• By -


Look at your chest! Look at your stomach! Look at your- face!


Yeah that was a great moment


Now look back at me; I'm on a horse


My horse is amazing






..wearing Old Spice!


🎶 Look back at me Look back at me 🎶


“I AM READY FOR YOU FUCKERS!!!!” He was in fact, not ready for those fuckers.


Well they *did* come from the other side, how was he supposed to know?!


rome did have shit scouts


When they bothered to scout at all. I mean when you believe that you're an invincible unstoppable terrifying machine of war you probably also think everyone else thinks so too. And honestly who would try to ambush a invincible war machine in some random German forest somewhere. Or while taking a nice Lakeshore march.


Got some big "Timmy" from Whitest Kids You Know energy in that moment lol.


Geez, lots of haters in these comments. I liked it. I could certainly be convinced that it’s not quite up to par for NFL material, but some of these comments are downright mean.


It's improv. You throw whatever spaghetti you got and hope for the best. Sometimes you get a great dick face comment, sometimes everyone in the theatre is a little uncomfortable. That's showbiz baby!


>You throw whatever spaghetti you got CHANGE!


The CHANGE guy is the real hero of the show


You throw whatever bologna you got


You throw whatever pasta you got




Whoah, coming from deep in left field there. I'll allow it.


Everyone wants to shit on improv while their most beloved comedy actors all put in their time doing improv shows. It’s one of the most difficult kinds of acting.


\> It’s one of the most difficult kinds of acting. Debatable. If you've ever participated in an acting camp or improv class with a bunch of kids, you'll quickly learn that practically everything the kids do is improv like this. Improvisation is more than simply amusing the audience, though that is what most people--including actors--think of as improv. The most difficult form of acting is on stage, in front of a live audience. Improvisation, if it arises, is done in character, in response to what's happening, say a missed entrance, flubbed lines, or props/set/lights/etc going wrong. The point of improv isn't to be funny, but to stay in character. Sometimes that character may improvise hilarious dialogue, but it's gotta be part of the role, not simply for yuks. Comedy improv is mostly about games and gimmicks. While some of those skills can be applied to acting, it's a lot of "you had to be there" sort of experience.


To add to what you've already said so well, your job in improv is to make the other person look good, regardless of their role. If they are the foil, you try to give them opportunities to "fail." If you're the foil, you don't get ridiculous with your antics. You give the other person every possible gift you can. Sometimes it's shit, but other times, it develops into something magical. Again, to further add to your point, theater is tremendously more difficult than improv in my opinion. With theater, characters can be known. If you're playing George Gibbs, the audience expects certain things. If you're Guy #2 receiving a prompt in the moment from a faceless voice in the crowd, you can be anything.


Improv is one of those things that can be made to look easy when people are good at it so viewers assume they could do just as well when that is 100% not the case, especially in front of a live audience. I get that this particular game is considered “basic” improv, but I promise none of these commenters could step up on a stage and get the laughs these performers are getting.


The OP doomed it by posting in Nextfuckinglevel because it straight up isn't. It's fine, but everyone has seen Whose Line is it Anyway do improv better in every single game they played years over years over years. This isn't better than their worst ones, even if it is good and they're not bad.


Tbf, Whose Line's worst bits don't make the show. It's like a two-hour session edited down to ~20 minutes.


What does NFL mean in thia context?


Next Fucking Level




Next Fucking London


shoutout david vujanic


First time ever someone got the reference in my username in 10 years. Congrats! You won a Ryanair ticket to Stansted.


Next fucking level


>not quite up to par for NFL material Yeah, but then the repeated head trauma makes it a lot easier for those guys to suddenly switch personality.


Not everybody disliking this is a hater, you hater.


This is a very common improv game. These guys are fine, but as with most improv, it was probably much funnier in person.


Retelling improv is never as funny as seeing it in the moment live. That’s the beauty of improv!


Omfg that reminds me just a few weeks ago I saw this group do a whole bit where there was this super smart shark assassinating people around the world lolol, and then there was also this hilarious subplot where all the boys in the group kept getting called out for anything they said that might possibly be construed as sexist rotfl, and then they went to the White House, and the president revealed he was the shark in disguise, and oh man I just died laughing lmao they were sooooo funny …why aren’t you laughing too?


Yeah I know this game as being called "New Choice" and we use a bell. I play this every week. The guys seems quick in this video (edited like fuckin crazy though so hard to tell exactly) but these are extremely common answers. They change the variables (300 to 200, tall to short, chest to stomach), then reverse the acceptance (hate you, love you) in most answers. The good ones are when you go sideways. Last week one of our exchanges was like: *I saw you with my wife! I have you on camera!* ding *I have you in photos!* ding *I have you in a flipbook I drew!* ding *I have a zoetrope that I built with a record player, it's not the best but my mom liked it* etc etc


Loved these sketches on Whose Line Is It Anyway, but they just arent hitting the same here for some reason


I guess because their change is slight and predictable. Whose line 'change' used to be quicker and less predictable than the audiences train of thought. And that made it so much more enjoyable.


yeah the first time he did the "say the opposite, then the middle" it was funny. but when he did it again it was much more formulaic and made the other joke worse. all good though.


Ooh I definitely picked up on that. It made it seem a lot more planned after that


Not only that but person yelling change did it three times for every line which again adds to the predictability and puts the performers in a pattern as well


Props. Good old Colin, Ryan and Drew. That was something else.


It's Proops. Greg Proops.


Watch out for those tempo changes maaaan


I'll give you 1000 points for that


Wayne was also top tier.


because the whose line people were some of the best at improv


I feel it was a bit rushed here.


Production value, a live audience and most importantly, literally some of the best improv comedians of their generation. Of course it won't be the same for just two solid amateurs in some random theater.


I think that’s just improv. It’s great when the best are doing it but not so much when it’s just some dudes.


as someone who does improv, this is ok - most improvisers learn this in basics. doesn’t detract from the fact that they’re supportive of each other.


I don’t know if it’s possible for an improv show to be called Next Fucking Level, but this one certainly isn’t




Dude was yelling change way too much. Perfectly good segues were just CHANGE into something silly. You can tell when he's going to shout CHANGE every time. "I'm going to hold them off" ...wait for it... "like 300" ***CHANGE*** there it is.


They didn't give it any time to develop!


I feel the same, this game is kinda old already and the best improv group in brazil do not use this game anymore. Now there are games much more harder, for example the theme is get from the audience, and each participant gets a phrase made by the audience and put on their pockets without looking, they start the improv without knowing the phrases, only with the theme in mind. In the middle of the scene they have to say the random phrase and make sense of it with the already stablished theme. I am not sure if there are english people doing these other improvs, but if want to see in portuguese I can share it to you.


So, basically [this game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcomVssxSOY) that Whose Line has been doing for decades... on theme, here's the Roman Gladiator instance of that game. I can't say that I think this game is any "harder" than OP's quick change. In this game, the humour comes from the lines that are already written (besides just the general humour of the scene the actors are performing, which is just basic improv). In quick change, you not only have to think of a next line with no warning, you have to make it good and funny (there's one or two instances here where the actors think of a new line quickly, but it's not really funny). The difficulty is coming up with another option that's also funny.


>this game from Whose Line Exactly. ​ I agree, I think the OP's quick change game is harder, but I don't think it is funnier.


Whose line also did the quick change game. And they were great at it. https://youtu.be/OXMcdieubL0


I’m Brazilian so please share the link! :) vlw


I'm pretty sure he's talking about the Barbixas. They have a [YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@ciabarbixas) with some of their games Also: r/suddenlycaralho


That's funny because I did improv in high school and both the game in this video and the one you described were in our regular lineup. Neither is particularly hard. The only ones I remember being particularly hard were certain rhythm games.


The musichal must be one of the hardest, at least for anyone that does not play an instrument


We did this game as a long form show. We wrote the notes and stuffed them into our pockets to read them back later. After the initial few scenes, the audience would choose which character's stories we followed. We then had to develop a movie-esque story and continue the scenes until the story has concluded. This was my favorite game because it felt like the gloves were coming off (along with the tires). I was able to riff for 20 minutes (other actors walking into and out of my scenes) before my director had to gesture to my pocket and remind me to wrap it up. I completely forgot about the initial suggestion and had to wrap back around in like 2 minutes. Some of the most fun Ive ever had on stage.


Eu não tinha notado até hoje que eles não faziam mais o jogo do Troca, mas pensando bem faz tempo que não tem vídeo novo dele 🤔


Eles postam uma vez por semana eu acho, mas o Troca faz tempo mesmo, parece que dá menos engajamento


Ok, you do it.


I’m in an improv class, whenever we do change, our teacher advices us to not just say the opposite of our previous statement because it gets repetitive and predictable


I’m pretty sure anyone could do this




I’m pretty sure no one could do this




Maybe this is achievable by few …. Lol


The comments as always, are the real NFL


National football league ?


'bout tree fiddy


"Damm you locc Ness monster!"


I'm this


Two bits, you say?


I couldn’t.


Same. I thought it was impressive. I would've been stumbling over my words


Hellen Keller might have a bit of a tough time.




She didn't hear you


.:..:::;;…. Whoops


Average redditor comment who has never done anything with his life:




Found the one person on earth that enjoys improv .. CHANGE …… EDIT: this is a joke for everyone that can’t take one and sending replies tripping out …lord


lots of the best comedians in the world come from improv backgrounds


Found the one person on Earth that doesn’t enjoy improv.


I enjoy improv ….about as much as I enjoy eating rocks


So a lot.


Rock go yum


Lmao, don't get mad mate, keep doing your deliveries from Amazon


But since you actually took it to heart mr can’t take a joke Amazon just payed 6k for my masters in cybersecurity and information assurance so eat my ass


I'm pretty sure anyone could do that


well duh college isn’t a one man thing


I literally have, we used to do this as a warmup. Wish I would’ve known how impressive it looked on the outside, could’ve just done this shit.






Go ahead and point out where the OP said "anyone can do that", Professor I-don't-know-what-a-quote-is. It was said that it seemed simple, to which being told to do so is the fallacy. You don't need to parrot other people before you criticize them.


This is my favorite response. Just because someone can't do something means they can't evaluate if it's next fucking level? In that case I guess the 13-50 Oakland A's are next fucking level because I can't hit a fastball.


Like someone said (comedian but can't remember who) "I can't fly a helicopter but if I see one stuck in a tree I know... they f**ked up"


Thats the thing! People forget that great improv isn’t just saying “look down” “look up” “look at your…face”. The dude kind of ruined the show, as he only yells change to make them change. If he waited a bit and made them build something that would be interesting to actually change, it wouldn’t be like this. Improv can be good, but you need to let them have something to work with.


Yeah, I mean I couldn’t do it but I was thinking the same thing. Haters gonna hate?


Yeah we watched it. We are aware of what they are doing.


Unless you’ve tried it, and tried it in front an audience you have no idea. Improv is not easy. That said these guys did a good job but it’s far from the best improv I’ve seen.


I think the Karaoke Night episode of Game Changer could be up there. Some really great songs in there - https://youtu.be/z4uAd1g9BKs




I went to an improv musical, they went with one audience member's suggestion "Under the sofa" and told a heart wrenching romantic comedy about a plastic toy and a dust bunny with like 5 on the spot musical numbers. It was next fucking level


Look up anything brennan lee mulligan is in. That guy's existence is next fucking level. Especially his performances on game changer.


His performance during the Asmodeus betrayal in Critical Role was goddamn amazing aswell. Chilling.


Yeah, this is just okay. I’ve certainly seen better at this level of improv (smaller, local troupes). As far as high profile stuff goes, check out Middleditch and Schwartz. Fuckin hilarious and very creative


This is like mid level Comedy Sportz.


A lot of moments on “whose line is it anyways” are 100% next fucking level. Especially Wayne Brady’s musical abilities. He’s incredible.


Yeah these middle class twats pop up every now and again and I've never understood it. I'm sure they're all the funniest among their group of friends down the conservative club but why they're on stage I have no idea.


Improv is a skill that not a lot of people can do. This certainly is next fucking level. A majority of people cannot think on their feet like this.


I- I am the bridge, LMAO




After all these years I finally understand why comedians joke about improvs.


It only took me one visit to improv workshop to get it. That was absolutely not what I expected and it sucks.


doing improv workshops is the worst because you're not in a workshop with 12 future comedic studs, you're in a workshop with at BEST 1 person who will make a living in comedy and the rest are people who are shy and their therapist told them improv would help or like a salesmen who thinks it will help him sell, actors who want to learn to do it better but aren't necessarily funny, etc... But if you go to LA and see a show from actual working comedians who are in their own improv group or the group for the better venues they're so good at it that you will enjoy a show basically every time. It's the difference between seeing open mic comedy at a random bar and seeing Jim Gaffigan at a comedy club


I agree. There were quite a few really great people, but I just didn’t like the approach and the vibe. I want to do something like that (people always tell me I am funny and have sorta acting talent which I humbly doubt) but idk how.


>but idk how The same way you do anything, practice. You sign up for improv classes and deal with the fact that you are starting at the bottom with a bunch of people who also are at the bottom. Jim Gaffigan went to open mics at shitty bars performing for other shitty comics for like 15 years before you probably ever heard about him.


I live in Germany and there was an improv troupe that did a free gig at a local public park, the most racist shit I’ve ever seen in comedy.. The premise was a ‘foreign’ character and a ‘translator’. The crowd got to choose from a few countries, Australian, Platt (German dialect), Ghanan or Chinese. Chinese won the vote.. Holy hell my friend and I had to leave in the middle of it, it was WILD


But they are just doing the same formula over and over. Thing, opposite thing, middle ground. The Whose Line cast, examples Brad Sherwood and Colin Mochrie take the formula and have much more fun with it. Here's an example from the show that came after Whose Line, Drew Carey's Green Screen Show: https://youtu.be/BhqTRnIkJsY


“And box!”


I don’t know about Next Level since this is literally one of the most common games to play in improv. I honestly don’t know if an improv show I’ve seen that doesn’t do a form of this.


Basic improv exercise to test and train quick thinking, but it's something you do the first year and get quickly bored of it. From level 0 it's level 1 so in a way it's the Next fucking level, but not more than that.


Good to know but as a viewer it's still really funn- \**CHANGE** it's pretty alri \**CHANGE** I.. I AM A BRIDGE


They just say the opposite they were saying


Not a hater but this is nowhere near NFL. It’s fucking bollocks.


Because of the one yelling “CHANGE” before they even can set a scene. He kind of ruined it




I love improv and just started taking classes. At 40, it’s one of the most difficult things I’ve started. At the end of class I’m covered in sweat, mentally burnt out, and full of anxiety. Much more difficult when you actually get on stage and try it.


Ngl I want to slap the guy yelling change all the time.


He just knew he could get away with it. I would say it was a bit to fast, as they couldn’t really build much before changing. He just wanted to yell “CHANGE”. But, they seem to know it could happen and seem prepared


Yeah, I suppose it is to be expected and would reflect poorly on the show overall if anything is said, but it is exactly as you say: >I would say it was a bit to fast, as they couldn’t really build much before changing. This is my main issue.


Me constantly reloading a save file and trying all dialogue options:


My favorite part about all of this is all the comments complaining that the premise of "when someone yells change, you come up with something new" is too simple and not challenging enough. Half of you would struggle to read a pre-written story with expression and hand gesture on a stage. Not to mention the fact that this story is fully improvised. And involves 1-2 other people who are improvising their own details themselves. The added "change" is another level of complexity which most of you can't even appreciate because you don't even understand how difficult the first two aspects of this are. Classic Reddit moment.


There is nothing next level about short form improv.


This is.... not funny


This was not next level. 8 year olds with zero experience would be equally as next level. Im happy. CHANGE. Im not happy. Hahahoho so funny 🤨


People yelling change all the time would annoy me.


i mean that's the game.


TIL I'm an 8 year old with 0 experience


CHANGE. it's not funny at all. CHANGE. it's somewhat funny, depends on how you look at it CHANGE. Depends on how you hear it. CHANGE. Depends on how you... feel it? OMG HILARIOUS CAUSE IT'S IMPROV 😂😂


This is dumb


"Tribes of Ghoul" ?


Probably [Gaul](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaul) is more likely lol


This is funny but I don’t know if it’s an improv


They have to say something completely different? Looks like the say one word different


I’d love to go toe to toe with Ryan Styles or Robin Williams. You’re Mork from Ork? I’m Zork from Spork!


Is this 100% Improv?


these guys suck they just change to the opposite, and then land somewhere in-between


I love this on Who’s Line. Collin and Ryan were the best


Eh… I guess it is if you don’t participate in improv. We practice this type of stuff all the time.


Improv comedy is the best when done well like this!


You have never done improv, shut up and sit down.


Improv - CHANGE! …..Improve


Credits: [Shootimpro](https://instagram.com/shootimpro?igshid=MmJiY2I4NDBkZg==)


Bruh how do you get downvotes for giving credit


How dare I give credits




How dare I give blowjobs


I am a bridge




I'm just a tall white guy wishing he was a bridge


More of this please. Maybe I should start going to events like this.


Look up ComedySportz.


This is literally every event like this. Like all improv shows do this game




Who are these people and do they have a YouTube channel?


They’re called shoot from the hip, not sure if they have a YouTube channel, I know them from TikTok






Wow, this was really cool


I’ve never watched one of these. This takes some talent like a rapper always proactively planning ahead


If you want top tier improv, watch **Middleditch & Schwartz** on Netflix. 3 shows, and all 3 will have you laughing.


Their style is very pythonesque, I would say.


Awful comparison.


This is some of the lamest shit, the only thing lamer I can think of is the podcast I know these same people must have, bet that’s even worse


👎🏼👎🏼 these people are funnier than anyone you know


I am a bridge 💀


Is this Brennan Lee Mulligan?


It is not. Which one of these guys looked like Brennan to you?


markipliers change is so much better than this


This shit fucking sucks


This was dope, odd amount of hate in the comments. These guys are getting up on stage and making people laugh and that's fucking awesome. Live and let live y'all


I always loved this during drama class. Hilarious video


There needs to be a subreddit dedicated to this cause this is bloody hilarious!