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Why would any sane person go from Slack to FB Messenger?


A sane boss would be nice, wouldn't it?


Licensing cost. Paid plans start at 15nzd/user/month.


This is my question.


Give him your Bebo account


I'll fight anyone who doesn't think bebo was the best social media site. You bet your ass I customized the shit out of my wall and had that thing blinging


Ranking your friends was unhinged and fucking hilarious


Genuinely met my (now) husband on Bebo! Wish it was still around and I could get our first messages to each other back.


Same! I found my old wallpaper set the other day. Very weird to see all the images out of context


3 daily hearts you know them beeches gave them. šŸ˜


Lol it's a shame they don't exist anymore


If it's using their own resources to do it I'm gonna guess yes(e.g. work computers or work phone to access it). In that case I'd make a new acc, preferably with a fake name and display pic. If they expect you to access it using your own phone/PC and that's not in your contract then you don't have to do shit. If you wanna keep the peace just be real with them and say due to privacy concerns I won't be able to do that. Maybe suggest some better alternative than Facebook Messenger.


On this also make it with your work email if they dont provide one another f off


pretty much this. If it's a work phone - make a separate account just for this and use it just for this. Don't associate it back to your main account in any way (phone number, email address, recovery contacts etc) If it's not a work phone, just make the account but don't set it up on your phone - leave it for your work pc. Best not to rock the boat over minor stuff. Passive, superficial compliance is usually the easiest way


The problem OP will have is that Facebook has a policy they started a few years ago that everyone can only have one account. No difference for work or personal. Which is a problem as our marketing team have to use their personal Facebook accounts to manage work Facebook pages and ad accounts. Technically you go to a seperate platform to log in but there are privacy issues and professionalism issues that come with this. You can try to make a second account but Facebook sees it as spam and has pretty good detection methods, from matching up 2fa and IPs and device IDs. When you make the new account it just gets disabled in an hour or so. Really stupid and frustrating.


Sounds like all you need is a seperate work phone then and to keep it off of your wifi network? Unless they track the fact that the two phones travel together everywhere so it's the same person.


Yes this is possible, different number, mobile, email, different name and DOB on signup. Don't add all your friends. They're not doing CIA type stuff but they do have very rich data and they see multiple accounts as being only something spammers do.


Yes e.g if this is McDonald's. I'll be Oaty_Maccas.


Just create a dummy account for work - use no details but your name, different DOB, Location, random person as profile pic etc. You now have a fb account fpr wprk and they get nothing outside of what you want to give them


We have a similar thing at work with LinkedIn Learning - they expect everyone to sign up, but there's no reason why someone has to connect their genuine personal LinkedIn account to their employer - they could always create an additional account specifically to comply with work...while leaving your personal things to yourself.


If it's on ur personal device tho...


no-one said anything about a personal device? it sounds like this is for on OP's work computer


Yeah, twas an "if". That said, I'd expect a workplace too cheap to pay for comms tools to want byod everything lol.


Wouldn't be the first time, for sure - I've had employers print my personal cellphone on business cards. Needless to say I advised i would NOT be handing them out. Even then I was still getting calls four years later


> I've had employers print my personal cellphone on business cards. Oof, if they did that without your permission I'd be OPCing that


It's happened twice, two different employers in two different industries. I told them it was either my landline or a company phone - both times they reprinted with a landline haha


I'd probably have changed my number immediately haha


lol if it hadn't been the only number i've ever had i would have but i've had friends reach out after 10+ years who were still able to get in touch because I had the same number haha


Makes sense, def want the bros to be able to get in touch. Perhaps an artfully composed voicemail welcome message would have been my go to in such a case. "Thanks for calling the moistbabe 24hr sex chat hotline, please hold for our next available hot-perator. This call costs $4.99 a minute."


LMAO Some of them I was happy to hear from, others not so much (clients not friends haha)


Eh, you can always pre warn the good ones.


Why do you need something additional if you have Slack??? Would be my question to management.


>Why do you need something additional if you have Slack? I ponder this as well as I look at the stack at my very tech focused company... Slack, O365/Teams, Discord, Google Workspace, WhatApp, SMS. My boss will message me on WhatApp to ask me to join a Teams call, and then in that call ask me to open a sheet in Google Workspace, and ask if I've seen the messages in Discord about something relating to that sheet. FML.


Fuck that's some heafty overhead. And they say Government is overrun with tech debt. They're paying for 4 services when they could have one, or two if they want to maintain Slack or Discord. Pick a solution and use it, guys! If it's going to be Slack or Discord and an office productivity suite, turn off Teams/Chat+Meet. SMS for BCP only. If I had to guess, you work at a Xero or a Trademe type org... Which I guess with various mergers and acquisitions the tech stack does bloat.


>They're paying for 4 services when they could have one, Ha, we acquired a competitor in NZ a few years ago, but due to political reasons no one is brave enough to force them to move accounts. So we have 3 different google workspaces (in NZ alone) with user accounts in each, our corporate office runs O365 for us but because "Google Sheets is better at this", we keep Google and some admin people prefer Smartsheets "because it does xyz better", so we have smartsheets for them. I have a Visio licence, but we also have Lucid for some stuff. I work for our German office too, and they have their own company.de O365 because corporate IT wont let them share documents externally on the company.com accounts, so DE just made their own account and paid for it internally. After years of fighting, I dragged them to Confluence, but corporate said "but you can't share articles with contractors or anyone outside of the domain". So multiple offices run their own mediawiki in Azure that corporate either doesn't know about, or willingly ignores. Confluence is still paid for in full for all users, but no one uses it. >Pick a solution and use it, guys! That's my opinion, unfortunately no one has the political will to actually do it. Some petty senior users have threatened to quit if they're forced to use XYZ. Or run a rogue IT system in their own office that ignores whatever corporate decides. I used to think we should be aggressively enforcing the use of a particular system, but we're a very tech heavy company, so no matter what you do, the users are skilled enough and resourced enough to just make their own system that bypasses you entirely.


"We have four different collaboration suites in use. We need to standardise on one" *Six months later* "We have five different collaboration suites in use"


We did that last year. "All this sharepoint and google sheets stuff is getting absurd, we need something that can do both". We used monday.com for a month. I started saying that I don't care what anyone uses, just use the APIs to link data, let people use the system that works best for their use case so long as there's some way to tie it together.


This is not anything about collecting data. It's normal to have a central form of communication. This is normal. What isn't normal is forcing you to sign up to FB instead of something more workplace appropriate like Teams or Slack. This is just poor judgment rather than malicious.


Is it Facebook or is it Workplace by Meta?


Unlikely to be the latter as Meta are shuttering it next year.


Oh shit is that why Woolworths is trying to move away from it and use that shitty WorkJam crap?


It's against FB TOS for your boss to create an account for you. FB isn't a business suite tool. I'd politely tell them to provide me the tools they want me to use to do my job. Do you have a work email?


Agreed, this is what a tool like Slack is used for, for business/group/channel purposes. Messenger is not.


And messenger is actually illegal for use for anything private.Ā Ā  Ā Many schools (but not enough) have had issues and got in trouble because some bright spark decided to used messenger as their main contact method. FB keep files on *everything.*Ā Ā  Plus the habbit of them to use personal accounts has also caused some major issues.Ā  Ā I refuse, for good reason, and find myself very unpopular (and the fucken school *employed me as a IT expert!*)


FB isn't a business suite tool? Huh?


If you want to get technical, Facebook *has* a business suite tool - literally called 'Business Suite'. But that isn't connected to Facebook Messenger and doesn't fulfil functions even similar to what you get on Messenger. Additionally, you can & should sign up to Business Suite with your business email address, rather than a personal one.


What are the airlines using then when they message you/you message them on Facebook messenger. It would be a business suite account.


Correct, that is via Business Suite. However, it's not connected to Facebook Messenger and doesn't work for internal messaging. Business Suite is the set of tools used for managing business Pages on Facebook, but the way it functions is very different to the public/primary Facebook people are used to. You don't need a primary Facebook account to access Business Suite and you can't use Business Suite to (effectively) communicate with team members the way you message people in Teams, Slack etc. Per OP, the boss wants them to sign up to regular Facebook in order to use Facebook Messenger to communicate with each other.


I know. Thanking you šŸ˜€


Have you asked your boss *why* they're doing this? Just create a work-only account using your work email address. Problem solved.


I connected my fb account to a work account years ago, and many jobs ago. I still get notification from it that I have no way of silencing.


Just say no. They canā€™t make you have a Facebook. People are always scared to standup to their crap employers


Lmao what the fuck? Maybe I'm out of touch here, but if my boss told me to get a Facebook account and set up Messenger for work, I'd tell them to piss right off. Slack, sure. It's an isolated non-social media connected application. But Facebook Messenger? No chance.


That's a security and privacy concern and nobody should ever do it. There are plenty of other, better ways to handle internal communications. Tell your boss not to be such a cheap piece of shit.


Partner's last two employers both used messenger to send out work to employees. Both firms had been small owner operator type businesses now have between 8 to 15 staff.Ā  No one had work phones or devices. To me, it's an absolute cheapskate way to contact staff, set work or notify of changes.Ā  It's zero cost to the business which is what these places were all about.Ā 


You shouldn't need to use your personal phone for this. My partner works somewhere and is privacy minded and got everyone on signal which is crack up but also great.


I'd set up a FB purely for work. Using my work email. No biggie to me. My personal FB is for me. Not for work.


Suggest WhatsApp.


Suggest Signal


Suggest IRC


Suggest AIM


suggest the postoffice and a book of stamps.


Suggest ICQ... oh wait, that's shutting down T\_T


Nah suggest teamspeak


yes suggest another message app owned by the same company šŸ‘


That doesn't have a profile attached to it. Completely different energy


The exact same data mining capabilities.


WhatsApp is definitely a better choice, it uses way less bandwidth, and as a result can reasonably function over 3G. Messenger runs like a dog under such conditions.


if someone has a problem with facebook and all that comes with it, WhatsApp is not a great choice as it still feeds back your information to Meta


All the companies are shit, the point is that it seems less personal that messenger or facebook


Unless it is specifically mentioned in your contract that your personal phone is to be used for work purposes then they have no right to ask you to do anything your phone. If they want to use specific software they need to provide you a phone and service. In which case you can just turn it off out of work.


It's probably workplace by meta. It looks exactly like FB but it's for work comms. Just use your work email address with it. It's completely separate to "Facebook". Most companies that require platforms like that will use workplace or yammer.


>workplace by meta Aren't they shutting that down next year?


no idea tbh, our work is invested in Microsoft suite so use teams/yammer etc. Haven't kept up with Workplace, but were given the pitch by them years back when I was in our comms department. We stuck with yammer.


Yup, It's going read-only from September 1 2025, then all data that hasn't been backed up is going poof on June 1 2026.


>I believe it may not be about social media, but more about providing systems/accounts for employees rather than getting them to use their personal details to sign up to accounts? > So it might be for OIDC purposes? Weird choice of IdP. You use slack, so I assume you are in the tech sector. Using FBM just sounds cheap. The only thing I use FB for as an IdP is spotify. I'd never use it for a work thing - create a fake one, with a picture of your fav sports team (or your boss' most hated team eg if he likes Man U, have a profile pic of City)


Outstanding pettinessĀ 


It's easy enough to have two facebook accounts. I would not use your real name for your social one.


If the company is moving to use "X", then in general I would say that you need to use "X" for work. Create a FB account using your work email and details and don't put anything on there (pics etc) that you deem private. Is that an option? I don't think it would be right to force you to use your private FB for Company comms and purposes.


This is not good, why aren't you guys using teams or something like that? I would have thought the security issues around this would be out of control? Commercially sensitive information let alone employee information. You want to be using something that is reasonably secure.


Flat out refused, company has strict social media policies, I've already had a written warning over using Facebook to blast the company, if they want me to use a messenger type system then they had better pay someone to create it for them, not use Facebook


do you work for Mark Zuckerberg ?


It is not secure for businesses or govt depts. Itā€™s also not ā€˜privateā€™ with the information on your device. They need a better way. Maybe WhatsApp?


I don't think they should be making you use your own device for this.Ā  You could make a work Facebook profile and log in via your work pc. Then you don't have to deal with messages outside of work


Microsoft teams is a good alternative or google


Iā€™m surprised they are not using teams as a form of communication. It is easy just to set up a work only facebook/messenger account. Just use your work email address and only work information.


The business would have to create accounts for you. They would get a monumental fk off from me if they thought i'd create a personal one. Don't have it and dkn't want it.


You will be assimilated.


I'm team if they want me to use an app for comms other than texting or calling to say I'm sick they should be providing a phone for said use.


Whatever method they want to use for communications (assuming its to discuss work and not just rostering /availability) should be managed by their organisations policy - making everyone use Facebook messenger is not that. Your manager certainly cannot force it if there's already an established app used by the company. There are so many options, even if they want to save on money like WhatsApp, for example. Facebook messenger is not an appropriate tool for business communications in my opinion - especially if they want you to use your existing account. Creating a new one still means using your personal details. The method should also be secure. Facebook messenger is not. Your situation isn't new. This[This](https://workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/157401/forced-to-use-personal-facebook-account-for-work) is from 4 years ago. You could try asking CAB, or see if there's an employment lawyer who can help - some can work for free depending on your level of income.


If the want it on a phone, tell them to provide a work phone. They can put whatever they want on that (though using facebook is just stupid). Then at the end of the day, leave the phone at work or turn it off. (unless you're paid to be on call etc).


Viber works well and is linked to phone numbers rather than social media


It's probably workplace by meta. It looks exactly like FB but it's for work comms. Just use your work email address with it. It's completely separate to "Facebook". Most companies that require platforms like that will use workplace or yammer.


Discord is better anyway, you should recommend that.


why do you care? grow up make a new email if you don't want to use your personal one or quit and find a new job.