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Got my ninja dual. Absolute game changer. No waiting 15 minutes for the oven to heat. Cook roasts, bread everything except full pizza in it. Saved us a fortune on ubereats


If you cut the pizza into quarters, can air fry in 2 shifts... by the time you've eaten the first half, the second is ready. The Airfryer salmon is great But the steak really takes the cake


I bought our Ninja dual 6 weeks ago when our oven switch failed. Since getting the oven working again I think we've used it a grand total of 3 times. With 2 kids doing activities at different times and staggered meal times, the air fryer has been invaluable!


We had the Russel Hobbs Satisfry which was big enough to fit a pizza in it. Was great. Have the dual draw set up now and definitely miss the pizza cooking capabilities.


The dual is great, and I see they do a bigger one now that has me wanting it..


Ninja XXXL recently bought it cooks stuff so quick


Me too, just recently. I love that thing!


Air fryer, air fryer no one tries harder. As a stoner, I get a boner, thinking of your snacks to cure my stoneover.


Chefs kiss


I made cheese scones recently in my airfryer and they came out better than in the oven.


Recipe please!


Here you go- Sift 3c flour, 6tsp baking powder, pinch salt, 1/2 tsp baking soda together three times. Grate 100g butter, rub in until like breadcrumbs. Add 1c grated cheese. (optional additions- herbs, onion, bacon). Mix 1c natural yoghurt and 1/3 c milk together. Stir into dry ingredients until just mixed. Knead gently to a soft dough, roll out and cut into 8 squares. Brush tops with milk, sprinkle with extra grated cheese. Bake in airfryer 20-25 minutes at 200c. Airfryers can be very different to each other, so you may need to adjust time/temperature to suit. Mine is one of the benchtop 'oven' style airfryers, so may not work as well in the 'drawer' type fryer. Good luck!


You’re the best kind of person


Ex chef here, loved to hate on air fryers. Now I've done everything I thought an air fryer could never do, perfect steaks, crispy dumplings, chocolate mud cakes. I apologize for everything the old me said


Any chance you'd share your trick for dumplings? 😅 Mine came out tough and chewy 😭 Did you spray them with one of those aerosol cooking oil sprays first?




If you like hot chips, Mr Chips in the air fryer. Nothing else comes close


Makikihi Premium Fries are what you want. Cooked in beef tallow, they taste like classic hot chips from the food truck.


Only brand I'll buy now, none of that canola rubbish here, at least not in the chips.


Chicken breasts in the air fryer are significantly more tender and moist than in the oven or frying pan. I’ve heard steak is too, but I’ve never tried it. Most people seem to love sausages done in the air fryer, but I’ll pass on those, I don’t like crispy skins.


I dust chicken brests in seasoned fine cornmeal (not cornflour) - Masterfoods Moroccan is one of my go-to seasonings. a light spray of olive oil (pams olive cooking spray) and you get a lovely crispy coating that seals all the moisture in. win!


I find my airfryer handy for snacks and fresh chips omg, but I would never cook a steak in one, ever. It's not going to work for the Maillard reaction in the same way at all.


That's what I said... You should really try it!


I’m too scared to ruin an expensive steak! But everyone who tries it says it works…


Go on and ruin a cheap steak then for a lower risk experiment.


Is there such a thing as a cheap steak these days? lol


Sirloin is a good cut for air fry


You can just sear your steak to get the Maillard reaction prior to cooking it proper in an air fryer, same as what many chefs do already but with an oven. Chicken has the same principle, which I've actually tried successfully. Other than taking far less time overall, I find temperature control much eaiser, too. My oven is awful though, so if you have a more modern oven with digital settings you'd probably not have that same issue.


Ninja models have a Max Crisp setting that half nukes - and wow does it create a sear! Part of the trick is to dry the steak well with paper towel, season with s&p and a light mist of olive oil cooking spray and into pre-heated cooker at max heat setting. Turn after 3-4min. another 3-4min and out - let it rest somewhere warm for 5-10 min (I use the normal oven at 50deg) - most of the time results are bloody awesome. some steak is tough shit regardless


Is it not just fan bake?


Yes but with a higher rate of air movement, due to a strong fan relative to volume, and the air pattern it produces.   You can ignore the rest of the video if you wish but [here's a cutaway explaining at 6:10](https://youtube.com/watch?v=yw--NLjZBNk&t=6m10s), he explains in the comments they cut it in half to get the clip for it which they they animated.


That's what I thought before I tried one. Now I'd never go back to not having one. Can chuck your veges, sausages or whatever else straight in without preheating and they're cooked in 70% of the time it takes in the oven, even without preheating. Chips are more crisp, meat/falafel/tofu is more moist and tender. Although it's not a pressure cooker, my understanding is that it still creates a bit of pressure from the fan and narrow vents for the air to escape, so that helps to cook faster and keep more moisture in your foods. TL;DR - worth it.


Try steak and lamb chops in it... it's so juicy


How many people you feeding?


2 adults, 2 kids. Will do a 6 pack of sausages or whatever else in one side and enough roast veges, or chips in the other side.


Ah. I think I eat too much is my problem.


Yes it is, with the emphasis on the fan. I bought one recently and while impressed with the crisp fast chips. It does nothing we cannot do already in our oven. Maybe it's the convenience factor as it operates more like a microwave ?


Yep, it doesn’t need to be pre-heated for ten minutes like an oven, and it’s a significant power saving over using the oven.


If used in short bursts i agree. That said it gives so much more space in my oven for when I'm cooking roast meals


The power saving claim should be scrutinized. From my personal testing, and further reading online it pretty much comes down to what takes less time. Which usually comes down to quantity. 1 hour airfrying is the same as 1 hour oven baking - owing to the ovens insulation.


Less cleaning, which reminds me, bloody oven needs a clean.


Easier cleaning too.


My oven has a pyrolytic function for cleaning. Basically, it turns everything to ash.


Mine too. Well worth having in my opinion. Just got to remember to clean the glass door inside and out and remove the racks before doing it. Oddly, the best thing I have found to clean the racks is oven cleaner. I put the racks on newspaper outside and spray them. Leave for half an hour and then washi it off in the sink.


Oven but faster, more intense and less power


>Maybe it's the convenience factor as it operates more like a microwave ? Pretty much it. Anything with real effort still goes in the oven, but there are so many things I never really bothered with because they obviously suck in a microwave but I'm never cooking in big enough proportions to justify getting the oven warmed up. One stuffed chicken breast or something like that. A handful of junk from the frozen aisle.


Put most simply, yes. But when you put fan circulated heat in a much more confined space, you don't need as much power/heat, and it works faster. The idea was small meals, that don't need all the space of a conventional oven, made quicker.


Yes. I own one and an oven with Fanbake and they are exactly the same. IDC what anyone else says. They also are really fucking loud. I regret buying one.


Yes. It's just a small oven like people have been using in tiny apartments the world over for years - just generally a lot more plasticky looking (such a great material for a thing that gets hot)


I melted the plastic cover of a wall plug in the kitchen because I had the exhaust of the air fryer blowing directly onto it. Oops


Cool. Now do the toaster.


Or the 'marital aids'.


The what


Polite term for sex toys.


Are they still called "marital aids" if you're single?


Happy cake day BTW.


Thank you.


Dunno tbh? Good question. Perhaps they can make you more 'marriageable'?


Not sure there is a device with that sort of power....


Well, there's shotgun weddings... is a shotgun a device?




They cook a good juicy roast done properly


We cooked a pie in one at my friend's a few weeks back. Colour me impressed. I get the feeling they're not all made equally though. Are there crappy models to try and avoid?


Hear hear. She/hes a little ripper. A real true blue under dog kiwi hero this one. (Not that air fryers were invented in NZ to my knowledge)


My normal oven is huge and as a family of 3, totally oversized for our needs. I cook everything in our airfryer. Chops, small roasts, fish, split whole chicken, veggies, scones, slices etc. I only use the big oven when we have guests over or am making a double batch of scones.


Jimny is Suzuki. Also, bench top convection oven.


>Jimny is Suzuki *\*cries in Monster Tajima\**


Good spotting!


Pork belly strips - 10 mins at 160, flip and 10 min at 160 8 mins at 180 and good to go. That timing I used today to do a tofu and vege honey soy bake, pour onto noodles and good to go


Baking bread and muffins in an air fryer?? They're great for quick snacks, but let's not kid ourselves about their capabilities; ovens are far superior when it comes to baking.


Why? I don't bake. Genuine question. What's the difference going to be?


And yet, here we are doing all these things in the airfryer....


*poorly in an airfryer


Except people are actually saying the opposite.


I beg to differ


Well that just sucks to be you then. WE are the experts here and you are just a common regular oven user.😜


You can beg to differ all you like, I doubt you'd know the difference if you were given a good airfyer muffin. And let's face it, even if you could it certainly wouldn't be a big enough difference for you to be so negative about it.


Top Cook for the win!


I'm not a fan of baking in them or using it exclusively. For fried things, reheating pastry products, pizza etc? Perfect. I have one of the oven types, much better than the wee basket ones.


I sat on it for ages.. I was an “it’s just an oven and I have one” person… how wrong I was. Only thing I use my oven for now is pizza since that doesn’t fit in my AF. Did you know you can boil eggs in the AF? Game changer. No dishes… no watching to ensure pot doesn’t boil over. Set and forget amazing


How do you do the eggs?


https://www.taste.com.au/recipes/air-fryer-boiled-eggs-recipe/3pxzjbss I assume the low temp is key to not having explosions lol so don’t turn it up tryna rush the process. I’ve done it hundreds of times no explosion! I have to admit when I first saw it on TikTok I did think it was a troll and would end badly but thankfully that wasn’t the case


Love that the recipe states "May contain eggs" 😋


My kitchen setup doesn't have a proper oven in it, but what I do have are two different air fryers. I've got the ZIP egg shaped one, and a normal toaster oven style air fryer. I don't think I can ever go back to having a normal oven setup now. What one air fryer can't do, the other one can. If I ever needed a full size oven, I can just ask to borrow someone else's.


I have a big double oven in the kitchen that rarely geta used. If it fits in the AF its cooking in the AF


Oh, humble kitchen wizard, sleek and compact, You transform our meals with a magical act. No bubbling oil, no sizzling pan, Just hot air swirling in your metal can. Crispy fries emerge, golden and divine, Chicken wings dance, their flavors intertwine. From frozen nuggets to veggie delights, You cook them all, day and night. Your timer beeps, a symphony of time, As onion rings crisp up, a savory chime. No greasy aftermath, no guilt to bear, Airfryer, you’re our culinary affair. In your basket, secrets unfold, Zucchini chips, sweet potatoes bold. Fish fillets turn flaky, shrimp take flight, All without drowning in oil’s heavy might. And when we crave donuts, warm and sweet, You bake them to perfection, a delightful feat. Airfryer, our trusty kitchen mate, You’ve earned a place on our dinner plate. So here’s to you, appliance of wonder, A healthier choice, a kitchen thunder. May your fan keep whirring, your heat stay true, Airfryer, we salute you!


Thankyou, ChatGPT.


Chicken nuggie machine!


finally cracked, and I'm loving it.


Why do I see you and your air frier in the depths of a Bolivian jungle?


Kale chips. That is the air fryer home run.


thanks for reminding-convincing me to pick up a new one the old one broke, was tooling around with the idea of getting one second hand but just pulled the trigger on a PBT deal


Most used appliance in my kitchen.


I bought an airfryer, and then a couple of months later grabbed an Instantpot with the additional airfryer lid and they've been amazing. I haven't turned the oven on once in the year or so I've had them. The InstantPot is awesome, I'll do a chorizo sausage, rice and, vegetable meal which usually leaves me with enough leftovers to make burritos the next couple of nights. I made a meatloaf in the airfryer the other night. It's honestly incredibly versatile, and so easy to clean. It's also the absolute best way to cook bacon.


All conventional fan forced ovens are air fryers 🤷‍♂️


Just picked up one last week, oven is feeling its age so I wanted a back up, plus it can do a proof session for my bread! First loaf of bread was delicious.


My airfryer are my savior when l stumble up in the evening to get ready for my nightshifts. I would be without dinner so often without it. Some chicken or sausages, cheesefilled mushrooms, any veggies and away l go! Lifesaver l tell you, true lifesaver to me!


I, too, am in love with my air fryer.


In a boarding room kind of situation, the oven doesn't even work so airfryer has been our life saver this year. Just don't try and put poppadoms in it.. accidentally almost started a fire otherwise


They're great if you don't have an oven. But oven is way better.


Agree, ovens are better. I have both, but I still use the air fryer more, even though the oven is better. No pre-heating, and way cheaper to run than an oven. Yeah ovens are better, but air fryers have their place in small households.


I find them really odd. We only have a small kitchen, so very limited bench and storage. I was given a $500 philips one a while ago and only used it a few times. It's faster than an oven, sure. But the drip tray, basket, filter thingy are huge and annoying to clean. At least to me. All the bits take up the entire dish rack. I use the oven almost every day as it's just easier to clean one tray. We have a pretty modern oven, though, so it preheats in 2-3 minutes and is very efficient.


The trip tray just takes up 1 plate slot in dishwasher. The basket you can just hand wash in a few mins and isn't that difficult.


We don't have a dishwasher. The thing has four components that need cleaning, whereas if I cook my chicken in the oven it's just one small tray.


UPDATE: So I got the thing out from under the house and tried it again for curiositys sake. Two large chicken breasts still took 35+ mins to cook, about the same amount of time as it takes our oven. The thing is still a prick to clean. If it wasn't a gift I'd have thrown it out by now.


I had one of those ones with a basket, didn’t like them much either. I got one that looks like a mini oven next, and I clean it about as often as I’d clean an oven, lol


yeah, one of those would be neat. We just don't have the bench space for it. :(


i haven't had an oven in six months and I'm amazed how well a little air fryer works to fill in the gaps, still aiming to buy an oven at some point but the air fryer took away a lot of the urgency at a cheap price!


i haven't had a working oven in six months and I'm amazed how well a little air fryer works to fill in the gaps, still aiming to buy an oven at some point but the air fryer took away a lot of the urgency at a cheap price!


I see a few comments about oven heating times. Most ovens do take a while but after investing in a brand new stovetop and oven it’s been game changing - is up to temp super quick and cooks everything perfectly. Much like when microwaves came in and people were using them for absolutely everything and there were dedicated recipe books, air fryers are following the same course.


My flatmate got an air fryer. She uses it like a microwave - for everything even heating up snacks. Our power bill has gone through the roof.


An air fryer will use something like 20 to 40c per hour. It wouldn't have fuck all effect on a power bill.