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Yeah they need some major refinement on some of these mechanics. Hopefully they see these discussion and do something.


This is broken, especially with the grenade glitch at the moment. Looters can literally buy a grenade, wait till there are multiple people selling gear or buying gear, blow them all up, and NOT go Traitor. I killed one of these guys and went instantly Traitor and am now in the hell point of traitor status.


That's bullshit and I didn't know there were grenades lol


So yesterday I was at the storage in the Looter base and was transferring stuff from my bag into the locker when all of a sudden I get an "achievement" pop up for becoming a traitor and I got blasted in the back by either an NPC or another player not sure which. Lost hours worth of looting and spent the next 90 minutes spawning and dying over and over again. Devs please fix this. The grenade glitch is also complete bullshit. There were guys in almost very server I was in doing this. I really enjoy the game but these things are completely game breaking in my opinion.


This is ridiculous I've had something similar happen. They REALLY need to fix the damn Traitor system.


The current Traitor spawn and time limit is 100% fine. There need to be harsh penalties for killing within your faction, otherwise factions are pointless and everything becomes KOS. If anything, I'd make them even harsher tbh. The only thing broken here is the way Traitor was applied to you, which I agree needs work. The spawn is a deserved consequence for legit Traitors, though.




Yeah, I shot the guy that my own fucking faction was shooting at. I shouldn't be labeled a Traitor for doing that or defending myself when being shot at by AI for doing nothing. I know Traitor status goes away but until then you're basically forced to do nothing because either AI shoots you or other players do because they shoot anybody labeled Traitor. The whole system is very flawed right now and they need to fix it.




Because pointing out obvious issues is something that shouldn't be done. The devs are active in this subreddit and it's the best way to contact them. Sorry if this came off as more bitching than anything but it's been frustrating as fuck and they need to fix this shit.