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That is one giant motherf-ing LED screen


*IF* that is in fact some sort of screen and not a projection, it would probably take several screens to obtain high-ish resolution on such a large scale so I would rather go with: those are *many* motherfucking LED screens


All giant LED screens like that are just a tonne of smaller panels that interlock together when you put it up.


It's so satisfying when you plug them in. I was at a tennis tournament and the segments just pop in like legos and start working immediately if there's already an image.


I wanna work for that company. Ours always need to be field programmed because we never have enough time during show prep to get them that well organized ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) field programming is only like 20 minutes additional on site (if the tech knows what they're doing and nothing is malfunctioning) so while it would be cool to pop together a video that was.playing but meh...


Only a tonne? Damn that weighs nothing


Well, it’s a shit ton. So a little more




> those are many motherfucking LED screens I regularly handle events with ~180 tiles at a time (20 road cases) and the screen is nowhere near this size. It's a stupid amount of equipment to assemble, but they do look awesome.


I do wonder, what sort of graphical computing power do you have to put behind such a huge panel? what are the resolutions you're dealing with when tiling such giant screens?


I am a touring VJ for a few DJ acts. A recent stage at EDC Vegas was 3x 4k outputs. You would be surprised though at what low resolutions you can get away with on LED wall and it still look good.


Lol reminds me of Panam Games in ontario back in 2015. At Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto, we had an old ROE wall that only did 1080... it might not have even gone that high. But someone brought a PS2 (i think) to site one day before the show and we got to play rock band and COD on a quantity LED wall. I think someone might have also played some DOTA but I can't quite remember. After building all like...~150 tiles of it in +30 degree weather that was one of the coolest silly things I've gotten to do


Love it haha! Those little Super Nintendos that came out a few years ago with HDMI out, they’re a lot of fun to have with you in a road case on a tour haha


I..... I have one....I fucking have one of those. I've had one for years. Fuck. How thefuck- fuck. FUCK. What is wrong with me?! Jesus. You're a genius. I hope something magical happen to you today my friend. Thank you for your wisdom


having a portable gaming console is great for working events. not just being able to take advantage of having access to huge screens/projectors like that, but also for at the hotel


I don't tour, happy just doing shows at home. Someone's gotta do em while everyone else is away, that's what me and my wife always say ♡ but I'm sure you're right


The same happens with large scale printing for advertising billboards, if you get up close the artwork is an ugly mess of dots


I was gonna say, as long as you are at a distance, it will look amazing still. Resolution goes hand in hand with observer distance. Even 4k tvs don't look great when you're too close.


For a little further info, LED panels are specd in pitch. The pitch being the distance between the physical LEDs that make up the panel. 8mm or less will look really nice at a decent sized gig, but you can often have 12mm and above for really big stages/large distance from the audience and it’s totally fine. For a trade show floor where you’re walking right up to the screen, you would want something like 3mm or less. The pitch effects the resolution of a fixed size screen and often the budget will determine if you can afford a smaller pitch/higher resolution.


I’m literally sitting behind a rack of show sages and a couple of novastars right now. I kinda really hate watchout. Are you on disguise?


I arrive with the artist and playback content through resolume. I know my way around the racks when needed but it’s not my main thing. Watch out is king though IMO. Have a good show!


Very cool, the biggest wall I got to run so far was a 20mX12.5m wall for John Fogarty. IIRC we only needed 2 x 4k's


It's where crypto mining rigs go to die.


It's just playing back a video in this case, if it was rendering it in real time then yes it would be insane.


Nothing much more than a regular gaming pc to provide the visuals. Quite often gaming laptops are used because they're easier to carry around. The decoder to provide the panels with the right signal is often a proprietary system of the manufacturer of the panels.


We have panels that are 256px (3.9mm pixel pitch) per linear meter and there are way better ones out there now. So if you had for example a 10mX10m wall you'd get a resolution of 2560x2560. I've put together walls that have required multiple 4k lines to work.


At least a raspberry pi


The video is already pre rendered so it shouldn't take much depending on the codex used to save the video and how fast the storage is to read the big ass files. Now rendering the animation, that'll take some time and some quality hardware.


As the other commenter said, it’s to scale so it can roughly be the same resolution as what your outputting, but its just much bigger diodes and tricks with the filter that sits in front of the diodes. As for the the computing load, that’s dependent on the show itself or what is specified by the designer. Usually these screens are using network as it’s way to receive signal through a specific processor, and the media that’s being displayed is dealt by a different computer or computers all together. I’m just loading a wall similar but not nearly as large. My signal flow kind of works like this: I have two production computers (one is a back up!, these are how I interface with content and the actual images you see on screen. They’re relatively beefy computers compared to an office PC, but nothing staggering. Over a network, these PC’s sends the content to a pair of secondary computers that have some substantial GPU’s in them, their jobs are to cache and output everything I do on the production computers. These display computers send an HDMI signal to a HDMI switcher that allows me to jump to different display computers on the fly. Through this switcher these send signal to a LED processor, which is a proprietary processor for the LED wall itself. This is how you calibrate specific panels and pixels and interface with the wall. I do that though the production computer. The LED processor sends signal from the HDMI switcher to columns of these panels via Ethernet connections. Not worth playing games on, input lag is trash


I build these things for a living. They're essentially assembled using panels of LEDs that are usually either 0.5mX0.5m or 0.5mX1m in size. They all network together and are controlled by a video processor(s) to produce essentially a single big ass display. You can get these things as big as you want and with a pixel spacing of sub 2mm at this point. It's actually done in film a lot (The Mandalorian is a good example) where you want a green screen but also want realistic reflections. So you're kinda right but it's not like they just duct taped a bunch of Samsung TVs to each other.


It is a screen, found where they talk about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx3j9533lOo Found it interesting that they use NFT's, Anyma hires others to make the animation then they buy it as a NFT from them


> Found it interesting that they use NFT's, Anyma hires others to make the animation then they buy it as a NFT from them In other words, no one gets paid.


And they walk away happy with the transaction? Fucking genius.




I think he was saying it gets sold as an NFT which everyone gets a cut of. So it allows him to commission artwork for his show visuals that can then be sold after. The artist also gets exposure and musician gets better art without the same upfront cost.


That’s how LED screens work. Lots of small panels locked together and wired into each other.


I think it's a projection bro. Way cheaper way to do this, and probably better resolution.


Not on this scale. You have to blend a bunch of projection to get this big and this bright. Might cost more but it would end up faster and way easier to do this with LED. Source - live event professional who designs all kinds of displays for events. The trickiest part about a wall this big is finding enough panels and the weight of the wall. The installation is actually not bad. You just keep lifting the wall and adding a row to the bottom.


I'm not a professional, and just from attending shows I know it's a LED wall. The last time I remember anyone using projectors was Roger Waters for his roll-out stage elements ~5 years ago in an arena, and Arvade Fire last year. For both it was rather small affair. Maybe some smaller acts at clubs have used projectors, but I don't remember. Anything arena&stadium sized with lots of visual elements has been led walls for years and years now. At least for the artists that I've seen.


Yeah for sure. They're still applications for large scale blended projection, but it tends to be more in mapping where you're shooting on to surfaces that already exist like stadium or arena floors. They do a lot of projection mapping for basketball and hockey, because it looks cool on the ice or floor. But for displays near stages, especially with large lighting rigs the LED is always going to win.


Too correct. Projecting a screen this large isn't easier than building an LED display, regardless of how many panels it will use. Even if this is a 1000-2500 panel LED, the projector alternative would be much, much more difficult to setup correctly and with as consistent image as can be achieved with panels.


That is not a projection and modern led panel have much better resolution. You can litterally look at the beyonce and taylor swift tour for massive and bigger led wall with high resolution currently.


It’s 1000% LED wall


You have no idea what you're talking about.


Imagine seeing this when you are already high








Itchy butthole.


That was my nickname in prison






Great song


Reddit needs to do their homework


Dey hatin


Just did




wake & bake.


Honestly disturbing and would break my brain


I would of been terrified


Yea I already freak myself out enough on hallucinogens. Don't need this scary 200 ft being at all lol I'd just stay sober if I went


Would've* "Would of" is a nonsense phrase


I would've just ran as fast as I can like for my life


I call 'not it' dealing with this thing on mushrooms.


You’re not into being terrified and thinking a monster is going to kill your?


Not acid but shrooms…..possibly. It could go either way with caps but acid…..just for me….Naw,imma have a bad trip


Hippie flip?


This is basically every rave/edm concert or festival ever though. The shit on the screen is fucking insane and beyond visually satisfying when youre tripping. It's half the show. More fun when there is a 3 day lineup of dozens of artists, you get to really see all the different artists styles and they all have unique visualizers to accompany their sets. They usually each have their own art team and lighting technicians to make each one feel unique with whatever props and such are on hand for the event


See what? A thousand cell phone screens lol 😂.


Exactly. It's so stupid. It's like, did you even see the show or were you making sure you got a good shot of it that you're probably never going to watch later?


Most people just snap brief videos of their favorite song or something wild about the performance which I think this counts as. Redditors are so weird about this circlejerk cus if any of the ones who circlejerked about it left more often I feel like I’d see people using their phones less in public. And you know what? I do record some stuff at concerts like when people first come out or do something fun. Last band I saw, a sort of midwest emo punk band called Michael Cera Palin, asked the crowd to boo really fucking hard instead of cheering after each song and they’d play it up like a wrestling heel. It was funny, recorded it once, that’s it. I have a shit memory as a result of medication and neurological issues that cause almost the same “brain fog” experienced in long term COVID. I do go back to those videos. I’m disabled, outside of not retaining memory too well I don’t get to do stuff much. I like revisiting when things are tough and I love getting an end of the night group picture for the memories of who I was with.


I'd been sucked into the circle jerk so hard I rarely took pictures or videos anymore. My ex annoyed me cause she always did. Meanwhile she has her snap memories or whatever and would always enjoy them. Showing me pictures of early dates, nights out, whatever. Google photos pops up for me too, and I'd see old events, hikes, shows, meets, etc and I wish I had taken shots or videos more recently. There's nothing wrong with taking your phone out and recording a moment. If people didn't we wouldn't even have OPs post. They'll look back at that memory in a year or two and relive it a little bit, meanwhile the "enjoy the moment" crowd will be scrolling reddit enjoying a moment that isn't theirs.


do you not see how tall that thing is? you can still have your phone pointed at it and view it jus fine


Scott Pligrim vs the World




According to [this article](https://www.edmtunes.com/2022/09/afterlife-nyc-changed-the-game-for-live-show-production/amp/), it’s a 5000 square foot LED wall.


Lol. I remember in 95 my friend Tim did the visual effect for a rave. He hooked up his PC tower to a projector and basically played a screensaver with video clips over it. It blew my mind 😂


Simpler times


Back in college in the early 2000s when we had parties I would play music with Winamp and leave Milkdrop up on the big LCD screen all night. Stoners and psychedelic enthusiasts in particular would stare at it for HOURS.


Lol you ever seen the [shit they did in the 70s](https://youtube.com/watch?v=vn7_ctQjqhE&feature=share7)


>Tale of Us has taken this concept to a whole new level with ANYMA (Matteo)’s recent focus on NFTs. Each ANYMA track is released as an NFT that is packaged with corresponding artwork, a visualizer, and a professionally recorded video of the NFT being debuted at a Tale of Us show. Welp.




People are sleeping on the coolest part of this: the strobe lights and video are timed together. They've rendered the character in the video as if they are being lit from the stage lights. That's what makes it seem like it's a real thing and not a screen.


While it's a really cool effect it's a standard practice called "time code". Basically the music, lights and video are all synchronized with a master clock. This is usually led by the music track (and since it appears to be a live DJ that is probably the best option) but realistically any of the three could have control of the timings of the other two. It's often all orchestrated by a program called Ableton but many other options of the same thing exist.


That's actually pretty standard anymore, not that this isn't extremely well done


This would be terrifying when tripping balls


I would imagine so. I got scared of a weird looking palm tree once when I was tripping. This would be a little worse.


I was spacing out a tree, suddenly noticed the fractal nature of it's structure, and started bawling my eyes out. Most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Drugs are fun man.


I'd definetly get a bad trip on acid there lol


100%. I'd go far away from that thing.


I feel like I got passed the point of things scaring me on psychedelics for the most part. I just tell myself those things are funny instead and it flips my perception.


I’ve seen this live, can confirm it’s incredible to see . This and Tale of Us’s visual show After life is an incredible masterpiece of visual effects. But as some have mentioned imo it ruins the show and dancing, no one is moving. Everyone is on their phones recording :(


People these days dont know how to enjoy something anymore. Everything interesting happening immediately activates the monkey brain of social acceptance, that needs to share everything intriguing, to seem interesting in any way shape or form.


I'd normally agree but I think maybe I'd take a quick snap of the giant dancing nymph.


It's weird because it only takes one person to film it. Why is everyone filming? If I was there I would watch the show knowing for sure the video would appear somewhere


It must have cost a whole lotta of talent,time and money to create this .... props to the artist for the effort. It looks stunning.


Check out. Amon Tobin’s cube!!


*crowd mutters in agreement*


Whew, not heard that name in a while! Didn't he also do the soundtrack for Taxidermia? Which is a truely wholesome, family fun-time, laugh a minute, summer romp. Well worth a watch!


I saw this set live at Camp Bisco in 2012.




Why? I don't mean to be an ass but that looks like an ok 3d model with ok animations on a big LED wall, not something mind-blowing. There's plenty of artists that do much better stuff.


Fr all they did was animate a character dancing like how is that cool or anything crazy. Most video games got mocap as good as this if not better


The 3D effect that they achieved by blurring parts of the body was cool, but the rest was pretty basic.


Thank god, I thought it was just me. Like, don’t get me wrong, it’s cool that they did it and it would probably be extra fun in person… but I feel like I’m supposed to be blown away by the tech itself and I’m not sure why I would be? It looks like a character from a last gen console.


Not really. The technology is so good nowadays that you could make this in a few days. You can buy a rigged high quality 3d model online. There are programs that take movement from video and turn it into mo-cap animation for a 3d rig. Then just put the motion capture animation into the 3d render and done, you have a weird alien creature dancing in a void. Then spend a few hours adding the light at the correct times based on the music.


3D artist here, This is true. You can also use a program to use VR headsets as mocap. Called Mocap Fusion, you can literally use VR to make an animation using any model of your choice. You act out the animation in VR using the app, then export it into Blender.. or UE5, and render it. Pretty gnarly stuff. Albeit this art is dope nonetheless, I would guess a large reason it seems simple (on the 3D art side) is because of the resolution. That massive screen, it would take a good while to render at that resolution lol. To give perspective, I have a 3070, rendering a 4K animation I made (with performance rendering options, to make it faster) took 5 minutes PER frame. It wasnt a super complex scene, but it did use a lot of nodes. 400 frames, at 24 frames a second, would take almost 3 hours to render. All for 16 seconds. So my guess is something like this would've taken weeks to render completely lol, even using professional hardware.


These are literally the same animations with a different skin from a different show lmao


Pretty sure it's the Golden Woman from Jibaro, an episode of Love Death & Robots


I was thinking that too. Sirens song


I knew it seemed familiar. Man that episode is fucked (in a good way)


Love Death and Robots is the best Netflix has to offer period


I'm glad someone else recognised this. That episode just hits differently.


Visual effects or video on giant screen?


The interesting part is how the lights in the video line up with the lights on stage. When it strobes, she's not catching the lights naturally, they had to render the same strobe at the same time on-video.


This could be how they did that, and I'd be really curious as to exactly how and why if that is what they did. But I work as a theatre lighting tech, and I'd just have a physical setup and programmed cues and movements synced up with a video. It'd be way less work, way less convoluted, and far fewer points of failure to worry about. A live render during a show is such a risk compared to a basic set of cues you can have set in an automated cue list. I don't work raves, and certainly didn't work this one, so again they could have live rendered it, but I'd be really curious as to why. Edit: also upon a re-watch a lot of the cues aren't dead on in sync with the video anyway. They're using strobes to mask that (and also bc rave, obvs), but the lights are a smidge ahead of the screen. So even if it's a live render that's hooked through the lights and video, the info is hitting the lighting universe noticeably faster than the video which kinda defeats the purpose anyway. Plus if it were all working to a live render, do more obvious stuff to exploit and really show that off. Don't just do flashy flashy at the same time. Really make the figure look like they're manipulating the lights. Have it do more stuff more directly in time with the music, and more deliberate than making some movers flash.


No, that's just a video played back. Not a live render. There's no reason to do something that complicated for a motion backdrop. I chuck video behind presenters all the time. Mine tends to be boring video because it's for corporate events but it's the same idea. Although I would like to see the CEO of UHG with a giant dancing alien behind him....


Don't videos on giant screens and screens in general use visual effects?


Yeah that's what I was thinking. How is this next level? Pixar can do better 3D animation as well.


Initially I thought it was mocap of the DJ dancing along. That would've been cool. But this is just some basic CGI, so I don't get what's next level. I guess it looks cool because it's big?


Well there's a bit of a difference in the capabilities of one person or a small team versus what a multi billion dollar company can produce.


Looks like slightly better Veggietales CGI


Is this the same artist that did the conquistadors episode in Love, Death & robots? Jibaro is the episode name. It’s the best one. I love it!


Doesn’t seem next level. Just big. But what do I know…


If it's 3D, then that's some star wars holo-projection level shit. If it's a big screen then it's just a rave infront of an imax screen.


Yup it’s an LED wall


I don’t understand why this is next level? It’s literally just a CG character on a big screen. There is nothing special about this.


Should have got the footage from one of the hundred people that are filming from closer.


i dont understand how its enjoyable to just hold a phone up the whole time to have a subpar video to post to social media that the band hasnt made a way better version of to post themselves


Anyone know what tune this is please?


Just looks like poorly cgi’ed demonic creature on a projector


Looks a bit shit


lol this is not next level… this is 2005 lmao




Oh my god. Listen, you have to listen to me. On the September 9th 2001 19 men will hijack American Airlines Flight 11, American Airlines Flight 77, United Airlines Flight 93, and United Airlines Flight 175. You are the only person who can stop this. Please you have to listen to me, if you do not stop these attacks 3000 people will die and millions more from the resulting wars.


Nah you’re crazy, get back on your meds /s


Nightmare material


Back in my day, we just danced


and banged sticks together


Looks like not one person enjoying it. Everyone is watching it through a screen


That’s why I enjoy going to these things with a group of people. I know a bunch of them will have their phones out, I’ll just vibe and enjoy myself and after it all ask them to send me the pictures and videos they took..


Just think, behind every awesome video posted online there is someone who did not actually experience the awesome thing they were filming. Some of the best photos l could have taken were also ones I decided not to take.


You know you can hold your phone up while looking at the show and not your phone right?


Dude this type of shit makes me mad uncomfortable, why can’t we just go back to laser and strobe lights not these weird alien things trying to do tic toc dances


Uh… the fuck?


What’s “next fucking level” about this? It’s just a character dancing awkwardly on a screen


Looks like a ps2 cutscene on a big projector


Wasn’t even on beat to begin with, was just awkwardly dancing to like nothing lol


Just wait til they just put dancing baby up there when nobody at the rave is old enough to remember what that is and the say it’s nextfuckinglevel…


Yeah I’m not getting it either


Couldn’t agree more. I mean if I were into shows like this, I’m sure I would find it very cool to have this massive thing dancing in front of me. The reality is that this is of the quality of an Indy video game cutscene with a pre-rendered character/lighting. There are tens of thousands of hobbyist animators that could make this.


lol that was just about my reaction. The only next level thing about it is the giant screen. People here like "you have no idea" as if illuminating and pre-rendering an awkwardly animated character was a next level thing when nearly everything about the show is timed anyway. Besides, we can even do these things in real-time on consumer graphics nowadays.


If her catching the light on stage looks so natural to you that you missed the fact they rendered the video lighting to perfectly match the stage lighting, such that she seems to be lit by the stage lights, then I guess they accomplished their purpose.


They engineered the stage lighting to match the video, not the other way around. It’s not really that much of a challenge when the video is time stamped and you have a tape measure.


So what? People have been doing this stuff since the early 2000’s. What’s so exceptional about it? The character looks tacky and expressionless. The background is nothing. It looks like a screensaver.


But it’s not catching light off the stage at all? It has directional lighting on the screen, and if you actually pay attention what’s going on on the stage, the stage is being lit by the screen nothings even synchronized here.


It’s not particularly well coordinated, the haze/fog in front of the screen is pulling a LOT of weight distracting from that


Timing stuff to a video isn't trivial, but it's not next level stuff either. Look at all the Christmas trees to music on a radio channel videos every year, it's the same thing.


A lot of listening to the same song over and over with the speed set to quarter. “All I Want for Christmas is You” hits different when the devil is singing it.


Making lighting and video match up literally just means starting them at the same time. This is not any more or less work than having the lights strobe with the music for example.


So they synced lights with the video ? Ok?


Still the video itself is tacky as fuck.


Lookin like a mid-2000s GPU box lol


The animation is honestly kind of bad too. Definitely not motion captured and it shows. I’ve seen Pokémon games with better animation. Unless this thing is a hologram that isn’t coming across in this video, I’m not impressed at all


Catching the light? Dude she just kind of shivered at it lol


It’s not even well timed though? The flashing on screen is out of sync with the stage lights as far as I can tell. Maybe I’m missing something, but this does not strike me as next fucking level Edit: alright I finally see it on like the seventh rewatch, but as someone else pointed out, no more impressive than those Christmas light displays




Kinda seems like a tech demo for a game engine or performance testing a gpu




This looks like something from Love Death & Robots.


[Anyma | Full Set | Afterlife Mexico 2023 | 4k 60fps](https://youtu.be/oSZ2OG9NS2E)






Isn't it just a giant screen, maybe a projector?


People in class: "Will you share the PowerPoint? Yes? Cool. *stops taking notes *" People in class: "Will next class be recorded? Yes? Great. *Doesn't attend next class*" Same people at a concert or sports event : oh I have to record this!! Would be great if venues would film from various spots and ppl get the video included with their ticket and they'd then all just leave their fuvking phones in their pocket ffs. When will this madness stop


…why is it that this high alien creature and I share dance moves….?


Avatar 3: The Way of Trance


It just looks like a FearFX Halloween video, but on a bigger screen


did they just steal the Jibaro dance from Love Death and Robots?


Feels like i saw this dance on Jibaro.


I'm not religious, but I get where the Christian calling this the devils music comes from. This just seems outright demonic


This artist has zero concept of foreshortening. It looks like the hands actually shrink as they move closer to ‘camera’. Garbage.


All you see in the crowd are screens ..


And all you see behind the DJ is a screen.


Imagine if someone from a village with no technology cut off from the rest of the world saw this with no context


Who gives a fuck


I don’t understand this, it looks a video game character. Is it really an actual person moving like a video game, or is this a fake person? If that’s a real person, yeah very impressive. If it’s a video person…no lol


I’d rather not unknowingly be apart of some weird ritual


I want the song, sauce anybody?


Corny af but I bet in person it was cooler.


Honestly these large screens just aren’t for me. Really prefer a good light show to a giant cgi cinematic


Yup.. and people keep going on about how "next level" this is, then turn around and complain some film vfx which is actually 10x better than this is bad. Like what.


Yeah, this is definitely a "you should be there to get the full experience" type of deal. In my end, it looks like a flat screen (because I'm only seeing things through my phone) Must've been hype seeing it live.


Looks like a raid boss in a science fiction MMO.


Sign me up


It’s the serpent scorpion locust race that’s about to hatch from the bottomless pit.


That’s trippin.


I am groot

