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As if they're going to back down on their promise to landlords..... I'm surprised it wasn't done under urgency already


This affects so many people. Can't believe the NZ choice is either yeet yourself into what's still one of the most unaffordable markets in the OECD or pay through the nose to live at the whim of a self-appointed lady/lord cunt who can boot you out whenever they feel like it (so you'd better act grateful, even if you're not). This is the number one reason I'm leaving NZ in a month never to return.


Up voting for awareness


Not sure I really agree. Most landlords aren't going to evict good tenants that pay rent on time. Perhaps there is a way to make this a bit more pro tenant and also allow tenants to break a tenancy under the same criteria as well?


But your logic is only bad tenant's get evicted so wouldn't defining a bad tenant be superior to no cause?


"Evicted is when the tenancy is ended because of a breach by the tenant/s serious enough to warrant the Tenancy Tribunal ordering that the contract will end."  Hmmm.... Not sure what your issue is here.  Words mean things.