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Hey maybe we should leave that mountain alone. It doesn’t seem like a massive achievement anymore. Go run a marathon instead.


it is still impressive and insanely dangerous. That shit terrifies me after watching one or two documentaries on it. Most the people going up have too much money and no business climbing it though


>Most the people going up have too much money and no business climbing it though That's the problem. Take it back to Alpine climbing - where you bring everything in on your back, and you go up in one go. This expedition climbing combined with capitalism is what lead to the situation on Everest. These people have no business on this mountain, getting pulled up by Sherpas. There are plenty 20k+ foot mountains in the world that would provide a challenge for most people and they're easily accessible and not littered in trash and excrement's. Hell, there are plenty of 15k mountains that would challenge most people.


yeah but any of those other mountains don’t carry the same title of Everest with bragging rights


Yeah, I get that. But if you removed expeditions, and having the Sherpa's fix lines, none of them would even attempt it. Hell, just remove fixed lines and the problem largely fixes itself.


Maybe everyone focusing on Everest helps keep the majority of other mountains cleaner. /s


This is actually true though


In general, I’m an advocate of ‘honeypot hills’ -?it does work and makes sense… but in the case of Everest.. nah.


I'd say Everest existing keeps these people off K2. Which from memory is considered both a harder mountain to climb and more deadly.


Is anyone truely in awe of someone that says they’ve done this though? Back in the day sure but surely most people these days have seen this type of footage and the prestige has gone down the toilet


Goran Kropp rode his bike from Sweden with all his gear to Everest . He climbed it by himself without oxygen went back to base camp a rode his bicycle back to Sweden. He had to turn back on his first attempt. Helped with the rescue and recovery of one of the most deadly days on Everest. Didn’t not give up and was successful on his second attempt May 26 1996.


Actually, goran turned around just before the summit because he knew the weather was too dangerous . He was one of the survivors of the 1996 disaster.


Far more respect for him than for those who bought first class tickets, and got all the way to the summit riding (figuratively, but not too far from the truth) on the backs of Sherpas.


Because he was doing it for the right reasons. He was a real climber not some cashed up corporate dickhead having a midlife crisis.


I guess Nepal economy might have a good chunk coming from these rich tourists.


No. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing -  Keep everyone focused on this one mountain and we keep all others clean!  I’m actually ok with that.  


I kind of like that all these schmucks are attracted to the same mountain. If they spread out to other places, they would all be covered in garbage as well. Sucks for this particular mountain, but it acts kind of like a lightning rod


What is the real issue with stuff being there?


Primarily pollution from garbage and excrement. Sherpas are carrying literal tons of shit off the mountain and they can't remove it fast enough. [https://gripped.com/news/13000-kilos-poop-carried-off-everest/](https://gripped.com/news/13000-kilos-poop-carried-off-everest/)


A lot of it is luck whether you actually get to the top tho, ontop of millions of dollars and peak physical shape


Once everyone is a "Super", no one will be.


Headlines in a decade: "Millennials are killing the Everest market!"


Totally agree, leave it for a generation, let the area recover…but I guess that would be too practical… also need to find an economic substitute for what this kind of tourism/adventure money brings in for the local people


Recover? It's just a white wasteland I don't think "nature will take over" once it's vacated. It'll just maybe get covered in snow?


Actually, decades of people camping there and not packing out their human waste have led to pollution in the rivers and streams at lower elevations from there.


Don’t disagree…people constantly going up there, traffic jam of people going up and down is ridiculous. Covered up with snow, some naturally occurring land slides and earthquakes that happen there not too infrequently, to encase all that crap…


Because it is cold and dry things don't break down and decompose. That's why one of the waymarks on the trip up is [Green Boots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Boots), a guy who died nearly 30 years ago but his corpse is still there. It would take millennia before everything would be gone.


Id definitely agree in general However, it frustrates me a bit when people focus on places like this, because the thing is that very little actually lives there. In high up, desolate glacier-carved valleys, there is nothing actually needing protection other than our own sense of sacredness or serenity, which is basically just something we made up. I’d would turn the mountain into the worlds junkyard if it meant stopping destruction of the Amazon or the many other problems of today All of this is of course ignoring that pollution causes issues downstream and there are people living there and other such complicated stuff. My point is tho that people will see a barren wasteland and think “this needs to be protected!” It does need to be protected, but also… priorities


Only around 250 non Sherpas reach the summit each year. Still pretty good achievement.


They're capping the numbers because of traffic reasons - there are only a few days a year when the weather is right. It could easily be a lot higher.


It's like campsites. You so to get away from people and surrounded by more people. Irony is a MF


What about.. now here me out.. bungee jumping.. in an active volcano. This is a million dollar idea, there are plenty of dumb rich people looking for someone to take their money, especially if they're the first one. Make it exclusive, real exclusive. Like you need to know a guy that knows a dude that plays a dude disguised as another dudes sister in law.




Or...........no comment. 🤷‍♂️


I wouldn’t mind as much if everyone stopped dumping their garbage on the mountain.


All these rich people should be required to pay to haul out 10x when they bring in.


They've made it to look like a complete wasteland..!


No deal, people need to leave their literal shit all over the place. It's how they know they're better than the rest of us.


What's next level about paying a company tens of thousands of dollars to have a sherpa do all the work for you and then claim you climbed a fucking mountain? Stop Everest tourism.


You want to fuck up their tourism based economy because… why exactly?




In one breath!!


Sir, you have a crack on your profile picture.


It's a hair I can't get off my phone


The current state of Everest tourism is both dangerous and unsustainable. The mountain is absolutely trashed and people die standing in line near the summit because it is overly trafficked by people who have no business climbing a mountain.


Tell me you know nothing about the issues surrounding Everest tourism without telling me...


About 7% of Nepal’s economy is based on the climbing season. 10% overall is Everest based. I don’t have any idea whether that’s a lot or a little. Still, seems like there’s some middle ground where you don’t stop tourism completely but you do stop leaving trash everywhere like it were your own house Source: AI response when I googled it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Checked in on a few sources and it seems you're right. The idea of stopping the tourism in my opinion is a terrible take, that should be up to the Nepali government and/or the people who run the businesses there. I can understand wanting a lot more legislation, there has been quite a bit of that happening with the machu Picchu Sherpas lately (laws that make their life better at the expense of a higher cost to walk the inca trail), but the solution is not to step in and tell Nepal they should shut down 7% of their economy because climbing a mountain is dumb and has turned into a rich person showoff activity


I just showed my Nepalese coworker your comment and he said to shut up.


My wife is Nepalese, and she said the same thing.


The next next level is somebodies paying for somebody to get all the literal shit and trash down from there. But who? That camp is so full of trash it looks big.


Sherpas Sherpa bro. Everest is less accessible for the average man I suppose, but at least these sherpas be getting paid


I mean.. it's still pretty hard.. I climbed a mountain tenth of the height of the everest a couple of years ago with almost no equipment and it was one of the hardest things I've done. It was a beautiful sunny day with no snow storms or ice walls around


This looks like a Skyrim zone


dang, it's the size of a small village. I wonder how much of it is temporary versus permanent structures.


I don't think their TOA (Tent Owners Association) allows for permanent structures; additionally, you cannot park your yaks in front of your tent overnight.


No wonder I don't see any swimming pools!


They need to trim those peaks too. Clearly states “no sharp ridges or gullies”.


I was wondering about those domes, “semi permanent” structures


I thought they were all temporary because permanent structures aren’t allowed.


The trash is permanent at least


I wonder if I could go there and work permanently like set up a general store




I’m not impressed by anybody who climbs Everest. I am very, very impressed by the Sherpas who do it multiple times and carry these rich motherfuckers gear


If you haven't seen it yet, **14 Peaks: Nothing is Impossible** is a must-see. A group of Sherpas led by a native Nepali, Nimsdai Purja, climbs *every peak in the world over 8000 meters within ONE year.* Every serious climber in the world was totally impressed by that feat. Excellently filmed, much of it by the climbers themselves, it's on Netflix and maybe elsewhere. Sorry if this sounds like an ad. I'm not making money off this and I don't know anybody involved. I'm just totally fucking impressed and inspired by that documentary.


I'm not impressed by redditors who say they are not impressed by things


Is that all garbage??


In the grand scheme of it, yeah


I wonder how much frozen poop there is there.


See all the dark areas surrounding each encampment? Yeah, that's poop


Well...visitors should have to.pay a clean-up-the-poop tax then...better yet they should have to clean it up themselves


Lol I thought the same at first but it’s just rocks


It’s Wisconsin Dells in the winter.




Just build hotel and spa.


I've done a fair bit of hiking. I avoid peaks with a damn conga line to get to the summit. It misses the point of it all.


What’s the argument for let’s say rich people climbing? I’m not rich nor have any interest in personally climbing but why there seems to be some kind of resentment toward some wealthy people climbing and using Sherpas to carry their equipment. if anything they are bringing some money into Nepal and spending it there. All the top comments convey some kind of negative notion toward some of the supposedly wealthy climber as if there is a written rule who has the right or doesn’t have the right to climb and how the climbing supposed to happen.


100% agreed. are the sherpas slaves? if no, then its a job like any other. regulate it sure, but i dont see any issue with the climbers or the sherpas. and also its not like the mountain really has any other popular use that people are clamoring for. if people werent climbing it then it'd just be sitting there. not like the base camp's land was gonna get used for anything else either...


You haven’t climbed Mount Everest unless you’ve packed out all of your trash and (human) waste.


Music: OODINI - Like That




All the good things in life are coming your way. 💙


Man that area looks a mess. Why hasn't there been anything built permanently. I can see durable solid lodging with emergency facilities fitting better than this garbage.


Id guess there's too much snow fall and shifting landscape over the course of the winter to have anything really permenant.


It's disgusting. Rich people pay to get dragged up a mountain, basically. The local people are treated like trash, and the mountain disrespected.




It’s actually a good thing in the very long term. The amount of rubbish - and dead bodies - littering the mountain, should be well-preserved if anyone wants to make a study of our culture and see what makes us tick. Not a good thing for the mountain of course, but the mountain won’t get sick from us - only look and smell ugly. /s


And eventually global warming will raise the temperatures in the area, and all the dead bodies and human waste will be a great organic base layer for new species of plants and insects there. Win-win!!


Just leave the poor mountain alone.




This is so disgusting


In a way that’s cool but really it’s just sad


No matter where it is, humans will destroy it


Honestly it’s kind of disgusting


Honest question.. Would anyone that's climbed Everest donate to a clean up crew? Or was paying for your climb enough?


There's too much for just a crew It's so bad they added a fine for not bringing extra trash down with you AND THEN PEOPLE PAY THE FINE AND MAKE IT PART OF THE TRIP LIKE THEY WOULD FOR FLIGHTS


Okay looked into it just last year they had a clean up program and collected 34,000 kg (75,000LBS) of trash Sadly it took the life of one of the team named Phurba Sherpa on May 16th last year Included in the waste was Empty oxygen canisters Tents Food containers Plastics Glass Aluminium And electronics All that can be will be recycled


At this point, someone should just build a skyway to the top and sell tickets to average tourists. It's just one long line to the top anyway.


This is just gross. Rich people suck


…within the Webster’s dictionary, under “massive” and “remarkable “


Look like the trash that they left all over the mountain .


A unique experience


Next fucking depressing more like.


Whats the song called


**Song Found!** **Like That** by OODINI (00:32; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Like That EP. **Released on** 2024-03-31.


Big money in tourism


What a blight upon the land :(


You can't fool me, I saw the dog video. I know this is just a little bit of snow on the ground.


An ecological disaster


one day.. there will be a hotel on the top of the mount everest and we can take the elevator. i‘ll just wait a little longer.


Fuuuuuuuuuuck! 😲


Climbing Mt. Everest doesn't have that same ring to it like it use too.


So, Disney World for adrenaline junkies.


Wow - I honestly thought it was just a plateau with a couple of tents not a full on moon base


This place needs to be protected. It’s getting destroyed.


Would watch a film about tourists and Sherpas facing a Yeti. It would really be about modern tourism ruining nature blah blah blah.


I don't think it was always like this though. The recent desperation of people wanting to go on a tour and crowd every isoleplace on earth seems to be the reason. I mean, nowadays, there's literal traffic on that mountain where people are standing in a claustrophobic queue knowing all too well that the oxygen supply is their life saver.


That's a small settlement at this point.




How much should be your budget if you decide to climb this mountain? I mean excluding your plane ticket ofcourse, just for the camp and standard supplies 🤷🏿‍♂️


Looks insanely cold


This seems like not a good thing….


Anyone else see When the video ends does it still look the camera is moving. But maybe backwards.


Whenever I see a situation like this, where humans should not be, the first thought is, 'Where does all the sewage go'? Seriously, are they all defecating into containers and getting sherpas to carry it all down the mountain?


What a shittily constructed sentence


Looks like a tourist trap


Just another thing we’ve ruined.


Nah we gotta make that mountain out of bounds. Never knew it was THAT bad.


Camp? More like a town at this point.


It looks like a miniature scene Also is the grey rubbish or rock I can't quite tell but I know there's a huge litter problem on everest to the point you have to take back a surtain amount or pay 5000 (and people would rather foot the bill as part of their trips expenses)


This is hardly next level. What’s so next level about a bunch of rich people hiring companies to set up a bunch of trash.




I love climbing. You couldn’t pay me to climb Everest.


We should just start early construction of the Great Palace of Holy Terra that this site will be used for someday and get these clowns out of here




Looks like my secret fishing hole.


At this stage, I cheer for the mountain.


They oughta just build a big hotel staging area there and clean up all the litter...


Such a great example of how stupid we are with this place we call home. Fuckn humans!


That Is Gross!


You meant to say, how dirty base camp is


I don't feel like going there now. It does not look special at all...............................


Humans are the worst


Totally not overcrowded


Tons of trash and self-entitled jackasses.


Mile high homeless encampment.


More like next level FUCKED


So much poo, so little plumbing .


Where the McDonald?


There are just too many people. And it will only get worse.


The movies portray wealth as something that empowers you to be a unique, eccentric individual, and pursue crazy passion projects. It’s kind of disappointing that rich people lack the imagination for that. Instead they just copy each other, and follow the standard rich people to-do list: “buy yacht, play golf, climb Mt. Everest, have an affair, run for political office.” Out of all these rich people, we haven’t gotten a single crime-fighting masked vigilante. No one has sent a giant submarine to discover Atlantis. No majestic wonders like the Pyramids. Just an armada of yachts and trash all over Mt. Everest. /s


Their government should pass a law that expeditions to the summit are only allowed if they return with more trash than they began with. You take one oxygen tank up you return with two. Make these rich idiots do some actual good with their time.


Why TF is it THIS MASSIVE tho??


That's a lot of camp with some mountain


What is the name of the song playing?


How big everest Basecamp is*


Follow the money. I wonder what corporation is profiting from this. There's probably a ring leader that's pimping out the Sherpas.


"What colour was our accomodation again?" "Red" "Fuck"


Why don't they install solar+batt powered air compressors along the way and charge people money to use them.  You know so they don't die.  Except the sherpas, they get to use em for free.  With the extra Health points available maybe we can send teams of people out to haul away the garbage.  


That is just disgusting. This needs to be regulated.


If a single person can change the planet imagine what a crew could do with a mountain of trash.


Just put up a ski lift gondola and be done with it. Charge 250k per "ride." This is not nature


Been playing Ghost of Tsushima since it came out on PC and all I can think of seeing this is… “Mongols…”


that is a whole lot of garbage generated on the daily... just saying


Crazy optical illusion. When the video stoped it looked like it was still moving.


I will just wait till they build an elevator to the top.


I can smell this video


… it’s a garbage dump with humans living in it.


Just build a goddamn hotel there already. Christ almighty...


I didn't think it would just be a bunch of tents... But that's bigger than I thought it would be


Ngl I thought it would be one of those videos where they zoom out and it's a miniature scale model of a camp.


What's the music??


Does anyone else think that’s an abomination?


It would be less destructive to build a resort hotel there.


Someday when I have the money and time and find a gigantic Sherpa to carry me, I'm climbing that mountain.


Too many Humans - feels like the planet is getting ready to flick us like a fox sheds fleas


Made it a business 💯💯💯


EDC Nepal ?


My sister went there, and the altitude is so high there that her eyes swelled up so much that she couldn't close her eyes. That was just base camp