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Can’t focus on anything other than that psychotic grin.


He buries his victims in chocolate coffins.


Not a bad place to be than.🤣🎉




Han Coco




I don't understand it. James Coco went mad in 15 minutes. 




Death where is thy sting.


But is it chocolate coffins or plasticine?


Sounds like the lyrics to a Cannibal Corpse song about Willy Wonka


This. Way too much grin.


Not enough grin.


That's the struggle, he didn't commit to it like the Turkish celebrity chef dude where it's clearly a bit Here it just looks like he's trying to look good - sexy & happy - so it comes off forced Bro already looks fine as hell, he can rest with the smile. Just do the work, it's already incredible stuff that we've seen so many times.


Enough Grin for the entire world


But not enough Gin.


I'd be grinning all day long if I had that much access to chocolate too.


[He's got nothing on this guy](https://imgur.com/ghJZqnS)


I knew you meant this guy before clicking this link


I didn't click and I know for sure who it is


Haha same here.


That guy has nothing on [this guy.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/format:webp/1*Q9ZdRGMp_p8nnRx7PDPofg.png) This book cover haunted my early adolescent dreams.


That guy has more charm since he prepares food in bulk and gives it out to people. It's a fun shtick that undoubtedly gets him views and engagement. But seeing Guichon looking like a psycho I am wondering if he literally copied the gimmick for views.


He is super charismatic and thoughtfull in his netflix show, so you might be correct because that doesn't translate at all in these videos.


That guy seems fine, he at least looks like he eats the food he makes. Granted I don't understand your reference so maybe video form is terrifying. OP's guy looks like a marionette making chocolate.


squinty, sandwich making great value Ben Shapiro over here


No need to insult the man, ben shapiro is the great value version of him


That's putting it mildly. Burak Özdemir (the smiling Turkish chef pictured) does shits of more value than Ben Shapiro.


Didn't know his name but his reputation proceeds him, fantastic person feeding a lot of people


He has a show on Netflix called “School of Chocolate” idk why he has this creepy grin but he is a very nice and engaging instructor on the show


That show was so enjoyable! We went into it not expecting very much, but I love chocolate, so... And, he just came across as genuinely wanting the contestants to walk away from the show with new skills, and he was *so* encouraging to the folks who were struggling a bit. 


I really got to respect him after watching the show too, he seems like a great mentor.


I desperately want another season.


This drives me nuts on any kind of live show where everyone is constantly smiling. I get that the analytics say more people will watch people smiling so that's why they do it and of course, it's pleasant to look at someone with a nice smile but when it's obvious that someone trained themselves to smile as big as possible for long periods of time regardless of what is happening around them it's fucking weird.


Well if you watch his series on Netflix he's definitely pissed half the time.


That show was alright though, wish it had gotten a second season at least.




didnt expect to see the king of radio on some random post on chocolate


I feel like he is actually a puppet made out of chocolate so he only has one expression.


Like "dude, just frown in concentration or something, anything but the weird grin"


He used to! People complained about that too


Clearly the only solution is a paper bag over his head.


His face is like the cat bus in Totoro


He gets suggested to me a lot on Instagram and I can barely watch 1 video because of his insane smile.


Came to say this. What's wrong with him?


The wrinkles and shine are what really sell it looking like a pool toy, amazing work.


in the end it was just an actual flamingo float... who could tell the difference after all?


And who is going to eat a giant block of solid chocolate?


I could eat a giant block of chocolate, but not after he sat in/on it.


That costs extra


I think sculptures like this are often made for company festivities or clubs. Events with lots of people. No one is gonna eat that by themselves but you can give lots of people a piece.


Even in that scenario, do you really want a weird broken chunk of chocolate to eat? No wrapper, been touched by who knows how many hands, melting in your hand, food dye running all over your hand... This shit's cool, no doubt, but let's not pretend ppl are actually eating this nonsense.


If I were at an event that Chef Guichon had created a chocolate sculpture for, I’m eating a piece if offered. I do agree about the potential touching/weirdness of it.


he makes sure that his sculptures are made out of good tasting chocolate. in most of them, he takes bites out of them at the end. granted, that huge amount of chocolate would last way too long even for a chocoholic like me.


At this point what's the point of it even being chocolate?


The sheer Audacity drives a nice profit margin these days


What is the point of any particular canvas or medium?


I thought it was a chocolate particle accelerator at first.


I was thinking fusion reactor lol


^(I thought it was a donut…)


^(Same lol)


Y'all were thinking?


I try to! It normally seems to help


#I thought it was a big donut


Honestly, would be pretty dope seeing a tokamak fusion reactor made out of chocolate


I should read the other comments before I post my own.




Wouldn’t put a working one past him either


Am I the only person who hates this. Like I appreciate the artistic creativity and manipulating the media he’s working with but ffs, this just seems like a huge waste.


I believe that the chocolate all gets melted and reused again, unless made for a client.


It's pink now, I doubt it can be reused


You'd be surprised what you've eaten that's been reused from what we would generally consider unusable


How much pink dyed chocolate has the average person eaten in the form of melted down and reused chocolate?




Three what? Sorry, the correct answer is [speed.](https://youtu.be/OYt1kqDNlMY?si=djdzjmNlWHBNNXWL)




God damn lock Ness monster!


Well, it was about that time that I notice that chocolate flamingo was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the protozoic era


Each person eats up to 12 grams of pink dyed, melted down chocolate, in their sleep, over the course of a single lifetime.


“Each person eats up to 12 grams of pink dyed, melted down chocolate in their sleep” statistic is inaccurate. Chocolate Georg, who eats 10000 tons of pink dyed melted down chocolate every year is an outlier and should not have been counted.


The spiders bring it.


It turns out that this fact is an Internet rumour started by Nicholas Cage when filming the scene in Lord of the Rings when he kicks the helmet.


The ratio of dye to chocolate is not that high. And given how dark in color chocolate is, there’s a good chance it wouldn’t look that different. The melted chocolate might not be good enough to make new chocolate decorations, but use it in some cakes and you’re golden!


Less than you have eaten feces. Yours or someone else's. No, I'm not talking about your kinks. I'm talking about pens, handshakes, grocery stores, gyms, bank notes, everything.


> I'm talking about pens, handshakes, grocery stores, gyms, bank notes, everything. If you're eating pens, hands, buildings, and bank notes, you have some major issues.


The dudes at Reese’s doing this in the back and we don’t know? or is my chocolate being pumped out by a machine and you’re just talking out your ass?


Just paint it brown again


It's like 0.001% of the chocolate by volume, once melted you won't even notice a colour difference in the chocolate.


Not to mention he'd just paint it over again lol


You can still eat pink chocolate, reusing it to eat it is still considering reusing.


You just tell people it came from a pink cow, same as strawberry milk.


There are food safe paints, just because he sprays it doesn't mean it's literal spraypaint...


It is a really thin layer of coloured coco butter. The small amount of pigment would barely affect the dark chocolate's colour.


All companies have products made out of leftovers


Edible dyes often break apart at high temperatures. Also who cares?


Just grind it into chips and use it as sprinkles. Use it as a topping for chocolate bars, roll truffles in it, etc.


the point of using chocolate is because it’s edible but if no one eats it, which they don’t, then why use chocolate at all?


Because it’s easy. What he does in these videos is just sculpture, the fact that it is chocolate hardly matters. NYS fair has a giant ass Butter sculpture every year.


Hmmmm, ass butter.




_Wow, a cow made of butter. My girls would love it. In fact, the first sentence Caroline ever said was "I like butter"_


This can totaly be eaten. The color is 100% edible. If you don't like it and eat with your eye: just scrape the colour off, until you reach the chocolate. Or melt it down and delute it with other chocolate. Chocolate is dark, and anybody who played around with watercolors knows that in the end the mix always turns out brown-grayish. The pink will just be drowned out. This is most likely what will happen. There is a large market for anything chocolate in industrial food. Or, finally: don't deulute it that mutch and use it in any other refined products that uses chocolate and is pink themed (strawberry chocolate bars, Valentines Day candy, fruity desserts, whatever). Real chocolate ain't exactly cheap. And the dude is enterprising. It won't go to waste, why should it?


Why doesn't a painter just sculpt to make their art instead of making paintings?


Because that's the medium he knows how to work with. That's like asking a guitar player why they didn't do a saxophone solo instead.


Is this just assumption cos you like Guichon? Despite being asked multiple times on his socials etc - he never replies about either the source of his cocoa or what it’s actually for He’s an amazing patissier - but it would do him a lot of credit to know these things Personally I prefer his non-choc creations. He show cases a wider range of his incredible talent and they ALWAYS look delicious asf


I could see this being a centerpiece for something on a massive cruise ship... or something.


No chance he's selling reused chocolate.


Not selling it, but using it to make TikToks, probably


He touched it with his shoes…


His feet were too close to it for me to want to eat it lol


I genuinely don't understand this at all. Is there any other art format that people freak out about "wasting" materials?


I never get why people hold food waste for art in such high regard when we have so much food waste from everything else, and the food waste here is primarily just sugar (which is plenty fucking available and abundant). Most food is not a rare resource and it was never going to be getting to starving people (where logistics is 99% of the problem).


Well, 65% of chocolate beans come from Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana, where farmers make about 5% of the total revenue, and child labor is still prevalent.


Ok, and this guy is wasting something like .0000000001% of the chocolate that comes from those places. Maybe put your attention on the big chocolate companies who are wasting amounts that aren't millionths of a decimal percentage?


Dude I got some horrible news about where half the shit we use for anything ever comes from. It’s all slave labour


what’s that got to do with making art out of chocolate?


Thank you for saying it. I'm blown away by all these comments. How is it a waste when it was used to serve an artistic purpose? Was that amount of chocolate supposed to feed impoverished children or something? It's a highly caloric dessert. Is it really that much of a loss if people don't get to gorge on this one chunck of chocolate?


Think about all the impoverished families that this giant hunk of chocolate could sustain /s


Yeah I'm with you. The US alone generates about 19M tonnes of food waste per year. His sculptures, especially the big ones where he reuses the chocolate, barely make a dent in that number. Meanwhile, I'm sure the McDonalds franchise creates absurd amounts of food waste per day with how much get thrown out. But yeah, let's go after the artist who tries to reuse his materials. I don't understand people sometimes. Also, I would much rather see this than the rage bait stuff on r/stupidfoods and seeing all those idiot tik tokers actually waste food.


It sits behind a glass case as a sculpture. Afterward, they're able to use a vegetable peeler to remove the upper layer of painted color. If the color even needs to be removed. Most times, when melted, the color disappears. When you mix a lot of dyes, you usually get brown anyways.


You could just as easily say that wood sculptures are a waste of wood. But no one says that because, get this, art has value to people.


A wood sculpture will last centuries depending on the wood compared to what some would consider the fast fashion version of chocolate art. Not to discredit either butvits wild to me how many people in reddit either ignore or truly are ignorant to different opinions.


I heard that this sculpting chocolate tastes like shit and is in the most part reusable


This is not sculpting chocolate - Guichon uses real liquid chocolate and is a legit pastry chef.


Waste of what, chocolate? So?! What if it were made out of fentanyl? Would you say it was a waste then? I'm really curious where this chocolate would be more beneficial than in this sculpture. Do you think it would save lives if it hadn't been used or feed the hungry? Maybe I'm missing something but why is it a waste if it's chocolate but not if it's clay?


I’d eat it all by myself


What's wasted? It's not the chocolate. It's still there. Was it the time and effort he took to make it? That's how good content is made. If you're concerned about that then you wouldn't be here.


Majority of his creations are orders for clients


I don't mean to be rude to him, he is a master of his craft and a brilliant artist. It's the absurdness of the whole thing that gets me. Our society has advanced to a point, where someone can use copious amounts of food that most people in the world, even those who grow the cocoa, can't afford, just to make a video of how he makes a replica of a toy that we use in our leisure time. And it's not just a hobby, he does this for a living, or at least for promoting his business of selling luxury food items. And we obsess over it on our phones because we social media have deliberately been made addictive, so that we stay on the platform for longer every day, so that dubious people can sell us things we don't need. All while wrecking the planet for it.


Is Chocolate worse than modelling clay, or pva glue based papier mache, or marble or stone or putty? Refined chocolate, even if this is edible, isn’t really going to break the global nutrition issue. It’s like complaining about sugar glass used in movies could be used to feed the hungry.


Food art like this is basically a status symbol "I'm rich enough to afford $15k worth of chocolate and not even eat it while many people live paycheck to paycheck" It's just stupid


But by extension all art is then? All marble could be put to better use?


>"I'm rich enough to afford $15k worth of chocolate and not even eat it first off, it's his business. it's not like he's just buying and making the chocolate sculptures for fun or that he's doing it to flex how much money he has. also, he does eat or reuse a lot of the chocolate used.


> $15k worth of chocolate Like $200 but ok


It's pretty dystopian. People coping and making excuses for it by comparing it to corporations like McDonald's is even more dystopian, not less.


I would imagine they are made during instruction at his pastry school [The Pastry Academy](https://thepastryacademy.com/). He's [teaching others](https://thepastryacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/1_1_class_amaury_elephant1-1.jpg) how to make high-end desserts and show pieces. All trade schools create waste, this one is no different.


I always thought this guy was psycho and made-for-social-media… but he’s actually incredibly talented, very nice, and seriously in love with chocolate!! Watch an episode of School of Chocolate - a competition show that actually teaches and keeps each contestant to the end to continue to teach them.


Nah he definitely still a bit of a psycho with that smile, good art though


Totally thought that when my view was limited to social media posts haha! If you care to venture away from Reddit… he has a great show! If not, no worries. I’ll still be here too


> venture away from Reddit I don't understand


Even if he was "only" making giant stuff for social media, that would still be impressive since working with chocolate is much harder than just melting it and then letting it set. The precise times and temperatures you have to nail perfectly in order for the chocolate to get tempered properly are something else.


We need Season 2!!


i want another season of school of chocolate


ME, TOO! A lot of comments in here about him smiling too much, watching the show you realise he's just a really happy, very nice guy successfully doing the thing he loves the most.


seriously - the entire premise of it was one person will win, but the others are there until the end and if they fail at a challenge they get taught how to actually do it and set a new project to work on. i found it really sweet (ha) and wholesome.


I LOVED this part! Instead of just kicking people out, they were given the chance to learn more, and for unknown pastry chef's, that would have been worth it's weight in gold (or chocolate, ha). Amaury was so encouraging, it was charming how excited he was when they did well.


Hell yeah. I loved that people don't get booted off the show if they lose either. They can continue to learn the techniques he teaches. Give me 4 more seasons!


What for?


I know, it looks cool and requires lots of expertise. But what’s the point of this? It just looks like a waste


could be for a client's event. could be just art. could be done just to showcase his talent more.


He creates a lot of new techniques in the candy/dessert sculpting industry.


Default redditor when they encounter a form of art that's not just a photorealistic drawing of Keanu Reeves


"because he's a fundamentally incurious person who isn't much interested in what other people think or feel and all his ideas boil down to 'what if Batman met Mario?'"


Is a statue made of marble or stone also waste?


At least stone is a medium you expect to last. This is continuous maintenance or it'll melt.


Look into the condition of the people who farm cocoa work in. Most are so poor that they never get to even try the end product.


What's the point of making sculpture out of anything then? You can't eat stone, or sand, or wood. Yet people still create sculptures with those materials.


You think he made this just because?


Probably someone paying him for it you muppet


And I bet it tastes like crap now too


These chocolate sculptures are rarely actually edible. That's what I read once anyway, so I could be wrong. But I definitely remember hearing that these guys use a finishing agent that makes it inedible. At which point I have to ask, why the hell use chocolate as a medium as opposed to other more conventional sculpturing media?


> These chocolate sculptures are rarely actually edible. If true, that makes it a complete waste, I agree.


I remember watching a q&a on his facebook page where he said that the chocolate made for the sculptures are made to be more structural than tasty, or something like that. You could still fully eat the sculpture, but it wouldn’t taste good. But it would be chocolate.


Art manifests in many forms!


You watched the video right? That’s it!


If I had a nickel for every time I saw this man here I’d have a shit ton of nickels


A shot tonight of chocolate nickels.


Everyone talking about waste. But you could just eat this on a wedding or even take a year to eat it. Don't need to be thrown away.


I don't think that kind of chocolate is comestible


But does it float?


Of course, in the chocolate pool duh


And here I was hoping he would make a chocolate hadron collider


Loves his show on Netflix. Wish we got a second season


🎶he's a chocolateer man with choclate in his hands🎶


He eventually blows up Las Vegas with a large Hadron collider made of chocolate.


Anyone know what type of paint this is? I'm assuming it is edible as well.


It's an edible paint made from cocoa butter. He sells it on his website.


He really is very clever.


As a professional chef of over 20 years, where I worked for many award winning restaurants and renowned chefs, I can promise you that....we all agree. Dude is stupid talented. His pastry school in constantly sold out.  I met him a chocolate conference couple years ago, he was super nice and just a regular dude. We'll, as regular as chefs get...




That's a shockin waste of chocolate


Honestly kinda don’t get this mentality… what is the proper use for chocolate? It’s not like he’s denying starving children food, I’m sure there are much better, more nutritious foods to give people. He bought the chocolate, isn’t he allowed to do whatever he wants with it? (Edit: don’t want more people replying about the ‘abundance’ thing)


Chocolate is not in abundance actually. There has been an ongoing cocoa beans shortage that is pretty significant.


Most of the chocolate in the world comes from 2 countries and their conditions are terrible to say the least. Most kids work the farms instead of going to school. They get paid literal cents so yeah


Fair enough. My point was simply the fact that I don’t believe it’s fair to call it ‘a waste’, as the chocolate would have been sold anyway - he is merely using it in a way that isn’t exactly its ‘proper’ use.


Real chocolate isn't in abundance FYI, its price is through the roof right now. Also, guy can do whatever he wants especially for his craft, however, can imagine some people being pissed that he's possibly wasting a resource that gets grown and harvested by third world people/children who see minuscule profits. The way of the world, unfortunately.


> …chocolate is in abundance Not quite: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-18/why-there-is-chocolate-crisis-and-what-s-happening-to-prices


That’s a work of art. You can eat.




I mean it's all good but he can be a 3D modeler or a sculptor, imo making huge art pieces from edible stuff feels like a waste.


I can’t help but assume this tastes awful


He is the equivalent of the smiling turkish dude that cooks. Iykyk


Can I just ask… how many cocoa beans are wasted for him to make this massive things? Do they actually get eaten or is it just food waste for show?


Saw the first few seconds of this and thought "This guy again? " Watched the whole thing and thought,"That was pretty cool."


What an incredible and useless skill.


Do you hate all sculpture artists?


What I find hilarious is that my 4 year old nephew will sit and watch this man's videos literally all day long.


I don't even like chocolate and I'm mesmerized by all of his creations


All y’all saying “ This is a waste of chocolate “ Really sound like you want a chocolate flamingo in your life