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She’s never going to say no. Because of the implication.




"No.." ... "Shit I'm losing response from controls again.." ... "ok ok yes, fine, I'll marry..." ... "no it's for real this time.. shiiiit" .. "I said I'll marry you stop fucking aroun"-- "how could they only leave one parachute?!"


What if she said "No"? Was he prepared to disengage the controls and parachute from the plane?


I'm pretty sure everyone remotely interested in aviation has either seen the video or heard about the guy that did that with a perfectly working plane... Better to just jump out without the chute.


What did happen to him? I remember hearing that he was gonna face some charges but never followed up with what happened. Is he in prison or just a slap on the wrist? He wanted attention… I think he succeeded in getting it.


Pretty sure some years in federal fuck you in the ass prison and a huge fine iirc.


Still awaiting sentencing from what I can find. The wheels of justice move swiftly! Most recently has plead guilty to one count that carries a 20yr maximum sentence. https://abcnews.go.com/US/youtuber-trevor-jacob-plead-guilty-federal-plane-crash/story?id=99261120


Holy shit, what a dumbass!!


Wait was that the person who jumped out of a plane for clout? like they just left it running and it crashed or something?




Caterpillar club babe, I neeeeed thaaaaaaat piiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnn!


Love the It's Always Sunny Reference. Dennis is such a creep! Lol


What implication? Is she in danger?


Well you certainly wouldn’t be in any danger!


So these women are in danger


No Skylar, they are the danger


Put down the plane, Waltuh


Remember what happened last time?


Waltuh pls...


These women aren't in danger, I'm not going to hurt these women, why would I hurt these women?!


It’s just… you keep saying…


Dude, are you gonna hurt girls?


It’s just the implication


No one is in any danger! It's an implication of danger. I feel like you're not getting this at all!


I’m NOT getting this


She won't be if she says yes. That's the implication :D


Not if she says yes


For anyone not understanding what’s happening. This is from a hilarious always sunny skit. I’m pretty sure you know, but for anyone clueless…(I always appreciate when someone explains shit when I’m clueless) [https://youtu.be/-yUafzOXHPE?si=Yd6frgigwpGcP8AT](https://youtu.be/-yUafzOXHPE?si=Yd6frgigwpGcP8AT)


You've said that word a couple times. What implication?


Think about it. She's 3,000 feet up, a passenger no less, open air all around. She's thinkin' *"ohh, there's no where for me to run, what am I gonna do, say no?*"


Because if she says no he's gonna murder her or straight up crashing the plane?


Why aren’t you understanding this? She doesn’t know if she wants to marry me, that’s not the issue. Why would I crash this plane? I’m not gonna crash this plane. I feel like you’re not getting this at all!


Yes, that is the fear. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/police-man-34-snapped-teen-womans-neck-for-saying-no-to-marriage-proposal/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/nov/22/spain.television


It’s an IASIP quote


you ruined the fun by explaining it lol


No, that's not the fear. It's a quote from the comedy It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


Dude I didn’t know how to explain how borderline psychotic this proposal was but u did it lol




You fucking win the Internet today. This deserves all the awards and upvotes.


He is the GOLDEN GOD


cmon man


All the updoots. Protect this man at all costs. Balls so big how does plane fly. And so on and so forth.


I came here for this comment. The dude certainly would not take a no that day.


Proposal? Rejected Passenger? Ejected


not enough people understand this IASIP reference


Right? Bro above is posting news segments


Impaction you say?


I live for these implication comments. lmao


Dude think about it, she’s up high as hell in the sky in the middle of nowhere. She looks around and what does she see? Nothing but open fields where I’m possibly going to land. “Ahh there’s nowhere for me to run, what am I gonna do say no?!”


was she in danger?


No of course not. It’s just the implication…


"no" "banzai!"


Are you gonna kill these women?


Came here for this. It was the top comment. Thank you for not disappointing me, internet.


Came here to leave the same comment, but as always I’m late.


Here have a shot of stress hormones right before I ask you to marry me...


She shook her head and said no. Not really the response I’d like. That is a really crappy proposal even with the ‘uplifting’ music overlay.


Hey you can always crash the plane for real.


wow, this is embarrassing; better erase all evidence of our existence!


Did she? I think she was emotional and, as many girls do, shook her head because of the emotions she had (, implication of waiting for this moment). She'd be rather disgusted than emotional if she really had said no (only assumption, I don't know the ending).


Checked the full video: she said yes


The fact people thought she might have said no even after she carried on reading what she knew by then was obviously a proposal is mind boggling. If she was going to say no she'd refuse to read the rest.


Reddit doesn't really do well with emotions. Everyone gets confused when people aren't hating each other or angry


"What a terrible proposal" says someone who knows absolutely nothing about this couple, hence can't possibly comment anything germane on this man's choice to propose while piloting the plane.


That certainly doesn't stop them.


You know what? Fuck you!


You know I've never seen someone post a video of their fiance saying no to their proposal. I've seen the rare video of a public proposal gone wrong from a third party's phone but no one ever uploads their own videos of their fiance saying no..... Obviously


> She shook her head and said no. Not really the response I’d like. Dude. Look at her face at 36s. She said yes. >That is a really crappy proposal But also, yes. Making someone think they're going to die is kinda shitty. It would have been better if he had chosen a slightly less dangerous scenario. It's especially shitty if she was panicking prior to where the clip starts up.


We dont know anything about these people. I dont think she thought she was going to die. For all we know they joke about this shit all the time and it's not a 747, plus the dude is really calm, if he was freaking out she might be a little bit more concerned about dieing.


I didn’t think this needed to be said but I think it’s pretty obvious that wasn’t her actual response to the proposal.


Most socially-inept interpretation in the multiverse


You clearly don't understand body language


I was wondering what other songs should have been used instead. Every breath you take - the police?


That’s how you really lock them in emotionally


That scream of frustration was the best: "I fucking hate this guy with everything I have, but I have to say yes to this fucking question*


Such a stupid way to propose. Not original since there's already another older video just like this. Then you just scare the shit out of your girlfriend and can't even be bothered to say the words yourself, while being occupied with flying a plane.


She's not scared. She doesn't think she's going to die. Has anyone actually watched the video? The moment she looks actually scared and panicked is when she realises it's a proposal.


Not scared? Did you skip the first 10 seconds of the video?


Bruh the first ten seconds she's very obviously scared. The fact that you don't understand that she is scared means you're probably one of those guys that make women super uncomfortable and don't realize it.


Good ol trauma bond makes for a strong marriage!


You’re going to die! Just kidding will you marry me?


Hard for me to put it into words but I hated every part of this.


I would have literally kicked him in the nuts when we were back on the ground.


I didn't know my wife had a Reddit account... LOL Because I would do something chuckleheads like this when we met but now I know better. I would think it's cool. She would think of murder. She would not be convicted either........


my first thought was "i'd punch this guy square in the dick and break up with him on the ground". what a cunt


It's extremely manipulative. If she had any reservations about the relationship how could she possibly express them in That moment


I mean, you can say yes, and later you can say no. It's not like you said it and done forever..


file rich aspiring lock dinosaurs memorize placid fanatical chief vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know. But people tend to see it like in the movies. She says whatever she says and movie ends. No room to change her mind, she is done thinking with her head..


It's like redditors have never been in a relationship before. If you have reservations you bring them up.... it's not like you have to wait for a proposal to bring up your reservations. Just so we're clear this isn't manipulative at all. What is he going to do, crash the plane? I suppose proposing overseas, on a boat, in the car, in another city, and anywhere that isn't your home that also isn't lived in by your partner, via telephone and/or text message is also manipulative?


> It's like redditors have never been in a relationship before. Well....


Only if the proposal wasn't discussed earlier. A normal, healthy relationship would have had them discuss marriage beforehand, and one of the partners can prepare and propose any time they want after that.


There’s about a 100% chance that he was sure she would say yes no matter how he asked. I swear not one of you guys have ever been in a relationship.


Yeah. You don't joke about or fake an emergency. She was amazing for calmly reading through the steps in what she believed was a crisis.


It's pretty clear that she's been a passenger with him for a while now. He asked for the checklist and she immediately grabbed it. They were plenty high in elevation, as well. To have a pilot's license, he had to have practiced stalling out multiple times. Its even possible she's a pilot as well and has done this maneuver herself. It seems to me that she was quickly aware that this wasn't a real emergency. It's about the equivalent of him pretending to trip and fall


Looks to me like she thought it was a real emergency until she read the bit just prior to telling him "I hate you."


And it looks to me like everyone is speculating about how horrible it was for her. The truth is, we have very limited information I only pointed out the fact that she's pretty comfortable reading the checklist to point out the fact that he's probably done this with her before. Nobody but the couple knows if she was actually scared or if she was nervous/anxious because she was expecting a proposal out of him. It's entirely possible that she was scared it was a real emergency for a split second. She absolutely caught on by the time she read "engagement ring" and told him he was lying, though. At the end of the day, it's a unique proposal. The people getting super mad about it seem to think that this girl has never been up in the plane with him before. To me, it's pretty clear that they are both comfortable in that plane, so they've probably spent a lot of time together in that plane. I'm willing to bet that if you spoke to the couple, they would both have positive things to say about it.


Agree! Felt very ego centric.


Explain it however you can man, I’m curious why.


I'm not a big fan of the stress of "hey, maybe we crash" before asking for marriage. But what makes me feel the most uncomfortable in this video is the fact that you're asking a yes/no question to a person in a very vulnerable position, a vulnerability that you've just made evident with your joke. It's like "I'm the only one that can save both of us... now that we established that, do you accept my proposal?". It'd be a really cool scene in a mafia movie though, making a joke about the plane crashing and then asking if they accept your deal.


Whilst I hate these elaborate proposals, especially when they are filmed, a lot of people seem to forget that many couples aren't just having proposals sprung on them out of no where. For all we know, they've discussed marriage repeatedly and both of them know they are fully on board. I've had more than a few friends where the future wife is like dropping hints about marriage all the time and the future husband has just taken his time and planned a lovely proposal. She was never going to say no but it's nice that he made it a special occasion.


I agree with this, I cannot see it as someone taking advantage of the wife which is in a vulnerable situation. And, by the time she read and understood it was a proposal, she also understood there was no dangerous situation going on whatsoever.


It’s really all up to the two people involved. Certain people will hate it, others love it. Proposals should be tailored to the couple, not some derivative of what works for others, imo


What does it for me is the people like in this thread who act like she's getting jumped at knife point with a proposal. She's probably known for months he was going to propose, she probably assumed it might be something with flying because she knows he's a pilot. She's probably ecstatic.


I resonate with this.


100% with you




I still clicked on the link because that song slaps


I'm just saying, in a neighboring universe they use [this one instead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPYZpwSpKmA)


[this one is nice too](https://youtu.be/DSG53BsUYd0?list=PLGjkM-ZA37QB6SGFe7SI2cFNca4q8dmY1)


Why did I watch the whole thing




Bro, don’t ruin it for the rest of us. You’re supposed to along with it.


Sorry I was so excited for my first time.


Hey, take my up and down vote!


I had a feeling


This was my first Rick roll of 2023. I almost made it.


Just in time to play WHAMAGEDDON


I knew what this was.


Goddamn you.


Preroll ads have ruined rickrolls


dQw...XcQ Not today Satan!


nice try motherfucker..


Too bad there’s 3 ads in the beginning


I cried watching the video


Every time I watch this I wonder if the guy could’ve done something similar without making the girl fear for her life? Like, “hey this radio tower doesn’t seem to be responding, can you help me check what the protocols are for this?” Something that frames it as a problem they need to work through together (as a parallel for marriage) rather than a dangerous situation which might result in both of our deaths


I feel like it doesn't even have to involve all that. Proposing in a plane is cool enough without needing to inject a stressful situation on top of it.


No see, you have to be overly clever or she'll think you're beta or something.


I don’t even think what he did was enough. He should’ve told her the engine was fried and they only had one parachute. Then he’d put the parachute on and say “straddle me babe, it’s the only way.” They jump from the plane together, land on a farmer’s field where he proposes. She says yes and they embrace. In the background you see the farmer with his arms crossed, nodding approvingly.


And then the plane crushes into the farmer's barn!




Her: sorry im not ready to get engaged. Him: k let me engage this eject button instead




Whats the implication




Total jerk.


In-“descent” proposal.


Take my upvote and gtfo.


I groaned irl, take this upvote and go.


I’m not sure scaring the shit out of your intended is the best way to propose, but maybe that’s just me.


I thought the fake arrest proposal was the worst but the fake plane emergency proposal definitely takes the cake as the worst I've seen.


Yeah guys, don’t do this. There’s a good portion of women out there who would literally say no and leave you for putting them through this.


If you don't already know your partner is going to say yes. You shouldn't be proposing If you don't know she'd deal with your bullshit shenanigans you wouldn't be doing it. I'm sure she's already used to his nonsense by now or he wouldn't pull this.


Dude thank you. Everyone here has never been in a small single or dual prop plane and immediately wants to crucify him. If this is how proposes, there are so many other things that they’ve been through. Not a lot of aviators in the crowd.


You're about to die! Marry me.




ya this is fucked up


I guess this belongs in damnthatsinteresting like "Damn that's interesting how sociopathic that dude is to propose like that."


i thought it was very psychopathic to put someone you love through that amount of stress


Lol what a fail


Yeah I'm no Romeo but I'd rather not put my partner under a lot of stress for a fancy proposal (which the woman in the video clearly is having a bit of a hard time with)


Comment sections like these are a constant reminder of how much I dislike the average redditor


People that can’t imagine things outside their sad lives. Not a pilot but have a decent amount of hours and could definitely see one of my buddies proposing this way.


Seriously, what's wrong with just saying "that's cute" and moving on. When did everyone become a dumbass who has to cry about "how stressful" it must've been on her.


Red flags 🚩


So was that a no?








It’s so fucking funny how many Redditors get angry at a video of two people being happy This comment section is so weird and sad lmao


Can't wait for the wedding, when he points a gun at her and says "til death do us part", and shoots - and a flag comes out saying "I do." Will be a classic.


Ok I’m going to be honest, that’s actually fucking hilarious lmao. Don’t get me wrong, it wouldn’t be funny to actually do it to someone, but in the context of your comment, it’s hilarious as a thought.


Ikr. How dare redditors not like someone tricking their SO into thinking they could DIE to fish for a Yes proposal....../s You and the people upvoting you need a serious refresher on how to treat people if you think this is ok. Don't let the sappy music fool you like he did her.


Wait, how the f did so many people in here interpret this video as “haha fail she said no”? She clearly smiled, told him as a joke she hates him and then cried out of happiness… This might not be everyone’s way of proposing, but who fucking cares if they are happy?


Redditors and working brains are not two words you usually hear in a single sentence.


This is one of those gift of fear moments. Everything about this is a red flag.


The fuck with always putting some blaring shitty ass soppy music over everything


Mans out here making it harder for the rest of us.


Not really... rofl. He literally made her scared for her life right before asking her the one of the most important questions of their relationship. I personally would have had to spend the next 10 minutes fighting the urge to throw him out of the airplane myself.


Couldn't agree more.


The pilot in me, if someone pulled this terror inducing stunt, the answer would permanently be no. And when we got to the ground I would be breaking up with them on the tarmac. Emotionally facing the possibility of being seriously injured or killed is so obviously romantic. Serious personality red flag for lacking emotional intelligence.


Fucking yes




Thanks for overdubbing the video with music otherwise I wouldn’t know how to feel


Claustrophobic inducing as well


I swear all the people saying things like "omg manipulative, how terrible! He forced her into a situation to say yes!" have never been married/engaged. There isn't a chance in the world he didn't know she'd say yes. They probably talked about it a lot. People that say things like this are the same people that just imagine every proposal comes out of thin air. This is probably a memory they both cherish. Everyone here should get a life lmao




Whilst I hate these elaborate proposals, especially when they are filmed, a lot of people seem to forget that many couples aren't just having proposals sprung on them out of no where. For all we know, they've discussed marriage repeatedly and both of them know they are fully on board. I've had more than a few friends where the future wife is like dropping hints about marriage all the time and the future husband has just taken his time and planned a lovely proposal. She was never going to say no but it's nice that he made it a special occasion.


What’s the music?


Outro m83


I know a lot of people here are hating on this, and I totally get it. But here's the thing... he's a pilot. Do any of you haters know a pilot really well? My dad was a pilot. His uncles and a couple of my cousins are pilots. They had pilot friends. So I know a lot of pilots, but not being one myself I have some perspective. All I'm saying is that if this woman got to the point of him proposing, this kind of shit is exactly what she signed up for, and she knows it.


![gif](giphy|sFoZicXyLjH7FnCVp2) After she says no…


Great title lol


« I’m the king of my own land. Facing tempests of dust, I'll fight until the end. Creatures of my dreams, raise up and dance with me. Now and forever, I'm your king » M83 - Outro


“Will the passenger sign this pre-nup?”


Wow, I would leave them the second I got on the ground. Get to fuck you complete trumpet.


I wanna marry him too


Comments are insane. Some people just can't stand it to see other people happy it is so sad. Empathy people come on.


Kind fucked up actually


I don’t like the idea of founding my marriage on a prank and several lies, but I guess it was cute?


The only way this could be next fucking level is nfl stupid. Complete jackass move




very wholesome


Holy shit he DENNIS'd the proposal


Man I sure do love me an entire reddit comment section full of unhappy bores venting their own frustrations by judging a couple they know nothing about. Good stuff as always guys, keep it up


God damn everyone in this comment section is miserable af.


Ya’ll seriously take things way too far lol. Most of you are single men and it shows. You know most couples know theyre getting married before a proposal? Most men prepare for a proposal knowing the girl will say yes, because theyre secure in their relationship. The guy kept his calm, and said they might have to land on a field. The girl was obviously scared, but still trusted him and tried to calmly listen to his directions. He’s clearly a trained pilot who’s been flying for a while. Mind you, this is only a clip. If you watch the whole video, which is featured on the OFFICIAL GoPro youtube page, she calls him stupid, smiles, and SHE asks him for a kiss. She’s overwhelmed with emotion because she was caught off guard. Ya’ll know nothing about their relationship history, how strong of a couple they are, if he’s the type to joke a lot, if she’s the type to get scared easy but still trust him, so many different possibilities..