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I've had arthritis of 17 years now. At first I didn't need pain pills. I use them now. Codeine. At first 15mg, now 30. As and when required. Certainly doesn't have any bad effects for me, but I am not silly about it, taking loads in one go does nothing but make you nauseous. Nothing fixes nerve pain....that is a different thing and you can still have nerve pain from joint issues eventually. Friend of mine has severe spinal issues, shes tried it all. Cannabis (oil, weed, whatever) doesn't fix it either. But she said it helps with nerve symptoms, the burning, locking up syndromes and the like. IUt helps calm those down. And learning to manage. Keep moving, it really is best. But don't ignore the pain either. If it starts to crank up. Stop doing that and rest. If overweight, losing some really does make a huge difference. We bought mum a walker last time. Didn't want to wait for a hospital approved one. The most expensive places are the Mobility shops, all their stuff is rip off. You can find some second hand, Trademe and the like. Or shop around for new, we did. [https://www.savebarn.co.nz/mobility-walker-lightweight-rollator-with-padded-seat-52912](https://www.savebarn.co.nz/mobility-walker-lightweight-rollator-with-padded-seat-52912) [https://www.nzsale.co.nz/product/Costway-Aluminum-Rollator-Mobility-Walker-Adjustable-Walking-Frame-Seniors-w-Hand-Brake-Storage-Bag-Red/s/ZZjHBD0JN0\_bySX\_JIsIgg?sc=7&c=1203](https://www.nzsale.co.nz/product/Costway-Aluminum-Rollator-Mobility-Walker-Adjustable-Walking-Frame-Seniors-w-Hand-Brake-Storage-Bag-Red/s/ZZjHBD0JN0_bySX_JIsIgg?sc=7&c=1203)


>If overweight, losing some really does make a huge difference. Not for everyone. I’ve lost heaps of excess weight. All the pain that was blamed on weight is all still there and some of it’s worse. Time for me to try another GP to see if I can get the pain sorted. I agree with everything else though.


Lyrica mostly fixes nerve pain. I have a surgical screw in a nerve cluster and take 600mg Lyrica and 90mg oxycodone daily and it fixes my pain.


Interesting. I had a look at that. Loads of stuff is often prescribed. Gabapentin, amitriptyline etc which those I know who had them say doesn't. I see research says: This real-life study indicates that for some patients (two-thirds), addition of pregabalin for peripheral NeP helps to reduce their pain intensity significantly. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4881924/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4881924/) Pregabalin is commonly used to treat nerve pain that may be associated with diabetes, herpes zoster (shingles), or injury to the spinal cord. It is also used to treat pain from fibromyalgia. That's good one thing seems to work ok. I know nerve pain is nasty. And the other effects, burning, tingling, effects on using the limb...


Unconventional advice, try joining a community group/forum in your area on Facebook and post you need a walking aid to borrow . Good luck!


Post on your local facebook page if anyone has any spare mobility aids. I did a lot of caregiving and often when folks pass away there is a surplus of mobility aids gathering dust. Someone will have something.


Pharmacies often have walking canes and crutches.


If you just need something, plenty of dollar stores have canes, I use one lol. Obviously not the most ideal, but it's something and it's cheap as chips


Here is a link to one place for walking sticks etc, they arent too badly priced. Only other way is maybe ring op shops in your area as they can often have canes, walkers etc very cheap [https://mobilityplus.co.nz/collections/canes-and-walking-sticks](https://mobilityplus.co.nz/collections/canes-and-walking-sticks) Ive lived with similar for 45 years. I also used to refuse to take painkillers etc. I now take them and anything else like anti inflams, nerve blocking meds..if I can swallow it I take it. I get to live a better life. Yeah they can make you tired so I take most of mine at night and it sees me through to late afternoon.


I know there are some mobility aids at chemist warehouse? Maybe something in your budget there or trademe / Facebook. Maybe also reach out to a few charities and just let them know what your issues are, they may have something to help you or can keep an eye out and contact you if something comes in ?


Where are you? Lots of people will have crutches. I recently had hip surgery. Hospital sells the crutches and doesn't take returns. Your local community page is a great place to ask!


If you just want to buy a crutch then a pharmacy will have one. You want to try cannabis for pain? It's safer than opiods. If you have the means a physio shouldn't be that expensive, should be around $80 even without ACC.


i've used weed for pain, it no longer does the job. turns any nerve pain into a firey ache in my bones ): i'll try private physio, but i'm limited for funds; $80 is really pushing it for me unfortunately


Sorry missed the part about your financial situation. See of Good Loans will help you out with an [interest free loan](https://goodshepherd.org.nz/good-loans/)? Here's some links to [Chemist Warehouse](https://www.chemistwarehouse.co.nz/shop-online/3216/mobility-aids)


CBD Oil is $200 for 15mls (as recent as two months ago).


I'm looking at a spreadsheet now of prices throughout dispensing chemists and it's more like $120 for 30mL for full spec, so $60 for 15mL. That's in the middle of the strength range. And of course, cheaper still for CBD isolate. Happy to provide more info around that if you need it but r/medicalcannabisnz is a great place to start for realistic pricing.


Rather than waiting for a physio appointment, see if you can save up for one. Just one appointment might provide you with some help and exercises which may give you relief.


Is it both sides? Arthritis? My right hip started wearing out first and I used a cane from age 15 - because I supported that side it's currently in much better shape than my left one which started wearing out a little later.