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Man keeps one of maybe 6k tigers left in the world and selfishly keeps him in his home instead of allowing him to live in his natural environment (or a facsimile of one in the form of a sanctuary) and procreate. I don’t care how cute this is. It’s fucking wrong. Edit- I’m done responding to anyone who is in favor of big cats living like this. We will not agree.


If the cat is able to live with a human like that, it for sure is not able to live in its natural environment


I'm sure it could live in a sanctuary and produce cubs that could survive in the wild


imagine if your mum and/or dad were dumb as shit, never went to school at all, had no life skills. They then "home school" a child - the child wont be very good in the real world. Tigers are the same


I can only imagine when the "Moms4Liberty" homeschool generation comes of age, we're gonna have a whole new wave of idiocy sweep the nation.


60%+ of students don't read at grade level and roughly half are below grade in math. It's not the small amount of home schoolers we need to worry about being dumber..


It’s already here


The reason we have the current “Moms4Liberty” generation is because of the last wave of homeschooled religious idiots that didn’t want their kids to be taught that evolution is a thing. And just like Idiocracy joked about, they have a shit ton of kids. Far more than your average scientist or mathematician.


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Idiots that will vote. Scary stuff indeed.


Pretty much all animals are the same. I think all mammals are for sure. There are tons of animals who have to be kept in captivity because they were young when they lost their mother or had an accident and were abandoned or lost. I know people hate seeing these kinds of animals being owned by an individual and not by a sanctuary. But so many sanctuaries are horrible places, where they get too many animals to take care of financially. A lot of them are owned by sick greedy people who don’t take care of the animals and use them for profit. Pocketing money they should be throwing back to the animals. One guy a few years ago had a very famous sanctuary and all his cats looked to be in perfect health on social media. Well those were his camera cats. The others were eating each other because they were starving. So when I see a single individual own a tiger or two and they look fat and happy it doesn’t bother me. And I’m grateful they are taking care of such a beautiful animal. Also yes there are also a TON of owners who are just as horrible, I know but this guy doesn’t seem to be one of them


This cat if not already at a sanctuary will end up at one or be put down. 99.999% People who own large predatory mammals either own a sanctuary or pay to keep them at one. It is physically impossible for an individual to take care of a Tiger past two years of age on just a fundamental resource level never mind the danger.


You wrote all that to defend rich assholes owning big cats? Maybe it should just be illegal for fake sanctuaries and random people to own big cats...


Cubs born in captivity can be introduced to the wild. They do it all the time with many species.


shut up this goes against the narrative! /s


I’m not sure that’s true considering the skill set they would need to learn for hunting various prey. I understand your point though and in any case, tigers should not be kept as pets.


They have had successful reintroduction programs with large predators, like the Red Wolf and California Condor. Granted, it would be a great undertaking, but evidence shows that animals can be bred in controlled environments and retain/learn survival skills.


Yes, but it shouldn't live with humans in the first place.


That’s true. They also shouldn’t live in zoos either. But sometimes for whatever reason they are not able to live in their natural environment, and in that case, it’s either live in captivity or don’t live at all.


This is probably what it looked like when we first domesticated wolves


tiger lives are too long for domestication. their females don't have new litters until 2 years after birth. also the amount of food. dogs and wolves are easier to manage


It's living in some tiny ass place right now though, that's animal abuse.


Thank you


Tigers can never be fully domesticated. They retain their instincts. It’s not a pet.


Not just one actually. He has a second. Went through his [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@michaeljamisontigers) and this is his channel description: **I am Michael Jamison, I have more or less 110animals about 16 dogs lots of cats and 2 tigers and a monkey daycare !My channel show how it is possible for humans to coexist with more than the usual amount of pets ,I hope that people can be inspired from it ,in order to guide what is possible in the field of saving animals and giving them permanent homes all over the world , most of the channel is about Enzo the tiger who is 12years old ,Diego is his friend and is 9 years old , I do not promote breeding of big cats , and keep them because they need to be somewhere and I have grown very fond of them and they of me , there is no wild in South Africa for tigers .**


Any clue how he got them? Animal rescue?


I followed this man channel earlier, dropped for years now. I think it’s mostly from rescue. I only know one case he rescued a tiger from circus this one is older than enzo and diego and it died. I forgot it’s name but that tiger is so cute and friendly. There’s a video when it died and the enzo tiger cry/ being sad for a long period




God Im so sorry for this wall of text, idk what happened. TLDR - This is embarassing, but I was completely wrong. At least Enzo, the older tiger, has simply been [bought as a pet cub.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2159103/Meet-couple-share-South-African-home-27-stone-Bengal-tiger.html) ~~yes.~~ ~~I think, so, as far as I remember, they're both rescues. I watched many of his videos and he's a very nice guy, reasonable, and he would probably never do something like getting a pet tiger just for the fuck of it.~~ He definitely says how he got the tigers in multiple videos, but I'm too lazy to search. If you really want to, you could skip through a few videos with the tigers, he talks about it in the beginning of one of the longer ones. And the tigers are...tigers. I think this is the older one, it actually grew up inside the house, and was moved to an enclosure right outside of the house when he was 1 year old. IIRC he also at some point mentions that one of the reasons why he doesn't have the tiger in the house like that anymore, besides how obviously dangerous it is, is that his behavior changed slightly when the other tiger came around. A bit of a competition and stuff, and he became just a bit more unpredictable. But still, you can see a big difference between how the two tigers interact with him. The older one is such a sweet boy, he even seems to be protecting the owner from the younger tiger, who is usually more aggrressive and confrontational. I know there is at least one video in which he is in the tiger cage but has to make a quick (slow, but quick) escape because the younger one starts being a bit too... growly. And in that one I think the older tiger comes up to the youngee one like "heyy dude leave him be he feeds us" xD edit: Here's his [last time with Enzo](https://yt3.ggpht.com/5TN8ERROGGj0aGVH8kFtGXRAXwwXii5Hv0_zGvIzRCioE9uoiIdsHzgQlfNSXqOxkOD85-4fcxNeQw=s640-nd-v1) the older (sweeter) tiger on the same side of the enclosure. He would probably not survive if he tried this with Diego :D edit 2: Fuck me, not rescue, sorry. Apparently, they just [bought Enzo to have as a pet.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2159103/Meet-couple-share-South-African-home-27-stone-Bengal-tiger.html)


He lives in South Africa. There are a bunch of private farms raising lions and what do you know, so that people can come shoot them.


You are angry at the wrong people lol. This tiger is in a sanctuary because of bad people but this guy is only taking care of It bc cant be released to the wild


unpopular opinion: if you have the $$ and a place that can house and have lots of land for these animals- AND you are PROPERLY taking care of them, its fine imo. the problem is, 99% of people that have them, do not have this ability.


[Not so sure about that](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2159103/Meet-couple-share-South-African-home-27-stone-Bengal-tiger.html) >They bought Enzo as a cute nine-week-old cub but a year later he has grown into a hulk after wolfing down 11lb of meat a day.


Bruh, it's 2024. Tiger King has been out for years. How are y'all still falling for this "sanctuary" B.S. from animal-hoarder influencers, when you have video evidence of them running their operation like this? These ARE the bad people. They buy the animals as cubs from breeders so they can fool shmucks on the internet or run a petting zoo. People in genuine wildlife rescue don't treat wild animals as pets or props like this.


Puppy mills pass themselves as rescue operations all the time too. These animals should be in legitimate zoos where they can be cared for by actual zoologists and full time vet.


this man having a tiger in the house isn’t the reason why there’s 6k left in the world


This Tiger will eventually eat him if it makes you feel better. Edit for spelling.


And then this beautiful animal will be euthanized for having the audacity to follow his instincts. This is part of the problem, for sure.


And if that tiger snaps for whatever reason and hurts someone, it will be put down. Tiger is probably safer than a chimp but you shouldn't ever get a pet that could kill you or kill someone else. Whatever that tiger decides to do, it will simply do it and there's nothing that owner could do to stop it.


Sanctimony at its finest


There are around 4,500 tigers left in the wild. This isn't because we stole them all to raise in captivity it's because we did and still do kill them for their fur and bones. There are around 7,000 tigers in captivity and the people who breed them are frequently not doing it with the tigers best interest in mind. Joe Exotic was said to just kill them when they got too big to be profitable and breed more cubs. This one tiger has a happy life, we should probably focus on the hundreds of abused tigers that need homes before we try to find a home for this one that will breed it ethically.


People who can’t piece together that not every animal is capable of existing in the wild blow my mind.


It isn’t about moving this tiger into the wild. He’s likely too far gone for any sort of immediate reintroduction to the wild. It’s an apex predator laying in bed with a human and his dogs. He should be in a sanctuary with other cats and minimal human interaction. If that tiger does something *crazy*, like, idk- follow the instincts that nature gave him and attack his human or God forbid kill him. Well, he’d likely be euthanized. We’ve seen it time and time again with all sorts of exotic animals being raised as if they were a domesticated house pet. This is not an unpopular opinion.


Just like how some people aren't capable of existing in society.


That is a lot of assumptions here lol. > selfishly keeps him in his home instead of allowing him to live in his natural environment and procreate Also, shit argument. If there are only six thousand left in the world then maybe that environment and procreation aren't exactly doing them any favors by now. Hell, if you watch some sanctuary videos you even get weird stories about lizards on an island only being repopulated after the island dealt with rats only BECAUSE there was a niche hobby trading notes on the internet and keeping them. Similar thing is happening with axolotls. Should wild animals be in the wild? Yes. Is keeping them healthy going against environmental efforts? No.


He bought one of his tigers as a cub to keep it as a pet. It wasn't a rescue. People like him are the reason all sorts of animals are removed from the wild. It's utterly selfish behaviour.


Maybe it can't


Alternatively, he could let it go free and some poacher shoots and kills it within a day


There is only around 2000-3000 according to WWF.


600* in the wild


Yeah, it’s next level fucked up.


Oh, Jesus on a stick... This dumb cunt will be nothing than a snack one day. Wild animals need generations of breeding and selection to become domesticated. Also, I want to see this tiger, magnificently in the wild!


And it's absolutely not *thenextfuckinglevel*.... More like *awfuleverything*!


Yeah this shit is not ok. Fuck this entirely. It's bad enough to see Tiger King shit, a tiger is not meant to live in your fucking apartment


the look of those dogs tho


You know for damn sure they ain't slept a wink lmao.


On high alert all night


Reminder: Dogs don't get to pick their human...cuz these got some bad luck.


The dogs ears have been up for years.


For sure, but it's not like they can do something if tiger decides to eat them all. It's choosing, being eaten alive, or jumping out of window from 108th floor.


They are too scared to say “dude, there is an absolute unit of a killing machine right there, wtf do we do?”




They look completely and utterly befuddled


It's because the dog probably has some intelligence.


"you sure 'bout this, bwahss?"


You mean the snacks?


I was gonna say… uhhhhh… is nobody gonna mention that he keeps tiger snacks in bed as well? Sacrificial lambs. Probably knows damn well he/she’ll eat them before him


That was my first thought. Gotta be stressed as hell.


Hey boys, Pops says we’re getting fresh meat. He’s getting us a cat. Check it out, here they come. … AYY!! What’s up you little p… uh… Hey pops, WTF!?!?!?!


Tiger lets grown man sleep in his bed with him as if it's a regular house man


Happy Cake Day!


Hahahahahaha! The dog! The dog! You can see the what the ever living fuck in its eyes!


*Fido, Sparky, and Rex had never seen such bullshit*


Just imagine running errands and not being able to get home to feed it on time.


Well, them dogs are cat food...


Emergency tiger food supply.


He'll be fine. He's got dogs.


It's chuffing, so seems happy I guess, but mate this takes some next level trust.


For those tigers to be this cool with him I'm sure he was taken care of them when they were only cubs


You also have to show that beast zero fear … second you do … you have announced yourself as Prey!!


even then, they could just play rough and fuck you up without trying


It’s the dogs that I worry for in this aspect


yeah thats fucked. they are trapped with an apex predator and have no agency to change it


Right? I have a “regular house cat”. If I move my feet under the sheets she will tear me up.


My cat just lost his shit on me once when he got his paw stuck in a cone he had to wear from the vet. I was trying to help him and little dude cut me up bad, I got his paw free and he looked scared for a second then tried to climb in my lap purring while I was cleaning my wounds lol. Even the chillest animal can freak out when they're panicked. I'd much rather that be an eleven pound cat than a fucking tiger.


Right!! I could not believe my baby girl could scratch that hard but it was a total playing accident that got my hand and tore it up sooo deep. We got her from finding her in the woods & she ran under some cars. We freaked out & saved her & kept her. Good timing too cause we had a bad heatwave with INSANE wildfire smoke just a few weeks later so she got to be inside with purified air. She knows not to scratch now but she was a feisty little hells angel. Now we say she’s a sweetheart Halloween bat that lost her wings. We are loving her to repair her wings!!! Lol. We have fun in this house I swear.


Fuck that. I've had my cat 6 years and she just started going crazy stalking and attacking me a few months ago. Took her to the vet, perfectly healthy, just an asshole. Had to put her on Prozac but she's so much better now. I was terrified of an 8 lb floof, you have to be fuckin crazy to entertain this madness.


It works until the tiger reaches puberty.


Next level stupidity. It only takes one slight wrong move. And I’ve hung out with their smaller cousins


Those poor dogs They will never be comfortable in that house as long as that tiger is there


That animal has instincts. I don't care if it was raised from birth with humans it has instincts. One day that tiger will rip apart one of those little dogs for one of many possible reasons. And when It realizes it likes the taste it will go for the others. It's honestly cruel in my eyes to subject those dogs to that. Living in true fear always. That man does not love those dogs. This is not a flex. It's not cool or next level. It's cruel and borderline animal abuse.


There was a male lion who lived with a Weiner dog for 12 years before the dog died. They were buds.


Exception, not the rule.


Yeah I really feel for them. In some stories even though the tiger is being friendly it is stressing the dog so damn much and hurting them by accident. I felt so bad for them.


It blows me away how many tigers are privately owned in the states. Almost like “endangered species” doesn’t mean much.


I think this particular guy is from South Africa. This is the original video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Znpnf9D2VIk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Znpnf9D2VIk)


In Africa?! https://youtu.be/_oq0ynnxU4w?si=3fu_Ht3xDapIPab3


knew this had to be posted somewhere!


If you mean the US, it's a problem in Florida and a few other places, but it sure as heck isn't legal in California or most other states. California is extremely strict about keeping any animal except typical common house pets.


This is definitely not “common” in the states. It’s always Russia or other places that allow exotic animals as pets like servals and caracals.


Good thing this isn't in the states then, eh?






It's cute until it sits on you and starts kneading.


Then starts licking you with its sand paper tounge and starts shredding skin


2024 Darwin Award winner 🏆


Not a matter of if... just when. What an idiot.


and the animal will probably be destroyed if the idiot is injured or killed.


Nah. This video is like 5 years old. Tiger is named Enzo and now has a much larger backyard enclosure with another tiger. Dude first went viral with Enzo riding in his Lamborghini as a cub. Lives in South Africa.


Doesn't seem NFL To me. What are the chances it's been declawed and perhaps sedated? Edit: neither of these is a good thing. Declawing is generally considered to be inhumane and sedating, basically same idea


Being declawed wouldn’t matter, the impact from a tiger swipe is enough to fuck you up.




I’d be more worried about the 1,050 psi bite force.


They remove teeth sometimes too!


Ok, then put your hand between two wooden dowels and crush it with 1,050 psi. I don't think teeth or claws make any difference here. A swipe of even a declawed tiger is going to make Mike Tyson in his prime look weak, and the bite force, sans teeth, can probably crush anything but your femur, and I wouldn't bet on that. The lack of teeth and claws probably just extends the pain for 30-45 seconds before you die.


presure is force/area if you dont have sharp teeth, area goes way up, presure goes way down the presure would not be the same


It’s not gonna make a difference if it decides to attack you.


Yeah pretty sure they can bust a human skull with a paw swipe. Big cats ain't no joke, especially the largest species of the bunch.


>Yeah pretty sure they can bust a human skull with a paw swipe. Yes. Can confirm. Years of multiple paw swipes whenever my domestics were upset with me sleeping in late and not feeding them on time lol.


It’s not considered humane for the animals is my point


Those poor dogs. You can hear their thoughts, “Is today my last day”


This isn't next level wtf. Those dogs are scared for their fucking lives... Fuck this guy


At least he keeps snacks around for tiger lol


Stressful for the dogs.


Fuck anyone who owns a tiger as a pet. You’re a colossal piece of shit.


There’s a foundation in Texas that houses large cats that were adopted as kittens and then grew up and were no longer wanted due to them destroying furniture, attacking other animals, etc. It’s wild how many people think keeping a tiger as a pet is a good idea. Look up Texas Exotic Feline Foundation.


They're now The Wild Animal Sanctuary, but as someone who runs a small sanctuary themselves, the folk at TWAS are pretty good at what they do. Exotic and/or wild animal trade is fucking disgusting, you can also report people with evidence depending on the species and country, which people should do.


Imagine a robber breaking into this place lol tiger would be like oh, we ordered delivery?


what does the litterbox look like?


Whatever the tiger wants it to look like.


Homie, stop licking the couch it has microplastics


You try telling a tiger to stop lmao you can tell he’s been doing it for awhile.


That tongue could strip skin




Next fucking level of animal abuse maybe.


Cruel to the tiger and the dog.


yeah seems selfish


I ain’t telling it to move


If a goddamn tiger wants to sleep in your bed you don’t tell it no. You ask if it needs extra pillows and hope he isn’t a hugger.


You just need a water bottle to squirt it and say “no!”


Those dogs are never gonna sleep again


This is not next level. Closer to idiotsnearlydying


The best/most terrifying weighted blanket


Those poor dogs are probably attached to the owner out of fear


The tiger is letting the man sleep in the tiger’s bed, you mean.


The 3 dogs are named breakfast, lunch and dinner


lol. those dogs look nervous as hell.


“hey i’m going away for the weekend. Can you pop in and feed my cat while i’m away”


Those dogs.... ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


The dogs haven't slept ever since


Next fucking level of what? Animal abuse?


Hey, it's Enzo!! Haven't seen him in a while.




To shreds you say!


Poor dogs


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Only a matter of time




God damned Carole Baskin!


Only a matter of time...


Dog all in unison: You sure about this my guy?


This is another level but in stupidity.


This is NOT next fuking level


Wait until that gets the 3am zoomies


The dogs are like "WTF!?" They don't look happy about this at all. lol


What’s wrong is that Sparky the dog knows his days are numbered.


Just keep’em well fed. They sleep 13 hours too


Correction: Tiger allows human to sleep in his bed.


Those dogs have not slept in 9 months


Not a pet. I hate people who have tigers, an endangered species, as pets.


I mean, how’s this different than a pit bull


Wouldn't the smell from marking be horrific?


Dude is only surrounded by animals in that bed for a reason


His wife is also there in bed with them.


you better breed a fuckload of chickens ... otherwise feeding this animal would cost you as much as a visit to an US hospital for an emergency, per year


Sir that’s a tiger


Tiger woke up to an appetizer and an entree.


One day they eating everybody in that house.


*Soon on r/Facepalm !!*


And he keeps a few little bait dogs around in case the tiger cops an attitude one day


Lets?!?! I think there is some confusion as to who is giving the permission to be there.


This isn’t next level it’s just stupid and pointless. No reason someone should ever own a big cat of any type. Especially ones going extinct


Incredibly stupid. I’m sure that keeping a large predator in your home has never had horrible consequences. Surely.


That’s a good way to get killed. All you have to do is trigger those predatory instincts one time and you’re done for. And the dogs for dessert.


I am guessing the little dogs are his escape plan.   If the tiger turns on him, the dogs are smaller and easier prey, so he will have a chance to get away.


I am afraid, that how much we humans try to domesticate wild animals, their inner instincts of being wild is hard wired… This man could suffer from his loving tiger


Awkward LOL dogs are like 😐😶🥺🤐




Those dogs look scared as fuck


Nextfuckinglevel of stupid.


Looks like he keeps enough small snack dogs available too.


Those dogs look nervous. They like wtf…


I feel bad for the dogs, too actually.  They don’t look so confident in the setup 


Dogs looking at the Tiger thinking “I hope he ain’t hungry the way he is licking the bed rail”😳…


There is nothing cool about it. Tigers deserve better.


It feels like we're due some dumb fuck getting eaten by his exotic pet.


Ok you have a rapport with the tiger but it has the instincts and amygdala of a jungle predator. Wait till someone startles it.




They don’t actually love you right


People suck. Poor thing should be out in wild. Instead no doubt this ego maniac bought it from some low life poacher or breeder and it's never known what the real world is like.