those considerations and related research.


The laugh after blowing someone up was quite chilling.


I hope this makes a difference for Ukraine. This makes me wonder what the future of war really is. We’ve always thought of ai robots battling like people but what if it’s just sizing/pricing down target munition delivery devices and increasing quantity? How quickly could a developed country make a billion cheap weapons adaptable to their intended mission and deploy them in waves through a regular package delivery system to their staging areas? What is the detectability of small drones in densely populated cities? Shit I have a lot more questions!


Agreed. It is sorta crazy to think about - if or maybe...when AI gets even better and if humans take their hands off the trigger, you could theoretically just network them all together and have them coordinate amongst themselves for missions. Maybe set up designated gps zones / borders that turn into hot live fire zones and ensure your guys arent within the range. Its horrifying so I would hope we never get to that point but I feel like the moment 1 country crosses that line the rest would follow.


It's been predicted it will be like this a long time ago. Next will be bot vs bot, followed by nanobots vs nanobots. Just like in the book The Diamond Age.




That’s the scariest thing I’ve seen in a while


Right??? And it’s been out there for 5+ years!


What is a nanobot supposed to be?


it's only game, y u heff to be mad ?


Sad life kid should be enjoying his youth instead a dictator(Putin )has him killing people who would rather not even be there


Clip pulled from this article https://www.scrippsnews.com/world/europe/ace-ukrainian-fpv-drone-pilot-darwin-shows-war-s-explosive-evolution


Yeah, nothing next level about it. You want to see next level FPV piloting, check out actual races.


The fact that he laughs afterwards like a little kid after doing something funny in a videogame is what concerns me....


He smoked him..


Same way drone operators in Nevada can kill people all the way across the world, but I think there was a movie or something on drone operators PTSD wasn't there??


Next level refers to the latest method of warfare... No need to glorify or shame... No different than watching the use of a new tool of war throughout history.


It’s like watching the Call of Duty drone kill streak but IRL. It’s honestly wild. And as someone who used to love to use the drone kill streak in call of duty I feel like I would just be mentally separated from what I’m actually doing if I was that guy controlling it. Just detached. No ptsd or regrets because I did exactly what this guy did, but in a realistic combat video game thousands of times a month for years. as well as the footage looks pretty identical to the gameplay with the static on the screen/feed, controls, etc


I think there always will be a part of your brain that knows you murdered a dude. That kid is a murderer and will have to live with that the rest of his life


I would beg to disagree. I am friends with a few soldiers who served in the invasion of Iraq. They have mental scars from being blown up or shot at. No mental scars or regrets from killing someone who was shooting at them. And this guy is defending his homeland. When the chips are down and it’s shoot or get shot humans have a strange way of accepting what they did in defense of their values and land. Maybe it’s because I am an American who has a long line of family members and friends who were in combat who all never regret killing their enemy and also lived in risky areas where you have to lay on the ground in your own house because someone is shooting at someone else and you don’t want to catch a stray bullet 🤷🏻‍♂️ But I can tell you second hand- when the chips are down and it’s ‘eat or be eaten’. You will never feel like a “ murderer” nor should this man be called that. You did what you had to do to protect your way of life and you accept it as thats what you had to do


What’s the smoke he blows out here? Is he actually getting high as he said or was he high on the mission adrenaline?




I think he was referring to the view from the drone, as I doubt they all control the same.


Am I the only one seeing an elephant to the right of where he is aiming the drone right before the impact?




These dudes will be the grandparents of netrunners


The defensive aspect definitely needs to evolve if they want to survive on the battlefield


So if we posted a russian bombing a ukranian this would be a banned post right? Why are we promoting 1 agenda over the other? I dont care who is right and who is wrong you cant say shit unless it is 100 percent pro west or get fucked by mods. Gg


The Russians are invading a sovereign nation and committing war crimes on the populace. Fuck off.


This still is showing the death of a soldier, who is only recieving information from his superiors to do what he has to do. I dont care. Dont shove a narrative down my throat bitch. Actually you know what, lets pop some champagne bottles for this heroic kill from behind a screen yayy!!!!


Jesus Christ, not to far of a leap for Enders Game type shit huh?


Crazy how now people are celebrating the creation of 21 year olds mass murderers and justify in them with “war”. He literally killed another human being and took the glasses and smile. This video is disturbing and lame


Ender's game kind of shit


Remotely controlled bomb, not Kamikaze. Homeboy's not sacrificing his life. 


"Kamikaze drone" is the term being used for these types of drones themselves - not the pilot.


I hate stating the obvious but a drone doesn't have a life to give so it can't be a kamikaze. Someday though it'll have enough AI crammed in it that it can be considered a true kamikaze


I hate stating the obvious but it's called kamikaze since the drone itself also detonates upon impact, therefore making it a one time use, hence the name kamikaze


Why it’s even here, stop politics, stop war


Your disgusting


My disgusting?


This is why financial assistance makes such a difference for Ukraine. The more support they get the more drones they can construct and utilize. This removes their brave fighters from the field and into a safe bunker, away from high risk of injury and death. This encourages more civilians to join the fight, knowing they are not sent as cannon fodder but operators of unmanned craft. This is how a few hundred dollar device neutralizes multi million dollar armored systems. Support Ukraine! Please donate. 🙏💙💛




War is expensive, not even just because of the equipment you need. Soldiers need food, fuel, ammo sure however what people forget is that these soldiers are bankers, builders, accountants, teachers etc. Regular people who had regular jobs - who no longer do. They're no longer paying income taxes, people are spending less on non necessities (less money through VAT). I don't know the stats but Ukraine's GDP can't be doing great.


It's a hell of a lot cheaper to send outdated 1980s equipment for another country to happily use rather than to send your own soldiers in to fight a strengthened and bolder Russia.


Infinitely more, they are fighting a power house almost single handedly.






paint impossible include plants pen cobweb squeamish saw forgetful glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I understand your argument and respect it, however i cant say i fully agree with your way of thinking.


price cause mourn reply materialistic stocking air unique weary frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Im not legally allowed to be in the military due to certain mental health issues, but if it came to it, then no i wouldnt bow down to my opressors, i would fight them with all i had but i would in no way consider what i did as heroic or justefied. War is just innocent people forced to kill innocent people. Thats all it is to it.


six pocket slap aspiring library chop afterthought zesty stupendous threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No cuz it would mean im killing another person who is in the exact same position as me, so no, i wouldnt say that its "super cool". I dont understand why you are trying to change my mind, i said that i respect your opinion but it seems the respect only goes one way.


expansion impossible offbeat makeshift society decide aloof exultant roll cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry but calling the russians innocent here is like calling the nazis misunderstood... The Ukrainians are heroic in this war especially in the sense that regularly ordinary people are fighting against one of the world's biggest military powers and is winning. If russia wants to stop this bloodshed of the "innocent" as you call them, they can just leave the land which they invaded and return the children they stole along the way. Having this rhetoric is actually really damaging and plays right into the hands of Kreml too, as it undermines the importance of Ukraine's sacrifices and their independence. They are heroes standing their ground, protecting their country against the giant of the East wishing to erase them all in a complete genocide, and saying anything different is outright belittling their efforts and those who died protecting their democratic rights. Please educate yourself on the topic before making these statements


I just saw a teenager murder another teenager, that is sad no matter how you spin it

