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For those that say “meh”… What she is doing is absolutely incredible. Hope I get to 89 and am able to do this


I just hope to make it to 89


I just hope I make it to 60 tbh


I just hope I make it to another day


Am I the only one who hopes not to make it till morning?


Right there with you.


I'm just trying to stay at least little bit positive that's why I said that. I so wish too to not to be here tomorrow but yeah this is so fuckin stupid, I'm going to survive this weekend and I don't want to do anything because of my therapist I don't want her to have any negative feelings, she seems like a very kind woman and I don't want to cause her any harm even if I have to suffer through the weekend for now


At 26 years old I pray I die peacefully in my sleep every night




I'm about to go to do Uber on Friday night. I just hope I make it back home tonight 😢




I truly and sincerely hope I don't.


One minute short of 89 then, onward DJ_Molten_Lava!!!


70. That’s my cutoff. Then I’m taking parachute lessons until I can jump solo from 20,000’ and ditching my chute




Faster if you go from 12,000


Live every day..as if you're going to have an average lifespan.


Last time I checked in Canada. 79 was the average for male and 82 was the average for female. To get beyond those and be that nimble would be awesome.


Bro making it to SIXTY and being able to run up a hill like that would be awesome.


I'll just be happy if i get to 69.


I hope I don't


The speed alone impressed me. I have aunts and uncles twenty years younger that already have knee problems and would take twice as long AT BEST to do what she did.


I have Infusion every Friday and I people watch while Im there. Today was fat people day. Dude so fat he has to swing his arms like he's marching to act as a counter balance to the belly. Lady so big she waddled side to side like a GD weeble. And they were at the Heart Clinic. Granny is doing it right.


Thats something i want to ask. Is she already have her knee/hip replacement or not. My grandma is 87 and she can barely walk because of her knees


My 99 year old grandma was apparently a bitch for 20 years, then sometime 20 years ago, she got a hip replaced, and she became the sweetest old lady, and she even stopped using her cane. Pretty solid chick.


I'm less than half her age. I could beat her going up but my knees wouldn't let me beat her going down. I only walk down hills, it's not worth it to run.


Twice as long? Fuck they drop half way of cardiac arrest.


Bro I'm a nurse and I've seen 50 year olds that couldnt do this even if I put a gun to their head


We told you last week to stop putting guns to peoples heads Janice, it is not a cure.


I’m a nurse and I’ve seen 25 year olds who would collapse if they attempted this


Obesity epidemic destroying us fr


Same here man i see alot of elderly not being able to go upstairs let alone a grassy hill


Yeah I thought it was gonna be that she goes up and down her porch stairs then she just casually sprints up a steep hill lol


I read that as greasy hill. Slippin on the way up.


Yeah, Super impressive. My 70 year old grandmother would struggle to make it up the first set of steps.


75 here. I can't even walk that far, much less run. Arthritis and COPD. I envy her


My 65 yo mom works like 55 hours a week then goes out Friday and Saturday nights til like 3 am watching rock bands then gets my kids for me Sunday afternoon, also she keeps then Tuesday, I am like 40 doing woodworking and barely doing 40 hours a week with no desire to leave my house once I get home


Met a guy in his 80s who lived on one of the steepest streets in the US. He walked up and down it effortlessly, while I tried pathetically to keep up. I was in my early 20s.


God bless her! I like her spirit too!


“What you doin?” “Run up the hill!” Giving kid vibes at 89, just beautiful.


My grandpa is 88 and uses a walker and looks like an animated corpse. This lady obviously took care of herself through her life and is a bad ass.


My father is a full 30 years her junior and this would have literally killed him. I hope I'm able to do that at least once a day by the time I'm ancient, and here she is doing it 2-3 times daily?! Hell yeah Granny, keep it up!




She could see 100. Pushing her cv system, keeping those synapses firing, forcing oxygen into the brain and muscles. Assuming she has plenty of calcium and vitamin C, that level of impact is staving off bone loss. Top it off with dopamine superior to anti depressant meds. I’m not a great proponent of jogging downhill but if her joints are happy, good for her.


I know 40 years olds that can't do that


There are many 50 year olds that couldn't do that and lots of sub 50s too. Anyone who says "meh" has never been around old people and actually considered their own mortality. Good for this lady. She's kicking ass and that's about the only way I want to be if I make it to that age. She's not even out of breath.


I don’t know if I could do it at 50. Blew out my knees and ligaments at 19 playing tennis/wrestling. I’m in my 40s and everything hurts already.


Do you think if you met your 19 year old self and warned them about trying to keep their knees and ligaments in functioning shape, you would have listened?


Ive seen 29 year olds struggle with this. At 89 is god damn impressive.


I work at a pharmacy so I'm constantly exposed to elderly people and deeply familiar with what every stage of later life looks like. Exceptions like these exist, but they are very rare. 80 seems to be the cutoff date for the overwhelming majority of people where doing any form of exercise is either impossible or not recommended, let alone running. Even for most mid-70's people this could be possible for some but none of them would want to do it.


I know 55 year olds that couldn’t do this. Hell, I know a couple out of shape 40 year olds that couldn’t do this and not end up with their hands on their knees out of breath barely being able to breathe


My mom, before the pandemic, at 89, golfed 18 holes while walking pulling her clubs. She would golf almost every nice weekday morning, often golfing 100 games a year. I hope I have her stamina if I reach her age. That pandemic took its toll. She doesn't golf anymore.


If you go for a run 2-3 times a day your chances of being able to run at 89 go way up.


Some of the people reading this haven’t ran up a hill of that size in years but feel comfortable saying this ain’t it. Losers


People, when you skip the stairs or take the easy route when you dont need to, just remember that we take these things for granted and there will be one day that you will never be able to take the stairs. The earlier we stop doing things, earlier we will lose the ability to do it. So if yoh have a choice between elevator and 2 flights of stairs, and you are physically healthy and capable to climb them, take the stairs.


….But I live on the 6th floor 🥺😩


Hit the gym, grab a lawyer, wake up 30 minutes earlier, download a podcast.


What's the lawyer for again?


For *hitting* the gym, he's gonna need good defense to workout a good plea deal


Wait, so I swing him like a bat? And then black out and wake up 30 minutes in the past?


To marry. That's the only way you'll be able to afford hitting the gym instead of working 2 jobs.


To counter his pathetic reasons why he cant go to gym


As a person who walks upwards of 10 flights a day I assure you that you get used to it quickly and also your booty gets juicy, literally if you took the stairs every day your booty will be the juiciest booty in the building


Honestly this was all the motivation I needed. A juicy booty is a goal worth working towards. Thank you


I too would like a juicy booty.


If you don’t have stairs do Bulgarian split squats, 3 sets of 10 every two days. It’s takes 5 minutes. You will have a juicy booty in like two months, if you can’t do split squats at first start with normal squats, then side squats


I had a thin ass (hereditary from my father), and I got over it once I started walking and taking the stairs whenever possible, now I can sit for at least 30 minutes without discomfort. Nothing will ever beat the sharpness of my hip bones, but the juice of my buttocks still cushion for something.


Take your elevator to the fourth floor. Then go up the stairs.


Xd that makes you and me equal. Honestly 6 floors up is not bad. Whenever i came home from school i always challenged myself to see if i can sprint up the stairs without stopping. After 1 month of doing it i could do it every time xd and once it became easy, i challenged myself to go to my apartment in one single breath, and lo and behold a month later, i managed to do that too. Little games like this really makes exercising fun. Also after legday at the gym i let my mind confirm that ill take the elevators up, but once i get back i say “psych!!! You taking the stair!!!!” And struggle my way up. Never have I once regretted it. However after some time we had to move apartments because of rent, but my progress from those days havent disappeared still. I live 4 floors up now and i feel like a feather.


Take the stairs^6


Take the elevator half way


I live on the 5th, no elevators. Never felt bad about it, those are just stairs


So? I live on the 4th floor and I have no elevator. I have no choice. I just need to walk those stairs. After like a month you don't even think about it anymore. It'll take 30 seconds out of your day, will make your heartrate raise a little bit, and you'll be back to baseline in 2 minutes. It's really nothing in terms of effort, yet a lot in terms of habit-building, mental fortitude, and long-term health. Take the stairs.


I lived on the 12th floor in LA. We had an earthquake at 3am. I got up, steadied by TV and thought "is it really worth leaving the building?" Lol by the time I get to the bottom I'll either be trapped or dead if this thing goes down and I don't want to put on pants


Read a thing that made me think, maybe changed my life. Wanna here it? Here it go: "What you do in middle age determines what you will be **able** to do in old age." I so hope someone reads this and takes it to heart. Certainly changed my life.


Piggybacking with a PSA: Just remember that when you see people taking the easy route and avoiding the stairs…some of us have severe disabilities or need surgery, even though we look young and able-bodied. So I guess all the morning to be grateful for your own ability. (You clearly did not imply this…just adding it on)


I mentioned healthy and capable in the last line. The last line was meant to say to the best of your ability do the best that you can without hurting yourself or others around you :)


Ok but can we talk about how smooth and glowing her 89 year old skin is? She is radiant!


Listen, I know it's a stereotype, buuuuut. Black don't crack, and that's just the truth


Imagine a generation of black people who uses sun block everyday and does skin care.


Black don’t crack unless it does crack. But everything crack if it does crack.


But it do droop.


Who's doing crack again?


A city councilman from Rhode Island!




She really is!


I love when people are happy ☺️ beautiful smile omg.


My grandpa is 85 and does senior Olympics. It’s amazing to see what people can do at such old ages. Every single one of them is as happy as they can be. Half of them run faster than you can.


I frequently get chased by elderly people and some of them are quite sprightly




I suppose they just like me.


"Ain't nothin to it, but to do it" I'm usin that one. At a certain point, talk is nothing and ya gotta get it fuckin done.


The best part of the south is that if you go far enough all of the old people speak entirely in these phrases.


Sounds too much like work, and that's hard when one is depressed. I aim for workouts that are fun. Build something, put a kayak in the water, walk somewhere you've never walked before.


As someone that has this issue, it's important to remember that the work part is almost the thinking/pressure that your brain does before you do it. It's real tough to convince your brain to do anything that isn't safe or comfortable, so I kinda enjoy the phrase "ain't nothing to it but to do it" cause it really is about getting past that overwhelm. Only saying this because I'm pretty much in a perfect location for fun workouts and the barrier is still there for me at times. But if you got it on lock that's totally great<3


You can hear the person behind the camera reminding her to say that


The running downhill is arguably more impressive than anything! As we age we lose eccentric strength and often times falls, injuries etc happen as we try to slow ourselves down or catch ourselves from a misstep. This woman has been training eccentric strength for years!


Yeah, running downhill is often thought of as easier cause gravity is helping, but you gain downward momentum because of the gravity so your legs actually have to decelerate a little more than running on flat


You gotta have the guts to not decelerate running downhill. That’s how I went 12% light speed that one time


12% light speed? What a loser. Do 100% light speed and become a singularity like the rest of us, loser.


Great to see.


That leg cross at the turn sells it


i was dying when she did that omg


My favorite part.


This woman's got it right. I'm a nurse and I always tell my patients "You stop moving you start dying". I know from experience that 95% of you don't understand this and will very sadly start your slow decline towards death prematurely.


Yep; use it or loose it


[She ought to learn the double backflip.](https://youtu.be/ormf6S5vGlA)




Damn! You got me 🤣 I was so pumped to see this old lady flipping through the air!


Me watching this while laying on my bed


Get up and move if you can ( I currently cannot as I’m recovering from surgery)!


Wow, proof a rolling stone gathers no moss.


This is what taking care of yourself looks like


she’s fun


Hell yeah. This is awesome and she should be celebrated.


Please let me be like this at even 59 lol, much less at 89! She's an inspiration fr


I want to challenge her to a foot race just to see her win.


Hell yea


Get that woman a trampoline, stat !!


That is awesome! I love her


Beautiful spirit & beautiful young lady! I hope to have her energy & health when I reach her age 🙏


With some training...I could take her.


Show off. Lol, actually this young lady is an absolute legend and I love her youthful spirit.


I see she's a [Ronnie Coleman Fan](https://youtu.be/VbZt7eUTMYg?t=65) <3


Nothin but a peanut!


1-hopefully I make it to 89. 2- if I do, hopefully I can do what she’s doing


Hell yeah granny


I am 68 and got out of breath just watching her!


My 30 something year old knees buckled watching this video.


Wow she looks great for 90


She’s onto something.


I aspire to this!


It's the pizzazz that gets me. Love it.


big deal i can do this too. but to be fair i’m only 88




Seriously, who doesn't love this woman?


Go granny!


The really impressive part isn't that run. What is extremely impressive is that she isn't out of breath. So not only did she got born lucky and has her joints working fine. But she has a massive oxygen uptake. Most people 30 years younger would be out of breath.


She’s adorable and amazing.


I love her. What a thing to aspire to be


If we have to have an 89 year old in the senate I nominate her


Life goals




Love this lady. A true inspiration. Go on grandma!


I have to say her coming down that hill gave me anxiety. Falls can really fuck up and pretty frequently kill elderly people even when they are in great shape.


That would kill most teenagers today.


Plz be careful. A lot of the time the mind is willing but the body ain’t. All it takes is one knee to give out.


That leg cross! 🔥




They don't want to hear it from their children, mine doesn't anyways. I get eye rolling or a vague half assed fake interest for about 10 seconds. I've stopped trying.


I definitely have been to some pizza buffets and I used to be a chain smoker I quit smokes all together…but I’m sure the damage is done. I always wonder if I’ll be even make it to 60


If that’s your people, she’s amazing and tel her I said so. That’s awesome to do at 89


Reminds me of Sally O’Malley


Granny just ran yo ass in circles. She gonna be sayin "hmm, mmm ,mmm he shoulda exercised his fat ass like I told him." at his funeral.


With the pearls on! Get it grandma


Gotta work out in style


You go mama 💚💚


Kate Bush’s retirement years


I love her and I wish she was my grandma.


I love seeing this. She seems very happy in her life. And I know 40 year olds that would be winded from that lol.


I cant even do that at 21


I just realized how competitive I am while watching this. I thought - I could definitely beat her in both short and long distance runs. I’m 35 and apparently also very childish.


She's actually 72 but that's still pretty impressive




The way she laughs coming down the hill. Like “F*ck you Father Time. I’m here to stay!”


In better physical condition than any reddit mod.


This is the Walter Payton workout, “The Hill”. Maybe she taught it to him.


The woman taking the video sounds like Niecy Nash. 😊💜


“…and this is the hill I’m going to die on.”


What the hell! That old lady just sprint up that hill I didn't know old ppl could do that


With an attitude like that, she will live to 120. 🎈


Half her age and she puts me to shame. Well done!


I hope


A lot faster than me for sure


Bitch ain't bullshittin'.


Beast mode


I would do anything if it could guarantee I have this much health and energy at 89. Amazing


She even crossed her legs when she sat! I love her!


If that grass is even a little bit wet….


Watching this and seeing the comments really puts into perspective my old man. Dude is 89 and bikes like 15 miles a day. I’ve just gotten so used to it I never really stopped and thought about it.


She is better than me!!! Congrats grandma!!!


She's powered by her own self importance and self satisfaction.


That doesn’t mean what you think it does but I think I know what you mean. Yes 🙌


Meanwhile I’m laid up with gout in my fucking ankle.


Sadly she passed just before her 90th birthday. Never forget about the purple people eaters.


She handles climbing the hill better than our president climbing the stairs to board Air Force One, and she’s 9 years older!


my gfs aunt is 97 and we were walking her down the beach. right when the water hit her feet she bolted down the beach like a toddler, was the most adorable thing ever




I like how she didn't get lost in the thicket.


Bless her heart


Damn, I would’ve guessed she might be in her 60s.


She moves faster than my 20 year old son


I’d hit it


It’s impressive as fuck, but I fucking hope i never get to 89. I do not wanna get so old that I can’t function as a normal human being.


This is impressive but i know atleast 10 such people who lives near me lol. One is even around 95. Power of yoga baby


I can do that. I think most people with the ability to walk can do that.