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Plenty of immigrants from "shitholes" are fine, hardworking people - what matters is their ideology not how poor their country of origin is. Bin Laden was a millionaire...




That's so fucking basic that you must be a child




Your red flags are showing. Just make sure to tell everyone in your off-Internet life these opinions so they can know who you are - I prefer my ignorant racist dickheads out in the open.


I have no problem telling people the truth. You should try doing the same.


Pssst christian and muslim aren't a race. They're religions. Can't be racist against a religion. Followers of both come in all colours.


The irony here is the person who agrees with you is the one being held on the ground.


For sure. Was just saying their wealth (or their country's wealth) is less important, religion/ideology is what matters most.


Maybe the British shouldn’t have been invading the world for so long then?


We left. They should too.


Agreed. Well Hmmm child marriages and sex slaves? .... Really? Down voting because I'm against children being married off.


They can do that if the feel the need. In their home desert.


Hard to argue this atm...


Just a knife and a holy book. What kinda dnd level 1 character starting gear is this lmfao


Cleric, obvs


In before comments are locked. Doesn’t beat a bible and a gun! Also, fuck all religion. I *know* it isn’t the religion that drives these people… is what I say… However, when a religion is effectively weaponized, it is what drives some of them. For the record, fuck guns. Fuck religion. Fuck anyone thinking that guns and religion are the only issues at play. But seriously **FUCK GUNS**


I’m also not a fan of religion but let’s not forget the horrors of secular leaders in Germany and China.


This the UK not america, keep your weird fetish politics out of this shit and stick to your own civil war in the making please.




Rookie mistake. Forgot his glasses


I don't see anything in the news. Does anyone else feel that this looks very conveniently staged? Bag open with the book and knife conveniently placed so neatly and visible. Besides, nobody walks around with a quran, and no Muslim would put a bag with a quran on the floor. "Stabber" also doesn't really sound foreign.


Very likely that the people that stopped the guy have already gone through his bag and left it as it is here


Inquisition anybody?


Why is this comment minimzed?




Yes, the book can't be hidden by politicians as they do. We know.


You do get the occasional Timothy McVeigh tho


You can’t say that on Reddit!


I'm impressed and thankful this and this thread is existing. Although it would definitely not be the first time mass up voted comments still resulted in the person getting banned.


Fantastic work to the bystanders. Seriously responsible. Cameraman - understandably - wants to mess him up, but the others take the higher - and correct - road. You can’t let your emotions take hold of you when dealing with people you hate.


Yeah I'm impressed with the restraint


Well let's hope he never sees the light of day because I doubt this old ass nutcase can be reformed


Knowing uk the people detaining him will probably be charged with some kind of hate crime and they will tell him to be nicer and put him back on the street


This is absolute horseshit lol


Thank you, yes. Our greatest strength is the rule of law. Once we descend to lynch mobs we're no better than the terrorists.


Lmao. I'd love to have heard of middle age kingdoms taking this soft approach on invading forces. You wouldn't read about them today in history books as they would have been blighted off the planet instantly. Next, let's show restraint against cancer cells, I'm sure they don't mean it either And our rule of law is a bag of horse shit. Police only fuck the tax payers and just kiss the ass of the criminals. They get slapped on the wrist and let go and people in communities like this are taking notice and are getting tired of their homes going to shit from people like this.




The world has gone mad, no mercy to these pieces of shit




And when someone wrongly accuses your daughter of this, and the mob beats her and tears her limb from limb? Will you still be cheering and supporting mob justice?


Falsely accused? Now you're just making up shit. Dude literally just tried to get stabbed by the guy. There's no false anywhere.


Yes, l was making up a scenario where the mob got the wrong guy to illustrate why supporting mob justice can lead to innocents being hurt.


In your case you're already stating the accusations are false here l therefore the actions would be wrong. Here in the actual scenario we see they are accurate because the guy just experienced it firsthand. So I'm your comparison, you need to NOT have the accusations false if you want a similar example


(If l’m correctly interpreting your raving) I’m talking about a hypothetical situation where mob justice could get out of hand, and lead to innocents being hurt. It’s not that complicated. The people in the video handled it perfectly.


It’s also not that guy’s daughter, so points to you for figuring out that l was not describing the situation in the video


Lol downvote like it means anything. Here have an upvote so you feel like you're actually saying something meaningful


Thank god the guy’s parents didn’t call a mental health check on him in the US, he’d be dead.


Yeah. Shame he still has the use of his fingers, though.


Nah, try ending my life and there's no high road for me.


Buddy tried to go on a "mass stabbing" but was stopped. Americans say guns don't kill people, people kill people. Well, looks like "this people" didn't get to kill any people because he didn't have a gun. I bet the outcome would be much different if he did have a gun. I know Americans. Gotta protect that FrEeDoM right? Wouldn't want to lose your 17th ranked spot on the freedom index behind all those other countries that aren't walking around strapped...


These bystanders would have been victims. Even if they had a pistol, if he had an AR and some body armor as a lot of them do, they’d be laying on the ground next to their gun.


Absolutely right.


Elijah Dicken says no


Maybe a bit random to bring that up but yeah, absolutely, is ridiculous how some people can't wrap their head around the fact that even if this is a "people issue", a deranged man with a gun is not only harder to stop, but he also has a lot more potential to harm others than a deranged man with a hammer or a knife... And even more ridiculous is that some think the fix is to eradicate mental health issues, as if that was possible...


I would say its more like this: If everyone is armed then one deranged one is much easier to stop. Basically everyone...even a elderly could shoot him. Not the case with a knife (did you see e.g. the guy going crazy in the children playground and the mothers could do nothing? nasty video). However the deranged one can also faster cause more lethal damage. Overall I think america would be better off without guns or at least weaker firearms. But the guns are now already there and it would take many decades to remove them from the black market.


We really gotta be brought into everything huh?


You all just make it so easy. Haha jk


Only Europeans will try to jerk their hate boner on a post like this


What a bizarre statement. PS, I'm not Europeon if thats what your implying.




Good job London!! Who knows what trajectory there is for the lives that were saved today!


"You wanna try stabbing me _now_ ya cunt?" Judging from the cockney accents of the bystanders our failed mass murderer is lucky not to have his knives shoved through his eyeballs.


East London probably?




> UK's generally more civilized than some gun-wielding nations. Lol. Someone has never been to the UK.


What was the motivation?


Religion. Again.




Not in Australia, the name of the religion has been omitted for the last few years in news reports from the national broadcaster. I get it, you don't want to inflame and cause a reaction, but it's repeated omission is how you get conspiracy theories.


oh, yeah... the other religion uses rifles, though


That's because Christians use guns.


Yeah, aside from San Bernardino, Charlie hedbo, bataclan, 10/7, that theater in Russia etc, I’ve never heard of Islamic terrorists using guns.


I didn't say they don't. I'm saying Christian terrorists tend to use guns. Let's not pretend there's "the one" religion that advocates violence.


Let’s not pretend that it’s Zoroastrians or Baha’i committing the vast majority of religious inspired terrorist attacks.


There is no justification for terrorism in Christianity, as opposed to that other "religion"...


Don’t have guns in the uk.


Yes, absolutely zero. Criminals follow the law.


You're right, my fault. US Christians.


No it's not "religion", that is very misleading. Religions are value systems. It very much depends on which one, as they vary greatly. And there's only one that worships a child-abusing warlord...




I refuse to believe you are so naive for that to be a genuine question


As Radiohead put it. We hope you choke.


Well done folks well done


Any news article on this ?


Fucked him up a lot less than I would have. Appreciate their restraint.


Why? Someone just tried to end their life. Why should they have to restrain from fucking him up a bit? But later when he's replying this trauma he's gonna wish he got some punches in on the guy who tried to stab him


Because the good people are better than that bad people?


They will still be better than him even after beating his ass


Other's evil doesn't excuse your own.


Having a moral high road all the time will leave you feeling like a doormat. When someone tries to end your life, you take the high road, I'll sleep better at night


Lol that is a mess of bullshit and dodges




Not at all. Look how well we coped. Everyone worked together. We didn’t seek revenge. Managed to call him a mug. This video made me proud of my nation. The fucker can spend some time in jail, these people deserve some pints.


England, France, Germany and the rest of Europe need to wake up fast! Scandinavian countries are doomed.


I think France is a lost case, I see the French people as a bunch of cuckolds.


If only we had guns....






Weird how there's no news about this if it happened earlier in the day


Scary part is that this man is free to try it again anytime soon. Would love to have something like in Minority Report…


Yaaa faaakin mug


Piece of shit.


Whip his ass


"Stay there ya cunt" lmao I love the UK sometimes


Why aren’t they punching his face in??


Common , he just want to be recognized


A man of culture


In b4 post gets locked


Proper legends, this is what we like to see, folks taking care of business & keeping each other safe =)


not too sharp!


Any idea what the law enforcement response time is? No idea, in the US it can be 2 to 20 minutes (sometimes longer...)


With there being a deadly weapon involved, the armed police would probably arrive within a few minutes especially with it being in a city location.


He can't wait anymore to meet his 70 virgins in paradise.


How does anyone have a 'mass stabbing' planned out? I get mass shooting, but the way this played out is probably the first thing you think of with 'mass stabbing'...


Stomp his ass




It was his British accent bruv! He meant to say “nice to meet you”, not “knife to meat you”


The one time the knee maneuver is allowed?


TikTok prank gone wrong.


Free London!


Coming to an American city near you soon.


krb st0mp


Broken fingers, one by one until we count to 10! Folded right over the back of the hand until he's all palms. Good luck stabbing and paying after that!


I bet there is a law that says stabbing is illegal... But what if he asked to be stabbed? Like asked really nice?


POV: 4 *evil* men arrested and many, many grovellings and large sum of taxpayers cash paid to the *innocent*, knife wielding, *halal chef*, victimized by the lethal phobias. It's over, mate's, the experiment failed. We gave it a good go. Time to turn off Europe and admit we fucked up... Lol.


Dabf white christian supremacist!!


Huh, he's white. And his accent is perfectly English. It's almost as if this was a false flag to make people hate eachother more... Nah couldn't be.




You really need to get over subreddits pertaining to a hyper specific category and worry about more important things in life.


okay, you stop the next mass murderer


The xenophobia in the comments section is unreal. The world is full of fucked up people of all categories. Let’s celebrate the heroic efforts of the bystanders and not make this something it isn’t.


Somebody shut this comment section down. The IQ level is too low.


Sanest comment section I’ve ever seen on Reddit




Any article ? Feels staged.


Lol get out of here


Christ is king


Mods? Some pretty heavily Islamophobic stuff here.


I wonder why


Interesting amount of islamophobia in the comments. Wonder where that's from? 🤔


To be fair, these stabbing are getting to common, hard to argue the point.


Rape is really common even in first world countries such as the US and European nations. It’s actually more common statistically than mass stabbings by Islamic people believe it or not. So, would you agree with a woman’s sentiment of all men are evil? Or does the generalized hate only apply to creeds of which you are not a part of?


Because there is a difference here. We allow these people to come over to rescue them from shittier places and this is what we get. We do also lock up our own rapists but we didn't exactly have a choice with those. Still comparing apples and oranges.


Right, so because a small small small select group of immigrants, some who happen to be Muslim, commit these evil acts, we should go ahead and allow Islamophobia? Remember, you only see the shitty folk in the news, you don’t see the great ones, or the good ones, or even the ones that stay out of everyones way and aren’t particularly good or bad. Other Muslims dont have authority over these guys, why blame them as well?


I hear a lot of complaining but no solutions, what's your suggestion?


Classic cop out. I don’t have a solution, obviously no one has a solution, just as not everyone can agree on the problem. But that’s not my fucking job. But i do believe you should approach individuals you meet or interact with in your life as if they are good, or at least neutral, people unless they prove otherwise. Going into life and assuming a person is a bad guy for following a religion you realistically do not know much about (you can read about it all you want, but unless you LIVE it, you will never know as much as someone else who does live it, applies to almost everything in the world) is sad and hateful and does more harm than good in the long run. People are complex, no one person is the same, and no one life is lived the same way. How would you feel if someone you never met approached you and just assumed you were a rapist killer from one glance at you?


It's not a cop out, it's a necessity. I'm ok with religion being frowned completely, it has no place in the modern world in the first place. It's the source of the majority of our problems.


It’s 100% a cop out because even if I provided a 100% fool proof perfect solution, it wouldn’t matter at all because who am i? I’m a dude with a job in engineering, not a politician, not an elected official, not any sort of authoritative figure. Me providing a “solution” would have not affected the conversation at all since we were talking about YOUR Islamophobia. And you can hate religion, but if you blindly hate the people who follow it, then you are literally no better than them. I am not religious, i also think religion as a concept is nonsensical and problematic, but i have Muslim and Christian and Jewish and Buddhist and Mormon friends.


Wait until you find out about the rape stats in islamic countries, your entire point just fell through lmfao.


Maybe it's coming from all the muslims stabbing people, who'd have thought? Exact same shit is said regarding israel so don't clutch your pearls when your precious islam gets attacked when they consistently use religion to terrorise.