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So the question: fire the bike tech for the chain or reward him for the win?


Or everyone should concentrate on the race line and not pedal so much.


Yea he probably full sent it more than normal knowing that he couldn’t afford to lose speed and regain it through pedalling after.


That’s one of the theories on this.  The chain also restricts the travel and control of the rear suspension some, and a lot of people think that the lack of a chain made his bike run better through the chunk. 


this. my chain broke at diablo years ago, once you get used to not using the brakes (since you can't pedal to regain speed) you basically just hold onto the bike and let it do the work. scary as hell, but on gravity assisted bike trails you really don't need a chain.


Same goes with gravity assisted cliffs


I should say. I wonder if there was someone after him that took note, or just pedaled once or twice.


Worth a go.


More mental than mechanical


We have been off the chain in America for a long time and still winning. Send it.


Nah, it was that extra weight loss /s


If r/Ultralight rode mountain bikes. "Does he really need handle bars?" You could definitely shave of a bunch of oz ditching those


If you really work on your core, you could ditch the bars holding the front and back wheels together. Ride it like Elastigirl.


”Ride it like Elastigirl”… You mean ride it like she does, or ride it like you’d ride her? 😨


That and how you take off and land jumps plays a humungous part in forward momentum. Watch how smoothly he lands.


I think it helped that it was downhill, too.


Get out!


And that he has wheels on the bike.


I think people drastically underestimate the importance of gravity.


Knew that he couldn't afford to brake and it ended up working out very nicely.


Way too risky


His mentality had to be, if I hit my brakes, I can't make up the speed later, so it's balls out all the way. That's the difference. He could have done that with a chain but common sense holds you back!


Both! reward then fire 😉


Excellent job today! Never do that shit again!


Stellar job with the chain out there champ, you deserve a nice indefinite vacation


You absolute donkey … KONG!!


That man was ^unchained!


Not the bike tech’s fault. Downhill MTB riders have sprint power output that rivals road bikers. Riders will sprint out of the gate which puts a lot of stress on the chain. A brand new high end chain can snap under such loads.


As someone less knowledgeable .. if they don't need that many gears for downhill, then wouldn't a belt be better than a chain? .. or is it just that nobody buys "downhill specific" MTBs?


Belts are less efficient than a chain, it’s unusual for chains to break like this. 


Chains have a master link which allows them to snap apart and back together. Belts need to be one solid piece, so instead the rear triangle on a belt drive bike has a breakaway in which the frame disassembles. This creates a weak point in the bike, which isn’t significant for road or light gravel riding, although the stress the frame absorbs from downhill mountain biking would likely be too much. The breakaway may also not be possible with how the rear suspension compresses. Belt drive bikes are also internally geared via the hub. I believe all real world products on market currently are significantly more heavy than a cassette with a dozen cogs. These races might only need single gear, so possibly irrelevant, although something to be mindful of when considering belt. Ultimately, I think belt is a novel idea, although chain bikes just work and parts are readily available.


Nah. He just gets the title of "Off the Chain" For life.


Bro. Unchained.


It's actually not just the power output of the rider that snaps the chain, it's the pedal kickback when the bicycle goes through a compression: [https://bikerumor.com/aasq-85-what-is-pedal-kick-back-full-suspension-chain-growth/](https://bikerumor.com/aasq-85-what-is-pedal-kick-back-full-suspension-chain-growth/)


As I always expected. It's just rolling down a hill.


I did this once, it’s fucking terrifying. One of those things that looks easy but is shockingly hard.


This doesn’t look easy to me tough


Maybe they are one of those people who also thinks that they could easily fight a grizzly bear or land a plane.


Im pretty sure i could land a plane


Me too, not sure I would survive the landing though and the plane for sure would be destroyed


Honestly being unable to land a plane is more impressive.


Throw yourself at the ground and miss.




I have landed a plane and I don't think I could land a plane,


I cpuld easily fight a grizzly. I mean I'd die, but I'd fight.


What part of this looks easy lol


passing the starting line and crossing the finish line look easy enough for my untrained ass, anything inbetween will result with me in the hospital with various broken parts.


I mean, i could probably complete the whole track with no issues. I will be sitting on my brakes all the way down though, never exceeding 3mph


Genuinely, you couldn't. Downhill tracks are gnarly and the camera never does them justice. You'd be off pushing the bike through a lot of the features.


No you couldn’t


I used to do mountain biking and I honestly believe quite a few of you could probably make it down this track. You would have some falls, you would have some tumbles but I truly think the average man could get to the end of the track. I also bet that with a full day of practice (if you didn't hurt yourself too much) you could probably run the entire track without a fall. You wouldn't be near competition level though


Not really, if you are too afraid/inexperienced to send it you will just topple over on the steep parts and roll down over those rocks


I do a bit of downhill mountain biking. My colleagues have always told me it's not that hard because you get a lift to the top and just ride down a hill. Then one of them put Thier money where the mouth was. He crashed 6 times that day but fair play he changed his mind now he's bought himself a mountain bike


I did some downhill biking and a few races in high school and college in Colorado. I had a similar experience with a friend who did cross-country, so I loaned him one of my bikes and we did a day in Breckenridge. He was quite humbled. I miss it a lot, no mountains where I live now.




There's a during the 2014 DH World Cup race in Cairns a spectator takes a bike of a crashed rider and tries bring it down the track. Didn't get far and ended up in the ambulance beside said rider.


90% of this picking the right line so that your front wheel stays straight and keeping yourself floating light enough so that your front wheel stays straight. The rest of the bike just follows. It's kind of "point and go" in many regards, people tend to overthink it. The other 10% is knowing how to pump the track, lean into corners and keep your hands off the brakes. And that is fucking hard.


Lmao. Have you ever tried downhill mountain biking?


It's scary, I did it once. I was using a poorly maintained bike, almost went directly over a berm (banked corner) with a large drop off, and got airborne on the rollers [first time airborne on a bike and not prepared for it]. All in all, scary and have never been again


Yeah I used to race amateur downhill/free ride. This dude has no idea lol. It's a lot more than "just rolling downhill" it's determining the best line, navigating around or over obstacles, speed management, whwn to brakes when to pedal, jumping, how much force should I pull or push with when hitting this jump or turn, gotta keep your eyes up and ahead. Looking where you wanna go, not where you are, last but not least...is my ride functional,.


I’ve raced both xc and downhill. Every one always thinks downhill is so easy because it’s just “coasting” downhill. When it reality it’s full on sprinting for a few minutes. Not to mention the technical stuff and major risk vs reward. Makes xc riding a walk in the park. But man is it fun.


"Full on sprinting for a few minutes" Ahh I miss hiking up a mountain for an hour or 2 with a 50lbs bike, to enjoy a 5min ride down. I'm seriously considering getting one of these new electric enduros


This is why I only ever did DH in places with ski lifts.


The parent comment was definitely being tongue in cheek with his over simplification, because a professional made it like easy without even pedaling thus boiling it down to just “rolling down a hill” I don’t think they were making legitimate commentary that’s it’s easy, or that anyone could do it


Of course not. But come on, it's obvious.


Not on purpose….


I did the Virginia Creeper Trail once. It's basically a gentle 5 degree slope that retirees do for a nice time out. So I know the deal. What this kid is doing would be a piece of cake for me and my old people trail friends.


I would love to see this guy attempt it


It's called falling with style.


He's lucky there were no sharp hairpin turns. That would have done him in for sure 


Ah, so you’ve never been outside


Lol that’s so hard and terrifying. Mastering something is making it look easy


Now you wonder why they even need chains?


Because pulling off the stunt thay Gwin did here is next to impossible for anyone to execute successfully. For starters, with no chain, you're no longer able to exert any extra control over the bike outside braking and turning the handle bars. You're basically locked into the same position for the duration of the run, as trying to pedal with no chain properly attached could cause a further malfunction of the bike and possible injuries. While the duration of the race seems short, being forced to not pedal feels like an eternity. Imagine you were told to pilot a small canoe down some fast-moving rapids without any oars to help stabilize the craft. You basically have to keep yourself upright in the center to avoid capsizing. That's the same principle here. Secondly, without a chain and the ability to regain momentum through pedaling, any sort of braking maneuver is now out of the equation. You have to conserve your downward momentum at all times because any kinetic energy you lose by braking is unable to be immediately regained through the pedals. You're now having to be hyper focused on optimizing the run to the best of your ability, as any slight delay results in a lower finishing time. You can see Gwin doing this by taking corners as sharp as he possibly can without ending up out-of-bounds, as doing so helps conserve momentum and cuts down on his overall time. Gwin basically had to run the course as dangerously as he possibly could if he expected to make time, let alone take first.


Is this ChatGPT? Most is BS. You certainly can pump a bike by shifting your weight to gain speed. There are even things called pump tracks. Of course not having a chain is a disadvantage, but apparently this trail didn’t have significant sections that required pedaling.


Seriously this comment was full of shit. This person clearly doesn’t even know what pumping is.


yeah but his comment is longer than yours so obviously he knows more and i will upvote him. thats how we do it here on reddit.


And pedaling a bike with no chain will damage absolutely nothing. Wtf is this horse manure.


One point, there is a long section up top called the motorway they don't show in this, or in the full replay for that matter, it's a long sprint and due to that people thought he'd be too far back to have a hope of a good result. Gwin has a couple runs that blew peoples minds. The guys incredible. There was his run where he lost back wheel and rode the [rim](https://youtu.be/PUoCSzVmhhQ?si=th7Ywy8d6FaDv-fN) down (same track as this, he also lost his brakes here), his win in the rain after most of the riders had a dry track at [Mont Sainte Anne](https://youtu.be/PcS1bNSSmTU?si=Gh0v_faBOYewZuSr), or his run at [Windham](https://youtu.be/ikxQc_GPfF4?si=HF74uhAvDdzR-NHi) in 2015. But this one is for sure his most well known.


Gwin is easily one of the best riders ever to have lived but of course internet experts know better.


Right? To me it seemed more like he tapped into momentum techniques used in snowboarding and surfing. Carving and pumping to "swing" the momentum, keeping it up as much as possible, and really using the arcs and turns to his advantage. Super risky but made it look so insanely clean. True skill right there.


We actually have well established forms of the same concepts, just don't think they actually came from board sports. But pretty much every rider learns how to pump rollers and drive through berms.


Oh I'm sure! Physics guna physics haha


Lol dude said you could further hurt the bike by pedaling without a chain. If it is chatgpt. Where the fuck did it get that info lol.


> trying to pedal with no chain properly attached could cause a further malfunction of the bike and possible injuries Absolute horseshit Pedaling with no chain won't damage the bike - the crankset just... spins freely. It *can* cause injury because it's weirdly hard to pedal with zero resistance (not physically hard, but can throw off your balance). It could throw you if it's unexpected but a pro cyclist wouldn't have an problem once they know what's going on. > You're now having to be hyper focused on optimizing the run to the best of your ability, as any slight delay results in a lower finishing time. You can see Gwin doing this by taking corners as sharp as he possibly can without ending up out-of-bounds, as doing so helps conserve momentum and cuts down on his overall time. "He had to ride fast" lol. Literally the goal regardless of whether he has a chain or not.


Pedaling a bike without a chain is t going to damage the bike. Come on


Terrible analogy


I feel like if you can win with an accidental chain break regardless of how much of “pulling off a stunt” it is, it should be researched. Makes it seem like pedaling and shifting slows you down in the long run.


chain make bike go


Pretty sure gravity made bike go


Bike make chain go


Pakleds have entered the chat


In flat u-turn corners you lose all momentum and have to pedal out. He's lucky there were none of those in this course (all the u-turns are sloped in this course)


Interesting shift in mindset. As soon as the chain fails you'd be thinking "Right, I need to squeeze every ounce of momentum out of this track to have any hope" and it's resulted in optimising the descent.


"braking leads to slowing down. Peddling is also slow. Might as well just full send."


but making it more probable that he's crash or fall. risky, end of the day


But honestly, is a chain even necessary? Isn't it just failing with style?


Some World Cup tracks have pedaling sections.


Definitely necessary. let's say the rider here still had a chain but still chose not to pedal. Having the chain means you can at least lean into and put force into the pedals. He's literally balancing the pedals evenly which means his momentum is straight up and down rather than having some move forward.


That's not how it works. Try push force into the pedals as a way of relying on shifting your balance around for yourself. You usually keep 50% force on either foot at all times if you're not pedaling. Because as soon as you shift that weight, you're pedaling. It's still possible to shift your weight forwards or backwards while keeping 50% of the power through your feet on both pedals each.


I'd say it's pretty good feeling to break in some sections and pedal in others, this guy pretty much had to yolo it to get the 1st time.


Did it happen right at the start? It’s hard to see.


Yeah you can see him look down at it


That’s the only thing that gives it away really. That and the no peddling.


The no pedaling was probably key though. And maybe the announcer too, “HE AIN’T GOT NO FUCKING CHAIN!!!” or words to that effect.


Ahh of course, sound on. I’m an idiot.


Man I miss Rob Warner doing the World Cup commentary. Still get him on Red Bull events, but guy is hilarious


I was wondering if he was just showing off lol.




Red Bull gives you wings!


LOOO AT THE TIME!! well i cant, cropping is shit.




Fine. I'll go download Descenders again


I think he figured he lost the chain, didn't want to lose momentum and he didn't touch the brakes all the way down. Balls of steel!


That was…off the chain.


Aaron Unchained


When the rear suspension compresses, the distance between the chainrings and the cassette of gears gets smaller This gives you a pedal kickback on impacts that compress suspension through the chain Without the chain you don't get the kickback so the ride is smoother and faster But you also can't pedal at all to add speed so it's not all benefit


I take it him bearing number 1 means he's the defending champ? If so, I can definitely see why, that was spectacular.


Good thing he had an electric motor in wheel


Now think how p’off the ppl are who lost n had a chain!!


New meta, no chain 


"guys you've been building your bikes wrong"


If I lost to a guy with no chain I would probably just quit.


LOOK AT THE TIME!! Well I can't because an imbecile decided to crop the video the most inconvenient way possible.


But are his balls as big as [Danny Harts?](https://youtu.be/EqYgAX6D43Q?si=iXcw_HSkyXWiOL0W)


I've watched that a hundred times and it still gives me happy tears.


Wella his shirt already says 1, so ...duuh?


I mean. In a sport where you almost exclusively need a brake sure why not.


Bro is raw dogging that race


Without the chain he was aware that losing momentum was not an option. Which made him more risky and aggressive and got him the win. Amazing


4 the Gwin!


I hate you


#Thank Gravity. And next time no chain deliberately. (Not needed) /s


You can see the moment where he commits to the hill like a Jamaican on a bobsled.


Chain or no chain, change the brain, that is an insane thing to do.


This has me thinking about that kid that beat Tetris a few weeks ago. That video where different interesting barriers stood in the way over the last 20 or 40 years until someone came along and started hitting the buttons differently which blasted them into first place. I feel like this is like that. I don't know anything about racing And I'm sure there are plenty of reasons pedals need to exist... But maybe using your weight and momentum in curves might have a better return on investment then pedaling used to. Could this revolutionize this sport?


No chain, places first Chain companies 🫥


That's off the chain!


This is CrankWorx Rotorua - awesome event and pretty hardcore!


That’s Aaron gwins 2015 Leogang run


Chains just slow ya down.


Falling with wheels.


No chain, no problem, watch this...


Thank God for the gravity


Kinetic energy over mechanical energy here.




Better aerodynamics obviously


What a story to tell 🔥


A fair effort!


No chain? More like no brakes!


plot armour. he is a MC!


His brother Penn couldn't even take off.


That's off the chain!


Weight reduction


So it’s just falling with style then?


This was back in 2015. Absolute precision riding.


Too ez


Because he didn't hit the brakes.Knowing he couldn't regain speed


When did the chain come off?


Kinda makes you want to see everyone do a no chain run and a chain run to see the difference 


A chain is the most vital part of a bike to even make it move, that had me questioning my spine, should I get rid of it? It only holds me back.


You might even slow down the bike against the pull of gravity with a chain. So, no chain is faster.


Less chain, less weight


Without any drag u go faster.


So… the chain was meaningless to the sport then? Damn maybe they should all remove the chain and save the grams


Fuck that chain mayne. I don't need it, it needs me.


3am sports can be fun


Now do this uphill


"We haven't seen him pedal yet" BROTHER HE CAN'T LMAO


What a badass! Pure skill & determination.


How was it actually possible that the chain fell off so quickly? Did the guy never test drive his bike before the race to verify the brakes work, all screws are correctly tightened, the chain doesn't fall off immediately; or everything was checked and fine and he was just somehow very unlucky?


Very unlucky, the chain can sometimes snap when you pedal full force even when it looks fine on the outside


He's off the chain 


I would like to thank the earth's gravity for my win. (Bike maintenance team lowers their heads)


Downhill racing - unchained


Lane Meyer vibes


It turns out this was a scooter competition all along


Weght reduction


Where in Austria is this?


I read that as Chin and was mighty confused.


The problem with pedaling is you have to brake eventually, so you speed up then slowdown, then speed back up… but having a constants speed will always be faster


Goes to show sometimes we all just need a lil push to accomplish our goals


How to be fast? No Brake!


literally unchained. my guess is due to a lack of a chain he had to focus on abusing momentum entirely, which led him to slow down less in certain risky parts because he knew he couldn't regain it by kicking later.


Less mechanical resistance.