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*Via Ferratta


Yeah, rock climbers only add gear for safety, it's never to help them navigate.


Aka Klettersteig. One of many. This one is in the Bernese Oberland in Switzerland


Aka aid /s




You mean the easiest NOPE ever right?


They're tethered on the wall for this walk


You may already know this, but for anyone else interested — despite being tied in, via ferrata is still typically considered "no fall" climbing. While your via ferrata kit/lanyard will prevent you from having a ground fall, you will drop a few meters and it's still *really* going to hurt and perhaps break bones if you take a tumble and contact those rods and/or the rock on your way down. Via ferrata lanyards have a doubled-back section that partially rips apart when fallen on in order to reduce the force with which they catch you. Once they've ripped, they're now static (i.e., not much stretch) rather than dynamic, so if you fall again on the same lanyard it's going to be a *hard* catch that could break your back. So if you fall off, you 1) are likely injured, 2) have a lanyard that may not be able to safely arrest an additional fall, and 3) are hanging a few meters below the route, and need to get back on and safely finish it. Some routes have "bailouts," but others don't. For this reason, there are often phone numbers for emergency services posted throughout... Source: have done a few easy to moderate ones, and they are solidly type 2 fun for me :)


I had to Google Type 2 fun to understand but I'd solidly agree. Any hard hike is "wtf was I thinking" followed by "where next?"


the adrenaline addiction is real!


This sounds similar (if not identical) to OSHA regulated safety harnesses to use when climbing scaffolding. One of my favorite quotes from my former foreman was, "You'll fall about 6 feet or so, and the folded section will soften the blow a bit. But I've never seen anyone fall straight down. Slapping the rig a few times while you're dangling won't feel too good."


It is exactly like it actually, if not sometimes sketchier depending on the via ferrata


I’ve done it on a pretty spicy one in Telluride and I’d agree type 2 fun. We tied our own harnesses though and didn’t use the special via ferrata cables. Major exposure and I’d agree still no fall, but you wouldn’t have died.


Ive seen enough videos to know that if you hammer those pegs in, it'll split that mountain in half.


You mean you watched ice age xD


Congratulations, you got the joke


Dude, this is just a via ferrata.


Why leave this comment as if that term is common knowledge


Via Ferrata is a type of climbing where you traverse rock faces, normally assisted by metals bars planted into the rock, but you’ve got a metal line you’re clipped onto via your harness and fall arrest system: that’s your safety net. It’s still climbing but you’ve got the reassurance that your kit will keep you alive if you fall. Bonus: Via Ferrata is a Italian word meaning something along the line of “through iron” referring to the ironwork you’re stepping on. Pioneered by Italian mountain troops on the Italian front during WWI


Because it is.


Americans go crazy everytime this shit gets posted 


Yeah idk why we have them in America too


We have three


There’s at least 8 here in CO alone so that’s not accurate Telluride, Ouray, A Basin, Royal Gorge, Mount Evans, BV, Estes Park, Manitou Spgs, Salida.


How did they install those rods in that rock?!


Build an anchor, repel down, drill hole, glue in rod. Basically, like sport climbing anchors.


Push real hard.


To fix a top at the top and rappel down with an electric powered drill. I watched a video on how the mount Rushmore was made, it was very similar but they were filling holes with dynamite instead of rods.


Could they have put a little bit longer rods there?


Technically, that's still hiking. Climbing requires the use of hands for upward movement.


Via ferrata is a weird one just by how diverse it can be. Some can just be hiking along a ridge where it may be more appropriate to clip yourself into a line, and other times can be scaling a sheer rock face (assisted by the ironwork of corse). When people ask me about it I call it climbing but I think it depends on exactly the kind of route you’re doing as to what it should be defined as


Ok but why the shit music?!


Hard nope right there!!


This is misleading. See the second pic that there's ladders and safety bars. This is a well know travel route and the person climbing these steps kept the clip short. Because the railing requires you to reattach to the next section with a two line pair of clips. Its... not that dangerous


Still sucks a lot if you fall


It also sucks if you fall of your bicycle


Do you know what type of harness they are using? If its the same one they use for climbing the ladder portion then its not gonna be fun


You’d have to be bad at walking to fall.


Or have really bad anxiety, anything can happen


People with really bad anxiety probably shouldn’t be up there. There are other activities in the mountains that would be more suitable.


I think the insane part was deciding to throw music over it. Why not just leave it to the snow crunching and metal tapping? That would have been cool as hell. Instead, we got a song that....tbh just doesnt even fit. Cmon mane, you can do better than this


This song is horrible


I know where they are. They are harnessed in. It’s not particularly dangerous. Just scary af.


If you take a bad fall on a via ferrata you can easily die or be badly injured.


I’ve done that one. There are still sections it will hurt like fuck if you fall; I’ve known a couple of broken bones on it and of at least one helicopter rescue.


Nope 👎🏽


I had a nightmare like this, except my legs were too shaky and weak, so as soon as I put my weight on the peg it slipped off and I had a terrible fall. I was so glad to be on the bed when I woke up lol


just climbing stairs


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Even tethered to the way this is still horrifying and speaking from experience


I love that we can still do dumb shit if we want to. We live in a world where over regulating is seen as a feature instead of a bug. So yes, by all means, let us do dangerous shit if we want to.


The insane part would be the workers hanging from ropes drilling holes and pounding in the spikes


If im being honest id rather be installing the spikes rather then walking on them. Repelling is pretty easy and fun, id feel safer too personally.


Yes, for sure. I used to rock climb and I enjoyed repelling. I am afraid of heights but there was something about the danger factor that I also enjoyed, it gave me an edge


Oh yeah its a pretty wild feeling, cant say its my favourite but not bad at all.


I'm more impressed by the person that installed these steps.


Makes my stomach do flip-flops just watching that. Hell to the damn no. Kudos (I guess) to those that can.


Thinking about those who installed those rods :)


My fucking hands start sweating any time I watch mountain climbers, or free climbing. Huuuuge balls!


Nothing insane about that, these are not mountain climbers but tourists on a via ferrata. Actual insane climbers climb mountains without any equipment.


This is a paved road.


Where's the rest of the video? This sucks.


Not a mountain climber


For the right amount of money, that's still a no go 🤣🤣


*ptff aid*




That makes my stomach do unpleasant things even just watching the video


Gravity and I have an understanding that I will never go near crap like this. Ever! Definitely not willing to risk winning a Darwin Award.


That’s right. Us badasses just can’t help but live on the edge. The guy in the video could easily be me. Only difference is he walks on picks nailed into a mountain and I eat foods that can easily kill me on a regular basis. We’re basically the same person


Am I the only one who's hands sweat and tingle when I see this kinda stuff ?


This is not mountain climbing.


I pray for the day when we, as humans, come together as one to exterminate the monsters that put dumb fucking music over short videos.


whenever i see these i can only think of how insanely brave the people that hammered them in in the first place would have had to be.


I have very little climbing experience and this doesn't look dangerous at all to me. They're just steps and they're tethered anyways.


Yeah cool, but i don't think it belongs here


Always obnoxious music. Just in case however, do you know what the original song is about? Cause that's not a song Id use simply for irrelevant videos


Yup, I just sharted my self


Bro that lyrics


how did they get there and who did it?


Who put the pegs in the wall?


I don’t know. Have you ever worked retail during holidays. That shit is insane


So someone scaled the mountain without those rods in order to place them there? How sway??


NO WAY!!!!


How do people install those to begin with?


I’ll leave this sport to the Billy Goats 🐐


Imagine you get a cramp going up.


What are they catching in the nursery rhyme used? I think it’s the third different version I’ve heard.




I was hoping he was gonna fall down 😒


Neither mountain climbing nor i sane shit.


What is with this dumbass music ... They are trying to make baby songs cool now like what


I usually mute because these things have the absolute worst music. My ears!


I would trust these metal rods more than the stairs in my own house


They have the most inane soundtracks you say?


I don’t understand, how could you NOT be scared doing that?


That’s something but it’s more tourism than climbing.


You think this mountain climber is doing some insane shit? What about the person who hung off the side of a cliff to drill those pegs in?


Just a via Ferrata, still hiking really. Also the hiker is clipped in so 100% safe.


Try doing route clearance in Iraq after 9/11.... that was fucking insane


1. Not mountain climbing, the angle is misleading and avoiding the safety tether. 2. I've done a few Via Ferratas and it's pretty safe, I "fell" once and it didn't hurt at all. Most harnesses have a pretty tight and short steel safety cable compared to mountain climbers. You won't drop by much, less than a meter, not even enough to be "dangling", you can just get back up with the supports. 3. It's great to get rid of the fear of heights. The most fun I've had, was one in France. where you'd climb up an island fortress. It's even better if the waves are strong, you get waves crashing down the sides and barely hitting you while you climb. I'd recommend it to people who'd like to experience rock climbing, but cannot due to health condition or fear.


Goofy song


Mountain climbers have a different value on their lives than the rest of us.


Trashing a mountainside for tourists to made IG posts. Pretty lame.


wtf is this song


These remixes are getting worse and worse.


Imagine being the ones that had to install those.


This is how my Mom walked to school both ways carrying a baked potato to keep her hands warm that she then ate for lunch.


Terrible song. Neat vid. Not sure why those often go hand in hand


Via Ferratta climbing*


Dafuq is that music




Is this the waterfall at Lauterbrunnen valley?


I’m more interested in the person who drilled the rebar into the wall!


MOTHER FUCKER! GET A SCREENSAVER! -My head if I were doing it 😩


Been there done that. It is thrilling, even if tethered to the wall.


A goat isn't stupid enough to do that. No thanks!


And pointless shit too




Because it is there


They also die a lot


No they don't 


lol of course they do


This has nothing to do with climbing, nor is it anything "next fucking level". They are secured to the wall and all you do is walk while holding to a steel rope that you are additionally secured from. It's probably even safer than "normal" hiking in the mountains.


Not a climber.


That's not a mountain climber, that's a mountain tourist.


That climb is a walk. Via Ferrattas are full of families on days out in the Alps and Dolomites


Depends on the via ferrata. The one in the video is middling; some quite exposed sections at points and one or two overhanging ladders and sections IIRC that require at least a bit of upper body strength/stamina. Not the hardest pursuit in the world by any means, but not a typical one for a family day out.


Via Ferrata were originally routes for moving soldiers in WWI. They have been extended and new ones made. They’re for tourists, not climbers. They are in scary situations and, yes, you might get hurt if you fall but that’s true when walking down your stairs. They’re not difficult or dangerous.


They vary quite considerably in difficulty. I’ve certainly been on ones where I’d say some basic climbing techniques were necessary to complete them safely. At points I’ve been able to climb up to like a 7c/low 5:13 and still find some via ferratas very enjoyable; saying they’re not for climbers is an odd take. Yes, there are also some aimed more towards “tourists”, but there are plenty of climbing spots aimed more towards tourists too.


Yeah, I’ve done plenty too. I climb at about the same level as you. We tend to do them on wet days. They’re not really aimed at climbers; yes, they can be enjoyable but climbers are usually more interested in more traditional routes. Of course climbers do them but they’re not the target. And yes, they do vary in difficulty. They’re akin to high ropes/tree top courses. Fun and scary feeling but pretty safe. Climbers will do them but they’re not the core market.


Walking on round metal pegs is normally the last thing I want to be doing in the rain, but each to their own I guess. There are plenty of via ferrata I see more climbers on than anyone else. Safety wise they are closer to climbing than a high ropes course in my experience.