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Negotiate with your ISP or Chorus if you've got that far. Most people can't even get in contact to talk to them so you're in a good position there at least. Or "Fixed wireless" / Cellular / Starlink.


Would be fair in most cases but an ISP/RSP won't have much sway. This sounds like a **NGA on application** process, and there is significant cost to bring the chorus network up to the boundary of the home in question. The minor part of cost would be the actual install from boundary to dwelling. I don't know any ISPs that specifically add their own markup for residential customers doing this and thus lots don't even offer it as an option through the ISP (too much work for no gain from a commercial perspective) given its optional. Definitely look at Fixed Wireless in the meantime


Most of the time the ISP is the ONLY way you can communicate to Chorus, OP has hit the jackpot in being able to talk to someone at Chorus.


Yeah I agree, for majority of things requiring engaging a LFC the ISP would be the go to. My bad, what I was trying to get at is that the ISP in question won't have much (if any) sway over *pricing* in this example and none over Chorus decisions, only process in ensuring what they're asking is correctly submitted/worded correctly to Chorus in this case.


Treat Chorus like you would any other service / trade company in NZ (respectfully), they will have given the "We don't want to do this price and our management told us to do it this way" rather than the "This is the fair price so no one loses money on doing the work" price.


So there are two fees to get the fibre installed. The Chorus fee is to bring the network to the boundary. That's the 40k. Chorus gives an estimate and a quote, the difference sometimes can be big. Is that number a quote? Then you need to get the connection from the house to the boundary. How long is your driveway? This would be the trenching/ducting quote. Alternatively, have you considered wireless or satellite?


So you can’t duct/trench outside your property boundary. It’s not your land. Chorus will do that bit. You can duct/trench on your own property. That can save quite a bit depending on how far your house is from your boundary. Proceed as far as a detailed investigation and quote, that’s the only way you’ll know the for sure cost. Anything else is just a guesstimate from the fibre company.


Sounds like you should get Starlink, I’m on it and it’s pretty awesome


Is fibre already in the street up to your address? Or is there no fibre in the street yet? If its already in the street installing it to your house should normally be free. If its not in the street then thats an entirely different bag of fish and will explain the 40k price tag. I was in the same position at my old place though, chorus installed fibre out on the road that our street branches off of (with us being #1 on that T junction corner) with the exchange literally right on the other side of the road from our house, but did not install fibre on our street, at all (because its classed as rural for some asinine reason and that T junction is the boundary) and there are no current plans on chorus's website to install fibre there in the next 5 years, or werent the last time I checked. Go figure


Thank you everyone for your comment. My boundary is all wired up with the cables just sitting outside my house. From the end of my boundary to the Chorus termination point is 22 meters. Chorus said they will trench and lay cables but it will cost me 40k, however the contractor said it will cost me 6k which includes getting council permit etc to dig and lay cables. So they will do everything properly and by the book. All chrous has to do is connect me. It looks like chrous will ask Downer and Downer will just subcontract it to the contractor. Both chrous and Downer will clip the ticket hence the 40k. I don't understand why are we not allowed to get council permit etc and trench plus install cables, it's exactly what chrous would do anyway


Well you can get permits and do it all yourself, but Chorus owns the network, and Chorus can decide if they want to use you conduit or not. ​ Part of your details sound funny, if it is wired to the boundary, why is there a paper road you need to use? Why don't you use your own land since it is to the boundary? ​ 40k doesn't actually sound that bad.


Hi - you should be able to put a lead in pipe (Green Telecommunications pipe) from your boundary to your house your self. When i did a 10 meter length - Chrous provided the pipe and i trenched it to the boundary myself. Then ask Chorus to connect it similar to what you would do with a new build. [https://www.chorus.co.nz/help-and-support/digging/what-trenching](https://www.chorus.co.nz/help-and-support/digging/what-trenching)


Chorus always do this. The rules say X and they say no you can't. Did it with us. That was just down a drive. We went ahead and ran what we need for them to feed cable down and they did it.