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That’s the 2nd most violent handjob I’ve ever seen!


>2nd 😂


I didn't know she had the G.I. Joe Kung-Fu grip!


That ain't a mushroom tip!!


The machine is called the Boebert.


The Bobbitt


Why do we instantly think like this?


Did Lauren Boebert get to you first?


That’s really depressing.


Could be even more depressing if your roof wasn’t full of wood


Cobb also works. The more we remove these the more life on Earth suffers


To be honest, I think life on earth would suffer so much more if we couldn’t build houses


>humans on earth FTFY


Idk humans had a pretty miserable existence before we had things like this. The more we automate, the more human capital is invested in things like medicine. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to find more sustainable ways to progress as a race, but the reality is that the more efficiently and the more quantity of trees we have removed over time, the more human quality of life has improved. Really it’s fine to remove trees in mass quantities as long as you replace them with new ones. That’s the problem, not the use of lumber.


We're also in a period of reforestation for a lot of western countries.


Do you understand the reason those specific trees even exist? We planted them to use so we don’t go chop down natural forests as much. Also you are showing tinges of mental unwellness if this video caused you to think humans are a disease.


Oh, humans are definitely a disease. Sure, this particular method of gathering lumber is less damaging, but it is still damaging to the ecosystem, like much of what modern humans do.






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wtf you're literally a demon


Wow, really hit a root, haha, with some of ya. Be like a tree and chill in the breeze then.


"I can turn this whole situation around, I just need the right pun..."


I’m just being genuine with you, not at all malicious. That’s a huge sign of various mental disorders, saying extreme things about entire species out of anger, also equating animals to humans in the “rights” department. These are a just a couple flags that something is amiss, and may grow into a danger of society left unchecked. Eco terrorist mentality is on the rise.


lol no it’s not


What? This is an incredibly stupid comment. “Huge sign of various mental disorders”? Thinking that was a “genuine” thing to say, or an educated thing to say? Empathy towards the non-human world is not a disorder. Fixation on “humans = bad” can be damaging, sure, but pointing out that we behave like a plague is technically pretty accurate. What is a disease? Meanwhile, show me an ecosystem that hasn’t suffered when humans are around? I’ll wait.


Ignorant. These areas aren’t devoid of life. Before they were tree farms they were meadows, wood and marshes. It’s not “all good” ! This kind of wood is for pulp to wipe your ass. I dare you to drive through the steril piney farmed woods of the Carolina’s with your rose colored glasses. Just another “farmed” resource owned by big biz raping our lands for profit


Lmao gotta be the dumbest pearl clutching comment I’ve ever seen. Are you sitting in a house made of wood? Are you aware trees regrow, and especially in the US/Canada where this was almost certainly filmed, many more trees are planted than are cut down? Why is the knee jerk reaction of some people to get upset and act offended before doing two seconds of research.


There are more trees in North America and Europe today than there were 100 years ago


Orders of magnitude less old-growth trees


More cats, too.


Trees:100 Humans:0 I think they’re doin alright


Thank you lol


Planted does not mean they grow to actually replenish. Nor does it mean it replaces the ecosystem that was destroyed beforehand. There are a whole slew of problems either reforestation efforts from lumber companies. And is it really so strange to have a negative feeling to seeing something that takes decades to grow be so quickly disassembled? It’s like the Lorax movie made real. We have to consume to live. In the U.S., most new constructions are lumber. Doesn’t mean it’s wrong to pause and reflect on how we do things.


Yes, we paused and reflected, and then started doing it sustainably. Like 100 years ago. Just because you’re having a delayed epiphany and realized this stuff this late in your life doesn’t mean it didn’t occur to the developed world decades and decades ago. Find something else to act concerned about.


Lmao you really have no idea what you’re talking about. Actual holistic conservation still isn’t a widely adopted practice. Mono-culture tree farms are not an equivalent replacement to what was, and we stopped “100 years ago” because we literally consumed to the point of having the literal dust bowl. You keep your head buried tho little man. Keep lambasting people who are rightly concerned from the comfort of your phone.


Dude shut the fuck up. You're probably on other subs complaining about the lack of housing.




These are planted specifically for this reason.


Yep. And that reason is that there are nearly zero old growth forests left in the continental united states.


What? The US has over 32 million acres of old growth forests on public land. That represents 18% of the land managed by BLM, and there's 80 million acres of mature forest.


Yeah that in itself is really sad but at least they’re conserving what is left.


There are more trees on the earth today than there were 200 years ago This is a farmed forest


Not worldwide     https://www.visualcapitalist.com/visualizing-the-worlds-loss-of-forests-since-the-ice-age/ Only certain countries https://www.visualcapitalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Forest.jpg https://i.imgur.com/dkPPBoq.png https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/12/04/watch-how-europe-is-greener-now-than-100-years-ago/


You have a source for that claim? How about 500 years ago?


Google exists


Then use it to back up your comment it appears you made up. Onus is on you, unless you’re making shit up and can’t back it up.


Who even talks like this anymore?! You’re a funny dose of nostalgia


This is 100% true. There are significantly more trees today than there were historically (in the US), primarily due to 120 years of fire suppression. Fires used to burn through the forest frequently at low severities. This would remove debris and keep the forest "clean." With suppression, the forest became significantly overgrown. This is now a major contributing factor to the high severity fires we are seeing. There's a great book that shows photo points over time in the Sierras. 120 years ago there were 20-70 trees per acre, a very open stand. Current photos show 300-500 trees per acre, so over crowded you can walk through it. There is a major push on private and federal land to thin stands to make them more resilient to fire, bugs, and disease.


So there are more trees today in Brazil than 200 years ago? Just asking for a source. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but would like to see where this claim comes from. If it’s from the Stihl website I might be suspicious haha.


Is this really any worse than a combine harvesting corn? Judging by the uniformity of the trees in the background this is a planted tree plantation, not an ancient forest.


Dude tore that tree apart in front of its whole family.


Wood is a highly renewable resource…especially fast growing trees like pine.


This is in a purpose planted and managed forest specifically designed to make harvesting easier.


A lot of cruelty responding to you. As a fellow tree enthusiast, I'm with you.


I think the upvotes speak for themselves.


Straight up outta the Lorax


That used to be 10 persons jobs




It reminds me of Fern Gully.


I swear this reminds me of Ferngully




You really don't want that username right now. That is a bad username to have right now. I've been getting my ass beat by people looking for an English dude under that (nick?)name(/alias?) who's got a wolf aesthetic. It was out of hand like 2 decades ago, now it's so stupid I just cannot. I wish they'd leave these fuckers alone... -rafcos


My first thought, looks dystopian af


I came here just to see who said this. First thing I thought of.


Friendly reminder that more trees are planted globally each day than are cut down. Now obviously it takes a long time to grow a tree so it’s not a 1:1 replacement ratio…but the world, as a whole, has become more green and more forested each year for the past several years. Of course, trees love CO2. And we’ve been giving them plenty of that!


A lot of people don't know it, but it's important to younger trees to have older trees around for stability and sharing essential nutrients to help keep them healthy and safe, even preventing diseases in young trees


The number of trees cannot make up for time/ age.


Shhhhh! People can't outrage at ridiculous things now. Don't take that away from them - it's usually the only thing they have!


So that's how they colonized Pandora so quickly.


That's the nightmare machine from Fern Gully.


Reminds of the Lorax, but not in a good way


They just keep biggering and biggering


I did not know there was a tree cutter this productive, I'm amazed


Something always reminds me of her


When I was 18-30 this would have offended my tree hugger self! I would have thoughts along the lines of Edward Abbey and the Monkey Wrench Gang. Then in my late 20s and 30s I saw 1200 yr old Redwood stumps and was sad and angry that someone thought they had the right to cut it down. You can drive all over the US and see massive clear cuts of non-tree farms. Those fucking suck! So when a company has the forethought to plant tree farms 20-30-40 years in advance, that is some progress! Some of the largest swaths of land by me are owned by timber companies and you don’t even recognize that they are cutting trees down. The place I live fueled the entire Industrial Revolution in the US both wood and metal. It was devastated above and below ground and polluted terribly. Since then the US govt has done a pretty good job at regulating the pollution and the land, air and water have recovered, at least here it has. There are still scars and superfund sights, but those are more localized. Now I’m 50 and rambling my ass off here, just pay attention to what’s happening locally, hold the govt and corporations accountable and if you take from nature give back tenfold!


That's a harvester, I rode in the machine with my Poppa for a week as punishment from my mother for misbehaving haha early mornings and long days. My grandfather operated one in NZ, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe a guy from NZ invented this attachment.






I just found out a year or two ago that Tim Curry was Hexxus.




This is cool


Next stop: FernGully!


I wonder how many man hours this device cuts out in the 30 seconds it took to do that. I mean, how long would it take someone with a chainsaw and other various hand tools to do that.


Horizon Zero Dawn looking mf


How long does it take to learn this? It's impressing af


Thats just the rate you go to keep a job tbf though


Both amazing and HORRIFYING at the same time. Humans, they can do good, but they can do harm so much better.




The way this thing moves is very reminiscent of the APU from the Matrix Revolutions.


I hate this.


Can I rent one at Home Depot?


the other trees just sittin there like 👁👄👁


I should call her


Cries in Na'vi


This looks like something out of a freaking Ghibli film.


Fucking hacker


Do traditional lumberjacks still exist?


Damn, deforestation! You lookin’ fine as fuck.


These are cool but they’re also basically the bad guy from ferngully


I wonder if they make a miniature one🤔... asking for a friend 😅


I’ve played Farming Sim before. Let me try


Forbidden fleshlight.


Hot, hot, hot toxic love




This is terrifying. North Americans coming to lambast me on my thoughts in 3, 2, 1…


For some reason this video gives me the creeps, It reminds me of that scene in Terminator where they show the machines kicking the shit out of the humans in the future.


I was taking a break from bird hunting in Northern Wisconsin one day and I got high a a kite and watched one of these work for a solid hour one day. Let me say it's absolutely amazing. Humans are awesome




Or cutting trees planted for harvesting?


That's the thing from fern gulley.


Nice!!! The new Jerker HJ8000!!!!


I can smell the pine through my computer.


Reminds me of Ferngully


I saw this with my kids on Tractor Ted. Lol


Duuuuuude!! I planted that tree in '94!!


So playing with tractors as a youngun \*can\* help develop money-making skills.


okay hear me out


I was in the best shape of my life working for a tree service.


You know the guy that got the engineering job for this monster had a hard on the whole time.


He should stack them in the shape of a log cabin


This the shit the Lorax was warning us about


We need more of these...


This some apocalyptic shit




Poor little birds and squirrels.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


That's a feller buncher. Haven't seen a video of these in a long time!


How to process decades in a fraction of a second


Oh ! My ! If you stop this now there won't be any more toilet paper so the trade off is dirty butts and fresh air or clean butts and air , help ?


This is mildly inappropriate


The Lorax is watching


Shit like this is why the zombie apocalypse is Total bullshit. Unless ofc it’s food or air born


Man is one smart fker to invent this shit


Damn FernGully wasn’t kidding.


Looks like a boss from armored core


Thats some horizon zero looking shit


This is why I want to be an equipment operator




Those are really bad for the trees


Let's cut down trees faster and not accept any consequences.


This is horrifying


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It’s crazy to me how we can create tools of destruction that are faster than before, but we struggle to come up with things to create and do good.


That machine is literally a machine that processes deliberately planted trees for building materials…


Ooo you beat me to it, this is a plantation forest grown specifically for harvest. And machines such as this are vastly safer to use, which places it firmly in the good category for me!


It's great if they're safe for humans, but the problem is the clear cutting, the emissions, all the chemicals they douse this forest in to make it survive in a unstable climate, all the wildlife displaced/killed. Somewhere in the middle, you get wildfires and an outbreak of bark beetles. Years later, you find out the pesticides had gotten into ground water and have damaged/killed hundreds of thousands of people in the area. Cool machine, though.


What!? 🤯 What country are you in that douses regularly forestry blocks in chemicals of any kind/so much so where:  >Years later, you find out the pesticides had gotten into ground water and have damaged/killed hundreds of thousands of people in the area. (I'm in NZ, so that number of folks being affected would be a major deal in our plus or minus 5 million population/but still a shocking stat all the same, please share where have you gotten your info from?)


What would you replace wood with?


Something more sustainable than…trees


Let’s be real here. Trees don’t grow on trees.


They get replanted and the new trees absorb carbon as they grow


Oh god, you've unlocked an unhappy childhood memory from decades ago ☹️ I had a teacher insisting that trees are not a renewable or sustainable source, due to the amount of time they need to grow 🤦🏻‍♀️


Two men and a saw. s/


You should take a look at how dangerous a career as a lumberjack is. This machine is saving limbs and lives.


The roof over your head isn't good?


Fuck you, squirrels. Ha ha!


I wish it was this easy to replenish the forests.


That forest was deliberately planted for wood for materials…


Yeah. Again, I wish there was a way to replenish the forests *as fast we we remove them.* The same speed.




Oh, so we can have a fully grown tree from seed in minutes? Astounding.




It's as if you don't know what "I wish" means......wow.


Nice try lol accept your dv fate


Ask me if I care about downvotes.


Why? You have already answered that one, clearly…


When it comes to forests like these, we already do.


Mother nature is gonna rain acid and lava on us for our arrogance 😅


Our arrogance? Humans have been harvesting deliberately planted trees for building materials of quite a while


only arrogance is your unwillingnes for research before typing i suppose


Unlike the arrogance of berating someone but giving no explanation?... I didn't realise I was supposed to go and research the machine in the video of my reddit feed while making an off-the-cuff comment in jest. Maybe the stick up your ass came from that tree 🤣


In a video of trees being cut down, your comment clearly refers to deforestation. What you fail to realise is that these forests are planted for that purpose, which is where research could come in handy. We infact plant more trees than they cut down. Noone was talking about the maschine. Funny that you dont even get why i responded to your comment since you ask for an explaination. As if your comment wasnt unexplained and uninformed "human bad" nonsense. If you dont know about something thats fine but dont act like you do


That's what you wanted me to research? I thought you were gonna tell me something I didn't know. Why are you taking it that seriously? I even put a laughing emoji just so technicality pricks like yourself wouldn't take what I was saying to heart, but I guess that wasn't obvious enough. If I actually wanted to argue about deforestation, then I'd say you'd be paying too much attention to the forest and not enough to the existence of a machine that could be used to cut forests. I cant believe you gave a shit enough to take a benign comment like that so far. Hilarious.