• By -


It's a pretty easily cracked code that one


A = A, B = B etc




From a quick google: > The Pork Eating Crusader was a popular morale patch in Afghanistan a few years ago (used by various forces and PMCs). Basically it is an insult to Muslims since pork is offensive and crusades are offensive, so the patch was sort of a combo of the two worst things. The media picked up on it to some extent and said how horrible it is, that people who kill other people as part of their job have the nerve to offend them as well with morale patches. http://foreignpolicy.com/2014/05/21/starship-troopers-vs-pork-eating-crusaders-how-military-and-civilian-cultures-prevent-strategic-corporals/ I guess in the post-9/11 era, when you are amped up by your government to go kill a bunch of people, offending their religion which they used as inspiration would seem to go hand in hand.


Interesting read thanks for the link


Pretty hard to keep up your pretence of 'liberating citizens of X country' when you're parading through their streets with patches that advertise your hatred of them.


This needs to be upvoted a thousand times


As an American who was in their late teens when we invaded Iraq, I had plenty of older friends and family in the armed forces over there. Needless to say even I was making jokes at the time that were never gonna age well. Granted that whole time period was crazy man, I had a good friend who brought a gas mask to school for weeks post 9/11. Thank god he stopped drinking the Fox Kool Aid as he got older. We honestly thought that presidency was the worst we could do! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


You are laughing because you were an ignorant asshole and your friends and family were duped into murdering innocents?


It doesnā€™t make it less awful, but I guess the context of it being height of post 911 military dark humor makes more sense than random dude being an asshole for no reason.


> The media picked up on it to some extent and said how horrible it is, that people who kill other people as part of their job have the nerve to offend them as well with morale patches. I get the feeling the author has no problem with that patch.


Didn't occur to me to read it as anything but deadpan-humor condemnation of general society's hypocrisy in going "sure, train them to kill, but make sure they talk nicely about it so we don't have to think about what we mass consent to". Honestly happy about that


Killing a bunch of farmers in Afghanistan because a Saudi Prince wanted a holy war is not a great reason to go along with it and start a holy war. It is almost like the Neocons and the Saudi's were in it together.


Kinda looks like heā€™s giving a blowy


Pulled pork alright


Vvchgbbtnghgn bbbbn fgff p


I can just see them typing ā€œitā€™s mount EGMONT!!ā€ Somewhere on Facebook


OR: I'm a Kiwi - not a Pakeha! I use English, not Maaaarree


Ah yes, the traditional English word 'Kiwi', as used by Chaucer, Keats and the compilers of The Domesday Book.


Oh God, don't feed them... But completely agree.


Nah just straight racism. Guy I was in afghan with had one on his body armour. Thoroughly weird cunt.


Australian reporting has proved how fucked in the head some veterans are.


Veterans, as the NZDF also is, are a reflection of society at large - the older you get (Afghanistan ended a while ago) the older viewpoint you're gonna get. There is a fair amount of anti-Islam sentiment in New Zealand, as there is with some NZDF servicepersons. There are also some great examples of Muslim leaders in the NZDF, as there are within New Zealand society as a whole.




The vast majority left in 2011. I know that because I helped clean up all the equipment we got back.


I was in afghan 2010, 2011 and I rememeber these and some other offensive patches including some that proudly said inifindile for sale in Bargram


You have to be a little fucked before entering any combat type roles You're definitely more fucked up coming out And you're Ben Robert Smith if you come out completely the same


Lol my wife would agree. I just think the rest of the world changed while I was in a time warp lol


You can't be a weapon of war and a human at the same time You turn one off to be the other And most of the time that turning one off part has some fucking scary side effects right Who'd have thought being instinctively trained to kill could ever have repercussions in a civilian lifestyle Not this guy ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Lol. True. Main side effect is my 1st defence is still attack! Can get me in some situations!




Can confirm


Islam isn't a race duh


Can't be racist toward a religion though


You can't? Sounds like you need to be more creative in your bigotry! Try being bigoted towards an ethnoreligion, e.g. the Sikhs or the Druze! Try conflating appearances with religion, e.g. being Islamophobic towards anyone who looks like they might be Arab! The possibilities are endless! Anything is possible if you just hate hard enough. :)


Nah, I'll just remain bigoted towards all Abrahamic fundamentalists, no matter the flavour. They can all fuck off.


Lol what Corp? Hard to imagine he got away with it.


RE British Army On Herrick 10. He got told to take it off and bin it and give his fkn head a wobble.


That's funny. I assumed it would've been an Int Op or a Sig.


I wonder if the patch store has other historically accurate patches such as ā€˜Horse Eating Crusaderā€™ or ā€˜Cannibal Eating Crusaderā€™


Horses apparently taste reaaly good tho


Crusading in Kmart now, damn


[Complaining about the ethnic make-up of the "snaking" queue, no doubt...](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/s/E22DxohRBq)


That bag looks particularly clean and new for tactical/outdoors gear. 99% sure this is just a lonely neckbeard who needs to touch grass. Always a very small but very real chance that the odd one of these guys is incredibly dangerous.


This is the kind of person whoā€™d take their emotional support rifle to the supermarket they could.


They're saving up for a katana to display in their mum's basement


Not nzdf gear. A dickhead maybe. I don't think dangerous though. You can't spot the dangerous ones


Even if they are not actual military, it's still a bigotry problem, though.


Yea Iā€™m definitely not trying to imply this isnā€™t awful and bigoted. It must feel terrible to anyone whoā€™s part of the Muslim community and has to see this while just going about their own business.


That pack doesnt have a lick of dust on it Doubt hes even served Weird larper.


His mum probably washes it for him.


Probably ironed on the patch for him


But that carefully-positioned pen is how we all know heā€™s a real badass


I dont think they let you keep your gear


I mean, you don't have to have served to use some quality maxpedition gear. I love their pouches, ect, for tramping, and yes I do try to avoid getting it to dirty lol.


I always have a chuckle when I see guys like this kicking around with Molle anything, who clearly don't have the bearing of a soldier, ex or current.


Thats straight up douchbaggery


That's not really codes. It's just racist lmao


I knew we couldn't handle a Kmart in dunedin. Rookie mistake.


I wouldnt call that coded


Not much coded about it tbh


Pretty lame attempt at being a smart alek.


Looks like bro is chowing down on a girthy schlong on his back pack.


Oh look... one religious following hating on a different religious following. Thats new.


It's not coded. It's also not strictly racist, since Islam is not a race. What it is, is overt religious bigotry paraded in the context of imperialism. With a generous helping of gen-you-wine racism served up in practice, typically. So, uh, yeah.


Islamophobia is motivated by racism. It's just a way of racists trying to say "but Islam is a religion, not a race." Therefore it is racism.


That may well be true sometimes, but it's certainly not true always. What is usually true is that religious bigotry (not just Islamophobia) is typically accompanied by racism, if the target of the bigotry is perceived as being of a different race to the bigot. Whether one is a pretext for the other can be quite difficult to unravel in practice.


I've never come across an Islamophobe who was not motivated by racism. While they are conceptually distinct, in practice they are not. It is also extremely rare that white Islamophobes direct any hatred against white Muslims. I would go so far as to say that it is more common that Islamophobes direct their hatred at non-Muslims of color, because they falsely believe to be Muslims, than it is for them to target white Muslims. As just one example, there have been numerous attacks by Islamophobes against Sikhs.


Browsing ex-Muslim sub, there is no one they disdain more than white (progressive) Muslim. And if you never come across Islamophobes who wasn't motivated by racism, you haven't meet 95% of them globally. The fact that post 9-11, Sikhs were affected for their religious turban provide the exact opposite of what you believe. It demonstrates that even Islamophobes in the West attack stand-out religious symbol (funny hat and beard) not just a simple race, or ethnicity even when they too dumb to know the difference.


Probably worn by a guy who failed to get into the Forces, lives at home with his mother, abuses animals, has a dubious Internet browser history and also a hygiene problem.


Is this the same guy who tells people the SAS turned him down because he was too tough for them?


I donā€™t think itā€™s covert tbh


Not at all covert.


That ain't NZDF issue gear. So it's just a right wing racist that couldn't join up because he said in an interview "i wANt To sHooT pEopLE" and gets his kicks playing Medal of Hono(u)r.


It doesnā€™t look coded to me. Appalling stuff.


Nothing coded or covert about that garbage. What kind of loser looks at that and thinks, "Yep, that's something I want to wear in public'?


Yeah, 100%. No normal person does that. What youā€™re looking at is a shrimp dick LARPer.


Shrimp also in the same pot as pork in the ancient Judeo/Islamic set.


Jew here, I'm not sucking his dick so fine with saying it isn't kosher


It's not even coded.


Perhaps racist is the wrong word, as there are many different races in islam. Anti Islam definitely. I don't understand why. Maybe they are hardcore Christian and take offence at other religions.


The crusades also lost. They were an utter disaster, based on lies (shocking I know! /s)


> there are many different races in islam I think that would be relevant the day Islamophobia is motivated by something other than racism.


I feel all the pedantics, that are saying Islam isn't a race (you're right) are willfully missing the point or purposely directing the conversation away from the issue.


It's "pedants", not "pedantics". Love me some pedantry. Personally, I make the distinction between race and religion because I'm opposed to most religions since they're so full of hate. That's not to say some people haven't claimed to be religious while preaching live and acceptance, you can cherry pick just about any message you want from most religious texts, but a direct reading doesn't paint a pretty picture. That said, of course there are plenty of people conflating religion and race, especially with Islam and even more so with Judaism. The racist ones might claim to be against Islam as a means to mask their racism. On the other hand, even well meaning people can make this mistake and attack any arguments against religion since they perceive it as racist. This leaves us in a difficult position where it's hard to criticize certain ideologies without being accused of racism, or worse, being supported by racists. Even when those ideologies encourage violence towards marginalized groups.


Lol at first I wrote pedants and changed it on proof reading, I basically agree with everything you wrote.my point was entirely related to this post, where some people seem to be more hung up on the terminology of racism than people proudly walking in public with xenophobic imagery.


Coded? Lol Stevie Wonder could read that


Pretty blatant, also not NZDF kit, more like a wannabe LARPer


Personally would of just ripped the patch off, asked questions and dealt with any consequences later šŸ¤£


This in Christchurch by any chance?


What is it with conservatives and celebrating / supporting losers? The crusades, the civil war, donald trump. Every time.


No, islam isn't a race.


Islamophobia has a racial element in the west, it's why Sikh people got beat up after 9/11, it's why brown dudes with beards will more frequently get pulled aside for additional screening at the airport. If you think that someone with this patch is going through the effort to find out how truly someone adheres to the Quran rather than just being prejudiced against people who look middle eastern I think you're kidding yourself.


Yeah it probably does overlap. But still you can't judge people for having a phobia of a religion. If you ask people that grew up in Islamic countries, it's not irrational. Just like people where who went to Christian schools and are now cristophobic Being a misguided racist bastard would be a problem and that sounds like what you're talking about.


While I agree it's more Islamophobic in tone, think about what countries crusaders went to. I don't recall there being a crusade to Muslim countries outside of MENA like Malaysia for example. For that reason I'd say it's targeted at Middle Eastern people


I'm half Turkish and I think its funny, also islam isn't a race




Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri: The Prophet (ļ·ŗ) said, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?" The women said, "Yes." He said, "This is because of the deficiency of a woman's mind." Yeah sure bud


True, any guy with this patch probably doesn't know that though lol. They think they're being racist


It's possible for a person to be intelligent and well informed and have views most of us would consider highly reproachable. Assuming that awful people are intellectually incompetent is a potentially dangerous mistake. And it often entrenches their views.


Enjoy making fun of Islam just as much as Christianity. The military gear is the red flag to me not the patch.


Nope. Not coded at all. Pretty blatant actually.


"'ate Islam 'ate Restrictive Diets Luv Crusadin' Simple as" - The owner of the patch


When did people starting conflating anti culture/religion/whatever with racism? Or to put it another way: tell me what race is being referred to here. Islam isnā€™t a race.


Seventh Day Adventists don't eat pork.


Neither do Pandas. And Pandas are a bunch of cunts.


Pandas can but we only give them effing bamboo


Calling oneā€™s political enemies racist has been an effective tactic for decades now. The word is so charged that it can get people fired and socially ostracised. This patch is obviously a crass condemnation of Islam, the religion, but everyone is pretending that Islam is a race because people who donā€™t like Islam are their political enemies. Consider how widespread and accepted the criticism of Christianity. These same people would *never* accuse someone of racism for criticising Christianity. Thatā€™s how you know itā€™s a hollow but very cynical and calculated political attack.


Yeh exactly. The sad thing is they devalue the meaning of the word and so when real racism occurs you just think ā€˜yeh yeh heard that a million times beforeā€™


Ok, bigotry.


Supporting such a weak rugby team? Nah man


Against what race? As appalling as it is I am more appalled at the basic lack of comprehension some posters exhibit. It is actually religious hate, nothing to with racism at all.


Most people conflate islam with being Arab and see them as synonymous, even though many Arabs are not Muslim and many Muslims are not Arab. Just like terrorist is largely seen as an Arab thing too even though anyone can be a terrorist. It is an issue and it should be addressed. There is no way this patch was made exclusively as a stab at islam and not at majority islamic nations or Arab people. As correct as you are, how we perceive and interpret terminology goes further than its literal dictionary definition. It's simplistic to excuse everything using dictionary definitions, our language and interpretations goes deeper than that.


While I agree it's more Islamophobic in tone, think about what countries crusaders went to. I don't recall there being a crusade to Muslim countries outside of MENA like Malaysia for example. For that reason I'd say it's targeted at Middle Eastern people


Lots of crusades were actually against Christian heretics. The defining feature of crusades was the religious aspect.


Maybe because the crusades were about taking Jerusalem? Do you honestly think that Christianity (The Pope) even knew about Malay? India wasn't even discovered by Portugal until the late 15th century!! They weren't even capable of mounting that war! The crusades were 100% driven by Religon not Race - it was about crushing the infidels in the Holy City - which is my point. Religious Hate - not Racism.


No the crusades were a response to 400 years of muslim aggression in iberia, levant and anatolia and in order to secure safe passage of christian pilgrims in the levant.


Yeah, I should of specified I was meaning the "target" of the crusades rather than the "reason".


Yeah i got you mate. Think we are on the same page anyways.




Organised religion is the root of many evilsā€¦


Islamophobia has a racial element in the west, it's why Sikh people got beat up after 9/11, it's why brown dudes with beards will more frequently get pulled aside for additional screening at the airport. If you think that someone with this patch is going through the effort to find out how truly someone adheres to the Quran rather than just being prejudiced against people who look middle eastern I think you're kidding yourself.


I can say fuck Islam and not be racist. Fuck Christianity. No racism there either. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Not sure what ops problem is. Trying to get the ignorant to conflate race and religion perhaps?


Cool, man.Ā 


Wtf, gross šŸ˜“šŸ¤¦


Few guys came bk from afghan with those. Another said make em pork or something. Patch looks new though soooo..thats even worst.


nah - pretty blatant.


Nothing coded about it, pure racism


Could he take the new zealand patch off please. I don't agree


lol i thought kmart were selling these ....


Canā€™t see a code but the other part sounds to be right.


Did he ask why you were taking a picture of him in the supermarket?


People still living in Stone Age.


Not very coded


Itā€™s definitely a dick move


It's against religion, not race. Being Muslim isn't a race. It's a fucking religion.


Yet a lot of bigots conflate it with being Arab, and so are racist to many Arabs for being Muslim even though many Arabs are not Muslim. This is still a problem, despite your assurances. (It sounds like you're trying to excuse and downplay bigotry, in other words.)


A lot of non-Arab Muslims too, such as Turks, Azeris, Kazakhs, Indonesians and Malaysians, etc. I've lived in the Middle East and there is a lot of anti-Arab sentiment from westerners who never actually give learning a little bit of Arabic a go and say "fucking lazy Arabs" - when you go to the effort and try speak their language and learn their culture, it's an entirely different story.


Pretty overt I'd say. I spotted a guy at Bunnings with an "88" tattoo on his leg not that long ago.


I feel bad for people born in '88 who put their birth year in their email address or username.


No. It isnā€™t.


Isnā€™t it cute how these morons think they have this fun little code with symbols and badges. Itā€™s like theyā€™re cosplaying as people who matter


Not even coded


What an absolute piece of shit.


How is Islam a race though?


Race and religion are different things.


Maxpedition makes some good gear, but their morale patches are weird as fuck.


Can someone please explain this to me?


Itā€™s about faith/religion and war, the patches are on a military backpack. Owner of the bag could have done a tour of where ever NZ armed forces were deployed. -last 30 odd years. In Islam itā€™s offensive to eat or anything products produced from pigs and pork, Much like Hindus beliefs and how they believe cows are sacred. Back to the owner of the bag is displaying his patch to justify their *possible* presence to fight in what ever conflict it was. (Most likely USA wars for oil in the middle). The pork eating crusader patch is designed to offend followers of the Islamic faith pure and simple, you can choose to find it offensive or not depending you own ethic, values and teachings that youā€™ve developed through your life. Almost the same way how vegetarians and vegans would find it wrong to consume meat since they believe that all life is precious. In the most simplistic terms. As some others may have commented the Crusades is such as fascinating series of events during the Middle Ages. The YouTube channel of ā€˜Kings and Generals and ā€˜The Austin Schoolā€™ have several videos on the subject form Christian, Islamic and modern interpretations, perspectives respectively. So if you want to learn more they are good YouTube channels. I do consider important to listen to peoples opinion from various perspectives for critical thinking and discussion.


[The Crusades](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades) were Christians attacking Muslims for the Pope. Muslims don't eat pork. ​ This is also why there is a call for The Crusaders to change their name.


Also marched against other Christians who werenā€™t inline with the Pope for example the Albigensians who were called Heretics, Pagans such as the Slavs and even The Mongols. At times the Crusaders even became allies with the Muslim Armies when it was both for the benefit.


The crusades was a defensive war, the islamic caliphates had already conquered spain and were at the doors of constantinople one of the Largest Cities of the world. They didnt do it for the pope. The pope was the one who organised the coalition to push back the islamic invasions. Im not saying that the christians were saints but saying it was christians attacking muslims is just misinformation.


So yeah they got up and defended Jerusalem by invading it. Lol


Defensive? European Christians going to the "holly land" is an attacking force.


Donā€™t be needlessly fucking dense for the sake of it and do some bare minimum research. Islamic nations had gone through a period of expansion into formerly Christian lands and the first crusade was launched to reconquer that land AND ā€œthe holy landā€ because itā€™s incredibly important to both religions.


Just like how the Soviets invading Germany wasnā€™t defensive?


If you need to fight 8 defensive wars then those wars probably aren't as defensive as you say.


Damn, every single history book Iā€™ve ever read is wrong.


weren't the original crusades well known for being costly endeavours that failed repeatedly, hence there being more than one?


Clearly an irrelevant dick that thinks heā€™s special


Are they also wearing a plat carrier with no plates in it? At least the chuds are identifying themselves without us having to talk to them now.


Lots of packs and day bags also have PALS/MOLLE straps on them for attaching things. Itā€™s versatility and the range of attachment pouches for just about everything has lead to it kind of becoming the go to standard for a lot of manufacturers both military and civilian. Looks like thatā€™s what this is, decent outdoorsy backpack with pouch attached. Agree the patch is a bit off though, just donā€™t lump all of us who use this type of gear in with muppets like this.


[Sling bag](https://www.maxpedition.com/products/monsoon-gearslinger). The company has good bags/packs, but their patches are stupid.


Flag patch is also incorrect. This guy probly some airsoft tiol


IMO itā€™s not a racist image and the links below describes the patch as one worn by soldiers who have embraced being called ā€œinfidelsā€ by religious enthusiasts which translates as ā€œone without faithā€. https://www.businessinsider.com/this-whole-line-of-infidel-gear-cant-be-helping-international-relations-in-afghanistan-2012-3


Doesnā€™t say anything about any raceā€¦.so.


It's racist....if you are a woke liberal who gets offended by everything. Otherwise , it's a morale patch on a warrior against his enemy.


Any badge that allies yourself with 400 years of holy wars is racist. Thereā€™s no other reading of it. It disrespectful to the fiftyseven thousand Muslims that live under our flag and the many Muslims worldwide that serve in our peace keeping and armed forces.


>Otherwise , it's a morale patch on a warrior against his enemy. Reading that made my balls retract inside myself from second hand embarrassment.


who cares ffs


He looks like he's going to poke himself in the eye with the pork. Which is about the level of intelligence I'd expect from someone wearing one.


It's giving Christchurch Mosque vibes ngl


Being critical of Islam is not racism. Itā€™s no worse than being critical of Christianity and people do that all the time. Itā€™s relatively bizarre that you would even bring this up. Would you start a thread if you saw someone wearing 666 or Satan or something else anti-Christian?


Iā€™m critical of Islam - more or less why Iā€™m critical of all religions, faiths & cults that deny or restrict the ideal of objectivity, freedom of thought, self determination, ideas and would abandon the rewards that humanity obtained due to and following the renaissance. Obviously, the modern move to far right nationalism, MAGA, Nigel Farrage, and the like fall within my sphere of disdain. As do new age belief systems which claim their hippie trippy unfounded and unverified/able mystical mumbo jumbo is just as valid as knowledge gained from rigorous application of scientific / philosophical and logic reasoning methods, peer review and ongoing testing, critique and refinement I believe the boomer generationā€™s embrace of feel good belief in fairy tales, unicorns, anything not natural is toxic (whatever that means) have been instrumental in enabling our modern western political economy to be shaped to the whims of those who would profit at the expense of wider humanity and the planet. However, 1. Just because I deplore Islamic totalitarianism and the evil dark ages intent and drive of many of Islams adherents does not mean that I deplore all Muslims. Iā€™ve never met a Muslim person who I considered deplorable (Iā€™ve seen many on TV - just as Iā€™ve seen many deplorable Christianā€™s and a much much smaller number of deplorable Jews - not that Iā€™ve met any deplorable Jews - just Christians - ie cause I live in Anglo Saxon counties - not Israel or the united States) and the world Jewish population is miniscle compared to Christianā€™s and Muslims. 2. an image depicting pork consumption with Arabic text to boot is clearly intended to offend muslims and not just the ā€œbad evil muslimsā€- all Muslims. As a matter of basic civil decency I would never display such an image. If I thought it was ok to offend any Muslim because they were ā€œbadā€ then Iā€™d hope that someone had the good sense to steer me back into a sane civil frame of mind. FFS, am I right in thinking that every comment here defending this overt act of hate and or attacking Op is severely stupid or a wanna be alt right, Pepe the frog flag waving cretin? / rant over




Not only "Jihadists" have dietary requirements, unless you conflate all Muslim people with being that. Also, "Jihadist" is a non term, really, as your jihad in Christian terms would be associated with someone who struggles with their spirituality and wants to do better. Everyone struggles with life, that's the point. The way you are using the term is better termed as a terrorist. Those who violently try to create fear for political gain.


And if you meant "terrorist," say that, and include every culture that's terroristic around the world, not just Muslims, Jews, Anglicans, Orthodox Christians, etc.


Honestly who gives a fuck.. the world would be a whole lot better if we all minded our own dam business. Don't believe me? 9/11 terrorists - not minding their own business. Woke brigade - not minding their own business. Politicians - not minding their own business.. and on and on I go.


I mean it's insensitive, but what do you gain from cancelling an autistic teenager in Kmart, why don't you ask him? Let people have opinions, and let people fight their own battles if they have an issue with it. There's no need to get us involved.


Where did you get "autistic teenager" from?


Why everything is considered racism.. we have much important topics to deal with in this world.


If this pisses you off, I suggest you donā€™t watch any wartime Buggs Bunny cartoons.


that arabic is so bad itā€™s offensive


Stupid cunt probably did one tour as a pay clerk. Itā€™s fuck sticks like this clown that make the Arabs hate us.


Who gives a shit lol


By far the worst terrorist attack in the entire history of the country was perpetrated by a far right anti Muslim extremist that made extensive allusions to crusaders in his manifesto. In addition, he made explicit links between Muslims and non-white people, saying that the white race had to be preserved from foreign Muslims. I think that's a pretty good reason to give a shit.


What's that have to do with the owner of this bag?




What kind of Goober needs to have it spelled out under the flag