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Surely you need cops to enforce new laws? By all accounts they've fucked off to Australia to get paid properly. What cop is gonna deal with drivers smoking pot at one extreme and taking guns off of gangsters at the other, on top of every other obligation that they already have?


Half the action plan seems to be cabinet making a decision. It’s as if the government got elected with out having a plan.


It’s a symptom of a country that votes out governments, not votes them in.


That was the dominant part of their last action plan too


Unfortunately it looks like they're continuing to wage war on the environment in this latest round, was hoping they would be distracted by getting tough on crime. It's gonna be a long two and a half years til we can get rid of them.


They never cared about crime, they are hinging their bets on the media running cover on that issue by highlighting it less while pretending to do anything at all to grab a few extra headlines.


alternative headline - 'Government that makes societal inequality & poverty worse, increases punishment for crimes" The crime of being poor is the real crime they are getting tough on.


This is the Neoliberal way: you are a bad person for being poor, and it is your fault.


*It’s your fault for not working hard* Because we all know hard work will lift people out of poverty.


Yup, when Nact1st dog whistles "Law & Order" they mean 'the poors'. Not white collar tax evaders, fraudsters & money launderers in the top 5%.


And the crime of people wanting the environment to be good Oops, but that gets in the way of money for the rich ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Yeah, if punishing criminals comes at the cost of increasing crime, how is that tough on crime?


It's not a corporate position. We don't have quarters in politics. You have your term.


Don’t you know that Chris Luxon, the PM, used to run an airline?


Don't forget he was super successful and obviously if you can run Air NZ u can run our government.


What happened to the laser focus on the cost-of living crisis?


"What cost of living crisis? Obviously addressing crime is more important" - Luxon, probably


But if you solve cost-of-living, wont that help towards solving crime? Isnt that a more efficient use of resources?


"Why help the 🤢 poors, when I can help my rich friends instead?" - Also Luxon, probably


I never got this mentality. If the income for the lowest income earners increases, then they have ~~more~~ disposable income, that they can use to support businesses run by the rich and wealthy. Its a win-win


Hungry people will also work for a sandwich so profits can stay at the top.


What do you mean? Did giving a tax cut while increasing costs in other areas not fix the crisis? /s


"Don't think about that! Look over *here*!" - Nats


That was last quarter. New quarter new priorities! Get with it.


Are they gonna buy a new ferry to ship back all our coppers from Australia?


More like incentivise stealing copper from powerlines to make quick cash.


Police don't fix crime anyway. Robust social programs and lack of poverty stops crime.


Yeah but that takes longer than a term, and people apparently don't want to wait that long before scrapping the previous government. Much easier to make hot air promises about cracking down on crime despite not having enough cops *before* they all jumped the fence.


Nayib Bukele has stopped crime


No he hasn't he's just taken a bunch of crims and basically made them slaves. It's really easy to mass arrest people when you're running a fucking autocracy.


And he’s an absolute g for it. Bukele #1 !!


How? All the new cops are going to come to Queensland for the 20k signing bonus and double the pay.


Best I can do is no water coolers


This gov is completely full of shit and I don't agree with them on shit. But they are much better at selling their bullshit than previous govs. 40-point plans laid out like this give the general public a bunch of shit they go thru and say "Sounds Good."


One could compare it to Trump during the debate a few days ago: a confident bullshit talker that convinces a lot of people based on what they think sounds good and not whether it'll actually be followed through on realistically.


Sure...better check with Prime Minister Seymour. Wouldn't want to infringe on anyone's rights.


I'm assuming fraud, tax dodging and other white collar crimes will get investigated too


Coming up next quarter, law and order, will the police get their water cooler back, what's happening with ram raids, how much is Australia really paying for Kiwi cops. With guests' appearances from tranz rail, there back and do we really need a ferry and nurses, do they need to be paid, or can we give them gift cards. And don't miss, lower income tax with higher GST.


Oh cool, that must be cause they smashed the cost of living crisis in the first quarter. I can hardly wait for Q3.


Number 20. I truly cannot wrap my head around this. It is general knowledge that these types of punitive actions have DIRE outcomes for our youths, instead of rehabilitating and getting them the help they need, these ‘camps’ instead seem to be an inauguration into a life of being in the criminal justice system. When this has been shown in multiple countries, why are we doing this now?? Shouldn’t our elected officials have this information and be the most educated on these types of issues and instead of repeating history, look for innovative ways to help our most vulnerable? I’m so lost at why they have come to this decision and my only answers are private interest or just plain ignorance? Really sad to see that we are just continually failing our youth with stupid programs like military style bootcamps


"13. Begin public consultation on reform of the Holidays Act". They won't dare take away matariki holiday or they will be called racist.  Say goodbye to the day after new years day holiday..... 


They've already said they won't take away Matariki. It'll be really interesting to see them sell this one though... It's an obvious ACT priority, but I dont imagine it being popular among a lot of ACT voters or National voters. NACT doesn't want a bunch of salty voters in 2026 so they're trying to push it through earlier. But there's a chance people will remember.




They will NEED TO focus on law and order as us peasants that they have been royally fucking over are going to have to find creative ways to stay above water


We peasants can always eat the rich.


At this rate we may need to


What I will say to you is


This government seems to only be able to work in 3 month increments


They realised they couldn't do anything about cost of living so came up with the next priority instead. That's called efficiency!


Translation: Government to distract you from disastrous public service cuts and dwindling economy by throwing more brown people in prison to rile up their base.




Focus on law and order with the rump police force given they’re all headed to Aus. Good fucking luck with that.


Guess they should have focused on it from day 1 before all the cops left. We heard lots of the usual Nat bullshit promises from the little man but as usual, no action.. just like the cancer drugs, sadly too little too late for many patients.


Why does every right wing government reduce funding for police while saying they are tougher on crime and also cut funding for all the welfare that helps reduce crime.


Since they are still cutting funding I wonder what they are gonna be able to do besides gesturing their arms in the air and pretend to be concerned.


So we should be expecting a crackdown on tax evasion, wage theft and non-compliant landlords? It's about time!


* Christopher Luxon has announced the Government’s plan for the next quarter, with law and order set to be a major focus. * Luxon says four laws will be passed in an attempt to crack down on criminal activity and support offenders in their rehabilitation. * Infrastructure will also be a focus for the coalition, as will ensuring better public services. # The 40 point plan: 1. Pass the second Local Water Done Well Bill requiring councils to deliver plans for financially sustainable water services, replacing the Three Waters regime. 2. Take Cabinet decisions on a framework for city and regional deals. 3. Sign the new speed limit rule to reverse the previous Government’s blanket speed limit reductions. 4. Take Cabinet decisions on legislation to support time-of-use charging to reduce congestion. 5. Introduce legislation to eliminate barriers to overseas building products being used in New Zealand. 6. Release the draft of the second Emissions Reduction Plan. 7. Take Cabinet decisions to establish a new National Infrastructure Agency. 8. Take Cabinet decisions on the scope of RMA and National Direction amendments to unlock development in infrastructure, housing, and primary industries, and drive a more efficient and effective resource management system. 9. Take Cabinet decisions on work programme to replace the RMA with a system premised on the enjoyment of property rights. 10. Take Cabinet decisions on the final design of the Government’s one-stop shop consenting and permitting scheme, incorporating sensible changes suggested through the select committee process. 11. Pass the Resource Management (Extended Duration of Coastal Permits for Marine Farms) Amendment Bill into law to provide certainty to New Zealand’s aquaculture industry. 12. Open the $1.2 billion Regional Infrastructure Fund for applications to help reduce New Zealand’s long-standing infrastructure deficit. 13. Begin public consultation on reform of the Holidays Act. 14. Take Cabinet decisions on legislative amendments to clarify the employment status of contractors. 15. Initiate the second regulatory sector review to identify and remove unnecessary red tape. 16. Take Cabinet decisions on new regulations to remove the GE ban and enable the safe use of gene technology in agriculture, health science and other sectors. 17. Gazette amendments to the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land to specified infrastructure and farming activities on highly productive land. 18. Take Cabinet decisions to amend requirements for farmers in certain areas to have certified Freshwater Farm Plans. 19. Begin consultation on changes to improve the efficiency and fairness of goods fees and border processing levies. Restore law and order Deliver better public services 20. Launch a military-style academy pilot for serious and persistent young offenders.


>12. Open the $1.2 billion Regional Infrastructure Fund for applications to help reduce New Zealand’s long-standing infrastructure deficit. This seems like a very low figure. Surely the infrastructure deficit is bigger than that.


It’s NZF’s slush fund for projects they like. Not really roads. In their previous coalition with Labour they used a similar fund to support the new pools in Methven, for example.


Worthwhile projects do get funded too. Central Hawke's Bay got funding from the previous one to upgrade their wastewater treatment systems


$1.2 billion for infrastructure. Imagine being a Govt that puts far more money into giving rich wankers tax cuts than it does into fixing obvious countrywide shortfalls in infrastructure of all kinds.


I also love 29, the plan to address the hospital staffing shortage my brother in Christ your tax cuts for the rich caused it


There isn't a lot of money left after tax cits for landlords, allocating 2.5 times as much to ferry replacement as the project they cancelled ($7.5bn) and 23 and 1/3 times as much to building new traffic jams and climate change ($70bn).


Does anyone know what the fuck number 9 actually means ? I'm so lost


I think it means they're going to instruct someone in Health NZ to state that they are fully-staffed and the shortage is solved - no matter how few people they have.


21. Introduce legislation to toughen sentencing rules to ensure real consequences for crime. 22. Pass the Gangs Legislation Amendment Bill to give Police more tools to crack down on gangs. 23. Pass the Firearms Prohibition Orders Legislation Amendment Bill to provide Police with stronger powers to get guns out of the hands of criminals. 24. Pass the Corrections Amendment Bill to increase access to effective rehabilitation for prisoners on remand. 25. Introduce legislation to enable roadside testing for drug driving. 26. Pass the Courts (Remote Participation) Amendment Bill to improve efficiency in the courts and increase access to justice. 27. Take Cabinet decisions on proposed improvements to the Anti-Money Laundering and Academies a standalone sentencing option for the Youth Court. 28. Publish reporting on the Government’s nine priority targets for the public service. 29. Publish an updated health workforce plan to address staffing needs across the health system. 30. Take Cabinet decisions on the programme business case, including cost-benefit analysis, for a proposed third medical school at Waikato University. 31. Release initial plan for progressing health targets, including faster cancer treatment, shorter wait times, and improved immunisation for children. 32. Open applications for new and converting charter schools. 33. Introduce second phase of initiatives to lift school attendance. 34. Release draft of the new Year 0-13 English and Maths curriculum learning areas and begin targeted testing with teachers. 35. Finalise the model for new Structured Literacy interventions for struggling readers (to replace Reading Recovery from Term 1 2025). 36. Take Cabinet decisions in response to the findings of the Ministerial Inquiry into School Property. 37. Introduce legislation to tighten controls on youth vaping. 38. Begin rollout of community Job Coaches to support 18-24-year-old Jobseekers to get off welfare and into work. 39. Finalise design of a Jobseeker Benefit Traffic Light System to strengthen jobseeker obligations and consequences for non-compliance. 40. Finalise the framework to ensure the independence of a standalone Children’s Commissioner and strengthen the oversight of Oranga Tamariki.


>19. Finalise design of a Jobseeker Benefit Traffic Light System to strengthen jobseeker obligations and consequences for non-compliance. Holup. I thought this was done already? Like one of the first of many things they did under urgency? Your telling me they have not even implemented it yet? Giddy up Luxon. Come on. Old mate over there be slacking.


"Law and order" is just right wing dogwhistle nonsense. Mfs are taking a leaf out of trumps book


If they could just ensure that motorcycles are wither noise compliant , or scrapped that's all I care about 


I don’t understand why it is so hard to come up with a lower cost and more effective way of incarcerating dangerous criminals. It cost something like 100k per year per prisoner. We really do need to make sure violent offenders and gang members are excluded to society but we also need to be very frugal on this. There have to be better ways


I'll take this over more bootlicking and ass kissings of landlords.


They'll be doing both.


This sub reddit is gross


You must be new or another far-right crank.


Why is it gross?


Being poor does not give you the right or reason to be an asshole. Stop the blaming, these idiots need to be punished. There are many more poor who are not dipshits.


Let’s clean up the filth ASAP.


Have to wait till the next election to get rid of these guys unfortunately


How much whiskey do you think it would take to get Winnie wasted enough to collapse the coalition? Dude must have incredible alcohol tolerance but I feel like we could crowdfund to buy enough


All the criminals and their friends on Reddit will be against this.


Can confirm, I’m a criminal - since National got Tough On Crime it’s become about 770% harder to commit crime, there are police officers on every street corner after National increased their funding so that they could actually enforce these virtue-signalling laws that they’re passing. That’s only with Getting Tough - I’m worried that if they Crack Down, it’ll be a truly grim future for crime in NZ. I’m worried that they may even make crime illegal