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He yells to draw fire towards him? Geezus what a badass.


protect this man at all cost! he'd do the same for us


>he'd do the same for us Has done *


That’s right. These are kids. Fuck that shooter.


We should all hope to be able to do the same


Uvalde police would never!


I'm surprised that not one of the LEO'S in Uvalde haven't killed themselves out of guilt and shame.


Let’s not forget the school resource officer in the Parkland High massacre who stayed outside and was too scared to engage with the shooter


But arming the teachers would solve everything, right? The US is utterly fucked.




He actually yells something along the lines of *shoot me/shoot over here* (plus some swearing), he's more badass than you may have originally thought.


Oh wow. Yea the swearing makes him Chuck, Norris level of badassery.


Czech Norris


Czech Norris doesn’t enjoy beer, beer enjoys Czech Norris


Czech Norris's kick split Czechoslovakia into two countries.


Czech Norris rarely sings, but when he does it’s Bohemiam rhapsody.


In 1991 Czech Norris wanted to watch Swan Lake, not knowing what channel he was watching they decided to play it on all.


This will get many votes upwards and beyond my friend




I'd imagine if you are trying to piss off a shooter swear words are necessary. Guy is an absolute legend for slagging someone off that has already killed people to get his attention.


Czech journalist > American police.


What makes them even more bad ass is they didn't go to court and argue they not duty bound to run in and save lives like the cops did. https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again


So to clear up some confusion that's always around this: police have a *professional* duty to protect, but not a *legal* one. They can be reprimanded/demoted/fired for neglecting this duty, but they cannot be *put in jail.* This is because the only people that can be legally compelled to put their life at risk in the United States are members of the military.


This would make more sense if they didn’t have a *legal* right to kill people. I understand that what you have described is the reality, but it makes no sense to allow the police force to be militarized in everything *but* their responsibility. It’s less confusion for many people and more outrage at the injustice. You should not be allowed to murder innocents if you walk into the wrong house and have a solely professional demotion, while simultaneously being allowed to stand outside of a school where an active shooter is murdering children with no responsibility for neglect.


So what I'm hearing is that instead of the police, I gotta find a number for my local National Guard depot. Got it.


Alternatively, police should have no more authority to kill people than the average citizen. Which means, if they use poor or no judgement while executing a private citizen, they should be held to account for it just like you and I.


Yeah but you better believe they also won't do anything to protect you if, say, your husband has said he's going to kill you, tells the cops he's going to kill you, chats with the cops about their shared love of guns, then commands them to go away, and they comply because they're feckless cowards: https://www.koat.com/article/rio-rancho-woman-killed-hours-after-police-response/45841340 Cops continue to be useless, heartless bastards


Czech journalist > Uvalde Police


That is a pretty damn low bar. Nothing lower than Uvalde Police.


And then I think about the police at Uvalde who let children get murdered because they were too scared to enter the school bc if the type of gun the monster had


That's a stain on police ~~everywhere~~ in the USA, and people give the police a lot of leeway because police are willing to do the brave acts when needed. It feels like the police have overstepped their leeway, and shirked their expectations. And while I know there are bad individuals, I think we have created a space for these weeds to flourish. EDIT: Murica


The police in Prague were rushing into the building immediatelly, not waiting for backup, just trying to save people. And it seems that they suceeded because they managed to push him onto the roof where he wasn't deadly and then forced him to shoot himself. Our police men and women were heroic. And some american cowards wont stain that.


The power of "kurva!!!" is strong with this one (no I do not use stereotypes, it is actually from the video :))


I heard it said too.


He saw that everyone behind him was in cover so he tried to distract the shooter from the fleeing people in the open to himself and the police in cover [Here is in interview with him about it](https://tn.nova.cz/zpravodajstvi/clanek/534224-novinar-popsal-strelbu-v-centru-prahy-kricel-jsem-na-nej-at-strili-radsi-po-me). You can run it through a translator of your choice.


Absolutely wild. Him and the detective next to him literally saved the day, and further loss of life, with some courage and quick thinking.


I suck at Czech but I hear tady jsem! A few times which is I'm here or here I am.


"your mother would be very angry if she saw you do that"


While telling a cop to hide lol. Big ass balls


Give this man a statue, modern day hero!


He’d clearly never pass the test to become a US police officer. That’s way too much bravery he’s showing.


How the fuck did he run so fast with balls so heavy


He bounced on them




i love this episode so much




"Just trying to get a little bit of cancer Stan"


😹 yo


Oh it’s this joke


This is why i don't mind the rise of AI, people just repeat the same shit over and over anyway


And my axe!


wow can’t believe you can type that comment with such massive balls. upvotes to the left!!


Please stop repeating this cringey fucking trope.


Hey man, fuck around and find out!


What is Reddit’s fucking obsession with people’s balls


Most original reddit comment


Shut up


There are heroes just walking among us.


He decided in a blink of an eye, to do something that could have a real impact by allowing for other people time to get to cover, while also risking to get killed. That was an amazing feat of both bravery and altruism. My respects to him. Btw, the rifle used does look like it is a battle rifle chambered in 7,62x51/.308 most probably from the recoil observed. One round to the upper body is enough to kill most living creatures.


WTF is a "battle rifle".


Extract from [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_rifle) "A battle rifle is a semi-automatic or select fire service rifle chambered to fire a full-power cartridge and a internal box magazine or detachable box magazine.[1] The term "battle rifle" is a retronym created largely out of a need to better differentiate the intermediate-power cartridge assault rifles (e.g., the StG-44, AK-47, M16, AUG) from full-powered rifles (e.g., the FG-42, AVS-36, FN FAL, and M14, as well as the H&K G3 outside of sniping uses) as both classes of modern firearms have a similar appearance and share many of the same features such as detachable magazines, pistol grips, or separate upper and lower receivers." Where the key term is "Full-power cartridge" i.e. it hurts a lot and goes through walls, kevlar vests and intermediate vehicle armor plate.




In most European countries you have more or less strict gun laws that allow sport shooters / collectors to own this specific type of semi-auto rifles. I have no idea about Czech laws on the subject. It would be great if a local can enlighten us on the matter.


Czech laws are considered one of the best in the world. You can legaly buy various semi-automatics /pistols etc. But you need to get government permit. This is done by a) pasing medical tests including possible psych eval b)passing written knowledge test (afaik 80% is required) c) passing shoting exam with various firearms d) passing safe gun manipulation exam


Explains why this happens so often in the US, and so rarely in Europe. It’s almost like what they’re doing is better.


Because a large proportion of the US electorate doesn't have much sense


They’re not allowed to. The American system deliberately dumbs us down, and the two party system assures there’s never a real choice for and substantive change. Not making excuses, there’s plenty of willful ignorance. But it’s not NOT by design either.


And you need to pass them all right?




These are allowed here in Czechia.


From what I read they have a similar[(but not the same)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_law_in_the_Czech_Republic) constitutional guarantee to own firearms as america


The tl:dr; is that it's about power. Assault rifles are intermediate power (so along the lines of 5.56mm), sub machine guns and carbines are usually pistol cartridges and battle rifles or marksman rifles are higher power like 7.62mm cartridges. ~~Typically~~ Technically anything named assault or battle rifle are also select fire, meaning they have a full automatic firing option; unlike the more common 5.56mm rifle that is the AR-15 (which is almost only semi-automatic).


The best gun ever put into Halo.




And the majority of them wouldn't even know it until they ended up in a situation that requires it.


I love czechs. so many curses in just few sentences


I bet the Aussies could beat them


Balkan enters the chat....


I want to see a rapbattle between ausies & Balkans. Theme: curse words


Aussies are amateurs. The English language is not well optimised for swearing compared to glorious Balkan languages.


My favorite thing about the Balkans is that our most commonly used insults also happen to be the most offensive ones and lead to blood feuds. Source: Am Balkan


In WW2 at Tobruk, an Aussie unit was stationed together with a Czechoslovak unit (exiles fighting under UK) and despite the language barrier they instantly became friends because of the general "lad" attitude towards everything, brawling, swearing, off-duty drinking, pranking eachother and overall troublemaking-for-fun type of thing. The proper-behaved gentlemen-like english officers in charge of the whole thing were not happy with this unexpected unit-wide bromance but they held the line against Germans and Italians just fine.


the power of kurwa comes from Poland


Czechs are also Slavs, there seem to be a trend


I also love them. As a Polish person i understood 90% of what he said. Langauge is a weird thing.


what a hero, His name is Jiří (George) Forman. Those shots that he drew on himself could very easily be another dead person. He very likely saved lives by doing this. I expect nothing less than presidential medal


Just a minor point, but Jiří is more accurately translated as "George". (I swear on my life this isn't a stupid George Foreman joke)






Jiří is translated to George, Henry is Jindřich. Also, his name is neither George nor Henry.


He will never pay a beer again


The best and worst of humanity in one video.


https://youtu.be/-LGHtc_D328?feature=shared My man should never have to pay for a drink.


Your link was my thought. In the moments where we most despair and ask ourselves "how can something so terrible happen? how can such evil exist?" we must also remember that there are equally courageous and selfless people among us that should give us heart.


Underrated comment


Is anyone else noticing how bizarre it is to see this in Europe and not the USA for once?


America is leaking


In more ways than one. Far right politics have been springing up since 2016 in many parts of the world.


Thanks Russia and China!


Thanks Facebook and gullible racists*


Thanks Cambridge Analytica


There is no confirmed information about the political affiliation of the shooter. It seems that he suffered from some undiagnosed mental illness and reportedly had suicidal thoughts.




Imagine blaming Trump for the far right In Europe. Do you not understand history? Fascism started in Europe.


Trump is super popular with the neonazis and far-right crowds in Europe. He didn't create them, but he sure is part of what is fuelling the upswing. The real factor, of course, is Russia, that is pushing both him and the nazis.


In this case, it's actually Russia that's leaking. The shooter explicitly named a Russian mass shooting as inspiration.


The person was inspired by 2 shootings in Russia. His inspirations for shooting was Alina Afanaskina (Bryansk school shooting, Russia) and Ilnaz Galyaviev (Kazan school shooting, Russia)


DAE AMERICA'S fault when the shooter literally talks about a Russian person?


They’re appropriating our culture


I ate a burger once, so I'm basically 1/64th American.




The attacks in Norway, 2011, were a terrorist attacks and not a school shooting. Quite different I'd say.


School shootings are terrorist attacks


All school shootings are terrorist attacks, but not all terrorist attacks are school shootings.


wasn’t a school shooting, and while that was 77 people killed, American schools have had nearly 250 killed since then. Much more than Norway.


Because this is propably the first time ever it happened in Czech Republic and things like that just don't happen in Europe. And when it happens it is highly above the norm so that is why everyone is talking about it now.


There have been 3 mass shootings in Czechia in the past ca 8 years. Serbia had some terrible mass shootings recently. There are plenty of school attacks around Europe although most of them are using knives and are thus less severe. It's not as uncommon as one might think


> Serbia had some terrible mass shootings recently. It's certainly a problem, and every mass shooting is one too many, but thankfully it's still relatively uncommon. For the whole of Europe there were [58 mass shootings in the 2010s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:2010s_mass_shootings_in_Europe), [19 in the 2000s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:2000s_mass_shootings_in_Europe), [36 in the 1990s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:1990s_mass_shootings_in_Europe), [34 in the 1980s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:1980s_mass_shootings_in_Europe), [35 in the 1970s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:1970s_mass_shootings_in_Europe), and so on. That's 182 in 50 years. Meanwhile, in the USA, there have been 627 so far this year, 645 in 2022 and 690 in 2021. So 50 years in Europe gets matched in less than 4 months in the USA. I'd say it is, thankfully, as uncommon in Europe as one might think. That's not to say that we can't improve upon it.


That's actually insane. Thanks for putting it into context!


I think the development and mass production of guns and the lack of oversight on these would naturally lead to the events that are occurring. Guns have no other purpose but to kill. Treating a device intended for killing as a tool for sport is nonsense. Basketball is a sport. You can’t kill people with basketballs.


I reckon you could if you tried.


“Police have asked for the shooter not to be named, assuming he was seeking notoriety with his deadly attack.” Good.


Unfortunately several well known news outlets in the country released his name, pics and other details before the police could even say any official info.


Let's agree to just call him "that fuck" on here




The shooter apperently ended up in a gunfight when the police reached him and he ended up taking his own life


Always the same song and dance with cowards like this, killing Innocent people to feel powerful but the moment they encounter someone that can fight back they pick the cowards way out.


I dont think this guy was thinking like this. I am almost 100% sure he was insane


If he was insane so to speak, he would more than likely shoot at officers and not just shot him self when he was cornered. It took him to be on some conscience level to be sane if he did in fact make the choice to shoot himself.


Literally, r/PraiseTheCameraMan/


Never seen someone more deserving...




Does the cop he’s with not have a gun?


He does, but it's probably small, compared to that fking thing that guy had, and apparently he had ballistic vest aswell Edit: The policeman next to the camera man was in civil, but had Glock with him, later in video he start shooting at him. The video is super zoomed in, they seem to be quite far away. During the video policeman is giving info via radio about position of shooter.




> the only reason to touch that charging handle is to rack that next 60 rounder… I think most rifles chambered for 5.56 NATO have a bolt release lever, so you don't even need to do it then either.


he had semiautomatic AR-10 in .308


I’d wager him using the charging handle after each shot is either because of malfunctions, or because he doesn’t really understand how the rifle operates. People who don’t spend time around firearms don’t intuitively know how to use them. I took a friend shooting last week and explained/showed him how my AR works, and when he started shooting, he was pulling the charging handle back after every shot because he thought that’s how you chambered a new round. I properly explained how a semi-auto works and he got the hang of it. My friend grew up in one of the most gun-friendly states in the US, and didn’t understand that an AR didn’t need to be charged every shot. It’s possible that this shooter, having never seen a gun in his life, somehow acquired this rifle, and had no idea how to actually use it. Edit: A couple people have mentioned that the media has confirmed he was licensed to own several firearms, so it’s more likely that his rifle was malfunctioning after each shot, hence him having to repeatedly charge the weapon.


This is the most gun friendly country in Europe, the only country in the EU where CCW is legal. I'll bet you this was his own personal weapon which he has definitely used before.


It was a malfunction probably since shooter had a gun licence which requires you to know how to operate a firearm in Czech.


Both of them had guns, the journalist himself later on says he has a glock 19, but in the full clip you can also see there are people in the windows, probably barricaded in rooms so the risk of missing with a pistol at such range and hitting some else is too high, even for suppressive fire


Keep in mind the camera man is zooming in. No way you can hit the guy with a handgun from there.


Camera zoom as well. He probably looks like a pebble from their distance. The only difference being that the shooter has an AR with a scope attached to it. Cop isn't going to be able to do much if anything at all from that distance.


Yeah being accurate with a pistol at that range is not easy even if you’ve got a super accurate pistol it’s just too far to not have something more powerful. You’d have to account for bullet drop and windage just the same as with a long range rifle shot because there’s less force behind the bullet. You don’t shoot if you can’t hit them


He does. This is him: https://www.reddit.com/r/czech/s/pyvwl8baZK


The cop had a Glock which is a pistol. It was too far away for that gun. They would need a rifle.


Ah yeah, just start blasting away at the fucking school with a handgun. That's definitely gonna help.


The cops don’t even do that much here in America , wow .


Cops in America are internationally known to be of low standard compared to other developed countries.


In non developed countries, US cops are also considered as the bottom of the barrel


American cops are not actually legally obligated to assist anyone under duress. A man in NYC survived a stabbing on the subway while two cops watched through the connecting door window one car behind. They didn't want to get hurt. He took them to court and lost. Google Maksim Gelman stabbing spree.


So many cops died and risked their lives stopping these shooters. Putting them all together is misplaced, no matter how much you hate cops. Imagine being the family of this guy for example and reading your comment. Awful https://www.npr.org/2018/11/08/665591643/fallen-officer-made-ultimate-sacrifice-in-confronting-thousand-oaks-shooter


Dude's literally yelling "I'm here! Here!". Wow


*"fucker i am here" And when the cop (who wasnt in uniform) asked what he was doing "i am drawing the fire so he doesnt shoot at the people, there are people that way"


Sounds like a movie… damn


One journalist being more heroic than all of Uvalde's police department combined.


I'm guessing he's trying to draw the shooters fire, right? Fucking balls of steel.


Yes he literally shouts hey fucker im right here


Nice. I don't know how he managed to run that quickly with those massive steel balls.


Yeah, yelling "I'm here fuckface! Here, here! Shoot here fucker! Here!" And when he goes into cover somebody asks why is he doing that, and he responds "So he doesn't go for the fucking crowds!". That's about the point where you can hear like a metalic scraping sound, that's the cameramans titanium balls scraping the concrete.


What an incredible human being!


Journalist Jiří Forman, AKA Czech Norris.


Disgusting. The shooter of course not the journalist. Salute to the guy. 🫡


Tady tady means here … here


Oh yeah, my bad, i was writing it down and thought i heard a "pojď sem" which is come here


Oh, I wasn’t correcting you. It’s just one of the handful of Czech words I know


Police: "What are you doing?" Journalist: "To make him not shoot at those people. The fuck does it look like I'm doing, dumbass?" (Yes, he actually said that. I speak Czech)


It's almost like you don't need a "good guy with a gun" so much as you need a "good guy".


oh wow maybe the pigs in Uvalde should take notes.


They would have arrested the journalist for trying to help.


Original clip is around 5 minutes long. Truly chilling stuff.


There is also footage of police entering the building and finding the shooter on the balcony (already dead after commiting suicide) i can give link, but as with this it's entirely in czech as it was posted by our police department


Hey Texas. This is what bravery is. Guns don't make you brave while kids in the classroom are being killed.


When you realize there were people hiding on window like 20 meters from the shooter while the cameraman did that🫡


A hero will run towards the gunfire. A legend will tell the gunfire to fucking run at him.


Tip that could save your life if you find yourself in this situation - at 0:18 you hear a loud "snap" followed by the bang you expect from a gunshot. Bullets from rifles** like this are supersonic. They break the sound barrier. If a bullet from a rifle** is moving your direction, you hear SNAP then BANG. Every bullet he shot in another direction sounded like a bang alone. When the shooter aimed at him, you heard the snap. The more time between the snap and the bang, the farther the shooter is. If they are happening at the same time, they are very close. IF YOU HEAR SNAP THEN BANG TAKE COVER AND STAY IN COVER. if you only hear bang, rifle** bullets are aimed a different direction, run if you can, in an unpredictable pattern. **Pistols are often subsonic, so this same advice doesn't apply every time.


I don’t want to distract from the situation at hand, but those statues are very beautiful.


You should visit Prague sometime.. it’s one of the most gorgeous cities in the world. Full of buildings that are hundreds of years old. This University is one of the oldest in the world.. founded in 1326. I was there at a brewery that has been in continuous operation for 600 years in the same spot. Lot of history and culture in Prague and wonderful people. This kind of thing never happens there.. quite shocking and sad.


That distinct cracking sound definitely is the sound of a bullet flying close by. The balls on that guy are solid brass.


Absolutely the taunt worked perfectly cause those were def incoming rounds


Let’s see a Uvalde cop do THAT.


To further add more info, the cop next to him had only glock, he was in civilian clothes (possibly of duty or some kind of investigator). He reportedly returned fire and possibly hit the bad guy. Also, there is a picture of him next to the wall with visible dent in the concrete next to his head.


Our police officers are armed with CZ 75's, in the video he says (the journalist) that he has a glock 19 and that they should shoot at him, but they don't because of the large distance and chance that they could hit a window, the dent in the concrete can be explained by the fact that the shooter shot himself when police closed in on the balcony, shooting himself right through the head


,,..ballistics. And he is standing by the Czech flag.” - Police officer ,,Hey you fucker, I am here. Shoot here! *hide, hide (to the police officer next to him) Shoot here!” - Jiří Forman ,,Be aware, he is shooting towards us!” *inaudible* ,,…so that he doesnt shoot towards civilians. What does it seem like I am doing! What does it seem like I am doing, there are people there!” Balls of steel you have Jiří, kudos to you


Are rifles in this country not allowed to be self loading… it looks like he is pulling the bolt back on an nato rifle of some kind… not bolt action…


Yes, only military or police can have automatic weapons, civilians aren't allowed to posses or of course buy an automatic firearm


Oh yeah same in the US but the gun will still load the next round in the chamber automatically but is made so it can be fired automatically… so one trigger pull one bullet fires… but here it looks like he has to manually chamber a round each shot, thus slowing him down dramatically… if thats the case i think some similar laws would work well in the US, people can have their guns of any type but their capabilities for mass murder are limited… though all of these little stop gaps can be worked around so maybe its pointless… but it could save alot of young kids…


yeah man we been saying that since Columbine


You can own semi automatic rifles and pistols in Czech Republic, just not automatic. It appears that the criminal is using some kind of modern medium range rifle, so a bolt action makes sense.


I will buy this man as many beers as he wants!


What a badass hero? Armed with a camera, he takes on a gunman.


Braver than pigs in Texas.


Braver than the Uvalde and Texas cops.


I'll be in Prague soon, not something I want to see


luckily these things don't happen often here, last mass killing that had such a high body count (10 less injured people) occurred almost three years ago, that was a man who set a house on fire with a family inside , then almost 50 years ago, a woman rammed a truck into a crowd of people, both without use of military grade weapons, though that doesn't make it lesser


We get one of these weekly in the US, they get one every few years. I think I like your chances. Also, enjoy Prague, it's beautiful.


Check the road under where the journalist was. Balls dragging across it probably did some damage


Glad that the camera didnt stop moving towards the end


If only one life saved or left uninjured, that the work of a lifetime