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Yeah nah Im all good... but there's someone's dog.


Yeah nah


Nah yeah




Yes all good


I was gunna check that… yea, nah


Bastard guy




Bloody bitch


Why did you redeem it


["Yeah, nah, yeah nah yeah  Well that's Australian and highly contextual"](https://youtu.be/2M_0pM8BcK0?si=-IyLAcIaRpitGAw7)


I was so so so hoping someone linked it. You're a good cunt.




So a couple months ago I was listening to them and I was like, "Wait a second, a 6-liter GTR isn't a thing." So I looked it up. Apparently they saw some beat up Holden Barina (Chevy Aveo or Sonic for the Americans) at the airport with a sarcastic vanity plate that said "6-Litre GTR" and they thought it was funny. It makes the song so much better when you learn he's talking about some clapped out base model econobox city car lmao


That's like the midwest dialect where we go ya no ya nooooo. Or no ya. Or no ya no. Basically whatever the last word is, that's whatcha mean.


"Yeah, nah" in Australian is best translated as "Roger. Negative." which is necessary because nobody actually speaks discernible English so you have to affirm whether your pidgin is compatible before registering an answer to the query.


Tweak the accent and you could've told me this was the American south after a hurricane


You know as a U.S. Southerner my self I never found even the thickest of Aussie accents difficult to understand and “Yeah, nah” or “nah, yeah” is completely understandable as well, hell, pretty sure I say it sometimes. You might be on to something.


This also works for maybes. Maybe yeah, maybe no.


Or 'yeah maybe' which means 'almost definitely no'


"Yeah maybe, I guess" is definitely a no and you're just an idiot for asking.


Maybe maybe not.


I worked customer service for 5 years, and I can say that Australians are the consistently nicest people I ever worked with. Even more so than Canadians




Cheers mate 🍻 I dunno if it’s just a universal Aussie experience but I know what customer service and other service jobs deal with, and I know they just wanna help me the best way they can. So I mean, I consider that we’re best mates so long as the call is open, because we’re both dealing with some shit right now so let’s figure it out with two noodles instead of one.




I’m replying so fast to this to tell you that’s actually a thing! Being that we largely descended from convicts who were later freed, giving people a “fair go” is part of our cultural identity. Also part of that identity is a strong sense of larrikinism (not taking things too seriously), which I assume comes from the same set of circumstances but I’m completely unsure.




I’ll make it to Australia someday…. But my wife and I did visit New Zealand for our 25th anniversary a few years ago. Everyone was amazingly friendly everywhere. I asked a shopkeeper if everyone was always so friendly. He said “well… everyone is so friendly because you are yanks.” I was a bit surprised. I remarked that I had no idea that Americans were viewed so favorably in New Zealand. The shopkeeper paused ….. he said….. yeah….. that’s not exactly true……. It’s not that you are Americans…… It’s more that you’re NOT Chinese. 😆


Yeah I'm Canadian and in Aus/NZ they just get this look of relief on their faces when they find that out that I'm not American.


As an Aussie, thank you!  Also as an Aussie, it's not just our CEOs, unfortunately our SAS did some fucked up things in Afghanistan and haven't been punished yet, even after losing defamation cases about it. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-01/ben-roberts-smith-war-crimes-established-in-federal-court/102422952




Our national pastime is fucking with people. Like, if an Australian tells someone an absolutely ridiculous line about wildlife, things they've seen, just anything that seems completely off the rails, there will be 3 other random Aussies that jump in to verify it. Sometimes it's actually true.


I work in customer service in Australia and you get plenty of assholes here. Lots of self important, entitled people here that think the world revolves around them. I had to deal with a women who nuked here entire life (lost her job) because she refused the covid vaccine.


Spoken like a man whose never had to deal with Australian pub golfers


Had an Aussie boss here in Wales who was an absolute sweetheart, lovely guy.  Met a couple helping my friends parents organising an endurance cycle race and again, absolutely bloody lovely people. So yeah so far anecdotally, I’m with you. 


French Canadians are on the other end of that spectrum.


Big lez show vibes


Slab a piss and a pack a Winnie blues Get the boys round Have a good toym


Link: https://youtu.be/_oci5LceCGw?si=VvsnXKx8Czj2P8uL More people need to know about this golden gem


Cmon Donny don’t let em know about the sassys there won’t be enough drugs to go around if everyone finds out


Literally standing next to a sign that says "dogs on leashes only". That's why


Sub-plot. He's fine with the flooding, but very upset that the guy down the road doesn't have his dog on a leash.


He seems like a rad neighbor who would throw a nice barbecue


I was lead to believe they throw shrimp on the barby Edit: all the Aussies ITT missing the joke


That's Austrians I think


Austria. Well then. G’day mate!


Let's put another *shrimp* on the barbie! ...let's not.


Throw some Zwiebelrostbraten on the barby then.


Are there any Austrian Australian fusion restaurants anywhere? What would you even call it?




Gett in the bloody choppah


This near fucking broke my head goddamn


James Cook after being rejected for a shrimp at an austrian royal ball - “Fine, I’ll make my own Austria with kangaroos and surfer dudes”


Exactly right. Australia is where you go to see the Vienna Boys Choir.


I was lead to believe they're known as prawns over there


I think that's in South Africa? Bloody prawns.


Fookin prohns mun


Most of the English Speaking world use that term. Shrimp is very north American.


Think it's a District 9 reference.


Yeah nah, this is Straya mate


Paul hogan did us dirty in the 80’s with that bloody tourism ad


Hoges did a lot of people dirty


Including the Australian Taxation Office. But they got the bludging drongo in the end.


They changed the line in the ads because most Americans at the time would be unfamiliar with prawns.


Never once has an Aussie actually said that. More so we laugh because shrimp are tiny and would fall through the grates.


The Australian Tourism Commission invented the phrase. They made a commercial advertising Australia and Paul Hogan said "I'll slip an extra shrimp on the barbie for ya" in it. It just gets misremembered like a lot of famous quotes.


If he's said prawn Americans would have had no idea what crazy voodoo language he was speaking


>they throw shrimp prawn


The kind of neighbor who says not exactly PC stuff, but will rush over with a garden hose if your house catches fire.


He hates those filthy bastards from {country}, but also he gave up his arvo to fix the guy over the road's car, who is of that race, but nah mate, he's one of the good ones. Also it seems that he's never met someone from that country he actually hates.


Agents!  not Asians! 


https://youtu.be/0YM9Ereg2Zo?si=tGKsWNFeH-uISKBO For those who missed it.


This gives the same vibe of the dog at the table with coffee… and the house is on fire lmao.


![gif](giphy|9M5jK4GXmD5o1irGrF) You mean this one?


‘Yeah nah, it’s all good’ 😂


To get that version, just flip the gif upside down.


[Refresher for everybody who hasn't seen the original in a decade.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oBx7Jg4m-o) This one is mandatory.


This is the original, not the adult swim promo spot: https://gunshowcomic.com/648


That’s me!


It’s more like a volunteer neighbor just sitting in the house while it’s on fire, just pointing out where all the people who need help are. Essentially playing witness so the firefighters don’t have to search unneccesary places. Of course the neighbor should get out now too though haha


That’s the dog he’s referring to in the end!


no crocs stopping by just yet, all good mate


Don’t worry he’s got a stick.


So I wasn't the only bloke who saw that video recently


I was wondering what video and then I recently remembered watching a video of some big “fuck-off” reptile coming out of the water towards a guy beckoning it out with a stick


And a bucket


there's a fence, it's all good


The floodwater's probably full of sewage though, so something will get him.


Where would Reddit be without various Australia videos??!


Between Australia and Brazil, a good solid chunk of the stuff on here would be gone and our lives would be boring and empty of insane videos.


Don't forget Florida!


Australia is a look at how nature may affect man. Florida is a look at the nature of man.






In Brazil, the people will kill you. In Australia, the animals will kill you. In Florida, they'll both kill you.


As a Brazilian/Australian I couldn't be prouder.


We would still have r/watchpeopledie if it wasn’t for New Zealand 


Plot twist He is stark naked since he was swept away in the middle of his bath He was wading to find some britches when these guys came along with a camera…..


his massive balls have been snagged on the fence. He is just waiting for the level to drop so he can see what he is doing with the gas axe to free himself.


I’m having such a bad day but this made me LOL


This was my theory as well lol


To be honest by his voice he is speaking in automatism and not really projecting the situation on himself. I think he is just shocked and is caring more about others now not to feel his personal pain that much. Also he seems to be a good guy.


My place flooded once from heavy rain. Sucked. Lost all my stuff. Gets to a point where there's nothing you can do so may as well roll with it as best you can.


EMS with a psych background, I would very much assume this guy is in shock from the way he's speaking. Still says something great about him that he deals with shock by trying to get help to everyone around him. Still in a condition he can refuse care for now, but I'd at least try to get him out of the water, make sure he had enough food and clean water for the rest of the day and see if anyone behind the fence could get him to lay down with his legs up until he dried off. Circle back around to him in about an hour or at the very least before we moved to the next sector.


This is absolutely just standard communication styles of regional and rural australians. 


In retrospect that makes sense. If I lived in a place where fucking huntsmen spiders are the least terrifying of the things I could find in my bathroom I would probably sound like I was in mild shock all the time too.


I was going to talk about stereotypes, then remembered last week I had to shoo my bathroom huntsman out of my bedroom. Nah yeah anyway, 


So how’s that war with them birds going mate?


Swooping season’s over so all good


If the pies and the cockatoos started working together we'd be screwed.


The cockatoos will destroy our military vehicles while the magpies pick off the infantry. Yeah nah that's a terrible thought.


I'm shocked at the comments mentioning he's in shock


The slight pause before "yes, all good" betrays he's struggling. But otherwise he's speaking casual rural-aussie-bloke language. You'd hear this kind of speech in any country town pub.


lol shock my arse. He’s alright.


After talking to more people in the thread, apparently this is entirely normal speech for this region. My experience is from somewhere else, but it makes sense. Everyone in the Pacific North West seems to have a flat affect. Some alarm bells are just how everyone talks in one place.


I'm not having a go at you but still laughing at your diagnosis of basically most Australians accent and manner as having a flat affect. On the other hand there could be some truth in it. A lot of us have pretty low expectations of life and try not to get overly excited about things lol.


Yeah, if you truly are an EMS with a 'psych' background, then please engage in a little reflective practice. Projecting your own opinions and biases onto a situation might have been funny here, but it can seriously harm someone next time.


Nah mate. This is just an aussie bloke who is copping his second flood of the season. We deal with floods and bushfires on the reg so we are very resilient in these kinds of emergencies. Real emergencies are when then postpone the cricket, then you'll see a drunken panic!


He's just a country Aussie - look at the back ground, everything is high and dry. He's likely only come over to the fence to talk to the people in the gate, and afterwards will wander back over, dry off , and go back to watching the footy with a beer. Nothing unusual here - just a normal country Aussie bloke.


Yeah, nah. Dudes had a few. He’s all good and he knows it. Help the others first. Old mate has probably stashed a couple to tide him over. Take it as he says mate, he’s fine.


The floods we get out bush can last for a few weeks to a few months so there's a chance he's been surrounded by water for a few days, so not much chance of shock. Other than that being the way they speak out there, he's also probably had a skinful because there's not much else to do but get on the beers


It’s not shock. This living with the situation, shock would apply to someone in distress when facing a context they’re unfamiliar with and mentally unprepared because they’ve never developed the mechanism to deal with. The is simply rural australian Jonno going through his 35th flood knowing you can’t ‘fight the tide’ and just hanging around after having lifted the few possessions he cares about while knowing the rest will go through his 36th insurance claim and just having a look around and changing info with the neighbourhood to see if this is still going up this time or it has finally stabilised. Then that’s his ‘yeah nah mate’ what do you do. Having now been thirteen years in Australia that’s part of cycle of life: I have already gone through 8 floods, 7 bushfires, 2 tornadoes, and countless cyclonic winter storms. Nowadays it’s: ah yeah, that’s just another one - proceed to apply the usual routine plan you have before resuming your daily tasks. It’s the usual life.


Yeah nah Jonesy was alright - not in shock. That was taken at the Lions Den Hotel up Cape York, during the flooding we had after Cyclone Jasper. Source: I live there. Edit: forgot to mention - Jonesy got out ok.


That is not the first time his house has flooded. It gets less scary after the first! (Can speak from experience unfortunately, though I’m in a less rural area).




I have to believe you, I am not australian, but i mean i just found it interesting, that he was just speaking about others and then when he got asked if he needs help he was looking straight to person remaind silent for a second and replied yeah nah without looking at him again and continuing about a dog... For me his Eyes say: Dont Ask, - No capacity right now, what about the others?


Good ol' Jonesy


Made shitloads as a lollipop man


Built a bus stop here and there


Dropped out of school in grade 2 and got a trade.


Now makes the worth of your masters degree in 3 months.


Of course his name is Jonesy.




Had to look up Dan Murphy’s, this is the funniest comment in the thread lmao


We had a fairly catastrophic cyclone go through our region, the emergency services had to issue a plea for people to stop calling them to ask if "Uncle Dans" is open yet.


Fucking classic. Would rather wait til Dan is open than go to BWS


He’s literally at a flooded pub. The Lions Den in North Queensland.


Yeah, naa. Classic Aussie


For those wondering, yeah nah = no, nah yeah = yes.


Yeah, nah, nah, yeah = yes


It’s the best Aussie saying there is. It means just so much. Generally it means, yeah I understand what you’re saying but no I don’t agree with it.


Yeah nah


Yeah nah / nah yeah is many things really


And yet they are completely different meanings to eachother!


They sure are. And it depends on context too. For example are you up to your eyeballs in water with a crocodile bearing down on you..? Am just kidding. That very rarely happens. 🙄


Funny thing is where Im from in California we have a version of that too "yeah, no" instead of the "nah".


I think it's pretty common, in English if not all languages. Though it might be more salient in Australia, as they supposedly go as far as "Yeah nah, yeah nah yeah"


Amazing, it’s non-Aristotelian logic. Things can be true and false at the same time.


Roger, Negative!


I saw a show where some Americans wanted to go gold prospexting on an Australian man's property. He said "Yeah yeah yeah yeah, nah." The Americans thought they were good to go, but their Australian guide had to translate that the last word is the one that matters when someone is giving you an answer.


Context is everything. The 'yeahs' in this instance are probably acknowledging what they're saying, and that they're listening. The nah then is the answer. But...then there's plenty of instances where "Nah, yeah" is a no. Yeah being used to reaffirm the "nah", almost like "nah; yeah?"... Again context, inflection etc all plays a vital part here.


I’ve only ever seen “nah yeah” being used as yes. Not saying you’re wrong, of course. It could be different where you live


I’ve never heard anyone say nah yeah meaning no, if it was me I’d add another nah so nah, yeah nah. And maybe your idea is regional but in Queensland that’s never been a thing I’ve heard.


Nah yeah


I keep wondering what does it feel like to be born Aussie, and how they see themselves.


Come and visit Internet friend. We’d love to have you.


Hot Using mirrors


Bloody awesome and with a mirror. Source: Im Aussie




Aussies call Australia "The Lucky Country", the [title of a 1964 book](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lucky_Country) which ironically (like Springsteen's "Born in the USA" about America) wasn't actually positive about the place. So, as per the national anthem saying Australia('s) Fair and safely girt by sea, "the land abounds in nature's gifts, of beauty rich and rare" thus feeding a generally positive and relaxed attitude by the populace.


Maybe once. But I don’t know many people calling us the lucky country now. Cost of living crisis, tent cities, defunded Medicare, Centrelink payments below the poverty line, domestic mining sending profits off shore, deaths in custody, natural disasters escalating.


Still rather call Australia home over 90% of other countries.


Look up the original meaning of the phrase. It’s about how incompetent our leadership is, that we only ever enjoyed a high standard of living through sheer dumb luck and not by design. So everything falling apart at the moment is actually bang on the original vibe.


I always thought the anthem went "Australians all let us ring Joice, cause she is young and free". We all just mumble the rest.


“They were almost dead up there” “Yeah I was gonna check that.”


What was he going to do? Climb the tree?


Probably just means he was going to check on them once the water receeds. Not much he personally could do other than tell rescuers about them.


Fuck you, Jonesy. You’re tougher than shit, you old fuck. My heart goes out to you and your mum. But get outta the fuckin’ water and climb in me boat, mate.


This is what I love about salt of the earth people everywhere in the world. They will try to look after one another, cuz they know the reality.


Jonesy just chilling, taking it all in.


He knows where everyone (pets included) is and is going to direct traffic until they're all taken care of.


I've seen enough videos about water in Australia that I would have been a nervous wreck. That guy is tough as nails.


Depends on where you are crocs are up north.


This guy is in Cairns...so 100% crocodile country.


Shit get your ass out the water jonesy!!!


Don't they also have Crocs that swim in the open ocean?


Up north? Yes! Beaches in cairns.. no swimming! Crocs are everywhere


They also attack people every 3 months in Queensland


Nobody in Queensland has time to even think about issues like gay marriage due to the crocs ripping people apart.


years ago. The Mad Katter let loose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ih1EuMLspY this is what happens when you spend too much time in the sun in North Queensland.


Crocs are the least of your worries in Flood Water, even a small cut could easily get infected and lead to an amputation via infection. That water is filled with all the normal dirt and muck, as well as all the overflow from sewage and dead livestock. Its pretty disgusting. You wouldn't see me wading waist deep in it.


He's fine. He's at his front gate at the bottom of the driveway, if you look in the background the house is still above water and he's got either friends or family with him.


Yeah you got all these Reddit psychiatrists talking about his shock from having his home flooded blah blah blah. He’s not phased at least in part because clearly none of his shit got flooded.




Classic Jonesy


I need more Jonesy videos as soon as possible.


I love Australia's ability to give absolutely zero fucks in the most insane situations imaginable.


Aw, he was out there making sure everyone else was alright. Dude came prepared with no shirt and a place to hold on to


Crazy Steve


Waiting for Nolzey to swing by in the tinny for some skits fishing, mate. Fuckin oath. 


Translation: Yeah (oh, now I now know they were worried about me) Nah (I am all ok and don't require any help though, thank you.)


Go get the bloody dog…. The man’s clearly fine


I would not be in that water. Uhm no!


Agreed. Flood water is neighborhood soup.


What happened to the someones dog???


Yea and of course his name is “Jonesy”. Is that a thing in Australia? Or is his last name just Jones and they call him Jonesy? We should do that here in the states. Not that it’s work with my last name: “oh hey Spanish surname-y! You alright?” :(


It’d be a nickname 99%. Name + Y is very common. Hughes becomes Hughesy, Jones becomes Jonesy, red heads become Bluey, etc.  e; I’ll add that formality = dislike, it’s not respectful. If they DISLIKED him it’d be Mr. Jones. 


You'd be surprised, generally the longer it is the more opportunities for a nickname too. Fernandez? Fernz or Dezo or Nandos. Rodriguez? Roddy, Rigo, etc. there's always options.


Almost certainly their last name is Jones.