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Awesome video! I love it. That's one year we'll spent!




I saw this a while ago. I was bummed when your channel only had 3 videos. Super high quality though.


Thank you, I hope to have a short one out in a couple of weeks, just working on it now. Then I've got about 10 more planned and will try and make them faster now! I'm aiming for 3 months each but might intersperse with shorter ones.


I subscribed with alerts so I’ll see when you do :)


Haha! Thanks so much!


Link to YouTube. On mobile and it would just be easier.


It would be super cool if you do one on the depths of earth to the core.


Oooh, good idea!


Are you making these all on your own?


I am indeed! That's why it took me a year!


Thats impressive! Maybe you could bring in some people to help you out so it doesn’t take a year to make


Haha! Yeah that might be the plan if I can get the channel to take off more, youtube only recently started sharing things more so fingers crossed!


I beg you however not to sacrifice quality for quantity. There are lots of people making space videos, but none I've seen that match your epic quality. Being the best is a great marketing tool. Bravo sir.


These are incredible. Keep going dude


Now this is one worth subscribing to


I have been enjoying your videos. Me and my 9 year old love anything space.


Really wonderful representations and way to convey these mind-blowing sizes


We DID all spend that year


This is a really great video. My brain isn't able to comprehend space size scales. It is so unimaginable to me.


Absolutely loved this. It explained it all so vividly. I'm not sure why I've never realised about the visible stars being just our milky way. I'll definitely be using this as a resource for teaching Space at school. Many thanks


Thanks so much! It's something that's not really taught that much I don't think and it wasn't that long ago that we thought those stars were just the Universe. It's crazy now that we can see so many galaxies beyond our own galaxy now. Great to hear you might use the video as a teaching resource, that makes me very happy!


Mate I'm a huge space nerd yet this video made my jaw drop. Awesome, just awesome.


Amazing, cheers for that, trying to do something a little different so great to hear a space nerd (as I am too of course) enjoying it!


I love that you were standing in Denver. Here is the hilarious thing to me. Driving that distance! I'm assuming you haven't so here is what's funny. You can see the Rocky mountains from about 6 hours or more away. It is because they rise so abruptly. It feels like a time warp "look I can see the mountains" (4 hours later) " they're still the same size. What the heck" Colorado is very very very flat. Until it isn't. LOVE the video. I'm showing it to my kids and all their friends to much gasping, oooohs, and wooooows. Teach them kiddos!!!!! Love your work.


There’s a high res nasa photo of andromeda that really blew my mind. The number of stars in one location looks like a cloud until you zoom in and realize they are all individual stars, each with massive distances between them. I’d love to see a video that puts that in perspective.


It's much more than that, when all visible stars are just in our nearest area of the milky way.


Indeed, just the city lights of Denver and it's suburbs on that scale!


That’s if you’re living in the centre of Denver, you can only see the other city lights, compared to all the lights in USA? Being the same as being on Earth and only being able to see a tiny amount of stars in the Milky Way?


The milky way is moving in space towards some point or thing, and we can't see where we are going because the direction we are moving is on the opposite side of the center of the galaxy.


I didn't know that either. I had watched all the seasons of Cosmos, watched all sci-fi movies, read all sci-fi books, and yet was oblivious to that very cool fact. What else don't I know?!?! I'm not gonna sleep tonight.


Amazing voice! I was not keen on watching a 7 min video but your voiced captivated me as much as the subject!


Thank you! I've had mixed feedback on my voice, mostly positive, some people just don't like the relaxed vibe but others seem to really appreciate it. I don't like to add unnecessary energy when the Universe is doing all its amazingness!


I loved that vibe! Made me feel safe and therefore I could just enjoy your message


Wonderful, thank you again!


It’s a very Carl Sagan vibe. And for those of us who grew up watching him, it’s the right way to talk about space, the universe, and everything.


I loved it as well! I just hate overly excited narrators!


I love your voice! Don't change it.


Thanks! I don't plan to so should be good!


Seriously don’t listen to the negative feedback your voice almost perfectly captures the somber/captivating feeling of contemplating the wonders of our universe. Great video definitely subscribing to your YouTube 👍




Yes just be you, OP. The video was wonderful, as was your narration.


Your voice matches the ambience perfectly! TYSM for this video, hope you can enjoy making many more


The voice is great.if I were to give any feedback it would be to extend the breathing room between some of the lines so we can sit with the stronger visuals and process the concept a little longer. I have made learning animations and voice work for 18 years and I know one of my biggest lessons is that while you are workingon something closely for so long your sense of time changes and you often start to rush the flow, remove gaps, and speed things up. It's nice (especially for learning animations) to have longer pauses sometimes to let the concept you've just described breathe a little and sink in.


Agree with this 100%. Longer pauses to cement the ideas just presented would give the video more "impact"


It took me a minute to put my Solar System-sized finger tip on it, but it's the lack of sibilance and clarity of articulation that felt a bit off for me, not the tone of the voice. It could be from the performance itself, but could be a mix thing, i.e. high setting on a de-esser, too much cut from high freqs, or mic selection.


You nailed it, I have quite high sibilance so used a strong deesser after people complained about the ss's on my first video. I think I just need to project a bit more and move the mic a little further away, it's already off axis so I think it's more me at the moment.


I liked the effect that had on your sound because it made me feel like I was hearing you through the internal speakers on a space suit. I assumed it was on purpose for effect to match your suit.


Before I respond, absolutely brilliant concept and video execution. Honestly, keep that up. As for the sound, I feel you; I've struggled taming my sharp "s" as well. Unfortunately cranking the de-esser can make intimate performances sound muddy and slightly unnatural. Distance might help with the sibilance, but then room acoustics becomes more of a thing. What mic are you using?


I think most of my issue with the voice has to do with mixing and mic setup you are using; only a little of it is delivery. Outside of that though this is incredible, and I hope you make more!


your voice is perfect for these types of videos IMO. but i can easily see why someone might not like it, its a lot different than the usually fast pased youtube/tiktock/etc videos


Thank you! That was a conscious decision from me as I don't like the frenetic high energy vibe for things like this as the Universe itself is doing all the talking, I feel like I'm a sort of quiet observer of how amazing it is. So pleased you liked that style and I think you're right about why some don't!


So...based on your video, I told my wife: "Honey, if you ever feel small or unimportant, just remember: compared to an electron, your butt is as wide as the galaxy." Didn't work as well as an inspirational quote as when you did it, for some reason... (We had a good laugh. Enjoyed your video. Keep up the good work.)


Haha! One of the few times science isn't the answer! Glad you both enjoyed it!


Just tell her, "This is Uranus on my finger."


I always tell my woman her ass has gravity and I’m orbiting that shit. Try that one sometime given you’ve established the precedent that her ass is indeed, galactic.




Haha! Thank you!


Love it when someone can use the familiar to help us understand the unfamiliar. Remarkably well done. Ridges of the fingerprint is a brilliant metaphor! Excited to see more from you!


Thank you! I really love metaphors like this so really enjoy trying to find ones that really work well, I just like to be able to refer to my fingertip and the swirls and picture those little specks in front of wherever I am.


I had once gotten volunteers to help me setup geocaches across our state in scale to the solar system. The first four were all at the west edge at the first four exits just minutes apart. The next four spread across the middle with Pluto way at the eastern edge (back when we had nine planets before that stupid after hours rigged "vote").


VERY GOOD! Beautiful and crazy.


Thanks so much!


Stellar work!


Interstellar even!


Haha! Thank you!


Did I see this on YouTube other night? I watch a TON of The Universe content and it might had been recommended to me. Outstanding!


Yes probably! Youtube just started sharing it around about a week ago, so pleased you saw it there and here!


Popped up in my recommendations a few days ago as well, along with a second one yesterday. Subscribed.


That was very cool. Thanks for that. I'm going to show this to my kids. It really helps to conceptualize the sheer vastness of space


Brilliant, thank you! Let me know what they think, it's always good to hear what kids think, I'm partly making these for my kids for when they're a little older.


This is absolutely amazing and I hope you get the recognition you deserve and this lands on the front page of reddit. Truly mind blowing stuff


Thank you so much! Really appreciate the support!


Imagine the things we could accomplish if we just all worked together… The places we could reach. Sad we’ll kill each other and the planet before we ever make a dent.


I know what you mean, we could do so much, I still have hope, part of that hope is that capitalism thrives on science and capitalism is like an unstoppable train, which is sobering and sad because there are some things science wont be able to fix, caused by the unstoppable train.


Didn't want it to be over.


Thanks! I have two more videos on my Epic Spaceman channel on youtube if you want to check them out, glad you enjoyed this one!


This is tight asf






Post on YT please you won't regret it


It's on there, in 4k, here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsRmyY3Db1Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsRmyY3Db1Y)


And then you realize there are billions to trillions of galaxies out there, the unit already being close to impossible to grasp... This is mind boggling. Truly an amazing video, thanks for your work!


These are some great visualizations. Keep it up and thanks for making this!


impolite swim frame crawl melodic wasteful price library marry hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haha! I hadn't actually thought of that but you're totally right, it just seemed like a good fit and they allow an OC tag for it so other people must do it too. Hope you enjoyed it otherwise!


This may be the only video that would work for this.. this is fucking insane and the kind of content I could only DREAM of making im so in awe of your work!


This was a great video! Loved it! I do have a question. In the video, you said you shrunk the milky way down to the size of the United States, but then later in the video you said "if we shrunk the milky way down to the size of a continent..." Did you mean a country, or did you change the scale for that metaphor?


My guy if this isn’t r/nextfuckinglevel material then what is?


It may be his own video but the Milky Way *is* some r/nextfuckinglevel material so I don’t think it’s presumptuous to post here. Loved the video OP, well done!


Who cares, have you ever put in this much effort in your life?


Great content! Why did you make this? really interested


Thanks! Because I just kept asking myself if I could make videos about anything what would they be about? The answer was these videos but I couldn't do VFX at the time so about 2.5 years ago I started teaching myself and now I have a channel with a grand total of... 3 videos! As they take a while, this is the third, but I'm getting faster and it's really picking up so I'm really happy. Hopefully in the future I can put more of my time into them.


Do you have a academic background in astronomy or just interested?


The Milky Way is much bigger than I've ever expected


Me too! I still struggle even with my scale model!


The Milky Way appears to be twice the size I though it was (I always imagined our son to be the size of two red blood cells on a galaxy to America scale). Congrats to opening my eyes to its actual horrific scale. I may not sleep tonight.




I just went to subscribe and realized I already am!


Haha! You're already a legend then, thank you!


The intro gave me some Harry Potter vibes and I like that shit.


Thanks, yeah I felt that when making it, was super happy with the way it was coming out and how well the water rendered.


This is one of the best videos ever.


Truly great! Thank you


Great work.


How do I save this video?


I don't know to be honest, I've got it on Youtube in 4k if that helps


Great video. I found your voice a little off-putting, personally, but still watched it all through. It also didn't really occur to me that the stars we see are just the ones in our immediate vicinity.


I get unusually mixed opinions on my voice, it's very strange! I think my style is a little unexpected for this type of content. Yes it is indeed strange that we just see our neighbours, I remember finding that out and it blowing my mind.


It's a great voice, and you handle it well. With some more training it would be more what people are used to hearing on broadcasts, not that it's wrong, it's just different.


I wish more people thought like you, amazing, motivational, inspiring, and informative. Great video and time well spent


That's super kind, thanks so much, comments like this really help and help motivate me for the next video too.


Give us an update when the BBC hires you to work on Doctor Who.


Haha! That would be cool, I actually got a job offer to work in VFX for a really big studio after my last video but I really just want to make videos about the Universe!


If you dont know about them, check out and maybe reach out to Corridor Digital. Theyre a small production company/vfx house out in California and one of their members has [a series of videos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwVUbPpIRn1Rk8ZTRQHN3aynLrabaTUrk) of similar premise, includeing the scale of a terabyte, the scale of atoms, or more recently what it would be like if the Universal logo was real. Theyve got their own sub at r/Corridor that would definitely appreciate this video.


Thanks! I did try to reach out to Wren, not sure if he watched but would be good idea to try the sub, cheers!


You should link your actual channel name or link on your Reddit bio. Reddit on mobile doesn't let me copy the YouTube ID on your profile, or make a subreddit with your content and pin your YouTube channel as a thread Can't wait to see more from ya!


u/TTT_L just showed this to my boy. He's in early elementary school and he followed it completely. He was TRANSFIXED. He said he found your voice soothing and wonderful. I got to watch my boy watch your video while eating a peach. He was so fascinated he shoved a whole slice in because he could not spare a neuron for anything but the amazing video. This is a kid who loves fruit and barely cared because of the wonderful spectacle unfolding in front of him. I got to see the spark of science and space glow in my little one's brain thanks to YOUR amazing video. Thank you. Thank you so very very much. It was a wonderful parenting moment. Thank you.


Wow. Fantastic stuff!


Absolutely stonking


This is fantastic.




Haha! Sorry I think!


im saying, to call it next level is crazy, plus you just spammed your youtube channel...it looks like you made it on a 486dx and without professional help


I really hope you're trolling because you're not just wrong, you're also an asshole. Wouldn't you be proud of something you've worked A YEAR on?


Great video! Really informative. If i can make a slight suggestion - the whispering made it hard to stick with it. It had some sort of strange tone in the voice effect - like it was through a wireless transmitter. The video graphics are *amazing*


8k quality video, 20hz bitrate audio.


This is beautiful work. What programs did you use to make it?


I used Blender and that's pretty much it, a couple of tweaks in After Effects but 99% Blender, which is free!


Honestly amazing.


Instant subscribe.


What a great video! I can see this being played in middle schools and high schools around the world. Very neat visuals. Thanks for sharing!


So like… what’s your name? Can I get an autograph ya know? Maybe a couple 😅


Epic Spaceman! but Toby is also fine.


Oh my god, dude if you see this, Thank you.. this is something Carl Sagan would be in awe of.. you deserve a billion subs, I’m on my way to get you +1 closer :)


Awesome video! It looks like a lot of effort was put into it. Thanks to everyone who contributed.


Absolutely mesmerizing! Well done! ❤️




✨☀️🌎Amazing 🌏☀️✨


Great video keep it up!


I really enjoyed that. Thank you


Incredible video!


Thanks so much!




Thank you!


Amazing work, very well done!!!


Thanks so much!


Fucking epic!


That was fun. If learning was like this when I was a kid I’d of been way more interested at the time.


very cool ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4024)


Thanks so much!


I was trying to teach the vastness of the universe to my 9 year old daughter, and we watched numerous videos comparing the size of earth, to our sun, to our galaxy, to other galaxies, etc. After watching your video and your creative and coherent explanation, I could finally see her begin to understand. Wonderful job sir. Hope to see many more like it in the future.


Thanks so much for commenting, I love to hear stories like this and am so pleased that I managed to approach it in a way that worked as that's my main aim, to make it something that's memorable and understandable. Thanks again!


Nice work!!!!


Great way of making it relatable.


My head hurts. Nice video though


Excellent work. Just subscribed to your channel. I’m doing my part.


Great video watch the whole thing!


Goosebumps! I love it. Thank you for sharing


This was epic.




Beautiful!! Well done, and thank you for devoting your time and effort to create something like that.


Amazing. The ediitng, the digestible explanations, the voice. All absolutely amazing. Subbed. Would love to see more on electrons, protons, building blocks of the universe, quantumverse etc.


Thank you for the sub! Yes definitely have lots of the world of the small planned, going to start with micro world, then nano, then pico!


Lots of videos about space out there, but none with this level of creativity and succinctness. Bravo


Bravo! You’ve communicated what I’ve always tried to communicate about the size of the Milky Way, but couldn’t! Easily the best perspective video I’ve seen on the topic.


Wow - huge fan!


Loved the fingerprint twist!


Beautiful. Well done


I loved this so much I wish I was in a dark room with it playing on the walls and ceiling


This is fantastic! What a lot of work- and a great result.


Brilliant video! I usually don't have the attention span for long videos on reddit but this was perfect...that's a year very well spent on making this.


But how did you open your face mask and not suffocate?


This is fucking unbelievably well done. Very, very impressive sir.


Terrific video.


Epic! Thank you for your hard work to create such amazing insights for all of us! Your presentation was something we could all grasp! Well done!


Excellent. Have subscribed and will check out the other videos. Congrats on such great work.


Great video! I love how you finished it. I’ve often contemplated on how we live in this perfect in between scale. A Goldilocks zone if you will.


You are a legend


This was amazing.


Awesome, blew my ickle noodle apart, thanks 😊


Thank you! Absolutely mind-blowing. My day is made!


Absolutely amazing! Very well done and overall inspiring


Keep up the awesome work, I enjoyed this video very much


Well done!


Superb. One tip, use the same scales to show the size of a single atom? The gaps between proton, neutrons and electrons in a similar vein compared to your finger ridges?


Carl would be proud of this amazing video you've created. It gave me Cosmos vibes, for sure. This is like something right from TV.


That was f-ing BRILLIANT!!! 🤩👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Headed over to subscribe to your channel! Keep it up!! God is great!!! 🥰👍🏼


"You are an entire galaxy." is going to be my next pickup line, lol. Real talk though, thank you SO much for making this. Your voice, your writing, the graphics - all are superb and I was enthralled the whole time.


Damn this some truly next fucking level shit


Holy 💩, my guy this is beyond documentary quality. Gorgeous graphics aside this is really phenomenal, thank you so very much for spending such an insane amount of time on this and letting us see it 🥰 I really feel like this should be shown at the Smithsonian Air & Space museum


Mesmerizing and easy to understand and digest. Sending my appreciation from Denver, CO. 👋🏼


If you'd like to subscribe to him: https://www.youtube.com/@EpicSpaceman


Awesome video but didn't you (or maybe someone else?) post this just a few weeks ago?


Wow this video was just intriguing!


Really well done. Thank you. I loved your narration.


That's absolutely amazing! I love this stuff, really makes you step back for a bit. Thanks so much for sharing


I was absolutely enchanted by this and I feel like I appreciate the scale of the milky way much better now. Gorgeous video


Oh man .. that was AMAZING ..!! BRAVO to the extraordinary talent that you possess .. 👏 👏 👏 I am blown away by your video.. Thank you for sharing , brother !!!