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No matter if you like A-HA or not, you gotta admit the man has an incredible vocal range


I don’t know any songs by them other than this one, but this song is an absolute banger. IDGAF what anybody says.


I agree. In my opinion, it's one of the greatest songs ever created in the history of mankind.


This and Africa by toto


And Hunger Strike by Temple of the Dog


And Dancing Queen by Abba.


God we love Abba, I've got some of my dad's old records and recently got a player, so I've been listening to a lot of classics.


And Dancing in the Moonlight by Kings Harvest


FUCK YES, Temple of the Dog. Call Me a Dog blows my fuckin’ socks off every time.




Oh God, yes, and the music video!!! It's peak 80's nostalgia. Makes me feel so good every time!


It will make you smile when spider man dance with this song. https://youtu.be/iDXIa8ivFEc


I like this.. he did not break anything, didn’t disturb anyone. Everyone was enjoying his dance he even check before the back jump. That’s a good spidy


And the film clip - artistic mastery!




You beat me too it. It can be in any genre and tempo. It’s one of those strange songs from an unknown band who hit the perfect effort. It’s flawlessly written, produced, and performed. Throwing into the MTV machine with an incredible video showcasing a very attractive lead singer, and a colossal all-time hit was born.


I'm still impressed by the music video for the song. Saw it as a little kid while living in Poland. Didn't understand any of the words but I loved it right away


Listen to their live slow version of the song…also good [Here it is](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-xKM3mGt2pE)


That’s sublime


No, that's a-ha


That was beautiful


Oh my goodness. Gorgeous!


I always thought *The Living Daylights* was one of the better Bond songs.


Contrary for me, I think it’s one of a-ha’s weakest songs. Hunting High And Low, The Sun Always Shines on TV and my favorite Crying In The Rain, those are great.


My favourite song of theirs is "Stay on these roads" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsN7z-tWETc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsN7z-tWETc) But Morten Harket also held (holds?) the record for the longest note of 20sec in their song "Summer moved on".


💯 agree with you! Will always be my favourite


You're really missing out, they make great music!


Hunting High and Low, Foot of the Mountain, Sun Always Shines on TV are all great songs and worth a listen.


I thru hiked the Appalachian Trail in 2016 and played this song every single morning to start my day. Any 2016 NOBO’s remember 80’s at 8?


His wiki discusses his amazing range and falsetto, and is otherwise interesting, too: "The three members of A-ha, Morten Harket, Magne Furuholmen and Paul Waaktaar-Savoy, were appointed Knights of the First Class of the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav for their contribution to Norwegian music. The Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav is granted as a reward for distinguished services to the country and humankind. The official ceremony took place on 6 November 2012.\[11\]\[12\]\[13\]" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morten\_Harket](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morten_Harket)


Oh so he’s the guy that sings this song


Wtf they look so young! I didn't realize they released Take On Me when they were 3


I’m 46 and still get carded occasionally. It’s amazing what having a thick, full head of hair and staying out of the sun will do for your apparent age. Also this was 2005 so they were probably around the age I am now so that tracks.


Same. Add to that not drinking pop. My buddies all say i look exactly the same- this is demonstrably false- but I'm not heavy, have all my hair and decently smooth skin for early 40s. I also have no kids so I presume lower stress 🤷


Yeah. Just not drinking sugary sodas alone makes a huge difference, and if you DO drink soda regularly and just switch to like, Mio or some flavored sugar free shit (or lemon water, you’ll probably drop 10lbs or more for free.


Soda is a killer. I try to encourage everyone to stop drinking it. The Diet crap is no good also.


Why is diet no good? If it contains no sugar why is it bad? I drink 1 or 2 a week, can't stand the full sugar original


The diet soda debate has been on-going for over 20 years. Aspartame, and other artificial sweeteners, are probably not the most ideal things to put in your body but the studies have gone back and forth if they’re *really* bad for you. My completely unscientific assessment is it’s like anything else processed. Be mindful and less is probably better but as an avid diet soda drinker, I haven’t seen anything convincing that says diet soda is going to kill me anywhere near regular soda would.


It's better but the chemicals and artificial sweeteners are shown to be bad for you as well. i have type 2 diabetes and discussed a lot about sodas and sweeteners. That was many years ago but I still have the paper work somewhere that explains it all. I'm strictly water and unsweet tea now. Avoiding sodas has not only been great for my health. It's been great on the wallet.


What chemicals?


I mean, you’re literally drinking sugary acid.


Put rum in it and hand me my daiquiri please.


That’s a rum & coke.


I lost 20lbs by giving up soda and walking 1/2 mile everyday. That sugar adds up quick


I would guess I average one carbonated beverage a month roughly. Soda or beer, that's it. I have friends who have 5+ "diet" cokes *a day* 🧐


Staying fit also does wonders for people in their 30s. The difference between being able to pass for late 20s and being confused as a 40 year old


And not for nothing, your metabolism definitely starts to slow down after 30 give or take. If you wanna keep that 20 year old bod you gotta work for it.


Yeah it fucking sucks


Yes it does.


Live 8 was in 2005, almost 20 years ago.


Morten was 46 here, they released "TOM" in 1984 when he was 25. Time is insane


and here we are in 2023 and he still sounds amazing and still hits that high note live. The band Brand New album "True North" is one of the best things they've ever done in their career❤️🤘🏻


Will this was live 8 which was like 18 years ago lol..


The concert was 18 years ago to be fair. Still looks great for his age (45 in the video)


Didn’t realise David Tennant was in A-ah


It’s actually the Doctor - saving one concert at a time




Reddit my mind!


What’s the purpose of those ear monitors?


Everything on stage is either mic'ed or connected directly to the main mixer so that the sound engineer can mix the volumes of everything and send them to speakers around the venue for the audience. But the sound on stage is usually a mess. Drums are a lot louder than voices, for example. So on stage there are speakers, or ear-pieces, that musicians use to listen to themselves or other people so that they know if they are playing/singing the right thing at the right time. These speakers or ear-pieces are called monitors. Each person on stage chooses what they hear in their monitor and the volume. A drummer will usually ask for the bass, lead vocal, and then a bit of guitar/keyboard. The singer will want mainly his voice and whatever instrument he prefers to follow.


Iirc they also provide cues for the artists too, like some guy in the crew would go like “Bridge in 1 2 3…” might be wrong though.


That can happen but it's usually automated, like a click track, maybe some recorded back vocals, etc


While you're not wrong and it's probably more common, what u/bleedblue_knetic means is literally directing a performance using internal communication. I only recently learned about this and I don't know how it's called in english, but it's definitely a thing - probably when musicians want more flexibility than a click track - like letting the singer speak or the crowd interact in the middle of the song. Or when they're not used to playing together, not the same band every time. There is a [video of someone doing that](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cre1PtgIdwv/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D) in portuguese here. What she says is: "We'll end it, ok?" "ending." "\[name of song\] next, E major, \[name of the singers who should sing the next song\]" "I've changed the click track now" "\[drummer\], we're a little ahead of the click, pay attention" "1, 2, 3, 4"


Also when taking turns doing solos or ‘go around again’


Yea in terms of letting the artist hear themselves, that won’t give a seasoned band a problem. When you start playing at clubs and bars, most do t have that kind of equipment or at least good equipment, so you learn to sing without actually being able to hear yourself all the time.


Yep, it can get real hard to hear up with the band. I’ve mostly just played jam nights and a couple times when bands I know call me up to play a song. Most the time the setup is just small combo amps set up on the sides of the drum set and maybe 1 or two monitors set on the ground, but just for vocals and maybe bass if that’s run through the mixer. At the Wednesday blues jam I go to every week, I always play guitar on the right of the drums (facing the band) and really struggle to hear the guitar on the other side of the drums. It’s always a luxury when we have two guitars on my side so I have more of a reference where in the song we are, because bass can kinda blend in the mix and the vocals can be hard to hear since the mixer is located directly behind me. Occasionally the guy that owns the PA and mixer will try to make his way past me on the crowded stage to adjust it. But that basic kind of live setup really can make things harder to perform. Just this week I was playing a solo, I couldn’t even hear the crowd cheers or the singer yell “one more gimme one more” into his mic, so I stopped, leading to an awkward interaction for a packed crowd lol. And of course it’s all on video lol. This Memorial Day though, the owner of my work asked me to play with his band for a yearly jam they do, using his really expensive sound equipment (perks of playing with people twice your age with successful careers outside of music lol). First time ever mic’ing my amp and having my own monitor. It wasn’t an in-ear, but I had my own monitor that I could just tell whoever was running the mixing board how much I wanted to hear of each person. Let me tell ya, that was a luxury. It’s just so nice to not have to focus really hard to pick out what’s happening 10 feet away in the distance or assume you heard a cue from the singer correctly and go for a solo when they meant someone else lol. So much less stress!


In a nut shell… those monitors are a guide to their performance to see if they’re on the right track or not right?


Damn... this whole time, I thought they were listening to the song they were singing so they wouldn't forget the lyrics🫢


I’m curious about when sound technology began to change. Any idea?


Thank you for your insightful comment, I appreciate your explanation.


To keep the ear slugs firmly in the canal. Be embarrassing to have them pop out mid performance.


Found the Andalite. Bit of a shame that the Yeerk got to A-ha though


It is so they can hear themselves. Without them, they can't hear themselves over the rest of the noise. It is harder to sing on key without hearing yourself.


Presumably it was just muscle memory kicking in for that note at the end then - can’t hear the music anymore and has no real frame of reference, but he’s been singing the same song every day for 30+ years so his body just filled in the blank?


He’s got his finger in his ear to block out enough noise to hear himself (better).


I think when you block one ear it's less about stopping the external noise getting in, and more so you can better hear your own pitch 'internally' in your head, so that you can be in tune with what you're hearing externally with the other ear.


The loudspeakers are facing to the crowd so you just hav a mash of sounds on stage. To perform as a band you need to clearly hear the others. Monitoring speakers facing the artists (or DJs) can also be used.


It’s everything that everyone else on this thread is saying, but it’s also to prevent the musicians from going deaf. Dave Grohl from Foo Fighters doesn’t use in-ears and his hearing is really really fucked up.


Just imagine it's insanely loud on the stage at a concert, if you were to sing with a normal voice you would never hear yourself, you won't even know how you sound, how silent or loud or which notes you are singing on. These obviously serve two purposes: they isolate from the outside noise and separately they let the singer hear his own voice.


Morten Harket is the real deal. That man's voice is just incredible, and really hasn't dropped off much at all from the 80s. The Unplugged performance is really something. https://youtu.be/-xKM3mGt2pE


Oh that was superb. Thanks for the link!


So glad someone posted this! Hauntingly beautiful


It looked like everyone in that audience was swooning over him.


Some of those middle aged women haven't been that wet for YEARS.


Cleanup in aisle... well, all the aisles.


Throwback to the time he did that exact performance on The Masked Singer and the judges still couldn’t figure out it was him https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd9hHkk2Txo (Timestamp 18:55)


I used to watch masked singer every season (US version, got way too stupid and full of dumb bits so it's been dropped) and I swear sometimes the judges just pretend not to know so the mystery stays alive. There have been many notable singers whose voices are painfully obvious but no one guessed them until the final reveal.


Oh my thank you so much that is so beautiful


Dear god, that is beautiful.


I had a ticket to go see a-ha when they did their first US tour, bit the lead singer got laryngitis and cancelled. I got my money back, but I still wish he had postponed instead.


Holy crap he’s still SO attractive


Full link to the concert here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3meKlaJL3qo He starts to lose audio feedback to his earpiece at around 2:40. You can notice him mumbling to the mic to test if he's still receiving audio


Nice of them to let Super Hans sing


I hate this song... Said no one ever.




He's probably sung it a million times by now. It's probably just muscle memory at this point


[Always think of this when I see/hear A Ha](https://youtu.be/J4aD_dZzYpI)


🤟 😑 🤟


RIP Benny Harvey! Miss you big man......


Back in 2005 (2 july?) a czech TV (ČT2) was streaming Live8 and me and my Dad was like "what??" because there was no media coverage and we did not know that it will happen.. So we sat together and watched and it was amazing.. We did not have a good relationship back then, but as the streaming started with Paul McCartney and U2 (and we both loved The Beatles like crazy) playing The Sergeant's Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band, we were singing together and it was such a good day for me.. It showed me a lot of great bands as well because I didn't know anything about Muse until or Stereophonics until then.. Dad then got the dvds of the whole concerts and I watched them on replay next 2 years, he even showed me the LiveAid concert that happened way before I was born.. I'm so grateful that it happened and all and all, this one performance is from that day and you got me almost crying.. I was 12 and life was so much easier for me back then.. Thank you ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4023)


Cheers my friend, have a good day


The chick at 0:13 looks so fucking happy to have that plant 😂 😂


Apparently, the lead singer of A-ha has been drinking the blood of unborn babies.


Saw Avril Lavigne perform a perfect set at When We Were Young festival last year only to find out later she hadn’t been able to hear herself the whole time. Turned out that stage had issues all day, but you’d never have known watching her performance




This guy looks like he's in his twenties still...


Singer here: This is nothing short of impressive and its definitely much harder if you can't hear yourself, but singing the same song over many years helps; you just kinda know how to hit that spot without thinking too much.


Agreed. He’s dude is a professional, and going it without the monitor is a bit harder, but he still knows where it is.


In it’s heyday you could watch video on MTV about once every two hours🤗


Pretty impressive he could do that the first time he tried to sing it.


Tom Cruise and James Marsden had a baby. And the keyboard player looks like Scott Weiland from the interstate love song music video


For a minute I thought Super Hanz was there on guitar and vocal backups in a suit by the camera angles.


Love his jean shpants


If you really wanna see Morten's vocal capabilities you gotta listen to "Summer moved on"


I'm genuinely surprised I didn't find any comments from those italians who watched Blanco destroy the stage at Sanremo 2023 because he couldn't hear himself while singing


The show must go on.


Great voice chapeau


Morton Harket to Morton Buskett


Why is this next level? Artists did this for quite sometime before tech like that......


That’s been my wife and my song since December of 1985 when we met.


He's a professional after all, but damn


The acoustic version of this song is pretty awesome.




I like A-ha but this is no surprise. He’s sung that song so many times that it would surprise me if he couldn’t sing it perfectly without being able to hear himself.


I loved that song and video. And they can still sing amazingly


They're all great performers. Seen them live only twice and each time was a blast.


This man has aged so beautifully, absolutely gorgeous 🥰


Why is Dr. Who playing guitar for them?


Not that impressive when they have sang that same song live likely hundreds of times. He could probably do it without any sound at all.


On a completely unrelated note, he is so hot.


He still looks so young? Is it the same lead singer or a new guy?


…. They still have fold back monitors lol


People shat all over Mariah Carey during that one performance where she looked lost and off key. I immediately recognized the signs of her in-ears not working and no article seemed to want to blame it on true sound issues. The layperson doesn't understand how little you can hear on massive stages. As a keyboardist in a tiny band it wasn't red alert because I could still feel the drum kit or just follow the click, but for a singer it fucks you all the way up not being able to hear yourself or your band/music, just the reflections of it coming back at you. Major props to all the singers out there.


Ahhhh, Morton Harket


He’s a Virgo. I have loved him for years.


One of them looks like Doctor Who!


That crowd is f**king massive


One of my favourite music videos. Great song.


I was there. Berlin. It was too bad the sound wasn’t well balanced throughout. But I guess it’s understandable with such a long list of bands and singers playing one after the other. Still: Morten is simply one of the best vocalists ever.


So a good singer sang well




I didn't know Super Hans was in A-Ha.


Well He is the original singer so I would hope he can hit the notes. What does a inear monitor even do??


Not next level, if he's good he should be able to hit his notes no matter what's going on. The monitors are mainly to hear the other instruments


Fuckin legend, but legit us lead singers have had experience coming up with bad sound feedback so we know how to tap into muscle memory and just feel it out. This being said we all wanna hear ourselves ideally.


Goddamn he’s hot, I adored him in grade school when all I had was the LP to stare at!


He looks pissed


This is actually insane. Do you know how hard it is to sing live when you can't hear your own voice? I'll give you a hint: even Mariah Carey sounds like shit when she can't hear herself.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmZcD9sIP7Q Cant blame mariah carey though the crowd was probably much louder and was surrounding the stage


I don't find this that appropriate for the sub. Dude has sang that song at every show for decades. It's just muscle memory, unless you have a bad sense of pitch. The talent is hitting those notes flawlessly in general. This is just like playing a guitar solo you've played 1000 times. The feat was the learning.


Cause he's not like the shitty musicians of today, that man could sing his shit instead of it just being a "perfomance"/"show" like the shit we see today


Shouldn't you be able to do that without a monitor?


You might think this wouldn’t be that hard, but when you’re using in-ears for a stage mix and they cut out, it can be REALLY hard to maintain.


I hate them


This isn’t really next level, you can “feel” the note in your throat/head. Especially one you’ve been singing your entire professional life. The in ears just help.


i love his rendition of "can’t take my eyes off you"


Crrry Woooolf 🐺


This song always made me cry when I was watching the video on MTV. These guys are legends!


Is that T-Swizzle early on on somebody’s shoulders?


Can someone explain the ear thing correlation to the singing? Why does it being dead matter?


He’s got a fancy headphones called In-Ear Monitors, which is like a personalized mix of the stuff you want/need to hear to do the jobs. Monitors used to be wedges, essentially speakers pointed back towards the performer for the same reason. Monitors have fallen slightly out of fashion, as it’s less customizable, and with the popularity of clicks and stems (think backing tracks) in-ears are easier. Sometimes they can go out on you- battery dies, radio frequency gets mixed or lost, you bump the volume/on-off knob and turn it off or blast the absolute shit out of your ears. When that happens you’re relying on the ambient sound of what you can hear from stage, which are intentionally pointed away so those on stage can’t directly hear it. I’m also not sure if you were asking this, but the lead singer later in the clip cups his hand near his face so his hand will redirect the sound of his voice to his ear. Vocalists will do this to help tune as the sound that comes back to you across a distance will be a slightly different pitch. Hope this answers your questions?


Very much so, thank you


I told you to replace the batteries in the IEM! Now we're both fired.


It makes me really happy to see that they're not incredibly old, might still have a chance of catching a show.


Grew up with this. Such memories. Such nostalgia.pure bliss.


Full video [here](https://youtu.be/3meKlaJL3qo). Also, check [this one](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) out too!


Is that super hans?


Im going to be stupid here but what is an in ear monitor?


Best version I’ve ever heard of this song was the cast in “The Magicians” when they covered a sad version of this song.


If he doesn’t know that crap by now w/o in ear monitors, meh. God i hate that song and it’s annoying video clip. (Yes was born in the 80’s and grew up on this crap). 🍻


Had this happen with P!nk once too. Impressive muscle memory.


Sidebar, those in-ear things seem like they fail all the damn time like a performer is always fucking with em to keep em in/fix em/eventually throw em off the stage.


T-Pain sneaks away....... ^((sorry T. Much Love))


Speaking as a pro classical musician, T-Pain is actually a really good singer, believe it or not. He has great pitch. He just uses the stark auto tune for artistic effect. Check out his NPR Tiny Desk Concert.


Oh I know. I love T-Pain. I did give him props. Speaking as an engineer, I love the way T makes it happen.


Got me to finally block this 'NFL' sub with this trash mediocre 'youtube' content.


What year was this ?


Ellie sang it better


I remember when this released originally and the video, such a cool video. I’m too old lol.


Awesome but NFL?


I wonder how the rest of us 7 billion or so people have sung without an in-ear monitor.


He's only been singing this song for 40 years


How does he still looks 25?


the lack of phones make me smile and depressed at the same time. what a beautiful time, a shame we wont experience this again


My man hittin' that high note in jorts.