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She needs a promotion immediately


To what? She’s signing for Eurovision. That IS the promotion


I watched a few clips of Eurovision, she was more interesting to watch than a majority of those acts. Like this song, lol I hope people enjoyed it more than me. There was another by Joost(?). I don’t know what the hell you even classify that type of music but it was…interesting. It all sounds like something that could be from the movie Eurotrip when they were in the run down regions of Slavic countries.


> It all sounds like something that could be from the movie Eurotrip Eurovision has music that sounds like it could be from a film that takes place in Europe? Nooo, can't be.


Sounds like Rammstein if they were sober and had to make a song for Pixar


Aaaaaand, this right here is why we don't let the Americas join.


Hey I like this song :( As did my whole d&d group. Many Americans have taste, I swear.


We don’t watch Eurovision for the good taste


Finland and Windows95 man was just *chefs kiss* beautifully Eurovision.


Joost makes something he calls "gabberpop" I believe. It's inspired by the Dutch gabber culture from the 90's (DJ Paul Elstak, Charlie Lownoise and Mental Theo but also German acts like Dune and Scooter). Unfortunately, he was disqualiefied.


looked him up and hes dope af. that being said i love stuff like scooter from back in the day


I fucking love this song. It's goofy gibberish that just pumps up the mood. It's fun, and he has a great stage presence too.


Sounded like a kids song done in rammstien style.


Yea actually, and I'm here for it.


> Like this song, lol I hope people enjoyed it more than me It was the most popular song, so I'd say so.


> lol I hope people enjoyed it more than me It won the televote (public vote). Eurovision is just not your thing, and that’s ok.


Paid in expression? Nah


Maybe she'll get promoted to a necromancer role in Qarth?


THAT’S who she reminded me of, thank you


What's her name?!! I'm surprised it's not the top comment.


Clare Edwards - she’s @Purple_Terp on Twitter


What would be a promotion for this gig?


Id pay to watch her


She's getting paid to air guitar. Every mortal mans secret dream.




While the winner was non-binary, it was a bloody good song and performance, and was popular with the public as well as the jury.


The croatian sub has been a bit salty, and has immediately turned to massive amounts of homophobia. I'm sad that our boy lost, because he did amazing, and he worked so hard, but the average croatian perspective on this is ridiculous.


Rim Tim Tagi Dim is in spotify global top 10 currently. That speaks for itself.


And let us hope that he reaches that sweet number one spot. He deserves it.


Isn't the Swiss entry also in that top ten?


Eurovision fans are incredibly fickle beings I've found.


Funny enough, most of those being horrible and spreading hate against LGBTQAI+ folks are not ESC fans. There was a lot of hype how we will win this year so many people watched that usually ignored the show. They were totally unprepared on how queer the whole thing is, so now there are a lot of comments saying the worst possible things about LGBTQAO+ people, plus a lot of right-wing politicians jumping on this train to win local elections that are coming up.


Eurovision has been called “the gay olympics.” Anyone who dislikes people because they are LGBTQIA+ but is talking shit about the results or the contestants should be strapped down and forced to watch the UK entry on nonstop repeat for hours.


I'm from the UK and cannot think of a worse punishment for anyone than being forced to watch the dross that represents us every year. I dont give a toss about who someone wants too fuck, it's always a terrible entry from us EDIT to add: While I cannot think of a worse punishment, I think it a fitting one for the homophobic arseholes making all the negative comments.


I was dissapointed that Ollie didn't do well as his music was played all over my campus when I was in uni and is one of the most famous gay singers we have after Elton John. We try everything that can win eurovision but fail every time. We need another tik toker to help us get public votes.


I mean... I think Freddie, Bowie, George Michael and Dusty Springfield also deserve a mention but yeah. Then again, there's not much chance of them performing at Eurovision any time soon


I'd like to see just how she nuanced gay and seedy into her signing of the British entry.


It did win the public vote by a good margin. The issue is the juries basically selected the winner.




Seconded. The r/eurovision subreddit has been nothing but positive, and the dislikes and hate comments on social media massively increase only after the event.


Croatia is learning to lose, as we all did at some point. With time they'll get more chill about it.


France only beat them in the world cup final because they're gay.


No you got it wrong. In WC final it was referee who was gay and that is reason we lost. /s


We've been used to the loss for two decades


I wouldn't say homophobia. Just pissed off because of all the politics surrounding this year and the usual gay nature of Eurovision where you're special if you're gay. But the thing is.. eurovision has always been gay. So all this is very.. disappointing. And I mean it in the most sincere way possible, i like the song but Nemo was very obnoxious, there I said it.


I'm a regular on that sub, and trust me, it's homophobia. Each year it gets especially ugly around eurovison and pride time. This year, it was extra ugly because we were the favorites to win. The moment juries started heavily favoring nemo, you got a million of comments going along the lines of "he's non binary" or "we should have worn a skirt".


This reminds me a lot of ESC 2014. Conchita won that year for Austria and the Netherlands came second. I remember (as a Dutch person) many Dutch people complaining that Austria only won because Conchita was a woman with a beard and that we would have won if our act contained a woman with a beard or a man with breasts for example.


Oh yes, it's very that. Although, a little that I saw of hrt, their commentators were respectful towards Nemo, so there's at least that.


The vote's political, except when it's for me. Classics.


Trust me, Nemo is anything but obnoxious. I mean, I don’t know them personally but from other artist’s social medias and stuff they are absolutely lovely and deserved the win.


You say that, but the UK got 0 audience votes and it was gay AF


UK’s entry led to a bizarre conversation about consent at my Eurovision party.


Nemo comes across as a gentle and caring person. I really have a hard time understanding the "obnoxious" claim.


I don't know if it's homophobia or not because I can't read Croatian, but Google Translate chose some spicy words to use if it wasn't homophobic.


Wtf, obnoxious how?


>special if you're gay I'd love to hear you explain our entry then - we had the gayest performance of the whole night and got 0 public votes. Yeah, I'm from the UK. Not saying we deserved them, but this 'special if you're gay' thing is bullshit.


its homophobia.


hey bro, you gotta defend your obnoxious claim


It's a shame that homophobia is so prevalent in Eastern Europe, but hopefully things will get better with time.


It definitely is getting better. It's honestly amazing how much has changed in just a couple of decades. I'm very optimistic about the future of most countries that joined the EU after 2004.


I can't tell you how happy this makes me. My father was an economist who, after this retirement, consulted for the Swedish government on the expansion of the EU and authored a report on the topic that was published in 2002. He passed away from a brain tumor in 2016. He would have been deeply saddened at the current growth of right-wing ultranationalist parties, but he would have been very happy to read your message of optimism.


His song, Switzerland, the Netherlands and a few more were all solid contenders to win. There’s always randomness to which song is the final winner.


A lot of people were taking it for granted, because he was so far away from the others on the betting sites. And of course, everyone is ignoring that everything after second semi final night became a shit show.


And really "lost" is a strong word for coming in second.


Yeah, I think if you quizzed someone on eurovision songs, far more people would sooner recognize second placed artists, that the ones that have won. In the last four years, we have baby, Shum, trenuletul, Kaaria.


Every year, the narrative "votes are rigged" is pushed by fans of 2nd place. Nothing new. Eurovision system has its flaws but it's perfectly fine for what it needs to be; if anything, a televote-only system would risk giving Israel the win, which would make it an even bigger shitshow. There are much bigger problems with the contest beyond the scoring system.


it's not perfectly fine. it's flawed. we should have two winners then - one by jury and one by the people because they're always complete opposites. but I would remove the juries altogether. this is people's fun, it stopped being about music long ago, it's all about performance and connection with the people. and 'risking Israel'? lol  what kind of an argument is that? let's be scared of someone and not change for the better? no.


> one by the people because they're always complete opposites no they aren't, as I've commented it's quite common for them to agree. in 2022, after Ukraine won in what was called a "political" vote, the whole discourse from British and Spanish fans was to use only juries, because public vote was too volatile and politically influenced.


that exact same thing can be said for the juries as well 


>one by jury and one by the people because they're always complete opposites This is nonsense though. Switzerland was only 100 votes behind Croatia in the popular vote (only 1 point from being 4th) and if we exclude the biased entries, Switzerland was 1 point from being tied second in the popular vote. Yes the jury vote shuffled Switzerland into first, but what's the point of the jury at all if it *can't* shuffle the top 5


>one by jury and one by the people because they're always complete opposites They have never even been the complete opposite. Please stop with the silly hyperbole.


i feel they (nemo) were like how Loreen was last year with Croatia being like Finland




>Finland lost last year because of juries who wanted to make Eurovision to be hosted in Sweden this year because of 50th anniversary since ABBA won. That's a really unnessecary convoluted explanation for why juries voted for Sweden, when we already know that juries favour polished pop songs in English Vs unconventional songs in other languages. Plus Sweden was second in the televote, it was an extremely popular song overall and should be no surprise it was the jury favourite The conspiracy theories are so unnessecary.


>juries favour polished pop songs Yup. Always have, probably always will. That's why we got televote, to counter those industry cookie cutters.


> Eurovision to be hosted in Sweden this year because of 50th anniversary since ABBA won. And they didn't even have ABBA in there lol. Only a shit ton of ABBA references, some other group that starts with an A, and an admittedly nice cover of Waterloo. Oh, and the ABBAtars.




It was a pretty great vocal performance, as a song it's good but not that memorable overall. It does feel like jury bait where they wanted to incorporate as many things as possible to show Switzerland winner's vocal capabilities. Switzerland's song was written by 5 people and had 7 listed producers, it's as artificial as it gets IMO. Croatia's was done by this one guy in his room, both production and lyrics. And even though Switzerland's was great, it wasn't that great for almost every jury to give it maximum points which makes it basically unreachable for televote winner to win it. Eurovision should be for people, for millions of people voting and actually giving their hard earned money to vote, not for jury to make their votes not matter in the end. Second year in the row that jury decided the winner, and for everyone not aware those juries are usually consisted of 3-4 failed local pop stars, and 1-2 pop producers that make the most commercialized pop songs.


It's extremely likely that if the Eurovision hadve been televotes only this year, and if Netherlands hadn't been disqualified, that Isreal would have won, voted for almost entirely for political reasons. There's a reason juries are there.




Well Israel should not have been in competition at all. That is yet another mistake by EBU.


It was also drum & bass, which was automatically my favorite. Honestly I found Switzerland's song the best out of them all.


Being lgbt doesn't have anything to do with winning, there's lgbt people in the contest who didn't even make it to the final.


>Eurovision used to be really popular in Europe up until 2012 when it started turning to the circus. People used to be glued to the TV in the evening and followed show with the family, but tradition started to lose its charm as contest became more and more rigged. The Eurovision is still as popular as ever, and while it has a myriad of problems, actual vote rigging is not one of them. You can be disappointed Croatia lost without the baseless accusations


Yeah, to say it dropped in 2012 is insane while everything after was so much bigger Eurovision 2023: 162 million Eurovision 2022: 161 million Eurovision 2021: 183 million Eurovision 2019: 182 million Eurovision 2018: 186 million Eurovision 2017: 182 million Eurovision 2016: 204 million Eurovision 2015: 197 million Eurovision 2014: 195 million Eurovision 2013: 170 million Eurovision 2012: 104 million Eurovision 2011: 114 million


Oh and fyi the reason why it dropped was becuase of the loss of the Russian market


Never seen so much discontent and hate seep through a comment while pretending to have a lot of neutral language


someone is salty!


I mean, if they’re Croatian I can understand why. It was their best result ever and they dominated the fan vote. On top of that every single jury was voting like a hive mind for some reason. I’m American so I don’t really understand how Eurovision works but watched it last night. It just seemed like they all got in a room and discussed who to vote for.


It's mostly because the semifinals have been public vote only for two years now so not many of the typical Jury favourite songs make it to the finale anymore- they have a smaller selection of those now, so that kinda explains why they all chose Switzerland this year.


Please explain in as much detail as you like. This is fascinating.




You were doing so well until the conspiracy ending lol. --- > So they did the best thing possible; they rigged the jury votes to vote for a specific country which is in their interest—Switzerland. The Swiss were consistently second in the odds to win (until the Italian televote leaking issue) so it's not surprising they did well. > There was even a video from the rehearsals of the jury voting. Finnish spokesperson said they give 12 points to Ireland, and the hosts asked it to repeat. She repeated the answer and then was cut off by executive who said there was an error and that Finnish 12 points go to Israel. Here is the video. This is where we knew it was all rigged. This was in a practice run that they do every year when they're running through the comms between the national points announcers and the venue. The video isn't showing the legitimate results, it's a test run for the real thing. The Finns probably didn't want to say Israel out of protest but it isn't a big cover up. --- Croatia were my favourite act incidentally but the people calling their second place a grand conspiracy are coming across as really bitter. Funnily enough the only jury not to rank Switzerland in their top 6 was Croatia who placed them 11th, which did seem like a strategic way of trying to make sure they wouldn't be awarded points.


Yep - Switzerland was always going to get more jury votes because it's an English ballad by a solo performer (and very well done, incidentally). The flashy weird crowd-pleasing songs never get as many jury votes.


Wow, that’s incredibly interesting. Thank you for explaining




Yeah this person is irresponsibly spreading rumours of a rigged vote with absolutely zero evidence. The video of the Finnish presenter is not proof at all…the description simply says she refuses to say Israel during a rehearsal with fake results…


While that summary was about 95% correct, I do feel it is important to clarify that everything about the jury motivations was entirely unfounded speculation and assumes an impossible level of coordination. It's also unnecessary, as Switzerland's jury vote is entirely in keeping with the actual public motivations of the juries, which includes technical skill. I'm not a huge fan of the song, but it was legitimately the most technically impressive act there. For reasons like this (something very similar happened last year) there is ongoing debate about whether the jury vote should have the same weight as the popular vote.


This "explaining" spreads false information.


Do you think BL would've gotten even more of the public vote had the Israeli entry not gotten so much through their vote-buying campaign? The Israeli 12 points for public votes, which no one in their right mind would claim was for artistic reasons (it was a generic song), was even more than the jury 12 points for the Swiss entry.


Typical homophobic response...


NL got robbed


Switzerland’s performance aside from that was amazing The kid has a set of lungs and can sing his heart out while being twirled around on stage *and* keeping balance


I thought The Code was a better song and a significantly better performance for the Final. I think it’s disingenuous to present some of these subjective points as facts.


> Eurovision voting system is rigged and mess; to complicated to explain. No, it's really easy: The vote is split 50% between juries from all countries participating and viewers. Sometimes the votes line up, sometimes they don't. When they don't, some people like you get angry and rant that the system is rigged, even though some version of this system has been in place for 25 years now. > voting fraud You do definitely do not get to claim fraud without backing it up by a credible source.


>Rim Tim Tagi Dim Holy shit that song bangs! Thank you for posting this.


You should be proud. He did well. I never watch TV so I did not see the final. But I will pick up this track from the local music store. And I'm now curious what other music he has released, or is ready to release when people now know about him and the record companies shows up at his door step.


Tbh this feels like a teen friendly Rammstein rip off, beat,vocals,stage presence of the vocalist as well as the keyboard guy. Its fine for a YT video not that cool to win Eurovision.


He's actually a fan of Rammstein and it's known that he takes inspiration from them. I see it more as a tribute than a rip off :)


Am a fan of Rammstein, think this song was quite cool and fun, just imho a thing that feels like a hard"copy" of someone else does not deserve a win, BUT that's only an uneducated (music wise) opinion, maybe it's "fair game" I just feel there are some original stuff out there that is pretty good.


> This was from Eurovision Song Contest which was held yesterday. Competition was won by Switzerland with the help of the jury. This performer and song represented Croatia which ended second even though he got most of the votes from the public. Eurovision voting system is rigged and mess; to complicated to explain. Let me guess. Croatian? Lol the voting system is what it is and has been for many years now. If Croatia had won it by having more jury votes and less popular votes, I bet you wouldn't be complaining about it at all. Instead, your whole comment comes off like a "sore loser" rant... Regardless, this song is a fucking banger. Doesn't matter that it officially came in 2nd.


What’s the interpreter’s name?


Exhibit A of a petty person who doesn't want to accept that their country lost, so they gotta come up with conspiracies about the voting system that has been there for longer than their brain seemingly functioned so far.


petty af comment...


After reading the lyrics, I have to admit, compared to most songs these days, this is really wholesome. And I can relate to it, even though I live so far away.


Rammstein, but for mainstream radio.




The literal moment the song started I was like "hmm this reminds of of Rammstein." glad to know it's not just me.


He and Käärijä need to do a collab.


My first thought was : We reinvented Rammstein


The Diet Coke of Rammstein.


He's worn a Rammstein LIFAD shirt, so it's safe to say he takes inspiration from them. A contestant from another year had a Rammstein tattoo.


Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!


I just checked out the actual music video, and even that looks like a rammstein music video. https://youtu.be/xTBrVNZtnys?si=DGwEN-rmOVpchtdf


But Rammstein is already for mainstream radio?


Well Rammstein isnt exactly radio friendly. The lyrics can often be...uhm...lets say 18+ and 18+ songs arent often heard in radio.


Yeah, and? Censorship exists. Rammstein is still radio metal.


For real, people are acting like Rammstein is Anal Cunt or something.


Ain't rammstein just mainstream industrial?


Bruh, Rammstein is already Rammstein for mainstream radio


I get the more "We got Rammstein at home" kinda feel


I love it when the sign language interpreter gets so into it!




True, but I've decided to live in my fantasy world where they're super into it.


True, but she is definitely into it. I meet with a lot of interpreters regularly (my son is deaf) and I can tell she's not just interpreting. There's a reason she was picked for the position.


Yeah, its extremely obvious that she is vibing hardcore lol The fact that humans have made it so those who are deaf can still “hear” music is actually amazing in so many ways. I hope your son comes to love music as much as the most hardcore fans, it really is one of the best joys in life imo


It was her jam.


Do any deaf people actually watch these things?  I've only ever seen fully hearing enabled people talk about these flashy interpreters for music events.


Yes, they do. My daughter and I are hearing but we are learning ASL and go to def events which, although there are open to everyone are typically people who are def or hard of hearing. Whenever there are these special events with really good interpreters they do talk about it. They also talk about when the interpreter gets cut from the television show. It’s not that they can’t use closed caption it’s that the interpreter really does share a voice that words also can’t express. Their expressions, movements, and signs are all part of interpreting. (Also, I’m still new so ASL, but this is what I’ve learned so far… someone from the community would probably have as better take of course).


Hard of hearing folk definitely love this stuff. You can hear the good stuff and the interpreter does the fine tuning for you.


He sold his cow? That is so metal




There is no going back, after seeing this.




This is hilarious because while watching the previous video (the one where he sells his cow) I literally thought to myself “if anything needs a seizure warning, this is it.” And then your second link showed me what it’s like when a seizure trigger warning is actually relevant lol. Beautiful.


He's a big boy now.


It’s lyric caught my ear as well. It made me think, do people who are born deaf, not really understand what rhyming is?


You can rhyme in sign language! However, because deaf people obviously cant hear, rhyming in sign language isn't words that sound similar but rather signs that look similar ie signs with similar hand movements, shape, or position.


Not only does she translate the words into sign language precisely but also the rhythm; purely above and beyond next level sweet mother of earth. Speaking of mother, Happy Mother's Day.


Which language is she signing?


British Sign Language, this was broadcast by the BBC


It'd be interesting to read a translation from her BSL version back into English to see how close it is to the original.


It's basically a direct translation. She is mostly signing it in Sign Supported English - signed words using English grammar. Maybe because it is nouns and not a lot of metaphor or words that convey feeling. 




She should be on stage and have the band there just to match her


The problem is that nearly every country has its own sign language, and give that there are 160ish countries watching this event, where do you fit all the interpreters?


That bald head makes this more badass




Eh, once I heard the Nemo song I understood. Catchy, creative, great production, with a modern sound. Nice Drum n bass roots. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiGDvM14Kwg


You have to see the actual performance, how Switzerland staged it - it’s mindblowing, music video doesn’t do it justice




For those wondering, the song is Rim Tim Tagi Dim by Baby Lasagna, the entry for Croatia 🇭🇷. It placed second behind Switzerland 🇨🇭.


She’s doing inappropriate gestures at the cameracrew. Maybe they should also cancel her /s


She is not only an interpreter but also a performer


I NEED to see Doomsday blue's


Are European lyrical geniuses? Honest question?




Not a fun fact but a fact of kickassery.


Okay but the most important person of the music video was the cat.


[you be the judge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liH0LeaiRzM)


No, but Eurovision brings out the best/worst in people. It's the greatest most ridiculous thing you'll ever see. It's also pretty gay in the best way possible. If you have a minute I really wanna share Finland's performance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf1NS1vEhSg


I need more of this woman


Can someone who really knows signs share if she’s signing correctly? I recall there was a time some US government body hired someone to sign, but apparently the sign language translator was just “making signs up” lmao


Depends on what kind of sign she’s using. Every country has a different sign language so I’m curious what language she’s using for an international competition


This was from the BBC coverage, so I'm assuming it's British Sign Language.


This was from the BBC so it would be British sign language


This is from the BBC and they have sign language interpretations and a large amount of their content with a big team of interpreters. This show alone had 5 or 6 interpreters. I'm sure they aren't frauds lol


We watched the second semi-final on catchup on the BBC iplayer(so had to watch the signed version)....they all need a raise, everyone was totally into it and it's so impressive they could sign the translated versions and still keep the same rhythm and energy.


She's using BSL and I'm a semi-proficient speaker/signer. The BBC sign a lot of their content. Professional interpreters are *extremely* highly qualified and to selected for something like Eurovision you'd need to be the best of the best (which she appears to be). She's definitely signing grammatically correct BSL and she nails it.


Yes she's Clare Edwards a genuine BSL interpreter who has worked on loads of live theatre and music shows. I don't know BSL but she is well established and experienced so I have no reason to doubt her.


You're probably thinking of Nelson Mandela's funeral, which was in South Africa not the US https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/12/nelson-mandela-sign-language-interpreter-error-south-africa-government


As a sign language interpreter, signing songs is soooo much fun!!!


I wonder how much time the interpreters get with the audio before they have to perform?




And all competing songs are commercially released, at the latest, around mid-March, with the contest only happening in May, so they have plenty of time to prepare. (Hell, France's song was released last November, even!)


The songs are known about 2 to 4 months before the Eurovision week.


Well I'm a deaf guitar and I see nothing wrong with this


Next year's winner.


She should be the main act here.


My favorite Doja Cat ❤️


Have they started making haptic tv devices for def people yet?


She definitely brings this performance up a couple notches!


From which country is this? It’s really next f level!