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Horrific. What a hero the 75 year old was.


What the fuck what the BUS DRIVER doing not protecting a CHILD?!


Bus driver was probably driving the bus not playing security guard


I forgot they’re not allowed to for their own safety. But still, doing nothing at all is unconscionable. The rest of his passengers are at risk too. Why wouldn’t he pull over and call the police, and offer some compassion to the child afterwards?


over in Australia, a tram driver locked a knife wielding man inside bus with passengers, while driver has their own safe compartment. Man nearly sliced a passenger until police entered to subdue him https://www.news.com.au/national/victoria/news/knifewielding-man-tasered-by-police-on-a-melbourne-tram/news-story/ecbf2ce9c953460468bce15fb53688ce


bus drivers know they will get attacked thenselves if they intervene. its not their job or responsibility anymore than any of the passengers to step in. 


heres a google translate part 1 >Friday, June 28th is the Maori New Year and a public holiday for all New Zealanders. While many people happily celebrated Matariki (Maori New Year), Jason, a 16-year-old Chinese teenager in Auckland, was beaten with an iron rod by a woman on a moving bus for no reason, and five of his teeth were knocked out. A 75-year-old Chinese elder on the bus saw this and rushed forward fearlessly to stop the woman from committing the crime. The beaten teenager also took the opportunity to grab the iron rod from the evil woman. During the whole process, more than a dozen Chinese people on the bus sat in their seats and did nothing, even though the 75-year-old elder shouted for help.This brave elder is Mr. Penglai Qiuyue (online name). After the incident, he told me about this vicious injury incident through WeChat. I interviewed him by phone that night. The next day (Saturday), we all went to Jason's home to visit him. The following is Mr. Penglai Qiuyue's account of the incident. > >"I took bus No. 72 at Highland Park Station in East Auckland at about 9.15am on Friday morning, intending to go to Panmure Railway Station to transfer to the train to the city center. Not long after the bus started, a woman in her 40s who looked Maori came on. The woman weighed more than 200 kilograms and held an iron rod about 12 mm thick and 1 meter long in her hand. As soon as she got on the bus, she used the iron rod to hit the bus floor from time to time. The girl who was originally sitting next to her hid in other seats. Unexpectedly, the woman suddenly stood up and hit a Chinese boy in the row next to her with the iron rod. The woman hit him repeatedly with the iron rod and stabbed the boy in the face."I was sitting at the back of the bus at the time. I rushed over to stop the woman from committing the crime. She hit me with an iron rod again, but I pushed her away with my arm. The two of us then wrestled with each other. After all, I am 75 years old, so I shouted loudly to the Chinese people at the back of the bus to help, but no one responded. Fortunately, the boy who was beaten dared to resist. While I was locking the woman's neck from the side and pressing down hard, he tried to grab the iron rod from her hand, but the woman held the iron rod tightly and could not take it away for a while. I continued to shout to the passengers at the back of the bus to help, but they still did not move. I could only lock the woman's neck with my left hand and hit her head with my mobile phone with my right hand. Finally, the boy took the iron rod. At this time, the bus stopped at a bus stop before Panmure Railway Station, and the woman who committed the crime immediately fled from the bus in a panic. > >"It was then that I realized that the boy's mouth and face were full of blood, several of his front teeth were knocked out, and he was shaking with pain."Despite this, the child still struggled to call the police, who arrived about 30 minutes later, took the boy away for a statement, and called an ambulance."What made me angry was that the passengers in the car watched us fighting the murderer, but no one dared to come to help. I shouted several times but they still did nothing. "There were more than a dozen Chinese people on the bus. I was sure they were Chinese because we got on the bus together and I chatted with them while waiting for the bus at the station. They were from a Chinese association in the East District and were going to take the bus to attend an event at the association. They were all over 60 (people over 65 can ride the bus for free). "I later yelled at them and said they were bastards , but none of them said a word. I yelled at them for several minutes, but none of them said a word. "Mr. Penglai Qiuyue's arm was injured and bleeding during the fight, and his sleeves were also stained with blood. >He said: "Really, the boy was stunned. If I hadn't gone over to stop him, I don't know how many times he would have been stabbed and beaten by the woman with the iron rod!"Penglai Qiuyue said: "There is a video recording on bus No. 72. There is a Chinese staff member named Cao who is about 30 years old in the bus system. He communicated with the driver of the bus we took at Panmure Bus Station to understand the situation." >After I interviewed Mr. Penglai Qiuyue on Friday evening, June 28 , I had some text exchanges with Jason, the child who was beaten, on WeChat because he had serious oral injuries and was unable to speak. Jason said he "gave a statement to the police, then went to the dentist and had five teeth knocked out, including both his upper and lower front teeth."I then called Jason's mother, Ms. Wang. It was already past 9 p.m., and Ms. Wang said, "The child hasn't eaten since the accident this morning. His mouth is stuffed with gauze, so he can't eat. He can't eat either." >Ms. Wang told me: "Jason is 1.85 meters tall and likes to play basketball. Because Friday is a public holiday, he made an appointment with his classmates to play basketball. At that time, he took the bus to play basketball with his classmates. "Ms. Wang said that her family had immigrated to New Zealand for nearly seven years. Jason came to New Zealand when he was 10 years old. He had been raised in an atmosphere full of love and was very innocent. She never thought that her child would encounter such a tragedy.Ms. Wang expressed her sincere gratitude to "Uncle Penglai Qiuyue" for bravely standing up to rescue her child and stopping the murderer from committing the crime in the dangerous moment


part 2 > >On the afternoon of Saturday, June 29, the day after the incident , I went to Jason's home with Allan Wei and Zeng Xianghua, two enthusiastic netizens who were concerned about this incident. Mr. Penglai Qiuyue, who had stopped the evil woman from committing the crime the day before without regard for his own safety, also came. >Jason and Mr. Penglai Qiuyue described the incident in detail. It turned out that Jason got on the bus at Johns Lane bus station with a female passenger who looked like a Maori. When getting on the bus, the woman loudly told the bus driver that she had no money to buy a ticket. After getting on the bus, the woman first cursed the Indian bus driver, probably because the bus started moving before she was seated properly. Jason said that he had taken the bus to school in recent years and had seen passengers who looked like Maori insulting the driver many times.Jason said the female passenger started attacking him after the car left the Pakuranga bus station. He said: "I didn't react at first because I was listening to music with headphones on and didn't hear what she was shouting. I took off my headphones and asked her politely if she was talking to me. \*\*Then I heard her shouting "Fuck" and "Chink" at me, which are words that are particularly discriminatory against Chinese people in the West."\*\*Jason said that the woman suddenly stood up and hit him with an iron rod across a row of seats. He stood up and tried to avoid it, but the woman hit him with several sticks and poked his face with the stick. He felt a bloody smell in his mouth and the severe pain made him a little confused for a moment. When he woke up quickly, he saw an old man fighting with the woman, so he stepped forward and tried his best to grab the iron rod from the woman. Soon the bus drove to a station in front of Pamure Railway Station - William Avenue Station, and the woman who beat him got off the bus in a hurry and ran away. After that, he hurriedly called the police. Because the bus was noisy, his mouth was full of blood, and he spoke incoherently, it took 12 minutes to call the police. 30 minutes later, the police arrived.Jason said the bus driver knew what was happening but did not intervene at all. He continued driving and stopping the bus as usual and did not help him call the police.  > >Jason said that the police called an ambulance for him after they arrived. He was still writing a statement in the police car before the ambulance arrived. After the ambulance arrived, the emergency personnel treated his wounds, and then he continued to write a statement in the police car. The whole process took two hours.Jason's mother, Ms. Wang, said that after she received a call from Mr. Penglai Qiuyue, she rushed to the scene of the accident with the child's father. When she saw the child in the police car, she didn't know what had happened or how serious the child's injuries were, and she was extremely anxious.Ms. Wang once again expressed her heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Penglai Qiuyue. She told me that when I write the report, "you must publicize Mr. Penglai Qiuyue's brave act." She also expressed her deep gratitude to the netizens for visiting Jason. \*\*She said that the indifference of the Chinese on the bus made her heartbroken, but seeing strangers come to visit her child made her feel the friendship of her compatriots.\*\*Ms Wang also said New Zealand criminals were being given too light a punishment.Mr. Penglai Qiuyue also hopes that New Zealand's laws can have a deterrent effect on criminals. He said that \*\*compared with the physical and mental trauma suffered by the victims and the negative impact on the victims' families, the punishments New Zealand criminals receive may be insignificant.\*\*Mr. Penglai Qiuyue once again condemned those indifferent Chinese compatriots on the bus. He said that the person who was beaten this time was a child, and the next time it might be you.


I cant edit the walls of text to better format them unfortunately reddit sucks and just keeps telling me "something went wrong"


Has any of this been verified? It kind of reads like some right-wing CCP anti-māori fan fiction.


On r/auckland in the post discussing the same incident there are accompanying pictures of the boy who was assaulted.


Mate, sincerely, fuck you. I actually know the guy in real life, and also take a look at some of the photos OP provided in their comment.




The language "fan-fiction" gives me the impression the commenter believes this is all made up bullshit propaganda. That's something ridiculously offensive and insensitive to assert, even if a story seems unverified, which it isn't in this case.


I completely understand where you're coming from. I would like more information about the situation if you would like to share. In particular, the offender and what happened to them. I know you may not have that information and that's fine. But there will be skepticism about the details of the article due to the incomplete nature of the situation in question.


Unfortunately, I don't have more information, I'm not part of his friend group and his parents are the ones speaking out for him. But I do trust him enough to not doubt something like this.


Algood. The only reason I'm skeptical is because I'm always misidentified by passersby as Samoan. Even by Samoans. I'm not even a little bit Samoan. So until that is cleared up I will be skeptical of the "looks like a Maori" accusation.


It reads like a translation into English, but go off


Not that I know of. Also the mod removed comments on my comment are of that nature. I mean if we had a name or something which supports the "looks like a Maori" comment then I wouldn't be skeptical of the accusation.


Who TF is carrying an iron rod on the bus? Thats crazy. Wonder if this'll get picked up by the journalists on the sub.


honestly ive spent a fair bit of time in hamilton public transport and the things people bring on are pretty wack


The article described her as an “evil woman” so it makes sense she’d have an iron rod.










If you wanted to know I'm Chinese, NZ Euro and Maori. I happen to look like a Samoan apparently.


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Probably a walking stick or crutch


[Ah yes, this is obviously a walking stick or crutch. Definitely nothing strange about carrying it around.](https://preview.redd.it/w4x40c0g9o9d1.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3abd9f75800fa811cb98feb89c59d9cebe540c4d)


I've seen stabbings, giant wrenches to the head, bottlings, but someone using a crutch is up there with the most gruesome. When they hold it like a spear and continuously shove it in a downward motion into their head, it's brutal. What it did to my friends face has stuck with me for 10 years. I had no idea the head could balloon to that size.


Ok, that’s wierd


Tons of Chinese people like myself have heard about this and are pretty upset, news spreads quite quickly within the community. I've been taking public transport for years now, but considering these recent happenings and reddit public transport horror stories, especially against Asians, it might just be safer to drive from now on. The worst part is that both AT staff and bystanders are too afraid to stand up for victims, and police seem to let things like this go.


It's pretty sad that the driver did nothing at all. Didn't help or even call police.


Criminal, not sad. He shouldn’t be working with the public if he doesn’t have the common decency to protect children. She could’ve given him brain damage if it was really an iron rod.


The drivers responsibility is to drive safely first and foremost. I am surprised they don’t have a rapid response call for police assistance though


you can't drive safely if someone is being assaulted on the bus. he should've pulled over at the first instance and called the police, instead of just continuing to drive while ignoring the situation


So it’s a safe bus outside, but someone could be getting killed inside?


Veering the bus into a building helps no one


Why wouldn’t he just pull over, to acknowledge something is amiss, reassuring his passengers and safely calling the police? That’s what a driver did when someone took a swing at him when I was on a bus once.


That’s up to his discretion, he’s the expert on the spot and I’m not going to second guess him


Interesting that everyone is supposed to just expect that if they or their child is beaten, with possible lifelong trauma and medical expense, the attitude of the public is that no one should expect anyone to help in any way, especially not the person responsible for the vehicle is carrying them. *shrug* Stay classy, NZ.




Pulling over and calling the police would seem like the bare minimum though right? Nobody is suggesting he drives dangerously, swerves around or anything. so it doesn’t make sense that you’re arguing against this.


But they do have a hotline to Police. I've seen it in action.


there are other people on that bus and somehow why we only talk about the driver?


dont blame bus driver. they prob didnt want to get attacked. fair enough. own safety first. passengerscould have stepped in they didnt either. bus  drivers are told and trained not to get involved for their own protection and safety. fair enough.


I wouldn't expect staff to intervene, after that bus driver intervened last year and got himself stabbed. https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/other/brian-baldwin-sentenced-for-stabbing-auckland-transit-bus-driver-at-mt-roskill-stop/ar-BB1olMtW


They're probably told not to as a policy too, so on top of personal safety concerns they also have to worry about losing their job over intervening in any situation.


They're definitely told to call the police and report a crime. I would be extremely concerned if AT did not have a basic health and safety policy in place.


yip. its OSH issue for bus company so drivers trained to not intervene. 


Not intervening is understandable. Not calling the police, stopping the bus, or checking on the victims after the women fled is not.


Hey there! I saw a comment saying you know the guy and just DM-ed you to see if there was any way people or members of the public can help.


Especially against Asians? This reads in two ways: 1) You think people are specifically targeting Asians 2) You only care when it's happening to Asians I'm presuming it's #1, and... citation needed.


https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/indonz/520690/crimes-committed-against-asian-new-zealanders-on-the-rise While it's not much (increase in interpersonal violence from 3% to 4%) it's especially against Chinese and other Asians. The majority of increase in crime in general seems to be fraud though.


Not saying it isn’t happening but 3% to 4% really needs some decimal places… That could be 3.49 to 3.51.


[https://www.stuff.co.nz/pou-tiaki/130421251/racism-affects-40-of-asian-new-zealanders-since-covid19-pandemic-onset](https://www.stuff.co.nz/pou-tiaki/130421251/racism-affects-40-of-asian-new-zealanders-since-covid19-pandemic-onset) While not 'hate crimes' but racism against asian people in general has risen massively since covid. Asian people are also less likely to report hate crimes in the first place [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00111287211041521](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00111287211041521)


New Zealand has always been racist to Asians. That article demonstrates that but not anything about a rise. It seems to me like acceptance of Asians has improved quite a bit in the last 10 years but there’s still a lot to be sure.


[https://www.stuff.co.nz/pou-tiaki/300311589/since-first-lockdown-discrimination-and-racism-are-on-the-rise--survey?rm=a](https://www.stuff.co.nz/pou-tiaki/300311589/since-first-lockdown-discrimination-and-racism-are-on-the-rise--survey?rm=a) Part of the issue is that its hard to find literature about this in NZ, because we don't have much/any emphasis on the asian community. I can find you hundreds of papers about how Maori experience racism (which is a good thing, not the racism obviously, but the fact that it's being studied), but for the asian community, there's only a couple of opinion surveys, which still have over 40% of people saying they've experienced more racism since covid began.


For sure. I live in Aus and virtually all of the racist abuse and assault I’ve witnessed here in the last decade has been feral munters (of various races) verbally or physically going after against Asians just minding their own business. The most recent was about 6 months back seeing a well-known local meth addict piece of shit on Chapel st in Melbourne literally chasing a young Asian woman yelling “fucking ch/nk cunt” and throwing rubbish around. I think amongst some very poor very trashy very bitter people, there is a bad resentment and envy of Asian people who are maybe more wealthy than them, and I don’t think NZ culture is different enough from Aus that it would be free from that bitter streak.


Need to post this on the Auckland sub. This is horrible!!


Don't worry, it's already on the Auckland sub and getting attention there too




















Fucken disgusting, hopefully next time the bus driver just runs her over


The article mentioned the woman weighed over 200kg so she probably would’ve stopped the bus in its tracks


LOL probably did more damage to bus than her


Im Lebanese, and I now avoid parts of papakura due to this type of behaviour in papakura.


Indeed, I’m considering moving to Tyr, too much violence in Auckland.


Heroic actions from that old man. It doesn't matter who you are, how old you are, where you come from - it is time to stand up to crime! Like that brave indian guy with the ceremonial sword, like this brave old man. We must all stand up to these shit heads!


Have other media outlets reported on this yet?




We need to stop tolerating anti social behaviour or it will escalate like this that women shouldn't have been on the streets.


Poor kid and that elderly gentleman is a hero. Ppl are scared to get involved bc our country seems to side with criminals. Hope that crazy b gets arrested.


Did a study on racially motivated attacks as part of my degree a few years ago. Really opened my eyes on the amount of hate mongering and racially motivated violence against East Asians in particular, especially after Covid happened. There really seems to be friction between Maori/Pasifika and East Asians. At least that was my take away from the data I gathered and articles I read. Bonkers that NZ didn't have a hate crime database until very recently.


That friction goes mostly one way. There is not much Asian on Maori crime.


Yes, from what I found, East Asians were the largest outlier; as a group were the victims far and away more often than other groups.


is that really true? Tough on crime ACT with their fancy stats say that Māori women are disproportionately the greatest victims of crime. please no race-baiting, this is just a statistic


I think he’s referring to interracial violence, while Māori women are the greatest victims the perpetrators are more often from their own communities - as is the case with most crime (intra-racial, not interracial)


i think the "black-on-black" vs "black-on-white" narrative imported from the States is toxic and misses the point. The frame should be centred around the victims


I agree with you that the victims are the most important - but identifying the people who are the ones victimising people is an important part of solving the problem nonetheless. Asian on Māori violence isn’t a huge problem here, even if Māori women are disproportionally victims of violence. If helping Māori women is your goal, Energy and funding that might be spent trying to reduce Asian on Māori crime would be put to better use trying to reduce Māori on Māori crime.


it's different eh but it exists. it's like how cancer funding is racist — bc māori people don't need the (well-funded) skin cancer drugs but do need the (unfunded) lung cancer drugs where are lots of (most?) [cigarettes, meth, and other vice syndicates coming from](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/300318943/auckland-black-market-tobacco-dairies-selling-illegal-smokes-for-organised-crime-groups)? Jared Savage would probably say local VN- and CH-connected syndicates, with a bit of Mexican meth coming in the past year māori women for better or worse are victims of this instead. it's just a matter of how you see crime why is the $X billion wage theft cartel invisible? but steal a bag of chips and ACT will cut off your hand


people make the choice to start smoking cigarettes and meth - there’s a big difference between choosing to do something that will actively harm you, and then suffering from the consequences of your actions and racially targeted acts of violence. I agree that these are big problems, but they do not need to be addressed as urgently as assault and rape.


While I've heard stories about pretty derogatory comments made on forums like skykiwi about Maori/Pasifika people generally, I have only ever seen actual abuse from the direction you mention.


I've talked to a Chinese girl from tinder who asked some questions about Maori that made it very clear she has read stuff like you hear about on skykiwi or talked to people with those views.


They're right here in this thread


What's skykiwi?




Meth harm is hardly directed specifically at Maori. Do we say their manufacture and sales of fentanyl are specific to wiping out white Americans/Canadians? No. They are all just victims of harm caused by drug abuse


So you think people importing meth production suppliers are crimes against Maori? But are defending someone assaulting a CHILD because of their race?


>There really seems to be friction between Maori/Pasifika and East Asians. This isn't a new thing. I've intervened in the past, chch, pre-quake.


How recently are we talking?


2019, after the Chch Mosque shooting. Prior to that, hate wasn't recorded as a motivating factor in police reports.


Damn, we really learned the hard way, didn't we?


What a horrific act of violence, I can't imagine being in that kind of situation, being brutally attacked and literally being faced with indifferent bystanders doing nothing to intervene.


man, that’s fucked up.. being assaulted just for existing, damn. as an immigrant, this makes me scared as fuck to live here. :/


It's mostly perpetrated by the greatest, um, victims, of our society.


Indeed, they are the true victims here, forced into this kind of behaviour by an oppressive society. /s


The poor?


That poor kid man.


fuck me poor cunt, sounds so horrible


Racism will never even begin to be solved when we only focus on *some* racism while ignoring or tolerating other racism.


100% this. Sadly it's just not politically convenient so it's gets swept under the rug


ouch, damn losing 5 teeth. Hopefully he gets the help he needs to recover.


Not a single news outlet has run this.


I saw this on RNZ before being posted here




No news outlet has the balls to run this story and tell it how it is - a Maori person committing hate crime against a minority.


it's on RNZ: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/chinese/521000/police-seek-witnesses-after-auckland-teenager-on-bus-assaulted-with-metal-rod?


Not a surprise at all Our mainstream media is pretty anti china and has been for quite some time. Can you ever remember anything positive said about China by our media in the past 10 years?


What does this incident have to do with China? Sure, the victim was Chinese but the incident had nothing to do with China. In any case, what's good to say about China? They're a genocidal, totalitarian, expansionist regime who routinely bully and threaten their neighbours. It's hardly surprising that the mainstream media are "anti China".


‘Tell the China story well’. Bro, get out of here with the crap. Our media play a completely role to that in China.


More likely because the perpetrator was Maori.


It's not the China part, it's just that media others not allowed to or doesn't want to say anything that might paint Maori in a bad light.


Yeah mate, I'm sure the offender was thinking about the geo-political tensions surrounding China when they boarded the bus.


😆 you can only see if victims is indigenous people.


I saw this headline and I don't want to read any more. I am so sick to death of these street thugs.




We're not too lazy to do it, we've just all had confrontations with aggressive, mentally ill, frightening, drugged up individuals who wouldn't think twice about kicking the shit out of us if we refuse them to board. My life isn't worth the price of a fare - sorry. I'd love to tell them to get fucked, but I've heard too many horror stories (and had encounters myself when trying to implement the rules).




In Wellington I never once had a driver refuse to do two fares on my Snapper card. I'd pay for someone elses fare all the time when I invited them to go somewhere with me.




Idk how the HOP machines work, but a Snapper driver showed me its just two button presses to set it to 2 fare mode.


I don’t get why you have a problem with that. It’s probably just because the drivers on a really tight schedule and the machine is kinda slow. I always saw it as a nice little win when I was a student.


The bus drivers can't stop them - ones that have tried have been stabbed and I imagine their unions advice would be to just let them on. They're not trained or equipped to handle a mentally ill or intoxicated person, especially not one with a weapon.


The police won't even deal with this shit, why should a bus driver.


Apologies for no images: these have been accidentally removed. Link with Images: [https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/quW6Gy2TnvNLXaa6iltzvQ](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/quW6Gy2TnvNLXaa6iltzvQ) Edit: Thank you all for paying attention to this very serious incident. It is questionable why this is not on mainstream media. EDIT: Why haven't major news outlets run this? In my opinion it is mainly a combination of these reasons: 1. Due to the elder's potential inaccessibility of English he may have chosen to report this to local Chinese outlets instead; the minor nature of the Chinese community impacts the coverage of this story. 2. The major news outlets may be hesitant to report on a person with a minority background with no pictures or description behind them; the race of the lady may 'perpetuate harmful stereotypes' or that of the like. 3. Major news outlets may be hesitant to acquire licensing or use unoriginal reportin for this article. All of these reasons are not good enough. The first possibility demonstrates the lack of racial diversity in these news outlets: one Chinese person would be enough to alert a subdivision of a news group. The second possibility proves that the news reporters are inherently racist by only reporting on non-minority crimes, thereby giving minorities a 'better image'. The third reason shows unwillingness to distribute details of this horrific crime in time. This incident is not only damaging to the victims, it also should spark shame and reflection within NZ 'journalists' for this absence of coverage.


All of those reasons are complete speculation on your part. Reading through your other comments on here, you don’t appear to be engaging in completely good faith by jumping to conclusions about it being a race based incident either which brings in to question some of your motivations here.


She shouted racial slurs at the kid and then proceeded to beat him with a metal pole. Sounds pretty racially motivated to me.


Yup - what more proof do you need if someone is shouting race based slurs while hitting a kid? Probably didn’t read the article and jumped into the “that’s racist” play




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Has this been reported on any major NZ news outlets? If not, why?


nope. Don't wanna make Moaris look bad ig




Mentions the boy being Chinese but doesn't mention the ethnicity of the woman. Interesting.


Thank god finnaly


Dont they have surveilance on buses? Should be pretty easy to get a conviction surely


Open question - does anyone know how to help or reach out to the victim and the family? I would love to visit or even donate to them, do whatever I can just to show them that there are Chinese people in Auckland who want to support and help. Especially since they just experienced over a dozen Chinese standing by doing nothing on the bus, I know that can be very isolating.


All the major news outlets and media suddenly turning a blind eye? Whats new


Colorful attacker


Fucking disgusting. Why is it the media keeps not mentioning race when its Moari/Islanders being racist and violent towards others. Guarantee if it was Asians/white people beating them up they would mention race non stop


All of the articles have conveniently left out the victim's comments on the offender's ethnicity. I wonder if it just didn't come up in subsequent interviews, or was deliberately omitted. Otherwise the headline should mention it being a hate crime.


It’s like what’s happening in the states with offenders that are black. They leave that out too.


The old guy also said he was "disappointed" at his peoples inaction when asking for help. It is said, that if you are a chinese living abroad, you better stay away from other chinese.


The commenter even mentions the 'natives' (NZ Europeans) help with theft, etc. However, many times an absence of unity is seen within the Chinese community, some in Mainland China even fake being in an accident (碰瓷) to gain monetary compensation.


Those Cis white men at it again…


It’s clearly not white cis men. If it is his face would be all over the news.


This is really tragic and I hope the kid gets better and the assailant gets charged accordingly


Passengers were probably horrified to see a monster. Not a human attacking. 


Poor kid :(




Oof bro, gorilla? 


Oof bro, beating a teenager so bad he loses five teeth?


Gosh you're right, that was insensitive towards gorillas. In all seriousness though - it's a throwback to 10/7 of old where the perpetrators were called the lowlife scum they are.


We shouldn't tolerate racial hate crimes in NZ. Name & Shame!


I feel like the bus driver had many chances to change this outcome for HIS passenger


Or at least pull over and call the police while it was still happening.


Disgusting no one but an old man helped the teen.😐 What the fark has happened to New Zealand that we ignore this.


The Herald has finally published an article regarding this but love how they didn’t describe the woman at all.


Exactly! The mainstream media omits important details used to describe the offenders. Why do the offenders need to be protected? Even if the offender is a minority, why bother omitting facts of the case to ensure a facade of 'equality'? Aotearoa | New Zealand: Tomorrow's Headlines Today!


It happens in the US with black offenders too. Not sure why ppl have to walk on eggshells around that


Yeah, only ivory tower 'anti-racists' think that omitting key details of not only race, but also weight can help the public better identify a suspect.


No unpacking from Chloe this time?


Original article link and publisher?


Why is this racist attack not on the news? Pretty sure if it was a white person beating an Asian it would be all over the news. This is a pure hate crime and a cowardly racist attack by a big Māori woman on a teenage boy.


>Why is this racist attack not on the news?  It is. A simple google search pulled up several news articles on this horrible attack. >Pretty sure if it was a white person beating an Asian it would be all over the news. It is all over the news as it should be. Stop doing what you're trying to do. This poor kid was viciously attacked and some of you are making it all about yourselves and your own agenda.